Degrees of Comparison Part 1

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Name: ___________ Class: VIII ____

A. Fill the blanks with the appropriate degrees of comparison. (Isi titik-titik yang kosong dengan degrees of
comparison yang sesuai)

No Positive degree Comparative degree…. er than Superlative degree

(as… more …. than The…. est of….
The most
1. new newer than The newest
2. cheap cheaper than …………………..
3. fast …………………. …………………..
4. interesting …………………. The most interesting
5. enjoyable …………………. …………………..
6. carefully …………………. …………………..
7. carelessly more carelessly than …………………..
8. gently …………………. …………………..
9. bored …………………. (The) most bored
10. tired …………………. …………………..
11. pleasant …………………........ …………………......
12. bad/badly …………………........ The worst
13. narrow narrower than …………………........
14. valuable …………………....... ………………….......
15, early Earlier than ………………….......
16. happy …………................ The happiest
17. modern more modern than …………………........
18. famous ………………….. The most famous
19. bright brighter than …………………......
20. good ..................... ………………………
21 thin ………………….. ........................

B. Look at the pictures and sentences then fill out the blanks with appropriate degrees of
comparison. (Perhatikan gambar& kalimat berikut kemudian isi bagian yang kosong dengan tingkat perbandian yang
sesuai) )

1 2
3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

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