AI Journalists and Reduction of Perceived Hostile Media Bias: Replication and Extension Considering News Organization Cues

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Technology, Mind, and Behavior

© 2022 The Author(s)

ISSN: 2689-0208


AI Journalists and Reduction of Perceived Hostile Media Bias:

Replication and Extension Considering News Organization Cues
Joshua Cloudy, Jaime Banks, and Nicholas D. Bowman
College of Media and Communication, Texas Tech University

As news organizations struggle with issues of public distrust, artificially intelligent (AI) journalists may offer a means to reduce
perceptions of hostile media bias through activation of the machine heuristic—a common mental shortcut by which audiences
perceive a machine as objective, systematic, and accurate. This report details the results of two experiments (n = 235 and 279,
respectively, U.S. adults) replicating the authors’ previous work. In line with that previous work, the present studies found additional
support for the argument that AI journalists’ trigger machine-heuristic evaluations that, in turn, reduce perceptions of hostile media
bias. Extending that past work, the present studies also indicate that the bias-mitigation process (if AI, then machine-heuristic
activation, therefore perceived bias reduction) was moderated by source/self-ideological incongruity—though differently across
coverage of two issues (abortion legalization and COVID-19 vaccine mandates).

Keywords: artificial intelligence, hostile media bias, machine heuristic, defensive processing, value-relevant involvement

Supplemental materials:

News organizations are increasingly integrating artificial intelli- autonomic, or present truly AI capabilities, in the sense of expres-
gence (AI) technologies into newsroom practices (Ali & Hassoun, sing a transformative creativity” (Montal & Reich, 2017, p. 843).
2019), deploying them to write stories on a range of topics from However, while these technologies are primarily used to generate
sports and finance to politics (Tatalovic, 2018). At present, “only a stories from statistics or reports (van Dalen, 2012), the creative
minority of pioneering organizations” utilize AI technologies for capabilities of these technologies are progressing steadily (de Vries,
journalistic purposes and “these algorithms are still not fully 2020). They “increasingly engage in traditionally human creative
capacities” (Singh et al., 2022, p. 47), and recent research has
explored the potential of these technologies to affect news audi-
ence’s perceptions of news (Liu & Wei, 2018; Tandoc et al., 2020;
Action Editor: Danielle S. McNamara was the action editor for this article.
Waddell, 2018). To prepare for this broadening of AI’s news
ORCID iDs: Joshua Cloudy
coverage capacities, it is prudent to now consider the potential
Jaime Banks is now at the School of Information Studies, Syracuse
University. Nicholas D. Bowman is now at the S.I. Newhouse School of impacts on news processes and effects with respect to complex
Public Communications, Syracuse University. social issues.
Disclosures: The authors have no known conflict of interest to disclose. In our past work (Cloudy et al., 2021a), we investigated the
Open Science Disclosures: potential for AI journalists to trigger mental shortcuts that could
The data are available at mitigate problematic perceptions of bias in news media—the hostile
The experimental materials are available at media effect. The hostile media effect is a perceptual effect in which
The preregistered design and analysis plan is accessible at https:// opposing partisans consume an identical news story, yet both perceive the story as biased against their side (Vallone et al.,
Open Access License: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons 1985). This tendency for partisans to perceive a hostile media
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC-BY- bias—that is, to perceive that the media is biased in a hostile manner
NC-ND). This license permits copying and redistributing the work in any medium against one’s side—occurs even in the face of objective facts (Reid,
or format for noncommercial use provided the original authors and source are
2012). This perceived bias presents severe challenges for media
credited and a link to the license is included in attribution. No derivative works are
permitted under this license.
(Feldman, 2017; Perloff, 2015) and for informed democracies more
Contact Information: Correspondence concerning this article should broadly (Tsfati & Cohen, 2005). In that past work, we found that AI
be addressed to Joshua Cloudy, College of Media and Communication, journalists activate the machine heuristic (a common mental short-
Texas Tech University, P.O. Box 43082, Lubbock, TX 79409, United cut that assumes machine sources are objective and systematic;
States. Email: Sundar, 2008) which, in turn, reduces perceptions of hostile media


bias; this reduction becomes more extreme as the strength of one’s motivations of the journalists by which they may interpret the
issue attitude increases (Cloudy et al., 2021a). validity of the content (Voakes, 1997). So, instead, they often
Importantly, a limitation of that work is that the stimuli accounted rely on heuristics (i.e., mental shortcuts often engaged automatically
for cues from the news reporter but not for the potential influence of and intuitively) in making assessments of the journalist. With regard
news organization cues which could trigger other heuristics. Thus, in to people’s engagement with interactive technologies, broadly,
the present studies, we replicated those procedures across two issue evidence indicates that technological affordances of varied modali-
topics to test for potential message effects and extend that work by ties, agency, interactivity, and navigability can cue a range of
testing the impact of ideological incongruence between the AI’s host heuristics that influence credibility judgments (i.e., the Modality,
news organization and the audience member’s own political ideology. Agency, Interactivity, and Navigability [MAIN] model; Sundar,
Findings suggest that the indirect relationship between AI journalist 2008). AI journalists, specifically, offer particular agency-related
and perceived hostile media bias does vary, which we argue is a result cues—that is, the agentic source to which a news story is attributed
of differences in the topics value relevance. This investigation largely is often a machine agent. Thus, AI journalists can promote hostile
replicates the past findings (Cloudy et al., 2021a)—that AI journalists media bias-reductive heuristic judgments (Cloudy et al., 2021a) by
cue the machine heuristic, which reduces perceived hostile media tapping into audience perceptions of machines as inherently sys-
bias—with audience/source ideological incongruity influencing the tematic, objective, and lacking the inherent biases of humans—a set
process differentially across the two topics. of expectations known as the machine heuristic (Sundar, 2008).
The role that AI journalists may play in reducing perceived hostile
Review of Literature media bias has been nascently explored with mixed results; these
investigations have operationalized the machine heuristic as mod-
The mainstream media is facing a crisis of trust that presents erating the relationship between source and emotional involvement
potentially serious “threats to our democratic politics and social (Liu & Wei, 2018), moderating the relationship between source and
cohesion” (Lee & Hosam, 2020, p. 1,016). While the magnitude of perceived hostile media bias (Wang, 2021), or failed to directly
distrust in the media may have recently reached “an unprecedented measure the machine heuristic (Waddell, 2019). More recently, we
magnitude” (Dahlgren, 2018, p. 24), the perception among partisan argued (Cloudy et al., 2021a) that heuristics influence judgment
audiences that the media are biased against their own positions is not through a specific mediating (rather than moderating) pathway: “if
new (Vallone et al., 1985). Partisans are those individuals who have source cue, then objectivity heuristic, therefore less-biased news”
unequivocal opinions about a particular issue (Schmitt et al., (cf, Bellur & Sundar, 2014, p. 3). Following, the machine heuristic
2004)—that have a particular stance, often pro or anti with respect should be considered a mediator between the AI journalist source
to a particular issue. Even when viewing the exact same news cue and perceived hostile media bias: if AI, then machine heuristic
content, partisans on both sides of an issue have tendencies to evaluations, therefore reduced perceptions of hostile media bias.
perceive ostensibly neutral media content as hostile in its bias That study found support for this mediating function of the machine
against a given audience member’s side (Perloff, 2015), a phenom- heuristic. Additionally, in investigating the moderating role of
enon known broadly as the hostile media effect. The greater a attitude extremity, we found no direct relationship between attitude
partisan’s attitude extremity—that is, the more entrenched and extremity and perceived hostile media bias (as suggested in other
deeply held their opinion on an issue is—the more likely they literature; Hansen & Kim, 2011). Instead, we found that attitude
are to perceive hostile media bias (Gunther, 2017). The perception extremity moderated the extent to which the machine heuristic
of hostile media bias has potentially serious consequences for reduced perceptions of hostile media bias, with higher attitude
journalism and democracy. Perceptions of hostile media bias can extremity accelerating reduction of perceived hostile media bias.
lead to feelings of indignation among partisans, serving as bridge for In approaching these studies’ replication goal, then, we propose the
public criticism of the media as unjust (Hwang et al., 2008). These following hypotheses in line with that revised model: When presented
perceptions of unfair treatment from the media decrease trust in with a news story ostensibly written by an AI journalist, partisans
democracy (Perloff, 2015) and increase partisans’ willingness to use encounter source cues suggesting the machinic nature of the author.
violent forms of resistance (Tsfati & Cohen, 2005). Cues that suggest the source is a machine should trigger machine-
heuristic evaluations—shorthanded judgments that the source is
AI Journalism and the Machine Heuristic: objective, accurate, and systematic (Sundar, 2008). Thus (H1): An
AI journalist will generate stronger machine-heuristic evaluations
A Summary of Cloudy et al. (2021a)
than will a human journalist.
Despite ample research into hostile media bias, there is limited Perceptions of the source as biased against one’s position can
understanding of how to successfully mitigate this perceptual bias contribute to perceptions of hostile media bias even when the news
(Feldman, 2017). Past studies have focused on mitigation strategies content is focused on objective statistics (Reid, 2012). However,
aimed at increasing the media literacy of news consumers (e.g., when presented with source cues that promote belief in the source
Vraga & Tully, 2015). The emergence of AI journalists (algorithmic as objective and free of bias, perceptions of hostile media bias may
[demi-]agents that take information and turn it into news reports; be reduced (Waddell, 2019). The machine heuristic is a mental
Carlson, 2015) may offer a potential source-based solution to shortcut indicating intuitively perceived objectivity, thus (H2):
mitigating the perception of hostile media bias (Cloudy et al., Stronger machine-heuristic evaluations will reduce perceived hos-
2021a). When presented with news information, news audiences tile media bias.
often do not have the opportunity to fully process a story (Delgado Partisans with strongly held attitudes are motivated to engage in
et al., 2010), are not motivated to deeply engage the news content defensive processing of information as a means of protecting their
(Eveland, 2001), and/or do not have access to the underlying prior beliefs and/or their sense of self (Gunther, 2017). In anticipation

of consuming potentially self-threatening information, partisans’ ideologically liberal, moderate, or conservative). These dynamics
typical defensive response is to perceive higher levels of source are critical to understand given the theorized dynamics of ego-
bias to justify rejection of expected unfavorable information protective processing (Tsfati & Cohen, 2013) that may be promoted
(Carpenter, 2019). However, when presented with a source that is by the ideological incongruence between an audience member and
perceived to be objective/accurate/systematic, partisans’ defensive the media organization deploying an AI journalist. Some hypothe-
response switches from preparing to justify the rejection of unfavor- size that social networking services (SNS) encourage increased
able information to preparing to assimilate favorable information selective exposure to ideologically congruent news (e.g., Spohr,
(Cloudy et al., 2021a). That is, partisans’ processing of information is 2017). Indeed, partisan news consumers are selectively exposed to
more malleable than nonpartisans’ because they are constantly ideologically congruent news on SNS (Mukerjee & Yang, 2021)
seeking ways to maintain their preexisting beliefs (Gunther et al., which may, in turn, increase the likelihood of ending up in filter
2012). When confronted with a human journalist, it is often difficult bubbles and echo chambers (Cinelli et al., 2021). However, SNS
for audiences to judge the underlying motivations of the journalist often incidentally expose partisans to counter-attitudinal informa-
(Tsfati & Cohen, 2005). To manage this uncertainty, partisans are tion (Weeks et al., 2017) because such platforms often serve as a hub
motivated to preemptively process news coverage defensively, which for an individual’s ideologically heterogeneous network of family,
increases perceptions of hostility as they are preparing to dismiss friends, and acquaintances (Masip et al., 2018). Thus, SNS users are
information that does not align with their prior beliefs (Tsfati & embedded in “egocentric publics” which are “constituted by in-
Cohen, 2013). However, when confronted with an AI journalist dividuals who treat their extended social networks as a forum for
perceived as objective and accurate, partisans should shift to prepar- self-expression” (Wojcieszak & Rojas, 2011, pp. 493–494). These
ing to attend to information that is favorable. Thus (H3): Higher issue loosely connected networks likely lead to greater exposure to
attitude extremity will intensify the extent to which machine-heuristic diverse and ideologically incongruent news (Rojas et al., 2016)
evaluations reduce perceptions of hostile media bias. despite overt attempts to select ideologically congruent news (Masip
et al., 2020). In short—the contemporary news media landscape
Disentangling Issue and Source Cues: presents opportunities for audience’s filter bubbles to be burst
through incidental exposure, so it is critical to explore the role of
Extending Cloudy et al. (2021a)
source-audience ideological incongruity.
The grounding study for this investigation (Cloudy et al., 2021a) Partisans are often more attuned to source cues than nonpartisans
relied on stimuli that engaged only a single partisan topic (abortion) (Gunther et al., 2012), especially when presented with content that is
and only a single relatively neutral source organization (both ostensibly neutral or balanced (Gunther et al., 2012). In particular,
journalist types were affiliated with USA Today). That initial study partisans are sensitive to cues that suggest a source is an ingroup or
design, as we acknowledge, limits the ability to determine whether outgroup member (Reid, 2012). When presented with a news story
the observed dynamics may differ for other partisan topics and from an ideologically incongruent media organization, partisans are
whether the news organization cues (independent of the individual likely to see that news as biased against their position; in turn, seeing
journalist cues, as a distinct agency-cueing affordance) may influ- that same news from an ideologically congruent media organization,
ence the perceived hostile media bias-mitigation process. Thus, the they are likely to see it as biased in favor of their position (Yun et al.,
present investigation extends that work by accounting for those 2018). AI journalists, however, can reduce perceptions of news bias
potential dynamics. even when ostensibly deployed by perceptibly partisan news networks
It is possible that the initial findings may have been limited to the (Waddell, 2019). However, past investigations into this dynamic did
specific issue and its presentation (i.e., message effects; see Slater et not account for network/audience ideological (in)congruence.
al., 2015). In the source study (Cloudy et al., 2021a), we found Given that perceptions of the source as affiliated with an outgroup
evidence to suggest that machine heuristic activation by AI journal- can increase perceptions of hostility or create those perceptions
ists should be topic-independent in that machines were seen as where they otherwise would not exist (Gunther et al., 2016),
universally less vested in partisan issues than were humans across a perceptions that an AI journalist was created by or is under the
range of issues (e.g., global warming, surveillance, gun control). control of an outgroup (in this case, an ideologically incongruent
However, it is possible that topic could still play a role in the news organization) may override expectations of source objectivity.
machine heuristic’s ability to reduce perceived hostile media bias It is known that when people assess their trust in a machine agent,
since a machine’s systematicity and accuracy may be seen as more they often consider the attributes of an absent-yet-conspicuous
or less relevant to some issues and attitude extremity may be more or creator of that machine (Fogg & Tseng, 1999; cf, Sullins, 2006)
less malleable in relation to some issues. Notably, past investiga- such that they are seen as inherently related, resulting in either halo
tions into perceived hostile media bias have found both consistent effects (Nisbett & Wilson, 1977) or horn effects (Burton et al.,
(Gearhart et al., 2020) and inconsistent (Giner-Sorolla & Chaiken, 2015). That is, any positive evaluations of the creator (or in this case
1994) perceptions of bias across different topics. Thus, we here the deploying news organization) enhance those of the machine
replicate Cloudy et al. (2021a) in using the same long-standing (here, the AI journalist) or any negative evaluations are tainting.
partisan issue of abortion (see Carmines et al., 2010) and extend that Thus, seeing a news organization as ideologically incongruent (i.e.,
work by testing the model with the more recently polarizing issue of an outgroup) likely impacts the associated journalist as an outgroup
COVID-19 vaccine mandates (Largent et al., 2020). member, resulting in a reduction in perceived objectivity, systema-
Additionally, the present studies seek to disentangle the impacts ticity, and accuracy (i.e., reduced machine heuristic evaluations).
of different source cues by parceling out the potential impacts of the Put differently, the outgroup source cues (i.e., the AI journalist being
journalist’s ontological category cue (i.e., human vs. AI) from that of described as a bot for an ideologically incongruent news organiza-
the journalist’s news organization (i.e., agencies that lean tion) will likely put the audience on high alert for potential bias

(Gunther et al., 2016). This heightened awareness of potential stimuli. Anonymized data sets, baseline data descriptives, and analy-
source bias should override the heuristics derived from any machine sis output files for both studies are also available in that repository.
cues because the AI journalist would be viewed in tandem with the
incongruent, and therefore hostile, news organization. Following, Participants
we predict (H4): Stronger perceived ideological incongruence
between the audience member and the media organization will Participants were recruited from Prolific panels and compensated
suppress machine-heuristic evaluations. U.S. $2.38, per Prolific’s standard hourly rate of $9.52 × estimated
15 min. All participants were 18 years of age or older, U.S. residents,
U.S. in nationality, and fluent in English. Prolific’s sampling criteria
The Present Studies were used to recruit conservatives and liberals. Sampling for the
Based on the literature reviewed, we propose the following model abortion issue (Study 1) occurred prior to sampling for the vaccine
(Figure 1) based on the logic that if the source is an AI journalist, issue (Study 2), and those who participated in the former were
then it will trigger machine-heuristic evaluations of source objec- ineligible to participate in the latter. For each issue, N = 300
tivity, therefore reducing perceptions of hostile media bias (H1– participants were initially sampled (in line with the original study).
H2). This reduction of perceived hostile media bias will be more To further ensure partisan samples, for the abortion issue, only those
extreme as attitude extremity increases (H3). However, machine- with a declared pro-life or pro-choice stance were recruited and for
heuristic evaluations will be dampened as ideological incongruence the vaccine issue only those who indicated they feel positively or
increases (H4). We test this model across two different samples, negatively about COVID-19 vaccines were recruited. Sampling
each of which encountered news on a different partisan topic. excluded those indicating a neutral position or who did not disclose
a position (since perceptions of hostile media bias should not
manifest for those with neutral stances).
Method The participants in the abortion-issue sample were 18–65 (M =
This investigation was approached as a self-replication/extension 28.57, SD = 10.10), 69.8% female and 30.2% male, 88.9% liberal
—researchers reconducting the procedures of their own past study in and 11.1% conservative, and leaned heavily toward support for
ways that are operationally similar (see Schmidt, 2009) but that add abortion (86.8% vs. 13.2% who were against). The participants in
new elements to the design such that the study may both examine the vaccine-issue sample were 18–72 (M = 27.34, SD = 9.24),
similarities or differences with the original work (Kraus, 2015) but 74.6% female and 25.4% male, 89.2% liberal and 10.8% conserva-
also extend the prior results in theoretically relevant ways (Bonett, tive, and leaned heavily toward support for vaccines generally
2012). In this manner, we may be more confident that the results of (96.4% vs. 3.6% against). The unbalanced sample is noted as a
the original study were not the result of Type I error (Hüffmeier limitation of the present investigation.
et al., 2016) as well as consider the potential moderating effects of
source incongruity—a potential that emerged in the original work Procedure
(Cloudy et al., 2021a). In line with the original study logic and
following guidance of Bellur and Sundar (2014), we manipulated The following procedures were identical for both issue samples.
the cue (human/machine), then measured engagement of the Participants were taken to an online survey and then randomly
machine heuristic as a distinct variable, and then separately mea- assigned to one of six conditions: 2 × 3, Source (human or AI
sured the subsequent biased processing.1 journalist) × News organization (ideologically liberal, moderate, or
This study was approved by the institutional review board at Texas conservative) condition. They were then shown a Facebook profile
Tech University. All materials for both studies can be found at https:// for the journalist displaying the journalist’s name and news organi- (Cloudy et al., 2021b), including the preregistered zation affiliation and asked to complete the machine heuristic
hypothesis and analysis plan, instrumentation, and experimental measure and attention checks. Then, participants were shown a
news story ostensibly from the journalist that was embedded into a
Facebook post after which they completed a measure of perceived
hostile media bias and another attention check. Participants then
Figure 1
Proposed Conceptual Model for AI Journalist-Cued Reduction of 1
Notably, Bellur and Sundar (2014) recommend manipulating heuristic
Hostile Media Bias Mediated by the Machine Heuristic accessibility by experimentally priming/not-priming the heuristic through an
unrelated task and then engaging the priming variable as a stage-one
moderator in order to determine whether the heuristic is actually being
activated. In the original study (Cloudy et al., 2021c), we had attempted to
devise such a prime by having people report their liking of magazine covers
conveying either machine heuristic-related content or nature/lifestyle-related
content. In piloting that portion of the design, we found that we could not
manipulate the machine heuristic by priming—merely mentioning
“machine” resulted in very high machine heuristic scores (M range 5.78–
6.08 on a 7-point scale; see Cloudy et al., 2021b for stimuli and results) that
were not significantly different among those viewing the machine heuristic or
nature/lifestyle primes. We interpreted those findings to suggest that the
machine heuristic may be such a strong and universal heuristic that its
accessibility exceeds boundaries for possible manipulation; thus, in the
original study and this replication, we abandoned that portion of Bellur
Note. AI = artificial intelligence. and Sundar’s guidance.

answered questions about their issue stance and attitude extremity. topic and news organizations. In order to ensure that the source was
Finally, they completed a manipulation check and answered a clear to participants, they viewed a profile for the journalist that
political ideology measure for seven news organizations and them- identified the name and organizational affiliation of the journalist
selves. Importantly, this procedure follows the if AI, then machine (Figure 2). The human journalist’s name was presented as “Quinn
heuristic evaluations, therefore reduced perceptions of hostile media Smith,” and the AI journalist was presented as “NewsBot.” Imme-
bias time-order, allowing for the model’s first- and second-stage diately following the journalist’s name was the news organization
causal claims to be tested (i.e., they see only the source and report affiliation of the journalist. The fictitious news article ostensibly
machine heuristic activation, and then see the story and assess bias). from the journalist was presented as part of a Facebook post from the
journalist (Figure 3). The headline and image for both issue con-
ditions were designed to indicate the issue in a neutral manner, in
line with the source study’s design. The Facebook post was pre-
We used the source study’s original stimulus (Cloudy et al., sented as if it was posted recently and had achieved wide reach—a
2021a) for the journalist profiles and abortion content, and then used known condition for perceived hostile media bias to manifest
them as a template to also create stimuli for the vaccination-mandate (Gunther & Liebhart, 2006). The three news organizations

Figure 2
Facebook Stimulus Profiles for Human and AI Journalist Conditions

Note. AI = artificial intelligence. Adapted with permission from “The Str(AI)ght Scoop: Artificial Intelligence Cues Reduce Perceptions of Hostile Media
Bias,” by J. Cloudy, J. Banks, and N. D. Bowman, 2021, Digital Journalism, advance online publication (
Copyright 2021 by Taylor & Francis Ltd (

Figure 3
Facebook Stimulus Posts for Human and AI Journalist for Abortion and Vaccine Mandates

Note. AI = artificial intelligence. Adapted with permission from “The Str(AI)ght Scoop: Artificial Intelligence Cues Reduce Perceptions of Hostile Media
Bias,” by J. Cloudy, J. Banks, and N. D. Bowman, 2021, Digital Journalism, advance online publication (
. Copyright 2021 by Taylor & Francis Ltd (

(CNN, USA Today, and Fox) were selected as being ideologically Source Incongruity
liberal, moderate, and conservative as indicated by AllSides (2021).
As in the original study (Cloudy et al., 2021a), participants did not Every participant separately rated the perceived political ideolo-
read an actual news story. gies of the three stimulus news organizations plus three additional
distractor organizations (very liberal to very conservative); partici-
pants also rated their own political ideology on the same scale in a
Measures separate item. From those ratings, we calculated source incongru-
ence by taking the absolute value of the difference between the
The machine heuristic, perceived hostile media bias, and attitude participant’s ideology and the organization’s rated ideology for only
extremity measures are the same as in the source study, and the organization viewed in their randomly assigned stimulus
assessments of the source’s ideological incongruence is a novel (|ideologyself—ideologyorg|). For the abortion data set, source
measure. Unless otherwise indicated, all measures were presented as incongruity overall averaged M = 2.73 (SD = 1.88) and for the
7-point semantic differentials. vaccine-mandate data set, M = 2.47 (SD = 1.83).

Data Cleaning
Machine Heuristic
For each study’s data set, from an initial N = 300, responses were
The machine heuristic was measured with seven items (Banks culled if they did not pass attention checks (n = 9 abortion, n = 1
et al., 2021) that assessed participants’ impressions of the journalist vaccines) and those responses were replaced. Additionally, those
as objective, ordered, efficient, accurate, unemotional, logical, and that did not pass the source-type manipulation check (n = 4 abortion,
reliable. Notably, this measurement of the machine heuristic is based n = 7 vaccines—all in the human condition) were removed. Also,
on an operationalization that somewhat conflates more general because perceived hostile media bias is understood to emerge only
machine heuristic evaluation with source evaluation. This is a func- among those with partisan issue positions (Gunther, 2017), we
tion of the strength and high accessibility of the machine heuristic removed all cases in which participants (despite our sampling only
(discussed in Cloudy et al., 2021a) that requires the heuristic be for those with specific positions) indicated that they had no opinion
measured as it is anchored to a particular source. The measure was on the issue (n = 19 abortion, n = 6 vaccines) and those who
internally consistent for both the abortion data set, M = 4.17 (SD = indicated they were neutral in their political ideology (n = 7
1.15, ω = .810) and the vaccine-mandate data set, M = 4.21 (SD = abortion, n = 4 vaccines). This process resulted in N = 235 for
1.16, ω = .826). the abortion-topic data set and N = 279 for the vaccine-topic
data set.

Hostile Media Bias

Perceived hostile media bias was measured using three items Proposed Model Test
adapted from Gunther et al. (2016), which assessed the degree to
which participants perceived the news content, evidence, and As stated in the preregistered analysis plan (Cloudy et al., 2021b),
journalist together to be biased, measured from 1 = strongly biased we used Hayes’ PROCESS macro for SPSS, testing Model 21 for
against [abortion/COVID-19 vaccine mandates] to 7 = strongly multiple moderated mediation with Stage 1 (W moderating the
biased in favor of [abortion/COVID-19 vaccine mandates]. For relationship between X and M) and Stage 2 (Z moderating the
those reporting a pro-issue stance, their scores were recoded (revers- relationship between M and Y) moderated mediation on both data
ing scores of 1–7 to 7–1) so that a score of 7 is representative of sets. Moderated mediation is a test of conditional indirect effects.
strongly perceived hostile bias against those positions. For those That is, it is a test of a mediator’s ability to mediate only at certain
reporting an anti-issue stance, their scores were not recoded as a levels of a moderator(s).
score of 7 already represents a strongly perceived hostile bias. For For variance in Model 21 to be interpreted, the confidence
the abortion data set, perceived hostile media bias overall averaged intervals around the index of moderated mediation should exclude
M = 4.40 (SD = 1.28, ω = .913) and for the vaccine-mandate data zero. For both data sets, the index of moderated mediation did not
set, M = 4.06 (SD = 1.17, ω = .892). exclude zero: abortion = −.050 (95% LLCI = −.125, ULCI =
.003); vaccines = .001 (−.014, 0.016). Lacking this criterion,
Model 21 is rejected for both data sets and thus, further interpreta-
Attitude Extremity tion of the model as specified is not warranted (see Hayes, 2018).
Equivalence tests indicate that perceived hostile media bias, atti-
Attitude extremity was measured using three items (Cho & tude extremity, and source incongruity did not differ by agent-type
Boster, 2005) capturing the extent to which participants viewed experimental condition in either data set (see online materials;
the issue as negative (positive), undesirable (desirable), and unfa- Cloudy et al., 2021b).
vorable (favorable). The 7-point semantic differential scale values
were coded −3 to +3. In order to assess extremity of attitudes
Post Hoc Modifications
independent of attitude valence, the absolute value of the scores
(0–3) was used in the analysis. For the abortion data set, attitude On reflection, at least one potential reason for the results above is
extremity overall averaged M = 2.52 (SD = .728, ω = .979) and for that our proposed model overlooked an important relationship
the vaccine-mandate data set, M = 2.42 (SD = .786, ω = .960). already supported in extant literature on hostile media bias: the

influence of the source’s perceived ideological incongruity on at the maximum, −.16 (−.300, −.044), when source incongruity was
perceived hostile media bias (rather than merely on machine heu- one standard deviation above the mean and attitude extremity was at
ristic activation, as modeled). News perceived to come from con- the mean, −.20 (−.367, −.071), and when source incongruity was
gruent sources is more likely to be viewed favorably whereas one standard deviation above the mean and attitude extremity was at
incongruent sources increase perceptions of hostile media bias the maximum, −.27 (−.453, −.121; see Figures 5 and 6).
(Yun et al., 2018), which is consistent with past work that has
demonstrated an interaction between partisanship and source on
Study 2: Vaccine-Mandate Data Set
perceptions of hostile media bias (Reid, 2012). Additionally, out-
group sources have been shown to increase perceptions of hostility The respecified model for the vaccine data set was tested using
even when news content was slanted in favor of the ingroup Hayes (2018) PROCESS, Model 16. There was a main effect of
(Gunther et al., 2016). Indeed, in the present studies, the bivariate agent type on machine heuristic evaluations, B = .53 (.265, .799),
relationship between source incongruity and perceived hostile and the highest-order unconditional interaction for both modera-
media bias was significant for both data sets: abortions r = .419, tors was statistically significant, F(2, 272) = 5.08, p = .007, ΔR2 =
p < .001; vaccines r = .444, p < .001. However, there was no .03. The index of partial moderated mediation for source incon-
evidence of a statistically significant Stage 1 highest-order uncon- gruity was significant, −.05 (−.089, −.010), but the index of partial
ditional interaction for either the abortion, F(1, 231) = 3.63, p = moderated mediation for attitude extremity was not, .02 (−.059,
.058, ΔR2 = .01, or vaccine, F(1, 275) = 0.13, p = .715, ΔR2 < .001, .098). Thus, it is appropriate to infer that source incongruity
data set (H4 not supported). One way to account for the influence of negatively moderates the indirect effect of machine heuristic
source incongruity on perceived hostile media bias is to specify evaluations on perceptions of hostile media bias independent of
Stage 2 moderated mediation for the effect. Given this, we respe- any moderation of the indirect effect by attitude extremity; how-
cified the model to include source incongruity only as a Stage 2 ever, no inference can be made that attitude extremity indepen-
moderator for both data sets (see Figure 4) as we found no evidence dently moderates the indirect effect. To probe the interaction of one
of Stage 1 interaction in the original model proposed in our moderator in a moderated mediation model with two moderators, a
preregistration plan (see online materials; Cloudy et al., 2021b). value must be chosen for the second moderator as a function of the
program (Hayes, 2018). So, when source incongruity is at the mean
there is a significant effect at all levels of attitude extremity, one
Study 1: Abortion Data Set standard deviation below the mean, −.13 (−.234, −.030), at the
mean, −.11 (−.193, −.036), and at the maximum, −.10 (−.192,
The respecified model for the abortion data set was tested using −.015). Additionally, source incongruity was also significant at
Hayes (2018) PROCESS, Model 16. There was a main effect of one standard deviation above the mean at all levels of attitude
agent type on machine heuristic evaluations, B = .60 (.314, .884). extremity, one standard deviation below the mean −.21 (−.357,
Additionally, the highest-order unconditional interaction for both −.080), at the mean −.19 (−.317, −.080), and at the maximum
moderators was statistically significant, F(2, 228) = 10.38, p < .001, −.18 (−.311, −.065; see Figure 7).
ΔR2 = .07. The index of partial moderated mediation for source With respect to our initial hypotheses in relation to these post hoc
incongruity was significant, −.06 (−.127, −.014), as was the index models, in the abortion data set, an AI journalist generated higher
of partial moderated mediation for attitude extremity, −.15 (−.301, machine heuristic evaluations compared to a human journalist (H1
−.015). Probing this interaction showed conditional indirect effects supported). In turn, perceptions of hostile media bias reduced (H2
when source incongruity was at the mean and attitude extremity was supported), and this reduction intensified as attitude extremity and
source incongruity increased (H3 supported). For the vaccine data
set, an AI journalist generated higher machine heuristic evaluations
Figure 4 compared to a human (H1 supported) which in turn reduced
Post Hoc Model for AI Journalist-Cued Reduction of Hostile Media perceptions of hostile media bias (H2 supported)—this reduction
Bias Mediated by the Machine Heuristic was strongest at higher levels of source incongruity (a respecified

The present studies largely replicated the findings from Cloudy
et al. (2021a) for the issue of abortion (Study 1): An AI journalist did
activate the machine heuristic, which, in turn, reduced perceptions
of hostile media bias—especially among those with the strongest
attitudes. For the issue of vaccine mandates (Study 2), an AI
journalist did also activate the machine heuristic, which in turn
reduced perceptions of hostile media bias, however there was no
evidence to support the independent effect of attitude extremity to
moderate the relationship. The present studies extended the original
work by demonstrating that for both abortion and vaccine mandates
the machine heuristic-induced reduction of perceived hostile media
Note. AI = artificial intelligence. bias intensified as source incongruity increased. This investigation’s

Figure 5
Moderation Effect of Attitude Extremity on the Relationship Between Machine Heuristic
and Hostile Media Bias for Abortion Data Set

Note. Top chart displays moderation effects at +1 and 0 SD and the maximum of attitude extremity,
and the bottom chart displays moderation effects at all observed levels of the moderation, including the
range of statistical (Attitude extremity ≥ 2.19).

outcomes, then, generally continue to suggest that problematic (Jia & Liu, 2021). We would argue that this further suggests the
perceived media bias among partisan audiences may be mitigated machine heuristic as the mechanism explaining AI journalists’
by deployment of AI journalists; however, further investigation is ability to reduce perceptions of hostile media bias.
required into the exact dynamics of defensive processing, machine
heuristic resistance, and ideological incongruity. These results are Machine Heuristic as a Hostile Media Bias Mitigator
consistent with past work that has demonstrated AI journalists’
Under Conditions of Source Incongruity
ability to reduce perceptions of bias (Waddell, 2019) and that this
ability may be contingent on audiences possessing intuitive beliefs We found that when source incongruity is low, or when people
that machines are inherently objective and accurate (Liu & Wei, have low-strength attitudes, there is no impact of the machine
2018; Wang, 2021). Importantly, there is some recent research that heuristic on perceptions of hostile media bias. This is consistent
suggests AI journalists may not reduce relative perceptions of with past evidence that strong attitudes are typically needed to
hostile media bias when controlling for the machine heuristic generate perceptions of hostile media bias (Giner-Sorolla &

Figure 6
Moderation Effect of Source Incongruity on the Relationship Between Machine Heuristic
and Hostile Media Bias for Abortion Data Set

Note. Top chart displays moderation effects at +1, 0, and −1 SD of source incongruity, and the
bottom chart displays moderation effects at all observed levels of the moderation, including the range
of statistical (Source incongruity ≥ −1.83 and 2.77).

Chaiken, 1994) and that news coming from an ingroup source is was even greater reduction of perceived hostile media bias through
unlikely to be viewed as hostile (Gunther et al., 2016; Reid, 2012). the machine heuristic.
Thus, the machine heuristic likely has no impact on perceptions of These findings are, however, consistent with our original argu-
hostile media bias when source incongruity or attitude extremity is ment (Cloudy et al., 2021a) that when partisans are confronted with
low because of a basement effect—an individual’s perception of a source they view as objective, they are motivated to attend to
hostility is already low and therefore has little room to vary. positive information as a form of ego defense. Typically, strong
However, that past evidence would suggest as source incongruity partisans are motivated to perceive media coverage as hostile in
increases, particularly among those with strong partisan attitudes, order to justify rejecting unfavorable information (Gunther, 2017).
perceptions of hostile media bias should increase as well. Contrary That is, when confronted with messages that may contradict
to that logic, our analysis showed that as source incongruity and their already established attitude, partisans engage in biased proces-
attitude extremity (for those in the abortion sample) increased, there sing of the message to reduce potential cognitive dissonance

Figure 7
Moderation Effect of Source Incongruity on the Relationship Between Machine Heuristic
and Hostile Media Bias for Vaccine-Mandate Data Set

Note. Top chart displays moderation effects at +1, 0, and −1 SD of source incongruity, and the
bottom chart displays moderation effects at all observed levels of the moderation, including the range
of statistical (Source incongruity ≥ −1.87).

(Carpenter, 2019); however, the presence of an AI journalist appears overcome, and even reverse, the expected effect of an outgroup
to shift their motivation from preparing to reject potentially unfa- source cue suggests the machine heuristic is a particularly powerful
vorable information in order to protect the self to preparing to heuristic in news perceptions.
assimilate favorable information to protect the self (see Gunther &
Schmitt, 2004). This is a particularly notable result given that the
Considering Values and Identities as Machine
presence of an outgroup source has been shown to “trigger a
defensive toggle switch” such that “favorable slant went unnoticed
and was judged no less hostile than the balance” news coverage While these studies largely replicated the results from Cloudy
(Gunther et al., 2016, p. 15). This inability of favorable content to et al. (2021a), we did not replicate the relationship between
reduce perceptions of hostile media bias in the presence of an attitude extremity and perceptions of hostile media bias for the
outgroup source suggests source plays a particularly potent role issue of vaccine mandates (Study 2). We suggest this topic-
in perceived hostile media bias. That an AI journalist seems to specific difference may be the result of abortion being a

longstanding issue often tied to important belief systems whereas Limitations and Future Research
the issue of COVID-19 vaccine mandates is relatively novel such
These studies are subject to standard limitations of online survey
that people may not have developed deep attachments to their
methodologies, most notably a reliance on self-report measures and
attitudes around this issue. For those who consider themselves
assumptions that participants paid attention to the stimuli. As with
pro-choice or pro-life, the issue of abortion is likely connected to
the original study, attention and manipulation checks were included
deeply held values (see Johnson & Eagly, 1989) that are “central to
throughout to help ensure that they did pay attention and understood
and strongly connected with [their] social identities” (Killian &
the content. Additionally, the sample leans largely female and
Wilcox, 2008, p. 569). Issues that are relevant to people’s value
liberal. Thus, caution must be used when interpreting these findings.
system, and, thus, their self-concept, are likely to be highly
Future research should explore these dynamics with more balanced
correlated with attitude extremity (Cho & Boster, 2005).
samples, particularly along gender and ideological lines.
COVID-19 vaccine mandates, on the other hand, may not be
As a replication, these studies feature many of the same limita-
closely tied to important values and/or longstanding beliefs about
tions detailed in the original study (Cloudy et al., 2021a). In order to
vaccine mandates. Indeed, the support for COVID-19 vaccine
confidently establish the cause-and-effect relationship proposed in
mandates is significantly lower than support for vaccine mandates these studies, some limitations were maintained in order to minimize
more generally (Haeder, 2021). the impact of external factors that may operate differently or be
While both issue attitudes for abortion (Carmines & Woods, present in the real world. First, to ensure that participants were first
2002) and COVID-19 related issues (Collins et al., 2021) tend to encountering the source cue, the Facebook profile for the source was
split along the left–right political divide, we argue that the abortion shown before the Facebook post (i.e., on separate pages of the
divide is reflective of differences in issue-related values whereas survey), which may not reflect the only or dominate way people
the COVID-19 vaccine mandate divide is not. Conflicting attitudes would encounter news posted on the platform in real life. Second, in
on abortion are the result of conflicting value systems (Harris & an attempt to minimize confounds, the source was presented in a
Mills, 1985) and beliefs (Tamney et al., 1992). That abortion has gender-neutral way with little physical or demographic indicators.
become aligned with political identity is reflective of political While this is likely consistent with how an AI journalist would be
sorting based on abortion attitudes (Adams, 1997). That is, presented, it may not be consistent with how a human journalists
abortion partisans are likely to move to the party that aligns would present themselves on social media. Third, the stimulus
with their attitudes on abortion because the issue of abortion is stories featured thumbs up, heart, and surprise-indicative emojis,
linked to their deeply held values (Killian & Wilcox, 2008). We but no angry emoji reactions which could have served as social
argue that for COVID-19 vaccine mandates, sorting is occurring in proofing of a lack of negative reaction to the story; further, those
the opposite direction. That is, people are aligning their beliefs on displayed emojis could themselves be subject to differential, biased
COVID-19-related issues with their political identity (see Conway interpretations (cf, Hayes et al., 2016). Finally, the title “AI jour-
et al., 2021). nalist” was used to represent the broad category of automated
COVID-19 quickly became politically polarized (Gadarian technology used to produce written content. However, there are
et al., 2021), which, in turn, likely increased the salience of different kinds of AI technologies (e.g., neural networks, machine
political identity and the political divide surrounding COVID- learning) and audiences may or may not be savvy to the nuances of
19 beliefs. When this sort of divide is made salient in a policy the—and so may or may not engage machine-heuristic judgments.
conflict, political partisans are likely to shift their beliefs toward Future research should attend to these limitations by exploring the
the perceived beliefs of their group (Bonomi et al., 2021). Indeed, media context and formats, source-agent cues, message valence and
partisans have embraced COVID-19 related beliefs and attitudes issue framing, depth of processing of a complete news article, and
consistent with their political identity (Gadarian et al., 2021) and extant mental models for AI in the course of consuming AI-
COVID-19-related policy issues have provided them with the presented news content. Additionally, as a self-replication there
opportunity to symbolically perform their political identity as a is the potential for experimenter bias (Kunert, 2016), therefore,
means of social differentiation (Kenworthy et al., 2021). This sort future research should investigate if these results replicate when
of performativity is consistent with impression-relevant involve- conducted by other scholars.
ment, which differs from value-relevant involvement in that it is In addition, one limitation is that USA Today was chosen as the
not focused on preserving “one’s belief systems” rather it is moderate news organization based on its past use as a neutral source
focused on conforming to the “implicit and explicit expectations (Cloudy et al., 2021a; Gunther et al., 2016) and its AllSides (2021)
of others” (Cho & Boster, 2005, p. 240). That is, people’s attitudes media rating as being in the center. However, the AllSides media
are motivated, not by their values or core beliefs about an issue, but rating for USA Today shifted during the course of these studies from
by a desire to “maintain positive relationships with other people” center to lean-left, which is consistent with how participants in our
who are important to them (Johnson & Eagly, 1989, p. 310). sample rated it. Further, the current studies’ design did not assess the
Therefore, these attitudes are not likely to be as strong as they extent to which individuals’ technical knowledge of AI might
are not rooted firmly in one’s values, but instead must remain influence outcomes. Thus, future research should consider both
flexible and responsive to potential changes in the socially desir- context/format differences inherent to forms of news consumption
able attitude of one’s reference group. As such, impression- as well personological factors related to machine heuristic activa-
relevant involvement is not related to attitude extremity (Cho & tion. Additionally, we did not assess how the presence of an AI
Boster, 2005). Future research should explore the dynamics of held journalist affected relevant behavioral outcomes. Future research
values and identities in the extent to which the machine heuristic should consider what effect an AI journalist has on behavioral
may (not) mitigate perceptions of hostile media bias. outcomes important to journalism (e.g., sharing the article).

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