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Good morning, everyone, welcome back to our ongoing In-Service Training focusing on "Empowering Educators:

Research-Driven Professional Development for Teachers." During our last session, we delved into the critical realm of
research during our introductory session with Ma’am Kristine Patinga on Introduction to the Research Project: Setting the
Stage for Inquiry.
Our distinguished speaker provided a comprehensive overview of the importance of incorporating research into
the field of education. During her presentation, she shared insightful examples from her own research endeavors,
showcasing sample research titles that spanned various topics. These examples ranged from exploring different teaching
approaches to investigating the impact of technology on student engagement, offering a glimpse into the diverse areas of
educational research. The diverse examples and compelling stories shared by our speaker have set the stage for an
enriching exploration of how research can truly transform teaching practices.
As we gather today, let's carry forward the valuable insights gained from our introductory discussion. Our focus
will now shift towards practical applications and strategies, to ensure that we educators can effectively leverage research
for our professional development. So, let's approach this session with curiosity, engage in fruitful discussions, and
collectively contribute to the ongoing development of our educational community. Together, let us elevate the teaching
profession to new heights. Let's make this learning experience both insightful and inspiring!

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