Cbse English LL Class 10 SQP 1706434654

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SAMPLE QUESTION PAPER English Language and Literature CBSE X General Instructions Time: 3 hrs Max. Marks : 80 1. This Question paper contains THREE sections-READING, GRAMMAR & WRITING and LITERATURE. 2. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part, m Section A: Reading Skills (20 Marks) Reading Comprehension Through Unseen Passages 1. Read the following text. 0) 1, The funding crisis at many zoos has reopened the debate over the value of zoos and whether they should be allowed to exist at all. People who are in favour of zoos argue that they perform an essential role in conserving rare animal species. Over the past 20 years z008 have developed programmes designed to help preserve endangered species. This involves breeding animals in captivity in ‘captive breeding programmes'—and then reintroducing them into their natural habitats to replenish the number living in the wild 2. Zoos cooperate with each other in order to ensure the success of their breeding programmes. Animals are passed from one zoo to another in order to prevent inbreeding— breeding from closely related animals. If animals that are closely related to one another mate there is a danger that they will produce deformed offspring. 3, Supporters of zoos argue that they have an important role in educating children, millions of who visit zoos every year. Television-viewing is no substitute for encountering real animals, they argue. Zoos also carry out important research, for example, on the best conditions for rare species to reproduce, If zoos were forced to close, it would be disastrous for world conservation, zoo supporters say. And most animals in captivity would have to be killed. 4, Opponents of zoos accept that some species have been saved from extinction by ‘captive breeding programmes’, but they argue that this offers no solution to the worldwide conservation crisis. The number of animals protected by zoos is tiny compared with the overall problem. It cost millions to save the Arabian oryx from dying out; but could that amount be available for every species that is endangered? The value of zoo-breeding programmes is also questioned as some species, such as the African elephant, do not reproduce well in captivity. 194 English Language and Literature Class 10 5. Captive animals are often kept in poor and inhumane conditions, opponents say. In the worst zoos, animals are still displayed for the entertainment of the public. Where animals are placed in impoverished and unsuitable surroundings, they often behave in abnormal and neurotic ways. It is common for polar bears constantly to pace up and down or twist their heads and circle over and over again. This behaviour is now recognised by scientists as a sign of stress and frustration. When children visit zoos where animals are acting in neurotic and abnormal ways, they are not being educated. Instead, opponents say, they are being given inaccurate information. Answer the following questions, based on the passage above. () What are the advantages of zoos? o (a) Breeding of endangered species is done. (b) Children are educated about wildlife in zoos. {c) Both (a) and (b} (@) None of the above {ii) How would closing of zoos be disastrous? Answer in about 40 words. @ (ii) Complete the following with a reason from paragraph two: w Inbreeding can lead to deformed animals because iv) The passage includes some words that are opposites of each other. From the sets {a)-(e) below, identify a set of synonyms. oy (a) Rare and endangered (b) Reproduce and breed (©) Supporters and opponents —_(d) Crisis and solution (e) Reintroduce and replenish Complete the sentence appropriately. Cooperation amongst zoos support Captive 7) Breeding Programme by .......-.« w (vi) Supply the disadvantages of zoo. Answer in about 40 words. @ (vii) Zoos provide a chance to encounter real animals, ..... 0 (a) but visitors do not always see the natural behaviour of animals (b) which gives visitors a chance to take pictures with animals (c) which can irritate the animals in the 200 (a) None of the above (viii) Do you think captive breeding programmes are 100% successful? Answer with reference to the above passage. @ 2. Read the following text. ao) 1. The automobile industry in India is the world’s fourth-largest. India was the world’s fourth-largest manufacturer of cars and the seventh-largest manufacturer of commercial vehicles in 2019. The Indian automotive industry (including component manufacturing) is expected to reach %16,16-18.18 trillion (US $ 251.4-282.8 billion) by 2026. The industry attracted Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) worth US $ 24.21 billion from April 2000 to March 2020 according to the data released by the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIT). 2, Two-wheelers and passenger vehicles dominate the domestic Indian auto market. Passenger car sales are dominated by small and mid-sized cars ‘Two-wheelers and passenger cars accounted for 80.8 percent and 12.9 percent market share, respectively, accounting for a combined sale of over 21.55 million vehicles in FY20. The CAGR during FYI 6-FY20 is 1.29 percent, Sample Paper 3. The government aims to develop India as global manufacturing and Research and Development (R and D) hub. It has set up National Automotive Testing and R and D Infrastructure Project (NATRIP) centres as well as National Automotive Board to act as a facilitator between the government and the industry. Under (NATRIP), five testing and research centres have been established in the country since 2015. NATRIPs proposal for “Grant-In-Aid for test facility infrastructure for Electric Vehicle (EV) performance Certification from NATRIP Implementation Society” under FAME (Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of (Hybrid) and Electric Vehicles in India) scheme was approved by Project Implementation and Sanctioning Committee (PISC) on 3rd January, 2019, 4, The Indian Government has also set up an ambitious target of having only EVs sold in the country. The Ministry of Heavy Industries, Government of India, has shortlisted 11 cities in the country for the introduction of EVs in their public transport system under the FAME scheme, The first phase of the scheme was extended to March 2019 while in February 2019, the government approved the FAME-II scheme with a fund requirement of Rs 10,000 crore (US § 1.39 billion) for FY20-22. Under Union Budget 2019-20, government announced providing an additional income tax deduction of 1.5 lakh (US § 2146) on the interest paid on the loans taken to purchase EVs. 5. EV sales, excluding e-rickshaws, in India witnessed a growth of 20 percent and reached 1.56 lakh units in FY20 driven by two-wheelers. The Government of India expects the automobile sector to attract US $ 8-10 billion in local and foreign investment by 2023 Numoer ot auzomebies sid india inion) CAG 2095 5 opie Ae FT Fre FATS Answer the following questions, based on the passage above. (a0) (i) Complete the sentence appropriately. ® ‘As per the passage, the Government of India wants to grow in (ii) Select the appropriate words to fill in the blanks, 0 We can infer that the ...... (Department/Institute) for promotion of Industry and Internal Trade highlights that India has received a considerable amount from (FDI/R and D). (iii) Based on your understanding of the passage, list the initiatives taken by the government to promote the automobile industry. Answer in about 40 words. @) (iv) Why has the government set up NATRIP and National Automative Board? (i) (v) What was the NATRIP's proposal? 0 (vi) Which word can substitute the word ‘ambitious’ in the following sentence from Paragraph 4. @ He is smart, intelligent and an ambitious medical student. (a) Aspiring (b} Ideal (6) Dreamy (@) Arrogant (vii) What does the Indian Government want to establish? @ (viii) Select the correct option to complete the following sentence. @ Para 4 focuses on the ambitious target of having 195 196 English Language and Literature Class 10 (a) only the EVs being sold in the country (b) only the 2 wheeler's sold in the country (c) the overall growth of the automobile industry (@) foreign Direct Investment in the automobile industry ™ Section B : Writing Skills and Grammar (20 marks) Grammar a0) 3. Complete ANY TEN of twelve of the following tasks, as directed. (i) Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word in the bracket for the given portion of letter, o Dear Sir This is to inform you that the students of our school (wish) to visit the Jim Corbett National Park as a part of our summer excursion trip in the month of May. Read the given sentence from a government regulation. Identify the error and supply the correction in the sentence. o ‘The Parent-Teacher Conference must go on for two hours starting from 10:00 a.m, in the morning. Use the given format for your response. (a) Error Correction (iii) Jaya shared some information with Shilpa about a textbook. Report Shilpa's question 0 Shilpa: Can I borrow your English textbook? Jaya: Sure you can, But when will you return it? {iv) Read the dialogue between Rahul and Sukrit, o Rahul ; Do you know that Ranjit met with an accident and is in the hospital? Sukrit : Oh! I didn’t know. Is he badly hurt? Select the correct option to complete the narration of the dialogue. Rahul asked Sukrit that Ranjit had met with an accident and was in the hospital. Sukrit expressed his ignorance and enquired if he was badly hurt. (a) ifhe knew (b) if he knows (¢) if he had known (@) if he will know (©) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to complete the given sentence. (1) Every morning, the rich man would steal (few/ a few/a little) glances at the widow when she came out to do her chores in the garden (vi) Identify the error in the given sentence and supply the correction. ® No news these days are good news. Use the given format for your response. Error Correction Sample (wii) (viii) (ox) 0 (xi) (xii) Paper Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the following line. A few of my friends owns cars. Much of their money comes from their parents. ‘Option Error Correction @) owns own o cars car o comes come @ thei nis Complete the given narrative, by filling the blank with correct option. Please step out of the car, Mr. Saran. Do you realise you ............00 at over 90 mph? (a) were driving (b) have driven (c) had been driving (a) had driven Report the dialogue between Duke and Shylock by completing the sentence, Duke ; What can I do for you, sir? Shylock : Will you take me to the doctor? Duke : Yes, Sir. ‘The Duke asked what he could do for him. Shylock asked the Duke ‘The Duke replied in the affirmative. Complete the given narrative by filling in the blank with the correct option. The teacher asked the boys if they (a) had done their homework (b) do their homework (c} will get the homework done (@) did the homework Complete the line from a poem by filling the blank with the correct option. Ifyou pine on the top of the hill, Be a scrub in the valley - but be The best little scrub by the side of the rill; Be a bush if you can't be a tree. (a) cannot be (b) will not be (¢) should not be (a) be Identify the error in an online advertisement, Hindol Classes ‘New Delhi We teach the international students Science and other subjects. Use the given format for your response. Error Correction Wi 1g 4. All details presented in the questions are imaginary and created for assessment purpose. ‘A. Write a letter in 120 words to Editor of The Times of India, Delhi highlighting the issue of discrimination faced by people belonging to the North-Eastern India. o o Cy o o o (ao) © 197 198 English Language and Literature Class 10 or B. You live in a room in college which you share with another student. However, there are many problems with this arrangement and as a result you find it very difficult to study. Write a letter to the accommodation officer at the college explaining the situation and requesting an earliest redressal. (120 words) The bar chart shows the scores of teams A, B and C over four different seasons. Write an analytical paragraph on the given data in about 120 words. 6 ‘Seore by Team por Season __ Doon Fam [I] ea e607] BT T 7 1 8 ' se 4 4 4 | € | bso | | “ i sel || i ep 10 hie boc i sos! Poe Feo op LA Tl Re Or B. The table illustrates the proportion of monthly household income of five European countries spend on food and drink, housing, clothing and entertainment, Using the given data, write an analytical paragraph in about 120 words. Proportion of Houschold Income of Five European Countries Spend ‘on Food and Drink, Housing, Clothing and Entertainment Food and drink Housing Clothing Entertainment France 6 31% 13% Germany 22% 6 19% UK 276 a6 11 iy 36% 20% 10% Spain ae 18% 9% 15% ™ Section C : Literature Textbook and Supplementary Reading Text (40 Marks) 6. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, given. (5) A. Brilliant scientist though he was, Griffin was rather a lawless person. His landlord disliked him and tried to eject him, In revenge Griffin set fire to the house, to get away without being seen he had to remove his clothes. Thus, it was that he became a homeless wanderer, without clothes, without money and quite invisible - until he happened to step in some mud and left footprints as he walked! (Footprints without Feet) Sample Paper 199 () What did Griffin do to escape after setting the house of his landlord to fire?) (ii) Which phrase would correctly substitute the phrase ‘escape’ in the given sentence from the extract? ao Rupen wanted to escape from the busy life of the city, (iii) How can you say that Griffin was a brilliant scientist? 0 (a) As he carried on various experiments (b) As his experiments were used for common people. (c) As he carried on various experiments to prove that human body could become invisible. (q) Allof the above (iv) State True or False. o None of the terms (a)-(d) below, can be applied to the statement - Griffin went to the town of Iping to get away from crowded London, (a) A hypothesis - a proposed explanation for a phenomenon (b) An assumption - something that is taken for granted or assumed to be true without proof (c) A premise - a proposition that forms the basis of an argument (a) A theory - a well-substantiated explanation for a natural phenomenon Griffin went to the town of Iping to get away from crowded London. or B. That evening, after I'd finished the rest of my homework, the note about the essay caught my eye. I began thinking about the subject while chewing the tip of my fountain pen. Anyone could ramble on and leave big spaces between the words, but the trick was to come up with convincing arguments to prove the necessity of talking. (From The Diary of Anne Frank) () What does she write in her essay? @ (ii) Read the following descriptions (a)-(c) and identify which one correctly corresponds to the extract. 0 (a) A debate is a formal discussion on a particular topic, usually with two or more people presenting different viewpoints and arguments. (0) A soliloquy is a speech given by a character alone on stage, which reveals their innermost thoughts and feelings to the audience. (c) An aside is a brief comment or remark made by a character directly to the audience, which is not intended to be heard by other characters on stage. (iii) What is integral to writing her essay according to Anne? o (iv) According to the passage and the story, Anne was o (a) thinking about what to write in the essay (b) angry with Mr, Keesing (c) too tired to write the essay (a) unable to write the essay 200 English Language and Literature Class 10 7. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, given. () A The way a crow Shook down on me The dust of snow From a hemlock tree Has given my heart Achange of mood And saved some part Of a day I had rued (Dust of Snow) (@) Fill in the blank appropriately ‘And saved some part/of a day I had rued’, The poetic device used here is, wo (ii) What was the reaction of poet when the dust of snow fell on him? @ (iii) Rationalise what you think the poet was probably doing when the dust of snow fell on him ao (iv) Choose the option showing the reason NOT corresponding with ‘... a crow/shook down on me/The Dust of Snow. ao (a) The crow’s landing on the branch of the tree. (0) The shivering of the crow, due to the cold, (c) The readjustment of the position of the crow on the branch (a) The cawing of the crow is hidden in the foliage. The fog comes on little cat feet. Itsits looking over harbour and city on silent haunches and then moves on () Highlight any two characteristics of fog from its description in the poem, o {ii) How does the poet compare fog to a cat? @ (iii) Why do you think fog is a free verse poem? 0 (a) It has only six lines. (b) It has no regular rhyme scheme. (c) It is divided in two paragraphs. (4) Both (a) and (b) (iv) Comment, in detail, on the significance of the closing phrase of the poem- ‘moves on’ o 8. Answer ANY FOUR of the following five questions, in about 40-50 words. (312) ( Why does the postmaster send money to Lencho? Why does he sign the letter's ‘God’? (A Letter to God) ® {ii) Would you agree that the ‘depths of oppression’ create ‘heights of character’? How does Mandela illustrate this? (Nelson Mandela-Long Walk to Freedom) (3) (ii) What does Chubukov at first suspect that Lomov has come for? Is he sincere when he later says ‘And I've always loved you, my angel, as if you were my own son"? Find reasons for your answer from the play. (The Proposal) @ (iv) How does the poem A Tiger in the Zoo point to the cruelty of animals in captivity? ® (v) Aballad includes the telling ofa tale as well as a surprise ending. Using evidence from the poem, explain how these features are included in The Tale of Custard the Dragon. @) 9. Answer ANY TWO of the following three questions, in about 40-50 words. @3-6) (i) Give any two reasons for Oop's breaking into laughter on reading the first nursery rhyme. (The Book that saved the Earth) @ (ii) What kind of mother was Ramlal's wife? (Bholi) @ (ii) Mme Loisel now knew the horrible life of necessity. Do you think Mme Loisel accepted this change willingly? Give two reasons in support of your answer. (The Necklace) @ Sample Paper 10. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100-120 words. (@x6=6) ‘A. Inspired by the diversity in the chapter, ‘Glimpses of India’, you wrote an article for your school magazine on the topic, ‘Diversity-The Uniqueness of India’. Write ‘a paragraph, sharing two key opinions from the article. or B. Why does the poet not offer money to the boy to buy another ball in ‘The Ball Poem? 11. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions in about 100-120 words. @x6=6) ‘A. Describe the changes the character of Hari Singh undergoes in the story ‘The Thief's Story’ using the following value points: or B. Imagine that Noodle, from The Book that saved the Earth writes a diary entry exploring the theme of cultural and language differences between two places (planets), in the context of his own experience. Write this diary entry, in about 120 words. Answers = () (€) Both (a) and (6) {i The closing of zoos can have @ aisastrous impact on world conservation. It would cause deliberate destruction of wildlife on a large scale while most animals in captiity woule have to be killed. (i) animals oreeded are closely related to each other (i) (@) and () (preventing inbreeding among captive animals which are closely elated. As a result, the offsprings are not deformed and have a better chance of surmising, (uv) The various disadvantages of zoos are + Running conservation programme is very costly + Captive animals are keat in very poor conditions. + Children are geiting inaccurate information about animal behaviours, (vi) (@) but visitors do nol always see the natural behavour of animals (ui) No, because such programmes are a minute solution tothe worldwide conservation of wild animals, 2. () R&D, ie. Research and Development. {i Departement, FOL (i) The following initiatives have been taken by the government to promate the automobile industry: (a) Established NATRIP and a NAB, (b) Set up 5 testing and research centres, (6) Iniroduction of EVs in their pubic transport, (@) Reduction in tax on loans for EVs. (Ww) The government set up NATRIP and National Automative Board to act as a facilitator between the government and industry. (| NATRIP proposed to provide aid for test facility inftastructure for Electric Vehicle (EV) performance certiication ‘69 @) Aspiring (vi) The indian Government wan to establish the folowing {2) National Automotive Testing and RAD Inrastucture Project centres (0) National Automotive Board (sl) (a) only the EVs being sod inthe county 3. (i) wish 0} Error | Correction Must will 201 202 English Language and Literature Class 10 (i) Shilpa asked Jaya if she could borrow her English textbook (i) (@if he knew Watew “ Ener | Correction (92) [enor correction (ui) (@) wore arving (by ithe would take him to the doctor (6) (@) had done theis homework (0 (@) cannot be i) [error | Correction he No aisle 4. AAA? East of Kaliash New Delhi Sth June, 20xx ‘The Ealtor The Times of India New Delhi ‘Subject Discrimination faced by people belonging o the North-Eastem India Sit/ Ma'am Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, | would lke to draw the altention of the concemed uthorties towards the increasing discrimination against Nortn-East oeople. Incredib\e naia’, ast is popular all over the word, is wellknown frits culture and heritage. But the current Situation, especially the rocont increase in crimes against people ofthe North-East in the ctias shows the lack of humanity and moral values. People who migrate trom other communities face the problem violence. [tis armatter of great concern that a young student had tolose his/her lif due to aracial comment ‘against people from the Norlh-East. Such an atliude not only causes disharmony among fellow hurnan, beings but also dents the image of our country all aver the wari. | nope ths letter of mine willbe published in your esleemied newspaper forthe sake of a noble cause. Thanking you Yours sincoroly ABC. or BB. Hostel Number F Dehradun ‘oth August, 20x. The Accommodation Officer ABC University Dehradun ‘Subject Probloms with roomate Sit/ Ma'am This is to inform you that | is A'sha Khurana, vein room F-202, which is shared with another student, Lam vwiling this letter to notfy you of my concerns about my current roommate, who fs making my stay in the college hoste’ciffcut. lam having unavoidable and unmanageable problems due to her activities and this, is impacting my studies badly. My previous housemate was rational, exiremely cooperative and inclined lo studies. However, my present roornmate is completely opposite. She's alvays throwing parties in the room without any prior information, She also plays loud rusic in the late hours. As she is two years senior to me | cannot protest. My semester exams are approaching and | would lke you to shit either me or my roommate to another room. | do nol mind the room type allocated to me as long as it is quie! and favourable fr studies. Thanking you Yours faithfully ‘Aisha Khurana Sample Paper Expertise of Team 8 ‘The gven bar cnatt shows the scores of three teams, A, B and C, in four consecutive seasons. tis evident from the chart that team 8 scored far higher than the other two teams over the seasons, though their score decreased as a whole over the period, 1.2002, the score of toam B far excoeded that ofthe other two teams, standing at 82 points compared to ‘only 10 for earn C and 5 for tear A. Over the next two years, the points for team B decreased, dropping to 43 by 2004, but they sill remained above the points for the olher two teams, However, though team A and C's points were lower, they were rising. Team A's points had increased by {600% from 2002 to reach 35 points by 2004, nearly equal to tear B. Tean C, meanwhile, had managed only a small increase over this time. Inthe final year, team 8 remained ahead of the other teams as their points increased again to $5, while tearn A and C saw ther point decrease and drop to 8 and 5, respectively, Or Dependence on Fast food ‘The table shows the amount of household income that five countries in Europe spend per month on four items. Overall itis evident that all five countries spend the major oftheir income on food and drink and housing, but much less on clothing and entertainment. Housing isthe largest expenditure item for France, Gormany and the UK, with al ofther spending around ‘one-third oftheir income on this, at 31%, 33% and 37%, respectively. In contrast, they spend around a ‘quarter of the'rincorne on food and drink. However, this paltern Is reversed for Turkey and Spain, who spend around a ith of their income on housing, but approximately one-third on food and dink. Alllive countries spend much less on the remaining two items viz. Clothing and Entertainment For clothing, France and Spain spens lass than 10%, while the other three countries spend around the same amount, ranging betwoen 11% and 15%. At 19%, Germany spends the mast on entertainment, whereas UK and “Turkey spend approximately hal this amount, with France and Spain's spending between those other three counties, (0 Gaifin removed his clothes, became invisible and got away without being seen, He became a homeless wonder without clothes and withaut money. (i) ‘get away’ (i) (©) As he carried on various experiments to prove thal human bedy could become invisible. ( False or {Inher essay titled ‘Chatterbox’, Anne wanted to come uo with convincing arguments to prove the necessity of taking. She wrote three pages and argued that talking was a student's tralt and she ‘would do her best to keep it under control (i) (©) An aside is @ bret comment or remark made by a character directly tothe audience, wich is rot intended to be heard by other characters on stage. (i) According to Anne, itis important to give convincing arguments in support of the necessity to talkin her essay, () (@) thinking about what to write in the essay. (0) enjarmbment (i The poet was in a depressed! and sorrowful mood. The moment the crow shook the hemiock tree ‘and a dust of snow fell on him, he fet unburdened and relieved (i) From the context and the depressed mood of the poem, we can make out thal the poet was sad Ho was taking a walk or was just standing near the hemlock tree regretting something before the dust of snow fellon him, (&) (9) The cawing of the crow is hidden in the foliage Or {)) The fog is a silent and mysterious thing, It enters a ety without any waming or sign and leaves just as siintl, (The poet compares the fog to a cal because of similaiy in their movements. The silent steps of a cal and the way it sits by folding ils knees are both very similar to the way fog comes and ‘surrounds the city and harbour and looks over it (i) (&) Ithas no reguiar rhyme scheme. 203 204 English Language and Literature Class 10 (v) The phrase ‘moves on’ is crucial to depict the mysterious quality of the fog. It comes and leaves ‘suddenly without being noticed by anyone, 8. {) When the postmaster reads Lencho's lelter,he realises his firm belief and faith of Lencho in God. He does nat want is faith to be braken and therefore, he decides to send money to Lencha. ‘To maintain Lencho's faith in God, the postmaster signs the letter as ‘Goa! so thal Lencho believes that God has helped him. {i) Yes, | agree thal the ‘deoths of oppression’ creates ‘heights of character. To illustrate this, Mandela gives the example of many patriots like Qliver Tambos, the Walter Sisulus, Chief Luthuls, Yusul Dadoos, etc. These freedom fighters emerged due to the extreme oppression faced by the blacks. Thay had ‘extraordinary courage, wisdom and generosity (i) At frst, Chubukov suspected that Lomov had come to borrow money. ‘Chubukov was not sinoere when he told Lornav that he had always loved him and that he was lke his own son because he had decided not to give any money to Lomov.IFhe truly meant what he said he would not have thought of nat giving him money. He said so anly because Lomav had asked for his daughter's hand in mariage, {iv) The poemA Tiger in the Zoo hints atthe cruelty of animalsin caplvily by contrasting the ile an animal ving in its nalural habitat and the zoo. The poet imagines how a tiger allacks a deer near the waler hole, terrorises the vilagers lving on the outskirts and snarls at night. On the contrary, i shows how the same liger is made to slay in a cramped space forthe entertainment of hunans, (The Tale of Custard the Dragon tals the story of Custard, who was once considered to be a coward. ‘The dragon is described as very timid by the poet. But on one occasion when a pirate enters Bel nda’s house, while everyone else is frightened, Custard tackles him and eats him up. Everyone is saved by him and eventualy, everyone recognises his bravery These instances prove that the aoam sa ballad, 9. {) Oop’s breaking into laughter on reading the frst nursery rhyme indicates that the vitamins had worked such that Oop was able to understand the meaning behind the nursery rhymes. Because he could Understand the ryres Iiterally, he found the images depicted to be humorous, {i) Ramia''s wile (Bhol’s mother) was a traditional housewife who believed thal daughters should not oe educated as it would be dificult to find grooms for them, She neglected Bhoiias she was ugly and dumb, ‘and wanted to got rid of her by marrying her off to anyone (i) Yes, | think Mme. Loisel accepted this change willingly du to the folowing reasons {i) She understood that in order to pay the debt, she would have to cut down o” her luxuries. i She leamed the work of kitchen, washed the clothes, brought up the water trom the street and sent away the maid to help save money to pay off the debt. 10. Diversity-The Uniqueness of india by xz India is a land of diferent cutures and traditions. No doubt, t's called the land of Unity in Diversity ach and every culture in ths lane has iis own uniqueness. ‘The geographical and cultural dissimilaties of each region makes every place distinct from the other \While on one hand, we have the beauty and bravery of Coorg which exempliies martial bravery, beautiful ‘women and magnificent landscapes full of flora and fauna (On the other, Assarn’s goographical features make it appropriate for tea production. In the similar way stands the cultural hertage of the Portuguese in Goa, Every region is identified by its own lifesiyle which ‘makes its diversity fll of unique combinations. or B. When a person is tying to came over his grief on his own, he is busy making himse'f understand certain things. In such a situation, if someone intrudes or disturbs, the chain of thoughis is broken wich iritates the person. Moreover, sel-consolalion,real'salion and understanding is more effective and lasting than when tis done by an extemal agency or a person, ‘These facts are proven in the poem, "The Ball Poem’. In the poem, the poet stales that neither will he interfere in the the boy's sorrowful mood nor wil he offer him any money. He belioves that the boy wil learn the harsh reality of the lass on his own. Gradually, the boy will eam to cope up with lass and move on by his ‘own understanding, Sample Paper 1 A Further, he believes thal the offer to buy another ball would be useless because he may get a new ball but he wou'd not be able to get back tne memories of his chidhood that were attached to it. No other ball can take place of the old ball of the boy's childhood, So, the poet does not offer money to the boy to buy another ball ‘Ammanis essentially a product ofthe citcurstances and the environment that he lives in. Har Singh was a boy of ust fifteen but was an experienced thief who had a fairly successful hand in his profession. Itwas his circumstances that led him into such a profession that he retained even while ne lived with Anil He went to live with Anil with the purpose of robbing him and was even success‘ul in doing so. However, ‘Aniiwas nota fool, He knew about Har's ac of theft but did not hand over Harito the police. Itwas his care love and sympatry that affected Hari so much that he could not run away afler robbing Anil. Ani ‘compassion and kind-heartedness brought about a change in Hari Further, Anil taught Hari how to read ‘and write. The prospect of education created a deep impression on Har’s mind. He realised that with an ‘education he would nt only be able to earn money but wil also become arespacted man. Honce, itis true that education, love and sympathy can transform even a thief lke Hari Singh Or 20th Sept, 20%K 9:30PM Dear Diary, ‘Today while going through old images, | came across one thal Earlhlings look when we became riends. It reminded us how our lack of understanding othe different cultures almost led us to awar. Once Iwas part cof the probe that was sent to planet Earth. We faced rrany dificuities during that time as our team was not sufficiently intelligent or mature enough to understand Earths cuiture and language. Our head, Think Tank, himself was not aware of the Earth's culture, Once he iterally nterpreted the nursery rhymes in the book ‘Mother Goose’ and rhymes that the Earthlings were planning to invade Mars. This led to the cancellation of our invasion of Earth, Phrases like ‘shel’, ‘iver, garden’ gave Think Tanka false idea that the Earthlings graw slver and cackle shalls. Ths leo him to think thatthe Earthlings were more advanced than Martians. | hope all of us should be aware of ather cultures and languages to avoid confusion and rmisunderstandings ‘That's all for tonight! Noodle 205

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