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Section 1: Project Information

Name of the Organization: “EnviroGreen Power Waste System Management Inc.”

Project Title: “Optimized Ecocentric Incineration Plant of Solid Waste Materials”

Prepared By: • Angeles, Simone Claude B.

• Carlos, Ivan Claude B.

• Castro, Mary Grace T.

• Garcia, Aron Paul Z.

• Lorenzo, Mariel L.

• Manansala, Janett I.

• Mandap, Janisse T.

• Mutuc, Erica M.

• Plaza, Wathsiley C.

• Zapues, Patrick A. (Leader)

Sample Picture of Invention:

“Burning Station with side, top, and front view parts”

“Finished Product of Man-made Island Incineration Plant”

Sample Pictures of the Problem:

“Tons of garbage, piled up by the waves on Roxas Boulevard in Metro

Manila as of October 20, 2016”

“Baseco Beach landfill garbage as of February 17, 2019”

“Coast of Lapu-Lapu City is problematic and suffered piles of garbage

as of Aug 28, 2019”

“Lots of Garbage, floating in Manila Bay warns of severe impact as of

September 8, 2020”
“Smokey Mountain and Payatas dumpsites in Manila, Philippines as of

October 22, 2020”

“Urbanization and poor sewage planning have left the Pasig River highly

polluted as of June 28,2021”

Section 2: Project Summary

Waste is one of the significant global issues that we experienced. It is an unwanted

refuse material or substance. Waste is defined as any substance that is discarded after serving its
primary purpose or that is worthless, defective, or useless. Also, it can comprise of materials
from community or even in household activities such as domestic, industrial or camp waste or
from industrial activities like mining, manufacturing, or agricultural. Poorly managed waste is
contaminating the world’s oceans, obstructing sewers and causing flooding, transferring
infections or diseases, increasing respiratory problems from burning, harming animals that
consume waste unknowingly, and affecting economic progress. The problem of garbage
accumulation is reaching dangerous proportions all across the world. As a result, the modern
economy's growing volume and complexity of waste is posing a major threat to ecosystems and
human health. If there's no action is taken about this problem, we’ll push ourselves and our
children to live in a world with more waste and overwhelming pollution. We already know what
needs to be done to reverse this tendency. We just need all levels of society to find a better
solution. These problems will only worsen unless immediate action is taken.

Thus, this project will be proposed for the purpose of to prepare a community to
effectively manage waste, materials and debris generated by a homeland security incident,
including reducing the quantity of garbage that could be generated at the start. The said problem
is very important to study for us to learn and gain knowledge about it as we all know that it is
timely and has a big impact on our lives and to the environment. Everybody should have care
knowing about this issue because this would be a great solution for the public health, to our
mother earth and to the whole world who suffer from poor waste management. Additionally, the
main objectives or focus of this project is to alleviate adverse impacts of waste on human health
and the environment and to stabilize the quantity of waste disposed to landfill and then reduce
this volume. Further, we all know that poor waste management contributes to climate change and
air pollution, as well as having a direct impact on a wide range of ecosystems and species.
Therefore, this project proposal also aims to help a community to become cleaner for the
environment and will be the first step in creating a better future to our environment, for us and
future generations, in order to ensure sustainable growth.

Because of this salient problem that we are facing, our group make an invention that
will surely help to eliminate and control the waste. This invention is called “Optimized
Ecocentric Incineration Plant of Solid Waste Materials.” First of all, let's start with the project of
creating a man-made island for the project will be held. This will require a bridge that is
connected to the main land on to the made island. This also has two areas: the land and the water
area. The island consists of an Incineration Plant, where wastes will be burned and turn into
ashes. The ash, which is mostly made up of inorganic waste components, can occur in the form
of solid lumps or particulates that are carried by the flue gas. Flue gases must be cleaned of
particles and gaseous contaminants before being released into the atmosphere. There will also be
a contained water area where we dump the ashes. Based on scientific research, ashes don’t have
any toxic elements to harm the environment, but we will still filter out the water before releasing
it back to the sea. The heat from the Incineration Plant can be used to create energy for the whole
island and some parts of the community. Burning the wastes can be a result from having toxic
smoke but with the help of technology, we can filter out the toxic smoke and filter it to clean air.
The contained water will be safe to all living creatures beneath the sea and oceans as ashes has
no effect and it is safe to their habitat and home (corals).

Our general waste incinerator for waste management is definitely effective and use the
best construction standards possible, with improved corrosion resistance at high temperatures.
The most obvious key or answer for absolute destruction of municipal garbage is incineration,
which removes all of the direct and indirect dangers associated with alternative disposal
methods. Incineration fits well into a trend of safely processing garbage in the same location
where it was generated, if possible, to reduce cross-contamination risks and keep waste treatment
costs low. Our incinerator's range may pre-heat and adjust heat throughout the combustion
process using a variety of fuels. The decision is usually based on what type of fuel is readily
available in the area and how much it costs. Certain fuel types are 'cleaner' by nature than others;
for example, natural and LPG gas emit fewer pollutants than oil.

Our group come up with this idea because we are certainly sure that incineration is more
beneficial and provides a number of advantages, particularly when it comes to eradicating
contaminated medical wastes and other life-threatening waste. The advantages of this invention
include decreases quantity of waste, efficient waste management, production of heat and power,
reduction of pollution, it has filters for trapping pollutants, saves on transportation of waste,
provides better control over odor and noise, prevents the production of methane gas, eliminates
harmful germs and chemicals, operate in any weather, and effective metal recycling. In addition,
incineration makes extensive use of waste-to-energy technology. Incineration systems can reduce
the volume of waste by up to 96%. The rate of waste reduction is defined by the amount of
garbage recovered and the rate of decomposition of substances. Even though incineration does
not abolish the need for landfills, it does help to reduce the amount of waste that ends up there.

This project will be done by our group together with the help of Local Government Unit
(LGU) including the Environmental Protection and Waste Management Department, National
Solid Waste Management Commission (NSWMC) and the Department of Environment and
Natural Resources (DENR). They are the ones who will coordinate to us whenever there are
things needed to do or when problem arise in our invention. Not only that, they are also there to
lead our group for the planning, operation, conservation, management, and development of our
country's environment and natural resources that will ensure the proper use of these resources
and the protection of the environment. The total cost for this invention is $1 257 700 000 (USD).
The Incineration Plant is worth of $1 200 000 000 (USD), the island cost is within $5 200 000
(USD), the waste storage cost is $50 000 000 (USD) and the utilities cost is $ 2 500 000 (USD).
The process of doing this invention will take approximately 2 to 4 years. For your information,
this project will continuously operate every day, week, month, and years to create an eco-
friendly community for everybody. The resources needed are metals, coal, heat, oxygen water
filter, waste storage, burning station, exhaust, dump truck and other related materials. We will
buy these in manufactory and infrastructure shop to be able to successfully produce this kind of

If there's an opportunity or chance to create this invention that we are trying to propose,
it would really help our planet earth from difficulty managing the waste. This invention will
address the given problem by lessening the waste wherein it is for the sake of environment that
will provide thermal treatment of waste without polluting or destroying the atmosphere, soil or
water system. The outcome of this invention will reduce the hazardousness of waste, generate
electricity and/or heat, and combust waste under controlled conditions. Actually, this incinerator
operates in any type of weather. During the rainy season, for example, rubbish cannot be put in a
landfill because the rain may wash toxic substances into the earth. Incineration, unlike landfills,
does not introduce harmful substances into the groundwater. It also aids in the prevention of
chemical leakage from landfills into the environment, as well as soil contamination. Another
worth noting for is, this project proposal invention has a computerized monitoring system that
will enable operators to discover a problem before it becomes more serious and much more
expensive to repair. Moreover, these incineration systems occupy relatively small space.
Therefore, these are a convenient and practical solution for eliminating waste.
Section 3: Project Reflection

Here are the realizations and application we had as we finished doing this project:

• I will support eco-friendly businesses that sell locally produced and recycled goods. I will
participate in a community clean-up initiative to help reduce and lessen garbage in the
environment. In our society, I will show how take good care of our environment by being
a role model in waste management. (Angeles, Simone Claude B.)
• My realization about our project/activity is that solid wastes are a huge problem to our
world. From now on, i will start to throw my trash on the right place and always be a role
model on being able to clean our Society. Cleaning your small society will be the first
step on making the world clean and green. (Carlos, Ivan Claude B.)
• I will take reusable bags to the grocery store instead of single-use plastic bags. I will use
a refillable container for water in place of bottled water. I will make it a habit to separate
out all items that are recyclable. (Castro, Mary Grace T.)
• I will not throw any waste in our surroundings such as in any bodies of water because we
will be affected by that. Let's throw the garbage in the right bin so that it does not harm
the environment. Let's give importance all of this to protect our world. (Garcia, Aron
Paul Z.)
• I will set a goal for reducing the amount of trash generated each week. I will take
reusable bags to the grocery store instead of single-use plastic bags. I will use cloth
napkins and plates instead of paper. (Lorenzo, Mariel L.)
• I will separate the waste from its right place and I will ensure to recycle the materials that
needs to be recycled. I will no longer throw trash anywhere. I will follow the rules of
waste management and apply it. (Manansala, Janett I.)
• I will not buy items that we don’t need to use. Putting an item into use again for other
purposes. I will transform waste and useable items into raw materials to create new
objects. (Mandap, Janisse T.)
• I will reduce the amount of waste that will need to be recycled. I will not throw any
plastics in other places. I will reuse our old cardboard boxes to store things instead of
disposing them into the garbage. (Mutuc, Erica M.)
• I will maintain the cleanliness by recycling of materials such as paper, cans, and glass. I
will not throw garbage anywhere because it spreads infections and it's dangerous to our
health. I will take good care of our lovely and beautiful planet Earth by volunteering and
helping for cleanups in our community. (Plaza, Wathsiley C.)
• I will apply the method of 3R's which are reduce, reuse, and recycle to minimize landfill
waste. Instead of throwing the things like paper, peel of fruits and vegetables, I will
compost them because they serve as fertilizer that provides many essential nutrients for
plant growth and therefore it will lessen the waste. I will be more practical in managing
waste by avoiding to use materials or products that is not important or mostly needed to
use. (Zapues, Patrick A.)

List of Group Members with ratings:

LEADER: Zapues, Patrick A.


Angeles, Simone Claude B. 10
Carlos, Ivan Claude B. 10
Castro, Mary Grace T. 9
Garcia, Aron Paul Z. 7
Lorenzo, Mariel L. 10
Manansala, Janett I. 10
Mandap, Janisse T. 10
Mutuc, Ericka M. 10
Plaza, Wathsiley C. 10

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