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NAME: Annika Valenzuela



Choosing A Strand

Situation: You are a Grade 10 completer and you want to enroll at San Antonino National High
School. You are undecided on what track and strand to enroll. Use a communicative strategy to
successfully transact your business with a school advocate or guidance counselor.

( At the gate )

Annika: Hello. Good morning! Can I ask where is the guidance counselor's office?

Guard: Oh, you just have to straight this hallway then then the guidance counselor's office is in
the second to the last room, before the hallway end.

Annika: Thank you so much! I will go now. Bye.

(At the guidance counselor's office )

Annika: Good morning, ma'am.

Guidance counselor: Good morning. Have a seat. How can I help you?

Annika: Im a Grade 10 completer. I want to enroll in this school this coming school year, but I
don't know what strand Im going to pick, so I just want to ask your guidance.

Guidance counselor: Okay. I will do my bet to help you. So, do you have any strand in mind?

Annika: Not yet, I can't choose.

Guidance counselor: Okay. So, what do you want to be in the future, or what strand do you
want to take in college?

Annika: I want to be a flight attendant, I guess Im going to take Bachelor of Science in Tourism

Guidance counselor: That's a good choice. We have track and strands who is align in that kind
of profession. We have HUMSS, ABM, and TVL-Tourism, these are the strand that is suitable in
your choosen career.

Annika: What the meaning of those strand?

Guidance counselor: HUMSS, means Humanities and Social Sciences, that can improve your
speaking skills that is required in your choosen profession. We also have ABM, means
Accounting and Business Management, that can improve your math skills and it is related since
it's all about management. Lastly, the TVL-Tourism, means Technical Vocational Livelihood
focused on Tourism, it requires skills and you will have more knowledge about Tourism.

Annika: I think TVL-Tourism is the most perfect strand for me. It is really align in my choosen
profession and I really find in interesting.

Guidance counselor: That's what I have in mind also. So, I guess goodluck in your school this
year. Im rooting for you.

Annika: Thank you so much for your time Mrs. Santos, it really helps me a lot. Thank for
helping me.

Guidance counselor: No problem, Ms. You're welcome. If you need help don't hesitate to tell
me, okay?

Annika: Okay Mrs. Santos. I'll keep that in mind. I will go now, thank you again.

Guidance counselor: Okay, Ms. Goodbye. God Bless you.

1.Jogging at Park

2.Doing push-up at the living room

3.Favorite swimming stroke
4.Doing jumping jacks

5. Favorite zumba move



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