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Camarillo, Jervin Ralph B.



1. Ask students to picture a young woman walking down the street with three young children. Ask
students to respond as to what they think the relationship is between the woman and the
children. List the different responses.
Based on what I have mostly seen on the street, when I see a woman with three young
children walking down the street my first idea will be the woman is the mother of those three
young children. Because it is common that the person who mostly loves to go out with their
children is a mother specially if her children are still young so she could be happy having her
children on her sight without worrying.

2. Ask students to imagine that they are in a car. They stop at a traffic light and a limousine pulls up
next to the car they are in. Ask students who is in the limousine. List the different responses.
If ever a limousine pulls up next to our car the person that will come first to my mind is
political person. Because most of the time those people who are in politics has the access to that
kind of car.

3. Lead discussion around the students' different responses. Draw parallels between how each of
us perceives information differently depending on our own experiences and what we have been
exposed to in our lives.

4. Have each student write about a recent conflict which she/he believes was a result of
perception differences.
When I was in my junior high school day our school held an event where in we need to
wear a costume. As a person who is not into costume I had to force myself wear a costume for
the sake of my grade. But I just really want to wear a formal outfit instead of costume. But in
that day I saw some of them wearing formal attire while I am wearing a costume. I didn’t realize
that time that costume was not just about wearing some hero’s attire.

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