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Answer: According to Mark Clarkson, Stakeholders are persons or groups that have claims,
property or ownership in a corporation, may it be from the past, present or future. Stakeholders
also share particular interests in operations of the organization or corporation, wherein these
can affect those who are connected to it. There are two classifications of stakeholders, they are:

Primary Stakeholders- those shareholders, investors, employees, customers, and suppliers

together with that is defined as the public stakeholder groups: governments and communities
who provide the infrastructure, market, laws, and regulations.
Secondary Stakeholders- The latter, are defined as those who influence or affect the
corporation but are not engaged in the transactions with the corporation and are not essential
for the survival like media and interest groups.

While there are also category of stakeholders:

a) internal stakeholders – employees, management
b) connected stakeholders – customers, suppliers, competitors
c) external stakeholders – government, pressure groups


Answer: A Stakeholder interest is defined as the center of focus of the organization or
corporation. It is the motivation that helps them move and divert their attention to and remain to
that. Stakeholders can gain benefit or lose in it in how much they have put their interest in and
how they approach it by their efforts. Each stakeholder’s interest may vary to:

Economics. An employment training program might improve economic prospects for

low-income people, for example. Zoning regulations may also have economic consequences
for various groups.
Social change. An effort to improve racial harmony could alter the social climate for members
of both the racial or ethnic minority and the majority.
Work. Involving workers in decision-making can enhance work life and make people more
satisfied with their jobs.
Time. Flexible work hours, relief programs for caregivers, parental leave, and other efforts that
provide people with time for leisure or taking care of the business of life can relieve stress and
increase productivity.
Environment. Protection of open space, conservation of resources, attention to climate change,
and other environmental efforts can add to everyday life. These can also be seen as harmful to
business and private ownership.
Physical health. Free or sliding-scale medical facilities and other similar programs provide a
clear benefit for low-income people and can improve community health.
Safety and security. Neighborhood watch or patrol programs, better policing in high-crime
neighborhoods, work safety initiatives – all of these and many other efforts can improve safety
for specific populations or for the community as a whole.
Mental health. Community mental health centers and adult day care can be extremely
important not only to people with mental health issues, but also to their families and to the
community as a whole.


Answer: In definition, Stakeholder analysis is the process of identifying an organization’s
stakeholders and their interests, assessing their influence, or how they are impacted by the
organization, so as to formulate strategies for managing relationships with them. Stakeholder
analysis has 5 qualitative pillars, which are: stakeholder agency, system roles, power and
influence, alignment to the problem, and transformational potential.
Agency- Groups or Organization that the Stakeholders hold. However this can also be defined
as the main human point, where culture, understanding, values and knowledge can be aligned
and seen.
System Roles- Differences of work and tasks that are handed down inside the Group or
Power and Influence- The amassed influence that manifests inside the group or organization
and how it affects each member.
Alignment to the Problem- Staying to the sole roles and responsibilities that is assigned or
designated to the particular Stakeholder, however, a Stakeholder can contain more of these
Roles and functions as well.
Transformational Potential- The flexibility and susceptible of change to improve further.


Answer: A Stakeholder’s interest is important in decision making, this steers the group or
organization into a goal and range of ideas. When an Organization generates ideas, it must
come to mind that it is important to be communicative and lay flat all the available and created
ideas. The more that the Stakeholders involvement increases, the more it can get feedbacks,
concerns and it undergoes research and evaluation. A Stakeholder’s interests can decide
proper decisions by it.

Chapter 7. Encouraging Involvement in Community Work | Section 8. Identifying

and Analyzing Stakeholders and Their Interests | Main Section | Community Tool

Box. (n.d.). Community ToolBox. Retrieved November 5, 2021, from


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