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Make It Rain

Chapter 1
There was too much chatting in the canteen today, the shouts and whispers combined sounded like a steam train, the whispers- the smoke dispersing itself into the air and the shouts the wheels grinding against the track-although it felt more like the inside of my skull. Usually all you could hear was murmurs shared on tables and the occasional over enthusiastic laugh from the cool kids table, where Joey Sanchez was attempting to win over one of the year 11 girls, who would rather be biting her perfectly manicured nails than being seen with him. But today was different because it was the first rugby match of the season and it was being played at home after school, so everyone was going to watch. To me, it was just another day. I didnt plan on staying after school to watch the match as the noise would be even more unbearable than the canteen but I suspected that cat-my best-friend who was in love with the whole rugby squadwould have an ace up her sleeve, which would require me to go. Catherine felicity le Grande and I had only met 3 years prior to this day, yet we were inseparable...sometimes. You see cats one of those, sporty, actress, singer types-not that you cant tell that from her name-and I I was one of those loner type people. The kind that liked the peace and quiet of the country side or looking at the stars with a flask of hot chocolate and imagining the harsh flame that emanated from them. Dont ask me how we ended up being best-friends, because honestly, I dont know. But somehow when the stars aligned, our paths crossed and we became inseparable.

As my mind wondered to my plans for later that day-doing homework, laundry and reading-I noticed cats eyes dart to the door. It wasnt an unusual thing, cat liked to be nosy, but the way her whole body stood to attention and she began to flick her hair in a movie star attempt, caught my gaze. I turned my head to look back at the door and saw the whole rugby team swagger through, with eye candy dangling on their arm. And walking through behind them, with his eyes on the floor, was Thomas king the third member of our trio. He was such an adorable guy and fancied the pants of cat, but would never bring himself to ask her out. Tom had been my friend since year 1 and since he lived next door, we had grown up together. But thats all we were friends. We had tried going out in year 7 but it became awkward when everyone would try and force us to kiss everywhere we went, so we decided just staying friends, was the best idea. As he strolled toward us now i saw that his face was drawn and he looked angry and depressed. I didnt like it when tom was upset, cause that made me upset and right now with this agonizing headache, i couldnt be dealing with it. He slumped down in a chair across from me and cat, slamming his bag down on the table, which brought cats attention back to our table and the question in her head which she was debating on asking me, She then seen toms face and seemed to store it away for later. Whats up hunk? cat asked brightly, tom snapped to attention at the nick-name she used for him and rewarded her with a warm smile, before remembering he was upset and slouching back in his seat. Nothing he mumbled back and scowled at his bag.

Awww, come on tom whatever it is, it cant be that bad! cat rushed round the table to give tom a bear hug- which practically made toms eyes bug out of their sockets-before planting a sloppy kiss on his cheek which made him recoil from the embrace. Come on Tommy, tell auntie catty whats the matter. I couldnt help the laugh that escaped my lips then, which tom rewarded me with by staring daggers at me. However he couldnt keep up the charade whilst cat was planting sloppy kisses all over his face, so he grabbed cat and gave her a nuggie, a grin spreading across his face. I cant help but love you cat! All laughter stopped abruptly at the table and awkwardness filled the gap. Cat was still in toms arms as he was in Cats but they were both looking in opposite directions as they detached. Cat wasnt clueless to the crush tom had on her, but it wasnt a popular topic of conversation the three of us shared. When the awkwardness really did start to get ridiculous, I decided to step in. So, whats up? I asked hoping tom would answer me and rid our table of the awkwardness. i got grouped with almost the whole rugby squad for our drama assignment! I dont see how out of a class of almost thirty i get the only 6 rugby squadrons in the class in my group. Its ridiculous i mean... Tom had gone into awkward talking mode-rushing to get words out and make a conversation, even if it was with himself-which overfilled the silence and just made everything awkward again, Which is why I was thankful that at that precise moment the bell decided to ring and I remembered all of our next classes were separate.

Hoping to avoid the question that i knew from cats face had began brewing in her head the second the silence started, i hurriedly gathered my things and made a bee-line for the door. LUCIE!! LUCIE!! I tried to pretend I couldnt hear her but she had managed to catch up to me and slipped in front of my path. LUCIE! I just thought Id tell you, Were going to the match after school, and theres nothing you can do about it! catch Ya later! She practically ran from reach before i could tell her i wasnt going, and danced into the fog that was the student body. I only had two more lessons before the match and each of them had no chance of cheering me up. This may have been because they were both the same subject not to mention the subject I hated most but then again it may be because my outlook for the rest of the day wasnt great. The reason i hated my history class so much was not because of the subject, after all i found history fascinating but because of the pupils in my class. Basically history was the option everyone chose to get out of doing everything else, things like physics, French and textiles. However i was the only one in the class, except from Jeremy-nomates in the opposite corner, that chose the class because it interested me. I walked through the history room door frame and shuffled to my seat whilst everyone else barged in behind me rushing to theirs in feigned anticipation of the class. This term we were learning about the myth of Frankenstein which would then tie into the myth of Dracula and so on. I find Mary Shelley is a brilliant author but authors never produce fact. Fact is what I thrive on. I like to know things that are real

instead of entertaining the thought of imagination. For me imagination is for sad people who cant find anything good in their life so attempt to make an alternate universe in which the impossible is possible. Imagination bores me. Mr bax-pratt walks in at that moment and yells at the class to quieten down. This has a unique effect on my head as instead of my headache causing pain in my head, my right eye is now causing me excruciating pain and i cant open it. Guys and girls quieten down! We have a lot to do in the next two hours! And there goes my left eye.

Lucie are you alright? I strain to open my left eye, it being the last thing I felt and find Mrs Williams the school nurse hovering over me. Damn, I mustve blacked out. My eyes drooped closed again and Im left in darkness, but I can still hear. I think Im in Mrs Williams room, but I cant be too sure as I dont pay her a visit too often, theres a car humming slowly around the front car-park and students running round the netball court to the side of the building but from the corridor i hear nothing. Interesting, where am i? I force my right eye to open this time, as i try to assess the situation and find three other people in the room, including miss Williams. One I recognise as Neil Jones who Sits behind me in history class. He looks really awkward sat there and when Mrs Williams sees me looking at him with my one eye and tells him he can leave, he

couldnt look more relieved, he bolts to the door and scampers down the corridor putting as much space as he can between me and him, knowing hell get teased, for having to be the one to help me, when he gets back to history. The second person who i find is holding my hand, i know is Cat. As soon as i collapsed or whatever happened to me, a text would have gone around and inevitably found Its way to Cats phone. She would have over exaggerated and told the teacher i was dying to get her out of her class so she could check on me. She would have also have been happy she got out of her GCSE Spanish class as she still after a whole year only knows yes and no in Spanish. The third person i do not recognise, but immediately think he is the finest thing i have ever seen. He has black shaggy hair that dangles down to a well defined jaw, which when you follow the strong carved line with your eyes, you become entranced by his full pink lips which compliment the brown of his eyes. Also he has a scar that spans from his right temple to the left side of his jaw line. This however does not mar his beauty one bit, he looks almost like a god as the light shines through the window and brightens up his face. Hes the most beautiful thing i have ever seen.

So just as i come out of my trance like state i was in whilst i was staring at his face i am very surprised to find him staring right back at me.

Chapter 2
Hello, She seemed to freeze where she laid, her eyes smouldering into mine, she was just so beautiful, what if shes gone into shock? Shes not responding to me. are you okay? Oh my goodness, i hope she was not very ill, i would not want her to become sick and have to stay off school, i would not be able to see her. uhhhh, hi. Such a sweet voice, like fresh honey on a summer afternoon, its good to know she is okay. hello, are you feeling better? i hope she doesnt think i am obsessed by her being, though i fear i have become... um, yes thank you... may i ask who you are? ...oh so much! oh, I am sorry I did not introduce my person to you, I am Adam. I held out my hand for her to shake, but the girl beside her is reluctant to let go of her hand. For some reason she is upset by this. The other girl is still glaring. I slowly withdraw my hand whilst looking at the girl. Wondering as her gaze shifts why she reacted like that. But i already know why, not many people trust the boy with the huge scar. I see a tear leak from the corner of her eye which she immediately wipes to the side, whilst looking confused as to why it appeared.

hi Adam, Im Lucie sorry about my friend here shes a little protective, lucie shoots daggers at her friend as if to tell her to back off however her friend feigns innocents and looks away, i am sure they will continue their silent conversation when i leave. so, um may i ask, why your here? her simple question makes me laugh as really i am not sure. i am playing the rugby. I laugh and smile at my own answer, it is not the answer she wanted, as for the actual answer i am not sure myself as to what it is yet. oh, so you are playing for the opposite team? she decides to continue the conversation in the way in which i turned it however i know she will be curious as to what the real answer is. no mevrouw, i am playing on the school team, i came to school last month. She seems shocked at the word i just used to address her, i also do not think she has noticed me around school, which is good, except from the fact that now i have introduced myself my whole plan has just collapsed. oh, i havent seen you around, so who do you hang out with? Of course, you have not seen me i have been trying to be inconspicuous, until now. What is else did she say, i do not recognise those words? hang out with? I do not know meaning... who are you friends with? shes going to think Im some kind of freak, even though i am...

i do not have friends at the moment, so i usually sit by myself outside, that way people are not tempted to laugh. Ive started rambling now. Yet its just so easy to keep talking in her presence. are you not lonely, when you sit by yourself? Her eyes have grown sincere and she tries to sit up, however as the blood rushes to her head, she becomes dizzy and has to lie down again. i am not, no. I like to be outside, there is so much to see and hear, so much to feel... i let the sentence trail of knowing that she knows what i say is true as she has felt it too. well as much as this conversation is lovely and all, im going to return to Spanish as i really need to catch up. Lucie ill see you after school, meet me at the top of the stands, ill get the seats. She does not acknowledge my presence as she leaves, though i feel she is angry with me. The feeling is not unfamiliar to me. um, yeah see you there. She seems to have been brought out of a trance as she responds, however she remains on the bed. The silence is all encompassing as we each stare into the others eyes, i feel i can see to her soul, bright and radiant shining straight out of her eyes and into mine disrupting the dark, wrong workings of my soul. Will she see my soul and cringe away or will she be oblivious and continue to stalk toward the danger? The knock at the door brings each of us out of the others eyes and disrupts my train of though. Mrs Williams, re-enters and is shocked to see me in the corner still.

Leuwenhoek, why are you still here? You should have returned to class 20 minutes ago! I am sorry Mrs. Williams, I will go now. I do not want to leave, but know I have to, I need to get away from her, to be able to think. I rise to leave the room but am stopped by a hand on my arm. The girl has risen and is reaching out her hand for mine. I turn to face her but accidentally make her lose her balance which causes her to fall backwards. In the second before I cradle her head in my palm, so many images of her in pieces flicker through my mind that I am too overcome by a force I have no control over and fall to the floor. We lay there in a stunned silence, staring at each other, both of us trying to recall the seconds that have just passed. In the back of my mind I can hear Mrs Williams shouting at us both, but for that to interrupt the moment I would have to act irrationally. I see in her eyes she also does not want the moment to end, but being the sweet, smart girl she is, she returns to her feet and holds out her hand to me to help me up. I take it without a moments hesitation and feel the weight of a metaphor being placed upon that action. ummm, I should get going, thank you Mrs. Williams. Throughout the whole statement she could not take her eyes of me as I could not release mine from hers. are you sure you are okay Lucie? nothing I cant handle Mrs Williams, thank you again. Adam she nodded slowly to me before fleeing the room.

After saying farewell to Mrs Williams I followed after the girl an unidentifiable pull resonating from within my chest. However as I peered into the corridor I found she had disappeared.

Chapter 3
I was sat at the very top of the bleachers when Cat decided to show up. She had gone into the locker room to change into a vibrant red mini skirt, black leather boots and a black high top that exposed half of her toned stomach. It was her way of trying to distract the other team whilst at the same time bringing the attention of our rugby squad on to her. As she quick-walked across the pitch to the stands she was shaking attempting to wiggle her bottom in the direction of the team, hoping to get their attention-she didnt. I looked around the pitch wondering how long I would have to endure this torture but really I was looking for Adam. Since our meeting this afternoon, I hadnt been able to stop thinking about him, even though in reality it was 20 minutes since, but hey Im a sixteen year old girl. The way he had not stopped staring at me should have made me freaked out, but quite frankly, I was entranced. I couldnt stop looking at him either. I seen Cat tear up whilst looking at him and I wondered if that was the affect of his scar on her, but to me that scar just made him more handsome. And then as I fell to the floor he held my head so that I wouldnt injure myself causing him to fall also. Then when we were lead on the floor staring at each other with Mrs. Williams shouting, asking if we were both okay, I saw his thoughts on his face, like they had leaked from his eyes. He cared, for me. But as soon as I thought that his expression changed from love to fright. It was an odd thing and it confused me so, which was the main reason that I left the room so hastily.

Because although he looked like a god and seemed to care for me, the emotion I felt and I know he felt too, scared the bejesus out of me. Just as I finished my scan of the field Cat reached the top of the stands and plopped herself down on the seat next to mine. She seemed moody and angered so I decided that ignoring her was the best, turned out, not so much. oh hi lucie, didnt see you there. Are those new boots your wearing? OMG are they Jimmy Choos? theyre the most beautiful boots Ive ever seen and you know whilst you were walking across the pitch I swear the whole rugby squad was ogling you, your soo lucky! Cat you do know that A. those are not Jimmy Choos they are the fake version from Clarks and B. the rugby squad never batted an eyelid, so give yourself a break and shut-up. Its about to start and since your sooo interested in the game I suggest you watch instead of being Catty at me! I huffed loudly, just to emphasize the speech and felt her arms around me. I think Cat thinks that hugging someone will solve everything. awww, Im sorry Luce, its just my hormones are playing up and Ive just had to listen o a conversation between Sophie Reynolds and Marcia Taylor about weather and orange and a lemon are the same thing! I mean they quite obviously arent cause ones orange and ones yellow but apparently I tuned out of Cats little rant for just a minute, to give my mind a rest and also focus on the other rugby team that had just arrived. Cat stopped mid-sentence as she noticed the huge red bus too.

The stands quietened as the bus slowed to a stop and the doors opened. Rugby season was always a big event at our school because we had one of the best teams in the county, that didnt subtract from the amount of tension though. As the first member of the opposing team stepped off of the coach a huge cheer filled the air which brought my attention to my head, only to find that Mrs. Williams must have gave me some painkillers because my headache was no longer there. Reverting my focus back to the pitch i saw that the opposing team had now began to walk toward our team. I scanned our team once again and again failed to find Adam. Is he really on the school team? Or did he lie? But why would he lie? i then remembered that he had not answered my earlier question properly, why was he there earlier? A whistle distracted me from my train of thought and i noticed the ball being launched into the air. Cat was beside me screaming her head off in excitement as the ball was raced up the pitch by one of the team, then it was thrown to a second team member and so on. All i could see from the top of the stands was a blur of people running to and fro on the pitch whilst throwing a ball around. For me rugby was a stupid sport that for some reason fascinated the southwest of the united kingdom imparticularly. Sure I had to watch the rugby on the television every autumn with the family but so did every other person on this side of the country. The ball continued to be thrown backwards on the pitch further away from our goal whilst the crowd waited in bated breath. Soon though it would be carried back towards the goal just to be reversed once again.

I turned to Cat to ask her opinion on what happened earlier, after all the match was holding no interest for me. Cat? she wasnt too happy that I had interrupted her viewing, you could tell from her expression, but she answered me all the same. yeah, whats up? I paused wondering how to phrase my question. She turned to look at me with wondering eyes. umm, so what actually happened to me earlier? I had chickened out at the last moment, and now had to continue a totally different conversation. oh sweetie, you still dont know? Well, I heard from Tillie, who heard from Mackenzie, who heard from Sarah, who heard from Ben that you just collapsed in the middle of history class and fell off of your seat. Everyone thought it was really funny at first, just you being really clumsy but when you started having a fit, Mr. Bax-Pratt told Neil and Ben to take you down to Mrs. Williams and make sure you were okay, but when I got there Ben had bailed and left Neil to check on you. He wasnt looking overly excited about it so when Mrs. Williams seen you open your eye she told Neil he could go. And then wellyou were awake so you know the rest. I tried to sift through this new information that I didnt originally want but now had the weight of, imagining how bad history class was going to be on Thursday. Cat had returned her attention back to the game and started bouncing in her seat as the ball was rushed up field. I began rethinking how I could phrase what I wanted to ask Cat when a huge roar spurted from the crowd. I studied the field, looking for

the source of all the excitement, to find that the ball was being rushed back up the field. I didnt think anything of it at first, I just thought it would be caught and returned to the opposite side of the pitch. But instead of stopping at the 22 meter line it had breached the boundary and continued being carried toward the try line. At this point I stood up for no reason, after all I dont normally get excited over rugby, but this was different. I focused my eyes on the player trying to figure out from his speed and style of stride who it was. After all every member of the school rugby team had a unique style of stride. It was what gave them an advantage over other teams. Ben-who carried me from history class apparently-has a quick stride making it hard for him to slip or get tripped up. Harry-in my English class-has a loping stride making it easy to step over players who have tried and failed to tackle him. But this person had neither and both of these strides. This weirdly made him faster and steadier than his team mates. I couldnt identify who it was though. He flew over the try line and crashed into the floor, defiantly touching down the ball. However there was no cockiness about the try or the way he got up and walked towards his next position. The team was going crazy and kept slapping him on the back earning them a grin from him. Then at that moment, I recognized who it was. He was here.

Chapter 4
She was here. People kept slapping me on the shoulder as they went by congratulating me but I couldnt respond. I was lost in her presence. My legs were stiff beneath me and would not move even when I internally commanded them. She was still staring at me, as I her. Even when her friend started slapping her on the shoulder in excitement, she would not look away. I needed to return to the match, but I would not be the first to break eye contact. A steady blush began to colour her cheeks and she looked down smiling to herself, which made me grin my over-enthusiastic grin. My team mates continued to walk past me congratulating me but many of them probably though I was nuts, seeing as they sped-up as they went past. I continued to look at her for a few more seconds until my team called me over so they could continue with the kick. I jogged over to join them trying to rid the girl from my head so I could focus, but I was unsuccessful. Harry made the conversion kick and the game continued. Throughout the remainder of the match until half-time I could not get the girl out of my head. However that did not make me a worse player. Knowing she was watching only spurred on my enthusiasm and I was able to score two more tries before the half-time whistle blew.

I scanned the crowd for Lucie and found her already gazing at me. After telling Ben Id be back-which got me an okay then look- I began to walk toward the stands. I didnt want to run up the stands and through the crowd because I knew I would just get mobbed, thats what happens at this school so Ive learned, so I beckoned her down the steps and pointed to behind the stands. I dont know what made me do it; I just had to see her. After flashing a confused expression she got up and made her way down the steps after telling Cat she was going to the loo. She practically ran down the stairs as i headed around the corner away from view of peering eyes. As i turned around i saw her come around the corner and pause. Neither of us knew what to do next. I thought then that maybe she had also just wanted to see me and also didnt know why, but what do I know. She slowly walked to be 2 feet away and started to shift from foot to foot. I couldnt waste time like this. We only had a ten minute break and half of that was gone already. I needed to hear her voice. How do you think i did? Such a stupid question. Couldnt you think of anything else? Now youre just going to sound stuck-up. oh, you were amazing out there. I mean your even better than Ben and thats saying something.

The smile she was wearing turned into a look of frustration almost like she found her words inadequate. But it was not what she said that interested me, not that i didnt hang onto her every word, it was her sweet, sweet voice that made you picture melting honey. I was whole as soon as she spoke, but knew i needed to carry on the conversation to hear more. Thank you mevrouw, it was good to see you in the stands. Are you feeling better? I hope i was not misjudging her attitude and that she wasnt actually still ill, because being outside would only make it worse. Im okay now thank you, i think being outside has perked me up! So, uh, are you going to answer my question now? Oh no, shes still wondering about that? I thought she would have forgotten by now, it appears she is more stubborn that she seems. But I cant tell her why, shell think im stalking her, which im NOT! what question would that be? i gave her my over-enthusiastic grin which she rewarded me with by blushing and smiling at the floor, but then she remembered the information she wanted and turned to defensive mode. why were you in the nurses room earlier? Damn it, think Adam think. I got injured during rugby practise so i was sent to Mrs Williams. Where on earth had that come from. oh, uh, what did you do?

She had to go and ask me that. I was kicking dirt on the floor trying to look embarrassed about hurting myself whilst in my head i was trying to think of a valid male injury that would make me end up in the nurses room. She seemed to be taking my cover and blushed in embarrassment herself. Sorry, Im being nosy arent I. Bless her, in my attempt to cover my tracks she had put the responsibility of the conversation on her. no, no its just, you know, it was a, uh, male injury... Well at least it took some of the weight of her shoulders. But now im going to sound like a complete loser. oh, If it was possible she had become redder than before, but still she did not leave me... i guess i should go... ...yet. No, please stay i just wondered uh... I couldnt let her leave, i needed to speak to her for a few more moments. Her beauty was entrancing and i found myself stood staring into her eyes. She stared straight back, enjoying the moment as was I. I began to feel vibrations within my body, but still i could not stop looking at her. Just as the vibrations moved to a new level she collected herself and returned the conversation. Yes?

I shook myself slightly and found now that i wasnt looking into her eyes the vibrations had turned into a slight humming in my stomach. uhhh, I was wondering if i could sit with you, at lunch, tomorrow. I dont know that many people but, i would like to know you. Where did that last bit come from? i may have over-stayed my welcome by asking her this, but looking at her facial expression she seemed to be deliberating it. I tried to wait patiently, hoping and praying that the answer to my unexpected question would be a positive one. I knew for a fact i was not meant to be in this deep, it would be dangerous not just for her but me too. I did not know how my heart was handling the amount of love i held for her already and by getting to know her more, I felt my heart would overfill. I blinked back to reality just in time to hear her answer. That would be great. Id like to get to know you better too. My heart did a back flip at her words and i couldnt help but grin at her. The bell for the second half rang. See you later, Adam She hurried along back to the stands whilst i stood motionless staring after her. I took a few breaths and walked out onto the pitch. I didnt care that i hadnt had a drink or stretched or even seen Mr Bunter-our coach. I was floating away on cloud nine, filled with energy and excitement. I walked out onto the pitch my head held high...

...just as it began to rain.

Chapter 5
10 minutes and the bell for lunch can go, then you can see him. I chanted the same sentence over and over in my head, trying to keep my cool whilst writing the developments of Lennies character in the story of mice and men. Harry was tapping his pencil next to me in an attempt to annoy me to death i thought but when i looked up it was a subconscious act from thought. I continued my battle between chanting and writing for another five minutes before the teacher told us to clear away. Butterflies were beating against the inside of my ribcage, as I packed my things into my bag and i kept catching my hand on the zip. Pink puckered scar started to rise on my flesh and i quickly rubbed my hand on my trousers before heading towards the door. I waited in the corridor for Cat-she had English in the class next to mine-irritatingly taping my foot and the floor but also dreading her approach. I hadnt told her about my-our-arrangement with Adam yet and i was hoping to put it off until the very last minute. Having seen her expression in Mrs Williams room yesterday i was guessing she wouldnt be too pleased. I still didnt know what that was about and i hadnt had the chance to ask her. Tom on the other hand had been okay with it, when i told him on msn the previous night. In fact for some strange reason he seemed to love the boy, even though he hadnt met him. For some reason i thought made this fact and the fact that Cat didnt like him were connected but i shouldnt make judgements.

Finally she appeared behind the rest of the class with a face of thunder. She stomped over to me and gave me the filthiest look she could muster before explaining herself to me. what the hell do you think your doing? My ear drum popped at her outburst. Pardon? Why have you failed to tell me that Adam will be joining for lunch? Yet you were able to tell tom. I mean me not liking him has nothing to do with it. you told TOM first? thats a point, why dont you like him? hes got a huge scar across his face and hes creepy, but dont try to change the subject! Why wasnt i first to know? She looked so much like a pig grunting when shes angry that i couldnt help but laugh. This didnt go over well with her... im sorry you think this is funny? Now that youve betrayed the first rule of our friendship, which was, may i remind you tell each other first before anyone else INCLUDING TOM! you feel you are obliged to betray all of them? Hellooo, dont laugh at each other when your arguing! no, no i dont think its funny. Actually i was scared of what you were going to say after your reaction yesterday, but i felt obliged to let tom know cause after all he does sit with us! i attempted to get her to smile but failed...epically. Please dont be mad at me Cat. You know i love you, and you know that you scare me when youre angry! Just give him a chance even if

he does creep you out. I only offered because he as no-one to hang around with, and i felt sorry for him. Come on...pleasseee? I wasnt going to tell her the real reason why i offered, cause by the look on her face se already knew, and wasnt going to stay quiet about it... you KNOW, that theres another reason luce... you fancy the pants off of him!! I dont know why though cause he has a freaky deaky scar running the length of his face, but when you woke up yesterday and saw him there, i swear from the look on your face you thought you were in heaven! I blushed beetroot red before giving her a quick hug and rushing down the stairs. I could hear her scurrying after me, but never slowed my pace, after all, it was 5 minutes into lunch and Adam was waiting! I froze in the doorway to the canteen and looked around. There he was, like a marble sculpture, perfect as the first time. I practically skipped towards him, filled with happiness, before stopping abruptly 5 foot away when the nerves kicked in. I slowly walked towards him-shuffled more like-until i was at the table edge. He looked up at me and with a surprised look on his face quickly stood up. hello Lucie, I was drowning in his beauty when he did the most weirdest thing, he walked around my side of the table and pulled the chair out from its place at the table.

I stared at him astounded as did many people sat near to us whilst h drew out a sweet smile at me. i quickly smiled back and settled into my seat, watching him move back around to his side of the table. I had to wiggle my head slightly to shut my cod fish expression whilst he put his hands in-front of him on the table. I stared at him mesmerized-thankfully with my mouth closed this time-as he played with his thumbs, i expected waiting for me to say something to begin the conversation, but i was transfixed by his beauty. He drew his head up to see why i was not speaking and immediately held my gaze, we each sat there for what seemed like forever trying to figure out the other by looking into our eyes. I could not hear the others in the canteen, it was only me and Adam. That was before Cat decided to join us accompanied by Tom. hey you guys! Hows it hanging, im fine thanks for asking, couldnt be better! Hey, uhh Adam i heard you guys smashed the other team yesterday. I would have know that myself but right before the second half started missy here decided to drag me to my car so i could drive her home, She directed a half joking glare toward me before seating herself opposite Tom, who set beside Adam wearily, keeping his eyes trained on his face-possibly at his scar. Adam reluctantly slide his eyes from me and looked hurtfully at Cat. No Cat, we did not smash the other team, they did nothing to us, why would we hurt them? Cat smirked at his knowledge and reworded her question.

sorry Adam, what i meant was did you win the game? This seemed to make Adam more comfortable and he relaxed his tensed shoulders. Yes, we did very well thank you Cat. We scored 34 and they scored 12. It was a delightful day. He flashed a beautiful smile at me before concentrating once again on Cat. Well sure the game was good, But it started raining pretty bad just before we left. I suppose that was why missy here wanted to leave. Ahahaha. As Cat was continuing her joke with tom, i noticed that Adam had began to scowl and slumped in his chair. I threw a questioning look at him but all he did was look at me and look back at the table. I slipped my hands over his which were still on the table to try and comfort him. What i was not expecting was the reaction. The reaction to the atmosphere, that is. I was suddenly explicitly happy along with the rest of the canteen, who began to chat, laugh, hug and kiss anyone they could. I looked to Adams face to see what he was doing and i saw him with his eyes closed a peaceful smile on his face. If i didnt know better, i wouldve thought he was dead. But then he opened his eyes and looked into mine, filling my fingertips with joy, joy so painful i had to remove my hands from his. The atmosphere of joy in the room dissipated instantly.

I froze. What had just happened? I tried to fight of the feeling of unease and pass off what had just happened as coincidence, but the unease wasnt budging. I lifted my eyes, which had been staring at the table for the past couple of minutes, to look at Adam, but all i saw was his back passing through the canteen door. ill be back in a minute, i rushed after Adam not waiting for Cat or Toms answer. His hunched shoulders squirmed through the crowd always pointing toward the exit; I never let my eyes leave those chiselled shoulders. I caught up with him halfway across the grounds. Adam, Adam, whats wrong? His bowed head turned towards me and he mumbled under his breath, Nothing, just leave. im not going to leave when you seem so upset, Adam. Please, just tell me what happened in there? He slowly lifted his head. The air around me seemed to grow cold, and clouds shifted over head darkening with each growing moment. Adam lifted his head just high enough for me to see his eyes, but his face was still angled down. Lucie, you need to turn around and go back inside.

He seemed to be struggling internally. His whole body began to shake and his teeth audibly ground together. Something inside me snapped, i grabbed his head in both my hands and lifted his face to mine. His eyes were shadowed and he looked afraid. I stared into his eyes until the pain had gone. Then i kissed him.

Chapter 6 ADAM
The thunder crashed around us. The warmth of her lips on mine was so overpowering i almost lost control, and that would have been bad for both of us. It was taking all my effort in this moment to not lose it now. I would disconnect myself from her now to try and keep her safe but it was like my lips were sown to hers and to be frank, i didnt want her lips to leave mine. A hum was travelling throughout my body, filling me with mine and Lucies happiness combined. Her hands were wrapped around my head making escape impossible, however i did not want to escape-even if it was the wise thing to do. She slowly stroked my scar on either side of my face; the thunder turned more ferocious with every line drawn. I opened my eyes and noticed the thunder had created an electric field that encased us in its grasp, but i couldnt concentrate on it for long, i noticed Lucies face in my peripheral vision and became entranced. She had since removed her lips from mine and began to stare in wonder at the electric bubble that was slowly thinning. Then she noticed me looking at her and bit her lip and blushed.

I wished we could stay in this bubble for longer but as she removed her hands from mine the bubble dispersed and we were once again in the school grounds. Her face became sad when she saw the bubble disappear; i needed some way of making her happier. I slowly drooped my head and the rain removed itself from the sky. I could not see her face but knew she was confused and pondering, as most people who were brave enough to talk to me usually were. I looked at the puddle on the floor at her expression and saw she was looking straight back at me in it. she smiled; I smiled. adam? I kept my head down. yes Lucie? look at me, i am looking at you She scowled. not in the puddle! I put my hood up and raised my head, a light drizzle descended. yes? why are you always looking down? I couldnt tell her the truth, not yet, just a few more moments to be with her. people are afraid of my scar, but you dont have your head down inside...

i...i... I could not fight her, it was a losing battle, but i needed to stay above the flow of questions she had to ask or i would drown in her presence. i need to go, I rushed away from her taking deep breaths as i went, i couldnt breathe, i know i wasnt perfect but i could normally breathe fine.. What was she doing to me? I could hear her running to catch up behind me but i needed to be alone, to try and figure out what was happening. I went to the only place i could think of, the big oak tree. I ran across the field my head to the sky, not caring that i was getting plastered in rain, just caring about the big oak tree. I dipped into the alcove carved into the tree, big enough for a large man or in this case-me. I leaned against the trunk with my eyes closed and breathed-in through the nose and out through the mouth-until my heart had stopped trying to rip my chest open. Only then did i open my eyes to see where lucie had got to. I couldnt see her in the limited view the alcove in the tree gave me, but i could leaves softly crunching near-by. I waited patiently, silently willing myself to be invisible. The crunching got louder and from the side view of the trunk i saw a my angel walking through the sun burnt leaves. The sun glowed on her face and her hair drifted around her face. She took small steps, sometimes looking around the forest sometimes letting the sun bath her face.

Her beauty was heavenly, all encompassing. In that moment i wanted to tell her everything about me and i wanted to know everything about her in return. I wanted me to be her everything as she is mine. I was gripping the inside of the trunk to keep me in place and forced my eyes closed so i could regain some sanity. I couldnt let her know me, it would revolt her, shed run and never come back and that would be the end of my life. It had gotten to the point that i got to school at seven in the morning just to see her. Ridiculous. She entranced me, was my whole world. I didnt know how to control myself when i was around her. I closed into myself, I thought of where i had began, In the forest, Where I had awoken. I felt a searing heat across my cheek bone that wrapped me in its embrace, causing me to flinch. I opened my eyes reflexively and saw her big green eyes concentrating on the line she was drawing. I understood that it was her warm skin against my cold that was causing the pain that was blistering yet gripping. Her face filled my vision and in that moment i chose to stop fighting. who are you? I asked her this in an almost whisper yet i knew she heard-the tree was of course, hollow. i was going to ask you the same question? she said bringing her gaze to mine.

The connection was so strong in that moment that i couldnt help but kiss her. Yet she didnt flinch. She drew me in closer as i did her. We knelt there for what seemed like forever and a day, wrapped in each others embrace, lips tracing lips, whilst the lightening immediately ignited from the contact. She did not notice but the noise had haunted me for so long i could not help but sense it. She pulled away gently as her sub-consciousness caught on to the lightening crashing down outside of the tiny alcove-that began to die down as her touch was removed. She sat gazing at the cloudy sky pondering its activities. I kept my eyes on her knowing if i were to look out the drizzle would get worse. For the next few minutes she stared out of the alcove, whilst i was mesmerized by how beautiful she was. She had not got wet during either thunder storm and for that i was thankful, i would not want her to get ill. She swivelled her pondering gaze to mine, thousands of questions burning in her eyes. I was not sure whether she had worked it out but i was wondering about her next action. This surprisingly was to push me back so I was sat against the inside of the tree trunk and lean against my chest. It was a gesture meant to comfort but i did not know how to return the favour. However she looked content just to lie there and without realising it i began to wrap my arms around her. I had no clue where the idea had come form but I was hoping it was the right one.

From her expression she was pleased with the action; she blushed and snuggled closer. I wondered how long we could sit there like that. Laying close, sharing body heat , enjoying the moment. Who are you, Adam? The question had popped into my head and from her lips simultaneously, and to be honest, i had no idea how to answer it. i do not know, And I honestly didnt. Since finding out about the existence of Lucie my world had changed so much, my actions were different; i was working on impulse rather than logic. In this case the logical solution would be to leave Lucie and never come back, Let her live her life rather than dragging it down along with mine. But just the sight or thought of her had me trembling inside, dreaming about her beauty and her pure aura. And then i would think: youre a monster Adam. There was no future for me and lucie, she would never settle for someone like me, when she found out there was better people out there shed leave and i would die. But for now i could live in the moment, like Lucie and forget about my worries. I looked down to see her asleep and smiled. Then i looked outside. For the few hours she was asleep, i enjoyed the moment, Gazing out of the alcove, Into the rain.

Chapter 7
I was startled awake to the subtle evening light seeping into the alcove through the drizzling rain. I could hear a steady thumping in one ear and a muffled chirping in the other. The birds song sounded sad, like it had experienced a broken heart. Not like the one beneath me, that was beating healthily and happily. I thought back to what had happened before the bliss had me dreaming. We had got caught up in the moment and kissed again, then the thunder had started up and the lightening had kicked in. I hadnt paid a lot of attention to it, but it had started suddenly. However i was too lost in Adam to realize when. Somewhere in between when the kiss started and it ended i had began to dream, i dont remember how or even why but it seemed very real. It wasnt a normal dream either, not a happy go lucky, floaty dream, it was actually more of a nightmare. I was walking through the forest we were led in now, towards a figure stood in the middle of a clearing turned away from me, with their hood down. I was cautious as i walked trying not to make too much noise in case i startled them or they turned and attacked me. And as i was walking towards the figure it suddenly turned-this was the deciding point in my tiny plan of action, run or apologize-and began walking towards me.

But unlike my plan, my feet would not move as the figure got closer and closer. I began to panic. I called out for Adam, hoping he was around-im not sure why i called out to him, i had only known him a couple of days-and was about to shout out again when the figure stopped. It was about five yards from me now, i was shaking and tiny drops of perspiration were welling up on my forehead. who are you? I gasped through my panic, my voice only half trembled which was good, i didnt want the person to think i was frightened. The person began to lower their hood, for a moment i was paralyzed in fright, wondering what i was going to see. Then the hood dropped. It was Adam. I am a monster.

That was when i woke up. I was still slightly startled and my forehead was damp where i had been sweating, i quickly wiped away the perspiration and sat up. Adams face was sweet in sleep he looked like a little boy, dreaming peacefully. I wish i could know what he was dreaming of. His t-shirt was ruffled up where i had slept and i admired his toned body. That was before i saw the scars His whole torso was split in 3 where two huge jagged scars split it. it looked like someone had done an autopsy on him, sewn him together and then brought him back to life.

I wondered what had happened to him, but my mind kept going back to the dream, in which he called himself a monster. I didnt see how the two could be connected but my heart was telling me a different story, one where Adam was a monster. So many things confused me about Adam, where he had come from, the fact he had no friends, that didnt mean he was a monster. Did it? I gazed at his peaceful face, the sky was still drizzling outside but inside the alcove the sun was lighting up Adams face returning him to a Greek god. The emotion i felt in that moment had me confusingly overwhelmed, i felt such sympathy for whatever happened to Adam, but i knew he would not talk about it, he was still so secretive. But i still could not help but fall for him, every minute, over and over. I quickly leaned in and placed a feather light kiss on his lips. I drew back to find his eyes fluttering open. I smiled at him and blushed, he smiled back before noticing his t-shirt was riding up and quickly adjusting it. i pretended to look away and not see what he was doing or his scars but i didnt know whether he knew i had seen or not. I looked up at the light drizzle that had dissipated as quickly as it had come. Confused i looked back at Adam to see him peering wide eyed at me. This also confused me but i smiled back to assure him nothing had changed between us since earlier. The corner of his lips twitched in an attempt of a smile, but his face had changed from a peaceful boy to a scared puppy cross with a young boy after just hearing superman was real.

This look really did confuse me, so much that i couldnt keep the charade up. I dropped the smile and gave Adam confused eyes which just brought out the scared expression more. Adam? Are you okay? You look worried. This question just turned his face to shock which then quickly turned to a smile. im fine, just worried about you, shouldnt you be back home by now? I had not realized how late it was, i am very sorry, i shall walk you home now fraai Lucie!
He jumped to his feet and hit his head on the roof of the hollow alcove, which quickly brought him back to the floor. I rushed over to him. Adam, are you okay? Let me see! I held his giant head in my hands and rubbed it soothingly. I raised his eyes to mine to make sure the blow hadnt knocked him out and saw him crying. Adam, are you okay? Would you like me to ring for an ambulance? He gazed into my eyes, and shook his head slightly. He smiled at me before holding my head gently like he thought he might brake me and kissed my forehead. i am fine Lucie, thank you, just happy that you are with me. I brushed a tear away and smiled back, then pressed a sweet kiss against his lips. This of course got deeper after a few minutes, the kiss felt like it was packed with meaning which scared me. He gently broke it off before we could become to involved and rose steadily to his feet making sure he didnt hit his head again , and bent with his back to the roof crawled out of the alcove. He

stretched his arm back inside and grabbed my hand to help pull me out. Once up on two feet i stretched my arms in the air and looked around. Judging from the position of the sun in the sky it was sixish. Mums gonna kill me! I lowered my arms and huffed bringing Adams attention to me. He still looked slightly worried which was bothering me, but i knew if i asked why he would brush it off as something else, as he did earlier. But then again, if you dont ask, you wont know.

Adam, whats bothering you? Really? He had began walking down the path towards the start of the forest, but stopped in he registered my question. I walked up to stand behind him and waited for him to turn around. It was a slow, stuttering move, but eventually we were face to face, or more accurately chest to face. I looked up into his eyes sweetly but found they were closed in concentration. But what was he concentrating on? He began to grind his teeth which got me really worried-it couldnt be that bad-but eventually began to flutter his eyes open, almost in time to his heartbeat which i could hear, being so close. Finally his eyes were completely open and his jaw was silent. I saw anger in his eyes along with a hint of fright; this wasnt going to be good.

i promised myself whilst you were asleep that i would tell you the truth from the moment you woke up, so here it is. I am scared Lucie, you should not be with me, we should not even be friends let alone... what we are. I have a very bad anger issue Lucie, I could hurt you. I could tear you apart and not care about the pieces... but i do not want that to happen. I do not want you to be hurt and i do not want you to be scared. I am not worried about my fear only yours. You are meant to lead a normal life and i am leading you down the wrong path! But i Love having your presence to much to care, this is why i am dangerous. You should leave now and not return, you should move far away to somewhere i will not find you, because believe me now that we are this close i will not leave you alone... A light drizzle descended and seemed to beat in time to the heart i could hear before me. I can sense your fright now which is making me angry, i do not want to make you frightened i want to make you happy, i love seeing your smile. But because you are scared i am angry at myself. Lucie please understand that this is bad! I try to control my anger all i can but sometimes it just boils over! I am not a good person for you, i am a terrible person, i am... He didnt finish his sentence, he just continued to walk down the path, towards nowhere. But before he turned around i saw his eyes. It was the most fearful sight i had ever seen. In his eyes i could see the anger, the ferocity but i could also the fear and the pain it was causing him to tell me the truth.

His speech had caused fear to creep up on me but what he did not sense was the love i felt for him, for telling me the truth, yes of course, but also for wanting to protect me from himself. Yet he still didnt get that i would not let him go. From the moment i saw him i was entranced. That first day in Mrs. Williams room i thought he was a God which was the exact thought i had in the trees alcove, i had not stopped loving him for a moment even if we had only just established that we both loved each other. Did he not see that i could not leave now? That he was a mystery i just had to unravel? The rain was pouring now, drenching my clothes through to my skin. I was shaking from the adrenaline pumping through me, from the fear and the love. Adam had walked on a little further, but stopped in the middle of a clearing waiting for me. I could see that he was still distressed from his hunched over shoulders and fisted hands. He began to walk back towards me, slowly as if his anger had decreased slightly. What was he hiding? Then i remembered he had not finished his sentence earlier. Who are you? The dj voo crashed over me, as I realized when i had said that line before; the panic settled in. My dream. I knew what came next, i didnt think it would, i put all of my head into the opposite revelation, something other than my dream, please dont make this be real; My heart would not cooperate.

My heart was going like a steam train, but there were no stations for it to stop at, just like in the dream i was paralyzed with fright. He stopped in front of me, and lowered his hood. Looking in my eyes he spoke the words. I am a monster.

Chapter 8
The storm was raking my inside trying to let the truth escape. I looked up into her eyes as my hood fell back. She was still frightened; she was shaking. The storm was going to win. I am a monster.

The lightning struck in the centre of the clearing, where i had just been stood, but Lucies eyes never left mine. For the past few minutes i had been studying her face waiting for her to take in the information and run, she had yet to understand. Her fear gradually left her eyes and was replaced with sympathy. I did not want her sympathy; i was a monster, dangerous. My head fell as i tried to contain the anger and hatred that i felt toward myself. She was not making this any easier on me, although i did not want it to be easy. I wanted her to run so that she could escape, so that i would not hurt her. My eyes were clenched closed against the anger boiling up behind them. The sky over head flashed every now and again illuminating the pouring rain.

A shock coursed through me as her palm cupped the side of my face. The heat resonating from her hands brought the cells of my cheek to life and s mile involuntarily swept my face. I quickly drew it off again. I opened my eyes and looked dangerously at Lucie, as soon as she saw my eyes she dropped her hand. you need to run, I spoke the words through gritted teeth worried that if i were to open my mouth any wider id shout at her; the moment was deadly. The sympathy was wiped from her eyes and replaced with determination. This fuelled the fire in my stomach that was controlling me. NO! She glared back at me and replaced her hands on my face. This action calmed the fire but was a dangerous move for her the monster was stirring in his sleep inside of me, i could not let him awake. I grabbed her shoulders roughly. Lucie, you need to go, i cannot control what is inside of me, what i am, you need to walk straight home now, dont look back and dont stop, Lucie you need to RUN. I realized i was gripping her shoulders so tightly there would leave a mark, and let go. The monster wasnt even out and i was hurting her.

I turned my back to her and walked to where the lightening had struck hoping for it to strike again and this time hit me, i could feel a gnawing feeling in my stomach but i could not decide what it was trying to tell me. My heart was telling me one thing, my head another and the gnawing feeling in my stomach was a totally different story. I could hear the crunching of the leaves behind me and my heart took on a sad depressed thud. I didnt want her to leave. And now im too late. I folded onto my knees and hung my head in my hands. What have i done? I sobbed into my hands an emotion that has never come easily to me, as the sun shone its last rays happily in the sky, trying to cling to the horizon. My life was created from cruelty and now i have to suffer the consequences.

A few hours later i awoke to the moon highlighting the tiny clearing, the right side of my clothes drenched from the damp earth and my hair in a state of disarray. I could not feel anything. It may have been cold but i did not mind. I got to my feet and looked around me. The place was quite, all animals hiding from my presence. A bat zoomed over my head; i did not flinch.

I could be myself in the forest, i didnt have to apply the mask and measly human actions, i could be Adam. I smiled at this thought and began to walk back down the path to the alcove, to retrieve my book and pen from the tiny crack in the bark in the top of the roof. I was not frightened as i walked, for creatures are more frightened than me. I dragged my feet as i walked, enjoying the sound it made, before realising that was the last sound i had heard from lucie, and stopped. The Alcove was in sight and i jogged along, happy at the thought of writing in my book. The one thing that held my emotions as they were. However as i jogged closer i could see something in the alcove, silhouetted against the tree was a figure curled at the back of the small hole. I moved closer and realised what it was. Lucie. When i thought she had ran home, she had actually ran here. The first thought that went through my head was, is she hurt? I crouched at the entrance of the alcove and peered over her, looking for signs of wear and tear. She looked fine, her clothes were the same as earlier, and her breathing was normal. But she had bags under her eyes and her brows were scrunched up like she was trying to do a hard maths equation. She looked sweet, like a little girl. I had forgotten about my book and pen and in that moment i wondered how i could ever let her go. It would be like having my heart ripped out, soul and all.

How could we both survive this, if she couldnt leave then i would have to try harder to control the monster, but for how long would the monster stay sleeping? I crawled into the hole with her, not being able to stay away from her for any longer. I lay beside her enjoying her sleeping company. Subconsciously she must have registered my presence as she turned to face me, but unexpectedly she leant into my side and shivered. I must have been cold. I wished i would have had a blanket in here for her, but i was the only one who knew of the hole, well...Before Lucie. I put my arm around her hoping i wasnt too cold, but when she shivered i removed it. though i only half removed it for Lucie wrapped her arms around me the instant my skin left hers. I replaced it and with my other arm reached up to get my book and pen from the ceiling. I opened it to the last page i had been writing on and read aloud;

Help me run, From this gun, A gun that has not lost, At no cost. Hell ride alone, With no-one, He is a monster

The story had a whispering feel that wrapped around me, encasing me in its tails. The story that haunted my life, wrote over and over at the end of every page, one that has haunted me since i was created. I am a monster. I did not mean to speak the words aloud, even though they were only a whisper. I had been staring out into the rain that had began when i entered the alcove, but now as i came to i felt a deep heat resonating from my stomach. I was happy. What kind? Her voice startled me so, that my book fell from my lap and hit the trunk floor with a thud. I looked down to see her looking back up at me, her green eyes peering up through her thick black-mascara free lashes. I looked at her for a long time thinking about my earlier question whilst my mouth was hanging open like a cod-fish. We were so different, in separate worlds but created for one another, something more than this world connected us we just hadnt figured it out yet. How were we going to survive? I promised to tell the truth. I sucked in a breath and began...

Ever heard of Frankenstein?

Chapter 9
I woke feeling groggy and disorientated, a cold breeze was sweeping across my face but i didnt wake up outside like i had earlier. I had forgotten to shut the window earlier when i had got in. It was late, i knew that much because it was dark outside. I got up to shut the window but ended up staring outside for a while remembering what had happened earlier in the day.

My sharp intake of breath echoed in the trees hollow. He looked away not wanting to see my reaction, either embarrassed or upset. His hands were entwining angrily together, straining the skin of his fingers. I did not mean to make my reaction visible to him, but when he said those words, everything clicked. His face, his scars, his anger... Go, on... His eyes travelled back up to mine quickly, unexpectancy written all over his face, But within his eyes was fear. You are not scared? His question was ironic, because quite clearly he was afraid of my reaction and what that meant, however i was not afraid, more... startled.

No, Im not scared, just startled. I knew there was something different, i just... I couldnt explain the feeling of having the puzzle pieces but not being able to put them together. Adams eyebrows knitted together, becoming frustrated over my unfinished sentence, his mind running through different scenarios that were nowhere near to the truth most probably. i saw your scars earlier whilst you were asleep, and so many different things went through my head about how you could have got them, i thought it might have been terrible, i mean... You dont think being a real life Frankenstein is terrible? I looked up to see him looking at me, a mixture of anger and bewilderment swirling over his face., what i mean is... nothing about you has changed in my eyes, i just know a little more about you now... I had been staring at his face throughout my explanation trying to explain my feelings to him, and as i finished his facial expression turned to frustration. You dont think being near...Frankenstein, is dangerous? He seemed to struggle in saying the word Frankenstein. I kept looking at him, refusing to break eye contact. Frankenstein may be dangerous, but that is how Mary Shelley wanted people to perceive doesnt mean you are! it also doesnt mean Im not! Adam shouted.

I knew the only reason he was shouting, was to get a reaction from me, so i gave him one. I kissed him. He was caught so off guard, we toppled over together, squashed against the inside of the tree. I was waiting for him to fling me off or shout some more, but he clutched me closer. He may be a monster but god was he good at kissing. His lips were so warm and inviting, i was always left wanting more. He pulled away and stared straight into my eyes. This doesnt change anything! Even though he whispered this, the impact on me was huge, he still thought he was a monster. Adam, youre not a monster! He quietly chuckled, Your wrong, tipping his head down as if it really was funny. I grabbed his giant head and pulled his eyes up to look at me. YOUR NOT A MONSTER! i didnt shout the words, so much as say them very sternly. We sat there trying to stare one another out. In the end, i won, or so i thought. He shuffled me off and got to his feet, making sure he didnt hit his head on the roof again. As he bent to walk out the door i grabbed his hand. Where are you going?

He closed his eyes briefly before turning back to look at me. If you cant accept that i am a monster and i am dangerous, i shouldnt be around you. He chuckled again, louder this time and a shiver went down my spine. Quite ironic isnt it? he said whilst looking out at the forest. By you not being able to accept that i am a monster, i have to run. Yet if you were to accept it, you would be the one running. When saying the last line he looked back at me, a flare of anger flickering in his eyes. I scrambled against the dry leaves in the hollow of the tree, trying to get out of the tree before Adam ran. Adam, dont leave. Why ever not? He looked at me with a sarcastic expression on his face, Waiting to laugh at my next line. Well one more kiss couldnt hurt. I lunged for him, but he was expecting this one. He dodged but caught me before i could land flat on my face. Its not going to work this time, im sorry but im leaving! He turned his back on me, one step forward before i shouted at him. YOUR NOT A MONSTER! i would say it all day if thats what it took to get that fact into his head. LOOK, IM LEAVING AND THERES NOTHING YOU CAN DO OR SAY TO STOP ME!

The look in his eyes was enough to make even a world wrestler quake in fear. But i was not a world wrestler; i had already fallen in love with Adam. I was in love with Adam. I LOVE YOU. I shouted. But by the time i had got the courage to say it, he was gone.

It was only then that i realised i had been staring out the window for over five minutes and during that five minutes the window had become one of two things i was staring at. Adam was here. He was staring just as i was, stood, feet shoulder length apart, arms by his sides, blank expression on his face, looking straight back at me. A sharp intake of breath sent a tear rolling down my cheek. I opened the window again and stepped backward. I dont know what made me do it, or how i knew to do it, but within a few seconds Adam was at my window sill. He did not have any special powers, he had just climbed the tree swiftly. I learnt in history that when Frankenstein was made, he was made without feeling or emotion. Now i knew for one, Adam had emotion and from different experiences he had only little feeling, but discounting all of that, he was still Adam. My Adam. He climbed in and stood up, my head reaching his shoulders. And that was how things stayed for a few moments me staring at his chest, sensing him looking down at me, i had no idea what to do.

So? I was hoping from that word alone he would be able to sense what i was thinking, because quite frankly my heart was racing so fast i thought it was going to jump out of my chest, making it hard to speak. He tilted my head up so that i could meet his eyes. His face was drawn, worried, nervous and ecstatic all at the same time. His lips parted and he breathed a great sigh, his sweet breath sweeping across my face, fanning me in the smell of the forest. i heard you... It was like the flashback of todays earlier events were picking up from where they left off. and? I was staring open mouthed now, in anticipation for his reaction to my earlier words, hoping stupidly he would decide to stay. The silence dragged on, and my chest began to get tight, hes leaving, hes really leaving. Ever since he walked away from me in the forest i had dreamt of what could happen if he stayed and now hes going to leave and all of those dreams will shatter like glass when they hit reality. I saw a small twinkle in his eyes as he took a breath and then... i fainted .

Chapter 10
ADAM Lucie, Lucie? She wasnt answering me, why wasnt she answering me? Her pale form was sprawled on the floor away from my position, peering at her face waiting for any coherence to appear on her face. She was completely and utterly still and no matter how much i shook her or whipser her name she didnt show any sense of my touch or voice. As a classic clich the only other option i could come up with was to kiss her. But if i kissed her now, i wouldnt be able to leave, like i was about to. That was why she had fainted, i had stood there watching her battle with herself internally whilst i tried to build up the courage to tell her i was leaving. And now i knew she wouldnt be able to take it. She had known me for a matter of days compared to the lifetime i had had to endure watching her from a distance, yet from the moment we began to interact i knew it would not be safe for her. I was going to have to retreat to the shadows once more... And she had to forget me. I could not leave her as a sprawled mess on the floor though, that would be cowardly and cruel.

I shook her again and continued to whisper her name, it was about 2am and her parents were asleep according to the snores slicing through the silence that cloaked the house. Goosebumps began to cover her skin and i remembered on my way in i had left the window open. I stood up to shut it, but just at that moment i saw her eyes twitch and lowered my knees to the floor again. However she didnt move a second time, even after countless whispers and numerous shakes of her shoulders she didnt move again. Then my resolve broke and i leaned in to kiss her. It was going against all the arguments in my head and all the barriers i had forced up to resist her, but the second our lips touched i knew i could not leave. Her lips began to move against mine then and i answered her reaction by wrapping my arms around her shoulders and holding tight to her, in an attempt to tell her i wasnt leaving. But i needed to leave. It wasnt safe for her to be around me and now that i had the comfort in knowing she was fine, all my resolves came rushing back. I broke the kiss and stared at her wide eyed as she slowly opened her eyes, a smile spread her face as though she had won something. It didnt stay there long. She slowly dragged herself upright until our faces were at the same level, then sucked in a breath of air. your not staying.

She said it as more of a statement that a question, and i knew she understood that the kiss although pressurising it did not change my answer. She reached her arm out and for a moment i thought she was going to hit me, so i flinched and although this made her eyes gloss over with moisture she continued reaching. I didnt know what she was doing, her hand was angled toward my face and as her fingers made contact with my cheek she gently wiped across, from my nose to the edge of my cheekbone. I gave her a quizzing and confused look, which she returned yet she accompanied hers with an answer. you were crying. She whispered it as though half her voice had lost its way to her mouth. I scrambled to a standing position and backed up against the wall in a defensive position. i was what? i could not feel emotion, thats what i had been taught all my life. So how could i be crying? Adam, you were crying. Why is that so surprising? What did you not expect to feel anything? Did you not care so much that you had disregarded ever feeling emotion about leaving me? Is that it? she had said all this in nothing but a whisper, yet that same whisper had held so much emotion that for all i knew she could have been Martin Luther King. I was still too in shock from learning about my show of emotion to answer her, which didnt go down well with her. I spent everyday thinking about you from the moment i first laid eyes on you! Adam we have a connection that i cant quite explain!

You cant just toss that aside. Im not letting you leave until you realise... I didnt let her finish. I held my hand over her mouth until her silent rant had soaked into the inside of my palm. I was still staring at her wide eyed but i had found my vocal chords in order to present her with an answer. i cant feel emotion! it came out as a sort of strangled wail which in all fairness wasnt a shout but caused Lucies mother to stir in the next room. I began to back-off as i heard feet hit the floor in the other room and as they began to head this way i quickened my pace, climbing out of the window just in time for Lucies bedroom door to swing open. I hung on the window ledge with one hand, contemplating my new knowledge, whilst staring into the pitch black. I could feel. I already had limited sense on the outside, but to find that i could react to emotion meant that i could feel. Normally it was like being an egg. My mind was the yolk, never quite touching the shell because it was surrounded by nothingness. But now it could. I had started crying because i hadnt wanted to leave Lucie. I couldnt leave. For the second time this night i decided i couldnt leave. But this time i was dead certain.

I was weak when i decided i had to leave, but if i could feel now then that doubled my chances of feeling strong enough to stay and to protect Lucie. I would have to protect her. The whole reason i was meant to leave was to spare Lucie the Battle that i was running from. The battle that decided weather i was Adam or the monster. I tuned out of that line of though being the coward i am and tuned into the movement in the room above me. Lucies mother was just leaving the bedroom with Lucie trying to shoo her out the door without succeeding. Finally though they bid each other good night and after a few minutes of making sure her mother had gone to bed, Lucie speedily shuffled to the window and peered out. She didnt see me at first, so i pulled myself up quickly to catch her by suprise with a kiss on her neck. With this new found knowledge and the happiness brought by knowing i didnt have to leave Lucie my body took over my reactions. I climbed into her bedroom once more and held her face between my hands, causing our lips to collide again. We were locked in the embrace for a few minutes before we both came up for air and leaving lucie stood stunned and panting for oxygen i strolled over to her bed and lay down stretching out with a huge smile spanning the width of my face.

When i looked over at lucie again she had a bemused expression on her face, like she was attempting to be angry but just so relieved that i was staying that she couldnt care what had gone on before. She walked over to the bed and led by my side, cuddling up to my ribs, her head squashed into my under arm. Peering down i saw her with her eyes closed and her lips arranged into a smile, lighting up her face. So do you want to tell me whats going to happen now? she peered up at me a happy grin cloaking her worry. i have to protect you... i spoke under my breath so that she wouldnt hear and even though it was a side comment it drove full force to the front of my mind. How was i going to protect her? I had been watching Lucie from a distance for over a year now but it had only been pit stops whilst running. I must have ran the perimeter of America three times now but i had never stopped in one place for over a month, it was usually fortnightly visits in each destination, but if i were to stay with Lucie, there were going to track me down for sure. If they found out about Lucie they would use her against me. They might hurt get to me. I couldnt let Lucie get hurt. We will be Lucie and Adam. I attempted a smile at her and it must have passed because she chuckled.

What? As opposed to Lucie and Luke? she giggled into my side and began to focus on tracing my scars through my drenched t-shirt, as i answered her in a whisper. No, instead of the girl and the monster....

Chapter 11
The Silence as we led there was peaceful. It wasnt charged with passionate, fiery tension, but a sweet calm atmosphere that cradled us in its embrace. Every now and again he would brush his fingers through my hair or lean down to kiss my forehead, repeatedly checking if i was okay. I would have gladly led there all night, led in his strong, warm embrace, tracing his scars over and over to remind me how special he was, but there were questions to be answered, and answers to be questioned. I sat up and stretched, out of the corner of my eye watching Adam stare at me, with an appreciative then questioning look. I blushed and wiggled up the bed to lean by his head. He mimicked my posture so that we were each on our side staring at the other. The silence stretched between us. We were both waiting for the other to begin. Led there, staring at him, a rush of questions flooded upon me and i had to shut my eyes to categorize each in my head. I heard Adam shifting on the bed and before i could open my eyes i felt his soft lips on mine. It was a brief encounter but his taste exploded in my mouth and i leaned in for more. His arms circled my waste as i straddled his hips, blocking any escape. My whole world was centred on his lips that felt so much like home, like i had been kissing these lips my whole life, but still it felt

like more, it felt like these lips, oh so gentle and soft against mine...had been made for mine. My tongue swept his top lip and all i could taste was the rain, like instead of being inside wrapped up in each others embrace on the bed, we were stood in a ferocious storm, each protecting the other from the furious elements. I could feel his hands grip my side as he returned the gesture, but instead of causing pain, it just made the moment more intense. Our bodies were pressed entirely against each other now, not wanting to separate, his mouth was consuming mine and in that moment i could not have thought of a better time or place that i would ever run to. I would always run to Adam. I gripped his huge head with my tiny hands and pulled his lips closer to mine, which was almost impossible because of how close we already were. I felt like i was meant to be doing something else, something that was important, something to do with Adam, but as i was just on the brink of retrieving it, Adam rolled us over so that he was straddling me, making sure our bodies never broke contact. Opening my eyes i saw something that made my world spin. Adam had taken his shirt off and his perfectly muscled torso was just above my belly. I felt a fiery hot flash of desire streak through my body, from head to toe, coming to a stop in my belly, bubbling and squirming with intensity. I dragged my hands from Adams head to his bare stomach and felt the skin that stretched over his well built muscles. Even with the scars that ran from the tips of his shoulders to the top of his hips in a thin Y, his beauty was completely encompassing.

I pushed Adam up and raised my hands above my head, he peered at me questioningly for a moment before his eyes widened and he reached slowly for the hem of my t-shirt. I gazed at him adoringly and that seemed to be all he needed to complete the action, lifting my shirt over my head and throwing it to the floor. He appeared to be trying not to look at my bare torso, by staring straight into my eyes. I realized he was scared. I reached up and held his face in my palms, dragging his head forward i placed the lightest of touches on his lips, he responded instantly and he continued to explore my face and neck following on from where he had got to before. Only this time he had much more to explore. I gripped his torso and led it against mine, revelling in the way his skin felt against my bare stomach. His stomach was just as warm as his lips, making it impossible to pretend I was in a rain storm any longer. I looked down to see Adam placing tiny kisses along my neckline, every now and again brushing his tongue back over the skin he had kissed. The warmth in my belly writhed at each touch, making my eyes roll. I gained some sanity just in time to see a shadow at the window...watching me and Adam. I scrambled to a sitting position and whispered to Adam, Theres someone at the window... Adam shot up, off the bed in a flash and stood facing the window. His back taught and his fists clenched like he was ready to face an army, His face furious. I looked back at the window and the shadow was gone.

Getting to my feet i began to walk toward the place where the shadow was but Adam threw out his arm to stop me. He was still peering at the window, an odd calculating look on his usually peaceful, yet sad face. I swear Adam, it was right there! He didnt answer me but continued to look at the window a now worried look on his face. He gripped my elbow and drove me back to the bed, never breaking eye-contact with the window. I sat on the bed, whilst it groaned in protest, fiddling with my hands, a habit that had haunted me ever since i was young. Finally after what felt like an hour, Adam turned back to me, with a resigned, fearful look on his face. Too soon, was all he said, looking at the wall behind my head. What do you mean too soon? it was meant to sound threatening, after all my nerves were frayed and he had just kept me waiting for an hour, but it was only a squeak that came out of me. He watched me with his sad, peaceful eyes and blew out a long breath that made the hair around my face flutter. The smell of rain again, I loved that smell. He looked down whilst he spoke, fidgeting with his fingers, but never meeting my eyes. I need to tell you about myself, where i came from, what i am... Now that his lips werent on me i remembered what it was i meant to do. It was to ask him about himself, but now i didnt even have to ask. He was giving the information to me free of charge.

He was struggling to get the words out, so i pulled him to me on the bed and we returned to the position we had originally started in-led on our sides- before our passion had interrupted us. I rummaged for the thick wool blanket mum had knitted for me last year and pulled it over both of us. Then i held his giant hand in my own tiny, pale ones that looked terribly fragile holding his. He watched our hands for a minute or two, evening his panicked breathing before he began. I guess i should start with how i came to be. It all started years ago, i was created or born, in a huge mansion type complex, somewhere in Europe, surrounded by a thick forest that spanned for miles around the perimeter. As he described his home his face grew loving and happy like he could see it there and then. I started out as nothing, an empty case if you will. He hadnt thought of the emotions and feelings that went with a person he just wanted to create something living and breathing, to prove it could be done. Back then i was a robot, i learned how to walk and use muscles, but i was effectively empty. His expression turned pained and angry, but he never removed his hand from mine, instead he held one of my hands in his, circling the smooth skin of my palm. That was until he left me in the ground one day whilst he answered a call from one of his associates. I had wandered over to the edge of the thick forest, it had always intrigued me, an peered into the darkness. I could see a little way in, the outline of an animal, so i wandered in to where it lay.

It turned out to be a baby faun. I thought it was sleeping first of all, so i bent down to stroke it gently. When it didnt move, i continued to watch it and realized it wasnt breathing. I then began to breathe rapidly and walked round in circles with my face in my hands. I remember looking up and realizing it had started raining just as my eyes began to water. That was the first time my eyes had ever done that and my reactions were all wrong. It made me angry cause i didnt know what was happening. I started to pound the nearest tree with my fists, trying to get rid of the anger. And then My eyes were watering so much i could no longer see the tree, i sank to the floor and sat there for about 3 hours, trying to work out what had happened to me. Then i realized i had felt pain. By this time Adam was crying himself, tears dribbled down his cheeks, but his eyes were boring into mine, willing me to understand. I leaned forward and kissed each trail of tears until they stopped, then stared into Adams eyes with as much love as i could muster. I remember walking back through the forest and across the grounds to him late that night and finding him panicked and pulling at his hair as i walked through the door. He hadnt been happy, he began screaming at me, threatening me with death, but i didnt care what he said, his threats meant nothing, cause this time it was different. I began to get angry again, i didnt start crying again like i had with the faun, this anger was different. I was angry at him for the way he was treating me, like i was worthless, like i was an empty case...

Adam refused to meet my eyes now, however he gripped my hand tighter, like every moment of my touch was what he lived for. i walked toward him and grabbed the nearest utensil i could find in his lab, It turned out to be a scalpel. That didnt mean anything though. I was created with the strength of ten men. I whipped the scalpel across his face, it created a huge scar that spanned from the bottom of his right cheek to the centre of his forehead that began to pour with blood. The sight of it had shocked me, but i was still enraged from his earlier attitude. However i realized if i carried on he might end up like the faun. So I fled my home, never to look back. Adam leaned into kiss my cheek then and i realised i had been crying. Please dont cry for me Lucie. I am not worthy of your tears, I began to wipe my eyes but found it was a wasted effort. The tears were never ending. I worked up enough breathe to ask what had happened after and he began to explain. I ran, for days on end, getting on boats, trains, never getting caught, and ended up in here in England. Then i found this little town that couldnt be found on any map i looked at and settled down in the forest. Ever since Ive been watching you... His words had startled me, but rather than finding it creepy i blushed, no boy had ever cared that much for me. I knew my next question might anger Adam, but i needed to know the answer. What happened to...him.

Adams face grew dark yet wary, he watched me trying to assess my reaction to what he was about to say, then gave a resigned sigh. He tried to find me i suppose but i never heard anything from him. Well...that was until tonight. I gasped. What do you mean? Adam stared at me looking just as frightened as i was. That was him at the window.

Chapter 12
Lucie became upset over the news that HE was back, but it had only taken her a couple hours to calm down, for any normal person it would have been so much longer, she was strong. I was walking to school now, it was pouring with rain, but i wasnt sure why. Normally the weather was determined by my mood and at this moment i was calm, and a little bit unnerved. I had woke up this morning in the trees alcove after walking home from Lucies that night to find a note pinned to the tree. I scanned the area surrounding the alcove but there werent any signs that anyone had passed through. I picked up the note and unfolded it and the unease grew stronger. A mans elegant scrawl was spread over the inside of the paper and it read; Boy, It has been a long time, So long in fact, that I did not recognize you at first sight. You have not aged, just...changed. You have become yourself boy, That was not my plan. & My plans never fail, as you well know.

Shes pretty, the girl. She is too good for you; you are after all a monster.

Your my monster, as you always will be. Remember that. For you will be mine once more, I have come for you. I had screwed up the paper and punched a tree. But my anger still had not dispersed, that was my reasoning for walking to Lucies house this morning to meet her. Her house was the other side of town from the woods and at first i thought walking it off would be a good idea, but now with the words on the paper repeating in my head, i had a strange sense of being watched. I broke into a jog, half in fear and half out of anger for being fearful, when the unease grew to much, i was only 2 blocks from Lucies house now so i began to relax. It was the wrong thing to do. Two cars rounded each end of the street and began crawling towards me, my stride grew larger; the cars sped up. They were his cars. There was an alley way up ahead that took me through to Lucies street, if i could just get there before the cars Id be safe...ish, but that would be dragging Lucie into it. I stopped, the cars were too close for me to avoid, and the alley was too far away even if i did want to use it. My hands were bluish in the autumn morning, but i could only feel the slightest bit of cold. It was odd how much emotion i could feel compared to how little my sense of touch actually worked. Right now was an example of that.

With my semi-permanent numb hands held over my heart which felt like it was bleeding cause of the thought of leaving her. The cars stopped by my feet. I looked up to see two men, one getting out of each car. They began to approach me, but i had already planned the action i was going to take. I waited till they were within spitting distance before i flung both arms out, slapping both men on the face, fracturing their jaws simultaneously. From their jaws to their arms my hands clung to their flesh and twirled them into me curling my arm around their throats as they came. To anyone watching us it would look like we were dancing, but this was no dance, it was a fight to the death. I puncture each man oesophagus and drop them to the ground, theyll be dead within 10 seconds. More men climb from the cars. Four are coming at me this time; i continue to make them dance, like puppets, i snap their strings, they no longer move. By the time i have finished 10 men lay on the ground, six dead, four unconscious; theyll stay that way for near enough five hours. Now i wait. I know hes sat in that car, probably with two other men, if not more. He came to collect me, like a video-game from Argos, but Im not a toy, I will not be played.

I continue to wait and not long after a window rolls down on the car to my left. I walk steadily toward it and look in, never getting any closer. A mans voice emanates from the car. Very impressive boy, I was wrong, you have grown, you are stronger. But you are still mine. Dont forget that. I will be back and next time you will return to me. The window rolled back up and the cars sped off in separate directions. I was NOT his. My anger was on a high again, but this time i had no way to calm myself down. I looked back toward the bodies of the men- they had gone. My angered flared again and i sucked in a breath to shout, but at that moment a pair of lips met mine and i was lost to the world. Her perfume crowded my nose and her eyes fastened my vision to them, my hands gripped her waist as hers secured themselves around my neck, all i could hear was our hearts beating out of time and all i could taste was the orange she had had for breakfast on the soft caress of her lips...that ripped away from mine. Surprise! she grinned at me in a cute yet devilish way as her eyes shined where the sun hit them.

I kissed her again as a way of greeting, trying to hide my unease in her warm lips, trying to pretend there was nothing wrong. I dont think she noticed. mevrouw, I managed to get the word out in a sigh/appealing voice, adding to my building facade of calm and serenity. Have you heard anything from him? There was a deep guilt pitted in my stomach as i replied, No, he mustve left. Probably just checking on me. I did not want to lie to lucie, but if it was the only thing that would protect her then i would do it a hundred times. Are you sure? He has never checked on you before, well, from what youve told me anyway... a line formed between her eyebrows and I brushed it away with my index finger not liking the fact that Lucie was worried. Im sure, hes probably already back in Switzerland by now! Anyway come on, or we wont make it to school! A sly grin spread across her face that made me wary yet at the same time made my stomach tighten in a not so unpleasant way. We could just, go back to my house, after all, its only a study day, we havent got any exams, and mums just gone to work. On any other day i would have picked her up straight away and ran to her house, but with the events of the morning, it felt unsafe to go back to Lucies house. We needed to be around people, he would not come when we were around hundreds of people.

No, come on, we may not have one today, but I have science tomorrow and I am almost 100% likely going to fail, Id like to at least make that 99%! Her lips turned into a pout and they were just so appealing that i couldnt help the tiny kiss i placed upon them. Besides, theres always later! She brightened up a little at this and we began walking in the direction of school, her hand gripped mine, in a silent question, asking me to never let go...i held tighter as the rain slowed to a dribble.

Chapter 13
How was your day? Me and Adam were walking back from school in the warm sunshine, hands clasped together, feet in sync. It was okay, i think i might at least get an F in tomorrows science exam, and i got asked to play in Fridays rugby match against Marling Grove. The only down side was i had to wait the whole day for you! He span me around until I landed upside down in his arms, he kissed me breathless then pulled me back to a standing position and kissed me again. My head was twirling and i couldnt breathe properly, but i didnt make him stop kissing me, i lived for Adams kisses. He pulled away and stared into my eyes until my breath stopped whooshing to and from my lips. The moment was one that i would never forget, Stood in the middle of the road, lips hot yet soft against one another, with the rain soaking our clothes...nothing could have been better. Adam lifted me into his arms then and set off in a jog, trying to outrun the rain. I would have expected to be jostled and jumbled in his arms but he kept a tight hold on me, so that not even the pencils in my pencil tin could be heard. When we rounded onto my street he put me down and we ran together hand in hand the rain growing heavier just as i closed the door behind us.

I turned and found Adams lips on mine, his strange rain tasting lips swamping mine, my mind clouded over as his tongue slithered its way into my mouth, beginning to dance a very hot and erotic dance with mine. Lucie? We broke away immediately and Adam took two steps away from me. His mind was working faster than mine, because just as i was about to ask him why he did it my mother entered the hallway and stopped in her tracks when she saw Adam. A tense moment threatened to descend over the three of us but i stopped it not a second after i realised it was there. uhh mother, this is Adam, Adam this is my mother. My Mother continued to stare at Adams face as he stretched out his hand in greeting, but it took me a while to realise why. Mother? She quickly composed herself and grabbed Adams huge paw with her own. Its nice to meet you Adam, Im Florence. Adam stiffened slightly, but my mum didnt notice, she was still staring at the scar that spanned across Adams face. well, mother, uhhh me and Adam are going to go upstairs and study for our science exam tomorrow. Well see you later! My mum nodded never looking away from Adam while i pushed Adam up the stairs, just before i went up i gave her a meaningful glare, which was supposed to ask why so rude? but she continued to stand there in a trance so i just took off upstairs.

When i got to my bedroom, Adam was sprawled on my bed, eyes closed, breathing softly. He wasnt asleep, but he still looked like a little boy, dreaming of being invincible, like superman. Adam was already my superman. I snuck over to him and pounced, landing on top of him, knees either side of his waist, snuggling into his chest. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me, rubbing away the leftover tension created by the conversation with my mum. you know i think she likes me, that, or she was just incredibly curious about my scar! I lifted my head to look at his face which was concerned yet thoughtful and frowned at him. what? Im just saying, shes probably started the gossip now! ooh my daughters just brought home a boy, im going to have to make sure they never date because he has a huge, ugly, brutally disgusting, squeamish, dirty, horrific... I kissed him, it was the only way i knew of getting him to shut up. So i kissed him so hard that it felt like someone had punched me in the face, then i told him what it was about. One, my mum doesnt gossip, shes had no friends, since dad left. Two, Im nothing like my mother anyway, so she can never tell me what to do and i will NEVER give you up! Over my dead body, will you leave me.. He sat up at that moment and kissed me, hugging me closer to him until i was hardly able to breathe. I felt a tear slip between our cheeks and opened my eyes. It was Adams, i wiped it away and held

his heavy head in my hands and stared at his face until he opened his eyes. Whispering my final point Three, your scar is what makes you, you. And I love YOU. I pulled his mouth to mine then with a feverish need to know whether he felt the same, yet at the same time, just needing him. When my lips felt swollen i leaned back and stared into his eyes. Now that you know that, we need to go and make dinner, You know, since shes gossiping to all these friends she has. Adam looked at me worried. uhhh, i, uhhh dont know how to cook... He looked at me like a child who had been chastened and i couldnt help but kiss his button nose. Where do you get your food from normally, if you cant cook? I chuckled but he looked away then and let go of my hands. I...well I get it from the shop... I laughed. well thats nothing to be ashamed of, i mean plenty of people... i steal it, from the shop! I shut up and looked at him. The little boys face was back but this time he was ashamed, like he had taken two cookies out of the cookie jar instead of one. I couldnt stand to see him looking like that. well, well just have to change that wont we. I said and kissed him to make him cheer up, it worked; he kissed me back. I dragged him

off of the bed and down the stairs, hearing his feet thudding behind me on the carpeted floor. When we reached the bottom of the stairs i turned, finger over my lips in a sign to keep quiet and pulled him down the long hallway toward the kitchen. A puzzled look covered his face all the way down but i never stopped to explain. All the way down i had been checking the rooms slyly out of the corners of my eyes, but couldnt see any sign of mum so i took it she was upstairs. Instead of continuing on to the kitchen i swerved to a door just before the back door which was painted completely red, except from the small black swirly writing that read:

As after a calling bird, One tries to repeat the innocent voice It is filled with...
Adam froze in place. His shoulders had tensed up and his fists were in balls. I tried to look at his face to read what was wrong, but he kept it well guarded, never looking away from the writing. Adam? I was worried now and kept jumping to try to look into his eyes. mmm? Well at least he was answering. Whats wrong, why are you so tense? Was it me? He looked down at me then, eyes boring into mine.

Nothing can ever be your fault, please believe that Lucie. Even though that made me smile, Adam was still stood stock still and his face had turned back to the door. Whats wrong then? You got all freaky when you looked at the door! He let out a breath then and his shoulders slumped. Its nothing the writings just familiar thats all. I relaxed then and held his giant hand in mine enjoying the warmth it brought to me. Oh, well its dads, this was his room before he left, but it got all dusty and boring and mum let me change it because she didnt like to remember... well him i guess. But thats not what i wanted to show you! Close your eyes... He closed his eyes slowly, growing weary of my intentions. I stretched up to kiss him quickly, which made him smile, before i opened the door and pushed him through. Open...

Chapter 14
It was the forest...from Switzerland The trees surrounded me and bombarded me, making me feel slightly sick yet at the same time incredibly free. I could smell the pine needles and the rain covered leaves, i could hear the birds throwing songs to and from the trees. It was all the same. It was home. Over the birds i could hear Lucies sweet voice calling my name and i focused back into reality. Adam, are you okay? I hadnt noticed until now that i had at some point fallen to my knees. I got up and held her tiny face in my hands. Its home! Her face was puzzled. What? The trees, theyre the ones from Switzerland! But how can they be, i painted them without a photograph or anything and that was like 3 years ago! We stared at each other confusion on her face and excitement on mine, both stood in a stunned silence.


I settle in the love seat and reach for Lucies hand, she offers it willingly and settles on my lap, laying her head on my shoulder. The Silence is peaceful mirroring the scene painted on the walls that resembles my home so strongly, but there is one sound that i am willing to allow to break the silence.

What was home like, before you left, before you...realised?

The question seemed so ordinary, yet the memories it dredged up were anything but. I grasped her closer, not wanting to tell her what it had been like. Well before the day in the woods, i was an empty shell, there isnt much to tell about it... but youve heard that story, what about you, what was little Lucie like? I tickled her ribs gently, loving the giggle that escaped her so much that i just had to do it again and again until she was in fits and we had fallen on the floor. little Lucie was a minx, just like she is now! We both scrambled up at the quiet, gentle voice of her mothers, as if we had been doing something utterly indescribable. Just wondering if you wanted Dinner? I looked up from the scuff on my shoes that had been helping me avoid eye contact, so as not to frighten her again with my scar. Her smile stayed in place when we made eye contact and she seemed genuinely comfortable in my presence. Just then i noticed how beautiful she really was, she had delicate tree bark brown hair that

framed her face and her eyes were the colour of emerald held in water, glowing from hidden depths. She had a soft yet angled face and a small button nose that held all the features together, i also noticed she had an aged scar that was nothing more than indentation in skin, but was still visible none the less, that spanned from the left of her collar bone to somewhere under her t-shirt. I pulled my eyes back up to her face where the smile was still genuine but was also filled with the slightest concern which had been brought on by my silence. I smiled a small smile that was shy yet genuine to match hers and responded. That would be lovely, im sure i can get more information from you about Little Lucie, rather than Lucie herself. I risked a sideward glance and saw Lucie, mouth open, arms on hips in protest. I chuckled under my breathe and smiled pleasantly at Lucies mother. Of course Adam, i have plenty of stories to tell. She laughed gently before leaving the room and going to prep the dinner arrangements. I turned to Lucie and raised my eyebrows mirroring her expression and earning a scowl as a reward, making it difficult not to smirk. Do you think thats funny Mr. Leuwenhoek? her tone of voice scared me slightly because although it was jokey i didnt know how she was going to pay me back, and if it was anything to do with keeping my distance i wouldnt be able to help myself. Not at all Miss, i apologize for my rudeness, would you please accept my invitation of dining as an apology?

I held out my arm, like they would have in Victorian times and bowed waiting for her to accept my arm. I felt a gentle pressure on my arm and looked up to see her hand resting there. I stood straight again and smiled down at her, waiting for her to smile back. Your so cute, when your being a gentleman. She said and rewarded me with a smile. Well you maam, look simply delightful when you smile at me like that. I gave her a wink then led her through to the dining room, back straight, hand perfectly horizontal. But before we could get there she stopped me, pushed me so that my back was against the wall and pressed a warm, gentle kiss on my lips that was filled with longing. I think Cute was the wrong word, Hot would suffice...for now... My eyes widened as she grinned at me and i saw a flash of mischief creep across her expression. Come on, my prince. I resumed my posture with a goofy smile plastered on my face and continued to walk with her until we got to the dining room. There i discarded her seat from the head of the table so that she could sit down and then returned it once she had sat down; I sat in the chair next to her which would be facing her mother. Her mother entered the room at that point carrying three large bowls which were balanced up her arms, i went to help her but; no need Adam, im an aspiring waitress.

She giggled and gave me a wink before setting them down in the three settings we were placed at . Lucie insisted we pray before we ate which i was uncertain of until she explained the prospect; thanking god for all he gave us, which just made the prospect even harder for me to understand. i dont really get it either, Lucie told me truthfully, Dad always used to do it and ive done it ever since. At the mention of Lucies father i saw her mother stiffen from the corner of my eye and i refocused my attention onto her. Her head was bowed, but not strained, just as if she was peacefully crying to herself, but her fisted hand told me otherwise. As if she had read my thoughts she quickly hide her fists under the table and looked up taking a deep breath as she did. As she caught my eyes, i read a warning in them, as if she had wrapped something in tape warning do not touch and then hidden it away within herself. I couldnt understand the meaning of it, but i accepted the warning and turned my attention back to Lucie who was nibbling away at the salad on the side of her plate like a hamster. Following her example i tucked into to the food on my plate, so focused on what had just happened that i didnt realise what i was eating until Lucies mother pointed it out. So...are the meatballs good adam? I looked up to see her mother smirking at me and then gesturing to the plate. I looked down and realised half of my plate was missing, when peering at theres only a mere 1/8 was gone.

Lovely, great for keeping a grown mans strength up! We have to eat meat all the time when were training, but none of its a good as this Ms Dove. thank you Adam and please call me Florence. I glanced at Lucie to see her smiling into her bowl, which she was still nibbling out of and then remembered the purpose of the meal. So what sort of stories about Little Lucie have you got for me Florence, i hope theyre good. I raised my eyebrows at Lucie, who began to cough on her food and then scowled at me. I chuckled and then turned back to her Mother. Well there is the one about Lucie, the spider and Jamie longfeld....

Chapter 15
Thanks for having me, Florence. Adam said heartily, offering my mother a warm smile. I watched my mother return the gesture along with a small delicate hug, which surprised me. On the way back to the kitchen she whispered to me, you can keep this one, as if i brought round guys every day. I turned to Adam and seen him watching me with a loving look in his gaze, one that told me what three simple words couldnt. I walked close to him and slid my arms under his so that my hands connected on the other side of him. He stroked my hair and kissed my forehead, as softly as a birds wing would caress the wind, yet half of that still. We sat on the porch for a little while or more; just holding each other and watching the sun drift to sleep. The moment was so special that the slightest sound would have shattered it but, i knew Adam could not stay the whole night, as much as i wanted him to. Did you know, my favourite thing ever, is the moon? Adam, still with his arms wrapped round me, was staring happily at the sky. Any previous thoughts of mine were left to the wind as i concentrated on what he had just said. Really? I always thought it looked kind of lonely in all its beauty. Adams head hung, eyes staring at his lap as if he was exhausted. Thats the reason i love it. Because no matter how beautiful you are, everyone is-effectively-alone, just like the moon... He lifted his head to look at the moon like he just couldnt stop looking at it, even for a

few seconds. However he then looked at me again and, just like before, all though left me and all there was, was Adam. I was just like the moon, we were practically allies, that was, until i found you. Youre my moon, except once i set my eyes on you and found you were even more beautiful than the moon, i made a vow to never let you feel alone. I vowed i would always be here to comfort you...and love you. You were what was missing for me Lucie, you make me feel whole, when you smile at me i cant even begin to remember the pain that i felt back at home, when you laugh its like, like the rain could continually pound around me but it wouldnt matter because id still see a sunny day with your laugh in my ear. He took my face in his hands and held it close to his. His breath blowing over my face like a breeze on a cool summer day, the same woody aroma interconnected with it. and when you kiss me, i cant even begin to describe how it makes me feel, there are no words, actually theres only one way i know to describe it... He kissed me then, putting all his love, his passion into that one kiss, trying to convey what it meant to him, what i meant to him. Adam was many things, he was hard-working, romantic, caring, and as much as he didnt want to believe it, he wasnt a monster. But the most important thing about Adam was that he was mine. I gripped his face so hard that it must have hurt him, but he didnt complain he wanted to feel loved and show me in return how much he loved me. This passionate kiss went on for several minutes, neither one of us speaking, only the quiet whispers of our lips against each other disrupted the rain tearing down around us.

It was only when we disconnected our lips that my attention turned to the rain, for it had not been there before the kiss, in fact it always seemed to start raining when we touched. Adam? Have you noticed how strange the rain is? It always seems to start when we...touch... NO. His answer was so quick that I looked to his face and saw in his eyes that he was afraid, or rather he was anxious, but about what, i was unsure. What is it? i asked. With a resigned sigh he gave in, shooting me cautious glances every now and again through his arms that were braced on either side of his head. I can get very emotional, always have been, but since ive met you, theyve been all over the place. Before it was just if i got angry, but now its whenever you touch me and when you kiss me it...its even worse... Wait, what do you mean, What is IT? but as i said the words it dawned on me what it was. IT...IT is the rain, the thunder, its affected by my emotions. You know the tale of Frankenstein, he was created by a bolt of lightning being struck into his body, I am Frankenstein, the real one, and where i was struck by lightning I now have a connection to it. so if i get emotional it changes, takes shape according to my emotions, however where Im a monster... Youre not a monster, i whispered

Okay, but where others see me as a monster, my emotions tie into accordance with the rain and the thunder instead of the sun... His words trailed off as he watched me take this information in, anxiousness spread over his face like butter on bread, sitting in the worry lines that framed his eyes. How many times do i have to tell you i love you, for you to actually believe me? And by I Love you, i mean everything about you, not just the fact that youre cute, funny, loveable but that i learn more about you after every kiss we share! He relaxed then and laughed a shaky, relieved laugh that soon turned to a goofy, embarrassed smile. He hugged me close then, treating me to a second kiss, all the while repeating my words back to me. I Love You Lucie...

I flew out of bed the next morning, flying through my closet, trying to find clothes to wear to school, the sooner i was ready, the sooner i could see Adam. I saw mum for about 2 minutes whilst eating my breakfast, in which time she expressed her view of Adam and had began to break down his mannerisms as i walked out the door. It was a quiet walk to school, normally Adam met me, but he had text to say he was running late and that he would meet me at the usual spot but about five minutes later. As i waited i noticed two black hummers parked at either end of the street, looking rather out of place in the almost derelict neighbourhood. When they saw me inspecting each of them, despite

my best efforts of being inconspicuous they began to roll down the road, mimicking the slow chills that ran up my spine. They parked head on from one another as they came to a standstill in front of me, yet no-one removed themselves from either. The chills were still strolling up my spine but they had increased tenfold now, almost cementing me to the spot. Suddenly a man removed himself from one car and began to walk toward me. Despite the cement that was holding my feet down i tried to back away, but doing that just caused the man to speed up, so i stayed rooted to the spot. The man that was dressed in black from head to toe with a motor cycle helmet on stopped dead in front of me, holding his hand out. In his palm was a crisp white envelope addressed to me. I took it and as soon as i had the man walked back to the car that he had originally exited. Yet rather than drive away, both cars remained in their position obviously waiting for me to open the letter. I began to rip the seal, giving the crisp white fold nothing more than a glance. Pulling out the letter i realised i was shaking and wished Adam would get here quicker. Inside the letter read: Hello Darling Lucie, How wonderful it is to see you in person, I have noticed that you have been spending a lot of time with my Boy recently, I Dont Like It! I am writing to you to tell you to stay away from him, For he is mine,

As he always will be, If you wish for him to live, You will leave him, You will not speak with him again, Unless you wish for me to destroy him. You have been warned my darling. I hope you do not need warning again.

My gaze rose back to the cars, one of which had just began to roll forward, to park in front of me. The window whirred down and inside i could see a pair of black shades accompanied by a black tux, from inside the car a velvet voice drifted out which seemed oddly familiar, yet i couldnt place it: Darling Lucie, Do take my warning seriously, Adam is mine, As he always has been, As he always will be, I would not want to cause him any harm, As i doubt you do, So it is in your best interest to leave him be. He is dangerous He is a Monster.

Hes not a monster! my retort came out more sharply than i had intended, but i expect that was from the many times i had had to tell Adam the exact same thing and also because this man was threatening me. Lucie, He is a Monster, I Do Not Want To See You Hurt, You need to follow my instructions, You must leave him, For your own good, And for his. Bad things can happen Lucie, But it is your choice. I hope we do not have to speak of the matter again. Goodbye, Darling Lucie.

The window rolled down and both cars sped off, leaving me stood, alone in the middle of the road.

Chapter 16
ADAM Lucie? I could only see her back, she was crouched into a ball on the floor with sobs wracking her entire frame. Lucie, are you okay? I began to panic now, what had happened, had she been hurt? So help me god if he had hurt her... I began walking towards her. NO! I stopped in my tracks with a grinding sound across the pavement. She whipped around into a crouching position with a snarl on her face. Lucie, Whats the matter? Her deep intake of breath made me worry further, but now there was a hint of fear, she was looking at me like that... She slowly stretched until she was standing on two feet, but her expression was one of nothing but pure anger and betrayal. You said everything would be fine, you said it was sorted... but its not sorted, is it Adam? IS IT?

I stepped back as the full impact of her words hit me. She had found out. But how? She was expecting an answer but i couldnt give her one, i was speechless. She continued in a much softer and surprisingly desperate moan, staring right through to my soul. Why, Adam, why didnt you tell me? Youve just made it worse... I didnt understand what she meant by this so i waited until she continued, this time it was barely a whisper. Hes coming, Adam... Ice seeped through my body, hardening the pit of my stomach. WHAT? The skys overhead darkened and a gentle pattering of rain drifted down from the sky. From the distance a rumble of thunder made its way to our ears.


It was the afternoon by the time Lucie finally stopped crying, tears tracks rode themselves over her cheeks to rest on her chest where there was a huge wet patch from tears previously wept. She was clawing onto my t-shirt like someone was trying to rip me away from her oblivious to any change in her surroundings.

When she had finally allowed me to touch her earlier, after explaining what had happened the day HE came to get me, I had carried her back to her house and upon finding the house vacant had continued onto her room, pushing aside the temptation of returning to the little box of home that was Lucies fathers previous study. From then on she had not stopped crying except for when i had told her not to be afraid, that i would protect her, and she had explained that she was not afraid for herself, but for me. I had continually read the letter throughout this time, like clockwork, on the hour, every hour, each time the anger increasing twice as much as it had last time until i had had to bury my face in Lucies coconut smelling hair to restart the cycle of frustration. I kept thinking about how he had called her darling, for he had never spoken a kind word to anyone back home except for me, and even though she meant everything to me and she knew that, he would still not have called her darling, little girl maybe, but not darling. That name, to me would only be used in loving relationships, not to someone you had no connection to and that you had just met. As i pondered this, i noticed Lucie had fallen asleep and as much as i wanted to hold her there, could hear her mothers car outside, signalling that i should hide. I began to gentle extract myself from the bed, trying to make Lucie declaw herself from me, but even in sub-consciousness she would not let go. At the sound of her mother opening the door, my actions grew more frantic and Lucies claw grew deeper into the cotton of my shirt. Her mother began to call out and without thinking about what i was doing, i took my t-shirt off so that i could escape Lucies grasp. Her

mother began to climb the stairs and i hurriedly climbed into the wardrobe, trying to make as little noise as i could. The last thing i saw was Lucies hands clasping my t-shirt to her. ~*~

Lucie? i whispered, opening the door to her room. I had been calling to her, panic rising within me with every second that passed that she didnt answer. She was led clutching some sort of item of clothing to her chest, peacefully sleeping, looking like a child. I crept closer and gracefully sank onto the bed beside her, watching her all the while, to make sure i hadnt jostled her. The piece of clothing looked like a t-shirt and cautious of waking her i tried to remove it to get a better look, and although Lucie would not let go, i thought it looked like a mans t-shirt. Adams. The boy had seemed nice, when he had stayed for dinner yesterday, talking and laughing with both me and Lucie and the loving glances he kept offering Lucie, raised my opinion of him considerably. But something about him was off. When he had first walked in the door, i had a sense of danger from him, like danger personified had just walked into my house in disguise. But as i looked him over i noticed the scar that spanned from his right temple to the left side of his jaw, looking at it i thought that the sense of danger i was getting from him was actually a sense of despair, like he had been through so much and he was just trying

to get his life back on track, whilst continually watching his past, and what had happened. However, no matter how much i looked at him i couldnt help but think that the way he spoke and his mannerisms reminded me of someone, though i couldnt pin-point who. Whilst i looked at Lucie now, clutching Adams shirt, i couldnt help but feel happy, that she had found someone to make her happy and that she could make him happy in return. I stood up from the bed then, and crossed to the door, taking one last glance back at Lucie, i left her to sleep.


When Lucies mothers footfalls had silence on the ground floor, i snuck out of the wardrobe and went to put my T-shirt on still with Lucies hands clutching it. Sometime during the time i began to replace my shirt and the moment i got stuck, i accidentally woke Lucie, though i didnt realise it. When i felt hands guiding me i stilled and let her small hands finish the job. As my head popped out the top i placed a chaste kiss on her lips to thank her. She sank back onto the bed and i clambered on, so that she could rest in the curve of my arm. We both sat in silence for a few moments, each waiting for the other to start, or to make a move.

We both stayed silent, not wanting the thunder to hit, wanting to forget everything and just be with each other. But we knew that we could not avoid it. I started. I wont let you get hurt. But hell hurt you if you stay with me! He didnt mean that, Im too precious to him, he would never kill me. I doubted what i said, but i never let the doubt show on my face. I wouldnt let Lucie hurt. We were both knelt on the bed now facing each other, talking in heated whispers to each other which gradually became quiet talking, the angrier and more afraid we became. Adam, he was serious, youve read the letter a thousand time, You will not speak with him again, Unless you wish for me to destroy him. I wont let you get hurt. Her words cut me deep, we both sat staring at each other waiting for the other to say it, knowing what Lucie was trying to say, but not wanting to believe it. The seconds ticked by, yet neither of us spoke, we just stared, my eyes wide and afraid, Lucies beginning to tear up again. Then she said it. We have to let go.

Chapter 17
I forced the words out trying not to believe them, trying to pretend i wasnt saying them, but still knowing they were true. No. Adam whispered, agony plain on his face. I clasped his giant hands in mine, willing him to see why, willing him to listen to me and know that HE had been serious. But he wouldnt accept it. I wont leave you. His words came from between clenched teeth battling to be heard over the thunder rumbling outside. He clutched my face in his hands, a tear escaping from his eye, running over his scar and coming to rest on his shirt. I have gave up too much to just walk back to him, in surrender. I have gained too much, Ive got you Luce, I wont ever give you up and Ill always keep you safe. I am not his Luce, he gave up that right a long time ago, he kept me hidden, he wanted me all to himself, i was an object to him. But he left me to fend for myself, so I did, if he doesnt like it, well thats tough. But I would rather die, than give you up. Cause you are my life now. At those last words my resolve broke, it didnt matter how much it took, i would find a way to keep Adam, to stay together forever. I gripped him to me and wound my arms around his neck in an unbreakable hold, crushing my lips to his, putting every ounce of love into our embrace,. He responded with just as much intensity swivelling us around and lowering me to the pillow. His tongue dove straight in without even a

thought, making me smile and laugh into his mouth, which he covered over mine, devouring the happiness and searching for more. I gripped his forearms, trying to bring us closer together, merging us into one. He lowered his body to mine just enough so that i could feel his torso shiver with delight at the touch. I rolled him over so that i could lie over him instead, feeling the full expanse of his body vibrate at my touch. I gripped the hem of his tshirt and he sat up so that i could reach it over his head, flinging it across the room, and slipping my hands between our bodies to marvel at his muscled stomach. I looked up to his face, when he stopped moving and seen him with his eyes closed trying to hold back another shiver. I didnt want him to control himself around me, so i did something i had never dreamed of doing, i bit his chest. Adams eyes flew open then and his hands gripped my waist so hard that i was sure there were going to be bruises, but i didnt care. i cant control myself around you! He said it almost angrily but i knew it was only at himself. Let me.. As soon as the words were out Adam wrenched my white cami top over my head and began to explore the curves of my skin below my chin with his hands. His tongue swept across my shoulders and travelled to the base of my neck, never breaking contact with my skin. He leaned me back onto the bed and began to kiss down the pale skin of my stomach, ending at my belly button, which he suddenly bit.

A fiery ball of hunger and passion exploded in my belly and i pounced back at him pushing him back against the pillow and licking his scar from his right temple to the left side of his jaw. He shivered with delight and growled like a wild animal. I vow to never let you go, Adam. Whether sun or rain I will never stop loving you, my Frankenstein. He grinned then and placed a hot, lingering kiss on my lips, making me float on cloud nine. And i vow, to make it my lifes mission to make you the happiest and most loved person on this planet, mevrouw, you are the only thing that i care about in this world, making you the only one i love, forever. I clutched him to me then and set a long, passionate kiss on his warm lips as the thunder roared outside swimming in the lightening. The window flung open, making us both jump out of our skin at the same time, my mothers voice carried up the stairs, asking if i wanted dinner. Adam got up to shut the window, but once he got there i saw a shiver, rush up his muscled back. i jumped off the bed at once and ran to the window, clutching the bed sheets around me. Outside the two black cars were parked on the curb once again, the window of one was open and from within we saw the black sunglasses standing out from the darkness. I looked up at Adam, but he didnt take his eyes off of the sunglasses. I threaded my arms around his back and he threaded his around mine, clutching me to him tightly, at the same time keeping the bed sheet from sliding off.

I kept my eyes on Adam, the whole time, not wanting to look at the man in the car again. Adam kept his glare, concentrated on the cars, watching them both, frozen on the road, but continually returning his eyes to the sunglasses. He wants me to speak with him. muttered Adam. I chanced a peak then down at the car, the sunglasses, edged in my direction and i was transfixed by them, from this angle and with the lightening flashing onto his face, i could see the angles of the mans face a lot clearer than i could earlier. The sub-conscious recognition of him shook me so much i stumbled slightly. Dont go. was all i said. I didnt know why his appearance had shook me or why i couldnt push away why he looked so familiar, but i did know, that i didnt want him going anywhere near either of those cars. When i glanced back at the cars, the window had rolled up slightly more, so that only the glasses were visible. He was hiding. I looked up at Adam, he was still staring out at the two cars but a look of loneliness had entered his eyes; i gripped him harder. Im here, Im your home. I Love You. Adam breathed a sigh and a tear escaped his eye, he held me closer to him, and i pressed the whole of my body flush against his side, trying to remind him physically as well as emotionally that i was here, forever and always. I Hate him Lucie, so much that it hurts, but hes home, I miss home... his voice became shaky and a tear escaped his eye but he never let me go.

Ill come with you, I began to say but Adam interrupted me. No, he could hurt you, i wont go to see him tonight. He can stay out there all he wants, but i dont want to speak to him! he swiftly wiped his tears away and reset his feet on the floor. Do you want to stay here the night? Im sure my mum wont mind. I asked in a quite mumble, forgetting the two cars and the sunglasses outside for a moment and thinking about lying in bed with Adam all night, arms wrapped around each other, a tingling feeling brushing my insides. He looked down at me, love pouring from his eyes. I would love to stay the night. He smiled and kissed me softly on my lips. He turned back and shut the window, taking one last glance at the car with the strange sunglasses in it before closing the curtains as well. We made our way down stairs silently after putting our clothes back on and Adam had collected his things, I made sure mum wasnt in view when i opened the door and invited Adam in. The cars had disappeared from outside, but i still shut the door rapidly, just in case. He left his things at the foot of the stairs and we walked hand in hand down the corridor toward the delicious smells of food. Hey mum, what are we having? She looked up at us, flour covering the vast majority of her face and grinned.

I was stood with my back to Adam who was leaning on the door frame, Arms wrapping around my waist, chin on my shoulder, smiling at my mum. Her smile soon turned quizzical as she noticed our puppy dog eyes though. Mum, please can Adam stay tonight? His parents went to dinner and he doesnt want to stay home alone, cause he lives in the forest and... Sure. I stared shocked at her. Really? i asked excitement in my voice. Yes, thats fine, as long as he sleeps on the couch. My smile caught and i groaned; i knew there was going to be a catch. Errughh, well can i sleep on the other couch then, i dont want him to be alone. My mother peered up at me, with an expression i couldnt quite name but then suddenly broke into a smile and laughed. Your face, she laughed, Sure, as long as he doesnt mind snoring. I glared at her in protest as Adam, hugged me tighter, his chest rumbling with laughter. I dont snore! I exclaimed, standing with my arms crossed, still pressed against Adam. Yeah, you do. Youre like a steam engine! at her own joke, my mother collapsed into laughter, almost face planting the bread dough she had just made.

I could feel Adam chuckling behind me and looked up to scold him, but when i seen the smile on his face, all my insides melted and i smiled back. He kissed my forehead and made me blush, before leading me into the dining room. Before we sat Adam noticed the stereo huddled in the corner. Wait here! he said and ran to the bottom of the stairs. Before i could even wonder what he was doing, Adam was back with a small white envelope in his hands. Whats that? i asked, but instead of answering me, he proceeded towards the stereo and after fiddling with it for a moment broke away from it and walked over toward me. May i have this dance mevrouw?

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