CSM Participant WorkbookV.11

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Certified ScrumMaster

Participant Guide

Sekhar Burra CEC, CTC, CST

Certified ScrumMaster

About Myself
Email: sekhar.burra@gmail.com
Location: Hyderabad, India

 Sekhar is a technocrat, management consultant and an Enterprise

Agile Transformation Coach and has over 17 years of using
methodologies from Waterfall to Agile.
 He has several years of Agile experience as a developer, Scrum
Master, Product Owner, plus leading and coaching various Agile teams.
 A Certified Scrum Trainer (CST) from Scrum Alliance, trained over
20k+ professionals across various geographies and cultures, Certified
Enterprise Coach (CEC), Certified Change Management Practitioner,
Certified Less Practitioner, PMP and PMI-ACP.
 An International Coach Federation Professional Certified Coach (ICF-
 Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching (ORSC) Practitioner.
 Currently serving on the review board of Scrum Alliance as a CEC
 A Certified Career Coach from Certified Coaches Alliance, NLP
Practitioner and also an Executive Coach from Marshall Goldsmith
Stakeholder Centric Coaching.
 One of most the respected mentor coaches in the Agile community
 A well-known speaker across various regional, Global and International
agile conferences.
 A reviewer and contributor of the book titled- “The Human Side of
Agile”, and the “The Agile Mind-Set” authored by Gil Broza.
 In the recent past, Sekhar was an active Enterprise Agile Coach at
ADP, India and Paypal, India
 Prior Roles: Executive Agile Coach, Scrum Master, Product Owner,
Engineering Manager, Product Development Consultant
 He is an engineering graduate and an MBA plus holds a PGCBM from
XLRI Jamshedpur.

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 2

Certified ScrumMaster

❑ Introduce yourself to each other
❑ Create your name plate
❑ Select a team name
❑ Select a Product Owner
❑ Select a Scrum Master
❑ Create a learning backlog – what do you hope to get out of the class
individually and as a team


Day 2
Day 1
o User Stories
o Introduction
o Dealing with Teach Debt
o Benefits of Agile
o Value of Development
o Scrum Overview
o Ice breaker
o Definition of Done
o Agile Manifesto
o Sizing Stories
o Agile Principles
o Impediment Removal
o Scrum Roles
o SM Coaching Organization
o Scrum Events
o SM Coaching Product Owner
o Scrum Artifacts
o SM as a Facilitator
o SM as a Servant Leader
o Scaling & Distributed Scrum
o CSM Certification

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 3

Certified ScrumMaster

Answer these questions.

In which phase of the process do you see most of the problems?

If you plan to do one thing differently, what would that be?

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 4

Certified ScrumMaster

Table Discussion

Discuss with your team and list down the characteristics of successful and
failed projects, 5 each

Successful Projects Failed Projects

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 5

Certified ScrumMaster

The Current Reality

Source: Standish Group Study Reported at XP2002 by Jim Johnson

What do you make out from this discussion?

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 6

Certified ScrumMaster

Agile World

How do you define agile in one word?

Give some examples, where you see agility? (you may choose to give some
non-software examples)

What is the difference between process and process framework?

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 7

Certified ScrumMaster

Why Agile?

Interpret the following pictures and write your understanding about each of

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 8

Certified ScrumMaster

Delivers better fit for purpose


Waterfall result


Source: https://www.versionone.com/agile-101/agile-software-development-benefits/

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 9

Certified ScrumMaster

Scrum Origins

Ken Schwaber Jeff Sutherland

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 10

Certified ScrumMaster

What is Scrum ?

Watch the video from Scrum Alliance and identify the vision
of Scrum Alliance

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 11

Certified ScrumMaster

SCRUM Framework at Glance

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 12

Certified ScrumMaster

Unpacking SCRUM

❑ Framework to address complex adaptive problems

❑ Delivering products of the highest possible value.
❑ Lightweight
❑ Simple to understand
❑ Difficult to master
❑ Consists of Scrum Teams and their associated roles, events, artifacts, values
and rules.
❑ It binds together the events, roles and artifacts, governing the relationship
and interaction between them.
❑ Works on inspect and adapt cycle.

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 13

Certified ScrumMaster


Recollect the definition of Sprint?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of longer sprints ?

What is the difference between Group and Team?

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 14

Certified ScrumMaster

Quick Exercise
Test your Scrum Knowledge

Create three columns on a flip chart like in the table shown below, and map
every phrase to the right column.

CORE Scrum Supporting Practices NOT Scrum

• Product Increment • Technical Tasks

• Bug Tracker • Definition of Done
• Sprint Zero • Sprint Planning
• Hardening/Integration Sprint • Burndown Chart
• Release Plan • Product Owner
• Product Backlog Refinement • QA team
• Sprint Backlog • Definition of Ready
• Sprint • Value of Courage
• User Stories • Functional Manager
• ScrumMaster • Jira ticket
• Developers • Product Goal
• Sprint Goal • Scrum of Scrums
• Story Points • Mid Sprint Review
• Sprint Review • Working Agreements
• Daily Scrum
• Project Manager
• Burnup Chart
• Business Case
• Product Backlog
• Product Backlog Item
• Testing Sprint
• Sprint Retrospective
• Velocity
Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 15
Certified ScrumMaster

Outputs vs Outcomes

1. What is the difference between output and outcomes ?

2. What are you primarily responsible for creating at the end of the
Sprint? (Outputs or Outcomes)

3. Find a real example that matches your definition

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 16

Certified ScrumMaster

Scrum: Make your work visible

What is your experience about visual indicators or information radiators?

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 17

Certified ScrumMaster

Scrum: Key differences

Identify and picturise the key differences between

1. Evolutionary Product Development and Fixed Product Development

2. Defined process and Empirical process

3. Adaptability and Upfront aggressive Predictive planning

4. Entirety in Scrum implementation and Partial implementation

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 18

Certified ScrumMaster

Three Pillars of Empirical Process

Applicability of Scrum

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 19

Certified ScrumMaster

Source: Snowden’s Cynefin Framework illustrated by Ralph Stacey

Scrum Values

Focus Commitment Openness

Courage Respect

Give an example how you can apply each of these values in your teams

Give an example how you can break each of these values in your teams

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 20

Certified ScrumMaster

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 21

Certified ScrumMaster

Lean: The 7 wastes of Software Development

How does these seven wastes relate to Scrum?

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 22

Certified ScrumMaster

Agile Manifesto

We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it

and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:

Individuals and interactions over processes and tools

Working software/Business Outcome over comprehensive


Customer collaboration over contract negotiation

Responding to change over following a plan

That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the
items on the left more.

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 23

Certified ScrumMaster

Principles behind the Agile Manifesto

We follow these principles: (if you are not from software background
replace ‘software’ word with Business outcome)
1. Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and
continuous delivery of valuable software.

2. Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile

processes harness change for the customer's competitive

3. Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple

of months, with a preference to the shorter timescale.

4. Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the

5. Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment

and support they need, and trust them to get the job done.

6. The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and

within a development team is face-to-face conversation.

7. Working software is the primary measure of progress.

8. Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors,

developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace

9. Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances


10. Simplicity--the art of maximizing the amount of work not done--is


11. The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from

self-organizing teams.

12. At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective,
then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly.

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 24

Certified ScrumMaster

Exercise: Mirroring Agile Principles (15 Min)

Map 12 Agile principles in the Uncertainty vs Positive Impact. As a

team, discuss each of the principle and draw the lines that reflect
your team decisions.
Complexity of doing it in waterfall/Traditional Org


Positive Impact on the customer in waterfall

• What is the difference between Doing Agile vs Being Agile ?

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 25

Certified ScrumMaster

Management Triangle : The new way of thinking

Articulate your understanding of this management thinking?

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 26

Certified ScrumMaster

Scrum Roles

List few characteristics of Developers?

What is the motivation behind development team talking directly to the

product owner?

What is your understanding Self-managing Scrum Team?

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 27

Certified ScrumMaster

Exercise: Product Owner

Read through each statement related to Product Owner and identify on the
scale of “Strongly Agree”, “Agree” to “Disagree” “Strongly Disagree”

• Primary job of Product Owner is requirements gathering

• Product Owner exists at various levels like “Technical" Product Owner
(usually from engineering/IT), "proxy" Product Owner, etc
• The other name for a Business analyst is Product Owner.
• One PO per development team, for multiple teams multiple PO’s are
• PO exist at various components like development PO, Testing PO, etc…
• One onsite PO and Offshore PO.
• PO being subject matter expert/domain expert.
• PO spends majority of the time writing User Stories.
• There can be multiple POs for one team (committee). Why? Why not?
• PO & Scrum Master may be the same person.
• PO ensures that optimal business value is achieved.
• PO managing “Projects” and “Programs”.
• Product Owner can connect teams directly to Stakeholders,
customers/end-users for clarifications.
• PO is responsible for the ROI of the product.
• PO decisions can be overwritten by Vice President.
• Only Product Owner can cancel the sprint.
• PO says everything is important.
• PO usually make scope, schedule, and cost trade off decisions.
• POs usually works on short term projects that stakeholders responsible
• Product Owner maintains authority over the product while working
collaboratively with the Development Team and stakeholders.

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 28

Certified ScrumMaster


Questions ?
• What are the negative consequences that arise when the Development
Team/Developers consists of fewer than three or more than nine

• Why do you think only the Product Owner can offer work to the
Development Team/Developers?

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 29

Certified ScrumMaster


Summarise your learnings about development team/developers in the space


Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 30

Certified ScrumMaster

ScrumMaster Role at a Glance

As a ScrumMaster you….

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 31

Certified ScrumMaster

You expedite Organization Agile Transformation by building high

performance teams

Exercise: Identify atleast two pros and cons for each of these

• Situation 1: Developer is also ScrumMaster

• Situation 2: Developer is also the Product Owner

• Situation 3: Product Owner is also the ScrumMaster

• Situation 4: Project Manager is also the ScrumMaster

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 32

Certified ScrumMaster

Exercise: The Role of a Scrum Master

Watch this video and complete exercise

Scrum Master’s Responsibilities

▪ Enables close cooperation across all roles and functions
▪ Helps the team solve its own problems
▪ Ensures the team follows Scrum practices
▪ Facilitates meetings
▪ Encourages the team to self-organize
▪ Insulates the team from distractions
▪ Helps the team remove impediments


1. Keep the Scrum Master’s Responsibilities (listed above) in mind while
watching the video and identify situations in which the Scrum Master failed to
uphold the responsibilities of his role and how.

2. Review your answers and create one list containing all of the situations in
which the Scrum Master from the video failed to uphold the responsibilities of
his role.

3. For each of the situations you identify, determine what you would have done
differently (if anything). Base your answers on the class material about the
Role of the Scrum Master.

4. Using the flip chart paper, create two columns: Bad Scrum Master, Good
Scrum Master. Put the items from #1 under Bad Scrum Master and items
form #2 under Good Scrum Master.

5. Determine who will speak for the team to share with the group.

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 33

Certified ScrumMaster

Exercise: Scrum Roles

Your instructor has just reviewed the classic Scrum roles and
now is your chance to practice what you’ve learned. You are
going to match each task to a role on a Scrum Team.
Working with your team, do the following:
1. On the flip chart provided, create 4 boxes at least 4-5 inches
2. Review each task and collectively determine which role is
primarily responsible for it.
3. Use stick notes to place the task on the flip chart in correct
swim lane.

ScrumMaster Product Owner

Development Team/Developers
Scrum Team

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 34

1. Create and document the vision 23.Attend Product Backlog
for the product. Refinement
2. Acts as a buffer between the 24.Improve technical practices
team and any distracting 25.Track progress of the sprint
influences 26.Make Product Backlog visible to
3. Ordering the items in the all
Product Backlog 27.Create Product backlog items
4. Facilitate meetings and always 28.Track the progress of the
acts as a coach for the Scrum release
team. 29.Coach the team
5. Optimizing value of the work 30.Participating in Product
the development Team Roadmap discussions
performs 31.Help to improve team dynamics
6. Removes team impediments. 32.Helping employees and
7. Protects team from both stakeholders understand and
internal and external enact Scrum and empirical
distractions. product development
8. Work towards accomplishing 33.Recruit new team members
sprint goals 34.Making architectural decisions
9. Deciding what work will be done 35.Ensure the flow of business
10.Being a servant leader value.
11.Estimate Stories 36.Career development and
12.Create a Release plan performance evaluations
13.Manage stakeholder 37.Ensuring that conflicts are
expectations. resolved
14.Fosters self-organization 38.Assigning the work to team
15.Answer queries of the team members
regarding how the software 39.Overall responsibility for the
should work. delivery
16.Ensuring the Developers 40.Responsible for ROI of the
understands items in the product
Product Backlog to the level 41.Handling procurements.
needed. 42.Integration with other teams
17.Finding techniques for effective 43.Update the task wall
Product Backlog management 44.Ensure Scrum rules are followed
18.Ensure Quality of Product 45.Design Product Increment
Increment 46.Clearly expressing the backlog
19.Attend Sprint Planning items
20.Attend Sprint Review 47.Causing change that increases
21.Attend Daily Scrum the productivity of Scrum Team
22.Attend Sprint Retrospective
Certified ScrumMaster

Exercise: Scrum Events

During the next section of the class your team and the instructor
will be discussing the standard Scrum Events. There are 4 of them:
Sprint Planning – PO decides what will be worked on in the sprint
and Team how it will get accomplished.
Daily Scrum – This is the daily huddle between developers
Sprint Review – Team reviews what was accomplished in the
sprint and demonstrates the product increment to the
Sprint Retrospective – Team discusses about the improvements
to be made going forward.
Product Backlog Refinement Activity – Team looks at the
Product backlog items in the upcoming sprints and refine them.
1. On the flip chart sheet provided, create a grid with 5 columns
& 2 rows. Each box on the grid represents 1 day in a 2-week
sprint. Assume that the Sprint starts on a Wed and ends on a
Tuesday. Mark on what day which event occurs


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Certified ScrumMaster

Recollect, what do you know about artifacts?

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Certified ScrumMaster

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Certified ScrumMaster

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 40

Certified ScrumMaster

Explain how Sprint Backlog can be changed during the Sprint

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Certified ScrumMaster

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 42

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Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 43

Certified ScrumMaster

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 44

Certified ScrumMaster

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 45

Certified ScrumMaster

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 46

Certified ScrumMaster

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 47

Certified ScrumMaster

Exercise : User Stories & Acceptance Criteria

Write User Stories and acceptance criteria for this project and arrange them in the
order of their business value

Develop an email application with the following features.







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Certified ScrumMaster


Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 49

Certified ScrumMaster

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 50

Certified ScrumMaster

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 51

Certified ScrumMaster

Exercise : Sizing Stories

Over time, teams build an intuitive sense of how big a story is and
how many points it should have based on their history of estimating
stories together. Planning poker works off of this shared
understanding to allow the team to quickly assess size.
Initially though, it may not be clear to the team what a “Small”
story is. When does a small story become a medium story? The
purpose of this exercise is to give you exposure to one method
used to help new teams develop estimates. The goal of this
technique is to both estimate an initial backlog and also to help
teams rapidly build an intuitive sense of size.

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 52

Certified ScrumMaster

By applying Planning Poker estimate the size

of your 4 user stories.
❑ Product Owner explains the story
❑ Team discusses the work involved
❑ Everyone estimates individually
❑ Everyone reveals their estimates simultaneously
❑ Lowest and highest estimates are justified
❑ Repeat until estimates converge

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 53

Certified ScrumMaster

Exercise: Creating Sprint Backlog

▪ Perform Sprint Planning and Create a Sprint Backlog for your team

▪ Use Capacity or velocity planning

▪ Produce a Sprint Goal for your Sprint

▪ Demonstrate how Sprint Backlog can be changed without endangering

the Sprint Goal

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 54

Certified ScrumMaster

Exercise: Scrum Events table

Working with your team, please fill this table

Purpose Agenda Timebox Participants

Sprint Planning

Daily Scrum

Product Backlog

Sprint Review


Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 55

Certified ScrumMaster

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 56

Certified ScrumMaster

Smells of Sprint Planning :

❑ Unclear / incomplete acceptance criteria

❑ Lack of estimates

❑ Entire team not present

❑ Dependencies – work that cannot start until another story has

been completed

❑ Tasks that are estimated as larger than one day (8 hours)

❑ Over / Under Committing

❑ Leaving room in the sprint for work not yet prioritized

❑ Meeting dominated by one “expert” team member

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 57

Certified ScrumMaster

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 58

Certified ScrumMaster

Smells of Daily Scrum

❑ Long discussions involving only 2 team members

❑ Team members working on tasks that are not in the sprint


❑ Side conversations / whispering

❑ Managers / stakeholders directing the team

❑ Same tasks discussed each day with little or no progress made

❑ No impediments raised

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 59

Certified ScrumMaster

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 60

Certified ScrumMaster

Smells of Sprint Review

❑ Sprint review portion missing

❑ Demo of completed work via PowerPoint slides

❑ Nothing to demo / Team not prepared

❑ No stakeholders or their representatives present

o Managers

o Internal/External Customers

o Other teams

Give one example of how a Scrum Team will inspect and adapt and
increase transparency at each of the Scrum events.

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 61

Certified ScrumMaster

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 62

Certified ScrumMaster

Smells of Sprint Retrospective

❑ Non-team members present

❑ Skipping retrospectives
❑ No priorities or action items identified
❑ Progress not made on retrospective priorities in every
❑ Blame game
❑ Lack of preparation
❑ Meeting length too short
❑ No follow through

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 63

Certified ScrumMaster

Exercise : Scrum tasks that occur within each Sprint

Read each of the sentences and match them to the respective meetings

• The Development Team everyday plan on how it intends to work

together as a self-organizing team to accomplish the Sprint Goal and
create the anticipated Increment by the end of the Sprint.

• The entire Scrum Team collaborates to understand what work can be

performed during the sprint.

• The ScrumMaster notes down any impediments that are outside of the
team’s ability to fix on their own.

• The Scrum team explains the stakeholders, what was planned for the
Sprint to what was accomplished in it.

• Each team member describes what they are planning on completing

today to accomplish the Sprint’s goals.

• The team shows the stakeholders the parts of the product

increment that were completed during the Sprint.

• The team inspects about the last sprint, identify major items that went
well and list everything that they think could have been improved.

• Each team member tries to figure out if they can help remove anything
that is blocking another team member from accomplishing the Sprint

• The Scrum Team plans ways to increase product quality by improving

work processes or adapting the definition of "Done", if appropriate and
not in conflict with product or organizational standards.

• The team breaks the stories down into work units of less than a day,
how long each task will take to complete.

• Team members self-select which stories/tasks they will complete during

the sprint.

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 64

Certified ScrumMaster

• By the end of this event, the Development Team should be able to

explain to the Product Owner and Scrum Master how it intends to work
as a self-organizing team to accomplish the Sprint Goal and create the
anticipated Increment.

• The team reviews the story/task assignments to ensure that work is

divided up appropriately and no individual team member is over

• Each team member informs the team of anything that is blocking them
from completing the goals for the Sprint.

• Team and Product Owner discusses about the stories to ensure that
they understand what needs to be completed during the current sprint,
and make trade-offs.

• The team reports to the Stakeholders how quickly the product is being

• The team re-estimates the stories selected, if necessary, based on their

current understanding of the work.

• Write two examples of Sprint Goals below

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 65

Certified ScrumMaster

The ScrumMaster as a Facilitator

The role of a ScrumMaster is one of many stances and diversity. A great ScrumMaster
is aware of them and knows when and how to apply them, depending on situation and
context. Everything with the purpose of helping people understand and apply the Scrum
framework better.

Who is a facilitator?
“Someone who helps a group of people understand their common objectives and assists
them to plan how to achieve these objectives; in doing so, the facilitator remains
‘neutral’ meaning he/she doesn’t take a particular position in the discussion. “ Key
elements of this definition (and other available definitions) are:

• Help and enable others in achieving their objectives

• Be ‘content neutral’, unbiased, not-judgemental
• Support everyone to do their best thinking and practices
• Promote collaboration and try to achieve synergy
• Provide charismatic authority

The misunderstanding
Quite often, when I ask people to describe the ScrumMaster as a facilitator, the only
answer I get is that the ScrumMaster facilitates the Scrum events. Sure, the
ScrumMaster is responsible for the Scrum process and should support the team in
optimising their process. The Scrum events are an important part of the Scrum process,
and although the ScrumMaster isn’t obligated to attend all the Scrum events personally,
he should ensure:

• That the Sprint is used as a time-box during which a ‘done’, usable and
releasable increment is created;
• That the daily Scrum is used for daily inspection of the team’s progress toward
the sprint goal;
• That the Sprint Planning is used as an event for the team to discuss, plan and
agree on a forecast for the Product Backlog Items they are confident they can
complete in order to support the goals and strategy of the Product Owner;
• That the Sprint Review is used for a demonstration and inspection of the
developed increment and adaptation of the product backlog if needed;
• That the Retrospective is used as an event during which the team inspect and
adapt their practices and processes to improve key issues that are impeding the
team’s progress.

The biggest misunderstanding is that facilitating the Scrum events is the only thing a
ScrumMaster should do as a facilitator. A great ScrumMaster however understands that
facilitation can be far more powerful…

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 66

Certified ScrumMaster

How facilitation within Scrum was really meant

As described in the definition of a facilitator, this is someone who helps a group of
people understand and achieve their objectives by promoting collaboration, optimising
the process and creating synergy within the team. Given this context, facilitation
encompasses far more than only hosting the Scrum events.
In his book ‘Scrum Mastery’ Geoff Watts describes facilitation as the underpinning skill
and behaviour of the ScrumMaster. “At all times ScrumMasters are of service to the
goals of the team, the product owner and the organisation. And, if those goals conflict,
they think of the long-term implications and the messages any compromise will send.”
A ScrumMaster should:

• Facilitate relationships and collaboration both within the team and the teams
• Facilitate the Scrum process and the continuous improvement of the process;
• Facilitate the integration of the Scrum team into the entire organisation;
• Facilitate the Scrum events to be purposeful and effective;
• Facilitate the team in achieving their (personal) objectives.

Lyssa Adkins offers a good description in her book ‘Coaching Agile Teams’: “A
ScrumMaster should facilitate by creating a “container” for the team to fill up with their
ideas and innovations. The container, often a set of agenda questions or some other
lightweight (and flexible) structure, gives the team just enough of a frame to stay on
their purpose and promotes and environment for richer interaction, a place where
fantastic ideas can be heard. The coach creates the container; the team creates the

Characteristics of a great facilitator

So a Scrum Master should facilitate by setting the stage and providing clear boundaries
in which the team can collaborate to discuss their ideas. Other characteristics of a great
facilitator are:

• Designs and leads a meeting with the responsibility to help the team reach its
goals and objectives;
• Asks powerful questions to provide new insights and perspectives;
• Listens to understand instead of listening to act;
• Creates a strong team instead of creating strong individuals;
• Helps things to happen instead of making things happen.

What great facilitation of the Scrum events looks like

Every Scrum event has a specific purpose that answers the question “Why do we do
this meeting, anyway?” A great facilitator should ensure the goal of every event is
clear, a lightweight structure is offered and the team achieves the purpose of the event.
The earlier described goals of the Scrum events are still relevant, but via great
facilitation the ScrumMaster succeeds in getting more value out of every event.
Characteristics of well-facilitated Scrum events are:

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 67

Certified ScrumMaster

• The daily Scrum contains an atmosphere where healthy peer pressure occurs
on delivery quality, commitment and addressing impediments;
• The Sprint Planning is all about collaboration between the Product Owner and
the Development team and has a strong focus on delivering business value. All
team members understand the work and jointly agree to achieve the sprint goal;
• The Sprint Review is an energising event in which the Scrum team, sponsors
and stakeholders together inspect the product increment and backlog. But also
retrospect their collaboration and how this can be improved. They act as one
team with the same purpose, there are no barriers between ‘client’ and
• The Retrospective is done in a safe atmosphere in which ‘the elephant in the
room’ is addressed, discussed and turned into actionable improvements that the
team members agree upon realising in the next sprint.

When To Use Facilitation:

This method can be used to lead group discussions that result in clearly stated ideas
and well thought out conclusions. The ORID(Objective, Reflective, Interpretive, and
Decisional) Method of facilitation can become the basis for:

• collecting data and ideas

• giving out information
• discussing tough issues
• reflecting on important issues and events
• getting ready to do a problem-solving workshop
• group preparation of reports or presentations

Summarised, great facilitation is about:

• Serving the team without being their servant;

• Helping the team make decisions and reach consensus that sticks;
• Addressing difficult attitudes, dysfunctional behaviours and unproductive
attitudes that keeps meeting from achieving their outcomes; Being a keen
• Stepping back as soon as you can support their continuous self-organisation;
• Knowing when to interrupt the team; Helping the team get quality interactions;
• Delivering questions and challenges.

Mastering these facilitation skills requires time, practice and continuous introspection
and improvement. But taking the possible results of great facilitation into account, it’s
definitely worth the effort!

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 68

Certified ScrumMaster

Please read through the “ScrumMaster as a Facilitator” writeup given and answer
the following questions

• List atleast three ways the ScrumMaster facilitates for Scrum Team.

• What are few techniques that ScrumMaster uses for facilitating group
decision making?

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 69

Certified ScrumMaster

Exercise: Team Retrospectives

Situation 1
During the last sprint, your team produced lot of
development defects, which your team couldn’t fix in the
current sprint. Your PO is very frustrated because the
Sprint Goal is not fully accomplished. The cumulative
defect count sprint over sprint is increasing and as a
team, if we do not discontinue this trend, it is going to be
a big disaster for future upcoming releases.
Situation 2
During the last Sprint planning, your team had only
accomplished a 10% of the committed Sprint Goal and
the PO is terribly upset about it. Your forecast goes bad
sprint over sprint, in the last 3 three sprints. Despite
team working overtime, several production defects show
up every sprint. Consistently, as a team, you over
commit and under deliver.
Situation 3
During the last Sprint, your team did not accomplish the
sprint goal, because a senior developer had left the team.
The skills and knowledge of this developer were
unbelievably valuable to the team and it was exceedingly
difficult to back fill this developer. This developer used to
do lot of heavy lifting in the team. Going forward, in the
best interest of the team this situation not to be

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 70

Certified ScrumMaster

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Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 80

Certified ScrumMaster

Scrum Glossary
• Burn-down Chart: a chart showing the evolution of remaining effort against time. Burn-down
charts are an optional implementation within Scrum to make progress transparent.
• Burn-up Chart: a chart showing the evolution of an increase in a measure against time. Burn-up
charts are an optional implementation within Scrum to make progress transparent.
• Collective Code Ownership: a software development principle popularized by Extreme
Programming holding that all contributors to a given codebase are jointly responsible for the
code in its entirety.
• Cross-functional: characteristic of a team holding that all the skills required to successfully
produce a releasable Increment in a sprint are available within the team, where releasable refers
to making the software available in production.
• Daily Scrum: daily time-boxed event of 15 minutes, or less, for the Development Team to re-plan
the next day of development work during a Sprint. Updates are reflected in the Sprint Backlog.
• Developer: any member of a Development Team, regardless of technical, functional or other
• Definition of Done: a shared understanding of expectations that software must live up to in order
to be releasable into production. Managed by the Development Team.
• Development Team: the role within a Scrum Team accountable for managing, organizing and
doing all development work required to create a releasable Increment of product every Sprint.
• Empiricism: process control type in which only the past is accepted as certain and in which
decisions are based on observation, experience and experimentation. Empiricism has three
pillars: transparency, inspection and adaptation.
• Increment: a piece of working software that adds to previously created Increments, where the
sum of all Increments -as a whole - form a product.
• Product Backlog: an ordered list of the work to be done in order to create, maintain and sustain a
product. Managed by the Product Owner.
• Product Backlog refinement: the activity in a Sprint through which the Product Owner and the
Development Team add granularity to the Product Backlog.
• Product Owner: the role in Scrum accountable for maximizing the value of a product, primarily by
incrementally managing and expressing business and functional expectations for a product to the
Development Team(s).
• Scrum: a framework to support teams in complex product development. Scrum consists of Scrum
Teams and their associated roles, events, artifacts, and rules, as defined in the Scrum Guide.
• Scrum Board: a physical board to visualize information for and by the Scrum Team, often used to
manage Sprint Backlog. Scrum boards are an optional implementation within Scrum to make
information visible.
• Scrum Guide: the definition of Scrum, written and provided by Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland,
co-creators of Scrum. This definition consists of Scrum’s roles, events, artifacts, and the rules that
bind them together.

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 81

Certified ScrumMaster

• Scrum Master: the role within a Scrum Team accountable for guiding, coaching, teaching and
assisting a Scrum Team and its environments in a proper understanding and use of Scrum.
• Scrum Team: a self-organizing team consisting of a Product Owner, Development Team and
Scrum Master.
• Scrum Values: a set of fundamental values and qualities underpinning the Scrum framework;
commitment, focus, openness, respect and courage.
• Self-organization: the management principle that teams autonomously organize their work. Self-
organization happens within boundaries and against given goals. Teams choose how best to
accomplish their work, rather than being directed by others outside the team.
• Sprint: time-boxed event of 30 days, or less, that serves as a container for the other Scrum events
and activities. Sprints are done consecutively, without intermediate gaps.
• Sprint Backlog: an overview of the development work to realize a Sprint’s goal, typically a forecast
of functionality and the work needed to deliver that functionality. Managed by the Development
• Sprint Goal: a short expression of the purpose of a Sprint, often a business problem that is
addressed. Functionality might be adjusted during the Sprint in order to achieve the Sprint Goal.
• Sprint Planning: time-boxed event of 8 hours, or less, to start a Sprint. It serves for the Scrum
Team to inspect the work from the Product Backlog that’s most valuable to be done next and
design that work into Sprint backlog.
• Sprint Retrospective: time-boxed event of 3 hours, or less, to end a Sprint. It serves for the Scrum
Team to inspect the past Sprint and plan for improvements to be enacted during the next Sprint.
• Sprint Review: time-boxed event of 4 hours, or less, to conclude the development work of a
Sprint. It serves for the Scrum Team and the stakeholders to inspect the Increment of product
resulting from the Sprint, assess the impact of the work performed on overall progress and
update the Product backlog in order to maximize the value of the next period.
• Stakeholder: a person external to the Scrum Team with a specific interest in and knowledge of a
product that is required for incremental discovery. Represented by the Product Owner and
actively engaged with the Scrum Team at Sprint Review.
• Velocity: an optional, but often used, indication of the average amount of Product Backlog turned
into an Increment of product during a Sprint by a Scrum Team, tracked by the Development Team
for use within the Scrum Team.
• User Story: agile software development practice from Extreme Programming to express
requirements from an end user perspective, emphasising verbal communication. In Scrum, it is
often used to express functional items on the Product Backlog.

Copyright @2021-22 Sekhar Burra 82

Certified ScrumMaster


• Large Scale Scrum https://less.works

• Scrum Guide : https://www.scrumguides.org
• Wikispeed.com

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