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Name: Kriszia Kaye C.


Title: Socioeconomic Status, Digital Literacy, Access to Technology, and Academic

Performance of Senior High School Students.

Chapter 1


Background of the Study:

The intersection of socioeconomic status, digital literacy, access to technology,

and academic performance is a globally recognized challenge that permeates educational

landscapes. As societies become increasingly reliant on technology, understanding how

these factors interconnect becomes paramount in ensuring equitable educational

opportunities for all. This research delves into the intricate dynamics of these elements,

aiming to unravel their complexities and shed light on their impact on Senior High

School students.

In the context of the Philippines, these challenges take on a unique character

shaped by the archipelago's diverse socio-economic fabric and educational structure. The

Philippines has witnessed rapid technological integration, yet the distribution of digital

resources remains uneven, contributing to a digital divide among students. The

correlation between socioeconomic status and academic performance is pronounced,

emphasizing the urgency of investigating the role of digital literacy and technology

access on students nationwide.

Recent data, as of 2018 and beyond, reinforces the critical nature of this

investigation. According to a study by (Author, Year), students with limited access to

technology faced substantial obstacles in academic achievement. This study, timely and

relevant, seeks to build upon such findings, recognizing the ever-evolving technological

landscape and its implications for the educational journey of Senior High School


At the local level, in institutions such as TNHS (Tertiary National High School),

insights gleaned from teachers and students provide a nuanced perspective. Teachers

report variations in digital literacy levels among students, impacting their ability to

engage with academic content. These on-the-ground observations align with national

trends, underscoring the need for localized investigations to inform targeted


Despite the growing body of research on SES, digital literacy, and academic

performance, there is a noticeable gap specific to Senior High School students in TNHS.

Limited studies have explored the nuanced interplay between socioeconomic status,

digital literacy, access to technology, and academic outcomes at this level, necessitating a

focused inquiry to fill this void and provide a comprehensive understanding.

This study aims to bridge the identified research gap by examining the intricate

relationships between socioeconomic status, digital literacy, access to technology, and

academic performance among Senior High School students in TNHS. The findings are
anticipated to provide actionable insights for educators, policymakers, and stakeholders,

contributing to the development of targeted interventions that foster a more inclusive and

equitable educational environment for all students.

Statement of the Problem

The overarching issue addressed in this research is the multifaceted relationship

between socioeconomic status, digital literacy, access to technology, and academic

performance among Senior High School (SHS) students. The study seeks to investigate

the extent to which socioeconomic disparities, digital literacy levels, and varying access

to technology contribute to disparities in academic achievement.

Quantitative Research Questions:

1. To what extent does socioeconomic status correlate with the academic performance of

Senior High School students?

2. How do levels of digital literacy among Senior High School students impact their

academic performance?

3. What is the relationship between access to technology and the academic performance

of Senior High School students?

4. To what degree does the interaction between socioeconomic status and digital literacy

influence academic outcomes for Senior High School students?

5. How does the availability of technology resources at home versus school relate to the

academic performance of Senior High School students?

6. What role does the combined influence of socioeconomic status, digital literacy, and

access to technology play in predicting academic success among Senior High School


These quantitative research questions are designed to provide a systematic and

measurable approach to investigating the identified issues. They aim to uncover patterns,

relationships, and predictive factors that contribute to a comprehensive understanding of

how socioeconomic factors, digital literacy, and access to technology collectively impact

the academic performance of Senior High School students.

Significance of the Study

Beneficiaries of the Study: Enhancing Opportunities for All Stakeholders

1. Students

This study holds immense benefit for Senior High School students, as it directly

addresses factors influencing their academic journey. By understanding the intricate

relationships between socioeconomic status, digital literacy, access to technology,

and academic performance, students can gain insights into potential challenges and

opportunities. Tailored interventions and support systems can be developed to

enhance learning experiences, ensuring that all students, regardless of their

socioeconomic background, have equal access to educational resources and

opportunities. Ultimately, the study aims to empower students to navigate the digital
landscape more effectively, equipping them with the skills needed for academic

success and future endeavors.

2. Teachers

Teachers stand to gain valuable insights from this research as it provides a deeper

understanding of the diverse needs and challenges students face in the digital age.

Armed with knowledge about the correlation between socioeconomic factors, digital

literacy, and academic performance, educators can tailor their teaching methods to

address specific needs within the classroom. Additionally, the study can inform

professional development programs for teachers, enhancing their ability to

incorporate technology into their teaching practices. By aligning instructional

strategies with the findings, teachers can play a pivotal role in narrowing the

educational gap and fostering a more inclusive learning environment.

3. Parents

Parents play a crucial role in a student's educational journey, and this study offers

them valuable information to support their children effectively. By understanding the

impact of socioeconomic status, digital literacy, and access to technology on

academic performance, parents can take proactive measures to create a conducive

learning environment at home. The findings may prompt discussions about the

equitable distribution of resources, encouraging parents to advocate for improved

access to technology in schools. Armed with insights from the study, parents can

collaborate with educators to foster a holistic approach to their child's education,

ensuring a supportive and enriching learning experience.

4. School Heads

For school administrators and heads, this study provides actionable data to inform

strategic decision-making. By comprehending the nuanced relationship between

socioeconomic status, digital literacy, and academic performance, school leaders can

allocate resources more effectively. The findings can guide the implementation of

policies that promote equitable access to technology and educational opportunities

within the school. Additionally, school heads can use this research to develop

targeted interventions and support systems, fostering an environment that nurtures

academic success for all students, regardless of their socioeconomic background.

5. Policymakers

Policymakers stand to benefit significantly from the insights derived from this

study, as it can inform evidence-based policies at both the institutional and national

levels. Understanding the intricate connections between socioeconomic factors,

digital literacy, access to technology, and academic performance allows

policymakers to design initiatives that address systemic inequalities. This research

equips policymakers with the knowledge needed to advocate for resources and

policies that promote inclusivity in education, ensuring that every Senior High

School student has an equal opportunity to succeed in the digital era. Ultimately, the
study contributes to the development of policies that foster a more equitable and

accessible educational landscape.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

The scope of this research, titled "Socioeconomic Status, Digital Literacy, Access

to Technology, and Academic Performance of Senior High Students," encompasses a

detailed examination of the interplay between socioeconomic factors, digital literacy,

access to technology, and academic performance among Senior High School students.

The study focuses on Senior High School students at Tulunan National High School

(TNHS) as the primary respondents. The inclusion of this specific group allows for a

targeted exploration of the identified variables within a well-defined academic setting.

The research employs a descriptive-correlational research design, aiming to unveil

patterns and relationships between socioeconomic status, digital literacy, access to

technology, and academic performance. The study will be conducted during the months

of November to December 2023 at TNHS. By adopting a descriptive-correlational

approach, the research seeks to provide a comprehensive snapshot of the current state of

the identified factors among Senior High School students. It does not involve

experimental manipulations but instead focuses on observing and understanding the

existing relationships and trends within the specified parameters. It is important to note

that the findings may be specific to TNHS and the designated timeframe, and the

generalizability to other settings should be approached with caution.

Operational Definitions:
1. Socioeconomic Status (SES):

Operationally, socioeconomic status refers to an individual's or family's

standing in society based on a combination of factors such as income, education

level, and occupational prestige. In this study, SES will be quantified by

considering household income, parental education levels, and the nature of

occupation, allowing for a comprehensive assessment of the economic and social

resources available to the student.

2. Digital Literacy:

Operationally defining digital literacy involves recognizing an individual's

ability to use, understand, and engage with digital technologies effectively. In this

context, digital literacy will be assessed through practical skills, such as

navigating digital platforms, critical evaluation of online information, and the

ability to use digital tools for academic tasks. Performance in tasks requiring

digital skills and knowledge will serve as operational indicators of digital literacy.

3. Access to Technology:

Access to technology operationally refers to the availability and

utilization of digital devices and resources. This encompasses the presence of

devices like computers or tablets at home, the reliability of internet connectivity,

and the frequency of technology use. Measuring access to technology will involve
assessing the type and quantity of devices available to students, as well as the

quality of their internet connection for educational purposes.

4. Academic Performance:

Operationally defining academic performance involves evaluating a

student's achievements in various educational domains. In this study, academic

performance will be measured through quantifiable indicators such as grade point

average (GPA), standardized test scores, and performance in specific subjects.

These objective metrics will serve as operational measures to gauge the overall

academic success of Senior High School students in the context of the study.

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