Learning Religions and Belief Systems

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Results and Discussion References


The study was geared to know the level of knowledge of the Grade 11 HUMSS stu- Adalikwu, S., & Iorkpilgh, I. (2013, February 12). The influence of instructional materials
dents of Bintawan National High School for school year 2022 – 2023 in the subject In- on academic performance of senior secondary school students in chemistry in cross
troduction to World Religions and Belief Systems before and after using learning work-
sheet, as well as, it documented the experiences of the learners pertaining to the usage  The table below presents the pretest and posttest level of knowledge of the 50 re-
river state. Global journal of educational research. Retrieved March 12, 2022, from
of the learning worksheets. It was conducted in a Public Secondary School in the Divi- spondents categorized per competency, wherein for pretest MELCS 1 dealing with https://www.ajol.info/index.php/gjedr/article/view/91018/80456
sion of Nueva Vizcaya wherein there were 50 students as respondents. In this study, it Christianity has a mean score of 40. 52 with a qualitative descriptor of novice while
was found out that the mastery level of the respondents was enhanced after the utiliza- MELCS 2 dealing with Islam has a mean score of 38.35 with a qualitative de-
tion of the learning worksheets; there is also a significant difference in the level of scriptor of novice. On the other hand, the posttest MELCS 1 has a mean score of Athens Theravada Centre. (2021). The Four Noble Truths. Retrieved March 12, 2022,
knowledge of Grade 11 HUMSS students in the subject which indicates that the learn- 53.41 with a qualitative descriptor of competent while MELCS 2 has a mean score from https://www.theravada.gr/en/about-buddhism/the-four-noble-truths/
ing worksheets used were effective. Moreover, experiences of learners regarding the of 54.70 with a qualitative descriptor of competent.
usage of learning worksheets in the teaching-learning process were documented,
PRETEST QUALITATIVE POSTTEST QUALITATIVE Blau, R. (2015, January 5). What is the opium of the people? The Economist. Retrieved
wherein there were two important domains, such as: outlining of concepts and improv-
ing of learning and retention of concepts. March 12, 2022, from https://www.economist.com/1843/2015/01/05/what-is-the-opium-
Keywords: learning worksheets, knowledge construction, learning process of-the-people
MELCS 1 40.52 Novice 53.41 Competent
MELCS 2 38.35 Novice 54.70 Competent
Introduction Cantonjos, J. B., & Janer, S. S. (2022). Effectiveness of Utilizing Learning Activity
Table 4: Pretest and Posttest Level of Knowledge in Introduction to World Religions
“Religion is the opium of the people”, a maxim coming from Karl Marx as part of the and Belief Systems of the Respondents Categorized per MELC Sheets to Improve the Solving Skills involving Sampling Distribution of Grade 11 Stu-
introduction of a book of philosophical criticism in 1843 that he never completed. This dents. UIJRT - International Journal - Open Access - ISSN: 2582-6832. https://uijrt.com/
statement is a manifestation of how people are really engaged to a structural belief
which is part of our cultural heritage and civilization. It boils down to the idea that socie-  Respondents already have a wide range of knowledge pertaining to the topics articles/v3/i8/UIJRTV3I80007.pdf
ty needs religion for it is accepted as our moral compass. Religion will control the mind Christianity and Islam. However, the difference between the pretest and posttest
setting and deeds of people for it dictates what is morally right or wrong. categorized per MELC also connotes that the students learned through the inter-
vention conducted by the teacher. Congress of the Philippines. (2013, May 15). Republic Act No. 10533. Official Gazette.
Religion does not only function in the society rather most importantly, it makes sense to Retrieved March 12, 2022, from https://www.officialgazette.gov.ph/2013/05/15/republic-
the individual for it offers peace within, mentally and spiritually. The life of man is un- MPS EQUIVA- QUALITATIVE DE- PRETEST POSTEST
clear; man, always struggles to survive in this world full of challenges and it is only reli- act-no-10533/
gion that comforts and inspires him to face these adversities. (Galingana, 2021) 76-100% Proficient 0 0
Religiosity is often seen as “the formal, institutional, and outward expression” (Cotton et 51-75% Competent 7 34 Croucher, S., Zeng, C., Rahmani, D., & Sommier, M. (2017, January 25). Religion, Cul-
al., 2006, p. 472 as cited by Villani, et.al 2019) of one’s relationship with the sacred, 26-50% Novice 41 16 ture, and Communication. Oxford Research Encyclopedias. Retrieved March 12, 2022,
and it is typically operationalized as beliefs and practices associated with a particular 0-25% Beginning 2 0
religious worldview and community (Iannello et al., 2019 as cited by Villani, et.al 2019). Mean Score 39.52 (Novice) 54 (Competent) from https://oxfordre.com/communication/view/10.1093/
Nevertheless, conflicts should have been ended when man became religious; however, acrefore/9780190228613.001.0001/acrefore-9780190228613-e-166
religion became the root of conflicts. It became the reason of the loss of thousands of Table 5: Pretest and Posttest Level of Knowledge of the Respondents Pertaining to
lives and that caused so much pain for centuries. It is because humans have faith in Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems Dacles, D. D., Aduca, E., & Maslang, K. (2008). Asian Civilization (1st ed., Vol. 1). SMU
something that is not a reality for them. Humans fight for they do not agree to each oth-
er. They believe that their manners are the real mandate of God and the others do not Publishing House.
accept, then it is bound to the absence of peace. (Galingana, 2021)  Majority of the respondents were categorized as novice with regards to the topics
There is an interplay among religion, community, and culture. Community is essentially Christianity and Islam, yet, when the intervention was conducted there is a great
shift of respondents from novice to competent. It can also be noted that there were Delos Reyes, F. F., & Caballes, D. G. (2021, August). A Review on the School – Based
formed by a group of people who share common activities or beliefs based on their mu-
2 respondents who were categorized as beginning during the pretest but shifted to Learning Activity Sheet Towards Improvement of Instructional Material. International
tual affect, loyalty, and personal concerns. Participation in religious institutions is one of
the most dominant community engagements worldwide. Religious institutions are wide- competent during the posttest. Journal of Scientific and Research Publications | IJSRP. https://www.ijsrp.org/research-
ly known for creating a sense of community by offering various material and social sup- paper-0821/ijsrp-p11627.pdf
ports for individual followers. In addition, the role that religious organizations play in SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCE IN THE LEVEL OF KNOWLEDGE OF GRADE 11
communal conflicts is also crucial. As religion deals with the ultimate matters of life, the HUMSS STUDENTS IN INTRODUCTION TO WORLD RELIGIONS AND BELIEF
differences among different religious beliefs are virtually impossible to settle. Although a SYSTEMS BEFORE AND AFTER UTILIZING THE LEARNING WORKSHEETS Department of Education. (2016, May). Introduction to World Religions and Belief Sys-
direct causal relationship between religion and violence is not well supported, religion The significant difference is an indication of the effectivity of the intervention imple- tems. DepEd. Retrieved March 12, 2022, from https://www.deped.gov.ph/wp-content/
is, nevertheless, commonly accepted as a potential escalating factor in conflicts. Cur- mented, i.e. utilization of learning worksheets. It can be deduced from the table be- uploads/2019/01/Introduction-to-World-Religions-and-Belief-Systems.pdf
rently, religious conflicts are on the rise, and they are typically more violent, long- low that there is a significant difference in the pretest and posttest conducted. It con-
lasting, and difficult to resolve. In such cases, local religious organizations, places facili- notes that the intervention implemented is effective since the p-value is .0000 which
tating collective actions in the community, are extremely vital, as they can either preach is lower than .05. For both MELCS, the significance level indicate that all the learning Fronsdal, G. (2022, September 25). The Buddha’s Eightfold Path. Insight Meditation
peace or stir up hatred and violence. The peace impact of local religious institutions has worksheets used were effective and important. Center. Retrieved March 12, 2022, from https://
been largely witnessed in India and Indonesia where conflicts are solved at the local
level before developing into communal violence (De Juan, Pierskalla, & Vüllers, 2015
Truly, religion is pivotal to the existence of man, hence, it is necessary that it should be ING WORKSHEETS IN THE INTRODUCTION TO WORLD RELIGIONS AND BE-
Galingana, K. J. (2021, June 30). Learning World Religions and Belief Systems in the
included in the array of learning for it is part of human existence. LIEF SYSTEMS SUBJECT
Context of Senior High School Students in a Philippine Schools Division. Instabright In-
In the virtue of Republic Act 10533 known as “Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013”, The students strongly believe that the learning worksheets are instrumental in out-
lining concepts, improving learning and better retention of concepts, therefore, ternational Journal of Multidisciplinary ResearchRESEARCH ARTICLE. Retrieved
which paved the way to the creation of Senior High School in the basic education, the
worksheets are important in addressing learners’ learning gaps. Worksheets have March 12, 2022, from https://instabright.online/index.php/journal/article/view/70/47
Department of Education offered the learning area “Introduction to World Religions and
Belief Systems” under the strand Humanities and Social Sciences of the academic become a boundless source of conveying the value of education to learners for
track. The main purpose of this course is to digest the doctrines and practices of major it arouse their interest, motivate them to do better in class and elicit creative
and critical thinking among them. 21st century learners are expected to become Hope Channel Southeast Asia. (2020, March 16). The Importance of Religion. Hope
world religions namely: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Theravada Buddhism,
Mahayana Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism and Shintoism. Its main objective is to creative and critical thinkers, hence, teachers must be thinking of ways to deliver the Channel. Retrieved March 12, 2022, from https://hopetv.asia/articles/the-importance-of-
help the students recognize the historical backgrounds of these religions, appreciate lessons, bearing in mind this purpose. In doing so, worksheets allow learners to religion/
their distinctiveness and resemblances and encourage shared understanding among work independently, it serves as a scaffolding tool wherein learners are guided by
believers which eventually a bedrock for mutual respect despite differences. the teacher to discover concepts in their own through these learning materials. More-
over, worksheets also serve as supplementary materials to strengthen the learn- Instructional Design Hub. (2013, January 17). On Wedemeyer’s Theory of Independent
Teachers of the said course therefore, must create ways to effectively and efficiently de- ings of the students. It supplements the limited number of textbooks, hence, it gives
liver the content. In doing so, it is expected that learning materials must be readily avail- Study. Retrieved March 12, 2022, from http://
them the opportunities for knowledge construction. Worksheets will give teach- instructionaldesignhub.blogspot.com/2013/01/on-wedemeyers-theory-of-
able for students to be fully engage in the learning process. ers the idea of students’ prior knowledge, results of learning and methods of learn-
Instructional materials have been observed as a powerful strategy to bring about effec- ing. independent_17.html
tive teaching and learning. The importance of quality and adequate instructional materi-
als in teaching and learning can occur through their effective utilization during class-
room teaching. Instructional materials here include all the tools that the teachers can Conclusions and Recommendations Lisbdnet. (2021, November 24). Why Independent Learning is Important – The Im-
use to make the learning more interesting and memorable. (Tety, 2016) 1. The level of knowledge of the Grade 11 HUMSS students in Introduction to World portance of Independent Learning – Ways To Help Students Become More Independ-
Instructional materials serve as a channel between the teacher and the students in de- Religions and Belief Systems when the researcher’s made learning worksheets ent Learners. Retrieved March 12, 2022, from https://lisbdnet.com/why-independent-
livering instructions. They may also serve as the motivation on the teaching-learning were utilized was enhanced, hence, it can be deduced that there is a mastery of learning-is-important/
process. It is use to get the attention of the students and eliminate boredom. Instruc- concepts;
tional materials are highly important for teaching; especially for inexperienced teachers. 2. There is a significant difference in the level of knowledge of Grade 11 HUMSS stu-
Teachers rely on instructional materials in every aspect of teaching. They need material dents in Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems when the researcher’s Mark, J. (2020, September 23). Siddhartha Gautama. World History Encyclopedia. Re-
for background information on the subject they are teaching. (Adalikwu and Iorkpilgh, made learning worksheets were employed, trieved March 12, 2022, from https://www.worldhistory.org/Siddhartha_Gautama/
2013) 3. Learning worksheets are effective in enhancing the mastery level of the learners;
With these premises, this study was geared towards improving the level of The students strongly believe that the learning worksheets are instrumental in out-
knowledge of the Grade 11 HUMSS students in Introduction to World Religions and Be- lining concepts, improving learning and better retention of concepts, therefore, Nurse Key. (2017, February 9). Clarifying Quantitative Research Designs. https://
lief Systems through the utilization of learning worksheets. This study also looked into worksheets are important in addressing learners’ learning gaps. nursekey.com/clarifying-quantitative-research-designs/#:~:text=based%20PPD%
the experiences of the learners in using the learning worksheets. 20treatment.-,Comparative%20Descriptive%20Design,occur%20naturally%20in%20a%
Recommendations 20setting
Objectives of the Study 1.Teachers must employ learning worksheets to enhance the mastery level of learn-
General Obejctive: To know the level of knowledge of the Grade 11 HUMSS students ers, most especially of the complex concepts in the subject, further, it will also im-
Tety, J. L. (2016). Role of instructional materials in academic performance in community
of Bintawan National High School for school year 2022 – 2023 in the subject Introduc- prove the teaching-learning process for it will allow students to work and discover
tion to World Religions and Belief Systems before and after using learning worksheet. learning independently; secondary schools in rombo district. CORE. Retrieved March 12, 2022, from https://
2. The utilization of learning worksheets aid teachers and learners in capturing learn- core.ac.uk/download/pdf/83632862.pdf
Specific Objectives:
1. To know the level of knowledge of the Grade 11 HUMSS students in Introduction to ing, monitoring learners’ progress and scaffolding learners’ knowledge construction.
World Religions and Belief Systems before and after utilizing the learning work- 3. Learning worksheets being developed must address all types and needs of learn-
The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. (2014, February 5). Theravada Buddhism. Bri-
sheets, tannica. Retrieved March 12, 2022, from https://www.britannica.com/topic/Theravada
2. 2. To determine if there is a significant difference in the level of knowledge of Grade
11 HUMSS students in Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems before and
after utilizing the learning worksheets and Villani, D., Sorgente, A., Iannello, P., & Antonietti, A. (2019, July 9). The Role of Spiritu-
3. To know the experiences of the Grade 11 HUMSS students in utilizing learning work- ality and Religiosity in Subjective Well-Being of Individuals With Different Religious Sta-
sheets in the Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems subjects. tus. Frontiers in Psychology. Retrieved March 12, 2022, from https://

• Approach: Descriptive - comparative.
• Respondents: Grade 11 Humanities and Social Sciences students (50) who are tak-
ing up the subject Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems for school year
2022 – 2023.
• Pretest and posttest conducted

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