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Teachers play a crucial role in our lives, but we all find these "bad teachers" or teachers

whom we consider to be like this for various reasons. I have met some of those teachers.
For example, while I was in first and second grade, I had a Spanish teacher who, in my
opinion, was the worst teacher imaginable. She frequently yelled at us when we made
mistakes very often, she didn´t answered questions, and instead responded with remarks
like "If you had paid attention, you wouldn't be asking me that." Additionally, she
gave us very little time to copy from the board when we were only six years old and
many things like that. I also remember two Science teachers, one from the third
grade and the other from the fourth grade. The third-grade teacher did not explain
the topics well, and the fourth-grade teacher had a similar behavior to my earlier
Spanish teacher, she was rude and kind less. I remember a specific incident in that
same year, when a Spanish teacher barred me from attending a special event
because I was not wearing the correct uniform. In sixth grade, I found two more evil
teachers; The first was my Spanish teacher, who initially seemed charming,
because she allowed us to eat while reading, unlike other teachers. However, by
the end of the year, I realized her favoritism. During the final test, two of my friends
received the same grade, but one had only three errors while the other had
thirteen! This injustice caused me to develop a strong fury against her. The second
teacher was my P.E. teacher. I have multiple grudges when talking about this nasty
character, but I will mention only two of them. First, I arrived late to class because
of a medical appointment, which is an excuse for not attending school, as long as
you send an email explaining the situation, I sent the email, but he ignored it and
marked me as late without reason. Secondly, there was a particular game he wanted us to
play which I did not want to participate in due to a previous traumatic experience.
However, he forced me to join against my choice.

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