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ljutdf ;f]lwPsf k|Zgx?

!= hnjfo' kl/jt{g eg]sf] s] xf] < hnjfo' kl/jt{gsf] c;/ / tL c;/nfO{ sd
ug{ ckgfpg'kg]{ pkfox? pNn]v ug'{xf];\ . !) -@)&)_
@= g]kfndf hnjfo' kl/jt{gsf sf/0f ;fdgf ug'{k/]sf d"Vo ;d:ofx?
bzf{pg'xf];\ . o;df ;'wf/ ug{ sfof{Gjogof]Uo ;'emfjx? lbg'xf]; . % ®%
#=hnjfo' kl/jt{g ljZjsf] hNbf]jNbf] d'4f xf] . g]kfnsf] kl/j]zdf hnjfo'
kl/jt{gnfO{ s;/L Joj:yfkg ug{ ;lsG5 < pNn]v ug'{xf];\ . !) -@)&&_
$= g]kfndf hnjfo' kl/jt{af6 s:tf] k|efj k/]sf] 5 < o; ;DaGwdf g]kfnn]
cGt/f{li6«o d+rdf p7fpg'kg]{ d'4fx? s] s] x'g< % ®% -@)&^_

hnjfo' kl/jt{g
;dosf] cGt/fndf k[YjLsf] jfo'd08nsf] tfkqmd, xfjfsf] jxfj tyf jiff{tdf
x'g] 36a9sf sf/0f k[YjL tyf o;sf] s'g} klg efudf cf};t df};ddf x'g]
dxTjk"0f{ kl/jt{gnfO{ hnjfo' kl/jt{g elgG5 .
jftfj/0f ;+/If0f P]g, @)&^ cg';f/ hnjfo' kl/jt{g eGgfn] nfdf] ;dosf]
cGt/fndf k|fs[lts ?kdf hnjfo'sf] ptf/r9fjsf cnjf k|ToIf jf ck|ToIf ?kdf
dfgjLo lqmofsnfkn] jfo'd08nsf] agf]6df x'g] km]/abnsf sf/0f k[YjLsf]
hnjfo'df qmdzM b]vf kg]{ kl/jt{g ;Demg'k5{ elg kl/eflift ul/Psf] 5 .
jfo'd08ndf sfj{g8fOcS;fO8, ldy]g, gfO6«; cS;fO8 h:tf UofF;sf] tx
a9b} hfFbf ;"o{sf] tfk e08f/0f x'g] , lg:sf;g x'g gkfpg] lu|gxfp; 9fFrfsf]
lgdf{0f x'Fb} uPsf] / ;du| jfo'd08nsf] g} tfkdfg lbg k|ltlbg a9L/x]sf]
cj:yf 5 .
Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns.

Climate change is the global phenomenon of climate transformation characterized by the changes in the usual climate of the planet
(regarding temperature, precipitation, and wind) that are especially caused by human activities. As a result of unbalancing the weather
of Earth, the sustainability of the planet’s ecosystems is under threat, as well as the future of humankind and the estability of the global
Climate, sometimes understood as the "average weather,” is defined as the measurement of the mean and
variability of relevant quantities of certain variables (such as temperature, precipitation or wind) over a period of
time, ranging from months to thousands or millions of years. The classical period is 30 years, as defined by the
World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Climate in a wider sense is the state, including a statistical description,
of the climate system.

Climate change refers to significant changes in global temperature, precipitation, wind patterns and other measures of
climate that occur over several decades or longer.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) defines “climate change” as “a change
in the state of the climate that can be identified ... by changes in the mean and / or the variability
of its properties, and that persists for an extended period, typically decades or longer”.

hnjfo' kl/jt{g lg/Gt/sf] k|lqmof ePtfklg jt{dfgdf dfgjLo lqmofsnfksf

sf/0f o;sf] ultdf cfPsf] kl/jt{gsf sf/0f hnjfo'df cfPsf] hl6ntf /
clglZrttfnfO{ a'emfpF5 .
dfgjLo lqmofsnfkn] jftfj/0fLo k|lqmofdf k'ofPsf] r'gf}ltsf] kmn:j?k
l;lh{t gs/fTds cj:yf g} hnjfo' kl/jt{g xf] .
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
defines climate change as “a change in climate which is attributed directly or
indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere
and which is in addition to natural climate variability observed over comparable
periods of time” (UNFCCC, 1992).
NASA’s definition of climate change says it is “a broad range of global phenomena created predominantly by burning fossil fuels,
which add heat-trapping gases to Earth’s atmosphere. These phenomena include the increased temperature trends described by
global warming, but also encompass changes such as sea-level rise; ice mass loss in Greenland, Antarctica, the Arctic and
mountain glaciers worldwide; shifts in flower/plant blooming; and extreme weather events.”

US Geological Survey: climate change refers to the increasing changes in the measures
of climate over a long period of time – including precipitation, temperature, and wind

hnjfo' kl/jt{gsf] d'Vo sf/0f ljZj tfkdfgdf ePsf] j[lå xf] . tfkdfg j[låsf] d'Vo
sf/0f xl/t u[x UofF; / o;sf] d'Vo tTj sfj{g8fcS;fO8sf] dfq f jfo'd08ndf
cfj:ostf eGbf Hofbf /xg' xf] .
o;sf] sf/0f k[YjLdf ljleGg efudf cltj[li6 cgfj[li6 x'g], tfkqmd a9\b} uPsf]
sf/0f lxdfnL If]qsf] lxpF klUnP/ gfFuf 8fF8fdf ?kfGt/0fsf] vt/f a9g],
lxdtfn ljikmf]6gsf] ct/f , t6Lo d'n's ;fd'lxs 8'afgdf kg]{, h}ljs ljljwtfdf
gs/fTds c;/ kg]{ h:tf ;d:of lglDtg] ;Defjgf x'g] ub{5 .
hnjfo' kl/jt{gsf c;/x?M
 klUnbf] lxdfn / v'lDrbf] lxdgbL
 s[ifL tyf vfB ;'/Iffdf c;/
 k[YjLsf] tkqmd a8\b} hfg]
 cltj[li6 cgfj[li6 x'g]
 lxdfnx? gfª\uf 8fF8fdf jblng' tyf t6Lo /fi6« 8'jfgdf kg]{
 j:tL / k"jf{wf/df c;/
 k|fs[lts k|sf]kdf a9f]Qf]/L
 hLljsf]kfh{gsf ;|f]tdf c;/
 dxfdf/L /f]u tyf :j:Yo ;DaGwL ;d:of
 k/Dk/fut df};d / l;hgcg';f/ pTkfbg gx'g]
 hLjhGt'sf] k|hgg lqmofdf kl/jt{g cfO{ k|fs[lts c;Gt'ng
 dflg;x?df tkqmd j[l4 eO{ h}ljs ljsf; l56f] x'g]
 k|fs[lts ;f}Gbo{df x|f;
 hn;Dkbf / hnljB'tdf c;/
 lxd tfn ljikmf]6gsf] vt/f
 h}ljs ljljwtfdf gs/fTds k|efj
 s[ifL pTkfbgdf gs/fTds k|efj
 h}ljs ljljwtfdf x|f; cfO ko{6gdf k|efj
 k|fs[lts rqmdf kl/jt{g .
 Zjf; / 5fnf ;DaGwL /f]ux? a9g] .
 ljljw hLj jg:kltsf] nf]k x'g] .
hnjfo' kl/jt{gsf] ;d:of ;dfwfgsf pkfox? M
!= Go"gLs/0fM
 hnljB'tsf] pTkfbg a9fpg] .
 xl/tu[x UofF; pT;h{g sd ug]{ ljifosf ;GwLsf] k"0f{ sfof{Gjog ug]
 k|ljlwsf] pTkfbg / ljt/0f ubf{s} cj:yfdf jftfj/0fLo kIfnfO{ Wofg lbg]
 l;d;f/ If]qsf] plrt ;+/If0f / ljsf; ug]{ .
 kmf]xf]/sf] k'gM gljs/0f / k'gM k|of]usf] Joj:yf ug]{ .
 sf]Onf, bfp/f, k]6«f]nsf] ;6\6f j}slNks phf{sf] ;|f]tdf hf]8 .
 xfn;Dd ul/Psf ;GwLsf] sfof{Gjog .
 cf0fljs Pj+ /f;folgs pTkfbg sd ug]{ .
 jg h+unsf] ;+/If0f Pj+ j[Iff/f]k0f ug]]{ .
 k|fªufl/s dnsf] pkof]u .
 kmf]xf]/d}nfsf] plrt Joj:yfkg .
 h}ljs ljljwtfsf] ;+/If0fdf hf]8 .
@= cg's'ngM
 kl/jlt{t hnjfo'df cfkm\gf] hLjgofkg ;xh / ;'ne .
 j}slNks hLljsf]kfh{gsf pkfox? .
 k|sf]k;Fu h'FWg ;d'bfonfO{ k'j{ hfgsf/L u/fO{ ;ts{ cj:yfdf /fVg] .
 hnjfo' kl/jt{g ;Daf]wg ug{ k/Dk/fut ;Lk, k|ljlwsf] pkof]u .
 cg's'ng sf]ifsf] :yfkgf u/L hf]lvdk"0f{ cj:yfdf /x]sf ;d'bfo;Dd
k'ofpg :yfgLo b]lv /fli6«o :t/;Ddsf ;+/rgfsf] Joj:yf ug]{ .
 hnjfo' kl/jt{gaf6 k|efljt ePsfnfO{ plrt Ifltk"lt{ ;lxt a;f]af;sf] Joj:yf
ug]{ .
 hnjfo' kl/jt{gsf sf/0f cfpg ;Sg] ljklQaf/] hgr]tgf clea[l4 u/L
k"j{tof/Ldf /xg] .
 Ifdtf ljsf; ug]{M hgzlQm, cfly{s kIf, s'6g}lts kIf, /fhg}lts kIf cflb .
 kl/jlt{t df};d cg';f/sf] s[lif k2tL cjnDjg ug]{ .
Climate Change Resilience:
Resilience to climate change is defined as the capacity to prepare for, respond to, and recover from the impacts of hazardous
climatic events while incurring minimal damage to societal wellbeing, the economy and the environment.
 Promoting the reduction of Nepal’s carbon footprint in the development and operation of
infrastructure through energy effi ciency and conservation;
• Promoting renewable energy sources to meet the demand for energy;
• Promoting environmentally sustainable infrastructure; and
• Implementing the REDD+ strategy.
Tansport sector:
 Promoting clean energy-based alternate transport system such as railways and ropeways;
• Promoting models to improve the transport sector’s efficiency and to demonstrate modal
• Converting public utility vehicles to liquid petroleum gas and renewable energy sources and
establishing and expanding an efficient mass transport system; and
• Ensuring the movement of vehicles at optimum speed of fuel consumption by reducing
congestion and maintaining road sand vehicles.

 Adaptation not necessarily means developing completely new ways of doing things; it
may simply mean adjusting or modifying ongoing activities in such a way that the threats
are reduced and risks minimized.
 Adaptation entails modifying or developing ways to adapt to the emerging trends of
increased temperature and diminished water availability.
 Adaptation concerns need to be incorporated into development plans and programs
despite the fact that the lack of information about Nepal’s diverse climatic conditions and
the changes taking place within them hinders mainstreaming adaptation in the planning
 Climate impacts are often first detectable within the water sector, the state of which is
shaped by the hydrological cycle of a given river basin.
 Adaptation needs to be enveloped within the ecosystem-based basin management and to
emphasize climate-responsive agriculture, climate-responsive infrastructures, biodiversity
conservation, water management, and disaster risk reduction and management measures.
(Source:Climat Resilent Planning)
Adaptation refers to adjustments in ecological, social or economic systems in response to actual or expected climatic stimuli and their effects. It
refers to changes in processes, practices and structures to moderate potential damages or to benefit from opportunities associated with climate
change. In simple terms, countries and communities need to develop adaptation solutions and implement actions to respond to current and future
climate change impacts.
Adaptation actions can take on many forms, depending on the unique context of a community, business, organization, country or region. There is
no ‘one-size-fits-all-solution’—adaptation can range from building flood defences, setting up early warning systems for cyclones, switching to
drought-resistant crops, to redesigning communication systems, business operations and government policies. Many nations and communities are
already taking steps to build resilient societies and economies. However, greater action and ambition will be needed to cost-effectively manage
the risks, both now and in the future.
Successful adaptation not only depends on governments but also on the active and sustained engagement of stakeholders, including local
communities, national, regional, multilateral and international organizations, public and private sectors, civil society and other relevant actors, as
well as an effective management of knowledge. Parties to the UNFCCC and its Paris Agreement recognize that adaptation is a global challenge
faced by all with local, subnational, national, regional and international dimensions.
Adaptation is a critical component of the long-term global response to climate change to protect people, livelihoods and ecosystems. Parties
acknowledge that adaptation action should follow a country-driven, gender-responsive, participatory and fully transparent approach, considering
vulnerable groups, communities and ecosystems. Adaptation should be based on and guided by the best available science and, as appropriate,
traditional knowledge, knowledge of indigenous peoples and local knowledge systems, with a view to integrating adaptation into socioeconomic
and environmental policies and actions.

Adaptation Process:
 Plan for Adaptation
 Implement adaptation measures
 Monitor and evaluate adaptation
 Assess impacts , vulnerability and risks
 Raising awareness and ambition
 Providing political space of engagement
 Sharing information, Knowledge and guidance
 Strengthening technical and institutional capacities
 Facilitating the provision of financial and technological
 Engaging a wide range of stakeholders

Some Practices for Adaptation measures:

 The UNFCCC has set up constituted bodies and workstreams relevant to progressing adaptation responses and enhancing societal and
environmental resilience.
 Most recently, the work programme on the Global Goal on Adaptation, launched in 2021 at COP 26, maps out the way for the world
to enhance adaptive capacity, strengthen resilience, and reduce vulnerabilities associated with climate change.
 The Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG) was established in 2001 and is currently mandated to provide technical guidance
and accelerate support to the LDCs on the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans (NAPs).
 Established in 2010, the Adaptation Committee (AC) is the global voice on adaptation, working to drive forward coherent UNFCCC
action on adaptation worldwide by providing expert guidance, enhancing outreach, and supporting the implementation of the Paris
 Since 2018, the Facilitative Working Group (FWG) furthers the operationalization of the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples
Platform (LCIPP), facilitating the implementation of three functions related to knowledge, capacity for engagement and climate
change policies and action.
 Parties are encouraged to utilize the technical guidance, support and resources provided by the UNFCCC-related bodies and
workstreams in submitting their NAPs and Adaptation Communications (AdComs).
 The Adaptation Knowledge Portal, by the Nairobi Work Programme, the knowledge-to-action hub for climate resilience and
adaptation, and the Lima Adaptation Knowledge Initiative (LAKI) helps countries and sub-regions around the world identify their
adaptation knowledge gaps, catalyze actions to close these gaps, and share adaptation knowledge and foster learning.

hnjfo' kl/jt{g ;DaGwdf g]kfnn] u/]sf k|of;x?M

 ;g !((@ sf] k[YjL lzv/ ;Dd]ngn] kfl/t u/]sf Agenda @!
nfO{ sfofGjogdf NofPsf] .
 hnjfo' kl/jt{g ;DaGwL ;+o'Qm /fi6« ;+3Lo ;+/rgf
dxf;GwLsf] ;g !(($ b]lv kIf /fi6« .
 /fli6«o cg's'ng sfo{qmd, @)^& :jLs[t ul/Psf] .
 @)^^ d+lz/ !( sfnfkYy/ 3f]if0fkq hf/L
 sf7df08f} b]lv sf]kgx]ug ;Dd ljifos hnjfo' kl/j{tg ;DjGwL If]qLo
;Dd]ngdf ;xefuL ePsf] .
 7"nf cfof]hgfsf] EIA ug{ hf]8
 hnjfo' kl/jt{g gLlt, @)&^ hf/L
 !% cf}+ of]hgfn] hnjfo' cg's"ng Ifdtf clej[l4 tyf k|lts'n k|efjsf]
Go"lgs/0faf6 lbuf] ;dfh lgdf{0fdf of]ubfg ug]{ .
 k|=d= sf] cWoIftfdf hnjfo' kl/jt{g kl/ifbsf] u7g .
 /fli6«o hnjfo' kl/jt{g gLlt, @)&^
 jg P]g, @)&^ tyf jg lgodfjnL @)&(
 jftfj/0f ;+/If0f P]g, @)&^ tyf lgodfjnL @)&&
 g]kfnsf nflu lbuf] ljsf; Ph]08f, @)%(
 /fli6«o l;d;f/ gLlt @)^(
 s[lif h}ljs ljljwtf gLlt, @)^#
 lb3{sflng s[lif of]hgf tyf s[lif gLlt
 k|=d= sf] cWoIftfdf jftfj/0f ;+/If0f kl/ifb
 5}7f}+ of]hgf b]lv jftfj/0fLo ;jfn ;Djf]wg x'Fb} cfPsf] g]kfndf
 cGt/f{li6«o h}ljs ljljwtf dxf;GwL ;g\ !((@ df kfl/t
 hnjfo' kl/jt{g ;xof]u sfo{qmd @ sfof{Gjogdf /x]sf]
 hnjfo' kl/jt{g Joj:yfkgsf nflu of]hgf th'{df lbUbz{g, @)&&
 hnjfo' kl/jt{g ;DaGwL n}+lus tyf ;fdflhs ;dfj]zLs/0f /0fgLlt tyf
sfo{of]hgf -@)&& b]lv @)*&_

 ;g\\ !(&@ df :jL8]gsf] :6sxf]ddf dfgjLo kof{j/0f ljifos UN
;Dd]ng ;DkGg eO UNEP sf] :yfkgf .
 ;g\ !(*) df IUCN sf] k|of;df ljZj ;+/If0f /0fgLlt k|sfzdf NofOof] .
 ;g !(*@ df /fi6«;+3Lo dxf;efn] k|fs[lts ;Dkbfsf] k|of]u;DaGwL
j8fkq hf/L uof] .
 ;g !((@ df Earth Summit af6 Agenda 21 kfl/t . o;cGtu{tM
 h}ljs ljljwtf dxf;GwL
 Ph]G8f @!
 jg ;+/If0f gLlt
 hnjfo' kl/jt{g ;DaGwL ;+o'Qm /fi6«;+3Lo ;+/rgf dxf;GwL .
 ;x;|fAbL ljsf; nIosf] /0fgLltdf jftfj/0fLo lbuf]kgfaf/] pNn]v .
 ;g\ !((& df Sof6f] k|f]6f]sn kfl/t . ljz]iftM xl/tu[x UofF;sf] pT;h{g
Go"lgs/0f u/L jftfj/0f ;+/If0fdf hf]8 .
 ;g @))) df hf]xfg];ju{ ;Dd]ngdf lbuf] ljsf; g} ljsf;sf] Ph]G8f x'g'kg]
{ pNn]v . ul/aL lgjf/0f, vfg]kfgL tyf ;/;kmfO{, lbuf] pTkfbg /
pkef]u, k|fs[lts ;|f]t Joj:yfkg, lb3{sflng ljsf;sf nflu ;+:yfut :j?
k :yfkgf / sfof{Gjog h:tf ljifox? pNn]v .
 ;g @))& df climate change ;DaGwL jfnL ;Dd]ng . hnjfo' kl/jt{gsf
c;/x? sd ub}}{ hfg] / hn;|f]t tyf hnfwf/ If]qsf] ;+/If0f / ljsf; ub}
{ hfg] .
 @)!% ;]K6]Da/ @% df ;+o'Qm /fi6« ;+3sf] &) cf}+ dxf;efsf]
a}7saf6 ;g\ @)#) ;Dd k|fKt ug{] u/L !& j6f lbuf] ljsf; nIox?sf]
cg'df]bg u/L ljZje/ sfof{Gjog e}/x]sf] .
 ;g\ @)@! df a]nfotsf] UnfN:uf]df ;DkGg sf]k @^ df
k]l/; ;Demf}tfsf] sfof{Gjog x'g] u/L sfa{g pT;h{g Go"gLs/0fdf
ljz]if hf]8 lbPsf] .
 cope ;Dd]ngdf lg/Gt/tf . ;g\ @)@! gf]e]Da/df sf]k @^ a]nfotsf]
Jnf:uf]df ;DkGg . ;g\ @)@@ df sf]k @& OlhK6df ;DkGg .

g]kfnn] sfj{g pT;h{g sd ug]{ / hnjfo' cg's'ntfsf nflu s] ug]{ <

1.= Localization of the climate change policies: :yfgLo txsf
cfGtl/sLs0f ug]{ . / cfd gful/snfO{ hnjfo' gLlt / sfo{qmdx?af/]
cflTds/0f u/fpg] . :yfgLo sfo{qmd / of]hgfdf ;dflxt u/fpg] .
2. Management of Human Resources and other sources: lj1
hgzlQmsf] pTkfbg / Joj:yfkg ug]{ . k|ljlw / pks/0fsf] ;d]t plrt k|
aGw ug]{ .
3. Effective response to Disaster : hnjfo'hGo k|sf]ksf sf/0f cfOkg]
{ ljkb tyf dxfdf/Lsf] plrt ;Daf]wg ug]{ .
4. Use of climate diplomacy:sfj{g Jofkf/sf] ljifodf jsfnt ug]{ .
hnjfo' kl/jt{sf] sf/0f g]kfnn] ef]Ug'k/]sf ;d:ofaf/] cGt/f{li6«o d~rdf
Ifltk"lt{ bflj ug]{ .
5. Research and Development
6. Effective implementation of law and other policies
7. Raising Climate Finance:hnjfo' kl/jt{g / cg's'ng nufotsf
sfo{ ug{ cfjZos /sd k|aGw ug{ cGt/f{li6«o:t/df cfjfh a'nGb agfpg] .
/fHodf ;d]t hnjfo' ljQsf] k|jGw ug]{ .

hnjfo' kl/jt{g / k]l/; ;Demf}tfM

 ;g @)!% sf] gf]e]Da/ #) b]lv l8;]Da/ !! ;Dd ljZjsf !(% /fi6«sf
k|d'vx? k]l/;df e]nf ePsf] .
 ljz]iftM u|Lg xfp; UofF; pT;h{gnfO{ Go"lgs/0f u/L
ljZjtfkdfgnfO{ 36fpg] , h}ljs ljljwtfsf] ;+/If0f ug]{, k[YjLsf]
jxg Ifdtfsf] j[l4 ug]{ ;DaGwLsf] ;Demf}tf .
 o; ztfAbLsf] cGt;Dddf ljZsf] tfkqmd ;s];Dd !=% / a9Ldf @
l8u|L ;]lN;o;;Dd ;Lldt ug]{ ;xdlt .
 x/]s % jif{ sfj{g pT;h{g s6f}ltsf nflu /fi6«sf] of]ubfg ug]{ .
 Climate Change Fund agfO{ ljsl;t cf}Bf]lus /fi6«n]
ljsf;f]Gd'v /fi6«nfO{ sfj{g Jofkf/sf ?kdf cg'bfg lbg] .
 xfn ;Dd !%! /fi6«n] of] ;Demf}tf cg'df]bg ul/;s]sf 5g\ .
 cd]l/sf ;g @)!& d} o;af6 5'l6g] 3f]if0ff .
 ljZjdf lrgsf] @* k|ltzt, cd]l/sf !% k|ltzt, ef/t & k|ltzt, /l;of % k|
ltzt of]ubfg xl/t Uof; pT;h{gdf /x]sf] .

COP 26: Together for our Planet

The Glasgow Climate Pact: Almost 200 countries went through
intense negotiations over the two weeks .
Agreed on implementation of the Paris Agreement through actions that
can get the world on a more sustainable , low carbon pathway
Delivering on climate Finance: Developed countries promise to
deliver 100 billion dollar a year for developing countries. This will be
met in 2023.
Stepping up support for adaptation: agreed to doubling of finance
to support developing countries soon. 25 percent of climate finance
will be invested for protecting lives and livelihoods. and 75 percent
on green technologies to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.
Moving away from fossils fuels: countries agreed to a provision for a
phase down of coal power and a phase out of inefficient fossils fuel
Cryosphere: acknowledging the gravity and sensitivity of
mountainous region, this word was used…

COP 27: Together for Implementation

Sharm el- Sheikh Implementation Plan
 Loss and Damage Fund: The fund will address the impacts on
communities whose lives and livelihoods have been ruined by the
impacts of climate change.
 Adaptation Fund: urges developed countries to scale up provision
of climate finance, building for adaptation to respond the needs of
developing countries as a part of global effort for formulation and
implementation of national adaptation plans.
 Emphasizes importance of preserving, conserving and protecting
water and water related ecosystem.
 Mitigation Work Programme: start immediately after CoP 27 and
continue until 2026. Review will be planned in course of time .
 Finance: 4 tirllion per year needs to be investd in renewable energy up
until 2030 to be able to reach net zero emissions by 2050 and global
transformation to low carbon economy is expected to require
investment at least 4 to 6 trillion a year.
 mobilizing 100 billion USD has not been achieved for mitigation
and implementation as aimed previously. This convention expresses
serious concern on this .
 5 year action plan on Action for Climate Empowerment and the
intermediate review of the Gender Action Plan
 Technology: climate change technology will be promoted in
developing countries (5 years action plan).
 Global stocktake: wrapped up with the dialogue as CoP 26. UN
Secretary General will convene a climate ambition Summit in 2023
before CoP 28.
 Early warning system and systematic observation: Africa along
with other developing countries does not have early warning system
regarding climate threats and early climate information services. This
has been acknowledged.
 Agriculture: 4 year Sharm El Sheikh Joint work on Implementation
of Climate action on agriculture and food security.
 Enhancing Implementation: Action by non-party stakeholders
 Science and urgency: a) limit the temperature to 1.5 degree
celcious. b)Recognizes the impact of climate change on cryosphers
and the need for further understanding of these impacts.

CoP 28: We Commit, We deliver.

 ;g @)@# sf] gf]e]Da/ #) b]lv l8;]Da/ !@ b'jO{df ;DkGg ePsf] .
 Dr. Sultan al-Jaber sf] cWoIftfdf sf]k @* ;+rfng ePsf] .
 sf]k @( ch/j}hfgdf x'g] .
sf]k @* df ePsf 5nkmnsf ljifo, ;xdlt / pknlAwx?
 Iflt / gf]S;fgL sf]ifM hnjfo' kl/jt{gsf sf/0f Iflt / xfgL
gf]S;fgLnfO{ ;Daf]wg ug{ sf]k @& df ePsf] :yfkgf ePsf]
sf]ifsf] ;+rfng ug]{ ljlw / ;+/rgf tof/ ug{ @$ ;b:oLo 6«lGh;gn
sldl6n] b'jOsf] cj'wfjLdf d:of}bf agfO{ ;xdlt sfod u/]sf] .
sf]ifaf6 ;dtfd"ns ?kdf ;xof]u ul/g'kg]{, sf]if ;+rfng
kf/bzL{ x'g'kg]{ nufotsf ljifodf ;xdlt sfod ePsf] . o; sf]ifdf $@
s/f]8 #! nfv 8n/sf] k|ltj4tf k|fKt ePsf] . cfof]hs ;+o'Qm c/a
Old/]6\; / hd{gLaf6 !)÷!) s/f]8 8n/, o"/f]lkog o"lgogaf6 !$ s/f]8
%^ nfv / hfkfgaf6 ! s/f]8 cd]l/sL 8n/sf] k|ltj4tf k|fKt ePsf] . o;
sf]ifn] g]kfnh:tf d'n"snfO{ cfly{s / u}/cfly{s xfgL
gf]S;fgLnfO{ ;Daf]wg ug]{ .
 cg's'ngsf] nIo lgwf{/0fM k]l/; ;Demf}tf jdf]lhd cg's'ngsf]
nIo / ;"rsx? yk :ki6 kfg'{kg]{ ;DaGwdf ljsf;f]Gd'v /fi6«x?n]
/fv]sf] dfujdf]lhd Global Goal on Adaptation df ;xdlt sfod ug]
 hnjfo' ljQM k|ltj4tf jdf]lhd ljsl;t /fi6«x?n] ljsf;f]Gd'v b]zx?
nfO{ cfly{s ;xof]u gu/]sf] . ;g @)@) b]lv x/]s jif{ !)) cj{
cd]l/sL 8n/ kl/rfng ug]{ lg0f{o ePtfklg @)@) df *#=# cj{ /
@)@! df *(=^ cj{ 8n/ dfq k|bfg u/]sf] . hnjfo' ;DaGwL xfgL
gf]S;fgLsf] n]vfhf]vf u/L ljQ pknAw u/fpg] ;xdlt ug]{ .
 sf]k @* nfO{ ;a}eGbf ;dfj]zL agfpg] .
 g]kfnsf k|wfgdlGqn] hnjfo' kl/jt{gsf] uf]nd]r a}7ssf] cWoIftf
u/]sf] / xfdLnfO{ arfpg xfd|f] lxdfn arfpm eGg] egfO{ JoQm
u/]sf] .
 Unf]an :6s6]sM x/]s % jif{df k]l/; ;Demf}tfsf] cfjlws ;ldIff x'g]
k|fjwfg jdf]lhd o; k6ssf] sf]k ;Dd]ngdf cj cfufdL % jif{sf]
dfu{lrqaf/] lg0f{o x'g] . xfn;Ddsf k|of;x? kof{Kt gePsf] /
k]l/; ;Demf}tfsf nIox? xfl;n ug{ yk sfdx? ug{'kg]{ b]lvG5 .
 sfj{g pT;h{g Go"lgs/0fM hnjfo' kl/jt{g ;DaGwL ;+o'Qm /fi6«;
+3Lo cGt/;/sf/L Kofgn –cfOlk;L;L_ sf] kl5Nnf] ljZn]if jdf]lhd
xl/t u[x Uof; pT;h{g ;g @)!( sf] t'ngfdf @)#) ;Dd $# k|ltztn]
36fpg'kg]{ x'G5 . xl/tu[x Uof; s6f}tL ug{ :jR5 pmhf{sf ;|
f]ttkm{sf] ofqfdf cl3 a9\g] .
 :jf:Yo, ljQ, vfB nufot k|s[lt;DaGwL ;jfnx?df jx; ul/Psf] .
 hnjfo' ljQ sf]ifdf s'n #! b]zaf6 !@=* ljlnog cd]l/sL
8n/ ;xof]usf] k|ltj4tf k|fKt ePsf] / of] a9\bf] qmddf /x]sf] .
 cg's'ng sf]ifdf xfn;Dd s'n !** ldlnog cd]l/sL 8n/sf] gofF k|
ltj4tf k|fKt ePsf] .

!% cf}+ of]hgfdf hnjfo' kl/jt{gM

;f]rM hnjfo' pTyfgzLn ;dfhsf] lgdf{0f .
nIoM hnjfo' kl/jt{g cg's"ng Ifdtf clej[l4 tyf k|lts'n k|efjsf]
Go"lgs/0faf6 lbuf] ;dfh lgdf{0fdf of]ubfg ug]{ .
!= hnjfo' kl/jt{gsf] k|lts'n k|efjnfO{ k]l/; ;Demf}tf cg'?k Go"lgs/0f
ub}{ cg's"ng Ifdtfsf] clej[l4 ug'{ .
@= hnjfo' kl/jt{g Go"lgs/0fsf nflu jftfj/0fd}qL :jR5 pmhf{ / xl/t
ljsf; cjwf/0ff sfof{Gjog ug'{ .
#= hnjfo' kl/jt{g Go"gLs/0f / cg's"ngsf nflu k]l/; ;Demf}tf nufotsf
dfWodaf6 pknAw cGt/f{li6«o ljQ / k|ljlwdf bfaL ub}{ k|fKt nfesf]
Gofof]lrt ljt/0f ug'{ .
!= hnjfo' kl/jt{g Joj:yfkgsf nflu ;+3, k|b]z / :yfgLo txdf cfjZos
gLltut / ;+:yfut ;+/rgfdf ;'wf/ Pj+ Ifdtf clej[l4 ug]{ .
@= ;d'bfosf] ;+s6fkGgtf 36fO{ ;dfg's"lnt t'Nofpg /fli6«o, k|fb]lzs
P+j :yfgLo cg's"ng of]hgf sfof{Gjog ug]{ .
#= hnjfo' kl/jt{g Go"lgs/0fsf nflu xl/t ljsf;sf] cjwf/0ff cjnDag ug]{ /
:jR5 pmhf{ k|j4{g ug]{ .
$= hnjfo' ljQdf ;xh kx'Frsf] nflu cGt/f{li6«o :t/df k}/jL ub}{ ;Defljt
nfex?nfO{ k|b]z, :yfgLo tx / ;d'bfo;Dd k'ofpg] .
%= hnjfo' kl/jt{gsf If]qdf cWoog cg';Gwfg tyf Ifdtf ljsf;sf sfo{x?
ug]{ .

hnjfo' kl/jt{g gLlt, @)&^

nIoM hnjfo' pTyfgzLn ;dfhsf] ljsf; u/L /fi6«sf] ;fdflhs
cfly{s ;d[l4df of]ubfg k'ofpg] .
 ;+s6fkGg / hf]lvdk"0f{ cj:yfdf /x]sf JolQm,
kl/jf/, ;d"x / ;d"bofsf] hnjfo' kl/jt{g cg's"ng Ifdtf clej[l4 ug]
{ .
 hnjfo' kl/jt{gsf k|lts'n c;/ tyf k|efjsf] hf]lvddf /x]sf
kfl/l:ytLsLo k|0ffnLx?sf] pTyfgzLntff ljsf; ug]{ .
 Go"g sfj{g pT;{hg ljsf;sf] cjwf/0ff cjnDag ub}{ xl/t
cy{tGqsf] k|\j4{g ug]{ .
 hnjfo' kl/jt{g Go"lgs/0f / cg's"ntfsf nflu /fli6«o tyf
cGtfli6«o ljQLo ;|f]tx?sf] Gofog]lrt kl/rfng ug]{ .
 hnjfo" kl/jt{g ;DaGwL cg';Gwfg, k|ljlw ljsf; / ;"rgf ;]jf k|
jfxnfO{ k|efjsf/L agfpg] .
 /fHosf ;a} tx / ljifout If]qsf gLlt , /0fgLlt, of]hgf tyf
sfo{qmdx?df hnjfo' kl/jt{gsf ljifox?nfO{ d"nk|jfxLs/0f jf
cfGtl/sLs/0f ug]{ .
 hnjfo' kl/jt{g Go"gLs/0f tyf c'gs'ng sfo{qmdx?df n}+lus
tyf ;fdflhs ;dfj]zLs/0fnfO{ d"nk|jfxLs/0f ug]{ .
hnjfo' kl/jt{gaf6 g]kfn a9L hf]lvddf lsg <
 lxdfnL b]z ePsf] x'gfn] lxFp klUnP/ k|sf]ksf] :j?k lng ;Sg] .
 cy{tGqsf] d'Vo cfwf/ s[lif ePsf] x'gfn] s[ifL If]q k|ToIf k|efljt
x'g ;Sg] .
 h}ljs ljljwtfdf c;/ kg{ ;Sg] .
 ko{6g If]q k|efljt x'g ;Sg] .
 ljsf; b[li6n] kl5 k/]sf]n] o;sf] k|efjnfO{ Go"lgs/0f ug{ d'l:sn kg{
;Sg] .
 jftfj/0fLo r]tgfsf] :t/ sd ePsf]n] klg a9L hf]lvd x'g ;Sg] .
g]kfndf eO/x]sf cg's'ngsf k|of;x?M
 :yfgLo cg's'ng sfo{qmdx? sfof{Gjogdf /x]sf] .
 /fli6«o cg's'ngsf sfo{qmdx? nfu" ePsf] .
 :yfgLo cg's'ngsf of]hgfx? ag]sf] .
 /fli6«o cg's'ngsf of]hgfx? aGg] qmddf /x]sf] .
 j}slNks pmHff{sf] ;|f]tx?sf] vf]h, k|of]u a9bf] .
 s[lif k|0ffnLdf ljljw k|ljlwsf] k|of]u .
 ljkbsf] b[li6n] hf]lvdo'Qm If]qdf a:g]
j:tLnfO{ j:tL :yfgfGt/0f ug]{ k|of; .
 hnsf d'xfgx? ;+/If0f sfo{qmd .
 j[Iff/f]k0f sfo{qmd .
 l;d;f/ If]qsf] ;+/If0f e}/x]sf] .
 ljjw klx/f] u|:t If]qdf t6aGw sfo{qmd .
 :yfgLo k|ljlwsf] ;+/If0f . lxdfnL / kxf8L lhNnfdf kfgL
36\6x? lgdf{0f .
 :yfgLo afnLx?nfO{ k|f]T;fxg . :ofp v]tL, a];f/ v]tL ,
hl8a'6L v]tL cflb .
 ljkb k|ltsfo{, k"j{tof/L sfo{of]hgf .
 ld>Lt afnLsf] v]tL . cflb .
hnjfo' kl/jt{g ;DaGwL n}+lus tyf ;fdflhs ;dfj]zLs/0f /0fgLlt tyf
sfo{of]hgf -@)&& @)*&_
kl/sNkgf -;f]r_M
n}+lus ;dfgtf tyf ;dflhs ;dfj]zLs/0f ;lxtsf] hnjfo' pTyfgzLn ljsf;
dfkm{t ;d[4 /fi6« lgdf{0fdf of]ubfg .
hnjfo' kl/jt{g cg's"ng / Go"lgs/0fsf lg0f{o k|lqmof tyf ;|f]t / ;fwgdf dlxng
tyf ;+s6f;Gg ;d'bfosf] kxF'r a9fO{ plgx?sf] cg's"ng Ifdtf j[l4 ug]{ .
pb]Zox? M
 ;+3Lo , k||fb]lzs tyf :yfgLo txsf hnjfo' kl/jt{g ;DaGwL gLlt, of]hgf,
ah]6 tyf k|lqmofx?df n}+lus ;dfgtf, dlxnf
;zlQms/0f / ;fdflhs ;dfj]zLtfnfO{ d"nk|jfxLs/0f ug]{ .
 :yfgLo txdf hnjfo' cg's"ng of]hgf th'{df / sfof{Gjog k|s[ofdf n}
+lus ;dfgtf tyf ;fdflhs ;dfj]lztf d"nk|jfxLs/0fnfO{ ;+:yfut ug]{ .
 hnjfo' kl/jt{gsf] ;fdflhs tyf n}+lus k|efjsf] cWoog cg';Gwfg n}+lus
tyf ;fdflhs ;dfj]zLs/0fsf vl08s[t tYof+s Pj+ ;"rgfx? ;+sng, e08f/0f
Pj+ ljZn]if0f ug]{ .
 hnjfo' kl/jt{gsf] ljtLo Joj:yfnfO{ n}+lus ;dfgtf tyf ;fdflhs Gofo k|
j4{g ug]{ u/ kl/rfng ug]{ .
 ljleGg hftL , ju{ If]q / ln+uaLr /x]sf] ;+s6f;Ggtf / cg's'Ng Ifdtfsf]
leGgtf s d ug]{ .
 hnjfo' kl/jt{g;Fu ;DalGwt cGt/f{li6«o ;GwL, ;Demf}tf
jftf{ nufot ;du| ;+oGq / k|lqmofx?df dlxnfx?sf] g]t[Tj ljsf; / ;xeflutf
a9fpg] .
 cGt/f{i6«o k|ltj4tfnfO{ gLlt, sfg'g of]hgf tyf ah]6df d'nk|jfxLs/0f
u/L ;+:yfut ug]{ .
sfj{g Jofkf/
s'g} klg /fi6«n] tf]lsPsf] Go"gtd dfqf eGbf a9L dfqfdf sfj{g8fOcS;fO8
UofF; pT;h{g u/]df b08:j?k /sd ltg'{kg]{ tyf ;f] dfqf eGbf sd pT;h{g
u/]df a9L pT;h{g ug]{ /fi6«nfO{ ljqmL ug{ kfpg] k|fjwfg cg'?ksf]
sfj{gsf] ljqmL ug]{ k4ltnfO{ sfj{g Jofkf/ elgG5 .
o;n] ljsl;t b]znfO{ lhDd]jf/L jxg ug{ tyf ljsf;zLn b]znfO{ sfj{g ;+lrtLdf
j[l4 ug{ k|]l/t u/]sf] 5 .
o;y{ sfj{g Jofkf/ sfj{gsf] pT;{hg ug{ kfpg] sf]6fsf] Jofkf/ xf] . a9L sfj{g
pT;{hg ug]{ d'n'sn] sd sfa{g pT;{hg ug]{ d'ns'sf] sf]6f v/Lb u/L sfj{g
pT;{hgsf] clwsf/ k|fKt ub{5 . cyf{t sfa{g vl/b ;Fu} o;sf] pT;{hg
ug{ kfpg] clwf/sf] l;h{gf x'G5 .
o;n] cf}wf]lus /fi6«n] cfkm\Gff] pTkfbg 36fpg' kg]{ cj:yf cfpb}g csf]
{tkm{ sd sfj{g pT;{hg /fi6«n] sfj{{g ;l~rtL u/] jfkt Ifltk"tL{ k|fKt ub{5g
Carbon trading is a market-based system that aims to provide economic incentives to encourage organizations to reduce
their environmental footprint. Unlike voluntary offsets, where consumers can choose to pay to compensate for their carbon
footprint, carbon trading is a legally binding scheme.
Carbon trading is the process of buying and selling permits and credits that allow the permit holder
to emit carbon dioxide.
Carbon trading is an administrative approach used to control pollution by providing incentives for achieving reductions in
emissions of pollutants.

 ;j{k|yd ;g\ !(^) df l;sfuf] ljZjljBfnosf cy{zf:qL /f]gfN8 sf]P;s]n] k|
b'if0f Jofkf/sf] gfdaf6 sfj{g Jofkf/sf] cjwf/0f cl3 ;f/]sf x'g\ .
 sfj{g Jofkf/sf] cjwf/0ff ;g\ !((& df hfkfgsf] Sof6f] zx/df ;DkGg t];|
f] ljZj e]nfn] Sof6f] k|f]6f]snsf] cjwf/0f cl3 a9fPsf] . oxfFaf6 o;sf] ;
+:yfut ;'?jft eof] .
 o; cle;GwLn] #* cf}Bf]lus /fi6«x?n] ;g\ @))* b]lv @)!@ ;Dddf
sfa{g nufot lu|g xfp; UofF;sf] pT;h{g ;g !(() sf] eGbf %=@ k|ltztn]
36fpg] ;xdlt ePsf] .
 olb ;f]xL jdf]lhd sd ug{ g;s]df ljZj ahf/af6 vl/b ug{ ;Sg] :jR5 ljsf; ;
+oGq -Clean Development Mechanism CDM_ sf] k|fjwfg
agfOPsf] lyof] .
 a9L sfa{g pT;h{g ug]{ d'n'sn] jftfj/0fd}qL d'n'snfO{ /sd ltg'{kg]
{ Joj:yf aGof] . o;nfO{ xfdL sfa{g Jofkf/ eGg] u5f}{+ . ul/a / cljsl;t
d"n'snfO{ sfa{g ;+lrt u/]sf] sf/0f cfDbfgL ug{ ;Sg] cj;/ ldNof] .

sfa{g Jofk/sf cj;/x?

 j}slNks pmhf{sf] k|of]udf j[l4 x'g',
 kof{Kt jg ;Dkbf sfod /xg',
 ;a} k|sf/sf] k|b'if0f lgoGq0f .
 sfj{g ljqmL ug{ kfpg] .
 sfj{g kof{Kt ;+lrlt u/]sf] d"nssf] ?kdf /xg] .
 cGt/f{li6«o hut;Fu ;'dw'/ ;DaGw /xg] .
Advantages of carbon trading
• New cash source to companies who are able to maintain their
emission levels well within the permissible limits.
• The overall ecological balance is preserved.
• The company or country gets rewarded for applying clean
technology in its production process.
• A much better corporate and social image which wins public
• Encourages activities like tree plantings which would help reduce
soil salinity, improve water quality and enhance biodiversity.
• By reducing carbon emissions, greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere will be reduced slowing heat entrapment.
• Companies that emit excess carbon dioxide will be penalized and
forced into taking more care.
• Wide ranging and comprehensive carbon trading will result in
overall reduction in greenhouse gases and hence a reduction in
global warming.

 ljsl;t / cf}Bf]lus /fi6«nfO{ k|f]T;fxg ePsf] eGg] cfnf]rgf
ul/Psf] .
 sfa{g pT;h{g ug]{ sf]6fsf] Jofkf/ ePsf] x'Fbf o;af6
pT;h{gnfO{ a9jf ldNg] b]lvG5 .
 ljsf;zLn / cljsl;t /fi6«sf] k|fs[lts clwsf/sf] vl/b ljqmL ePsf]
h:tf] b]lvg] .
 sfof{Gjog ug{ hl6n . :ki6 dfkb08sf] cefj 5 .
g]kfn /fli6«o /]8Kn; /0fgLlt -@)&%–@)&(_
b"/b[li6 hgtfsf] ;d[l4df of]ubfg ug{ jghGo kfl/l:yltsLo k|
0ffnLsf] sfj{g / u}/sfj{g nfe clej[l4 ug]{ .
kl/nIo ;a} ;/f]sf/jfnfx?sf] ;dfj]zLs/0f / Ifdtf Pj+ bIftf
clej[l4 ;lxt gLltut / ;+:yfut ;+oGq ;'wf/ ub}{ pT;h{g
Go"gLs/0f / jftfj/0fLo, ;fdflhs / cfly{s nfe clej[l4sf nflu jghGo
kfl/l:yltsLo k|0ffnLsf] pTyfgzLntf clej[l4 ug]{ .

!= hnjfo' kl/jt{g Go"gLs/0f / cg's"ngsf] cjwf/0ffdf cfwfl/t eO{
;a} kl/l:yltsLo If]qx?df lbuf] jg Joj:yfkgnfO{ pGgt agfpFb} /
jg ljgfz Pj+ IfoLs/0fsf sf/0f / k|efjx? 36fpFb} sfj{g pT;h{g
s6f}tL / sfj{g ;l~rlt clej[l4 ug]{ .
@= jftfj/0fLo / ;fdflhs ;'/Iff dfkb08sf] k|efjsf/L sfof{Gjog ub}
{ jgdf cfl>t cflbjf;L hghflt / :yfgLo ;d'bfo, dlxnf, dw]zL, blnt,
ljkGg / cGo clwsf/jfnfx? aLr sfj{g tyf u}/sfj{g
nfesf] ;dGoflos afF8kmfF8 ;'lglZrt ug]{ / jg ;|f]tdflysf] clwsf/
clej[l4 ug]{ .
#= jgdf cfl>t cflbjf;L hghflt / :yfgLo ;d'bfo, dlxnf, dw]zL,
blnt / ljkGg ju{sf] /f]huf/Lsf cj;/x?df ljljwLs/0f ug]{ /
hLljsf]kfh{gsf ;|f]tx? j[l4 ug]{ .
$= jg If]qdf sfj{g / u}/sfj{g nfex?nfO{ cGt/;DalGwt ug{, ;
+:yfut Ifdtf / ;dGjo clej[l4 ug{, ;'zf;g, n}lËs ;dtf / ;fdflhs Gofo
clej[l4 ug{ /fli6«o tyf cGt/f{li6«o cfjZostf / dfkb08x?;Fu
tfnd]n vfg]u/L /fli6«o gLlt tyf sfg"gx?df ;fd~h:otf / ;'wf/ ug]{
%= uxg lsl;dsf] dfkg, cg'udg, k|ltj]bg / k|df0fLs/0f ;
+oGq ;lxtsf] /fli6«o jg cg'udg k|0ffnLsf] :yfkgf / ;'wf/ ug]{ .

 g]kfnsf] ;+lawfg -@)&@_ adf]lhd ;+3Lo nf]stflGqs

u0ftGq g]kfnsf] d"n ;+/rgf ;+3, k|b]z / :yfgLo tx u/L tLg
txsf] x'g] / sfa{g ;]jf ;+3sf] clwsf/ ;"lr -cg';"rL %_ df /
x]sf] 5 .
 jg P]g, @)&^ df sfa{g ;]jf / ;f]af6 k|fKt
x'g] ;]jfnfO{ jftfj/0fLo ;]jfsf] ¿kdf lnO{Psf] -bkmf @ -
e_ / sfa{g ;l~rlt tyf pT;h{g Go"gLs/0faf6 k|fKt
nfesf]Joj:yfkg, pkof]u tyf nfef+;sf] af+8kmf+8 g]kfn
;/sf/n] lgwf{/0f u/] adf]lhd x'g] -bkmf $$ -s_ pNn]v 5.
 To;} u/L jftfj/0f ;+/If0f P]g, @)&^ df g]kfn ;/sf/n] sfa{g
pT;h{g Go"gLs/0f / ;l~rlts/0fsf nflu
cGt/f{li6«o ;lGwaf6 :yflkt ;+oGq, ljb]zL ;/sf/ jf ;+:yf,
Aoa;flos lgsfo jf lghL If]q;Fu x'g] sfa{g Jofkf/ df efu
lng ;Sg] Joj:yf -bkmf @* -!_ / x]sf] 5 .
 jg gLlt, @)&% df sfa{g pT;h{g Go"gLs/0f ug{ sf7sf]
pTkfbg / ;b'kof]u a9fpg] ;fy} jg If]qaf6 sfa{g pT;h{g
Go"gLs/ 0fdf k'¥ofOg] of]ubfg jfkt cGt/f{li6«o ;
+oGqaf6 e'QmfgL kfpg] ca;/ sf] pkof]u ul/ g] gLltut
Joj:yf / x]sf] kfOG5 .
 /fli6«o hnjfo' kl/jt{g gLlt, @)&^ df lbuf] jg Joj:yfkg
canDag u/L jgsf] sfa{g ;l~rlt a[l4 ul/ g]kfn /]8Kn;
dfkm{t sfa{g ;l~rlt a9fO{ k|fKt cfly{s nfesf] Gofof]lrt
ljt/0f ul/g], /]8Kn; / sfa{g Jofkf/ cflbaf6 ljQLo >f]t k|
flKt / kl/rfng ul/g] pNn]v 5 .
 g]kfn ;/sf/ -sfo{ ljefhg_ lgodfjnL, @)&$ adf]lhd
sfa{g ;]jf / sfa{g ;l~rlt g]kfn ;/sf/ , jg tyf jftfj/0f
dGqfnosf] sfo{If]qdf /x]sf]df jg ljgfz / jgsf] IfoLs/0f
/f]sL jgsf] lbuf] Joj:yfkg dfkm{t sfa{g ;l~rlt
a9fO{ sfa{g Jofkf/ ug]{ ;DaGwL sfd o; s]Gb|sf]
sfo{ lhDd]jf/Ldf kb{5 .
The Paris Agreement (COP 21)
 On 12 December 2015, Parties to the UNFCCC reached a landmark
agreement to combat climate change and intensify actions and
investments needed for sustainable low carbon future.
 Long term Temperature goal: aims to keep a global temperature
increase even further 1.5 degree Celsius.
 Global peaking and climate neutrality:
 Mitigation: established binding commitments to all nations to
publish their strategies for mitigating green house gases .
 Adaptation: establish a global goal on adaptation. Enhancing
adaptive capacity, strengthing resilience and reducing vulnerability
to climate change.
 Finance , Technology and capacity building support:
 Climate change education, training, public awareness, public access
to information:
 Global Stocktake: Every 5 year, assess on collective progress toward
achieving the purpose of Paris Agreement.

Can Carbon markets bring radical emissions reduction:

1. Carbon market as loophole
2. Carbon market as unjust development
3. Carbon market as regressive
4. Carbon markets as utopian faith in pricing
5. Carbon markets as technocracy: cost benefit analysis, made by
economists , scientists , parliamentarians etc

z'Go sfa{g pT;h{gdf g]kfn

 hnjfo' kl/jt{gdf dxTjk"0f{ of]ubfg k'ofpg] , xl/t u[x Uof;
pT;h{gdf g]kfnsf] e"ldsf Go"g cyf{t )=)@& k|ltzt /x]sf] .
 cf}Bf]lus /fi6«x?sf] xl/tu[x Uof; pT;h{gn] ljZjtfkdfg j[l4
eO{ g]kfnn] ljleGg c;/ v]Kg'k/]sf] 5 .
 ;g !((* b]lv @)!& sf] cjlwdf hnjfo' kl/jt{gsf] lx;fan] rf}yf] clt
k|efljt /fi6«sf ?kdf /x]sf] .
g]kfndf xl/tu[x Uof; pT;h{gsf] If]qut cj:yf
 g]kfndf s[lif If]qn]] ;a}eGbf a9L dfqfdf xl/tu[x UofF;
pT;h{g ug]{ .
 ;g @)!) df s[lifaf6 @ s/f]8 @$ nfv &! xhf/
sfj{g8fOcS;fO8 OlSje]n]G6 6g xl/tu[x UofF; pT;h{g
ePsf] .
 xl/tu[x UofF; pT;h{gsf] csf]{ k|d'v >f]t kz'kfng xf] .
ldy]g / dnd'qaf6 gfO6«; cS;fO8 Uof; pTkfbg x'g] .
 xl/tu[x UofF; pT;h{g pBf]u If]qaf6 !@ nfv %& xhf/ ,
 cfjf; If]qaf6 ^ nfv *) xhf/
 kmf]xf]/d}nfaf6 % nfv $# xhf/
 oftfoft If]qaf6 !^ nfv !! xhf/ sfa{g8fOcS;fO8
OlSje]n]G6 6g xl/tu[x Uof; pT;h{g ePsf] .
 Jofkfl/s If]qaf6 ! nfv (% xhf/ sfa{g8fOcS;fO8
OlSje]n]G6 6g xl/tu[x Uof; pT;h{g ePsf] .
 xfn oftfot If]qdf &=#k|ltztn] OGwg vkt a9]sf] .
 pBf]uwGbfdf @=#* k|ltztn]
 s[lif If]qdf @=#$ k|ltztn]
 clxn]sf] cj:yfdf xl/tu[x Uof;sf] pT;h{gsf] cj:yfaf/]
cWoog ePsf] gkfOPsf] .

vlgh OGwg cfoft / Jofkf/ 3f6f

 s'nf Jofkf/sf] sl/a !% k|ltzt lx:;f vlgh OGwg cfoftn]
cf]u6g] .
 s'n phf{sf] !% k|ltztn] k]6«f]lnod kbfy{n]
 g]kfndf ;g @))&÷@))*df #^ s/f]8 $) nfv cd]l/sL
8n/sf] k]6«f]lnod kbfy{sf] cfoft ul/Psf]df ;g @)!
&÷@)!* df sl/j ! cj{ %@ s/f]8 8n/sf] cfoft ePsf] .
h'g !) aif{ otf $ u'0ffn] a9]sf] .
 x/]s jif{ !) k|ltztn] dfu j[l4 ePsf] b]lvG5 .
 vlgh OGwgdf ul/g] vr{af6 k|ltjif{ !%) d]=jf=
ljh'nL pTkfbg ug{ ;lsg] .
 sl/j *@ k|ltzt hgtf sf7 bfp/fd} lgeP/
 k]l/; ;Demf}tfdf /fli6«o txdf ul/Psf] of]ubfg cg';f/
g]kfnn] ;g @)%) ;Dddf gljs/0fLo phf{sf] df
a9fpb} *) k|ltzt k'ofpg nIo /x]sf] .
 gljs/0fLo pmhf{;DaGwL * j6f sfj{g cfof]hgf
hnjfo" kl/jt{g;DaGwL UNFCCC df btf{ ePsf] . !^
nfv 6g k|dfl0ft xl/tu[x Uof; pT;h{g Go"lgs/0f u/L
g]kfnn] sfj{g Jofkf/af6 xfn;Dd sl/a Ps ca{eGbf
a9L ?k}of cfDbfgL u/]sf] .
sfj{g Jofkf/ / g]kfn

 ljZj j}+s;Fu sfj{g Jofkf/ ;Demf}tf ug]{ g]kfn !@ cf}+ d'n's xf] .
 ;g\ @)@$ ;Dd () nfv 6g sfj{g j]r]/ $% cj{ sdfpg] nIo .
 g]kfnn] ;g\ @)@@ df k|ltj]bg j'emfP/ klxnf] ls:tf lng] bf]>f]
ls:tf ;g\ @)@% df lng] .
 g]kfnsf] sfj{g pT;{hg )=# k|ltzt /x]sf] 5 eg] xl/t u[x UofF; pT;
{hg )=)@% /x]sf] 5 .
 /f}tx6 b]lv s~rgk'/ ;Dd t/fOsf !# lhNnfdf -xfn_ sfj{g ;l~rlt x'g] ljZj
j}+sn] k|ltj4tf hgfO ;s]sf] 5 .
 cGo lhNnfdf ;l~rt sfj{g Jofkf/sf nflu GFC ;Fu ;Demf}tf ug]{
/0fgLlt /x]sf] 5 .
sfj{g Jofkf/sf] k|lqmof
 ;jeGbf klxn] GFC cjwf/0ff kq / k|:tfj j'emfpg' kb{5 .
 UNFCCC sf k|fjwfg k"/f u/]sf] x'g kb{5 .
 Red Plus sf] /0fgLlt tof/ kg'{ kg]{ .
 sfj{g pT;h{g ;DjGwL cfwf/ljGb' k|:Tf't ug'{ kg]{ .
 /fli6« jg cg'udg k|0ffnL :yflkt ug'{ kg]{ .
 ;'/Iff ;"rgf k|0fnL h8fg u/]sf] x'g kg]{ .
hnjfo' kl/jt{g / sfj{g pT;{hgdf b]lvPsf ;d:ofx?
 hnjfo' kl/j{tsf] c;/ cToflws ty hnjfo' kl/jt{gdf g]kfnsf] e'ldsf gu0o
 hnjfo' kl/j{tsf ljleGg cGt/fli6« ;lGw jdf]lhd ;xof]u /fzL Go"g /x]sf]
 hnjfo' kl/j{tsf c;/, k|efj / Iflt ;DjGwL cWoog cg';Gwfgsf] sdL
 hnjfo' ljifodf kof{Kt jh]6 ljlgof]hg gx'g'
 sfj{g Jofkf/sf] cjwf/0ffnfO{ ljZj ;d'bfon] uf}0f ljifodf lng'
 ljZj hnjfo' sf]ifjf6 kof{Kt /sd k|fKt gx'g'
 sfj{g Jofkf/sf] /sdsf] ;xL ;b'kof]u gx'g'
g]kfnn] cfufdL lbgdf s] ug]{ M

 sd ljsl;t d'n'sx?;Fu ;dGojo ub}{ cl3 a9g] .

 :yfgLo afl;GbfnfO{ agsf] ;+/If0f u/]jfkt ljljw ;x'lnot, ljsf; sfo{qmd .
 xl/t ;x/sf] cjwf/0ff sfof{Gjog .
 hnjfo' cg's'ngnfO{ k|fyldstf lbg] .
 hnjfo' kl/jt{gsf] Ph]G8fnfO k|fyldstfdf /fVg] .
 r'/] If]q, jg If]q, hnfwf/ If]q, h}ljs ljljwtf nufot jftfj/0f :jR5 /fVg] .
 lghL, ;/sf/L tyf cGo If]qnfO{ xfdL sfj{g pT;h{af6 k|efljt ePsf] ljifo
a'emfO{ kl/rfng ug]{ .
 o; If]qsf] oyfy{k/s tYofÍ k|fKt ug]{ .
 hnjfo' kl/jt{g gLlt @)&^ n] klxrfg u/]sf If]qdf hnjfo' c'gs'ng /
Go"lgs/0f sfo{qmd nfu' ug]{ .
 of] cGt/f{li6«o s'6lgltsf] ljifo ePsf]n] ljz]if ;DaGw :yflkt ug]{ .
 ;femf Ph]G8fsf] ?kdf ;a}n] lng] t/ hf]lvd Go"lgs/0f tyf cg's'ng
JolQmut ?kdf a'lem kxn ug]{ .
 /f;folgs tyf cf0fljs xftxltof/sf] k|of]udf aGb]h nufpg]
ljljw hnjfo' ;Dd]ngdf g]kfnsf d'4fM
 hnjfo' kl/jt{g;Fu ;d~h:otf :yflkt ug{ ;g @)#) ;Dd
g]kfnnfO{ @$ cj{ 8n/ / c;/ sd ug]{ pkfosf nfuL @% ca{ 8n/
nfUg] .
 g]kfn PSn]}n] ;f] ef/ y]Ug g;Sg] . ljZj ;d'bfosf] ;xfotf
cfjZos .
 hnjfo' ljtLo sf]if, ;fwg / ;|f]tdf g]kfnn] cfkmgf] kx'Fr :yflkt
ug{ g;s]sf] .
 ;+o'Qm /fi6« ;+3sf] l/kf]6{cg';f/ &% b]zdWo] $)
cNkljsl;t / ;fgf 6fk' b]zx? hnjfo' sfo{qmdx? k|efjsf/L ?kdf ;
+rfng u/]sf t/ a9L k|efljt klg oLg} d'n's /x]sf] .
 kf]6f]{l/sf] , >Ln+sf, 8f]ldlgsf / g]kfn ljZjd} a9L k|efljt .
g]kfn rf}yf] .
 ;a} b]zn] ;g @)#) leq} xl/tu[x Uof; pT;h{g $% k|ltztn]
36fpg] nIosf nflu g]kfnn] s8f cfjfh lbg'k'g]{ .
 g]kfnn] ;dGofosf] l;4fGt hf]8tf]8sf ;fy p7fpg] , o;af6 nfe k|
fKt ug{ . lh @) b]zx?n] ljZjsf] xl/t Uof; pT;h{gsf] &% k|lt;t
lx:;f .
 Unf]an sfj{g k|f]h]S6sf cg';f/ ;g !&%! b]lv @)!& ;Dd s'n
sfa{g8fOcS;fO; pT;h{gdf cd]l/sfsf] lx:;f @% k|ltzt, o'/f]k]nL
o'lgogsf] @@ , rLgsf] !@=%, ?;sf] ^ , hfkfgsf] $ ef/tsf] #
Sofg8sf] @ k|ltzt /x]sf] .
 k]l/; ;Demf}tfsf] k|efjsf/L sfof{Gjog ug{ g]kfnn]
ljZjnfO{ hf]8 lbg'kg]{ .
 lxdfnL If]qdf k/]sf] c;/af/] g]kfnn] g]t[Tj ug'{kg]{ . If]qLo /
cGt/f{li6«o u7aGwg agfpg'kg]{ .
sfa{g Jofkf/df g]kfnsf] ;Defjgf M
 hd{gjfr4f/f k|sflzt Unf]an SnfOd]6 l/:s OG8]S; @)@! sf cg';f/
;g @))! b]lv @)!( sf] cjlwdf hnjfo' kl/jt{gaf6 k|efljt k|d'v !)
b]zdWo] g]kfn !) cf}+ gDa/df k/]sf] .
 ;+;f/e/L $ nfv &% xhf/ JolQmn] hnjfo' k/Ljt{gsf] sf/0f Hofg
u'dfP .
 g]kfnsf] s'n If]qkmnsf] sl/j ^^ nfv x]S6/ e"efu jg If]q .
 jg tyf jftfj/0f dGqfnosf] tYofÍ cg';f/ ! x]S6/ jgn] !&^=(%
d]l6«s 6g sfa{g ;+lrt u5{ .
 g]kfnsf] s'n jg If]qaf6 ! cj{ !) s/f]8 *$ nfv &) xhf/ d]l6«s 6g
sfa{g ;+lrt x'g] b]lvG5 .
 ljZjdf k|lt d]l6«s 6g % 8n/df ljqmL e}/x]s]f .
 ! vj{eGbf a9Lsf] Jofkf/ g]kfnn] ug{ ;Sg] .
 blIf0f Pl;ofdf cGo d"n'ssf] t'ngdf g]kfnsf] cj:yf /fd|f] .
 ( nfv d]l6«s 6g ;g @)@@ df ljZj j}+s dfkm{t gj]{ /
hd{gLnfO{ g]kfnn] a]Rg] .
 ;g @))* b]lv /]8 sfof{Gjog s]Gb| :yfkgf u/L sfj{g Jofkf/sf nflu
kxn u/]sf] .
cfly{s ;j]{If0f @)&(.)*) df hnjfo' kl/jt{gM
 a9\bf] dfgjLo lqmofsnfksf sf/0f jfo'd08ndf xl/tu[x UofF;sf]
pT;h{gdf j[l4 x'g uO{ ljZjJofkL ?kdf tfkqmd j[l4 ePsf] .
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) sf]
Assessment Report k|ltj]bgsf cg';f/ k[YjLsf] cf};t tkqmd ;g !*
%)–!(() sf] t'ngfdf !=! l8u|L ;]lN;o;n]] a9]sf] 5 . hnjfo'hGo
kl/36gfdf klg ljZjJofkL ?kdf a9\sf] kfOG5 . dfgj ;d'bfo /
kfl/l:yltsLo k|0ffnLsf] ;Gt'ngdf 7"nf] r'gf}ltsf] ?kdf /x]sf] .
 ;g !(&$–@)!$ ;Dddf g]kfnsf] jflif{s cf};t tfkqmd )=)%^ l8u|
L ;]]lN;o;n] a9]sf] .
 ljZjsf] xl/tu[x Uof; pT;h{g ;g !(() df #@ cj{ %@ s/f]8 d]l6«s
6g /x]sf]df ;g @)!( df o:tf] pT;h{g $( cj{ &^ s/f]8 d]l6«s 6g
k'u]sf] . ;g !(() b]lv @)!( ;Dd ljZj xl/tu[x UofF; pT;h{g cf};t !
=$% k|ltztn] a9]sf] .
 SnfOd]6 jfr (Climate Watch) sf] tYof+s cg';f/ ljZjdf ;a}eGbf
a9L xl/tu[x UofF; pT;h{g ug]{ d"n'sx?Mdf rLg, cd]l/sf, ef/t,
o"/f]lkog o'lgogsf d"n's, OG8f]lgl;of, ?;, a|flhn, hfkfg, O/fg
hd{gL / Sofg8f 5g\ . ;a}eGbf a9L rLgsf] @$=@ k|ltzt,
cd]l/sfsf] !!=^ k|ltzt /x]sf] .
 SnfOd]6 jfr (Climate Watch) sf] tYof+s cg';f/ ljZjdf ;a}eGbf
a9L xl/tu[x UofF; pT;h{g ug]{ d"n'sx?M
-jflif{s Uof; pT;h{g bz nfv d]l6«s 6gdf_
b]z÷jif{ @)!& @)!* @)!(
rLg !!#*%=% !!*@!=^^ !@)%%
Cd]l/sf %^*(=^! %*(@=#& %&&!
Eff/t #@!%=)& ##^)=%^ ##^$
o'/f]lkog ##&(=#* #@(%=%# #!%)
OG8f]lgl;o !$$&=@@ !^(@=#^ !(^)
?; !&^(=^( !*^*=!% !(@%
A|fflhn !$&%=*@ !$#$=%! !$%@
Hffkfg !@!$=%( !!&@=#@ !!#$
O/fg (!@=&& (@%=%* *(#=*
Sofg8f &%&=#* &&^=% &&$=#

 ;g !(() b]lv @)!( ;Dd g]kfnn] pT;h{g u/]sf] xl/tu[x Uof;sf] k|

j[lQ x]bf{ ;g @))) kl5 xl/tu[x Ufo; pT;h{gsf] j[l4b/df s]xL sdL
cfPsf] b]lvPtfklg ;g @))* kl5 pRr b/ /x]sf] . ;g !(() df @ s/f]8
d]l6«s 6g xl/tu[x Uof; pT;h{g x'g] u/]sf]df ;g @)!( ;Dd
cfOk'Ubf $ s/f]8 *$ nfv d]l6«s 6g k'u]sf] .
 jg tyf jftfj/0f dGqfnosf] ;g @)@! df k|sflzt ;+s6f;Ggtf / hf]lvd
ljZn]if0f k|ltj]bg cg';f/ ;dli6ut hnjfo' kl/j{tg ;+s6f;Ggtf:t/df clt
pRr @$, pRr @^, dWod !!, Go"g !% / clt Go"g ! lhNnf /x]sf .
hf]lvd:t/df clt pRr * , pRr !#, dWod @), Go"g @! / clt Go"g !
% lhNnf /x]sf .
 hnjfo" kl/jt{g ;xof]u sfo{qmd s0ff{nL k|b]zsf #% :YffgLo txdf
sfof{Gjogdf /x]sf] . jfudtL, s0ff{nL / ;"b'/klZrd k|
b]zsf !) :yfgLo txd Osf]l;:6ddf cfwfl/t cg's'ngsf] sfo{qmd ;
+rfngdf /x]sf] . ;d[l4sf nflu jg sfo{qmd n'lDagL / dw]z k|b]zsf
%) :yfgLo txdf ;+rfngdf /x]sf] .
 kxf8L ;fgf ls;fgsf nflu cg's'ng cfof]hgf lj=;=@)&( k';df ;dfkg
ePsf] . n'lDagL, s0ff{nL / ;"b'/klZrd k|b]zsf ;fljssf @)) uflj;df ;
+rfng ePsf] . s0ff{nL / ;'b'/klZrd k|b]zsf & :yfgLo txdf
sfof{Gjogdf /x]sf] s0ff{nL vfB ;'/Iff cfof]hgf rfn' cfly{s jif{sf]
sflt{sdf ;DkGg ePsf] .
 cf=j= @)&*.)&( df ^* pBf]usf] jftfj/0fLo k|b'if0f ;DaGwL
cg'udg Pj+ lgl/If0f ePsf] . lgoldt ?kdf jftfj/0fLo cg'udg ePsf] .
@)&( d+l;/b]lv ;jf/L k|b]if0f cg'udg tyf hl/jfgf ug]{ sfo{sf] ;'?
jft ePsf] .
 jg If]qsf] sfj{g Jofkf/df ;xefuL x'g t/fOsf !# lhNnfsf] sfj{g
pT;h{g Go"gLs/0f sfo{qmd b:tfj]h :jLs[t eO ;g @)!* b]lv
sfof{Gjogdf /x]sf] .
 @)&( r}t;Dd @$! :yfgLo cg's"ng tyf hnjfo" pTyfgzLn ljsf;
of]hgf sfof{Gjogdf /x]sf . kxf8L ;fgf ls;fgsf nflu cg's'ng
cfof]hgf dfkm{t cf=j= @)&(.)*) df @%=%@ ls=dL= l;
+rfO{ s'nf] lgdf{0faf6 !($$ 3/w'/L nfeflGjt ePsf . ($ :yfgdf
ul/Psf] kfgL kf]v/L ;+/If0faf6 !(@! 3/w'/L nfeflGjt ePsf] .
#@ :yfgdf af9L klx/f] lgoGq0fsf nflu uN5L lgdf{0f u/L !)%@
3/w'/L nfeflGjt ePsf] . o:t} !$ ;+s6f;Gg 3/w'/Ldf
3/fo;L ;f}o{ pmhf{ h8fg, #*$ 3/w'/Ldf ;'wfl/Psf] r'nf] h8fg
ul/Psf] . $)# ;d"xdf hnjfo" pTyfgzLn v]tL k|j4{g ;d]t u/L
xfn;Dd (,&#* 3/w'/L k|ToIf nfeflGjt ePsf] .
 @)&( r}t;Dd @( jfo' u'0f:t/ dfkg s]Gb|x? ;+rfngdf /x]sf .
 jflif{s ah]6df hnjfo' kl/jt{g ah]6sf] cg'kft –k|ltztdf
Hfnjfo' kl/jt{g @)&&.&* @)&*.&( @)&(.*)
K|fToIf nfe %=#! %=&! %=()
ck|ToIf nfe @&=!! @&=^^ @*=)*
Tf6:y ^&=%# ^^=^$ ^^=)@
cf=j=@)&%.)&^ df s'n ah]6sf] $=^ k|ltzt ah]6 hnjfo' kl/jt{gsf
nflu k|ToIf nfe k'Ug] u/L ljlgof]hg ul/Psf]df rfn' cf=j= ;Dd
cfOk'Ubf of] cg'kftdf j[l4 eO{ %=( k|ltzt k'u]sf] b]lvG5 .

Challenges of decarbonization
• Requires significant, rapid, and sustained transformations
across different systems and sectors
• Countries face other development challenges in addition to
climate change
• Limits of ‘climate only’ projects

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