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For this formative task, please, introduce yourself and give some background information

e.g. where you come from, your previous education/subject area, profession (if you are in
employment) and also share with us your expectations from the course.

Then share your thoughts on the following two questions?

1. What is your initial understanding of Organisational Behavior" as a discipline?

2. Why do you think Organisational Behaviour or related module included in most MBA

I am Somlata Bispat, I am a Guyanese born, living in Barbados. My precious study areas were; Civil
Engineering and Project Management. I am currently not working.

My expectations from this course is to:

 Better understand the relationship between employers and employees,

 Understand how the interaction with these two wide groups work in cohesion to achieve
organizational goals, while maintaining two satisfied/happy parties.
 Develop my skills in identifying both positives and negatives within an organization as it relates
to attitudes and behavior.
 Improve my communication skills when it comes to letting others know when they are going
wrong and help guide them into the right

1. My initial understanding is that OB explains and decides the expectations of how people or
human resources perform in an organization or structure, in order to improve effectiveness.
While doing this you learn about yourself and others.

2. OB is not just for Managers, but everyone in an organization, and the importance of OB in most
MBA is that I think the first thing and most important factor in any organization is understanding
human resources, and also human resources is one of the most difficult resource to manage.
Leadership is working in groups, encouraging and influencing your subordinates and peers with
different values and beliefs, so that everyone can achieve one common goal and do so
Vine argument is that, while all the above is true about a leader, there are some non-traditional
qualities such as:
 Leaders provide a safe haven for their subordinates
 Leaders make sacrifices for their organization.
 Leaders make changes and transitions of changes easy for everyone

We often look at leaders as the one who is in charge, giving directives and ensuring that
activities are done irrespective of what subordinates have to endure. Leaderships has evolved to
so much more. They are much more than that what can be seen. Sometimes sacrifices are made
to ensure that an organization continues to operate smoothly even though there are challenges.
And these sacrifices are made and no one notices.

Brexit is the UK leaving the EU after being part of the EU for some 47 years. That is 47 years of
working with 27 powerful and resourceful nations.
Strong leadership is definitely needed for to resolve this.
The Brexit saga is considered a conflict. One of the attributes to conflict resolution, is having
strong and inclusive leadership from everyone. In order for this to happen the leaders have to be
able to understand that they need to:
 Be excellent strategic thinkers – who, what, when, where, why
 Have a vision and plan on achieving this vision and dealing with challenges along the
 Be good at communicating your vision to the ordinary people, and know that not
everyone is on the same level of understanding
 Understand the economics of the entire scenario, and it should not just benefit one party
but every player
And the only way to achieve all of this is to have the basic understanding that there are many
factors that are in play that affects to proper functioning of the entire system – “PESTLE

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