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2) ee Tat el eek Celt ear) ity: (=) 1 (=) aeemecaaieaees ie | ION ow ‘i | = We build Dragon’s new Sd.Kfz 10/5 a Ca) Ree AC 2 VT Tg And if you wish, only in our web shop, ask for your signed FAQ2 by Mig Jimenez Tracks ‘Accesories for tanks Special effects Diorama compositions s ‘Around 300 pages = ‘More than 1400 photos Color Modulation 4 ‘Mud, fresh and dry Dust Weathering techniques: Wet effects ‘Streaking effects Chipping fuids Washes and fading Salt technique Ol paint techniques Hairspray Oil and fuel By MIG Jimenez and in collaboration with Adam Wier. perce ome ‘mth bast igh Resldon aly, ated Erlich BSeececes Eres [secrets tt hows wok wh rt eer exams neers Seomeen arene cs Sree £ Senta a on a Ce Farm Aid Rick Lawler modifies Mk35 Euitions 1:35th Tractor John F. Steinman models the MiniArt kit Serving the Sultan Emilien Ppen pimps Tamiya’s Pink Panther We take a close look at the new Dragon kit and present some previously unpublished wartime images from the collection of Alan Ranger ‘Sherman Up Close David Doyle continues his series looking in detail at the Sherman variants. ‘One Sixteenth Superking Part Seventeen of the Editor’s ongoing 1:16th Trumpeter King Tiger project. 10 su-7em 18 26 Sdkfz 10/5 40 46 54 Keeping Track More new releases. ‘AEV Modeller is published Bimonthly by ‘AEV Modeller ts (la Stabies East Moor ‘Stannington Northumberland NEGt GES. Tei: 01670 e20640 Fax: 01670 820274 ‘email: Gavii@atvmodelercom Editor and Designer: David Parkor Deputy Editor Donald Campbell ‘Sales Director Keith Smith Issn 1747-4103, ABV rilr welcomes cotfintora bom rested patos, but cart acoept ay respon er wnsclted mato ‘Te contents of this pubeaton clung al aries, cawings and photographs nginatod by AFY Modal td bacomo the pubsshars copyright under apy eoredustion nan erm reuices the wnt consent of the aubisner Wit every cares taken to evotd stakes AFV Modder td cannot be feb in any way or eters ODIFIES MK35 EDITIONS 1 H The war in the former Yugosiavia during the centuries-old prejucices between the former communist contolled fighting. In August 1995, the Croatian army 200,000 Serbs tac to Serb-het Bosnia or 10 Se ‘icky reclaimed rebel strongholds such as and Bosnia helped generate momentum ‘with the foreign ministers of Bosnia, roatia, and Serbia representing the Bosnian Serbs) agreeing tothe underying principles for an arangement by ough Kralina, burn property and engaging in mas ethnic Serbs, The Dayton ag 1 looting kiting of reached in November 1995 brought a ‘general peace to the region, wth halting by the end of 1998 oe eed eee ec oen ee eres Cees eee as ee eas Se eee Se ee See eet eee ere toes ee ene eee) Sete ae eee een ee eee) ee tone eee ees arena ees Oe ere Ree ete a ad ere eee ees ee ce oak eee ee eee SR Se ene et eee Fe re ee md that thie would be an incredibly fun project. \While gathering my thoughts on how to See ey ea Tae ea elie) Cee eee ed ee eee eeu et eae ee en ed See ae) Sen cnt eee ee ae ee rc eee ee ed Dee err eee ee ened Se Te er eet eee ge) Ree eee) eee eee rr ed Cee ned eee erent ee ete) ee eka eres perenne aes eee neon ce et ee ees ee tea eee cy Peepenor eamrrntiy ere acd Cea ac) Se ee eae) Cee eee ons eee eee eee ‘Shadow Brown directly into all of the nooks ee ee ee ea et enter See een eee eee eee ee ee to the tinal presentation. At this point the eee eet eet eee eee Den eed ee eer ener ter er See eae ees ‘base colour layer, n this case bluish steel Cee enn) pee tee eee) eee eee tyr eee ae aed textures and colours. Experience has eee ted tone down significantly during the peer ss eee eee etree) re er eee od Pee eas eee ete Cee een ge ee Ne ee es eee eerie eee eet ee ee eee eee eee een eee ee ee eer er eee eens Pe eee eee Se Siete ere tered eet ee pee ee eee Ce eats ee eerie Ce ee ene ee eee ee eee ear mer ete to eae trl) tee eer eee ee eee rr . ae =~ Se seed ee ee ery Seen) ene eee) Sree eee aa eeetl Se ee ee eee oi eno the Warriors range and are painted using Sas ei un pea eda Ce een eet ed een ee eee tree! Ree ec eco ee Ce ee ens et Pr Rice era Tractor Reece eee Se toy reece eee re ar ST ea ae ay eee ere ie eee eee eee eee een es eee ey Earn “The detail of the mouicing fs good but there Is significant fash and herrendous sink ‘marks on ether sce of te breach block ‘Because of the poor ft you may be ‘tempted to ilin the large cap between the recuperator halves, don't, this should ‘actually be present! | replace the kit barr ‘th one tured from aluminum and acided ‘welds to tne recuperator and mantiet per my reference photographs. The gun sight was detailed with a new eyepiece and the ‘Gun cradie had eome missing bolt deta ‘added, The armoured shield that fits ‘around the gun needs filer and sanding, ‘and its ft withthe gun teats poor, requiring ito be alved to the mantet. This ‘meant loosing the ablity to elevate anct depress the gun, which wit make painting ‘and finishing a tad more aifcut later. Make sure to slide tne recuperator cover over the ‘barr before cementing on the muzzle ‘brake. | chose to leave my brake off unt! painting of the gun was completed. Lots of scary things have been said about this kts running geer, and Ihave to agree ath most of them. With that said, wth a litle TLC, and some pre-pianning, an ‘acceptable outcome is achievable. The frst thing Is 10 medity the potion of the ‘suspension arm that inserts into the hu tub. As the running gear sprue comes trom Minlart’s 7-70 kit and the T-70's tub is ifforent, tnere is a notch that must be removed for the parts to mate proper Because of this, the suspension arms are {reety positionable and a jig must be used 10 set the ride height of the hull. Ideally this ‘should be set to one scale fect, oF 8.7mm In 1:35th scale. The ft of the road wheels to the arms is very tight, 60 not foree ther on, {a the suspension arms are very thin and fragile. | chose to increase the size of the Igoue. As the fit ofthe individual link tacks Is faity 10080, | decided to build up @ complete suspensiontrack subassembly that | would paint separately and add to the ‘made near completion. Bullaing up the rest ofthe lower hull is straightforward though you must watch out forthe ft of parts 32 and 99. Make sure thet they sit lush, not recessed to, the hull ‘ides. Also the armoured shield that protects the exhaust pipe as It exits the hull top wil not tonto part 99, unless part 99 Is trimmed, I chose to remove the moulded ‘engine air exhaust vent screen and replace Itwith photo etch. As there ls no dedicated ‘photo-etch set for tis kt | trimmed the rear overhang soreen from an Edusra Stu MG sot tot. | also added some missing otal using stip stock and Grant Line rivets to the recessad area on the hull top that allows clearance for the gun mantet, Missing weld detail around the driver's hatch bullet splash shield was added using (0.010 styrene roc and then shaped with a yrograuve. | replaced the kts tow cable ‘ith one madi from brase wire, as well ab the cable clamps and locating guides on the glacis pate. For the lator !used strip ‘styrene formed to shape with Model Kasten vwangnuts added. ‘rackisuspension runs, the gun and tower pul | am enty loosely folowing the kit's at this point, leavening of a later. The next area to improve are the mou ‘luo to attach thom. removed the moulded on detall, san applied the ns ‘2 PPSH mount tnat would be ematy nea cover bows made de dotals that | made a ‘boars haa no resemblance to anything that {eoule find ae wall as a total rebuild of the ‘ammunition racks using the kit parts, stip took, load fll and Hussar turned brass rounds. | added the rear pate tothe hull tub and then a new air inlet access hatch ‘wae made trom PE brass screen, stip andl round stock with Model Kasten wing nuts. ‘Also added were the rest ofthe emaior ‘syrene U hooks to replace the moulded on Cones and the ubiquitous missing weld was replaced with one made trom lead wire and strip stock. Both sides of the superstructure were then cemented to the front plate with welds acéed where peeded. The upper superstructure was not ‘eas0 tho fnishing ofthe flanting pours to dry, | permanently cemented the ‘superstructure to the lower hull The ft, ‘even with more than sufficient test fing uring construction, was interesting at best! ‘The mutlers were added ae well as the ‘mutter pipes, which hac been coated In tissue stips soaked in dtted white glue. [Nuts and bolts and strip stock detalled out the exhaust system. Cotton woo! and masking tape were ‘applied to protect the internal areas already finighed and a base primer coat of Tava XF-1 and XF-10, diluted 60 percent with ‘Tamiya lacquer thinner, was appliod. A coat (of ABO followed, dlluted with X-20A, allowing some of the primer to snow ‘through at the edges of panels. Te top ‘edge of the superstructure was masked ere the foul weather tarpaulin would Covert and the fish was post shaded by thinning the 480 50 percent and adding compartment. With the construction of the ‘major components completed | switch ry {attention to the ema details, Al the OVM tools wore added, but the te down clamps were dotalled, fenders were damaged, then added and a foul weather tarpaulin, complete with patch, was fabricated trom ‘Magic Sculp and draped over the top tront of the superstructure. The only part of the kt that has been omitted at this point was the mutfars and asbestos covered exhaust pipes. Painting coat of Tamiya XF-1 Flat Black on all the Internal areas started things off. Once dry fa fst coat of 480 green from a custom mix of Tamiya paints was appied allowing ‘some of the black to show through. Tho bu. The masking was removed and the highlights forced by incremental lightening Of the 480 the higher a detall was raised. ‘The tools, headlight and hom (hese are Civlian tome and on many Russian vehicles retained their black colour) were painted, land then a fter of MIG P244 applied. A ‘mix of Valo 837 and 894 achieved the fist set of iow level chipping ana scratching. Two more fiters, one of P245 land the other P246, followed, To prepare for decats Future gloss cost was spotted on ‘and left to sit over night. The next day the iit decals were appad using Micro- Solflicro-Set, then the whole kt received 8 ‘tin coat by mixing some Tamiya Flat ‘ase Into Future. Pin washes wlth MiG’s Dark and Neutral washes were next, lating ‘each application dry before applying the next to keep them from muckdying together. “The tonnau cover was tackled next, As it has such @ prominent position on the top of ‘mi was lightened with Bu, and a post ‘shade coat applied. Highlights were forced ath @ mix of Vallojo 837 and 008. A titer of P24 from Sin Industries was then applied Uniformly and allowed to dry two hours, (Chipping and ol stains fotlowed, and ploments finished things off. One rack of the Hussar shelis were painted to match steel casings of the day, while the rest were ‘von a dark oll wash and a satin coat. Most of the non-mitary extras that | cannot emphasize enough how much like their oferings, just wish their decals were of better quality.The paper products are fram the Intemet and the apples and bread are made trom Magic Sculp. ‘Attor tne paints and tlters had a good 24 the ARV I spent extra time to highlight, ‘shadow and blend Vallejo colours unt I had reached the desired etfect. To make things more interesting I decided to paint ‘checked pattern on the patch. The rmutiers received the Life Color Rust Set treatment, followed my MIG Rust Effects. Id the ‘combination of these two systems Ideal for this application. Dust and dirt buildup was ‘achieved using MIG plaments both wet and cry. Where the tracks would make contact wth tne ground | applied siver artst’s pencil finished of the build or atleast | thought 60 atthe time, by cementing al pporsonal etfects into position with PVA glue, ‘Some thing was missing. | went back to my reference photos and noticed Immediately itching bear! | have been working en techniques to paint styrene to 100k tke ‘weathered wood, 20 chose to go this. route instead of using balsa wood. After Conclusions produced and us seen auch bettor kt vars ago. While the Minion kita miles ahead! of he Alan thinners. After setting @ couple hours | version, there is till room for improvement. ‘epplied a dry brush of a very light orey then painted the ron fallojo 862, but with careful pro-plant ng and superb result can be ol Emilien Pépin Pimps the veteran Tamiya Pink Panther J) ohofar is an area in the south of the Sutanate of Oman whose Inhabitants sutfer rom taxes higher than in the remainder of the ‘country. This situation leads to an insurection, on the initiative of several clandestine groupe, whose with wil grow since 1965. vested to carry cut operations to ‘Special Ar Service's Land Rover DCE ‘were moeiic in order to ult thelr anti-guerila miasions ‘and the mosified Land Rovere were finished with their Lnigue pink camoutage, Almost inevitably they were. ricknamed ‘Pink Panther A model of its time “The veteran kit ofthe Pink Panther, was a topical subject when Tamiya fst released itn 1976 as that was only a year after the end ofthe contct in Dhofar. Although the ‘The rosin machine guns trom Blast Models are an improvement 100 over the detall ofthe old kt parts. ‘The replacement resin wheels by Hussar are of an extremely high ‘quality and reproduce perfectly the typical pattem of the sand tires, The spare wheel fited onto the photoetched support and Is completed with a butterty nut. The rear stowage pack is ‘remade from lead sheet and was based on photographs of a restored vehicle. The camoutage nets of are cut out from ‘medical bandage and fixed with PVA give diluted with water. he PSP plates provided by the Eduard photoetched set were | felt, too thin and | preferred to use Verinden versions instead, ‘The ammunition boxes received photoetched cartridges. To ade some & more rounded shape to these cartridges | used Tamiya putty diuted with acetone and applied with a brush, The dial of the instrument panel are provided by Eduard in printed onto a ‘’loar acetate fm. It as inserted behind the etched part with a ‘white backing plato. Tho dials are protected, during the painting steps, by Scotch tape aise masks. [My figure sculpting sls de not allow me 10 create a SAS figure. finaly used two ‘ld Verlinden figures “universal sicier” {or the upper body and a DAK metal {igure forthe shorts and the legs). A {alan head from Wariors and arms, ‘sculpted with MagieSculbt, were ‘combined to create figure Painting Picture 1: Folowing my usual method, | ‘sprayed a layer of black primer over the. vwinole ofthe model. Layers of grey ‘gradually hanging to white are then oversprayed while focussing on the upper parts of the model. This process has the advantage of pre-shading the model and defining the ‘shapes and volumes ofthe vehicle. Poture 2: On the primer the colour ofthe Pink Panther was ‘obtained with a mixture of pink and of yellow sands. To define {he exact nuance ofthis colour was not easy thing to achieve because restored vehicles have sometimes a quite bright ‘colour, sometimes dll and faded and the calour pictures ot the time of ime, which show a rather clear colour remain subject o the usual variances and colour balance issues. ‘chose # pure basic colour obtained by mixing red, white and ‘maroon khakis Important to take care to let the previous ‘shading show through the new pink 22 Picture 3: White Is added to the base mixture to highight the upper Picture 4: Enamel fiters are applied at various places in order to ‘add nuances and to enrich the general colour balance. Picture 8: The details aro thon painted with @ brush and acrylic colours. Ono also benefits here from adding the sculs and scrapes In the paintwork letting the undertying green paint show through. The ‘acrylic colours have a very fast drying time on a tractional pallet, 50 Improvised a wet pallet in order to presorve my mixes longer. Picture 6: A washing of ol based paint i applied around the details In order to emphasize ther. This stage requires a special attention, the wash ls deposited in small amounts around the details orn the lines of he stricture. After a tow minutes of drying, any excess paint | witnarawn with a brush soaked with enamel thinners Picture 7: After 48 hours of drying, dry brushing is carried out wath cs deposited beforehand on a piece of cardboard which will absorb the ingoed oll A flat brush ls soaked with ol paint before boing largely wiped off on an abeorbant paper. Pleture 6: The machine-guns, having been weated witha black, colour, are rubbed with Mig “Gun metal" pigments. Picture 9: The dust stage Is caried out with pigments (MigProducton, Vallejo and CMiK) and are placed on a pallet then ‘applied with a brush and ined with lighter fue. 23 ‘Completed Model “The Husear Production wheels are dusted with pigments, leaving the raised pattem of the tre visible, The quality of these parts is such a8 t would have been a shame not to emphasize the precision ofthe engraving ‘The number plato In photoetch ls painted In black before: receiving numbers cut out om a generic shest of tranefers. ‘The headlights, painted in aluminum, receive a drop of clear resin to ave the appearance the sphere of glass. The radio ls ‘supplemented by @ handset and a cord, and a Sten gun with sloncer is placed beside the driver's seat. The lans cf the ‘search ight fs painted s0 as to Ne a glare of lat tt “The wooden parts of are created by the aplication of itferent tones of chestnut and ocher over pale base. In adition to tre many elements trom the tool e2t, roy pinky" recelved many accessories takon from the spares box. It was not unusual that elements of American origin were used on these vehicles. The base is simply made of a thin piece of polyfoam. The ground is filed with broken plaster and various sizes of pebbles before being painted with shades of grey and sand colour. The final touche given by various tones of plaments, fed with ~ N L > Pievrrasairea cies h fur 2cm Flak 38 ss presen smart Kit No.6878 Iles oR NaC UL aN ad ‘This is certainty one of those subjects which has been overlooked for some time as a now stato ofthe art production from one of the big kt manufacturers, so here it s- the fist of the Sd.K'z.10 variants trom the proliic Chinese manufacturer Dragon. Already (at the time of writing) Dragon have announced a version mounting ‘the 3.7em Pak in ther limited run Cybemobby range (an earior vehicle with eifforentroadwhesis) and I'm sure there"l be mary ‘mere versions planned of this Wehrmacht workhorse that was ‘produced prior to and throughout WW ‘As our focus here is on the new kit I won't go into any history or facts and figures, lets ust get the lid off the box and smell the fresh ‘styrene. And tres itis, Dragon's finesse in moulding beggars beliot ‘sometimes and thet's your frst impression with this Kt, astonishing detail anc clean moulding in Dragon's usual ight grey plastic. The regular backing card of goodies contains a clear sprue, the Magic Tracks, a couple of etched frets and some pre-formed etched ‘brass forthe spent shell baskat on the Flak 38. A small decal sheet Completes a very comprehensive kt, a big old (wel, new) box of parts to create such a diminutive vehicle. ‘The subject ofthe kt seems to representa vehicie of around 1942 production with certain features such aa the rifle stowage panier land semaphore indicator housings along withthe Fakvisior 40 Sights on the gun and small cut-outs to te roadwhoels. For the bulls eterred to a copy of the Panzer Tracts 22-1 Leichter Zugkraftwagen 1t which isa great reference should you wish to Ssuper- new releases Se RUSSIAN STREET TTALIAN VILLAGE DIORAMA] MiniArt. 1:35 Dioramas / Buildings and Accessories Series ‘Tivos recent releases inthass impressive scenic ranges rom Minit: 36856 ‘Shed wih wooden Fence (which s move fa barn to me) 36008 alan Vilage ‘iorara’ anc 36026'Russian Stet (which coud easily depict any Ewropean, ‘bling These simply are acorama ina box. unike some plaster cast ana ‘rs ks yu got evrying you ould need to eamples a very dale $06, [the ease ofthe Diorama Sars" even the groundwork which seed ie more ‘han cat paling and some telage acing aqued. The man parts the Dlings are moulded in reli on styrene sheets (avacforming) and need ‘tmming ou and preparing before assembly Whare appicaa n nse ct ‘overs othe partis cluded so you have afl 3D construction. Smale ‘ola pars are suoplegin the Ul fashion on sprues which aro generic ‘er kts nthe ange, so you have peiy of use spares, Alo he moulding 'Sgooe, the Buldngs n parol showing sue taxures ana wood gral, Sofar than some ofthe saa othe atta we Yo used to theoe day but ‘emember hiss a osrent moulding process. The best method Ive found for ‘rimming the pars cust seibe wih aes bade and then srap the ort for aie Gean tne. Mindvt suggest using @ snap ported au (a cornpass point ‘should also oo the tick or more compiex edges, for example a damaged area ‘of brickwork, using the same sob and nap’ method. To ensure goed fea {2nd square jen sanded th vied edges on wet and dy paper ona fat Surface ora docoratng sanding pad witha efeular mot. Duoto the nature ot the eubjoct you don' mood as much nese as when working ona vehicle or ‘igure. The larger pats ine up surpsngly wel but do ned more werk n Peparaion tan the uta vehi ki Thal sald few Nous waa 10 (alto the slage wnere fa need ate Mr before pamag and pasting, ‘Scratchouleng any of these subject woul be avery ewoWed ana lengthy projet. Wnt Mins ofr ness eee an easy nay fo sry o et ‘Stared buling dioramas rf you'e more advanced wih your modeling Sis ‘he quay and choice of son wl sl kop you happy wh th option fo ads Imore detox corwert Su exact needs. Painting leehgues ae very much ‘no samo as yous approacn a verice model, Mruveswebate ars 27 excelent step-by-step guide i bullng and parting these kts which Fd highly fecommond you tae aleok a, long wna of he avalabe kis-excoert ‘minrmades com ‘Our photographs chow the assemble pats without using any Hers and a ‘quick cot of primer ancl of couse the weiss not ele

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