L12 Basic Principles Concepts and Definitions 12 Hrs. To Be Distributed - New

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A Strong Partner for Sustainable Development


EE 102


College of Engineering and Technology

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)


Module No. 1

Basic Principles, Concepts, and


1st Semester 2023-2024

Prepared by:


Assistant Professor IV

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)


Table of Contents

Contents Page

Cover Page i

Title Page ii

Table of Contents iii

Instruction to the User iv

Introduction v

Chapter 2 1

Title Chapter 1

Overview 1

Learning Outcomes 1

Pre-test 1

Lesson 1 3

Specific learning outcomes 3

Time Allotment 3

Discussion 3

Activities/Exercises 15

Evaluation/Post-test 16

References 16

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)



This module would provide you an educational experience while

independently accomplishing the task at your own pace or time. It aims as
well to ensure that learning is unhampered by health and other challenges. It
covers the topic of basic thermodynamics.

Reminders in using this module:

1. Answer the pretest first to measure what you know and what to be
learned about the topic discussed in this module.
2. Accomplish the activities and exercises as aids and reinforcement for
better understanding of the lessons.
3. Answer the post-test to evaluate your learning.
4. Do not take pictures in any parts of this module nor post it to social
media platforms.
5. Value this module for your own learning by heartily and honestly
answering and doing the exercises and activities. Time and effort were
spent in the preparation in order that learning will still continue
amidst this Covid-19 pandemic.
6. Observe health protocols: wear mask, sanitize and maintain physical

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WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)



Studying Basic Thermodynamics gives undergraduate students in engineering

to introduce them theoretically to thermodynamic properties of materials for their
future work as engineers. A love of books may be developed if reading materials are
interesting despite being hard.

Thermodynamics is the science that is devoted to understanding energy in all

its forms, such as mechanical, electrical, and chemical, and how energy changes
forms, e.g. the transformation of chemical energy into thermal energy, for instance.
Thermodynamics is derived from the Greek words therme, meaning heat, and
dynamics, meaning strength, particularly applied to motion. Thermodynamics
means “heat strength,” implying such things as the heat liberated by the burning of
wood, coal, or oil. If the word energy is substituted for heat, one can come to grips
with the meaning and scope of thermodynamics. It is the science that deals with
energy transformations: the conversion of heat into work, or of chemical energy into
electrical energy. The power of thermodynamics lies in its ability to be used to
analyze a wide range of energy systems using only a few tenets, two primary ones
being the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics. Thermodynamics applies very
simple yet encompassing laws to a wide range of energy systems that have major
import in our society, for example, energy use in agriculture, electric power
generation, and transportation systems.

This module focuses on the study of basic thermodynamics that is concerned

with the properties of pure substances, ideal and real gases, and the study and
application of the first and second laws of thermodynamics.

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)

Chapter 2

Basic Principles, Concepts, and Definitions


Chapter 2 covers the definition, principles, and calculation. The module

includes one lesson: Lesson 1 – Basic Principles, Concepts, and Definitions.

The module provides discussions and derivation of formulas. The activities

included are carefully designed for the students enrolled in the Electrical
Engineering Field. The activities and exercises may also serve as sample activities
that may be adopted by future engineers when they are already in the field.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module, you can

1. explain and solve the principles underlying the utilization of energy in thermal


Hello! Before we start with our discussion, please try to answer the following test.
Don’t worry about your performance. This test aims only to check what you already
know about the lesson to follow.

1. What do you call the branch of physical sciences that treats various phenomena of
energy and the related properties of matter, especially of the laws of
transformation of heat into other forms of energy and vice versa?
a. Thermodynamics c. Mass
b. Acceleration d. Weight

2. What do you call a unit of force is one that produces unit acceleration in a body of
unit mass?
a. Thermodynamics c. Mass
b. Acceleration d. Weight

3. What do you call the absolute quantity of matter in it?

a. Thermodynamics c. Mass
b. Acceleration d. Weight

4. What do you call the force of gravity on the body?

a. Thermodynamics c. Mass
b. Acceleration d. Weight

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)


5. What law states that mass is indestructible?

a. law of conservation of mass c. law of conservation of speed
b. law of conservation of energy d. none of the above

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)


Lesson 1

Basic Principles, Concepts, and Definitions

Specific Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the lesson, you can

1. explain and solve the principles underlying the utilization of energy in thermal

Time Allotment: 4 hrs.


Thermodynamics is that branch of the physical sciences that treat various

phenomena of energy and the related properties of matter, especially the laws of
transformation of heat into other forms of energy and vice versa.

Systems of Units

Newton’s law states that the acceleration of a particular body is directly

proportional to the resultant force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass.
kF ma ma
a= , F= , k=
m k F
k is a proportionality constant

Systems of units where k is unity but not dimensionless:

cgs system: 1 dyne force accelerates 1 g mass at 1 cm/s2
mks system: 1 newton force accelerates 1 kg mass at 1 m/s2
fps system: 1 lb force accelerates 1 slug mass at 1 ft/s2

Systems of units where k is not unity:

If the same word is used for both mass and force in a given system, k is neither
unity nor dimensionless.
1 lb force accelerates a 1 lb mass at 32.174 ft/s2
1 g force accelerates a 1 g mass at 980.66 cm/s2

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)


1 kg force accelerates a 1 kg mass at 9.8066 m/s2

Relation between kilogram-force (kgf) and Newton (N)

Relation between pound-mass (lbm) and slug

A unit of force produces unit acceleration in a body of unit mass.

F= a
k m
F= a
1 poundal = (1 lbm) (1 ft/s2) k
F is force in poundals
m lb f s2
is mass in pounds 1 pound = (1 slug) (1 ft/s 2 ); 1 slug = 1
k ft
a is acceleration in ft/s2 F is force in poundals
is mass in slugs
a is acceleration in ft/s2

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)


Mass and Weight

The mass of a body is the absolute quantity of matter in it.
The weight of a body means the force of gravity F g on the body.
m F F
= = g
k a g
where: g = acceleration produced by force Fg
a = acceleration produced by another force F
At or near the surface of the earth, k and g are numerically equal, and so are m
and Fg

Problem 1: What is the weight of a 66-kgm man under standard conditions?

m = 66 kgm g = 9.8066 m/s2
 m
 66 kg m  9.8066 2 
s 
Fg = =  = 66 kg f Answer
k kg m .m
kg f .s2

Problem 2: Five masses in a region where the acceleration due to gravity is 30. 5
ft/s2 are as follows: m1 is 500 g of mass; m2 weighs 8oo gf; m3 weighs 15
poundals; m4 weights 3 lbf; m5 is 0.10 slug of mass. What is the total
mass expressed (a) in grams, (b) in pounds, and (c) in slugs?
g = (30.5 ft/s2) (12 in/ft) (2.54 cm/in) = 929.64 cm/s2

 g m .cm 
Fg2 k
800 g f  980.66 g f .s2 
a. m 2 = =  = 843.91 g m
g cm
929.64 2
lb .ft
Fg3 15 m2 
m3 s g 
= = = 0.49 lb m  453.6 m  = 222.26 g m
k g ft  lb m 
30.5 2
 lb .ft 
Fg k
 3 lb f  32.174 m 2 
lb f .s  
 g 
m4 = 4 =  453.6 m  = 1,435.49 g m
g ft  lb m 
30.5 2
m5  lb m   gm 
= ( 0.10 slug ) 32.174  453.6  = 1,459.41 g m
k  slug   lb m 

Total mass = m1 + m2 + m3 + m4 + m5
= 500 + 843.91 + 222.26 + 1,435.49 + 1,459.41
= 4,461.07 gm Answer
4,461.07 g m
b. Total mass = = 9.83 lb m Answer
lb m

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)


9.83 lb m
c. Total mass = = 0.306 slug Answer
lb m

Specific Volume, Density, and Specific Weight

The density ρ of any substance is its mass (not weight) per unit volume.
The specific volume v is the volume of a unit mass.
V 1
v= =
m 
The specific weight γ of any substance is the force of gravity on unit volume.
 = g
Since the specific weight is to the local acceleration of gravity as the density is
to the standard acceleration, γ/g= ρ/k, conversion is easily made;
k g
 = or  = 
g k
At or near the surface of the earth, k and g are numerically equal, and so are ρ
and γ.

Problem 1: What is the specific weight of water at standard conditions?

g = 9.8066 m/s2  = 1,000 m3
 kg m   m
1,000 3 
9.8066 2 
g m  s  kg
 = =  = 1,000 3f Answer
k kg m .m m
kg f .s2

Problem 2: Two liquids of different densities (ρ1 = 1,500 kg/m3, ρ2 = 500 kg/m3)
are poured together into a 100-L tank, filling it. If the resulting density
of the mixture is 800 kg/m3, find the respective quantities of liquids
used. Also, find the weight of the mixture; local g = 9.675 mps2.
mass of mixture, mm = ρmvm = (800 kg/m3) (0.100 m3) = 80 kg
m 1 + m 2 = mm
ρ1V1 + ρ2V2 = mm
1,500V1 + 500V2 = 80 equation 1
V1 + V2 = 0.100 equation 2
solving equations (1) and (2) simultaneously
V1 = 0.03 m3
V2 = 0.07 m3
m1 = ρ1V1 = (1,500 kg/m3) (0.03 m3) = 45 kg
m2 = ρ2V2= (500 kg/m3) (0.07 m3) = 35 kg
weight of the mixture,

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80 kg m  9.675
mmg  s2 
Fg m = = = 78.93 kg f Answer
k kg m .m
kg f .s2

The standard reference atmospheric pressure is 760 mm Hg or 29.92 in. Hg at
32 °F, or 14.696 psia, or 1 atm.
Measuring Pressure
1. By using manometers
(a) Absolute pressure is greater than atmospheric pressure.

(b) Absolute pressure is less than atmospheric pressure

2. By using pressure gages

A pressure gauge is a device for measuring gauge pressure.
This picture at right shows the
movement, in one type of pressure
gage, known as the single-tube gage.
The fluid enters the tube through the
threaded connection. As the pressure
increases, the tube with an elliptical
section tends to straighten, the end
that is nearest the linkage toward the
right. The linkage causes the sector to
rotate. The sector engages a small
pinion gear. The index hand moves
with the pinion gear. The whole
mechanism is of course enclosed in a
case, and a graduated dial, from
which the pressure is read, and is
placed under the index hand.

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Gage Pressure

Problem: A 30-m vertical column of fluid (density 1,878 kg/m3) is located where g
= 9.65 mps2. Find the pressure at the base of the column.
 m kg m 
g h g 9.65 s2  1,878 m 3  ( 30 m )
pg = =
k kg m .m
pg = 543,680 N/m2 or 543.68 kPa(gage) Answer

Atmospheric Pressure
A barometer is used to measure atmospheric pressure.

Where ho = the height of the column of liquid

supported by atmospheric pressure Po.

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Problem 1: A vertical column of water will be supported to what height by standard

atmospheric pressure.
At standard condition
γw = 62.4 lb/ft3 po = 14.7 psi
 lb   in 2 
in 2   ft 2 
 144
ho = o = = 33.9 ft Answer
w 62.4 3
The specific gravity (sp gr) of a substance is the ratio of the
specific weight of the substance to that of water.

sp gr =

Problem 2: The pressure of a boiler is 9.5 kg/cm2. The barometric pressure of the
atmosphere is 768 mm of Hg. Find the absolute pressure in the boiler.
pg = 9.5 kg/cm3 ho = 768 mm Hg
At standard condition
γw = 1,000 kg/m3
po = (γHg)(ho) = (sp gr)Hg(γw)(ho)
(13.6 ) 1,000 3  ( 0.768 m )
 m  kg
= 2
= 1.04
cm cm2
p = po + p g = 1.04 + 9.5 = 10.54 Answer

Absolute Pressure
p = γh
where h = ho ± hg, the height of the column of liquid supported by absolute
pressure p.
If the liquid used in the barometer is mercury, the atmospheric pressure
po = γHghg = (sp gr)Hg(γw)(ho)
(13.6 ) 62.4 3  ( h o in )
 ft  lb
= 3
= 0.491 h o 2
in in
1,728 3
where ho = column of mercury in inches
then, p g = 0.491 h g 2
and, p = 0.491 h 2

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)


Problem 1: A pressure gauge registers 40 psig in a region where the barometer is

14.5 psia. Find the absolute pressure in psia and kPa.
p = 14.5 + 40 = 54.5 psia Answer

 lb m 
1 kg m  2.205 kg m 
1 kg m =  = 0.06853 slug
lb m
m  m ft  ft
1 2
= 1 2  3.28  = 3.28 2
s  s  m s

ma  ft 
F= = ( 0.06863 slug ) 3.28 2  = 0.2248 lb f
k  s 
1 newton = 0.2248 lbf
1 lbf = 4.4484 newtons
 N in 
( 1 lb ) 4.4484  39.37
lb  lb   m 
1 2 =
in in 2
lb N
1 2 = 6,895 2
in m
 N 
 lb   2 
p = 54.5 2  6,895 m  = 375,780 Pa or 375.78 kPa Answer
 in   lb

 in 2 

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Problem 2: Given the barometric pressure of 14.7 psia (29.92 in. Hg abs), make
these conversions:
(a) 80 psig to psia and atmosphere,
(b) 20 in. Hg vacuum to in. Hg abs and to psia,
(c) 10 psia to psi vacuum and Pa,
(d) 15 in. Hg gage to psia, to torrs, and to Pa.
(1 atmosphere = 760 torrs)
(a) p = po + pg = 14.7 + 80 = 94.7 psia
80 psig
pg = = 5.44 atm Answer

h = 9.92 in. Hg abs

p = 0.491 h
p = (0.491)(9.92) = 4.87 psia Answer

pg = 4.7 psi vacuum

 Pa 
p g = ( 4.7 psi ) 6,895 = 32,407 Pa(gage)
psi 


h = 29.92 + 15 = 44.92 in. Hg abs

p = 0.491 h = (0.491)(44.92) = 22.06 psia
pg =
(15 )( 760) = 381 torrs

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 psi   Pa 
p g = 0.491 h g = 0.491  15 in  6,895  = 50,780 Pa(gage) Answer
 in   psi 


Problem 1: Derive the relation between degrees Fahrenheit and degrees Centigrade.

tF - 32 tC - 0
212 - 32 100 - 0
tF = tC + 32
tC = ( tF - 32 )
Absolute temperature is the temperature measured from
absolute zero.
Absolute zero temperature is the temperature at which all
molecular motion ceases.
Absolute temperature will be denoted by T, thus
T°R = t°F + 460, degrees Rankine
TK = t°C + 273, Kelvin
Degrees Fahrenheit (°F) and degrees Centigrade (°C) indicate
temperature reading (t). Fahrenheit degrees (F°) and Centigrade
degrees (C°) indicate temperature change or difference (Δt).
180 F° = 100 C°
1 F = C 
1 C = F
It follows that,
1 F° = 1 R°
1 C° = 1 K°

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)


Problem 2: Show that the specific heat of a substance is numerically in Btu/(lb)

(F°) equal to cal/(g)(C°).
 cal 
 Btu  252
Btu 
1 = 
( lb )( F )  lb 454 g  F  5 C 
 lb   9 F 
 
Btu cal
1 =1
( lb )( F ) ( g )( C )
Conservation of Mass
The law of conservation of mass states that mass is indestructible.
The quantity of fluid passing through a given section is given by the formula
V = A
V A
m= = = A
v v
where V = volume flow rate
A = cross-sectional area of the stream
υ = average speed
m = mass flow rate
Applying the law of conservation of mass,
A A
m = 1 1 = 2 2
v1 v2
A1υ1ρ1 = A2υ2ρ2

Problem 1: Two gaseous streams enter a combining tube and leave as a single
mixture. These data apply to the entrance section:
For one gas, A1 = 75 in2, υ1 = 590 fps, v1 = 10 ft3/lb
For the other gas, A2 = 5o in2, m 2 = 16.67 lb/s, ρ2 = 0.12 lb/ft3
At exit, υ3 = 350 fps, v3 = 7 ft3/lb.
Find (a) the speed υ2 at section 2, and
(b) the flow and area at the exit section.

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m2 s
a. 2 = = = 400 fps Answer
A 2 2  50 2   lb 
 144 ft  0.12 ft 3 
  
 75 2   ft 
 ft  500 
A 144  s lb
b. m1 = 1 1 =  3
= 26.04
v1 ft s
m3 = m1 + m2 = 26.04 + 16.67 = 42.71 Answer
 lb   ft 3 
42.71 7
m3 v 3  s   lb 
A3 = = = 0.8542 ft 2 Answer
3 350

Problem 2: A 10-ft diameter by 15-ft height vertical tank is receiving water (ρ = 62.1
lb/cu ft) at the rate of 300 gpm and is discharging through a 6-in ID
line with a constant speed of 5 fps. At a given instant, the tank is half
full. Find the water level and the mass change in the tank 15 min. later.

(10 )
Area = = 78.54 ft 2
 gal 
 300 min   lb  lb
Mass flow rate entering =    62.1 3  = 2,490.6
gal ft  min
 7.48 3  
 ft 
6  ft   lb  lb
Mass flow rate leaving = A =  ft  5  60   62.1 3  = 3,658
4  12   min   ft  min
Mass change = (3658 - 2490.6) (15) = 17,511 lb (decreased) Answer
17,511 lb
Volume change = = 282 ft 3
62.1 3

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282 ft 3
Decreased in height = = 3.59 ft
78.54 ft2
Water level after 15 min. = 7.5 – 3.59 = 3.91 ft Answer


1. What is the mass in grams and the weight in dynes and gram-force of 12 oz of
salt? Local g is 9.65 m/s2
1 lbm = 16 oz.
Answers: 340.2 gm; 328,300 dynes; 334.8 gf
2. The mass of a given airplane at sea level (g = 32.1 fps 2) is 10 tons. Find its mass
in lb, slugs, and kg and its (gravitational) weight in lb when it is traveling at a
50,000-ft elevation. The acceleration of gravity g decreases by 3.33 × 10-6 fps2
for each foot of elevation.
Answers: 20,000lbm; 621.62 slugs; 19,850 lbf
3. The mass of a fluid system is 0.311 slug, its density is 30 lb/ft3 and g is 31.90
fps2. Find (a) the specific volume, (b) the specific weight, and (c) the total
Answers: (a) 0.0333 ft3/lb; (b) 29.75 lb/ft3; (c) 0.3335 ft3
4. A weatherman carried an aneroid barometer from the ground floor to his office
atop the Sears Tower in Chicago. On the ground level, the barometer read
30.150 in. Hg absolute; topside it read 28.607 in. Hg absolute. Assume that the
average atmospheric air density was 0.075 lb/ft3 and estimate the height of the
Answer: 1,455 ft
5. Convert the following readings of pressure to kPa absolute, assuming that the
barometer reads 760 mm Hg: (a) 90 cm Hg gage; (b) 40 cm Hg vacuum; (c)
100 psig; (d) 8 in. Hg vacuum, and (e) 76 in. Hg gage.
Answers: (a) 221.24 kPa; (b) 48 kPa; (c) 790.83 kPa; (d) 74.213 kPa;
(e) 358.591 kPa
6. If a pump discharges 75 gpm of water whose specific weight is 61.5 lb/ft3 (g =
31.95 fps2), find (a) the mass flow rate in lb/min, and (b) and total time
required to fill a vertical cylinder tank 10 ft in diameter and 12 ft high.
Answers: (a) 621.2 lb/min, (b) 93.97 min

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)



Hello! Here I am again. Please try to answer the following test once more. This is to
check what you learned from the lesson discussed.

1. What law states that mass is indestructible?

a. law of conservation of mass c. law of conservation of speed
b. law of conservation of energy d. none of the above

2. What do you call a unit of force is one that produces unit acceleration in a body of
unit mass?
a. Thermodynamics c. Mass
b. Acceleration d. Weight

3. What do you call the absolute quantity of matter in it?

a. Thermodynamics c. Mass
b. Acceleration d. Weight

4. What do you call the branch of physical sciences that treats various phenomena of
energy and the related properties of matter, especially of the laws of
transformation of heat into other forms of energy and vice versa?
a. Thermodynamics c. Mass
b. Acceleration d. Weight

5. What do you call the force of gravity on the body?

a. Thermodynamics c. Mass
b. Acceleration d. Weight


Sta. Maria, Hipolito B.; Thermodynamics 1; Maruzen Asian Edition; 1958.

Burghardt, M. David and Harbach, James A.; Engineering Thermodynamics; 4 th

Edition; 1993.

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)


Congratulations for completing this module!

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WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)

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