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Chapter 2. Stress Management and Self-Care.

I've been dealing with stress and burnout for the past few weeks because it's our final semester, which is
expected to be the busiest part of the semester in terms of activities and plates. So, my personal stressors
are my plates and schoolwork, both of which are assigned to me with strict deadlines.

My other stressor is my allowance. I have been planning to at least spend only ¼ of the given allowance
because I want to save money that I can use for different things. I also want to save money because I want
to start investing it to earn income while I’m still studying, but I cannot start it because I can’t save money
with all the bills I need to pay. With the current situation in the Philippines, which is ongoing inflation, I
may have difficulty meeting my goal for this school year.

My ways of dealing with stressors are by watching a movie or series; it helps me distract myself for a while
from all events that cause stress to myself. Another one is that listening to music makes me calm, which
helps with the anxiety building up in my body. I also talk to my friends when I feel stressed, and I always
ask for permission first before I rant out all the things I want to let out. But what helps me the most is
going outside by myself, taking a slow-paced walk outside, and exploring the area. Even if I don’t have
money to buy things outside when I pass by during my exploring, it’s okay because this way, it made me
list the things I want to buy soon, which helps me distract from what I’m stressed about.

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