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WELCOME to the empire, “where

genocide is self-defense and peace

rallies are genocide” (p38), a month
when the US and eight of its allies
responded to the International
Court Of Justice’s ruling to cease
killing and harming the Palestinian
people by suspending funding to the
primary humanitarian agency in Gaza
(p20) and where we turn our eyes to
Belmarsh where the final stage of
Julian Assange’s extradition trial is
about to take place on Feb 21 and 22

For new readers, there is a summary

of Where I Stand, Issue By Issue (p64).

All works are written by Caitlin

Johnstone and Tim Foley. The Caitlin
Johnstone project is 100 percent

Visit for the original

articles and their supporting links.

The War On Journalism In Belmarsh, The War On Journalism

In Gaza ... 5

More US-Driven Escalations Toward War In The Middle East

... 8

Biden Has Started Another US War ... 11

This Can’t Be Another Instance Of Genocide — Israel
Believes It’s Right! ... 14

Israel Says It’s Antisemitic To Invoke The Genocide

Convention Over Gaza ... 16

Israel Accuses The ICJ Of (You Guessed It) Antisemitism ...


Commemorating A Past Holocaust While Cheerleading The

Current One ... 20

The Israel Supporter And The Sandwich ... 22

False Accusations Of Antisemitism Exploit A Healthy Impulse

To Advance A Profoundly Sick One ... 24

I Don’t Care What Religion The Genocidal Child Murderers

Are ... 27

The “Rules-Based International Order” ... 30

When Yemen Does It It’s Terrorism, When The US Does It It’s
“The Rules-Based Order” ... 32

If You’ve Just Started Paying Attention To US Foreign Policy ...


Welcome To The Empire ... 38

They’re Calling Ethnic Cleansing “Voluntary Migration” Now
... 40
US Admonishes Israeli Officials For Saying The Quiet Part
Out Loud About Ethnic Cleansing ... 44

This Genocide Is Being Live-Streamed. We Can’t Say We

Didn’t Know. ... 47

Biden Is Everything People Feared Trump Would Be ... 50

How The Hell Did We Get Here? ... 52

It’s Insane That Anyone Is Still Supporting Israel ... 54

CNN And Washington Post Busted For Pro-Israel Propaganda

Shenanigans ... 56

Turns Out “Israel Has A Right To Defend Itself” Meant “Israel

Has A Right To Commit Genocide” ... 59

Where I Stand, Issue By Issue ... 64

Gaza Is Exposing Western Liberals For The Frauds They Are­
... 68

Westerners Have An Absolutely Psychotic View Of Airstrikes

... 70

We Could Try Simply NOT Provoking A Wider War Via The

Continued Destruction Of Gaza ... 73

We Are Entirely Too Close To Another Major War In The

Middle East ... 76

Tony Blinken Is A Cold-Blooded Sociopath ... 78

Western Empire Bombs Yemen To Protect Israel’s Genocide
Operations In Gaza ... 80

The Biden Administration’s Absurd Justification For Its

Yemen War ... 82

Many Say They Want Peace When What They Really Want Is
Obedience ... 85

I Want For You What You Want For The Palestinians ... 89

Strange Groceries ... 90

• january 24 •

The War On Journalism In Belmarsh, The War On

Journalism In Gaza
I haven’t written much about Julian Assange lately because
I’ve been so fixated on what’s been happening in Gaza, but
we should all be acutely aware that the 20th and 21st of
February may be the WikiLeaks founder’s final chance to
avoid extradition to the United States to face persecution
for the crime of good journalism.

• johnstone •

Some US lawmakers are

attempting to block the
extradition from the other
end with House Resolution
934, which asserts that
“regular journalistic activities
are protected under the
First Amendment, and that
the United States ought
to drop all charges against
and attempts to extradite
Julian Assange.” If charges
were dropped it would not
only prevent the extradition
but allow for Assange to be
freed from the Belmarsh
maximum security prison,
where he has been jailed by
the British government since

The fight to free Assange

is a fight to protect press
freedoms around the
world, since the US is using
the case in an attempt to
set a legal precedent for
Assange and his legal team will face extraditing and imprisoning
two High Court judges during the any journalist or publisher anywhere
two-day hearing in London, who will in the world who shares information
then determine whether or not the with the public that the US doesn’t
UK will allow the Australian journalist want shared.
to be dragged to the US in chains for
a crooked show trial and cast into And it’s worth mentioning that this
one of the world’s most draconian fight is not actually separate from
prison systems for exposing the war the fight against Israel’s efforts
crimes of the world’s most powerful to keep journalism out of Gaza by
government. assassinating reporters and blocking

• january 24 •

the press from

entering the enclave.
It’s also not separate
from humanity’s
overall struggle to
build a truth-based
civilization, nor
ultimately from our
greater struggle to
become a conscious

All throughout
humanity there
are pushes toward
truth and seeing
and pushes toward
secrecy and darkness.
In the press we
see both: the
authentic journalists
like Assange who
want all that is
hidden to be made
transparent, and
the propagandists
of the mainstream
media who work to
obfuscate and distort
the truth. Those who
seek the emergence
of a harmonious
and truth-based
society want as much
I’m no prophet, but I strongly suspect
visibility into what’s really happening
that our future as a species will be
as possible, while tyrannical power
determined by the outcome of this
structures like the US empire and
struggle. If the impulse toward truth
Israel are constantly working to dim
and seeing wins out, we are probably
the lights.
headed toward a world of health
Wherever you see domination and harmony. If the impulse to keep
and abuse, you see efforts to limit everything confused and hidden and
perception and keep human minds unconscious wins, we are probably
from seeing and understanding headed for dystopia and extinction.
what’s going on. It’s true of empires,
In any case, all we can do is fight
it’s true of governments, it’s true
to make things more visible so
of cult leaders, it’s true of abusive
that health and harmony become
spouses, and it’s true of the
possible. Fight to make things
unpleasant dynamics within our own
conscious within ourselves. Fight to
psyches that we would rather not
keep journalism legal in the shadow of
look at. The less seeing there is, the
the empire. Fight to spotlight Israel’s
more abusiveness is possible; the
atrocities in Gaza. Fight to make the
more seen things become, the closer
unseen seen. Fight to bring humanity
we get to freedom.
into the light of consciousness.
Image by CJ, Creative Commons

• johnstone •

More US-Driven Escalations Toward War In The

Middle East


Well, it finally happened. The scores of attacks on US

troops in the middle east in response to Israel’s US-backed
atrocities in Gaza have resulted in American deaths, just as
critics of US foreign policy have been saying would happen
for months. At least now we can stop bracing for it, I guess.
Antiwar’s Dave DeCamp, among those who have long warned of this
eventuality, writes the following:

“Three US troops were killed by an overnight drone attack in northeastern

Jordan, the first Americans to die by enemy fire in the region since President
Biden threw the US’s weight behind the Israeli onslaught in Gaza.

• january 24 •

“According to CNN, one-way New York Times reporting the Biden

attack drones hit Tower administration knew it was “only a
22, a small US outpost in matter of time” before this occurred.
Jordan near the Syrian
In a statement on the attacks Biden
border. Over 30 troops were said the US “will hold all those
also wounded in the attack. responsible to account at a time and
in a manner our choosing,” meaning
“Since mid-October, US yet another military escalation in
bases in Iraq and Syria the middle east is on its way under
have come under attack this murderous administration. A
over 150 times in response full-scale war with Iran would be
to US support for the Israeli the absolute worst-case scenario
slaughter in Gaza. The resulting from the violence which
overnight drone attack in erupted in the middle east this
past October, potentially with mass
Jordan appears to be the
deaths on a scale that would make
first time Tower 22 was
what’s been happening in Gaza look
targeted.” like child’s play.
The Biden administration In that same statement Biden said
immediately claimed the the US troops who were killed in the
attack was backed by Iran, with “despicable and wholly unjust attack”
profoundly influential news agencies died working “to fight terrorism”,
like AP and Reuters regurgitating which is of course ridiculous. People
this claim as established fact in who live in the middle east have
their headlines immediately far more legitimacy attacking US
thereafter. As DeCamp notes troops in resistance to a US-backed
in the aforementioned article, genocide than US troops have in
back in October a US official being in the middle east to begin
acknowledged to CNN with, and the US military presence
that that there’s actually a they attacked is there to shore up
“persistent intelligence gap” geostrategic control, not to fight
as to how much these Shia terror.
militias are in fact beholden
to the orders of Tehran, but As Aris Roussinos explains in a new
apparently this attack being article for Unherd, the US base by the
linked to Iran is now being Jordan-Syria border that was struck
treated as established gospel by Iraqi forces functions as a support
truth anyway. base for America’s al-Tanf garrison, a
sprawling “deconfliction zone” (read:
This attribution has allowed illegal military occupation) in Syria
perpetually war-horny which the US has for years been
Republican senators Lindsey using to disrupt Iranian activities in
Graham, Tom Cotton and the region and help Israel carry out its
John Cornyn to call on Biden constant airstrikes in Syria. “Fighting
to attack Iran directly. US terrorism” is just the pretense for the
officials actually told the US military presence in the region; as
press last week that Biden always, the real reason is to facilitate
would consider direct strikes the geostrategic domination of the
on Iran if and when the US empire.
attacks on US troops led to
American deaths, with The

• johnstone •

Those three US military personnel didn’t die fighting terrorism.

They didn’t even die advancing the interests of ordinary
Americans. The real reason they died was summed up nicely by
Responsible Statecraft’s Trita Parsi:

“They didn’t die defending US interests, they died defending

Biden’s refusal to press Israel for a ceasefire. Their lives were
put at risk by Biden to defend Israel’s ability to continue its
carnage in Gaza.”

Parsi has spent months arguing that the only thing that can
de-escalate the rapidly expanding hostilities in the middle east
is a ceasefire in Gaza, since that’s what they all ultimately arise
from. The massive increase in attacks on US troops, the Yemeni
blockade in the Red Sea, the brinkmanship with Hezbollah in
Lebanon and the skyrocketing tensions with Iran are all the
direct result of Israel’s massacre in Gaza and the opposition

Instead of pushing for a ceasefire, the US is preparing to send

Israel 50 fighter jets and 12 Apache helicopters in preparation
for the next war while stepping toward the horrifying prospect
of a hot war with Iran. Meanwhile Nancy Pelosi is saying there
needs to be an FBI investigation into people calling for a
ceasefire, because they might be Russian secret agents.

Every US military fatality in the middle east is the fault of the US government
for putting them there. US troops shouldn’t be in the middle east at all, and
the US has no legitimacy in retaliating against efforts to kick them out of the
region by the people who live there. Iraqi militias have 100 percent legitimacy
in attacking US troops in the middle east during a US-backed genocide, and
the US has zero legitimacy in retaliating.

To the managers of the US empire:

Get out of the middle east. Just get the fuck out. Stop backing a genocide
in Gaza, stop murdering people to shore up domination of world resources,
and leave. Leave before you unleash something far worse than the nightmare
you’ve already inflicted upon our species.
Image via Adobe Stock.

• january 24 •

Biden Has Started Another US War

The Washington Post has an article out titled “As Houthis
vow to fight on, U.S. prepares for sustained campaign,”
with “sustained campaign” being empire-speak for a new
American war.
“The Biden administration is crafting plans for a sustained military campaign
targeting the Houthis in Yemen after 10 days of strikes failed to halt the group’s
attacks on maritime commerce, stoking concern among some officials that
an open-ended operation could derail the war-ravaged country’s fragile peace
and pull Washington into another unpredictable Middle Eastern conflict,” the
Post reports.

The Post acknowledges that “sustained military campaign” means “war” in

the ninth paragraph of the article, saying the anonymous US officials cited
in the report “don’t expect that the operation will stretch on for years like
previous U.S. wars in Iraq, Afghanistan or Syria.” Which is about as reassuring as
a pyromaniac saying he doesn’t expect he’ll be burning down any more houses
like all those other houses he’s burned down.

• johnstone •

This bizarre refusal to just call a continue to launch cruise missiles,

war a war also appeared in a recent antiship missiles at innocent
press conference with Pentagon mariners, at commercial vessels that
spokesperson Sabrina Singh, are just transiting an area that sees,
who acted shocked and aghast you know, 10 to 15 percent of world’s
that reporters would even ask if commerce.”
repeatedly bombing a country would
qualify as being at war with them. In a follow-up several questions later,
Singh was asked by a reporter from
Politico, “You said that we are not
at war with the Houthis, but if — you
know, this tit-for-tat bombing — we’ve
bombed them five times now. So if
this isn’t war, can you just explain this
a little — a little bit more to us? If this
isn’t war, what is war?”

“Sure, Lara, sure, great question, I just

wasn’t expecting it phrased exactly
that way,” Singh replied with a laugh
and a smirk. “Look, we are — we do not
seek war. We are — we do not — we are
not at war with the Houthis. In terms
of a definition, I think that would be
more of a clear declaration from the
“Is it now fair to say that the U.S. is at United States. But again, what we are
war in Yemen?” Singh was asked by a doing and the actions that we are
Reuters reporter on Thursday. taking are defensive in nature.”

“No, we don’t seek war,” Singh replied. It is worth noting that since that
“We don’t think that we are at war. Thursday press conference the
We don’t want to see a regional number of US strikes on Yemen has
war. The Houthis are the ones that increased from five to seven as of
this writing.

It is also worth noting here that,

per Singh’s absurd definition, the
US has not been at war since the
end of WWII, as there has not been
a “clear declaration of war” since
June 5, 1942. The only wars the
US has officially declared through
congress in accordance with its own
constitution have been the War of
1812, the Mexican-American War, the
Spanish-American War, and the two
world wars.

If you go by this definition the US is

among the more peaceful nations
in the world, since it hasn’t been at
war in eight decades. In reality the
US is the single most warlike and
murderous nation of modern times
with wars of aggression that have
killed millions and displaced tens of
millions just in the 21st century alone,
and plays some role in most of the
world’s major international conflicts.

• january 24 •

Singh’s claim that the

US attacks on Yemen
are “defensive in nature”
is also self-evidently
absurd; Yemeni forces
weren’t even attacking
American commercial
vessels until the US
began attacking them.
Only the US could
launch unprovoked
attacks on a foreign
nation on the other side
of the planet and call it

Antiwar’s Dave
DeCamp explains:

“Before the US
began bombing the
Houthis, Ansar Allah
officials made clear
they would only stop
attacking Israeli-linked
commercial shipping
if the onslaught on
Gaza ended. Instead report by The Wall Street Journal says
of pressuring Israel to end the that according to US intelligence
Israel is nowhere remotely close to
slaughter in Gaza, President
eliminating Hamas, with only 20
Biden chose escalation, and now
to 30 percent of the group having
the Houthis are targeting US been killed since October. Asked by
commercial shipping, and several the press on Thursday if the strikes
US merchant vessels have been hit against the Houthis are working,
with missiles.” Biden replied “Well, when you say
‘working’ — are they stopping the
Indeed, the only reason Houthi Houthis? No. Are they going to
forces began attacking ships in the continue? Yes.”
Red Sea was to pressure Israel and
its allies into ceasing the ongoing So they’re raining military explosives
massacre that has been taking place on impoverished middle easterners
in Gaza since October 7. As usual to maintain their status quo
the world’s most murderous and domination, under the pretense of
powerful government is framing its goals which they themselves admit
horrifying acts of extreme aggression are not being achieved. Just another
as innocent defensive responses to day in the empire, I guess.
unprovoked attacks, when in reality Featured image via Rawpixel (public
the US empire is bombing Yemen in domain).
order to facilitate the genocide of

And while we’re on the subject

of Gaza and Yemen it’s probably
worth pointing out that according
to US empire managers the stated
goals of both campaigns have been
completely unsuccessful. A new

• johnstone •

This Can’t Be Another Instance Of Genocide —

Israel Believes It’s Right!
I used to think it was wrong for Israel to be killing tens of
thousands of Gazans with airstrikes and starving hundreds
of thousands with siege warfare, but then Israel apologists
informed me that some Palestinians did mean things to
Israelis in the past, so now I support it.

• january 24 •

What Israel is doing in Gaza would only be unethical if everyone in Gaza were
a perfect little cherub who’d never committed any violence or done anything
wrong ever. I could see getting upset if the IDF was raining military explosives
upon a giant concentration camp full of squishy marshmallow-like beings
made of pure love and conceived without original sin who do nothing but coo
and sing lullabies all day, but in reality the concentration camp is populated by
beings who are not nearly that perfect.

I hear people calling this a genocide, but that’s ridiculous. What’s been
explained to me is that the assault on Gaza is completely different from all the
genocidal massacres you’ve read about in history, because the Israelis believe
what they are doing is right. See, this time the ones who are carrying out the
mass-scale extermination programs and ethnic cleansing plans have reasons
for doing so.

As we all know, in a proper genocide the perpetrators have no reasons for

carrying out their mass extermination programs and ethnic cleansing plans;
they do it solely because they are evil and like doing evil things. In a proper
genocide the perpetrators historically spend most of their time cackling like
cartoon supervillains and talking about how delightfully evil their genocidal
actions are.

This isn’t like that at all. You see, the Israelis sincerely feel that the population
they are eliminating is very bad, and they believe removing that population will
make the land a much better and safer place to live. They see the Palestinians
as a major problem, and, unlike a proper genocide, they are simply trying to
find a solution to that problem which will be permanent and final.

So when you see Israel apologists defending Israel’s actions in Gaza, please try
to keep in mind that they’re just helpfully explaining that the Israeli government
has reasons and motives for doing what it’s doing, and that it believes what
it is doing is correct. If this were a proper genocide, that wouldn’t be the case.

You’ve seen what genocide looks like. It looks like Nazis rounding up Jews and
killing them. Are the Israelis wearing swastikas? Are the Palestinians Jewish?
No? Okay then. That proves this cannot possibly be a genocide, because
if it was, it would look exactly the same as a previous historical instance of
genocide in every conceivable way. It’s not even the early 1940s right now, it’s
a completely different time period. Like, duh.

So relax. Everything is fine. This isn’t a genocide, and if it is, we can read about
it in our history books later on and be sure to get it right next time.
Feature image by Greg Finnegan, Shutterstock,

• johnstone •

Israel Says It’s Antisemitic To Invoke The

Genocide Convention Over Gaza
South Africa has invoked the Genocide Convention, formally
launching a case at the UN’s international court of justice
accusing Israel of genocide for its mass atrocities in the Gaza
Strip. Israel immediately responded by (deep sigh) accusing
South Africa of “blood libel”.

• january 24 •

Blood libel, for those who don’t It exploits a noble, healthy

know, refers to the way medieval inclination we cultivate in
Europeans would falsely accuse ourselves in good faith in order
Jews of murdering Christians in to support the horrific genocidal
blood sacrifices in order to justify nightmare in Gaza in entirely bad
persecuting them. Which is to say, faith. It exploits our good nature to
Israel has responded to South Africa’s advance a profoundly evil cause.
accusations by accusing South Africa It’s despicable. It’s depraved.
of antisemitism.
Israel apologists always speak
False accusations of antisemitism as though all critics of Israel are
constantly obsessing over Jews,
when nothing remotely like that
is happening. It’s a fantasy. The
only reason people like me ever
make any mention of Jewishness
is because 90 percent of the
arguments made by Israel’s
defenders rely on babbling about
Jews and antisemitism, and
those arguments need to be

If Israel’s defenders weren’t

constantly babbling about Jews
and antisemitism, it would never Normal people just want the mass
even occur to me to think about slaughter of children and the ethnic
those things in relation to what’s cleansing to stop.
happening in Gaza, and I’m quite
sure the vast majority of people on If I saw someone murdering a child,
my side of this issue are the same. there are many things I might say
When you see mass atrocities of and do, but the very last thing that
are all Israel and its defenders have unfathomable horror unfolding in would ever occur to me would be to
left. It’s the only tool left in their real time in a nonstop deluge of video wonder what religion he is. It’s the
toolbox. Once you’ve exhausted and photo evidence, the very last silliest, most nonsensical narrative
the “But Hamas!” and “But October thing on your mind is what religious in mainstream politics and media
7!” excuses they make for Israel’s faith the perpetrators espouse. It’s today.
deliberate butchery of civilians via not something normal people think
airstrikes and siege warfare, false about. And that’s why fewer and fewer
accusations of hating Jews is all that people are buying it. There’s only
remains. Throughout my life I’ve had a positive so many times the boy can falsely
view of Jews and Jewish culture cry wolf before the villagers stop
And it’s so sick, because it exploits a because so many of the people I’ve running to his defense. Hopefully this
healthy impulse in those of us who admired and been influenced by desensitization that Israel and its
oppose racism and genocide, and have been Jewish, but other than apologists have created doesn’t have
does so in order to defend racist acts that it’s not something that I’ve really dark consequences in the future. It’s
of genocide. It causes people who thought about much. This notion just one more ugly thing they have
care deeply about human rights to that opposition to the criminality of birthed into the world that the rest of
take a step back and say “Hold on, the Israeli government is driven by a us will have to bring consciousness
am I guilty of embodying the same demented hatred of Jewish people to.
hateful prejudices which led to the is a complete work of fiction. People
Featured image via Adobe Stock.
Holocaust?” and shuts us down and in our society simply do not feel that
shuts us up, even as Israel rolls out its way about Jews. Real antisemitism
own holocaust against Palestinians. does exist, but it’s a small fringe view.

• johnstone •

Israel Accuses The ICJ Of (You Guessed It)

The International Court of Justice rejected Israel’s request
to dismiss the genocide case brought against it by South
Africa on Friday, ruling by a massive majority that the case
shall proceed and instructing Israel to refrain from killing
and harming Palestinians in the interim.

• january 24 •

Many Palestine supporters have Everyone’s arguing about whether

expressed dismay that the ICJ did or not the ICJ’s ruling is helpful, and
not explicitly order a I don’t know enough one way or the
ceasefire, while many other to be sure either way, but from
others (including where things stand right now it does
South African officials) seem unlikely to me that managers
argue that the ruling of the Israeli war machine would be
is very positive and getting this freaked out and whipping
tantamount to a out their tired old “antisemitism”
ceasefire order because song and dance if there wasn’t
it demands the end of something of substance to it.
harm to members of
the protected group. International lawyer Francis Boyle,
who won provisional measures
Imperial media against Yugoslavia at the ICJ in 1993,
are aggressively said the following of the ruling:
emphasising the
absence of a ceasefire “This is a massive, overwhelming
order in their headlines legal victory for the Republic of
and many Israel South Africa against Israel on behalf
apologists are framing of the Palestinians. The U.N. General
that absence as a Assembly now can suspend Israel
victory for their favorite
from participation in its activities
ethnostate, but such
performative chest- as it did for South Africa and
thumping is severely Yugoslavia. It can admit Palestine
undercut by the way as a full member. And — especially
high-level Israeli officials are currently since the International Criminal
accusing the ICJ of antisemitism and Court has been a farce — it can
saying Israel should ignore its rulings. establish a tribunal to prosecute
the highest level officials of the
“The international court
Israeli government, both civilian
of justice went above
and beyond when it and military.”
granted South Africa’s
So take that for whatever that’s
antisemitic request to
worth to you. In any case the
discuss the claim of
butchery in Gaza still urgently needs
genocide in Gaza, and
to be ended, and only time will tell
now refuses to reject
whether Friday’s development had
the petition outright,”
any major effect on the outcome of
complained Israeli
this horror.
defense minister Yoav
Gallant in response to But man what I wouldn’t have given
the ruling. to be a fly on the wall at the meetings
they were having at the US State
“The decision of the antisemitic
Department on Friday. It’s days like
court in The Hague proves what
this that remind you why empire
was already known: This court does
managers switched from talking
not seek justice, but rather the
about “international law” to using
persecution of Jewish people,” said
the meaningless phrase “rules-based
Israeli national security minister
international order”.
Itamar Ben Gvir.
Image by Adobe Stock.
Ben Gvir also tweeted “Hague
Schmague” immediately after the
ruling was issued, which will probably
go down in history as the most Israeli
tweet of all time.

• johnstone •

Commemorating A Past Holocaust While

Cheerleading The Current One
Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
The US and eight of its allies have suspended funding
to UNRWA, the primary humanitarian agency in Gaza,
following Israeli allegations that a dozen employees of the
30,000-staff organization were involved in the October 7
attack by Hamas. The allegations conveniently sprung
up at the same time as the International Court of Justice
rulings against Israel in the genocide case brought against
it by South Africa, quickly supplanting the ICJ ruling in
western mass media headlines. The US has continued to
dismiss the South African case as unfounded.
A senior Israeli official told Axios that Israeli intelligence agencies came upon
the information about the UNRWA staffers largely through “interrogations of
militants who were arrested during the Oct. 7 attack.” Israel has an extensive
history of using torture in its interrogations, and there’s no reason to believe it
hasn’t been used on captured Hamas fighters in recent months.
• january 24 •

So to recap — The IDF shot and killed a Palestinian A political establishment which tells
man who had a white flag in a you you have to choose between two
Accusations of genocide deemed designated “safe zone” right in presidential candidates who both
credible by the International Court of front of an ITV News crew, drawing want to help Israel murder children
Justice: Preposterous lies. Not worth headlines around the world. by the thousands is a political
opposing a single massacre over. establishment which must not be
It’s been undeniable that the IDF permitted to exist.
Unsubstantiated claims about routinely kills Palestinians who
UNRWA staff extracted via torture: •
are waving white flags ever since
Gospel truth. Worthy of ending
humanitarian support to Gazans for.
last month when they killed three
escaped Israeli hostages who were
Israel has been caught in
• waving a white flag mistaking them lie after lie after lie after lie
for Palestinians. This was just the since October 7, yet we’re
first time the western press filmed it.
meant to believe it’s crazy

antisemitic holocaust
A re-election
campaign year for a denialism to think it may
Democrat president have lied about some of
coinciding with an
active genocide the stuff that happened on
backed by that same October 7 as well.
president is exposing

the true face of the
Democratic Party Young people spent 2020 protesting
clearer than anything against racism and injustice and
I can remember. spent 2022 being told that it’s
bad for an occupying force to drop
How does ANY unproven Biden is preparing to send Israel 50 bombs on people, but when Israel
claim by the Israeli child murder jets and 12 child murder started a racist and unjust bombing
helicopters, but oh no no we mustn’t campaign in 2023 older generations
government get treated focus on this too much because it’s were still somehow surprised to see
seriously by ANYONE an election year and Trump is a very young people stand against it.
bad person.
anymore? There ought to be •

a limit on how many lies you To defend Israel is
to defend the US
can get caught circulating empire, because
before the entire political/ the military might
media class just starts of the US empire is
what makes Israel’s
laughing at you whenever existence possible.
you make any claim about You can’t separate
the two. Israel
anything. apologists pretend
• they’re defending a
plucky little underdog
It’s been so surreal watching empire country in the middle
managers issue solemn words in east and a persecuted
honor of Holocaust Memorial Day I understand the logic of lesser-evil religious minority, when really they’re
while enthusiastically facilitating a voting. I just don’t understand the defending the most powerful empire
modern-day genocide in Gaza. logic of designating a president who that has ever existed and the most
backs a literal genocide and engages murderous and tyrannical power
Commemorating the Holocaust in nuclear brinkmanship a “lesser structure of the 21st century.
while cheerleading for the current evil”.
holocaust is next-level dystopia. Featured image via U.S. Institute of
• Peace (CC BY 2.0)

• johnstone •

The Israel Supporter And The Sandwich

• january 24 •

Israel supporter: [Walks up to a guy at a restaurant, grabs his sandwich, starts

eating it.]

Guy: Hey!

Israel supporter: What?

Guy: That’s my sandwich!

Israel supporter [still eating]: Sandwich? What sandwich?

Guy: Right there! You’re eating it right now!

Israel supporter: No I’m not.

Guy: Oh my God! You’re standing right in front of me eating my sandwich! I can

see you doing it with my own eyes!

Israel supporter [finishing sandwich]: Nope. Never happened.

Guy: You owe me another sandwich you prick! You stole from me!

Israel supporter: So you’re saying Jews steal? That’s an antisemitic canard!

Guy: What?? I didn’t even know what religion you are! I’m just mad you stole
my sandwich and ate it right in front of me!

Israel supporter: That never happened. Or if it did happen it wasn’t me. Or if

it was me I had to do it because another guy did something that left me no
choice, so you should blame him.

Guy: Gah!!

Israel supporter: Actually come to think of it I’m beginning to suspect maybe

YOU ate MY sandwich.

Guy: How is this happening? This is ridiculous!

Israel supporter: Again with the Jew hating!

Guy: Why the hell do you keep babbling about Jews?? This has nothing to do
with Jews! This is about you personally and the specific thing you just did!

Israel supporter: Okay Hitler. [Steals silverware on the table, exits.]

Featured image via Adobe Stock

• johnstone •

False Accusations Of Antisemitism Exploit A

Healthy Impulse To Advance A Profoundly Sick
The most despicable thing about the way Israel supporters
smear Israel’s critics as antisemites is that they are
exploiting a very healthy impulse to advance a profoundly
sick impulse. They knowingly exploit the fact that the
further to the left someone is on the the political spectrum
the more likely they are to (A) support Palestinian rights
and (B) be very receptive to any suggestion that they might
be acting in a racially insensitive way.

• january 24 •

My followers who are on the right of our world, we would have peace
side of the political spectrum always and harmony on earth very quickly.
have melodramatic conniptions But this impulse gets exploited
whenever I say this, but there is a in the most odiously cynical way
lot of value in learning about the imaginable to defend the interests
role racial inequality plays in the of a murderous and tyrannical
injustices of our society and getting government whose very existence
real with ourselves about where is premised on racism, apartheid,
our own racial circumstances fit in ethnic cleansing and abuse.
with those unjust power dynamics.
It’s a very healthy Have you ever noticed that it’s never
impulse to look within the actual antisemites who get
yourself and figure attacked as antisemites? Nowadays
out if there’s anything it’s very seldom the assholes saying
in you as an individual Jews rule the world and are the
that feeds into the source of society’s ills who are
racial injustices of inundated with such accusations;
our society, whether supporters of Israel tend to more or
you‘re aware of it less leave them alone. The ones who
at first or not. This get slandered as antisemites are
is especially true of people like Jeremy Corbyn — leftists
white people, since who’ve dedicated their entire lives
racial injustices tend to anti-racism, whose only actual
to benefit us in this offense is believing that Palestinians
society. are human beings and should be
treated as such.
The further someone
is toward the left In fact actual antisemites are some
end of the spectrum, of Israel’s strongest allies. The lion’s
the more likely they share of forceful support for Israel in
are to respond to an the United States comes not from
accusation of racism Jews but from Christian Zionists who
by stopping in their support Israel because they believe
tracks and inquiring it will bring Jesus back so he can
deeply into whether damn all non-Christians to eternal
the accusation might hellfire. Televangelist John Hagee,
have some truth to who believes Hitler was sent by God
it. If the accusation is to help create Israel, had a prominent
that you harbor the speaking spot at Tuesday’s “March
same kind of racism for Israel” in Washington DC.
that gave rise to
the Holocaust — one While people who hate Jews so much
of the worst mass they want them to writhe in eternal
atrocities in all of hellfire are warmly embraced as

human history — then

you are all the more
likely to stop and
take the accusation

This is a healthy
impulse. If everyone
took seriously their
responsibility to
expunge everything
in them that feeds
into the injustices

• johnstone •

The good news

is that it doesn’t
seem to be working
as much anymore.
People are gradually
becoming aware
that accusations of
antisemitism are used
by Israel apologists
to stagnate and
stifle support for
Palestinian rights, and
are beginning to take
those accusations
a lot less seriously.
There’s only so many
times you can watch
dishonest smear
campaigns against
good-faith leftists
before you start to
figure out that you’re
being manipulated.

As with most
allies of convenience by Israel and problems, the
its supporters, healthy leftists who solution to this one is to expand
oppose racism in all its forms are consciousness. The more people
attacked by Israel apologists as Nazis become aware of the way
and Jew-haters. This is because their accusations of antisemitism are
actions are not designed to protect cynically used to shut down pro-
Jews or reduce antisemitism — their Palestine sentiments around the
actions are to facilitate the strategic world, the less power those methods
objectives of the Israeli government will have. That doesn’t mean we stop
and its allies. treating real antisemitism like a real
problem or that we become less
Really what’s happening in Gaza right sensitive to racial injustice; it simply
now isn’t about Jews or Judaism at means we see what’s being done
all; it’s about using violent force to in this specific instance and start
take land and resources away from calling it what it is.
an indigenous population, as history
has seen happen time and time Featured image via Wikimedia
again in situations that had nothing Commons.
to do with Jews. It’s a profoundly
unhealthy impulse that’s been
causing immense human suffering
for centuries, and people who’ve
noticed the same patterns in Israel
that they’ve seen in all the other
settler-colonial projects over the
last 500 years are being shouted
down and bullied into staying silent
using some of the most unethical
manipulations ever devised.

• january 24 •

I Don’t Care What Religion The Genocidal Child

Murderers Are
Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
Unfuckingbelievable. It is un fucking believable that it’s
2024 and the US-sponsored incineration of Gaza is still
going on.
They’re just looking us dead in the eye and doing the worst
things humans could possibly do, right in front of us.
Against all laws. Against all opposition.

The other day Tony Blinken posted an astonishingly obnoxious tweet fretting
about how “This has been an extraordinarily dangerous year for press around
the world,” as though his own administration had not directly facilitated the
lion’s share of the deadly attacks on journalists in 2023. The utter gall of these
freaks still surprises me sometimes.

• johnstone •

Very frightened and upset by the

alarming increase in antisemitism*
we’ve seen in the last three months.

[*Pro-Palestine demonstrations,
pro-Palestine political slogans, pro-
Palestine tweets and TikTok videos,
criticism of the Israeli government,
people saying it’s wrong to murder
thousands of children]

All this “antisemitism” gibberish is

so fucking stupid. It’s like if every
time we wanted to criticize the Iraq
invasion we had to do a whole big
song and dance swearing on our
lives that we weren’t racist toward

I don’t give a fuck if you’re Jewish.

I don’t care what religion you are.
If you’re murdering thousands of
children, the very least significant Don’t worry, Israel will be at peace
thing about that situation is what once it defeats Hamas. Well, first
religion you happen to be. I think the it’ll need to conquer Syria, eliminate
Hezbollah and Ansarallah, achieve
overwhelming majority of people on
regime change in Iran, and defeat
my side see it this way. all the new enemies these military
campaigns will create along the way.

But THEN there will be peace!
Step 1: Deliberately make
Gaza uninhabitable •

It’s crazy how there’s mountains

Step 2: Leave Gazans of evidence that Israeli higher-ups
no choice but to migrate allowed October 7 to happen in
elsewhere order to advance ethnic cleansing
agendas in Gaza, but you’ll never
Step 3: Call this forced be allowed to say this blatantly
obvious thing happened without
migration “voluntary” and being branded an antisemitic
“humanitarian” conspiracy kook.

Step 4: Turn the entire Gaza •

Strip into a giant Israeli


• january 24 •

Older generations, for the

love of God stop telling
the young generation “It’s
terrible, but that’s just the
way it is.” That may have
been true in our youth, but
our children are networked
in an unprecedented way
which has already resulted
in massive social changes.
They changed the way we
think about gender pretty
much overnight; you think
a tiny old war machine is
It is right and good to aggressively
scrutinize claims about mass rape on going to get in their way?
October 7, but it’s also important to Stop trying to indoctrinate
stress that even if every single one of
those claims was true it would not them with your learned
justify anything Israel has been doing helplessness.
in Gaza.

Next time a young person
gets angry about the way
No matter how many times you
the world is, please don’t
bleat the phrase “Blame Hamas”,
it will never magically erase Israel’s chuck the sand of pre-
guilt in raining military explosives emptive disappointment
on a giant concentration camp full in their eyes with your
of children.
somnolent words of
No matter how many times you status-quo enforcing
accuse Israel’s critics of being
antisemitic, it will never magically
“pragmatism”. Simply say “I
erase Israel’s guilt in raining military am with you all the way. Tell
explosives on a giant concentration me where to next.”
camp full of children.

No matter how many times you
mention October 7, it will never
magically erase Israel’s guilt in
raining military explosives on a
giant concentration camp full of

• johnstone •

The “Rules-Based International Order”

The “rules-based international order” has allowed the
incineration of Gaza, and the bombing of Yemeni forces
who are trying to stop it.
The “rules-based international order” allowed hundreds of thousands of
people to be killed by western-backed Saudi atrocities in Yemen.

The “rules-based international order” allowed NATO powers to knowingly

provoke a world-threatening proxy war in Ukraine.

The “rules-based international order” allowed western powers and their

regional partners to plunge Syria into a horrific civil war by flooding the nation
with heavily armed fascistic extremist factions.

The “rules-based international order” has allowed the US to invade and

occupy a vast stretch of Syrian territory in order to control the nation’s natural
resources and prevent reconstruction.

The “rules-based international order” allowed Libya to be turned into a chaotic

hellscape after western-backed forces killed Gaddafi following a long-desired
western regime change operation disguised as “humanitarian intervention”.

• january 24 •

The “rules-based international order” allowed the invasion of Iraq to destabilize

an entire region resulting in millions of deaths following a campaign of
deliberate lies and propaganda.

The “rules-based international order” allowed the invasion of Afghanistan and

a decades-long occupation sustained by lies and corruption.

The “rules-based international order” allowed the imprisonment of Julian

Assange for journalistic activities exposing US war crimes.

The “rules-based international order” has allowed the planet to be circled by

hundreds of US military bases, including in places where the people who live
there vehemently oppose their presence like Okinawa, Iraq and Syria.

The “rules-based international order” has allowed the US and its allies to kill
huge numbers of civilians with siege warfare tactics in nations like Yemen, Iraq
and Venezuela.

The “rules-based international order” has allowed the US to interfere in

scores of elections around the world at will and forcibly topple inconvenient
governments whenever it wants to.

The “rules-based international order” has allowed China to be surrounded

by a rapidly increasing amount of US military bases and war machinery in
preparation for a future conflict of unimaginable horror.

The “rules-based international order” has allowed the US to plunge the world
into a new cold war with rapidly-escalating brinkmanship against nuclear-
armed Russia and China.

The “rules-based international order” has allowed our civilization to be

controlled by the most powerful propaganda system ever devised, creating a
mind-controlled dystopia of brainwashed gear-turners who are deceived into
believing they are free.

The “rules-based international order” has allowed unfathomable amounts of

government malfeasance to be hidden behind an increasingly opaque wall of
government secrecy.

The “rules-based international order” has allowed the interests of ordinary

human beings to be subordinated and subjected to the interests of billionaire
corporations and sociopathic government agencies.

The “rules-based international order” has allowed the destruction of our

ecosystem for the enrichment of powerful plutocrats.

The “rules-based international order” has allowed our planet to be dominated

by an empire of extreme murderousness and depravity at the cost of nonstop
bloodshed and ever-increasing tyranny.

If the “rules-based international order” has allowed all these things to happen,
what kind of “rules” are we talking about exactly? And what kind of “order” do
they sustain?

If this is what the “rules-based international order” looks like, would we not,
perhaps, be better off without it?
Featured image via Adobe Stock.

• johnstone •

When Yemen Does It It’s Terrorism, When The US

Does It It’s “The Rules-Based Order”
The Biden administration has officially re-designated
Ansarallah — the dominant force in Yemen also known as
the Houthis — as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist
The White House claims the designation is an appropriate response to the
group’s attacks on US military vessels and commercial ships in the Red Sea
and the Gulf of Aden, saying those attacks “fit the textbook definition of
terrorism.” Ansarallah claims its actions “adhere to the provisions of Article 1 of
the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide,”
since it is only enforcing a blockade geared toward ceasing the ongoing Israeli
destruction of Gaza.

• january 24 •

In a new article for

Antiwar about this
latest development,
Dave Decamp
explains that as much
as the Biden White
House goes to great
lengths insisting
that it’s going to
issue exemptions
to ensure that its
sanctions don’t harm
the already struggling
Yemeni people,
“history has shown
that sanctions scare
away international
companies and banks
from doing business
with the targeted
nations or entities
and cause shortages
of medicine, food, and
other basic goods.”
DeCamp also notes
that US and British
airstrikes on Yemen
have already forced
some aid groups to
suspend services to
the country.

So the US empire is
One of the most heinous acts going to be imposing
committed by the Trump sanctions on a nation that’s still trying
administration was its designation to recover from the devastation
of Ansarallah as a Foreign Terrorist caused by the US-backed Saudi
Organization (FTO) and as Specially blockade that contributed to
Designated Global Terrorists (SDGT), hundreds of thousands of deaths
both of which imposed sanctions between 2015 and 2022. All in
that critics warned would plunge response to the de facto government
Yemen’s aid-dependent population of that very same country imposing
into even greater levels of starvation its own blockade with the goal of
than they were already experiencing preventing a genocide.
by restricting the aid that would
be allowed in. One of the Biden That’s right kids: when Yemen sets up
administration’s only decent foreign a blockade to try and stop an active
policy decisions has been the reversal genocide, that’s terrorism, but when
of that sadistic move, and now that the US empire imposes a blockade
reversal is being partially rolled back, to secure its geostrategic interests
though thankfully only with the SDGT in the middle east, why that’s just
listing and not the more deadly and the rules-based international order
consequential FTO designation. in action.

• johnstone •

What this shows us

is that the “rules-
based international
order” the US and its
allies claim to uphold
is not based on rules
at all; it’s based on
power, which is the
ability to control and
impose your will on
other people. The
“rules” apply only to
the enemies of the
empire because they
are not rules at all:
they are narratives
used to justify efforts
to bend the global
population to its will.

We are ruled by
murderous tyrants.
By nuclear-armed
thugs who would
rather starve civilians
to protect the
continuation of an
active genocide than
It just says so much about how the US allow peace to get
empire sees itself that it can impose a word in edgewise. Our world can
blockades and starvation sanctions never know health as long as these
at will upon nations like Yemen, monsters remain in charge.
Venezuela, Cuba, Iran, Syria and
North Korea for refusing to bow to its •
dictates, but when Yemen imposes a
blockade for infinitely more worthy
and noble reasons it gets branded
an act of terrorism. The managers of
the globe-spanning empire loosely
centralized around Washington
literally believe the world is theirs to
rule as they will, and that anyone who
opposes its rulings is an outlaw.

Israel has lost the argument.
The western empire has lost the argument.
The mass media have lost the argument.
Mainstream western culture has lost the argument.
Capitalism has lost the argument.
Our systems have failed us as massively as anything can fail.
Time for something new.
• johnstone •

If You’ve Just Started Paying Attention To US

Foreign Policy
If you’re among those who have only just begun paying
attention to US foreign policy and western media bias
in light of Israel’s destruction of Gaza and Biden’s act of
war against Yemen, it’s important to understand that
none of the depravity you’re seeing is new. The lies. The
insane double standards. The murderousness. The western
political/media class always does this.

• january 24 •

Every war the US involves itself from populations of a darker average You don’t need to believe anything
in is always facilitated by lies skin tone toward populations of a I’m saying on faith. If you just
promulgated in one voice by the paler average skin tone. Wherever keep in mind what I said and start
official government in Washington that movement is hindered, diverted, watching the patterns for yourself
and by the “independent” “free” threatened or inconvenienced, you while seeking out the truth day by
press (actually propaganda services) will see western war machinery day, you will see it for yourself. You
of the western world. They deceived moving southward and eastward to will see the same patterns emerging
the world about Ukraine. They get it back on the desired track. over and over again, year after
deceived the world about Yemen. year. Over and over again you will
They deceived the world about Most major international conflicts see the US and the states that are
Syria, Libya and Iraq. There are can be understood as either direct aligned with it acting with extreme
always, always lies, obfuscations and or indirect efforts by the US empire aggression toward non-US-aligned
manipulations involved in marketing to shore up planetary domination, powers in ways that benefit the US-
a new war to the public, or in hiding which are often met with resistance centralized power structure, and you
its involvement in foreign wars from by populations who wish to retain will see the western press deceiving
public attention. their sovereignty. Much of this the world about what’s happening.
conflict happens in the middle east The next Official Bad Guy you see
All of this manipulation because that’s where the world gets
a lot of its oil from, with US-aligned
dominating western press coverage
on international affairs will be a
and deceit is necessary nations like Israel and Saudi Arabia non-US-aligned power, and if you
to hide the fact that the frequently serving as the frontline apply diligent research and critical
for hostilities with non-US-aligned thinking you will find that they are
US-centralized empire nations like Iran and Syria as well as not presenting an accurate picture of
is the most tyrannical non-US-aligned forces like Hezbollah, what’s happening.
Ansarallah and Hamas.
power structure on this Just keep learning and studying the
planet. And make no This struggle for US planetary patterns with open curiosity and
hegemony is disguised by the western self-honesty, and the picture will
mistake, it is an empire. political/media class as something inevitably become clear to you. And
Washington serves as the other than what it is, because you then you will clearly see who’s really
can’t allow the public in a democratic
hub of an undeclared empire nation to understand clearly that
driving the bulk of the violence and
disorder in our world.
comprised of alliances, their government is on the side
Featured image via Adobe Stock.
partnerships, assets, public of evil. They’ll frame it as a US-led
international coalition to liberate a
deals and secret agreements nation from a tyrannical dictator. As a
which knit a large number humanitarian intervention to protect
human rights. As support for Israel’s
of nations together into right to defend itself. As protection
what functions as a single of freedom of navigation in the Red
Sea. But what’s actually happening
power structure with regard is the world’s most powerful and
to international affairs. murderous power structure killing
human beings in western Asia in
Most of the beneficiaries of this order to secure control over a crucial
power structure reside in the west, or resource.
global north, while the most exploited
and abused victims of this power You see this all over the world
structure tend to reside in the east, against nations which refuse to allow
or global south. There are all sorts of themselves to be absorbed into the
rules and regulations and narratives US-centralized power structure like
and justifications for why this all North Korea, Venezuela and Cuba,
happens the way it happens, but if with China being by far the strongest
you mentally “mute” the soundtrack of these and Russia a distant second.
on the verbal overlay and just look And you will notice that you have
at what’s actually happening, what heard every nation I just mentioned
you will see is the lion’s share of cast in a very negative light by the
the world’s wealth and resources western press over the years. This is
moving northward and westward not a coincidence.

Welcome To The Empire
• january 24 •

Welcome to the empire

Where genocide is self-defense and peace rallies are genocide

Where war criminals are the victims and the hospitals are Hamas

Where calls for freedom are hateful and ceasefires are antisemitic

Where civilians get called terrorists and real terrorists get Nobel Peace Prizes

Where the propaganda is journalism and the journalism is propaganda

Where the democracy is real and the apartheid is imaginary

Where the corporations are people and the people are corporate resources

Welcome to the empire

Whose bombs are humanitarian and whose provocations are invisible

Whose veterans are heroes and whose victims are forgotten

Whose wars are always just and whose enemies are always Hitler

Whose cause is always righteous and whose critics are always Russian

Whose sufferings are unforgivable and whose crimes are erased from history

Whose atrocities are always an unfortunate accident and whose enemies kill
civilians for fun

Whose disastrous interventions are always innocent mistakes no matter how

often they happen

Welcome to the empire

Ever the victim of unprovoked attacks from the people it has been strangling

Ever the shining city on a hill of human corpses

Ever the defender of the poor helpless plutocrats of Wall Street

Ever the savior of the families incinerated by missiles made by Raytheon

Ever the protector of natural resources in the soil of foreign nations

Ever the upholder of the rules-based order of a world with a boot on its throat

The empire loves you with a heart made of dollars and oil

The empire watches over you through your smartphone and your computer

The empire is your only friend

The empire is the only one who will ever love you

You can’t leave

You can’t get rid of the empire

If you get rid of the empire, this world could be taken over by tyrants

• johnstone •

They’re Calling Ethnic Cleansing “Voluntary

Migration” Now

Israeli officials are now openly admitting that they’re

working on “encouraging” the migration of Palestinians
from Gaza, ridiculously claiming that this migration would
be “voluntary” despite their having deliberately made the
enclave uninhabitable over the last three months.

• january 24 •

Yehudit party, calling such a

policy ‘a correct, just, moral
and humane solution.’

“‘We cannot withdraw from

any territory we are in in the
Gaza Strip. Not only do I not
rule out Jewish settlement
there, I believe it is also an
important thing,’ he said.

“The ‘correct solution’ to the

ongoing Israeli-Palestinian
conflict is ‘to encourage
the voluntary migration of
Gaza’s residents to countries
that will agree to take in
the refugees,’ Smotrich told
members of his Religious
Zionism party, predicting
that ‘Israel will permanently
control the territory of
the Gaza Strip,’ including
through the establishment of
The Times of Israel reports:
“Prime Minister Benjamin The repeated use of the word
Netanyahu’s two senior far-right “encourage” stands out in these
partners endorsed the rebuilding remarks, given that encouraging
of settlements in the Gaza Strip Gaza’s inhabitants to flee their
and the encouraging of “voluntary homeland is exactly what Israel’s
emigration” of Palestinians on actions since October have been
Monday, while hawkish opposition doing. Once you’ve made 90 percent
of Gaza’s inhabitants homeless with
MK Avigdor Liberman called
internal displacement, forced half the
for Israel to reoccupy southern
population into starvation via siege
Lebanon. warfare, destroyed the enclave’s
entire healthcare system to the
“Speaking during their parties’ point where disease is now running
respective faction meetings in the rampant, all while raining death and
Knesset, National Security Minister destruction from above in a wildly
Itamar Ben Gvir and Finance unpredictable manner with airstrikes
Minister Bezalel Smotrich presented routinely hitting designated safe
the migration of Palestinian civilians zones, you’re offering the population
as a solution to the long-running some very strong “encouragement”
conflict and as a prerequisite for indeed to vacate the region as soon
as possible.
securing the stability necessary to
allow residents of southern Israel to This obviously makes the argument
return to their homes. for the “voluntary migration” of
Gazans completely nonsensical,
“The war presents an ‘opportunity since violently coercing someone
to concentrate on encouraging into doing something and ensuring
the migration of the residents of that they’ll die if they don’t do it is
Gaza,’ Ben Gvir told reporters and the exact opposite of what the word
members of his far-right Otzma “voluntary” means.

• johnstone •

But that’s the slogan we’re seeing But that’s the narrative they’re going driving it was an iron logic: There
pop up again and again as Israel with apparently. could be no viable Jewish state
draws closer to its final solution to in all or part of Palestine unless
the Palestinian problem in Gaza. And it’s nothing new; Israel has been there was a mass displacement of
Netanyahu and his cohorts have falsely claiming for generations Arab inhabitants, who opposed its
been repeatedly uttering phrases that its violent forced expulsion of emergence and would constitute an
like “voluntary resettlement” and Palestinians known as the Nakba was active or potential fifth column in its
“voluntary migration” to describe voluntary as well. In 2000 Palestinian midst. This logic was understood, and
the plan for Gaza’s Palestinian academic Ghada Karmi wrote that enunciated, before and during 1948,
inhabitants to either move to refugee “The Israeli version of history — that by Zionist, Arab and British leaders
camps set up in the adjacent Sinai the Palestinians left voluntarily or and officials.
Peninsula in Egypt or to be taken in under orders from their leaders and
by other nations around the world. that Israelis had no responsibility, “As early as 1895, Theodor Herzl, the
material or moral, for their plight — has prophet and founder of Zionism,
Netanyahu has said that a team been successfully marketed to the wrote in his diary in anticipation of
must be established to “ensure that world community for decades.” the establishment of the Jewish
those who want to leave Gaza to a state: ‘We shall try to spirit the
third country can do so.” Iraq invader The plot to relocate Palestinians penniless [Arab] population across
Tony Blair was reportedly being eyed from territories desired by Israel is the border by procuring employment
as a potential leader of such a team also far from new. In a 2002 article for it in the transit countries, while
by Israeli officials, though Blair has for The Guardian titled “A new exodus denying it any employment in our
denied this. for the Middle East?”, Israeli historian country … The removal of the poor
Benny Morris writes that the agenda must be carried out discreetly and
Mitchell Plitnick wrote the following to “transfer” Palestinians to other circumspectly.’”
on the absurdity of the “voluntary countries has existed for as long as
migration” talking point in an article modern Zionism: This is a very, very old agenda, being
for Mondoweiss last month: presented as something brand
“The idea of transfer is as old new that is only just occurring to
“The term ‘voluntary emigration’ is as modern Zionism and has Israeli officials just now. They didn’t
likely to be heard quite a lot in the accompanied its evolution and just come up with this. It’s been
coming weeks and months, and it praxis during the past century. And fantasized about for as long as Israel
is one of the most cynical, was a twinkle in its founding
dishonest terms one can fathers’ eyes.
imagine. There is, of course, This is the real objective in Gaza.
nothing voluntary about Not the “elimination of Hamas”
people leaving Gaza. Israel (whatever the hell you want
has made the place unlivable, to pretend that would look
and that was before the like in practice), but the ethnic
current bombardment. cleansing of Palestinians from
the Gaza Strip.
“Now, they are essentially
Hamas is not the target in Gaza.
being forced to leave under
Hamas is just the excuse.
the threat of imminent
death. The people of Gaza Featured image via Wikimedia
did not suddenly lose their Commons.
attachment to Palestine.
They will die if they stay, as
will their children. If you cut
off water, electricity, food,
and medical care, destroy all
the shelter, and then ask a
person, ‘Would you still like to
stay?’ their decision to leave
is obviously not voluntary.”

• january 24 •

Actually what fuels

antisemitism is murdering
children by the thousands
under the banner of the
Star of David while
adamantly insisting that
your actions are inseparable
from all Jews and the
totality of Judaism.

• johnstone •

US Admonishes Israeli Officials For Saying The

Quiet Part Out Loud About Ethnic Cleansing

The US State Department has issued a statement

indignantly finger-wagging at two Israeli officials who
recently drew headlines for openly endorsing the ethnic
cleansing of the Gaza Strip.

• january 24 •

The statement reads as follows:

“The United States rejects recent

statements from Israeli Ministers
Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben
Gvir advocating for the resettlement
of Palestinians outside of Gaza.
This rhetoric is inflammatory and
irresponsible. We have been told
repeatedly and consistently by
the Government of Israel, including
by the Prime Minister, that such
statements do not reflect the policy
of the Israeli government. They
should stop immediately.

“We have been clear, consistent,

and unequivocal that Gaza is
Palestinian land and will remain
Palestinian land, with Hamas
no longer in control of its future
and with no terror groups able to
threaten Israel. That is the future
we seek, in the interests of Israelis
not reflect the policy of the Israeli
and Palestinians, the surrounding
government” and that Israeli Prime
region, and the world.” Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has
assured Washington that there are no
The offending statements by Ben
plans to resettle Palestinians outside
Gvir and Smotrich promoted the idea
of Gaza, but Netanyahu himself has
of “encouraging” Palestinians to flee
been publicly contradicting this
Gaza en masse, absurdly referring
claim with increasing brazenness.
to this hypothetical outcome as
“voluntary migration” despite the Just last week at a Likud party
fact that Israel has been doing meeting Netanyahu explicitly said
everything in its power to make living that his government is working on
in Gaza impossible. finding countries who would be willing
to “absorb” Palestinian refugees
You will note, probably without
from Gaza, claiming that the world is
surprise, that the statement
“already discussing the possibilities
contains nothing but empty scolding.
of voluntary immigration.”
No mention is made of the faintest
possibility of any consequence
of any kind being brought to bear
should Israeli officials continue to
openly advocate for eliminating the
Palestinian population of Gaza and
replacing it with Jewish settlements.
This is because the US has no
intention of actually doing anything
to hinder Israel’s ethnic cleansing

And make no mistake, that

absolutely is Israel’s agenda. The
State Department can claim all it
wants that “such statements do

• johnstone •

Indeed, it’s fair to say that the “Alarm bells should have started
extreme-right ministers Ben Gvir ringing in early November when US
and Smotrich are not actually Secretary of State Antony Blinken
saying anything on this front that and other Western politicians began
is significantly different from what
insisting there could be ‘no forcible
Netanyahu himself has been saying.
displacement of
Palestinians from
Gaza’. Rather than
rejecting any
mass removal
of Palestinians,
Blinken and
colleagues objected
only to optically
expulsions at
gunpoint. The
option of ‘voluntary’
displacement by
leaving residents
of the Gaza Strip
Bibi’s just a bit more polite about with no choice but departure was
it, with Ben Gvir openly thumbing
pointedly left open.”
his nose at the State Department’s
remarks saying “we aren’t another So contrary to its self-righteous moral
star on the American flag” and posturing, the State Department is
“facilitating the relocation of not actually upset with Ben Gvir and
hundreds of thousands from Gaza Smotrich for advocating the ethnic
will allow those in the Israeli Gaza cleansing of Gaza. They’re just upset
border communities to return home they said the quiet part out loud.
and live securely while safeguarding
the IDF soldiers.” If there’s one thing Blinken and
his cohorts understand, it’s that
In fact, one could easily argue you’re not supposed to describe
that Netanyahu as well as Ben the evil things you want to do in
Gvir and Smotrich have been evil-sounding language. You’ve
entirely in alignment with the State got to tapdance gracefully around
Department’s own language on the actual depravity you intend
this subject. The idea of “voluntary to inflict, uttering flowery prose
immigration” does not contradict about humanitarian concerns and
the position asserted by Secretary compassion for both sides to keep
of State Antony Blinken that the US everyone dazzled and hypnotized
vision for Gaza involves “no forcible while the killing machines are quietly
displacement of Palestinians from rolled out in the background. You’ve
Gaza — not now, not after the war.” got to be eloquent and elusive about
your murderousness. Like Obama.
Notice Blinken’s careful insertion of
the word “forcible” there. His wording The US war machine is every bit
makes it clear that the US would only as depraved as the state of Israel,
object if Palestinians were actually and the Biden administration is just
forced onto ships or marched across as culpable for the horrors being
the Egyptian border at gunpoint, as unleashed in Gaza as Netanyahu and
middle east analyst Mouin Rabbani his goons. Ignore their words and
recently observed on Twitter: watch their actions. Don’t let them
dazzle you with their feigned concern
for human rights.
Featured image via Adobe Stock.
• january 24 •

This Genocide Is Being Live-Streamed. We Can’t

Say We Didn’t Know.
Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
How is anyone still talking about October 7? What Israel has done since
October 7 is many times worse than what happened on that day by any
conceivable metric; the only way to feel otherwise is to believe Israeli lives
are worth many times more than Palestinian lives. How is Israeli suffering still
being centered over vastly less significant acts of violence three months ago
while exponentially worse violence and suffering is being inflicted by Israelis
right this very moment?

If your nation is attacked, and you respond to that attack by immediately

murdering thousands of children with incredible savagery, then you forfeit any
right to expect anyone to give a shit that your nation was attacked.

Israel responded to the Hamas attack by doing something much, much worse
than anything Hamas has ever done, and in so doing completely delegitimizing
itself as a state and completely validating everything the Palestinian resistance
has been saying about the state of Israel since day one.

• johnstone •

and its people. It was an alien

Biden is everything people artificial construct from top to
feared Trump would be. bottom, thrust upon a region for
A genocidal monster which it had no natural context or
facilitating racially receptivity.

motivated murder and Because it was such an unnatural

ethnic cleansing while foreign imposition, the political
circumstances of the middle east
rapidly accelerating toward have ever since been rejecting it
a nuclear-age world war. like a body rejecting an ill-matched
Nothing Trump did was organ transplant. This natural
response is treated as unnatural
as evil as what Biden has unprovoked hostility from the
been doing. Biden is the real people of the invading artificial
Trump. construct, which invents more
narratives to justify its violent
• actions against the inhabitants of
the region.
Israel is in a nonstop state of
conflict largely because it is such •
an artificial creation. Most states
emerge in a more organic way The west’s cultural obsession with
out of the geographical, political WWII has made everyone dumber,
because now everyone we want
and cultural circumstances of the
to fight is always Hitler and we’re
land and the people in their unique
always the Brave Good Guys who are
slice of spacetime. Israel emerged fighting Hitler.
because some people who didn’t
live anywhere near the land of Nothing about Israel’s US-backed
Palestine got some narratives in assault on Gaza is comparable to
their heads involving an ancient the Allied offensive against Nazi
religion and its adherents, and Germany. They’re raining military
explosives onto a trapped and
dropped a newly created country
besieged population in a giant
on top of a civilization that concentration camp with the
already existed there which had stated goal of eliminating a small
emerged organically out of the militant group who poses exactly
circumstances of the region. zero existential threat to the state
of Israel, in response to an attack
People came in from other nations which was 100 percent provoked by
all over the world, resurrected a the abuses of the apartheid Israeli
dead language which had until regime.
then only remained used in religious
Comparing the Gaza assault to the
rituals and called it their native
war against Hitler is like comparing
tongue, and slapped together a a mass shooting to the war against
20th century nation and started Hitler, and saying the shooter is the
LARPing that it was their native land. Allied forces. It’s a completely foam-
This caused massive shockwaves brained talking point that’s espoused
throughout the region because solely by idiots and warmongers.
it didn’t happen in accordance

with the organic geopolitical and
cultural circumstances of the land

• january 24 •

This genocide is being live- I guarantee you the people in Gaza

would much rather have you than
streamed. We can’t say we not have you, and losing your
didn’t know. For as long as support over self-consciousness
we live we’ll never be able to about joining in later than others did
say we didn’t know. would be a very silly and unfortunate
thing to happen. Moreover, you
• would definitely not be the last to
join in this cause; millions more will
It’s not too late to get involved in be joining in after you as the Israeli
opposing Israel’s assault on Gaza. regime loses support around the
world and everyone starts waking
It doesn’t matter if you haven’t been
up to what’s happening in Gaza.
talking about it until now. It doesn’t
matter if you haven’t understood Please disregard anything in you
or paid attention to the Israel- that has been holding back from
Palestine issue before. It doesn’t helping to facilitate that awakening
matter if you’ve been supportive in whatever small way you can,
of Israel in the past, or if you’ve whether that might be due to shame
expressed opinions on this subject for not getting involved sooner or
that you now know were misguided, due to any kind of cringe around
or if you’ve never engaged in any activism and political engagement
kind of activism before. you may have had before. This thing
is so much more important than
If that’s the case for you, you need to
any of us, and it’s so much more
understand that millions of people
important than any little feelings
are on the exact same boat as you
of self-consciousness we’d have
right now. Millions. The actions of
about getting involved in ways we
the state of Israel over the last three
never would have imagined before.
months have caused huge numbers
This matter is much too urgent for
of people not previously aware of
you to pay any attention to those
its depravity to open their eyes to
misguided forces within you that
what’s going on, do some research,
are resistant to taking a stand here.
and change their position.
Take your stand. It will be welcomed,
There is absolutely nothing wrong
and you will be glad that you did for
with joining in with the opposition
the rest of your life.
now. You can safely dismiss
anything in you that feels self- •
conscious about not getting this
until now, or feels like it would be
inauthentic to join an activist cause
after it has gained popularity.
Changing your position and taking
a stand now makes you more
authentic, because it shows you
are living a life guided by truth
and compassion rather than
sleepwalking through life guided by
blind habit and partisan tribalism.

• johnstone •

Biden Is Everything People Feared Trump Would Be

In an article titled “Joe Biden Risks A Major Middle East
War If He Makes The Wrong Choices,” The Huffington
Post cites anonymous US officials who fear the careless and
chaotic behavior of their commander-in-chief is going to
embroil the US in a hot war between Israel and Lebanon.
HuffPost’s Akbar Shahid Ahmed writes the following:

“American officials say the Biden administration is not doing all it can to
reduce tensions, despite public commitments from senior officials to avoid a
regional blow-up.

“ ‘I’ve been trying to keep an avalanche from falling on Lebanon and so have
a lot of people,’ one official told HuffPost, saying many national security
personnel fear unchecked U.S. support for Israel will make it overly confident
about expanding operations into Lebanon. ‘The problem is no one can rein in
Biden, and if Biden has a policy, he’s the commander-in-chief ― we have to
carry it out. That’s what it comes down to, very, very, very unfortunately.’ ”

• january 24 •

Listening to the way people on president. He

the inside have been talking about sanctioned Venezuelans
Biden’s bull-in-a-China-shop into starvation, vetoed
behavior regarding middle east attempts to save Yemen
policy lately, one can’t help being from the US-backed
reminded of the way the liberal press atrocities of Saudi
used to talk about the erratic and Arabia, assassinated
irresponsible behavior of Donald Iranian general Qassem
Trump when he was in office. The Soleimani, imprisoned
mood and tone feels like when Trump Julian Assange, and,
was exchanging verbal hostilities despite the incredibly
with North Korea in the first year virulent mass delusion
of his term, which comedian John that he was a secret
Mulaney famously likened to the agent of Moscow, spent
disorder and discomfort of having a his entire term ramping
horse loose in the hospital. up cold war hostilities
against Russia with
We’re all just standing here praying extreme aggression.
that this lunatic doesn’t ignite
yet another horrific war in the All of which were
middle east while watching him monstrous. But none of
unapologetically sponsor a genocide those crimes rise to the
in Gaza, and we’re still a ways off level of single-handedly
from emerging safely from the world- facilitating a genocide in
threatening nuclear brinkmanship Gaza or taking the world
his administration dragged everyone closer to nuclear war
into with Russia in Ukraine. And it’s than at any time since The lesson of Joe Biden’s depravity
hard not to notice that this all sure the Cuban Missile Crisis with his is not that it would be better to have
looks an awful lot like what liberals peace-killing efforts in Ukraine. Donald Trump in the White House,
were terrified would happen when it’s that it doesn’t matter which one
Trump got into office. Biden has turned out to be everything gets in, because only murderous
we were warned Trump would monsters are allowed to play that
The lead-up to Trump winning the be: a genocidal monster fueling role in the management of the
2016 election and taking office was racist violence and crimes against US-centralized empire. The globe-
rife with some of the most vitriolic humanity while imperiling the world spanning power structure which
and emotionally intense rhetoric with insanely reckless foreign policy loosely revolves around Washington
in the history of American politics, decisions. is held together by nonstop violence
featuring frequent fears that Trump and abuse, and nobody who isn’t
would start a nuclear war, that None of this is to suggest that willing to inflict copious amounts of
minorities would be fleeing in terror Trump would have handled Gaza violence and abuse on human beings
from violent persecution, that he’d any differently than Biden, or even around the world will ever make it
be another Hitler and launch another that he’d have handled Ukraine any past the gatekeeping measures that
holocaust, that he’d facilitate ethnic differently. It’s likely that the main have been placed between that
persecution and racist attacks. reason Biden’s administration has office and the illusion of democracy
been more warlike than Trump’s is that the American people have been
In the end Trump turned out to be by sheer timing and coincidence; the deceived into believing is real.
a fairly standard evil Republican US empire tends to trudge onward in
more or less the same The atrocities will continue for as
direction regardless long as that empire exists. Humanity
of who’s in office, won’t ever have a chance at a healthy
with wars occurring and peaceful world until that world is
not because of freed from the tyranny of a planet-
who happens to dominating power structure that is
be president in any fueled by human blood.
given instance but
Featured image via Emma Kaden,
because of whatever
adapted by Gage Skidmore (CC BY-SA
the empire’s needs
happen to be at that

• johnstone •

How The Hell Did We Get Here?

We could have been so much more. We have the ability to

create a healthy and harmonious world and collaborate to
give everyone on earth everything they need, and instead
we’re killing the biosphere while arguing about whether or
not it’s antisemitic to oppose an active genocide.

• january 24 •

We could have peace on earth and We develop egos in early childhood

move from competition-based to help us feel safe and secure in
systems to collaboration-based a confusing world full of giants,
ones to maximize our creative and which most of us go on to use in
innovative potential and spend highly maladaptive ways throughout
our existence exploring the outer the remainder of our lives. Our
universe and the universes within psychology is riddled with cognitive
ourselves, and instead we’re biases, which the clever manipulators
ramping up brinkmanship between among us can use to dupe us into
nuclear-armed states and arguing mass-scale behavior which benefits
about whether or not it’s ethical to them rather than behaving in a way
rain military explosives on a giant which benefits each other and our
concentration camp full of children. ecosystem.

We have the technology to let every The most clever of these

scientist on earth share ideas and manipulators are able to use
information with each other around their cleverness to rise to the top
the world in real time in any language, of our political, governmental,
and instead we’ve fractured scientific commercial and financial systems
development into atomized little around the world, and they use
echo chambers of closely-guarded increasingly sophisticated methods
secrets in the name of profit of propaganda to dupe the rest of
generation and “national security”. us into moving in alignment with
their will. And their will is not wise or
How did we get here? How were we intelligent; it’s driven by the same
duped into trading paradise on earth primitive fear-based impulses that
for this lunatic dystopia? How did we the rest of the humans trapped in
allow ourselves to give up everything egoic consciousness are driven by.
our species has the capability to
be in exchange for this nightmarish So here we are. That’s why we now
paradigm of endless ecocide and find ourselves in this profoundly
exploitation and oppression and war dysfunctional civilization where the
and militarism? biosphere is treated like an enemy
and human beings are treated like
Near as I can tell, it’s ultimately fuel and minds are being marinated
because our species evolved these in an increasingly vapid mainstream
massive brains very quickly which culture where everything is fake and
we still haven’t learned how to use stupid. That’s why we don’t have
in a mature way, like a kid learning to paradise on earth, and that’s why the
ride a bicycle right after the training bombs are falling on Gaza today.
wheels have been removed. This has
allowed us to dominate the planet But it is just a phase. A kid who’s
while still ourselves being dominated learning to ride a bike doesn’t remain
by primitive fear-based impulses on wobbly wheels forever. Eventually
which were much better suited for we’ll get the hang of this thing.
our early evolutionary ancestors as Eventually we’ll grow into these giant
they strived to survive the dangerous new brains of ours and become a
plains of Africa as small prey animals. conscious species.

Assuming we don’t wipe ourselves

out first, of course.
Featured image via Wikimedia

• johnstone •

It’s Insane That Anyone Is Still Supporting Israel

Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

It honestly blows my mind that there are still people

adamantly supporting Israel after all this. After all the
people they’ve killed. After all the lies they’ve been caught
in. After all their comments endorsing genocide and ethnic
cleansing, and all their actions showing they mean it.
If you’re still supporting Israel at this point, you’re just telling everyone you
don’t care about truth or morality. You’re announcing to the world that you
care only about your weird ideological agendas and geopolitical control.

You are publicly proclaiming that you are a dogshit human being. That you have
lived on this earth all these years without arriving at any level of emotional or
psychological maturity. That you have wasted your life on this planet.

• january 24 •

Wait til the Zoomers figure out that yet we’re still meant to be super You don’t see animals committing
Epstein did what he did because duper worried if Trump gets back genocide because some thought-
he was running a sexual blackmail into the White House. Biden is stories they made up about how
operation for Israeli intelligence. everything people were worried things are and how things ought to
be drove them insane, and conscious
Trump would be.
The most significant aspect of the humans won’t do that either.
Epstein story is not that he helped •

some famous people rape minors,
When you see how brutally
it’s that powerful intelligence
Israeli forces treat Palestinians
agencies use child sex slaves and and anti-Zionist Jews, it ceases
sexual blackmail to exert control to be surprising that so many
over our society. US police departments have
been trained in Israel. I feel
• like this fact would be getting
more attention from young
Nothing will convince Americans right now if it were
you that Israel is a racist more widely known.

apartheid state held •

together by hate and When you hear someone say
violence faster than that somebody is racist, sexist,
watching the videos homophobic or transphobic,
you pretty much know what
uploaded onto social media they mean by those labels.
by Israelis themselves. When you hear someone say
somebody is an antisemite,
• you have to ask “What kind?
The real kind or the opposes-
Israel talking about the “voluntary apartheid-and-genocide kind?”
migration” of Palestinians from
Gaza after deliberately making Gaza •
uninhabitable is like mugging a guy
at gunpoint and saying he gave you Israel is such a good example
his wallet of his own free will because of how narrative gets humans
you didn’t physically reach into his into trouble. In the 1800s a few
pocket and take it from him. people cooked up some verbal Israel apologists pretend
stories about the need for a jewish
ethnostate, and now in 2024 we’re
to be standing up for

being told it’s fine and good for that Jews when they’re really
You guys it’s really really really state to be slaughtering children by
the thousands and preparing to drive
just standing up for a
important that Trump doesn’t
get re-elected, because if he does palestinians out of their homeland government. They’re garden
then the US will have a president
because “israel has a right to defend variety bootlickers, the
itself”. This whole catastrophe was
who supports mass murder and born of mental thought fluff, with same as any empire simp
genocide and ethnic cleansing and no grounding in nature or physical you see shrieking at people
he’ll probably let a ton of people get reality.
killed by racist tyrants. for criticizing western
If humanity is to become a conscious warmongering. They’re just
In all seriousness it’s extremely species, we’re going to have to cease
ridiculous that Biden sabotaged being dominated by the mental slobbering over state power.
peace in Ukraine and is sponsoring narratives between our ears and Image by Adobe Stock (AI)
a genocide in Gaza and we’re all begin relating to real life on real life’s
terms, and begin functioning in a
sitting here praying that he doesn’t
more natural way on this planet.
start a new war in the middle east,

• johnstone •

CNN And Washington Post Busted For Pro-Israel

Propaganda Shenanigans

Both CNN and The Washington Post have been caught

engaging in some pretty shady journalistic malpractice
with their Israel reporting in recent days.
In a new article titled “CNN Runs Gaza Coverage Past Jerusalem Team
Operating Under Shadow of IDF Censor,” The Intercept reports that all of CNN’s
reporting on Israel and Palestine is funneled through a bureau in Jerusalem
which slants reporting to benefit Israeli information interests and is subject to
regulation by Israeli military censors. The Intercept also reports that last year
CNN “hired a former soldier from the IDF’s Military Spokesperson Unit to serve
as a reporter” at the onset of the war on Gaza.

Unnamed CNN staff told The Intercept that CNN’s iron-fisted protocols
for regulating information related to the Israel-Palestine issue have had a
“demonstrable impact on coverage of the Gaza war”.

• january 24 •

The Intercept reports that the former

IDF spinmeister has been bylined
in dozens of CNN stories since the
attack on Gaza began, with one
report being “little more than a direct
statement released from the IDF.”

Kind of makes you wonder why CNN

doesn’t just cut out the middleman
and run all its reporting directly
through IDF headquarters in Tel Aviv.
Seems like it would be a bit more
efficient, and certainly a lot more

Meanwhile The Washington Post has

been caught assigning a reporter with
a history of anti-Palestinian bias to
write a smear piece on independent
media outlets Electronic Intifada
and The Grayzone for their critical
reporting on Israel’s ongoing
massacre in Gaza.

Both Electronic Intifada and The

Grayzone received emails from a
Washington Post reporter named
Elizabeth Dwoskin, who said she’s
“‘War-crime’ and ‘genocide’ are writing a piece on “efforts to
taboo words,” the anonymous CNN minimize or misdirect information
staff member said. “Israeli bombings about the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks on
in Gaza will be reported as ‘blasts’ Israel” and interrogating them about
attributed to nobody, until the Israeli their articles casting doubt on the
military weighs in to either accept official narrative about what exactly
or deny responsibility. Quotes and happened that day.
information provided by Israeli army
and government officials tend to As Electronic Intifada’s Ali Abunimah
be approved quickly, while those highlighted on Twitter, when Dwoskin
from Palestinians tend to be heavily was at Columbia University twenty
scrutinized and slowly processed.” years ago she was authoring Nakba
denialist claims that Palestine never
existed and that prior to Israel’s
formation the land was inhabited
only by “desert Bedouins without a
sense of national identity as we know
it today.”

It’s bad enough for The Washington

Post to be attacking independent
media for asking the critical
questions and doing the real
journalism the Post itself should also
be doing, but to assign someone
with a public history of egregiously
anti-Palestinian rhetoric to the task
is especially lacking in journalistic

• johnstone •

“If I’m following, a reporter that has

denied the fact that Palestinians
existed before the state of Israel is
allowed to cover Israel/Palestine
and write about ‘misinformation’ for
Washington Post?” tweeted award-
winning journalist Laila Al-Arian of
Abunimah’s revelation.

Neither of these instances will

come as a surprise to anyone who
has been paying critical attention
to the amazingly awful reporting
the western mass media have been
churning out about the Gaza assault
these last three months, but they do
offer some rare insight behind the
curtain into how the sausage gets

The biggest misconception about

propaganda is that it is something
that happens to other people, and is
done by other countries. Westerners
like to think of themselves as free-
thinking people whose worldviews
are formed by facts and truth, If we’re ever to have a healthy
contrasting themselves with nations civilization, we’re going to have to
like North Korea and China where wake up from the propaganda-
populations are viewed as being induced coma we’ve been placed in
subjected to conformity-enforcing so we can begin pushing against the
propaganda. They believe that if cage walls we’ve been indoctrinated
propaganda does occur in the west, it our whole lives into ignoring and
comes here from nations like Russia start using the power of our numbers
trying to corrupt our minds and to force real change in the systems
weaken our trust in our institutions, which govern our world. Luckily the
or if the propaganda is domestic in atrocities that have been taking
origin it only affects people in other place in Gaza have been rapidly
political parties. waking people up, because it turns
out there’s only so much propaganda
In reality the typical western mind spin you can put on the murder of
has been marinating in domestic thousands of children.
propaganda throughout its entire
life, and its worldview has been The more people become aware that
manufactured for it by powerful our civilization is built on deception
manipulators who benefit from its and everything we’ve been told
intellectual compliance with their about the world is a lie, the closer
interests. The indoctrination into we get to living in a truth-based
the mainstream western worldview society where nothing like the Gaza
began in school, and it continues massacre would ever be permitted
throughout adulthood with the help to occur.
of mainstream media outlets like Featured image via Adobe Stock.
CNN and The Washington Post.

• january 24 •

Turns Out “Israel Has A Right To Defend Itself”

Meant “Israel Has A Right To Commit Genocide”
Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

Axios has a ridiculous new article out citing multiple

anonymous US officials titled “Biden ‘running out’ of
patience with Bibi as Gaza war hits 100 days”. The Biden
administration keeps leaking to the press trying to put
separation between their guy and the genocide in Gaza,
and they are so fulla shit. Biden has had the ability to end
this mass atrocity since day one. The slaughter continues
because Biden wants it to. He owns this.

• johnstone •

Netanyahu delivered a speech Meanwhile Israel and its supporters

commemorating 100 days of Israel’s have adamantly denied the reality
war on babies and journalists and of what’s been
hospitals and residential buildings happening in Gaza
saying “We will restore security
since October 7. The
to both the south and the north.
western press have
Nobody will stop us — not The Hague,
not the axis of evil and not anybody been wildly biased
else.” in favor of Israel
and have been
If I was standing on the right side of guilty of mountains
history, I don’t think the side I was of journalistic
standing with would be saying that malpractice with
not even The Hague can stop them
their pathetic
from killing everyone they want to
kill. coverage of the
ongoing Gaza
• massacre. The
majority of
Turns out “Israel has a right to westerners are still
defend itself” actually meant “Israel ignorant of the
has a right to commit genocide, and extent to which
no other countries have a right to Israel had been
stop it.” abusing and killing
Palestinians prior to

October 7.
We’ve been seeing reports of Israeli
sniper drones shooting and killing It is therefore necessary to talk
people in Gaza, which is probably a about these things to spread
good time to note that Gaza has long awareness and counteract the
been a live laboratory for the military propaganda and distortion, and it
industrial complex. Data is with is not necessary to
absolute certainty being collected continually mention
on all the newer weapons being field-
Hamas and October
tested on human bodies there — just
7 while doing so.
like has been happening in Ukraine
and in Africa — and that data will Literally everyone
be used for the benefit of the war acknowledges
machine and the arms industry. the occurrence
of the October 7
• attack, while a
vast percentage of
It’s so dopey how Israel apologists
the population is
will yell at you if you criticize Israeli
either uninformed or
criminality without mentioning
actively lying about
Hamas and October 7. Literally
the occurrence of all
everyone knows about Hamas
Israeli crimes from
and October 7. Literally everyone
the Nakba on. Only
acknowledges that Hamas
one of these two
attacked Israelis out of hostility
things requires more
to the state of Israel. Everyone,
including Hamas and its most
enthusiastic supporters, fully •
acknowledge that this happened.

• january 24 •

Israel demanding that In the mind of the empire simp, the Someone asked me if I have any
violence of the empire’s enemies advice for dealing with the anxiety
everyone condemn the always comes completely out of which comes with discovering that
Hamas attack is like a nowhere, without provocation and the western empire is the most
for no reason. Ansarallah started murderous and tyrannical power
bunch of thugs punching attacking ships in the Red Sea structure on earth, and that we’ve
a man in the face over and because they’re pirates who hate been lied to about this our entire
over and then demanding freedom of navigation. Hamas
attacked Israel because they’re

that everyone condemn him evil and hate Jews. Putin invaded The painful emotions which come up
when we discover an uncomfortable
for hurting their hands. Ukraine because he’s evil and hates
democracy. Grown adults portray the truth aren’t problems which need to
The Hamas attack was the enemies of the empire the same way be dealt with, they’re feelings which
natural result of Israel’s the children’s cartoon show Captain need to be felt. Let the grief, anguish,
rage, shame, fear, or whatever it
Planet portrayed its villains, cackling
abuses upon the Palestinian evilly about how they’re going to might be say everything it needs to
people. dump toxic waste into the ocean say to you, in the same way you’d let
for no reason other than to hurt the a beloved child tell you about their
• environment. feelings and concerns. You wouldn’t
push the child away or treat them
• like a problem, you’d hear them out
and give them a cuddle and let them
I’ve honestly never know you care about them and that
gotten used to you’ll keep them safe. Once you’ve
being called an consciously felt a feeling all the way
antisemite, even through and heard out everything it
after three months needs to say to you, its energy will
of getting it nonstop.
It has never stopped Uncomfortable truths and
being shocking to uncomfortable feelings need to be
me that someone met in the same way: head-on, with an
would accuse me open mind and an open heart. Moving
of harboring the into a truth-based relationship with
same prejudices life means wanting to see everything:
uncomfortable truths about the
which gave rise
world, uncomfortable truths about
to the Holocaust
ourselves, and uncomfortable
in response to my feelings we haven’t been allowing
criticisms of horrific full expression to. It can be painful at
mass atrocities times, even downright terrifying, but
backed by the most it’s also the only path to health for
powerful empire the both our species as a collective and
world has ever seen. ourselves as individuals.
It’s just absolutely

d e r a n g e d ,
d e s p i c a b l e
behavior, and I am consistently
shocked to see grown adults
behaving that way in public without
the slightest hint of shame.

• johnstone •

Benjamin Netanyahu said he large numbers of children, then your

opposes Palestinian statehood and plan for your artificial ethnostate
that Israel must control everything isn’t working out and a new plan is
from the river to the sea on the same needed.
day Joe Biden said the repeated •
bombing of Yemen isn’t deterring
Ansarallah but they’re going to
Talking about October 7
keep bombing anyway.
without talking about the
“In any future arrangement … mountains of Israeli abuses
Israel needs security control over
all territory west of the Jordan
which gave rise to it is the
River,” Netanyahu told the press on same as lying.
Thursday, saying he has made this

position clear to the White House.
Normal person: It’s bad to massacre
Asked by the press on Thursday tens of thousands of civilians.
if the strikes against the Houthis
are working, Biden replied “Well, Crazy person: Oh so you’re saying
when you say ‘working’ — are they you hate Jews then. You’re saying
stopping the Houthis? No. Are they Jews shouldn’t defend themselves.
going to continue? Yes.” You want all the Jews to die so there
won’t be any more Jews because
An unusually honest day for empire you hate Jews. Jews Jews Jews Jews

Zionism does not work. It was tried, Israel apologists would have you
and it turns out it doesn’t work. If believe there’s been a sudden
the forced existence of your artificial worldwide emergence of “Hamas
ethnostate requires ceaseless war supporters” everywhere rather than
and the periodic massacring of a normal and entirely predictable
w o r l d w i d e
opposition to

A lot of the footage

of explosions in Gaza
we’ve been seeing are
not from airstrikes
but detonations of
explosives planted
in the buildings.
We’re watching the
controlled demolition
of an entire

• january 24 •

Once it was accepted that a

Jewish ethnostate dropped
on top of an already existing
country was not only
necessary but so necessary
that any and all means
must be used to maintain it,
atrocities were inevitable. A
one-way track to genocide
and ethnic cleansing was
already set.

When I look at this awful trainwreck You’re tossing them from the womb
of a world we’re leaving to younger into a dying world of war and chaos
generations it infuriates me that and injustice and exploitation and
older generations are constantly you have the temerity to tell them
bitching at them. How can we have they’re doing it wrong? Fuck you.
any attitude toward the young but
total bare-hearted contrition? We I hope they ignore us, personally. I
should be on our knees begging hope they keep rewriting the rules
them to forgive us for having failed of this dogshit society we’re leaving
them so spectacularly, but instead them and knocking down every pillar
we’ve got the gall to wag our fingers of our culture. Everything we older
at them and lecture them about generations have done has taken our
pronouns and TikTok. world to the brink of environmental
collapse and nuclear brinkmanship,
“Hurr, durr, they look at their so I hope they keep shrugging off
smartphones too much and they the old rules of this profoundly sick
don’t know how to change a tire and civilization and trying new things
they use they/them pronouns!” Shut and blazing new trails in the hope
up you fucking wanker. You burnt of steering clear of the disaster we
up their biosphere you piece of shit. placed on their horizon.

We shouldn’t be mocking and

lecturing them, we should be humbly
apologizing and trying to learn from
them and help them. We are failures.
They are humanity’s last and only

To the young: I am so, so sorry, from

the very bottom of my heart. I hope
you succeed in clawing your way out
of the madness your predecessors
left you in and create a healthy
world, a healthy world which will look
nothing like the one we made for
you. I am on your side, whatever you
Image via the Israeli Government

• johnstone •

Where I Stand, Issue By Issue

• january 24 •

I’ve been seeing a few people Ideology being successfully manipulated

into accepting the status quo by
saying they’re not sure what I’ve always called myself a socialist. mass-scale propaganda. That’s why I
I’m about politically. As Lately a lot of people have been write about propaganda so much — I
calling me a communist, which I don’t see it as the ultimate obstacle
a reader-supported writer mind either. Really I just support to the revolutionary changes we
I try to be as transparent shoving things as far to the left as desperately need.
about such things as possible until we’ve created a healthy

possible to let any would-be

and harmonious world and moved
from competition-based systems to War and militarism
patrons know what they’re systems in which we collaborate with I see the empire-like power structure
each other and with our ecosystem centralized around the United States
getting into, so here’s my for the good of everyone. as the greatest source of conflict
position on a bunch of That’s my ideological preference, but
and dysfunction in the world today.
different issues if anyone’s I’m not arrogant enough to believe
All the largest international conflicts
of our day ultimately boil down
curious. I personally know what’s best for to the US empire trying to secure
everyone, so more than anything planetary domination and weaker
what I want is a world where we’re nations resisting it in some way.
not being manipulated and deceived This campaign to secure planetary
about what’s going on so that we hegemony is placing our world at
can figure out the best course for greater and greater risk of nuclear
our species as a collective. That’s war as it sees the empire engaging
why first and foremost ahead of in increasingly confrontational
my own ideological preferences I standoffs with Russia and China. I
support government transparency, therefore see ending the US empire
democratized information, free and neutering its global war machine
speech, and the end of mass-scale as a matter of existential importance
manipulation and propaganda. Once for humanity.
everything’s out in the light and
our perception is no longer being
obfuscated and distorted by the
powerful I personally believe we’ll
find our way toward something I believe environmental collapse and
resembling socialism, but I hold that nuclear war are the two greatest
belief with an open palm. existential threats to our species,
and both are breathing down our
necks. I think global warming is
Politics real and caused by human activity,
but I also think it’s suspicious that
I believe the closer you get to the that debate consumes so much
nexus of power the more worthless oxygen when there’s so much other
electoral politics becomes, because evidence that the biosphere is dying
more and more effort goes into (ocean desertification, deforestation,
manipulating the electoral process vanishing wildlife, plummeting insect
to protect the interests of status populations, etc).
quo power. US presidential elections
are completely fake, and even the Obviously there are rich and powerful
elections for lower-level positions people who’ll be looking to ride their
like senators and representatives various agendas on top of humanity’s
are aggressively manipulated in the shift from fossil fuels to other energy
most powerful country on earth. systems, but that doesn’t mean
Both parties are stacked to serve the climate change isn’t real — it would
interests of the powerful. be strange if they weren’t doing that.
That just means we need to pry the
I don’t personally think we’re likely fingers of the powerful from the
to see big meaningful changes in the steering wheel of our civilization, not
west until the people force change to that drastic changes aren’t needed
happen by direct action, and that’s not to how we live on this planet.
going to occur as long as everyone’s

• johnstone •

Religion Social justice issues scientific points would leave me with

no time to talk about anything else.
I was raised Roman Catholic but now I oppose racism, sexism, homophobia, There are literally hundreds of other
despise the church. I’m critical of transphobia, and discrimination commentators who’ve spent years
all religion and 99 percent of what against disempowered groups of all talking about Covid from any angle
people call spirituality, but that one sorts. These are real problems that you could possibly want if you want
percent of authentic spirituality just do need to be solved as humanity commentary on Covid.
might be what ends up being what winds its way into the future; we
saves humanity. can’t just ignore them. I have repeatedly and unequivocally
opposed things like vaccine
I view authentic spirituality not as I do get frustrated at times with mandates, police brutality enforcing
any set of beliefs but as a sincere the way these issues consume all Covid restrictions, and the censorship
investigation in our own experience the political oxygen in the room of Covid skeptics, because those
into the nature of consciousness, without leaving any space for are positions I feel solid on. Beyond
self, mind, and perception. The far more urgent matters like the that I feel perfectly comfortable
discoveries this investigation turns looming threat of nuclear war, and with my agnosticism on such things,
up can be deeply transformative, and I do think it’s a bit ridiculous that in especially now that the lockdowns
could solve all the world’s problems if our current political environment are long over while we hurtle toward
realized at mass scale. being a racist is regarded as far more nuclear armageddon.
outrageous and offensive than being

Civil rights a warmonger. But I understand that’s

just the nature of the mainstream Israel/Palestine
I think protecting the rights of the political framework people are Israel is an apartheid state whose
individual protects the health of being presented with, where we’re existence can only be maintained
the collective. It’s always going to encouraged to argue as hotly as by nonstop violence, both inside
be the outspoken fringesters who possible over culture war issues that and outside its borders. A nation
first notice something’s wrong don’t threaten the powerful at all so that can’t exist without continuous
about where we’re at or where we’re we don’t start turning that heat onto war is like a house that can’t exist
headed, so you need to make sure issues like war, ecocide and oligarchy. without continuous construction.
there’s space for them to speak and If your house is perpetually buzzing
be heard. Because nobody can be
trusted to determine what speech is Feminism with power tools and construction
workers because if the construction
valid and true, it needs to be legal to I’m a pretty hardcore feminist with stops it will collapse, eventually
the furthest extent the collective can a lot of ideas on the subject that I you’re going to start thinking you
tolerate without harm. think are interesting and worthy, but maybe shouldn’t have built your
I don’t bother because I always get a house there in the first place.
The freer people are to think, speak, bunch of furious men with mommy
act and live however they want
undisturbed, the healthier our
issues screaming at me for days.
There are more important things to Julian Assange
society is; this means freeing them write about right now anyway. Support.
from having their minds manipulated
by the powerful as noted above.

The collective is also within its rights

Covid-19 Cryptocurrencies
I’ve annoyed a lot of people with how Indifferent.
to stop an individual from harming
I’ve refused to take a position on
them. If someone’s using wealth and
some Covid-related issues like masks
power as a weapon to exploit and
abuse people for instance, then their and lockdowns and the lab leak vs Cashlessness/
zoonotic origin debate, but I don’t
wealth and power can rightfully be
taken away in the same way a mass really care. I can’t be an expert on all central bank digital
issues, and the amount of scientific
shooter’s weapon can be taken away
to protect the collective. research I’d need to pour into Covid currencies
to take a confident stand on disputed

• january 24 •

UFOs Progressives
Intensely skeptical. Over the years I’ve found that most
people who identify as “progressive”

9/11 and support Bernie Sanders and AOC

have a lot less in common with me
There’s nothing I’d put past these than I used to think they did. Most
assholes. are just empire loyalists who hope
the empire gives them healthcare
one day. They don’t oppose the
JFK assassination empire, they just quibble over a few
of the details about how the empire
See 9/11.
should be run.

This or that indie US intelligence

media figure agencies
People are always asking me what I
Smash them into a thousand pieces
think of various indie media figures,
and scatter them to the winds.
but I don’t have time to form opinions
about other commentators, let alone
write about them. If I see them saying
something useful I’ll highlight it, if
Universal Basic
I don’t I don’t. That’s as far as my
interest generally goes.
Income (UBI)
I don’t see any path to UBI in our
current society that doesn’t entail
Right wingers trading away our power in exchange
for letting billionaires become
I read and follow right-wing
trillionaires via automation while
libertarians for their anti-war
we’re paid subsistence wages
commentary and I welcome people
controlled by the powerful which
from any ideology to read and
can be choked off by the powerful.
follow me, but over the years I’ve
If it looks like UBI is being rolled out
become aware that there’s a lot
by our current systems it’s probably
less useful anti-war sentiment on
a sign that we’re headed somewhere
the right than I used to hope there
was. The so-called “populist right”
mostly just opposes US aggressions If we want automation to bring
toward Russia so they can prepare everyone wealth we’re much better
for aggressions toward China, and off creating a society where the
few put nearly as much energy into automation is owned and controlled
opposing Russia brinkmanship as by the collective, for the good of the
they do into shrieking about trans collective.
people and “wokeism”. For the
most part today’s rightists are the
same stuffy conservative bigoted
militarists they’ve always been, no
The biggest problem with Australia
matter how hard they try to rebrand
is its role as a member state of the
themselves as “populist” these days.
US empire. The worst thing about
Australia is America. It would be
good to see what our nation can
become when we’re not owned and
controlled by the yanks or the brits.

• johnstone •

Gaza Is Exposing Western Liberals For The Frauds

They Are­
The entire western liberal worldview is currently balanced
on the ability to psychologically compartmentalize
away from the mass atrocities in Gaza and what western
governments are doing to perpetuate them.
Everything that mainstream liberals claim to oppose is on full display in Israel’s
actions in Gaza. Racism. Fascism. Tyranny. Injustice. Genocide. Yet they must
necessarily avoid throwing themselves into opposing these things there at all
cost, because it would mean acknowledging that their own political allegiances
are inseparably interwoven with them.

• january 24 •

It would mean Gaza exposes the mainstream

turning against Biden western liberal ideology for the
during an election kayfabe performance it always has
year. It would mean been. The job of the so-called liberal
admitting that their “moderate” has never been to oppose
entire political posture racism, fascism, tyranny, injustice or
against Trump all genocide, their job is to perpetually
these years has been give the thumbs-up to one head of
a phony performance, the two-headed monster that is the
because they’re murderous western empire. Their
tacitly endorsing job is to help put a positive spin on
all the things they a globe-spanning power structure
claimed to hate about that is fueled by human blood. To
him. It would mean help elect Bidens and Starmers
admitting their entire and Trudeaus and Albaneses who
worldview is a lie, and will ensure that the gears of the
that all their critics to empire keep on turning completely
their left have been unhindered while paying lip service
correct. to human rights and social justice.

The western liberal is The one faint glimmer of brightness

therefore in the year in this profoundly dark chapter
2024 engaged in an in human history is that it might
exhausting regimen start opening some eyes to the
of nonstop mental fraudulence of the mainstream fake-
gymnastics to avoid left political faction that has been
having an authentic marketed to the western public as an
relationship with the reality of what’s alternative to far right depravity. That
happening Gaza. They
squirm this way and
that, twisting their
gaze toward empty
nonsense like Barbie
movie Oscar snubs
and Trump’s latest
instance of verbal
diarrhea to avoid
looking at what’s
happening. On those
odd occasions when
they are forced to confront the westerners might start awakening to
reality of Gaza they start spouting the reality that everything they’ve
gibberish about how “complicated” been trained to believe about politics,
and “heartbreaking” it is and how their government and their world is
they hope there can a lie. Such an awakening would be
be peace as soon the first step toward a mass-scale
as possible, while movement into health.
frenetically avoiding Featured image via Gage Skidmore
saying precisely how (CC BY-SA 2.0)
that “peace” should
be brought about.

• johnstone •

Westerners Have An Absolutely Psychotic View Of


Canadian online outlet The Breach has published a letter

by CBC’s senior manager of journalistic standards Nancy
Waugh which highlights perfectly the bizarre psychological
relationship that westerners have with bombs and
airstrikes in foreign countries.
In response to multiple complaints from a retired Humber College professor
about the wildly biased language that Canada’s state broadcaster has
been using to describe Israel’s war on Gaza, Waugh acknowledged that the
CBC routinely uses words like “murderous,” “vicious,” “brutal,” “massacre,”
and “slaughter” to refer to the October 7 Hamas attack while using far less
emotionally charged words like “intensive,” “unrelenting,” and “punishing” to

• january 24 •

caused them and the source unseen

by those [who] suffer and die.”

I’ve written a number of essays trying

to point at the baseless and irrational
way westerners view military
explosives as a far more civilized
and humane way of killing human
beings than bullets or blades, but I’ve
never written anything that sums it
up as clearly as this frank admission
by the Canadian Broadcasting
Corporation’s senior manager of
journalistic standards.

Military explosives rip human bodies

apart. They burn people alive. They
trap them under rubble where they
die excruciatingly slowly in one of
the most horrifying ways imaginable.
They leave people without limbs.
They dismember and disfigure
children for life. Many of the most
agonizing deaths in human history
have been caused by bombs.

There are thousands of Gazans who

have yet to be counted among the
dead because their bodies are still
describe Israel’s actions in Gaza over buried under the rubble of fallen
the last three months. buildings. Many of them would not
have died instantly. Some are still
Waugh defended this extreme alive, waiting for days in a state terror
discrepancy by saying that Israel’s and searing pain for a rescue that will
attacks in Gaza differ from the never come.
Hamas attack on Israelis in that
Israel’s killings are done “remotely”. A UNICEF report released last month
said that more than a thousand
“Different words are used because children had had one or both legs
although both result in death and amputated since October 7 as a
injury, the events they describe are result of damage received by US-
very different,” Waugh wrote. “The sponsored Israeli airstrikes, a number
raid saw Hamas gunmen stream which would be significantly higher
through the border fence and attack by now. We know that many such
Israelis directly with firearms, knives amputations have occurred without
and explosives. Gunmen chased anaesthesia, because Israeli siege
down festival goers, assaulted warfare has cut off Gaza’s healthcare
kibbutzniks then shot them, fought system from the necessary supplies.
hand to hand, and threw grenades.
The attack was brutal, often vicious, If this is not vicious, then nothing
and certainly murderous.” is vicious. If this is not brutal,
then nothing is brutal. If this is
“Bombs dropped from thousands of not murderous, then nothing is
feet and artillery shells lofted into murderous. But it doesn’t get labeled
Gaza from kilometers away result in as such by the western press,
death and destruction on a massive because it is being done “remotely”.
scale, but it is carried out remotely,”
Waugh continued. “The deadly The belief that these attacks should
results are unseen by those who be considered less vicious and brutal

• johnstone •

because they are launched from a impoverished militant group is a

distance by people who won’t see psychological defense mechanism
their effects is as psychologically we have put in place to shelter
immature as a little girl who believes ourselves from knowledge of our own
you can’t see her because she has brutality and murderousness.
covered her own eyes. An attack
which kills and maims and tortures In truth if you look at all the death,
doesn’t cease to be brutal and vicious destruction, suffering and pain that
just because it looks like a blip on a Israel has inflicted on Gaza since
screen to you. Human suffering isn’t October 7, there is no question that
made less acute or less significant by Israel is vastly more vicious, brutal
being far away. and murderous than Hamas has
ever been, and so are its allies who
But this is how most westerners see are supporting its actions. The only
the use of military explosives these way to believe otherwise would be to
days. We’re so used to hearing about psychologically hide away from the
our government and its allies raining reality of what’s actually happening,
bombs upon the middle east and which is as truth-based and mature
Africa that we’ve developed a kind as the kid with her hands over her
of immunity to the psychological eyes saying “Now you can’t see me!”
impact of exactly what that means in Featured image via Adobe Stock.
reality. The typical western mind has
come to view bombings more like a
weather event that simply occurs in
those places, like how south Asian
countries experience monsoons.

In reality,
bombings are no
less savage than
attacks by guns,
grenades, knives
or machetes. In
fact they actually
allow for more
savagery to take
place, because
they kill so much
more efficiently,
and because the
troops who use
them can keep
killing and killing
without losing
morale and
mental trauma
from the horrors
they have been
inflicting upon
their fellow
human beings.

Dead is dead. Dismembered is

dismembered. Pain is pain. Anguish is
anguish. The unexamined assumption
that the western empire’s prefered
methods of killing are less brutal
and murderous than those of an

• january 24 •

We Could Try Simply NOT Provoking A Wider War

Via The Continued Destruction Of Gaza

The US has carried out another air raid on Yemen, with

targets reportedly including the international airport in
the capital city of Sanaa. This comes a day after US and
UK airstrikes on Yemen in retaliation for Houthi attacks on
Red Sea commercial vessels.

• johnstone •

For weeks Yemen’s Houthi forces

have been greatly inconveniencing
commercial shipping with their
blockade, with reports last month
saying Israel’s Eilat Port has seen an
85 percent drop in activity since the
attacks began. This entirely bloodless
inconvenience was all it took for
Washington to attack Yemen, the
war-ravaged nation in which the
US and its allies have spent recent
years helping Saudi Arabia murder
hundreds of thousands of people
with its own maritime blockades.

Yemen has issued defiant statements

in response to these attacks, saying
they will not go “unanswered or

The Biden administration’s dramatic

escalation toward yet another
horrific war in the middle east has
been hotly criticized by lawmakers
on both sides of the aisle, who By golly, that’s just crazy enough to
argue that the attacks were illicit work. In fact, anti-interventionists
because they took place without have been screaming it at the top
congressional approval. This of their lungs since the standoff
impotent congressional whining with Yemen began. All the way
will never go anywhere, since, as back in mid-October Responsible
Glenn Greenwald has observed, the Statecraft’s Trita Parsi was already
US congress never actually does writing urgently about the need for a
anything to hold presidents to ceasefire in Gaza to prevent it from
account for carrying out acts of war exploding into a wider war in the
without their approval. region, a position Parsi has continued
pushing ever since.
But there are some worthwhile ideas
going around. As we discussed previously, Israel’s
US-backed assault on Gaza is
After the second round of strikes, threatening to bleed over into
a Democratic representative from conflicts with the Houthis in Yemen,
Georgia named Hank Johnson with Hezbollah in Lebanon, with Iran-
tweeted the following: aligned militias in Iraq and Syria, and
even potentially with Iran itself — any
“I have what some may consider a of which could easily see the US and
dumb idea, but here it is: stop the its allies committing themselves
bombing of Gaza, then the attacks to a full-scale war. Peace in Gaza
on commercial shipping will end. Why takes these completely unnecessary
not try that approach?” gambles off the table.

• january 24 •

And it is absolutely within “Indeed, it is absurd to claim that

Washington’s power to force a Biden has no leverage, particularly
ceasefire in Gaza. Biden could end given the massive amounts of arms
all this with one phone call, as US he has shipped to Israel. In fact,
presidents have done in the past. As Israeli officials openly admit it. ‘All
Parsi wrote for The Nation earlier this of our missiles, the ammunition,
the precision-guided bombs, all
“In 1982, President Ronald the airplanes and bombs, it’s all
Reagan was ‘disgusted’ by Israeli from the US,’ retired Israeli Maj. Gen.
bombardment of Lebanon. He Yitzhak Brick conceded in November
stopped the transfer of cluster of last year. ‘The minute they turn
munitions to Israel and told Israeli off the tap, you can’t keep fighting.
Prime Minister Menachem Begin in a You have no capability.… Everyone
phone call that ‘this is a holocaust.’ understands that we can’t fight
Reagan demanded that Israel this war without the United States.
withdraw its troops from Lebanon. Period.’ ”
Begin caved. Twenty minutes after In the end, you get peace by
their phone call, Begin ordered a pursuing peace. That’s how it
halt on attacks. happens. You don’t get it by pursuing
impossible imaginary ideals like the
total elimination of Hamas while
butchering tens of thousands of
innocent Palestinians. You don’t get it
by trying to bludgeon the middle east
into passively accepting an active
genocide. You get it by negotiation,
de-escalation, diplomacy and

The path to peace is right there.

The door’s not locked. It’s not even
closed. The fact that they don’t take
it tells you what these imperialist
bastards are really interested in.
Featured image via Adobe Stock.

• johnstone •

We Are Entirely Too Close To Another Major War In

The Middle East
The US and its allies have published a joint statement
warning Yemen’s Houthis to cease the attacks they’ve been
making on commercial vessels in the Red Sea. The Houthis,
officially known as Ansarallah, have successfully slashed
Israeli port activity by an extremely massive margin with
their maritime tactics in response to Israel’s ongoing
massacre in Gaza.
The statement asserts that the Yemeni attacks “are a direct threat to the
freedom of navigation that serves as the bedrock of global trade in one of the
world’s most critical waterways,” complaining that they are “adding significant
cost and weeks of delay to the delivery of goods,” and ultimately threatens
that the Houthis will “bear the responsibility of the consequences” should
these attacks continue.

Many critics have been pointing out the irony of the western power alliance
threatening military intervention to protect shipping containers and corporate
profits while actual human beings are being butchered by Israeli airstrikes and
starved by Israeli siege warfare with nothing but friendly support from these
same powers.

“Palestinians would really love to get the same amount of attention and
protection as shipping containers,” tweeted Palestinian-Canadian journalist
Yasmine El-Sawabi.

• january 24 •

That the US and its It is a potentially ominous sign

allies would go to war that Israel has begun focusing on
against the people ramping up aggressions against Iran
who are trying to stop and Hezbollah while simultaneously
an active genocide withdrawing thousands of troops
tells you everything from Gaza. Some analysts argue
you need to know that we are seeing an attempt by
about them. The Israel to pull the US into a direct war
fact that they’d do it with Hezbollah, which is something
for corporate profit US officials have reportedly been
margins tells you even worried would happen ever since the
more, and the fact that Gaza assault began.
they’d do it to a nation
they’ve already helped There are entirely too many fronts
inflict unfathomable along which a new horrific war in
horrors upon in recent the middle east could potentially
years tells you more erupt, and things are entirely too
still. close to the brink on all of them. And
all for land, money and geostrategic
And that’s just one control, same as always. The sooner
of the potential the US-centralized power structure
wars looming on the crumbles, the better it will be for
horizon in connection humanity.
with the Israeli onslaught in Gaza. Featured image via Adobe Stock.
As Trita Parsi recently explained in
The Nation, there are
three other fronts along
which wars could also
erupt in the region apart
from a western conflict
with the Houthis: in
Iraq and Syria where
US forces have been
repeatedly under attack
by militants in response
to the Gaza assault, in
Lebanon between Israel
and Hezbollah, and the
absolute nightmare
scenario of a full-scale
war with Iran.

“That risk exists on

four fronts: Between
Israel and the Lebanese
Hezbollah, in Syria and
Iraq due to attacks on US
troops by militias aligned
with Iran, the Red Sea
between the Houthis
and the US Navy, and
between Israel and Iran
following both the assassination of
an Iranian general in Syria and the
explosion in Kerman today at the
commemoration of the death of
General Qassem Soleimani that has
killed more than 100,” Parsi writes.

• johnstone •

Tony Blinken Is A Cold-Blooded Sociopath

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken just referred to the
US-sponsored assassination of yet another journalist in
Gaza as a “terrible tragedy”, as though the reporter was
struck by lightning or died in a car crash or something.
Speaking at a press conference in Qatar on Sunday, Blinken was asked to
comment on the murder of Al Jazeera journalist Hamza Dahdouh, who was
killed in Gaza by an Israeli airstrike on a car has was traveling in with two other
journalists, one of whom also died. Hamza Dahdouh was the eldest son of Al
Jazeera’s Gaza bureau chief Wael Dahdouh, whose wife, son, daughter and
baby grandson were murdered in another Israeli airstrike in late October.

In response to an Al Jazeera reporter’s question about whether the United

States condemns the murder of innocent journalists, Blinken replied as follows:

“I am deeply, deeply sorry for the almost unimaginable loss suffered by your
colleague Wael al-Dahdouh. I am a parent myself. I can’t begin to imagine the
horror that he’s experienced, not once, but now twice. This is an unimaginable
tragedy, and that’s also been the case for, as I said, far too many innocent
Palestinian men, women, and children — civilians, also journalists, Palestinian
and other.”

• january 24 •

Blinken went on to last three months directing wildly

acknowledge the disproportionate firepower at the
scores of journalists places it knows journalists are hiding.
who have been killed
in Gaza, saying that He’s standing there on top of a pile of
this shows the need corpses while mournfully shaking his
to get humanitarian head about their tragic unfortunate
aid into the enclave deaths.
and achieve a lasting
peace. What Blinken There’s something about the job of
did not do is issue US secretary of state that appears
anything resembling to require a significant level of
a condemnation of sociopathy. From war criminal Henry
Israel and the clear Kissinger to Madeleine “We think
and demonstrable the price was worth it” Albright
fact that it has been to Mike “We lied, we cheated, we
highly focused on the stole” Pompeo, the absolute worst
task of murdering person in any given presidential
journalists in Gaza. administration is very often the head
He just offered his of the State Department. A severe
deepest condolences personality disorder is practically in
for Dahdouh’s the job description.
death, framed it as
This is because while the secretary
a passive “tragedy”
of state is officially the head of US
instead of an active
diplomacy, “diplomacy” for the US
empire looks a whole lot different
using highly sophisticated military
from what it looks like for normal
technology under the sponsorship
countries. US “diplomacy”, in practice,
and support of the United States,
typically looks like going from
and moved on.
country to country negotiating for
It’s hard to say who’s worse, the far- international alignment behind wars,
right Israelis who openly revel in the starvation sanctions, proxy conflicts
butchery they are inflicting in Gaza, and western-backed uprisings. In
or the liberal Americans who directly theory the State Department should
sponsor that butchery and then look be the department of peace, but in
you dead in the eye and tell you how practice it’s just a subtler, sneakier
deeply, sincerely sorry they are to military department.
hear that another person in Gaza has
Nothing epitomizes the depraved
died in a tragic accident.
manipulations of the US empire
Blinken is always doing sociopathic better than Antony Blinken. There
stuff like this. Late last month is no better representation of that
he tweeted, “This has been an empire than Tony standing there on
extraordinarily dangerous year for his mountain of corpses, covered
press around the world. Many killed, in blood, telling you how sorry
many more wounded, hundreds he is to learn of the unfortunate
detained, attacked, threatened, accidental deaths of the people he
injured — simply for doing their jobs. just murdered, staring at you with his
I am profoundly grateful to the cold dead eyes, playing remarkably
press for getting accurate, timely soulless blues guitar under the light
information to people.” of a bright red moon.
Featured image via the US State
I mean, can you believe the gall Department.
of this freak? As though his own
administration wasn’t responsible
for most of those killings. As
though Israel has not spent the

• johnstone •

Western Empire Bombs Yemen To Protect Israel’s

Genocide Operations In Gaza

The US and UK have reportedly struck over a dozen sites in

Yemen using Tomahawk missiles and fighter jets, backed
by logistical support from Australia, Canada, Bahrain and
the Netherlands. A statement from President Biden asserts
that the strikes against “targets in Yemen used by Houthi
rebels” are a “direct response to unprecedented Houthi
attacks against international maritime vessels in the Red

• january 24 •

What Biden does not mention in his The Houthis, formally known as
statement about his administration’s Ansarallah, threatened ahead of the
“response” to Houthi attacks on ships attack to fiercely retaliate against
in the Red Sea is the fact that those any strikes from the US and its allies.
Red Sea attacks are themselves a Abdulmalik al-Houthi, who leads
response to Israeli crimes against the Houthi movement, said that the
humanity in Gaza. Also unmentioned response to any American attack
is the fact that the strikes took place “will be greater than” a recent Houthi
after the first day of proceedings in offensive which used dozens of
the International Court of Justice in drones and several missiles.
which Israel stands accused by South
Africa of committing a genocide in “We, the Yemeni people, are not
Gaza. among those who are afraid of
America,” al-Houthi said in a televised
So the US and the UK just bombed speech. “We are comfortable with
the poorest country in the middle a direct confrontation with the
east for trying to stop a genocide. Americans.”
Not only that, they bombed the very
same country in which they just An unnamed US official who
spent years backing Saudi Arabia’s informed Huffington Post’s Akbar
genocidal atrocities which killed Shahid Ahmed about the imminent
hundreds of thousands of people strikes on Yemen shortly before
between 2015 and 2022 in an they occurred complained that the
unsuccessful bid to stop the Houthis airstrikes “will not solve the problem”
from taking power. and that the approach “doesn’t add
up to a cohesive strategy.”

Ahmed has previously reported that

behind the scenes, officials in this
administration have been getting
increasingly nervous about the risk
of Biden igniting a wider war in the
middle east. This latest escalation,
along with the Houthi pledge to
retaliate, adds a lot of weight to this

And all for what? To protect Israel’s

ability to conduct a months-long
massacre of Palestinians in Gaza.

This is what the US empire is. This is

what it has always been about.

These people are showing us exactly

who they are.

We should probably believe them.

Featured image via Number 10 (CC
BY-NC-ND 2.0)

• johnstone •

The Biden Administration’s Absurd Justification

For Its Yemen War

On Monday the US launched its eighth wave of airstrikes

in its new war against Yemeni forces, which it has now
formally titled “Operation Poseidon Archer”. The strikes are
aimed at breaking a Red Sea shipping blockade which the
de facto authorities in Yemen have implemented to pressure
Israel and its allies into ceasing the genocidal onslaught in
At a press briefing on Monday, Principal Deputy State Department
Spokesperson Vedant Patel uttered a now-familiar Biden administration line
when asked if the war would escalate to involve US boots on the ground.

• january 24 •

It’s just taken as a given by

empire managers and their
defenders that the money must
keep flowing and the gears of
capitalism must keep turning
at the same rate they were
turning before Israel began
massacring tens of thousands
of Palestinian civilians, if not
faster. That the horrors being
unleashed in Gaza should have
“First, as it relates to the Houthis, no material impact on the rest
the United States is not interested of the world whatsoever.
in any escalation, but it is never
acceptable for malign actors to The empire will permit you to think
target international vessels, to thoughts and feel feelings about
the butchery in Gaza quietly in the
target legitimate commerce that
privacy of your own head, and under
is flowing through the Red Sea,” the right circumstances it will even
Patel said. “We’re talking about permit you to attend pro-Palestine
international waters that allow 30 demonstrations and share your
percent of global container shipping opinions on social media. But as soon
to flow through those waters — 15 as it comes to physically interfering
percent of seaborne trade. This is a with the gears of the imperial
waterway that is vital. And we will machine, they’ll blow your guts out.
always take appropriate steps to
This is of course absurd. The horrors
hold those accountable that put in Gaza should be affecting the
things like legitimate commerce, whole world. Our lives should not be
civilians, U.S. personnel, in harm’s proceeding normally, and it’s freakish
way.” and obscene that they do. It’s a sign
of a profoundly sick civilization that
Ever since the Biden administration so many of us in the west are able to
began bombing Yemen, its official lose ourselves in idle entertainment
spinmeisters have been babbling and laugh and stuff our faces with
about commerce and global snacks and go out on the town while
container shipping to justify it. the nightmare in Gaza continues to
The unspoken premise behind unfold.
this justification is that an active
genocide should be permitted Gaza should be stopping us in our
to continue with zero economic tracks. Hell we should be disrupting
repercussions of any kind, for Israel the economy ourselves — we
or anyone else. shouldn’t have to wait for

• johnstone •

impoverished Yemenis
to do it for us. We should
be holding general strikes
and stopping ships and
disrupting everything we
can possibly disrupt in
order to force western
civilization to look at
what it’s supporting in
Gaza and bring this mass
atrocity to a screeching
halt. Instead we’re just
sleepwalking through life
like we always do while
people in the poorest
nation in the middle east
bravely fight our battle
for us.

The empire is not

entitled to expect that
all commerce keep
flowing normally during
an active genocide.
Israel is not entitled to
have zero consequences
for its actions, and its
trading partners are not
entitled to be unaffected
by those consequences.
The idea that it’s normal We live in a dystopian world where
and appropriate to use any and it’s completely normalized to subvert
all measures to prevent Israel’s human interests to commercial
atrocities from having any material interests, to toss tens of thousands
impact on commerce — up to and of lives into the incinerator for
including starting a new American wealth and convenience. Where war
war — is self-evidently ridiculous. profiteers rake in vast fortunes for
selling instruments of mass murder
It’s been an incredibly draining past to genocidal governments, and
100 days for those of us who’ve been where the most powerful empire
following events in Gaza. There’ve in history declares a war to defend
been days when I couldn’t believe shipping containers at the cost of
the sun dared to shine. The premise human life.
that there shouldn’t even be a slight
economic downturn as a result Don’t ever let these sick freaks
of this madness, and that it’s fine convince you that this is normal.
to start a war to make sure there
Image is a screenshot from the
isn’t, deserves to be dismissed with
discussed Now This video.
extreme disdain.

• january 24 •

Many Say They Want Peace When What They

Really Want Is Obedience
Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
Everyone says they want peace, but they mean different
things by this. To an anti-imperialist, peace means the end
of violence, oppression and exploitation. To a Zionist, peace
means Palestinians lie down and accept their fate and
neighboring nations cease disobeying Israel. To a supporter
of the US empire, peace means all nations around the world
submit to US unipolar hegemony. Many say they want
peace when what they really want is tyranny.

• johnstone •

If “peace” to you means other there will be a Palestinian group

populations bow down and submit to organizing violence against the
your will, then it makes perfect sense state of Israel in a matter of
for you to believe that your wars are years (assuming there are any
being waged to attain peace, because
Palestinians left when this is all over,
those wars are being used to violently
of course). If a man starts strangling
bludgeon those populations into
obedience. If your definition of peace me, at some point I’m going to
means the cessation of all violence try to gouge his
and abuse, then you will support eyes and crush his
ceasefires, peace negotiations, testicles. That’s
diplomacy, the de-escalation of just what happens
tensions, the cessation of imperialist when humans find
extraction, and the end of apartheid themselves under a
and injustice.
sufficient amount of
Pay less attention to people’s words existential pressure.
about wanting “peace” and focus
instead on what actions they are Asking if the world
supporting to accomplish that end. would be better
This will show you the truth about without Hamas is
what they really want. as nonsensical as
• asking if Alaska
would be better
Someone asked “Can we all agree without coats. The
that our world would be better presence of coats
without a Hamas?” in Alaska is the
natural consequence
This is the sort of question that can
of the material
only make sense to you if you view
conditions in that
Hamas as some kind of invasive
region, and as long
alien presence that was imposed
as those material
upon Palestine from the outside
conditions persist
instead of a natural emergence
for the population of
from the material circumstances
Alaska then there will
that have been forced upon
necessarily be coats.
Palestinians. If you’ve got a group of
people being sufficiently oppressed Don’t ask if the world
and violently persecuted by the would be better
ruling power, you’re going to start without a Hamas,
seeing violent opposition to that ask if the world would
ruling power as sure as you’ll see be better without the conditions
blood arise from a wound. which make a Hamas inevitable.
If Hamas had been completely •
eliminated a decade ago, there Biden has started a new US war in
would be a Palestinian group Yemen while backing a genocide
organizing violence against the in Gaza, both of which are fully
state of Israel today under that supported by the party which
or some other name. If Hamas is supposedly opposes him. But by
completely eliminated tomorrow, all means go ahead and spend the
rest of the year fixating on the US
presidential race.

• january 24 •

Know how you can tell it no How can we be sure of this? Because There’s a type of uninformed
comment I keep seeing, usually from
longer matters who the US we’ve seen it happen time and time
Americans, that goes something like
again in other settler-colonialist
president is? They stopped projects throughout history which this: “What do I care about Israel and
getting assassinated. had nothing to do with Jews or
Hamas? It’s none of our business and
we should stay out of it.”
• Muslims.
This comment is born of the
The Biden administration’s It’s not about Jews and Judaism, it’s misunderstanding that people want
justifications for its acts of war in about the nature and character of the US to meddle in middle eastern
Yemen are premised on the absurd
the ethnostate which got placed affairs to stop the slaughter in Gaza,
assumption that the world economy
overtop a pre-existing civilization which is a notion many Americans
should march on completely
in the 1940s. The religions and reflexively oppose these days
uninhibited during an active
ethnicities are interchangeable because they have learned that US
with pretty much any other in terms “humanitarian interventions” in that
• region are consistently disastrous
of how much violence would be
and often very costly.
Supporting the world’s most necessary to institute and maintain
powerful government bombing the such a state. But that isn’t what’s being called
poorest country in the middle east for. What’s being called for is for the

for trying to stop a genocide is the US to STOP intervening in Israel and
most sycophantic bootlicking you People who say they oppose Gaza — to END an intervention that
is ALREADY taking place. The US
can possibly cram into a single
Israel’s actions in Gaza has been pouring billions of dollars
political opinion.
but don’t forcefully oppose of weaponry into Israel every year
Israel isn’t relentlessly murderous Biden’s facilitation of for many years now, and has sent
a whole lot more since October 7
and abusive because it’s run by
Jews, it’s relentlessly murderous
Israel’s actions in Gaza do to assist the Israeli butchery that’s
and abusive because that’s the not actually oppose Israel’s been happening in Gaza. If the US
ceased supporting Israel’s violence in
only way to maintain an ethnostate actions in Gaza. Gaza, that violence would necessarily
that was abruptly dropped on top be forced to end.

of an already existing civilization.
This would be true if it’d been As a retired Israeli major general
a Mormon state or a Romani named Yitzhak Brick told the
Jewish News Syndicate in
November, “All of our missiles, the
Take any already existing ammunition, the precision-guided
bombs, all the airplanes and
country with its own ethnic and
bombs, it’s all from the US. The
religious makeup and its own minute they turn off the tap, you
relationships with surrounding can’t keep fighting. You have no
countries and drop a brand new capability… Everyone understands
artificial ethnostate on top of that we can’t fight this war without
it with a deluge of immigrants the United States. Period.”
who are designated special and
If you don’t want your government
above the people in that region,
engaging in foreign conflicts and
and you’re going to get a ton of
intervening in foreign affairs, then
violence. You’re also going to see you should oppose the US-backed
the dominant group espouse massacres in Gaza, because
supremacist ideological beliefs that’s exactly what it is. The anti-
to justify why it’s fine for interventionist position for an
them to be placed above the American to have is to demand
other group and receive better that the Biden administration
treatment by the state. These stop actively facilitating this mass
things would happen regardless of
what those respective ethnic and Featured image via Defense Visual
religious makeups happen to be. Information Distribution Service.

• johnstone •

• january 24 •

I Want For You What You Want

For The Palestinians
I want for you whatever you If what I am saying makes you feel
uncomfortable, then perhaps this
want for the Palestinians. would be a good time for you to
re-evaluate what you want for the
When I say I want for you what you
Palestinians. Perhaps this would
want for the Palestinians, I mean
be a good time to assess whether
what it is that you really, truly want for
your attitude toward Palestinian
them. Not what you pretend to want
people is one of integrity, one which
for the Palestinians. Not what you say
offers others the same regard with
you want for the Palestinians when
which you yourself would want to
you’re in polite company, or when the
be regarded. One which truly treats
cameras are on you, or when you’re
others as you want to be treated.
posting online under your real name,
And perhaps it would be a good time
or when you’re speaking publicly in a
to make some changes in yourself
language other than Hebrew.
I mean I want for you what you
If you do not wish to make those
actually, truthfully want for the
changes, then perhaps this would
Palestinians, in your own private
be a good time to sincerely examine
personal inner world. I hope you
why that is. If you do not believe
receive whatever that is.
Palestinians ought to receive the
May you receive for yourself whatever same treatment that you yourself
it is you want the Palestinians to believe you should receive, perhaps
receive. If you are a good person you should elucidate for yourself
with good intentions, what I just said exactly why that is. Perhaps you
is a blessing of the highest order. should elucidate it out loud, out in
I am wishing you life and liberty the open, under your own name, like
and health and happiness. I am an authentic human being.
wishing you peace and harmony and
In any case I again repeat: I want
human rights. I am wishing you self-
for you what you want for the
sovereignty. I am wishing you the
Palestinians. May you receive in this
ability to live a long life in whatever
life exactly what it is that you want
way you choose to live it.
for the Palestinians, deep down in
If you are a sick person, a depraved your heart of hearts, whatever that
person, a sociopathic person who might be. May you receive it in full,
has other intentions toward the and may you receive it soon.
Palestinians, then I have just cursed
I offer this to you in all sincerity,
you in the worst way imaginable. I
whatever that might mean for you.
have willed that the universe give
you the very last things you could Amen.
possibly want for yourself. And I
mean it sincerely, from the bottom of Featured image via Ahmed Abu
my heart. Hameeda ahmed96 (CC0 1.0
I think that’s fair. I think it is entirely
appropriate that people should
receive for themselves what they
want for others. I think the extent
of your good will toward your fellow
man should come round to you in full,
and I think the extent of your ill will
should as well.

Strange Groceries
What strange groceries that man is carrying
Odd shapes in two plastic bags
Dripping blood
They look like they weigh more than the world
Head bowed
Eyes screwed shut
Step after step, feet like lead
Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah
What are those strange groceries you carry, sir?
These are my children, he says through a clenched jaw
They have had a long and weary day
And it is time to put them to bed
His face is wet with tears
And his arms are shaking
He walks on
Heavy feet with a heavy burden
Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah
Oh Allah

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