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A Strong Partner for Sustainable Development


EE 102


College of Engineering and Technology

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)


Module No. 1

Sinusoidal Steady-state Analysis in

the Frequency Domain

2nd Semester 2023-2024

Prepared by:


Assistant Professor IV

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)


Table of Contents

Contents Page

Cover Page i

Title Page ii

Table of Contents iii

Instruction to the User iv

Introduction v

Chapter 1 1

Title Chapter 1

Overview 1

Learning Outcomes 1

Pre-test 1

Lesson 1 3

Specific learning outcomes 3

Time Allotment 3

Discussion 3

Lesson 2 5

Specific learning outcomes 5

Time Allotment 5

Discussion 5

Activities/Exercises 15

Evaluation/Post-test 17

References 17

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)



This module would provide you an educational experience while

independently accomplishing the task at your own pace or time. It aims as
well to ensure that learning is unhampered by health and other challenges. It
covers the topic of electric circuits 2.

Reminders in using this module:

1. Answer the pretest first to measure what you know and what to be
learned about the topic discussed in this module.
2. Accomplish the activities and exercises as aids and reinforcement for
better understanding of the lessons.
3. Answer the post-test to evaluate your learning.
4. Do not take pictures in any parts of this module nor post it to social
media platforms.
5. Value this module for your own learning by heartily and honestly
answering and doing the exercises and activities. Time and effort were
spent in the preparation in order that learning will still continue
amidst this Covid-19 pandemic.
6. Observe health protocols: wear mask, sanitize and maintain physical

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WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)



Studying Electric Circuits 2 gives undergraduate students in engineering to

introduce them theoretically to circuit analysis for their future work as engineers.
Love of books may be developed if reading materials are interesting despite being

Electric circuit theory and electromagnetic theory are the two fundamental
theories upon which all branches of electrical engineering are built. Many branches
of electrical engineerings, such as power, electric machines, control, electronics,
communications, and instrumentation, are based on electric circuit theory.
Therefore, the basic electric circuit theory course is the most important course for an
electrical engineering student, and always an excellent starting point for a beginning
student in electrical engineering education. Circuit theory is also valuable to students
specializing in other branches of the physical sciences because circuits are a good
model for the study of energy systems in general, and because of the applied
mathematics, physics, and topology involved.

In electrical engineering, we are often interested in communicating or

transferring energy from one point to another. To do this requires the
interconnection of electrical devices. Such interconnection is referred to as an electric
circuit, and each component of the circuit is known as an element.

A simple electric circuit is consisting of three basic elements: a battery, a

lamp, and connecting wires. Such a simple circuit can exist by itself; it has several
applications, such as a flashlight, a searchlight, and so forth.

A complicated real circuit is representing the schematic diagram for a radio

receiver. Although it seems complicated, this circuit can be analyzed using the
techniques we cover in this book. Our goal in this module is to learn various
analytical techniques and computer software applications for describing the behavior
of a circuit like this.

Electric circuits are used in numerous electrical systems to accomplish

different tasks. By the analysis of a circuit, we mean a study of the behavior of the
circuit: How does it respond to a given input? How do the interconnected elements
and devices in the circuit interact?

We commence our study by defining some basic concepts. These concepts

include charge, current, voltage, circuit elements, power, and energy. Before defining
these concepts, we must first establish a system of units that we will use throughout
the course.

This module focuses on the study of electrical circuits that are concerned with
the application of circuit analysis and being applied by utility companies in used in
residential, commercial, or industrial consumers.

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)

Chapter 1

Sinusoidal Steady-state Analysis in the Frequency


Chapter 1 covers the definition and derivation. The module includes two
lessons: Lesson 1 – Nodal and Mesh Analysis and Lesson 2 – Superposition,
Thevenin’s and Norton’s Theorems.

The module provides discussions and derivation of formulas. The activities

included are carefully designed for the students enrolled in the Electrical
Engineering Field. The activities and exercises may also serve as sample activities
that may be adopted by future engineers when they are already in the field.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module, you can

1. solve other network theorems in AC.


Hello! Before we start with our discussion, please try to answer the following test.
Don’t worry about your performance. This test aims only to check what you already
know about the lesson to follow.

1. How many steps to analyze alternating current circuits?

a. 1 c. 3
b. 2 d. none of the above

2. What do you call a circuit that can be drawn in a plane with no branches crossing
one another?
a. planar circuit c. circuit
b. nonplanar circuit d. all of the above

3. What circuit may have crossing branches and still, it can be redrawn such that it
has no crossing branches?
a. planar circuit c. circuit
b. nonplanar circuit d. all of the above

4. What circuit is one whose output is linearly related (or directly proportional) to its
a. planar circuit c. linear circuit
b. nonplanar circuit d. all of the above

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5. If wye (Y) can be called tee (T) then delta (Δ) can be called _____?
a. wye c. delta
b. tee d. pi

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Lesson 1

Nodal and Mesh Analysis

Specific Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the lesson, you can

1. solve network theorems in AC.

Time Allotment: 5 hrs.


Steps to Analyze AC Circuits:

1. Transform the circuit to the phasor or frequency domain.
2. Solve the problem using circuit techniques (nodal analysis, mesh analysis,
superposition, etc.).
3. Transform the resulting phasor to the time domain.

Maxwells Mesh Current Method:

Kirchhoff’s voltage law (KVL) forms the basis of mesh analysis. Keep in mind
that the very nature of using mesh analysis is that it is to be applied to planar circuits.
A planar circuit can be drawn in a plane with no branches crossing one another;
otherwise, it is nonplanar. A circuit may have crossing branches and still be planar if
it can be redrawn such that it has no crossing branches.

IA, IB → mesh currents

(follow the clockwise direction)
mesh abcfa :
1000  - I A (10 + 10 + j20 - j40) + I B (0 - j40) = 0
1000  - I A (20 - j20) + I B (0 - j40) = 0
(20 - j20)I A - (0 - j40)I B = 1000   eq. 1

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mesh fcdef :
- I B (10 + 10 + j20 - j40) + I A (0 - j40) - 5045  = 0
(0 - j40)I A - (10 + 10 + j20 - j40)I B = 5045   eq. 2
by determinants:
28.284 - 45 
- 40 - 90 
1000 
40 - 90  - 28.284 - 45  5045 
1000  - 40 - 90 
5045  - 28.284 - 45  - 2,828.4 - 45  - (-2,000 - 45  )
IA = =
28.284 - 45  - 40 - 90  - 800 - 90  - (-1,600 - 180  )
40 - 90  - 28.284 - 45 
828.43135 
IA = = 0.4631 - 18.435  A
1,788.854153.435 

28.284 - 45  1000 
40 - 90  5045  1,414.20  - 4,000 - 90 
IB = =
28.284 - 45  - 40 - 90  - 800 - 90  - 1,600 - 180 
40 - 90  - 28.284 - 45 
4,242.63670.529 
IB = = 2.372 - 82.906  A
1,788.854153.435 

I 1 = I A = 0.4631 - 18.435  A Ans .

I 2 = - I B = - 2.372 - 82.906 A
I B = - 2.372(-82.906 + 180  ) A
I B = 2.37297.094  A Ans .
I 3 = I A - I B = 2.21286.20 A Ans .

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Lesson 2

Superposition, Thevenin’s and Norton’s Theorems

Specific Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the lesson, you can

1. solve network theorems in AC.

Time Allotment: 7 hrs.


Superposition Theorem:
Since ac circuits are linear or “linear circuit is one whose output is linearly
related (or directly proportional) to its input”, the superposition theorem applies to
ac circuits the same way it applies to dc circuits. The theorem becomes important if
the circuit has sources operating at different frequencies. In this case, since the
impedances depend on frequency, we must have a different frequency domain circuit
for each frequency. The total response must be obtained by adding the individual
responses in the time domain. It is incorrect to try to add the responses in the
phasor or frequency domain. Why? Because the exponential factor e jωt is implicit in
sinusoidal analysis, and that factor would change for every angular frequency ω. It
would therefore not make sense to add responses at different frequencies in the
phasor domain. Thus, when a circuit has sources operating at different frequencies,
one must add the responses due to the individual frequencies in the time domain.

Required: I1, I2, and I3 by superposition theorem

STEP 1: Consider V1, disregard V2

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(20 + j20)(0 - j40)

ZT'= + (20 + j20)
(20 + j20) + (0 - j40)
Z T ' = 400  + (20 + j20)
Z T ' = 60 + j20  = 63.24618.435  
V1 1000 
I T ' = I1 ' = =
Z T ' 63.24618.435 
I 1 ' = 1.5764 - 18.435  A
I 1 '400 
I3 ' =
40 - 90 
I 3 ' = 1.576471.565  A
I 2 ' = I 1 ' - I 3 ' = (1.5 - j0.5) - (0.5 + j1.5)
I 2 ' = 2.236 - 63.435  A
STEP 2: Consider V2, disregard V1

(20 + j20)(0 - j40)

ZT" = + (20 + j20)
(20 + j20) + (0 - j40)
Z T " = 63.24618.435  
5045 
IT " = I2 " =
63.24618.435 
I 2 " = 0.7905626.565  A
I 2 "400 
I3 " =
40 - 90 
I 3 " = 0.79056116.565  A

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I 1 " = I 2 " - I 3 " = (0.7070986 + j0.353548) - (-0.353548 + j0.7070986)

I 1 " = 1.118  - 18.435  A
→ I 1 = I 1 ' - I 1 " = 0.4579 - 18.447  A Ans .
 I 2 = I 2 " - I 2 ' = 2.371637.094  A Ans .
 I 3 = I 3 ' + I 3 " = 2.207 86.23  A Ans .

Millman’s Theorem:

Network with three voltage sources in parallel.

E1 E2 E3
+ +
Vab =
 I SC Z 1 Z 2 Z 3
 Y 1
Z1 Z2 Z3
1st branch and Vab
E1 – I1Z1 – Vab = 0
I1 =
2 branch and Vab

E2 – I2Z2 – Vab = 0
I2 =
3rd branch and Vab
E3 – I3Z3 – Vab = 0
I3 =

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Sample Problem:

Required: I1, I2, and I3 by Millman’s Theorem


1000  0 5045 
+ +
28.284345  40 - 90  28.284345 
Vab =
1 1 1
+ +
28.284345 
40 - 90 28.284345 

(2.5 - j2.5) + (1.76776 + j0)

= = 88.479 - 3.796  V
(0.025 - j0.025) + (0 - j0.025) + (0.025 - j0.025)

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1 st branch and Vab

1000  - I 1 (28.284345  ) - 88.479 - 3.796  = 0
(100 + j0) - (88.2848 - j5.8577)
I1 =
28.284345 
13.09826.565 
I1 = = 0.463 - 18.435  Amp. Ans .
28.284345 

2 nd branch and Vab

(40 - 90  )I 3 - 88.479 - 3.796  = 0
I 3 = 2.21286.204  Amps. Ans .
3 rd branch and Vab
5045  - (28.284345  )I 2 - 88.479 - 3.796  = 0
I 2 = 2.37297.09  Amps. Ans .

Delta Wye and Wye Delta Transformation

Situations often arise in circuit analysis when the resistors are neither in
parallel nor in series. For example, consider the bridge circuit shown below.

How do we combine resistors when the resistors are neither in series nor in
parallel? Many circuits of the type shown in the figure above can be simplified by
using three-terminal equivalent networks. These are the wye (Y) or tee (T) network
shown in figure (1) and the delta (Δ) or pi (Π) network shown in figure (2).

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)


These networks occur by themselves or as part of a larger network. They are

used in three-phase networks, electrical filters, and matching networks. Our main
interest here is in how to identify them when they occur as part of a network and how
to apply wye-delta transformation in the analysis of that network.

Delta (Δ) Connection Wye (Y) Connection

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)


Δ-Y Transformation: Y-Δ TRANSFORMATION:

Z ab Z ca Z Z + Z bZc + ZcZa
Za = ; Z ab = a b ;
Z ab + Z bc + Z ca Zc
Z ab Z bc ZaZ b + Z bZc + ZcZa
Zb = ; Z bc = ;
Z ab + Z bc + Z ca Za
Z bc Z ca ZaZ b + Z bZc + ZcZa
Zc = ; Z ca = ;
Z ab + Z bc + Z ca Zb

Sample Problem: Given:

Required: IT, I1 & I2

Convert the upper Δ into an equivalent Y.
100  (200  )
Za =
(10 + j0) + (4 + j2) + (20 + j0)
2000  2000 
= =
34 + j2 34.0587 3.366 
Z a = 5.872 - 3.366   = (5.862 - j0.3447) 
100  (4.47226.565  )
Zb =
34.0587 3.366 
Z b = 1.313 23.2   = (1.2068 + j0.5172) 

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4.47226.565  (200  )
Zc =
34.05873.366 
Z c = 2.62623.2   = (2.4136 + j1.0345) 

Z 1 = (1.2068 + j0.5172) + (5 - j10) = 11.3335  - 56.794  

Z 2 = (2.4136 + j1.0345) + (15 + j30) = 35.58660.7  
ZT = Za +
Z1 + Z2
11.3335  - 56.794  (35.58660.7  )
Z T = (5.862 - j0.3447) +
(11.3335  - 56.794  ) + (35.58660.7  )
Z T = 17.74 - 27.5  
500 
IT = = 2.81827.5  A Ans .
17.74 - 27.5 

I T  12.613 - 38.472 
I1 = = 3.136 45.822  A Ans .
11.3335  - 56.794 

I T  12.613 - 38.472 
I2 = = 0.9988 − 71.672  A Ans .
35.58660.7 

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Three-Phase System
Most commonly used polyphase system It is an interconnection of three
single-phase systems, whose voltage waves, though similar in amplitude and
frequency are displaced 120 electrical degrees apart.

Phase Sequence
The order of rotation of the coil voltage in a balanced polyphase system.
Example: If phase sequence is a-b-c, this means that “vector A” comes first,
followed by “vector B” and then “vector C”. (Refer to the vector
diagram shown above)
Note: Vector A is the reference vector according to the given sequence.
Vector rotation unless otherwise specified is assumed to rotate in a
counterclockwise direction.

Phasor diagram with V12 as reference:

V1n = Vp  - 30
V2n = Vp  - 150
V3n = Vp 90

V12 = VL 0
V23 = VL  - 120
V31 = VL 120

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)


Series and Parallel Circuit

Representation of circuit impedance in the complex form:
Pure R

Z R = R  
= R + j0 

Pure L

Z L = X L 90   = L90  
= 0 + jX L 

Pure C

Z C = X C  - 90   =  - 90  
= 0 - jX C 

Series R-L
Z RL = R 2 + (L )  

= R + jX L 
 = tan -1

Series R-C
 1 
Z RC = R +    - 

 C 
= R - jX C 
 = tan -1 C

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 1 
Series R-L-C Z RLC = R +  L -
  
 C 
= R + j(X L - X C ) 
L - 1
 = tan -1 C
 = ( +) if L 
 = (-) if L 
 = 0 if L =


1. Find ix in the circuit shown below using nodal analysis.

Note: First convert the circuit to the frequency domain.

20 cos 4t  200,  = 4 rad/s
1 H  jL = j4
0.5 H  jL = j2
0.1 F  = - j2.5
V1 18.97 18.43
Ix = = = 7.59108.4 A
- j2.5 2.5 - 90
transforming to time domain, ix = 7.59 cos(4t + 108.4°) A

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)


2. Determine current I0 in the circuit shown below using mesh analysis.

Answer: I 0 = - I 2 = 6.12144.78 A

3. Use the superposition theorem to find I0 in the circuit shown below.

Answer: I0 = I'0 + I"0 = - 5 + j3.529 = 6.12144.78 A

4. The following information is given for a delta-connected load of three

numerically equal impedances that differ in power factor: Line voltage = 120
Z = 1530° Z bc = 150° Z ca = 15 - 30°
volts; ab ; ; phase sequence of voltages is
a-b-c. Using the phase sequence as a guide, calculate the total power drawn by
the load.

Answer: Pt = 2,624 W

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Hello! Here I am again. Please try to answer the following test once more. This is to
check what you learned from the lesson discussed.

1. If wye (Y) can be called tee (T) then delta (Δ) can be called _____?
a. wye c. delta
b. tee d. pi

2. What do you call a circuit that can be drawn in a plane with no branches crossing
one another?
a. planar circuit c. circuit
b. nonplanar circuit d. all of the above

3. What circuit may have crossing branches and still, it can be redrawn such that it
has no crossing branches?
a. planar circuit c. circuit
b. nonplanar circuit d. all of the above

4. How many steps to analyze alternating current circuits?

a. 1 c. 3
b. 2 d. none of the above

5. What circuit is one whose output is linearly related (or directly proportional) to its
a. planar circuit c. linear circuit
b. nonplanar circuit d. all of the above


Fich, Sylvan and Potter, James L.; Theory of AC Circuits; Maruzen Asian Edition;

John, Bird; Electrical Circuit Theory and Technology; 2nd Edition; 2003.

Kuphaldt, Tony R.; Lessons in Electric Circuits; Volume II – AC; 6th Edition; 2006.

Roxas, Romeo Jr. A.; 1001 Solved Problems in Electrical Engineering; 2001.

Stevenson, William D., Elements of Power System Analysis, 4th Edition, 1984.

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)


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WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)

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