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What is a public plaza in your own understanding?

A public plaza is a type of passive open space. It is an area of land designated for parklands, public
leisure, or other related uses. It’s a public space for citizens to gather for social, religious, or business
purposes, often surrounded by buildings or streets. These kinds of spaces could serve as a pedestrian
entry point, an area to showcase public art, and other recreational activities. When relating it to a city, a
public plaza could be a great representation of a city’s cultural heritage, an asset to exhibit buildings, or a
representation of the city’s remarkable history, and an enhancement of the natural environment. In
short, it serves as a lobby or the heart of the city.

What are the types of a public plaza?

A type of public plaza can be identified on its size and its purpose.

 Small or Local Parks

 Neighborhood Parks
 Sub-District Parks
 District Parks
 Municipal Parks
 Regional Parks
 National Parks

These parks may be a standalone or included with:

 Historical Monument
 Public Market
 Commercial building
 Community gardens
 Civic spaces

A plaza may be located near a city landmark, museum, mall, church, commercial building, etc.


Accessibility: Ramps, railings, handrails, tactile paving

Materials: Condition, durability, maintenance, slip resistance, cost

Aesthetics: Plantings, water features, art features.

Security: Lighting, cameras, fencing.

Sustainability: Materials, operations, embodied energy, durable design, longevity.

Waterproofing: Membranes, subsurface drainage, leak detection/vector mapping.

REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7279 “Urban Development and Housing Act of 1992.”

ARTICLE IX. SEC. 36 Ecological Balance. - The local government units shall coordinate with the
Department of Environment and Natural Resources in taking measures that will plan and regulate urban
activities for the conservation and protection of vital, unique and sensitive ecosystems, scenic
landscapes, cultural sites and other similar resource areas.

To make the implementation of this function more effective, the active participation of the citizenry in
environmental rehabilitation and in decision-making process shall be promoted and encouraged. The
local government units shall recommend to the Environmental and Management Bureau the immediate
closure of factories, mines and transport companies which are found to be causing massive pollution.


DIVISION A-1 #8. parks, playgrounds, pocket parks, parkways, promenades and playlots.


ARTICLE XI.—Tax allotments and special assessment for public improvements

SEC. 60. Power to levy special assessments for certain purposes.—The Municipal Board may, by
ordinance, provide for the levying and collection, by special assessment of the lands comprised within
the district or section of the city specially benefited, of a part not to exceed sixty per centum of the cost
of laying out, opening, constructing, straightening, widening, extending, grading, paving, curbing,
walling, deepening or otherwise establishing, repairing, enlarging, or improving public avenues, roads,
streets, alleys, sidewalks, parks, plazas, bridges, landing places, wharves, piers, docks, levees, reservoirs,
waterworks, water mains, water courses, esteros, canals, drains and sewers including the cost of
acquiring the necessary land and public improvements thereon, as hereinafter provided.

Designing a successful public plaza involves careful consideration of various factors to create a space that
is functional, aesthetically pleasing, and well-utilized by the community. Here are some design guidelines
for public plazas:

1. **Site Analysis:**

- Conduct a thorough analysis of the site, considering its context, surroundings, and historical

- Understand the climate, topography, and existing infrastructure to inform design decisions.

2. **Accessibility:**

- Ensure easy access for pedestrians, cyclists, and people with disabilities.
- Integrate accessible pathways and ramps to promote inclusivity.

3. **Openness and Flexibility:**

- Design the plaza with an open layout to accommodate various activities and events.

- Provide flexible spaces that can be adapted for different uses, such as markets, performances, or

4. **Landscaping and Greenery:**

- Incorporate well-designed landscaping with native plants to enhance the aesthetic appeal.

- Integrate trees and green spaces to provide shade and contribute to a healthier environment.

5. **Seating and Gathering Spaces:**

- Include a variety of seating options, such as benches, movable chairs, and steps, to encourage social
interaction and relaxation.

- Design gathering spaces around focal points or landmarks to create natural congregation areas.

6. **Art and Culture:**

- Incorporate public art, sculptures, or installations that reflect the local culture and history.

- Designate spaces for performances, exhibitions, or cultural events.

7. **Safety and Lighting:**

- Ensure well-lit pathways and public spaces for safety, especially during evenings.

- Incorporate subtle and aesthetically pleasing lighting to create ambiance without overpowering the

8. **Water Features:**

- Integrate water elements such as fountains or reflecting pools, as they can add visual interest and a
sense of tranquility.

9. **Programming and Events:**

- Design the plaza to accommodate a variety of events and activities, including markets, festivals, and

- Provide infrastructure for temporary installations or pop-up events.

10. **Furniture and Infrastructure:**

- Select durable and weather-resistant materials for furniture and infrastructure to ensure longevity.

- Include amenities such as public restrooms, water fountains, and waste bins.

11. **Scale and Proportion:**

- Consider the scale of surrounding buildings and ensure that the plaza complements its urban

- Use elements of varied height and scale to create visual interest and hierarchy.

12. **Community Engagement:**

- Involve the local community in the design process to ensure that the plaza meets their needs and
reflects their values.

- Seek feedback through workshops, surveys, or public meetings.

13. **Sustainability:**

- Implement sustainable design practices, such as permeable paving, rain gardens, or energy-efficient
lighting, to minimize environmental impact.

14. **Maintenance Considerations:**

- Design with ease of maintenance in mind, selecting materials and features that are durable and
require minimal upkeep.

- Establish a maintenance plan to keep the plaza in good condition over time.

By incorporating these design guidelines, planners and architects can create vibrant, inclusive, and well-
utilized public plazas that contribute positively to the community and urban environment.

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