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Periodontal Considerations in Removable Partial Denture Treatment: A

Review of the Literature

Article in The International journal of prosthodontics · March 2001

Source: PubMed


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2 authors, including:

Haralampos Petridis
University College London


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Periodontal Considerations
in Removable Partial
Denture Treatment: Haralambos Petridis, DDS, MSca
A Review of the Literature Timothy J. Hempton, DDSb

Purpose: A critical review of the literature on the periodontal considerations in removable

partial denture (RPD) treatment is presented. Materials and Methods: A MEDLINE search
was conducted for studies pertaining to the effects of RPDs on the periodontal tissues
during the various phases of prosthetic treatment. The review included both in vivo and
in vitro studies. Results: The use of RPDs leads to detrimental qualitative and quantitative
changes in plaque. There seems to be a lack of information regarding the effects of RPDs
on the status of periodontally compromised abutments. A number of studies, mainly in
vitro, have failed to agree on the ideal RPD design. Clinical trials have shown that if basic
principles of RPD design are followed (rigid major connectors, simple design, proper base
adaptation), periodontal health of the remaining dentition can be maintained.
Conclusion: Removable partial dentures do not cause any adverse periodontal reactions,
provided that preprosthetic periodontal health has been established and maintained with
meticulous oral hygiene. Frequent hygiene recalls and prosthetic maintenance are
essential tools to achieve a good long-term prognosis. More prospective clinical trials are
needed on the effect of RPDs on the condition of periodontally involved abutment teeth.
Int J Prosthodont 2001;14:164–172.

T here are a number of ways to treat the partially

edentulous patient to restore function, health,
and esthetics.1 A fixed partial denture supported by
prosthesis may be more desirable from a psycho-
logic point of view, a well-constructed removable
partial denture (RPD) can be an excellent treatment
the adjacent teeth can be constructed. In the case of alternative.3,4 Successful treatment necessitates thor-
long edentulous spans or posterior edentulism, os- ough knowledge of the interactions of the RPD with
seointegrated implants can be used to support the the oral tissues. The purpose of this article is to review
fixed reconstruction.2 There are situations, however, the dental literature regarding periodontal consider-
when financial, systemic, or local conditions pre- ations in RPD treatment.
clude the use of dental implants.2 Although a fixed Using a MEDLINE search, a total of 884 papers per-
taining to “removable partial dentures” were identi-
fied in peer-reviewed journals. The MEDLINE search
became more specific by relating the key phrase “re-
Candidate, Department of Fixed Prosthodontics, Aristotle
University, Dental School, Thessaloniki, Greece.
movable partial dentures” with the key words
b Assistant Professor, Department of Periodontology, Tufts “plaque,” “splinting,” “stress,” “tooth mobility,” “pe-
University, Boston, Massachusetts. riodontal stability,” “maintenance,” and “clinical
Reprint requests: Dr Haralambos Petridis, 16 Petrou Levandi
trial.” Empirical articles and case reports were ex-
Street, Neo Panorama, 55236 Thessaloniki, Greece. Fax: cluded. Both in vivo and in vitro studies on the peri-
+ (3031)341077. e-mail: odontal aspects of RPD treatment were included.

The International Journal of Prosthodontics 164 Volume 14, Number 2, 2001

Petridis/Hempton Periodontal Considerations in RPD Treatment

Periodontal Considerations periodontal support may not be able to withstand ad-

Prior to Prosthetic Treatment ditional forces placed on it by an RPD. There is scarce
information in the literature concerning this issue. One
Periodontal Screening study15 reported clinical observations of root-resected
maxillary molars followed for 11 to 84 months. These
The periodontal screening of a patient who is a can- teeth stood alone and were not splinted to adjacent
didate to receive RPDs does not differ in any way from teeth. The study showed increased mobility for these
that of any other patient in need of other types of pros- teeth used as RPD abutments.
thetic treatment.5 Oral hygiene, the presence of Clearly, not all patients are amenable to surgical in-
plaque and gingival inflammation, attachment loss, tervention that involves osseous resection; however,
remaining osseous support, and mobility should be this treatment should be considered in the treatment-
assessed. The goal at this phase is to diagnose any pe- planning phase as a tool to provide the patient with
riodontal conditions that would compromise the more easily maintainable abutments. Open-flap de-
long-term prognosis for a successful therapeutic out- bridement and nonsurgical therapy may provide only
come.6 One of the most important parameters is the pocket reduction, but they are certainly advanta-
patient’s level of oral hygiene. It is critical that the pa- geous in contrast to no decrease in pocket depth
tient is educated with regard to oral hygiene. This prior to insertion of an RPD.
learning process and encouragement should con- Regarding guided tissue regeneration (GTR), there
tinue throughout the treatment and posttreatment are no studies examining the effects on healing when
phase. Oral hygiene appears to be even more crucial a tooth also serves as an abutment for an RPD. It
for the RPD patient compared to a patient treated with should be noted, however, that wound healing is de-
fixed partial dentures.7 It has been observed that layed in these procedures, as the membrane placed
RPDs can result in detrimental changes in the qual- during the surgery serves to exclude the ingress of gin-
ity and quantity of plaque, which necessitate a higher gival epithelium from the healing area, thereby slow-
level of plaque control on the part of the patient.8–10 ing down the process of wound closure.16 This effect
is intentional, allowing the slower-healing tissues of
Definitive Periodontal Treatment the periodontal ligament and the adjacent osseous
structures to close the wound. The result is regenera-
The goal of definitive periodontal treatment is to tion of the attachment apparatus rather than a repair
eliminate periodontal disease, treat any defects that via a long junctional epithelium.16 Early wound heal-
hinder plaque control, and create a better environ- ing stability seems to be an important factor for suc-
ment for cleaning.5,11 Strategic extractions of severely cessful periodontal regeneration.17 The possible
weakened teeth should be performed, especially in torquing action of the RPD could interfere with the re-
cases when the treatment plan does not change.5 For generating periodontal ligament, resulting in a long-
example, a compromised maxillary second premolar term failure. As a result, insertion of an RPD should
could be extracted if the first premolar is healthy. The be delayed if GTR is used on an abutment tooth.
new RPD will have the same design for retention with Crown lengthening is indicated in instances of al-
an additional denture tooth. tered passive eruption of the abutment teeth to es-
Periodontal pockets should be eliminated or re- tablish better crown contours, as well as to create
duced via surgical or nonsurgical therapy.5 Kaldahl minimal space required for the different RPD com-
et al12,13 compared osseous resective therapy to open- ponents.
flap debridement and nonsurgical treatment. Their 7- Gingival augmentation might be considered when
year investigation revealed that osseous resective there is a lack of attached gingiva around abutment
surgery for pocket elimination results in a greater re- teeth. It must be stressed that the available body of sci-
duction of probing depths and improved retention entific evidence does not substantiate the claimed
and maintenance of the treated dentition than the importance of a certain gingival dimension around
other modalities of treatment examined in the study. abutment teeth.18 The retentive arms of an RPD,
This was especially true for sites with pocket depths though, can be a source of plaque accumulation and
exceeding 4 mm. can present an inflammatory challenge to the soft tis-
Pocket-elimination surgery also includes root-re- sue.19 This is especially true for infrabulge retentive
sective therapy. A root and its accompanying crown arms, like I bars, that approach the abutment teeth
portion may be removed to facilitate establishment from a gingival direction. Another use of gingival
of positive osseous contours around the remaining grafts is on the lingual portion of the anterior mandible
root or roots still invested in the alveolar bone.14 If a to provide increased keratinized tissue for the place-
multirooted tooth is treated in this fashion, residual ment of major connectors.

Volume 14, Number 2, 2001 165 The International Journal of Prosthodontics

Periodontal Considerations in RPD Treatment Petridis/Hempton

Effects of RPDs on Periodontal Indices ridge.35,36 The differences in the resilience between
these supporting elements35 have prompted examina-
Effects on Plaque tion of many laboratory and clinical models and their
effects on forces exerted on the abutment teeth.
Several studies show an effect of RPDs on the quan- It has been reported that RPD design affects the dis-
tity and quality of plaque. One study showed that tribution of force on abutment teeth and residual alve-
plaque formation is enhanced on teeth in contact with olar ridges.37–42 However, most studies involve the use
RPDs and pointed out the need for teaching patients of laboratory models, and there is no clear consensus
how to keep the endangered teeth clean.8 The same regarding the ideal RPD design. The authors agree that
investigator, using the subjects of the previous study, rigidity of major connectors and maximum coverage
showed that RPDs promote the proliferation of spir- of denture-bearing areas with denture bases are of
illa and spirochetes at the expense of cocci and short great importance in reducing stresses on abutment
rods, thereby altering the composition of plaque.9 In teeth.37,38,41,43 Two similar photoelastic studies44,45
a third study,20 that author and a coworker demon- compared the stresses induced on the abutment teeth
strated that by implementing intense toothbrushing, by different RPD designs of direct retainers. The first
plaque can be kept at a low level. The hygiene mea- study44 tested seven clasp assemblies, whereas the sec-
sures included brushing after each meal, using spe- ond45 tested two clasp assemblies and four intracoro-
cial toothbrushes for proximal surfaces, and frequent nal attachments. Both studies concluded that the typ-
cleaning of the dentures. ical “RPI” retainer design (mesial rest seat and buccal
One group of researchers21,22 studied 46 RPDs and I bar) produces the lowest torquing forces on abutment
their effects on plaque accumulation. They concluded teeth.44,45 The RPI retainer was used as a control in an-
that a higher level of oral hygiene is needed for RPD other photoelastic study46 in which Extracoronal
patients and that the denture design should be as sim- Resilient Attachments (Sterngold) semiprecision at-
ple as possible, covering only the essential hard and tachments with light retention elements, splinted teeth,
soft tissues. Similar observations were made in a 1-year and rest seats compared favorably with it. This study
study of three maxillary RPD designs.23 The designs dif- also showed an increase in stress concentration on
fered only in the relationship of the palatal plate to the abutment teeth as periodontal support diminishes.
gingival tissues. The study concluded that gingival One group of investigators47 using intraoral strain
areas that are covered by parts of the RPD without re- gauges measured the lateral horizontal forces applied
lief show the most adverse periodontal reactions, both to abutment teeth by RPDs during function. They
clinically and histologically, whereas the uncovered showed that forces exerted on abutment teeth during
areas are the least affected. Based on the results, a dis- swallowing are almost twice those exerted during mas-
tance of 5 to 6 mm away from the gingival margins for tication on a daily basis. They did not mention the prac-
all RPD components was proposed. A short-term, sin- tical effects of their findings on the teeth. Another in-
gle-blind cross-over experimental gingivitis trial sug- vestigator48 stressed the fact that not only occlusal force
gested that the cingulum bar has fewer detrimental ef- but also tongue, cheeks, and lips contribute to gener-
fects on gingival tissues than the lingual apron major ating torque and forces exerted on abutment teeth.
connector.24 The increased tissue coverage by the lat- The literature45,49 suggests that clasp-retained de-
ter major connector resulted in more plaque accumu- signs produce less torque on abutment teeth than in-
lation. Another group of investigators25 demonstrated tracoronal attachment designs. Clinical studies36,48,50
that the ecologic changes brought about by RPDs are suggest a tendency of reduction of torque exerted on
not offset by toothbrushing as it is commonly practiced; abutment teeth as the denture-wearing period pro-
extra hygiene measures are needed. They also sug- ceeds. This “settling” period lasts about 1 to 1.5
gested simpler designs, less tissue coverage, and fre- months from the time of insertion of new RPDs and
quent recalls. A number of clinical studies have con- is attributed to changes of jaw movement in the
cluded that proper plaque control in RPD wearers frontal plane, adaptation of the oral tissues to the den-
depends on strict recall and oral hygiene.19,26–34 ture, properties of the alveolar mucosa, or changes in
the chewing points of the RPDs.36,48,50
Effects on Forces Exerted on Teeth Tooth mobility of abutment teeth was measured in-
and Tooth Mobility traorally in a 200-day experiment using two different
RPD designs in a cross-over experiment.51 Both RPDs
There has always been a concern in the literature re- were mandibular distal extension, anchored on the ca-
garding the biomechanical aspects of RPD design. nines. The first design had a mesioocclusal rest and a
Bilateral or unilateral distal extension RPDs share their buccal cast circumferential clasp arm, while the sec-
support between the abutment teeth and the edentulous ond design used an elastic wire clasp arm with no rest

The International Journal of Prosthodontics 166 Volume 14, Number 2, 2001

Petridis/Hempton Periodontal Considerations in RPD Treatment

seat. Both designs elicited significant acute or grad- patients for 6 years and reported that the longitudinal
ual changes of abutment tooth mobility. There was no effects of fixed or removable partial dentures on the pe-
mention of control measures or maintenance, and the riodontium were similar and inconsequential.31
small sample size precluded any definite conclusions A clinical study59 with a cross-over design studied
regarding design influence on the changes observed. the effects on tooth mobility and other periodontal
Other investigators52 have reported stabilizing peri- parameters of three RPD designs that produced dif-
odontally mobile teeth with properly designed RPDs ferent stresses on the abutment teeth. Each design was
over a 2-year period. According to the authors, par- used for 19 weeks. There was no difference among
allel guide planes are a prerequisite for success, along the three designs in plaque accumulation and peri-
with rigid major connectors. Complete palatal cov- odontal condition of abutment teeth. All prostheses
erage was used on the maxillary arch, and “fingers” caused an initial increase of tooth mobility, which
were placed over the incisal edges of the mandibu- later returned to normal.
lar anterior teeth. This report, however, produced no Several long-term clinical studies have shown that
control or proper statistics. properly designed RPDs do not have any detrimen-
In a 4-year longitudinal study27 of RPD patients, it tal effects on tooth mobility, provided that strict oral
was reported that patients who were wearing their hygiene and frequent recalls are implement-
dentures had on average 18% of their teeth mobile ed.26,29,30,32,33,60
and 25% with a tendency for increased mobility by
the end of the study period. Patients who did not wear Splinted Versus Nonsplinted Abutments
their dentures had no significant changes in tooth mo-
bility. The study concluded that when patients have There is no scientific evidence to point to one treat-
a high standard of oral hygiene, RPDs can be used ment over the other.
for rehabilitation for long periods without major risk Carlsson et al27 suggested splinting primary abut-
of damage to the remaining teeth. Several investiga- ment teeth to withstand the forces of the RPDs. They
tors have reported, with in vitro and in vivo studies, based the recommendation on the observation that
that the forces exerted on abutment teeth are also in- during their 4-year clinical study, no deterioration of
fluenced by the inclination of the residual ridge.53–55 the periodontal condition occurred on the splinted
One group56 studied the effects on tooth mobility of abutments.27 Goodkind57 made the same suggestion.
three bilateral distal extension RPD clasping systems An in vitro study61 of a photoelastic model con-
in five patients. The first system consisted of a cast cir- cluded that fixed splinting of adjacent abutment teeth
cumferential buccal retentive arm, a distal rest, and a is an important factor when attachment retainers are
lingual bracing arm. The second system used an 18- used for an extension RPD. Similar results were ob-
gauge wrought wire buccal retentive arm instead of the tained from a study62 of the strains induced on abut-
cast arm. The third clasping system had a buccal I-bar ment teeth when extracoronal attachments are used
retentive arm, a mesial rest, and a distal plate con- in distal extension RPDs. An in vitro model with
tacting a guide plane. The authors did not record any strain gauges was used, and the suggestion was that
change in abutment tooth mobility after 1 month of at least two teeth should be splinted for a reduction
using each RPD clasping system. A slight initial in- of stresses. One more photoelastic study63 looking at
crease in tooth mobility was attributed to settling of the the same issue concluded that a distal abutment with
dentures and was diminished later. The authors stress moderate periodontal support should be splinted to
the importance of following sound principles during one sound adjacent tooth to decrease the load trans-
RPD fabrication (altered cast, proper design, proper oc- fer by a distal extension RPD.
clusion) and maintaining a strict recall.56 No clinical studies compare splinted and non-
A short-term clinical study57 of five patients with splinted abutments for RPDs. There is no clinical evi-
mandibular Kennedy Class I RPDs reported a small dence that torquing forces transmitted to the abutment
increase of abutment mobility. However, the abut- teeth from distal extension RPDs pose any threat to their
ments were single-standing premolars, and there was periodontal status, provided that oral hygiene is main-
no mention of controlled final impressions or oral hy- tained. It also seems that laboratory models cannot ac-
giene measures. The author suggests splinting of pri- curately predict actual forces in vivo and their effects
mary abutments used in distal extension dentures.57 on oral structures.64–66 Literature67 has shown that in
A cross-sectional study58 concluded that RPDs might the absence of plaque and inflammation, traumatic
be associated with increased tooth mobility in an el- forces on teeth do not cause attachment loss. An ini-
derly population. The nature of the study, though, pre- tial increase in tooth mobility may be the result of
cluded any definite conclusions. However, some of adaptive, not pathologic, changes.67 However, sound
the same investigators followed the same group of principles should be followed during the fabrication of

Volume 14, Number 2, 2001 167 The International Journal of Prosthodontics

Periodontal Considerations in RPD Treatment Petridis/Hempton

RPDs to minimize stresses. The framework should be (occlusal adjustment, relining, and repairs). No de-
adjusted properly,68,69 and distal extension bases terioration was found in any of the periodontal pa-
should be constructed using an altered cast.70–72 An in rameters. The same authors presented the follow-up
vivo study72 compared the vertical movement occur- results after 25 years.30 No apparent changes took
ring during loading of distal extension RPD bases made place regarding the periodontal condition.
by three impression techniques. The impressions stud- A retrospective study75 examined RPD patient pop-
ied were the altered-cast impression, an impression ulations from England, the Netherlands, and the
made from a border-molded custom tray, and a stock United States with samples of 1-year and 5-year post-
tray irreversible hydrocolloid impression that served as treatment data. There was no mention of recall. This
a control. The results showed a statistically significant group of investigators found some statistically signif-
difference between the first two techniques, with the icant differences in some periodontal indices, but
altered-cast technique producing less vertical move- the values were not clinically significant and fell
ment. However, the authors suggested that the 0.19 mm within the range of interexaminer variability. Two
difference in displacement may not be clinically sig- cross-sectional studies of the same patient population
nificant.72 In any case, mucosal support seems to have reported increased pocket depths around remaining
an indispensable role in sharing the occlusal load with teeth in RPD patients.76,77 The group of patients in
the abutment teeth in distal extension RPDs.42,43,73,74 these studies did not follow any recall and mainte-
nance protocol, and most RPDs did not have a metal
Clinical Studies of RPDs framework.
Isidor and Budtz-Jörgensen7 presented the only study
There are a number of clinical studies on longevity that evaluated long-term (5-year) periodontal changes
and reactions of oral structures to RPDs (Table 1). in two groups of patients with moderate to advanced
A 4-year longitudinal study27 of RPD patients con- bone loss. One group was treated with distally ex-
cluded that, in patients with a high standard of oral tended, fixed cantilevered partial dentures, and the
hygiene, RPDs can be used for rehabilitation for long other was treated with RPDs. Both treatment groups
periods without major risk of damage to the remain- showed no progression of periodontitis, and all clini-
ing teeth.27 Derry and Bertram60 recalled patients 2 cal indices remained stable over the observation period.
years after fabrication of their RPDs and found that One study78 compared two matched groups of
in no instance had the dentures contributed to the de- regular dental attendees and concluded that patients
struction of the supporting structures. The weakness using RPDs were no more likely to have poor peri-
of the study was that there were no pretreatment odontal health than those who did not wear dentures.
readings for comparison. A cross-sectional study79 reported a deterioration in
A team of investigators studied26 a group of patients three indices (Plaque Index, gingival index, and loss
after 2 years of RPD use. They reported an increase of attachment) for abutment teeth in a group of RPD
in plaque and gingival inflammation, but stressed patients. The RPDs were in use for 1.5 to 8 years, and
that their patients did not receive regular hygiene in- the group had been maintained only for a short-term
structions. There was also no mention of recall dur- basis. The absence of hygiene recalls led to a deteri-
ing the 2 years. All other indices remained stable. oration of the level of oral hygiene. The importance
Different investigators examined the same group of of frequent hygiene and prosthetic maintenance ap-
patients 8 to 9 years after initial treatment.19 Although pointments for RPD patients was also stressed in an-
the turnout was low (40%), the authors concluded other cross-sectional study.80
that there were no significant longitudinal differences In a well-designed randomized clinical trial, Kapur
between patients wearing RPDs and those not wear- et al33 compared the effectiveness of two different
ing them. Poor oral hygiene caused increased levels RPD designs for 134 patients with Kennedy Class I
of gingival inflammation in regions covered by the and II edentulous conditions. One design used a dis-
dentures and apical to clasp arms. A cross-sectional tal occlusal rest seat and guide plane along with a
study28 of a group of RPD patients reported poor buccal cast circumferential clasp retainer. The other
maintenance and oral hygiene for the majority of pa- design used an I-bar retainer and a mesioocclusal rest
tients that led to gingival inflammation. However, seat. No clinically significant changes were reported
there was a very small turnout of patients. for any periodontal component in the two groups after
The results of a well-controlled 10-year longitudi- 60 months. It must be noted that in this particular
nal study on 30 patients with mostly bilateral distal study, patients were selected to meet fairly rigid gen-
extension RPDs were presented in 1982.29 Patients eral and periodontal health criteria, most of the abut-
were recalled on a yearly basis, and emphasis was ment teeth were splinted, and a rigid quality-control
given to proper oral hygiene and prosthetic service system was followed for the fabrication of the RPDs.

The International Journal of Prosthodontics 168 Volume 14, Number 2, 2001

Table 1 Clinical Studies on the Effects of RPDs on the Periodontal Condition

No. of No. of
Study Type Period patients RPDs RPD design Effects of RPDs

Carlsson Prospective 4y 88 129 Maxillary and mandibular RPD patients presented with an increased No. of mobile abutment
et al27 clasp retained teeth. Periodontal conditions depend on strict personal oral
hygiene, recalls, and motivation.
Derry and Retrospective 2y 54 65 Maxillary and mandibular Sound principles of denture construction followed, but no pre-
Bertram60 clasp retained treatment readings. RPDs caused no tissue damage.
Schwalm Retrospective 1–2 y 92 102 Maxillary and mandibular No regular recall or hygiene instructions. RPD design followed
et al26 clasp retained sound principles. Plaque and gingival inflammation increased.
All other indices remained stable.
Benson and Cross sectional — 77 135 I-bar retainers Low turnout of patients (< 10%). No control recall. Poor oral hy-
Spolsky28 giene was accompanied by gingival inflammation.
Tebrock Prospective 1 mo 5 5/ Cast retainer, wrought Mobility of abutment teeth after 1 mo remained same as baseline.
et al56 design wire, or RPI No difference among designs.
Kratochvil Retrospective 1 and 137 203 No information No mention of recall. Average measurements presented. No clin-
et al75 5y ically significant changes in periodontal indices.
Bergman Prospective 10 y 30 33 Maxillary and mandibular Proper principles of RPD design and recall. Emphasis on prosthetic
et al29 clasp retained maintenance. No deterioration of any periodontal parameter.
Chandler and Retrospective 8–9 y 38 44 Maxillary and mandibular Same group of patients as in Schwalm et al.26 Low turnout (40%).
Brudvik19 clasp retained No recall program. No significant longitudinal changes between

Volume 14, Number 2, 2001

RPD patients and non-RPD patients.
Rissin et al31 Prospective 6y 238 25 No information No mention of recall. No differences or longitudinal deterioration
in periodontal status in RPD vs fixed prosthesis abutments.

Markkanen et al76 Cross sectional — 1468 No No information Both acrylic and cobalt-chrome RPDs used. No maintenance. RPDs
and Tuominen et al77 mention associated with poorer periodontal condition.
Isidor and Prospective 5y 25 25 Mandibular clasp retained Only study with patients with moderate to advanced bone loss
Budtz-Jörgensen7 around teeth. RPDs compared favorably to fixed cantilevered
partial dentures. Only minor periodontal changes.
Hosman59 Prospective, 19 wk 25 25 Mandibular clasp retained Three RPD designs produced different torque and cleaning envi-
cross over ronments. No difference in plaque or periodontal condition.
Drake and Cross sectional — 211 No No information No hygiene recall or maintenance. RPDs, especially defective
Beck80 mention ones, associated with periodontal problems.
Kapur et al33 Prospective 5y 122 122 I bar or circumferential Well-controlled study. Strict patient selection criteria. Regular recall.
Similar success rates for two designs. No periodontal deterioration.
Mullaly and Cross sectional — 28 14 No information Two matched groups (RPD and non-RPD) compared for periodon-
Lindén78 tal health; no differences found.
Yusof and Cross sectional — 18 18 No information Periodontal health in abutment and nonabutment teeth in individual
Isa79 patients compared. RPDs associated with reduced periodontal
health in patients with less-than-adequate oral hygiene.

The International Journal of Prosthodontics

Mojon et al34 Cross sectional — 120 52% of Maxillary and mandibular No hygiene or recall protocol. Majority of RPDs were defective and
patients clasp retained periodontal condition had been compromised.
Periodontal Considerations in RPD Treatment

Bergman Prospective 25 y 23 25 Maxillary and mandibular Same group as in Bergman et al.29 No apparent changes of perio-
et al30 clasp retained dontal condition during follow-up period.
Bassi et al32 Cross sectional — 57 57 No information No recall. Only 10% of patients maintained optimal oral hygiene and
showed no differences in periodontal condition of abutment and
nonabutment teeth.
Yeung et al82 Cross sectional — 87 87 No information No control. Need for strict oral hygiene measures for RPDs stressed.
Periodontal Considerations in RPD Treatment Petridis/Hempton

A cross-sectional study34 emphasized the impor- 5. Properly designed and maintained RPDs can pro-
tance of strict hygiene recall and maintenance with vide long-term clinical service without any detri-
RPD wearers. Most of the patients examined had lost mental effects on the periodontal condition of the
contact with their dentists, and as a result, the majority remaining dentition, provided that preprosthetic
of dentures were defective and the periodontal sta- periodontal health has been established and main-
tus had been compromised. The same conclusions tained with meticulous oral hygiene. Frequent hy-
were drawn in a cross-sectional study of a group of giene recalls and prosthetic maintenance are es-
periodontally compromised RPD wearers.81 sential tools to achieve a good long-term prognosis.
Another cross-sectional study32 examined a group
of patients who had been treated with RPDs 6 to 12 References
years before. The authors reported that without reg-
1. Budtz-Jörgensen E. Restoration of the partially edentulous mouth—
ular recall, only 10.5% of the patients had main-
A comparison of overdentures, removable partial dentures, fixed
tained optimal oral hygiene. The periodontal condi- partial dentures and implant treatment. J Dent 1996;24:237–244.
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giene. As oral hygiene had deteriorated in the other Chicago: Quintessence, 1996:153–182.
3. Kapur KK. Veterans Administration cooperative dental implant
groups of patients, so did the periodontal condition
study—Comparisons between fixed partial dentures supported
of abutment teeth. A recent cross-sectional study82 by blade-vent implants and removable partial dentures. Part III:
stressed the special need that RPD wearers have re- Comparisons of masticatory scores between two treatment
garding oral hygiene reinforcement, scaling, and pro- modalities. J Prosthet Dent 1991;62:272–283.
phylaxis. 4. Kapur KK. Veterans Administration cooperative dental implant
study—Comparisons between fixed partial dentures supported
by blade-vent implants and removable partial dentures. Part IV:
Periodontal Therapy After Delivery of RPDs Comparisons of patient satisfaction between two treatment
modalities. J Prosthet Dent 1991;66:517–530.
All of the clinical studies have clearly emphasized the 5. Franzetti JJ. Symposium on semiprecision attachments in re-
need for frequent recall and maintenance for patients movable partial dentures. Periodontal considerations and guide-
lines for therapy. Dent Clin North Am 1985;29:17–38.
wearing RPDs.69 The frequency of hygiene recalls
6. McGivney GP, Castleberry DJ. Preparation of mouth for re-
should be tailored to the individual patient’s needs and movable partial dentures. In: McCracken’s Removable Partial
ability to keep plaque under control. A very important Dentures, ed 8. St Louis: Mosby, 1989:263–265.
aspect of recall appointments is prosthetic mainte- 7. Isidor F, Budtz-Jörgensen E. Periodontal conditions following
nance. Ill-fitting dentures or malocclusion can alter the treatment with distally extending cantilever bridges or remov-
able partial dentures in elderly patients. A 5-year study. J
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Literature Abstract

Implant-supported overdentures, A prevention of bone loss in edentulous

mandibles? A 5-year follow-up study.

The purpose of this article was to analyze (1) the changes in bone mineral content (BMC) in
mandibles with implant-supported overdentures when compared with the physiologic age-re-
lated mandibular BMC loss; (2) whether the BMC changes were different in groups with or with-
out a bar connecting the implants; and (3) whether the presence of mandibular osteoporosis af-
fected the loss of bone height around the implants. The material consisted of 22 long-term
edentulous healthy subjects, 18 women and four men aged 54 to 79 years, all with one Astra
Tech implant in both mandibular canine regions. The BMC in the mandible and the forearm was
measured by dual-photon absorptiometry. The treatment with implant-supported overdentures
seemed to minimize mandibular bone loss. No significant difference was noted between the two
different retentive systems (bar or ball attachments). However, presence of mandibular osteo-
porosis may be a risk factor for loss of bone height around implants. Still, the authors recom-
mend treatment with implant-supported overdentures even in osteoporotic subjects.

Von Wowern N, Gotfredsen K. Clin Oral Implants Res 2001;12:19–25. References: 37. Reprints: Nina
von Wowern, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, School of Dentistry, University of Copenhagen,
20 Nørre Allé, DK-2200 Copenhagen N, Denmark—SP

The International Journal of Prosthodontics 172 Volume 14, Number 2, 2001

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