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Starting the Adventure

f any of the characters are frequenters of brothels, Stand Out Stand-up
you could have Madame Belle approach them asking
for help. You can also start this adventure with the While the party is out and about, they can come across an
players outside La Maison Derrière, or you can use elderly Gnome is a suit that's seen better days. The Gnome is
the following hooks to get the players involved. Mel Zats, a Commoner (MM 345), and he's being attacked by
5 human Thugs (MM 350), Alice, Bob, Charlie, Dave, and
Eve, looking to steal his wallet. Mel will call out to the party
for help, and the thugs will immediately turn and start
Adventure Hooks attacking the players.

Here are some adventure hooks you can use to setup this If any of them get dropped below half health or are
adventure before hand. successfully convinced to back off, such as through
Intimidation or Persuasion, they'll run off down and alley
Request for Help Poster before disappearing down into the sewer, securely
barricading the manhole behind them, making pursuit

You can have the players come across this poster put up in impossible. Killing any of them, even in self defense, will get
inns, pubs, and other gather spots. The poster is just text. the guards involved, since they'll show up just after the thugs
flee, although the group of thugs is known to the guards, so
Arcane Help Needed they'll let the party off with a warning.
La Maison Derrière is in need of help from adventurers well
Mel will then introduce himself as "Mel Zats, Comedian"
and thank the party for coming to help him (regardless if they
versed in arcane knowledge, particularly with curses and the
did or not), pointing out that the party seems quite strong, and
removal there of. One of our employees has come under the that maybe they can help a friend of his. He'll pull out a copy
effect of a strong and malicious curse. This curse is much of the poster and hand it to one of the players, explaining that
stronger than a simple Remove Curse can fix, and requires one of the courtesans at La Maison Derrière, is being afflicted

more work than casting a spell. We will provide further details
in person. If you are successful in removing the curse and
helping our employee return to normal, we can give you a
reward of 1000 gold pieces. Please come to La Maison
by a terrible curse that can't be fixed with a simple Remove
If the players ask him what his connection to La Maison
Derrière is, he'll tell them that it's run by his old friend
Madame Belle, and that he performs stand-up comedy there
Derrière on Lover's Lane in the Entertainment district as soon
as you are able. If they ask him what kind of place La Maison Derrière is,
he'll straight up tell them it's a quality Burlesque and Brothel
House, and that they also serve a good rabbit stew.
If the players accept the request, Mel will be glad and can
show the players there right then since he's on his way to get
ready for tonight's show. He'll lead the players there, take
them right past Bart mentioning that they're here to offer

their help, and take them to Belle's office.


The Cursed Courtesan

La Maison Derrière
If the players enquire about other services available, Bart
Approaching La Maison will inform them that the Mansion offers 60-minute
Massages, both with (2 gp) or without (1 gp) a Happy Ending,
Derrière regular sex (4 gp), as well as the Master/Mistress experience
(10 gp) from some of the staff. Some staff are also available
La Maison Derrière is an old looking, large building with as Escorts to well regarded clients (ie those that have been
lavender siding and purple-red roofing surrounded by tall iron coming for a while and developed a good standing) starting at
wrote fencing. It has many windows, but closed curtains in all a minimum of 5 gp an hour. Bart will also note that "we no
of them prevent anything from being seen in them. A large longer accept livestock, especially chickens, and will only take

porch and set of double doors seem to be inviting, but there coin as payment."
are no signs of any sort beyond a small wood plaque on the
door reading "La Maison Derrière". 2. Backroom

No one is outside the house, but as people get closer, they can This back room has several boxes piled in its corners, and an
hear music coming from within. The front doors are old couch that, while covered in various faded stains and
unlocked. scratches, is still a perfectly good couch.

1. Entrance way If the players look through the boxes, they'll find some boxes
of mugs and bowls, and other boxes full of party supplies.
The walls are painted a regal red with numerous paintings on
the walls. To one side of the hallway is a stair well leading
upstairs, and to the other is a young man sits at a lectern

facing the entrance, looking at you with a wide happy grin.
Music can be heard coming from behind a curtained door
behind the man. Across from that is a door with a washroom
sign above it, and to the back is a door that says "Staff Only".
If any of the characters have been to La Maison Derrière
before, the young man, Bart (TCC 34), will greet the
character by name and welcome them back, before
introducing himself to any new people. If everyone is new
then he introduces himself as below.
"Hello!" the young man greets you, "Welcome to La Maison

Derrière, always good to see new people come and visit. I'm
Bart, if there's anything we can get you, please feel free to ask,
but do please remember to be courteous to our courtesans or
you will suffer the consequences of your actions," he says with
a brief flash of a dangerous smile before returning to normal.
"So, what brings you here today?"

If the players say they're there to help with the curse, Bart
will nod knowingly and ask them to follow him, taking them
through the backroom to Belle's office.
If the players ask about the music or what's behind the
curtain, Bart will tell them that that's the Burlesque stage,
where people can pay 2 sp to watch the evening's
entertainment (the afternoon show is on it's last act so they
can pay now for the whole evening), which consists of an
opening stand-up comedy act by house regular Mel Zats,
followed by several dances from the mansion's staff, with the
option to get some food and drink (see the Drinks and Meals
table for basic prices).

The Cursed Courtesan

3. Belle's Office "Well, it does sound like you have qualifications, and the gods
know we could use any help we can get. You see 3 days ago,
Regardless of who is leading the characters here, Mel or Addove, one of our staff, received an anonymous gift. Those
Bart, the description below should remain the same. sorts of things aren't uncommon around here, but what it did
was. It was a necklace, and either as soon as she put it on or
[Mel/Bart] lead you into the back of the building to an office
not long after, she was cursed. It turned her into some sort of
door. The office door is a simple door with clouded glass in it,
toad creature with rough stony skin that's constantly suffering
the words 'Head Office' painted on it. He knocks on the office
from a bit of pain, quite a difference from how she was before
door. An older woman's voice comes from the other side
as a typical happy Elf woman, and it's put her into quite the
asking a simple "Yes?". "Belle, I have some visitors for you,
they're here about the arcane problem." "Ah, please, show

"I've already tried Remove Curse and Dispel Magic, but they
them in."
didn't work. We think it probably has to do with the fact that
The office is well kept, with a few cabinets in a corner and
the necklace appears to be a lock of some sort, so the logical
several risqué pictures decorating the walls. A desk sits in the
conclusion is that we need a key, if either to break the curse
center, with an older and refined woman sitting behind it, a
on its own, or to be with the lock when we cast Remove

lovely gold necklace with an odd medallion around her neck,
Curse. That's where you come in. We need someone to find
putting away some paperwork before looking up. "Thank you
out who sent this necklace and how to undo what they did.
[Mel/Bart]," she says with a nod as they leave before turning to
Given the powerful magic involved, it's either someone rich or
you. "So, you've come to offer your help have you? Could you
powerful, or both."
please introduce yourselves and your qualifications?" she asks
"Do you think you can help us?"
as she leans back in her seat.

This is Madame Belle (TCC 33), a human woman in her late If the players agree to help, Belle will thank them politely and
40s. She has a key on a chain in her pocket that works on all ask them how she can help.
the locks in the Maison. If the players ask about the reward, Belle will tell them it's

If any of the players tried catching a glimpse of the papers
Belle was working on, they're just accounting papers.
If any players try to figure out her necklace medallion and
succeed a DC 12 Arcana, Religion or History check, they'll
recognize it as a holy symbol of Feliĉamemo, The God of
1000 gold pieces and some discounts on some of the
Maison's services, primarily the burlesque shows and bar
food, should they want.
If the players ask about getting a copy of the Rabbit Stew
recipe, Belle will be surprised and hesitate for a moment.
Love and Happiness in the Konsidio, the predominate She will agree to give them a copy provided they help Addove
religion of Plifortakune. If you're playing in the Forgotten and don't ever share it with a restaurant or similar
Realms, you can use Lliira, goddess of joy, or the establishment. If asked why she has the second condition,
predominate Joy and/or Love god of the region. she will respond that it's only to be shared among friends and
She'll listen to the party introduce themselves and explain family and leave it at that.
their qualifications. Any sort of experience dealing with If the players ask to see Addove and the necklace, Belle will
magical objects or a study of magic will satisfy her, but she take them up to Addove's room on the second floor. She will
will listen for any qualifications they list just encase they offer ask them to be quite and civil, as there are clients paying for

up any potential ideas for new acts on the stage, rarely services up here who do not wish to be disturbed. Belle will
interrupting them. She is in need of help though, and is also ask if the players have anything that would help with
unlikely to turn the party away if they seem some sort of sleep, as Addove has not been sleeping well since the curse,
competent, although she would be unlikely to reveal that. and Belle would appreciate it if they could help her get some
Belle will Insight the players to make sure she knows who rest before they leave, bemoaning the fact that the Sleep spell
can and can't be trusted to be discreet, but so long as nobody is an area of effect spell and not effective when you only want
seems like they will deliberately spread potentially harmful to help one person sleep.
If the players ask to ask staff questions Belle will tell them

information or pry unnecessarily into the staff's personal to keep it to those on the first floor, as their are paying clients
lives, she won't refuse the party's service. upstairs and it wouldn't be good for them to go stumbling
Belle will answer some questions if asked, not going into about, and will tell the players that if they do want to go
specifics before officially hiring the party. If anyone asks why upstairs to talk to Addove and examine the necklace to come
she hasn't taken this to the guards, she'll say: get her.
Belle doesn't lock the office when they leave, ("The most
"We would have taken it to the guards, but given that both our valuable thing in there is some client information, but that's
staff and clientele prefer to... keep to themselves as it were, I locked up in the cabinet.") The cabinet requires one minute
felt that bringing in some private help that could be trusted to and a DC 15 lockpicking check to open, where the players
be discreet. I can trust you to be discreet, can't I?" can find client information, although none of them are names
the players will recognize. If the player knows about Malxian,
Once she's adequately satisfied that the party might be able to they can find his address (16 White Deer Rd) and how much
help, she'll say: he's spent here in the past year (4457 gp) that includes the
note "He seems to like throwing money around, always in
gold and never takes change that isn't gold pieces."
The Cursed Courtesan
Snev does have some time open later though, after they
4. The Stage help clean up, if any of the characters want to hire Snev. Snev
will not listen to any further conversation, insisting they stop
The ceiling in here is 15 feet high, most likely to help distracting him from his duties. If they ask Snev what gender
accommodate the modest sized stage that sits against the far they are, Snev will simply reply "Snev is Snev. Calling Snev
wall a few feet up off the ground, red curtains pulled back to they/them would be most accurate, but Snev".
its edges as a Goblin woman dances in an outfit that would If the players wait and watch the show, or have just spent a
cause philosophers to debate what qualifies as clothing.
lot of time investigating the place, the Goblin woman will
keep dancing for another 15 minutes or so before giving a
A Tiefling woman stands behind the bar across from the
bow to cheers from the audience as a human guy, Adam
stage stirring a large cauldron above a sizeable fireplace in the Antlion who uses Noble stats (MM 348), walks on stage
corner, the smell of stew gently wafting by the entrance. A holding a Whispurone (TCC 32), saying:

sign on the wall lists the prices of drinks and a few meal items.
Eight small tables fill the remaining area, with all the chairs "Give it up for Paldal ladies and gentlemen! If any of you want
turned towards the stage. A few patrons sit hooting, hollering to spend some quality time with her, I believe she has some,
and cheering the Goblin girl on, paying you no attention. huh, openings tonight," he says with a sly grin as the audience
A tough looking Kobold of undetermined gender stands by a mockingly boos him for the bad joke, which he ignores as he

door marked "Staff Only", keeping an eye on the crowd as they continues, "just talk to Bart at the front desk and he'll let you
size you up with a glace before returning to the crowd. know what's still available. This is the end of our afternoon
show though, so you're welcome to stay here for the hour
If the players go to the bar, the Tiefling will come over to until the evening show starts. You can have a bowl of rabbit
them, introduce herself as Zevari (TCC 34) and ask them stew in the mean time, or something to drink. Zevari there at
what they would like, motioning to the Drinks and Meals list the bar will be happy to serve you, and then I believe she's
on the wall, and recommend the Rabbit Stew. She'll answer going to be performing on stage tonight as well, is that right?"
questions about the place as best she can, but she doesn't he asks out to Zevari, who shouts back "You bet your ass I
know anything about the situation other than that one of the
girls got cursed and that it hasn't been made known to the am!"

patrons, with anybody asking being informed that she's
unavailable. If anyone tries the Rabbit Stew they'll find it
quite delicious, and if they ask Zevari about it, she'll tell them
that it's Belle's family recipe. If the players inquire about
getting a copy of the recipe, Zevari will tell them to talk to
"There you go folks! I doubt any of you want to miss that, so
stick around! I've been you're master of ceremonies Adam
Antlion, and I hope to see you all again!" he'll say before
leaving the stage.
Belle, since she's rather protective it and probably wants to The patrons sitting at the tables will file out and head
keep it a unique feature of the Maison. upstairs to meet with courtesans with whom they've already
Cost Drinks and Meals setup appointments. None will stop to talk to the players as
3 cp A mug of Vegetable or Fruit Juice
they don't want to risk losing any time. Snev will start
collecting any dishes left at the table to bring over to Zevari,
4 cp Mug of Common Ale or Milk who will start washing them. If the players are watching
Paldal they'll see her head through a door into the backstage

5 cp Glass of Common Wine,

Plate of Appetizers (Garlicked Bread) area.
Adam will jump off the stage, head over to the bar and pour
8 cp Mug of Mead himself a drink, taking his time to enjoy it. If they players
2 sp 1 Simple Meal (Cold Salted Beef Sandwich), want to ask him any questions they can, but he doesn't know
1 pitcher of wine any specifics about the situation being an MC from the
3 sp 1 Modest Meal (Bowl of Rabbit and Vegetable Stew) Criers’ Guild they hire regularly, and not one of the staff. If
the players ask him if he's aware of any suspicious characters
that come around, Adam will say that there is one guy who's

If the players sit down at the tables, they can watch the
show uninterrupted until it ends in 15 minutes. always pushing people's comfort zones, Malxian (TCC 38), a
If the players attempt to talk to any of the patrons, they'll half-elf whose always bragging about the latest gold whatever
get dirty looks and be told to go away since they're trying to he's ordered and throwing money around, which is probably
enjoy the show. why people put up with him, even with the rumors that he
If the players try to talk to the Koblod, they'll tell the players tries to "collect" courtesans for his own personal use, but
they're busy since he has to keep alert encase anybody tries Adam doesn't know if that's true or where Malxian lives,
something. They will tell the players their name, Snev (TCC other than "somewhere in the Forest district, I think he's the
34), if asked nicely, although Snev does refer to themselves in bastard child of some 'noble' elven family so they stuck him in
the third person occasionally, but will otherwise interpret any some back corner to try and keep him away from people".
further attempts to talk to them as flirting, and will eventually Adam will direct the players to talk to Bart about Malxian
reveal that they also find the character attractive, but while since "Bart would definitely know if it's worth knowing".
they're on bouncer duty they can't spare time for the

The Cursed Courtesan

5. Backstage 10. Staff Bathroom
There are several rows of racks of outfits and jewelry back here The door to this room has a sign that says "Staff only".
that range from fancy to practically non-existent. Opening the door reveals a moderately sized washroom with a
bathtub with hot and cold taps, a toilet and two sinks. It is
Any examination of the outfits and jewelry reveal them to be clean but a bit disorganized with varies sundries here and
costume pieces and not nearly as valuable as their there around the sinks and tub.
appearance might suggest, not to mention quite recognizable
as risqué outfits. This bathroom is exclusively for the staff. The door does lock,
but the staff rarely do so unless they want some alone time or
6. Sitting Room there are clients upstairs. While the size does meet its needs,

the staff have occasionally brought up that it would be nice to
This large room has several couches and tables around it. have more of a bathhouse setup, with a place to wash and a
Nobody is here at the moment.
place to just sit an soak.

If the players ask any of the staff about the room, they'll tell
the player it's the sitting room, where the staff will sit and
wait if they're available and don't have a booking, although
sometimes they hold parties and such in there.

7. Unisex Washroom
This large washroom has 10 stalls, 2 ceramic sinks and an
elegant metal trash can. It is quite clean.

This bathroom is primarily for clients, especially those that
go to the burlesque, with the hopes that they'll be enticed by
any staff in the sitting room.
8. Second Floor Landing
The landing at the top of the stairs has a large window and two
couches. There are two hallways here, one going west and one
going east, with the eastern hallway having a small set of stairs
going up 5 feet, no doubt because of the raised ceiling below.

9. Madam Belle's Room

The door to this room is marked "Private" in simple but
elegant writing.

The door is locked. A DC 18 Lockpicking check and 5


uninterrupted minutes are needed to open it, revealing the

This bedroom is neat, tidy and well organized, with a bed,
mirrored vanity, chair, two dressers and a working bathtub
with hot and cold taps.

The dressers contain nice but not expensive clothing, some of

which is clearly erotic in intent, but the majority is just
normal clothing. There are also some erotic accessories in
one of the drawers.

The Cursed Courtesan

H - Zevari the Female Tiefling. The room is clean and well
11. Second Floor organized, with a prominent alter to Feliĉamemo (or the
appropriate god of joy/love). Nobody is in the room.
Bedrooms I - Lydia the Female Dragonborn. The room is clean and
The east and west hallways have several doors down them, organized, with a few posters of gladiators from the
each being their own bedroom. coliseum on the wall, particularly from the Giantesses
All of the bedrooms lock from the inside, including Ready to Administer Near Destruction, or GRAND, stable.
Addove's room. Each occupant has a key for their own room, A set of simple dumbbells sit in the corner. She is
and Belle and Bart have master keys that work on every door currently occupied entertaining a client in the room.
lock in the building. The doors generally aren't locked when
staff have clients, just encase there are problems. J - Boff the Genderfluid Doppelganger. The room is clean
Each room has a bed, a dresser, a mirrored vanity and a and organized, and has a collection of random and generic
chair, along with personal decorations done by the room's

knick-knacks on the dresser and vanity. They almost seem
occupant. Each room also has a medium window that can be to have been selected at random at a rummage sale in
slide open and closed about a foot, as well as a set of curtains order to fill the space. They are currently occupied
to cover the windows. entertaining a client in the room.
Two of the bedrooms on the east side are slightly larger

than the rest and have their own fully functional bathtubs.
One is available for bookings for clients that might want a
wash as part of the services, while the other is for Belle's
second in command, Bart.
The rooms are occupied and decorated as such:
A - Bart the Male Human. The room is a bit of a mess and
disorganized, with the look of a bare minimum cleaning to
keep up appearances in front of clients. A small glass
aquarium half full of water with various rocks and sticks
about it, with three small frogs enjoying the environment,

sits on a shelf above the bathtub. Nobody is in the room.
B - Paldal the Female Goblin. The bed in her room is very
low, while long strings of glass pieces tied to the ceiling
hang in the face of the average human. The glass pieces
are all small rounded miscellaneous bits, and a DC 15
Investigation roll would reveal they are small drips and
cast offs from a glass blower. The walls are plastered with
various pictures and drawing of wolves pulled from
various sources, some quite clearly ripped right out of
books. Nobody is in the room.
C - Dearnip the Female Dwarf. The room is well

organized and put away, with several small carved stone

figurines of heroic looking dwarves on her vanity. She is
currently occupied entertaining a client in the room.
D - Snev the Non-binary Kobold. The room is a bit
disorganized, with the bottom drawer of the dresser open
to reveal it full of various small tools and miscellaneous
materials for tinkering. Nobody is in the room.

E - Rodem the Male Gnome. The room is clean and

organized with several potted plants about it. A DC 15
Nature roll would reveal that one of the plants can be used
as a recreational drug that makes you calm and hungry if
ingested. He is currently occupied entertaining a client in
the room.
F - Empty. The room is clean and ready for use, with a bed
and bathtub.
G - Ailduin the Male Elf. The room is decorated with long
reems of fine fabric hanging from the ceiling in arcing
patterns. Numerous erotic accessories sit on just about
every available surface. He is currently occupied
entertaining a client in the room.

The Cursed Courtesan

If the players ask her if she knows if there's anyone who
12. Addove's Room might want to hurt her, she will nervously respond that she
The door to Addove's room is locked. Addove's key is in her doesn't, but a DC 12 Insight check will reveal that she's lying.
dresser. Addove will be rather hesitant to talk about it if pressed, with
a DC 17 Persuasion roll or bringing up Malxian specifically
(such as learning about him from Adam) needed to get her to
Belle knocks at the door before unlocking it and opening it
open up, as she's afraid that if it is Malxian, he'll do
gently. "Addove?" she'll call out softly, "Are you awake?" something even worse in retaliation. If the players fail to
The room is simple and small with a twin sized bed, a persuade Addove, Belle will encourage the players to talk to
dresser and a makeup desk with a few small plants on it. A the other staff and see if they haven't heard anything. Belle
half-eaten bowl of stew sits on the dresser. A figure lies hidden will stay with Addove while the players do this.
under the sheets of the bed, who will shout "Go away!" at you, Once persuaded, Addove will open up that Malxian has
been seeing her regularly and has expressed interest in her

followed by soft crying.
leaving La Maison Derrière and joining him at his estate,
Belle sits down on the bed and gently pats the figure's head
even directly making her an offer a few weeks ago, but she
over the sheets. "Addove, I have good news. Some people who said no because he's just a client, especially not one that she
might be able to help have come, but in order to help they particularly cares for, and she likes her life at La Maison
Derrière, with no desire to leave it. Malxian did not react well

need to examine the necklace and what it has done to you. So,
could you please come out for a bit?" to her declining his offer, storming off angrily without a word,
The figure sniffles and slowly comes outs, revealing a and she hasn't seen him since. Belle will admit that she
woman with long, stringy, mossy hair covering a sideways should have suspected as much.
stretched face with sickly grey, stony skin. Belle puts a hand on
If the players ask where Malxian lives, Addove does not
know beyond somewhere in the Forest district. Belle
her shoulder comfortingly, saying "Addove, these are the
however, does know where he lives, as she does her research
people here to help," as she introduces you. "Hi," Addove says about clients, but is hesitant to send the players to investigate
meekly. him, "because as much as I do believe he is both morally and
financially capable of this, without proof there's no
If a player casts Identify on the necklace or Addove, they'll justification to just go accusing him." Belle can be persuaded
learn all about the Heart-Lock-It (TCC 31) per its item
description. This will reveal that the necklace is called a
Heart-Lock-It, it is cursed, and it does need a key to undo the
curse, but don't learn what the key looks like or where it is.
They will also learn that Addove is affected with 3 levels of
to tell the players the address if they say they'll just go to ask
him some questions. The players could also break into the
filing cabinet in Belle's office to look up his address while
Belle is with Addove.
Talking to the Staff about Malxian
Exhaustion as a result of the curse.
If a player does a Medicine or Arcana check, they'll Trying to talk to most of the other staff about Malxian, they'll
discovered that she is indeed cursed, and suffering from 3 get a "ug, that guy" look before responding that the staff
levels of Exhaustion as a result of the curse. doesn't talk about clientele without Belle's permission, and no
If a player casts Divination, Commune or any other sort of amount of persuasion will get them to break, but will get
"Ask the Gods" spell successfully, they gods should be able to them to hint to the players to talk to Adam the MC, since they
point the players in the right direction, revealing that Addove know he isn't staff and thus could talk about him. Trying to
intimidate or threaten anyone into talking will get the player a

does know who did this to her, even if she is afraid to admit it,
giving a rough description of the culprit, a fat Half-Elf man warning to stop that least they start a fight, which will happen
with a tangled mess of thin golden hair, as well as his address if they don't.
in the Forest District. However, talking to Bart about Malxian and his
If the players attempt an Object Reading of the necklace, involvement will get the following response if the players
they'll see a fat Half-Elf man with a tangled mess of thin don't have Malxian's address:
golden hair carefully put the necklace into a small box and
remove its key, a small silver key with a bow end that looks Bart grimaces. "Well, I can't say I'm surprised, but I'm afraid I

like a heart, and putting the key in his pocket and closing the can't speak about him without Belle's permission. Oh, by the
box. way, one of you dropped this note," he'll say as he finishes
If players ask about where the necklace came from, Belle writing an address on a piece of paper and presents it to you.
will inform them that the staff regularly get gifts, sometimes
anonymously to prevent the creation of a paper trail that The address is Malxain's (16 White Deer Rd in the Forest
might get the sender into trouble, so it didn't seem suspicious District), although Bart won't acknowledge anything about the
at the time, and they've already tried to trace it that way but note, insisting that one of the players dropped it, but any
just found it was truly anonymous, with it being a plain white Insight rolls will find he's trying to help the players while
box with gold ribbon dropped into a courier drop bin. following the rules.
If the players ask Addove if she knows who did this to her,
she does not and will respond as such.

The Cursed Courtesan


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