Reference - Enclosure 1 Results-Framework

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Enclosure 1

BEDP Results Framework

Pillar No. 1 Access

IO#1- All school-age children, out-of-school youth, and adults have
access to relevant basic learning opportunities

IO#1.1- All five-year-old IO#1.3- All learners transition IO#1.4- All out-of-school children &
IO#1.2- All learners stay in school
children attend school to the next key stage youth participate in formal or non-formal
basic education learning opportunities

Strategy #1
Improve access to universal kindergarten
education Strategy#2
Improve learners’ access to quality and learner- Strategy#4
 Expand access to kindergarten program Strengthen mechanism for providing
friendly environment Strengthen schools’ capacity to ensure learners’
access to basic learning opportunities
 Kindergarten facilities within standards continuity to next stage
for OOSC and OSY
provided • Digital materials for all learning areas
developed and made accessible to • Integrated public schools established in
 Hiring of Kindergarten teachers areas where access to JHS and SHS is • ALS literacy mapping strategy for
target learners
difficult identifying OSC, OSY, and OSA
 Schools and stakeholders’ capacities on • All schools have science laboratories
• Integrated public schools established in developed and implemented in divisions
parental engagement at the kindergarten • Schools implement feeding program for
level strengthened areas where access to JHS and SHS is and districts
targeted learners difficult • ALS teachers, community ALS
 Tripartite partnership with Barangay LGUs, • Health and teaching personnel trained on • Incomplete primary schools converted into implementors and learning facilitators
pre-school centers, and public schools appropriate school health and nutrition complete multigrade schools trained to use online teaching platforms
strengthened standards • New secondary schools established
• ALS teachers are deployed in high
• More schools with health and sanitation • More private schools participating in the
 Development of policy in acceleration Education Service Contracting scheme demand areas
(assessment based) • SHS course offerings within standards • New community learning centers (CLCs)
• More schools implementing learners’ mental
• SHS facilities are within standards are operational in high demand areas
 Existing Catchup program for five-year-old health and psychosocial programs
children or above not attending • Scheme for tracing learners’ completing • Access to Print and Non-Print Learning
• More schools with ideal classroom to student basic education is developed and
kindergarten is reviewed Resources in the CLCs Improved
ratio at the Elementary and Secondary levels operational • Selected CLCs are equipped with
 Strategy for mapping whereabouts of five- Strategy #3. • Elementary and secondary schools appropriate learning facilities
year-old children developed and Improve capacity to retain learners in capacitate on how to trace learners’ • Service contracting and engagement of
implemented in schools schools whereabouts,
non-DepEd ALS providers expanded
• Trace studies for ALS learners completed
 Research studies on effective of • Teachers and learning facilitators • Coordination mechanism between • ALS Internal stakeholders access to
stakeholders’ involvement in capacitated to implement remediation elementary and secondary schools training on ALS program implementation
strengthening kindergarten program programs and management of learners at established; Improved
completed risk of dropping out • Mechanism for strengthening the • ALS external stakeholders on ALS
• More schools implementing school-initiated curriculum link between elementary and program implementation improved
interventions using flexible learning options secondary established and operational; • ALS M&E system and processes
• Secondary schools implemented bridging developed and operational in all
• Schools implemented remediation programs strategies governance levels
for struggling learners • Teachers trained on identifying learning
gaps and remediation strategies; and,
• Counseling services for all students to • Counseling services of schools to address
address individual concerns provided in all learners’ concerns improved
BEDP Results Framework

Pillar No. 2 Equity

School-age children and youth, and adults in
situations of disadvantage benefited from
appropriate equity initiatives

SIO#2.1- All school-age children and youth and adults in situations of disadvantage are
participating in inclusive basic learning opportunities and receiving appropriate quality education

Strategy #1
Improve program management
and service delivery Strategy #2
Provide an inclusive,
• Coordination with LGUs and barangay effective, culturally
officials on data gathering and analysis responsive, gender- sensitive Strategy #3 Strategy #4
towards explicit solutions to identified and safe learning Improve gender-sensitive Enhance DepEd platforms for Strategy #5
barriers to education implemented environment to respond to contextualized curriculum learning resources Promoted partnerships to
• Mechanism for the enrollment of pre- the situations of and learning delivery benefit education for
identified children with disabilities in disadvantage learners in situations of
Kindergarten between and among ECCD,
• Standards, processes and • Standards, processes, and disadvantage
DSWD, NGOs, and DepEd implemented
• 10-year Program Assessment of IPEd • Policies and standards for safe and protocols for the protocols for the
accessible learning environments for contextualization of the contextualization of learning • Communication and
learners with different learning curriculum, and learning resources of inclusive education advocacy plans for inclusive
• Baseline information on the needs of all
needs are implemented delivery for inclusive education implemented education are implemented
types of learners in disadvantage completed
• Contextualized rural farm schools developed and implemented • DepEd ICT platforms and facilities • Standards and protocols for the
• Policies, standards, and program
established • Programs to address gender- with accessibility features for engagement of stakeholders in
management on programs responsive to the
• One Community Learning Center disparities among children are inclusive education are provided support of inclusive education
needs of all types of learners are developed
(CLC) per barangay established developed and implemented • Standards, processes, and protocols formulated
and implemented
• Inclusive Learning Resource Center for the contextualization of the • Partnership with external
• Learning and Development Plan for the
established curriculum, learning delivery, and providers of inclusive education
capacity development of personnel involved
• Learner support services learning resources for IPEd (for both forged
in IPEd implemented
appropriate for learners with formal and ALS) formulated • Involvement of the community
• Rights-based and culture-sensitive planning
different learning needs in the implementation of the
and M&E at various governance levels for
implemented different learning modalities
IPEd formulated and implemented
• Governance framework and partnership
mechanisms for IPEd across governance
levels developed and implemented
• Program approaches and strategies for
various typologies of IPEd-implementing
schools formulated and implemented
• Monitoring and Evaluation policy and
mechanism on inclusive education
developed and implemented
BEDP Results Framework

Pillar No. 3 Quality

Learners complete K-12 basic education having attained all learning standards that
equip them with necessary skills and attributes and are confident to pursue their
chosen paths

IO#3.1-Learners attain Stage 1 (K- Framework (PQF) level 1 (JHS curricular, co-curricular, and
Grade 3) learning standards of certificates) and Level 2 (SHS extracurricular
fundamental reading & numeracy diploma) in the qualifications • Professional development programs
skills to provide basis for success registry (including the National for instructional leaders (MTs, SHs,
in the remaining learning stages Competency Standards) PSDS, EPS) to support teacher PD in
presented for consideration by various priority areas.
Strategy #1 IO#3.2- Learners attain Stage 2 (Grades 4- the PQF National Coordinating
Ensure alignment of the curriculum, 6) learning standards in required literacy Council
instruction, and classroom & numeracy skills apply 21st century skills • Analytical reports on the results
assessment methods in all learning to various real-life situations of national and international
assessments completed and
Strategy #2
• Curriculum guides reflecting the Align resource provision with key IO#3.3- Learners attain Stage 3
socio-emotional and 21st century stage learning standards (Grades 7-10) learning standards of
skills including the appropriate literacy, numeracy skills and apply
learning approaches and assessment • Learning resources for learning 21st century skills to various real-life
are developed, disseminated, and standards reflecting the socio- situations
implemented emotional and 21st century skills
• Sustainable Development Goals and provided Strategy #3
human rights, including but not • System for the management of Assess learning outcomes at each
limited to children’s rights, integrated learning resources developed and key stage transition and for
in relevant subjects as early as Stage implemented learners in situations of
1 and until Stage 4 • System for quality assurance of disadvantage
IO#3.4- Learners attain Stage 4 (Grades 11-
• Policies and standards on Good learning resources developed and
• Revised National Assessment 12) learning standards equipped with
Manners and Right Conduct (GMRC) implemented
Framework developed and knowledge and 21st century skills
and Values Education issued and • Researches on curriculum standards,
implemented; developed in chosen core, applied and
implemented learning management, and learning
• Revised assessment programs specialized SHS tracks IO#3.5- Learners in the Alternative
• Policies, standards, and program resources and services completed
with design, tools, Learning System attain
management on curricular, co- and disseminated Stage #4
administration procedures and certification as Elementary or
curricular, and extra-curricular • Guidelines on safe use of technology Strengthen competence of teachers Junior High School completers
in the teaching and learning process guidelines developed and
developed and implemented. and instructional leaders in areas
formulated and implemented. implemented
such as content, knowledge and Strategy #5
• Mechanisms for aggregation of
pedagogy/ instruction, curriculum Ensure alignment of curriculum,
classroom assessment for
and planning, responding to learner instruction and assessment with
division-wide learning diversity, and assessment and current and emerging industry and
assessments in place and reporting global standards
• Tools and mechanism on use of • Professional development programs • Policy, platforms, and
artificial intelligence, machine for teachers developed and mechanism for
learning, and analytics for implemented in identified priority consultations on
creating predictive models of areas such as, but not limited to: curriculum, instruction,
student readiness, achievement, • Socio-emotional and 21st and assessment
literacy level, SHS track, and century skills developed and
work readiness developed and • Learning approaches and implemented
implemented learning modalities • Policy on alignment
• System for monitoring • Assessment between TEI curriculum
Philippine Qualifications • Program management on and school curriculum
BEDP Results Framework

issued and implemented

• Policy and mechanism for
tertiary schools on
providing the results of
college readiness
assessment of SHS
graduates established.

Pillar No. 4 Learners’ Resiliency and Well-Being

Learners are resilient and aware of their rights, and have the life skills to protect themselves
and their rights while being aware of their responsibilities as individuals and as members of society

SIO 4.1: Learners are served by a Department that • Feedback and accountability mechanisms for learners on emergency
adheres to a rights-based education framework at all interventions established
Strategy #5: Protect education investments from the impacts of
Strategy #1: Integrate children’s and learners’ rights in the design of natural and human-induced hazards
all DepEd policies, plans, programs, projects, processes, and systems • Risk assessment data for DDRM, CCAM, and peacebuiliding
• Laws, policies, plans, rules, and regulations, contracts, programs, established
projects, and activities containing commitments towards children’s • DRRM, CCAM, and peacebuilding plans; contingency plans; and
rights according to rights-based education framework implemented public service continuity plans in all governance levels developed
• Rights-based education (RBE) framework adopted and implemented • DRRM, Peacebuilding, and Climate change-related programs,
• Standards and mechanisms on child protection developed and SIO 4.2: Learners are safe and protected, and can protect themselves projects, and activities (PPAs), and budget in DepEd offices and schools
implemented from risks and impacts from natural and human-induced hazards annual plans developed
• M&E mechanism on rights-based education framework and legal • Functional DRRM Team organized in all governance levels
obligations and commitments on children’s rights implemented Strategy #3: Protect learners and personnel from death, injury, and • DRRM, CCAM, and peacebuilding researches published
• Child Rights in Education Desk (CREDe) institutionalized harm brought by natural and human induced Hazards • Regular programs for structural and non-structural hazard
• DepEd personnel and stakeholders trained on child rights/RBE • DepEd personnel and learners capacitated on providing MHPSS prevention and mitigation measures
• Positive discipline measures implemented in schools and community • ESD, DRRM, CCAM, and peacebuilding competencies in the K to 12 implemented.
• Child Protection Unit and Child Protection Committee structures are curriculum integrated
established • Personnel and stakeholders equipped on DRRM, CCAM, and
• Child protection policies implemented peacebuilding
• Safety and emergency supplies and equipment provided to DepEd
Strategy #2: Ensure that learners know their rights and have the life offices and schools
skills to claim their education-related rights from DepEd and other • Early Warning Systems (EWS) in DepEd offices and schools SIO 4.3: Learners have the basic physical, mental, and emotional
duty-bearers to promote learners’ well-being, while also being aware established. fortitude to cope with various challenges in life and to manage risks
of their responsibilities as individuals and as members of society
• Child rights education (CRE) integrated in the enhanced K-12 Strategy #4: Ensure learning continuity in the aftermath of a disaster Strategy #6: Provide learners with basic health and nutrition services
curriculum, extra and co-curricular programs, learning environment or emergency • Guidelines on health and safety of learners and school personnel,
and culture of the school, learning center and other learning • Internal and external partners for response, rehabilitation, and including prevention of COVID-19 developed and implemented
modalities recovery mobilized • Post COVID-19 tracking of learners’ health and nutrition conditions in
• Learning resources on children’s and learners’ rights in education • Access to relevant responses, rehabilitation, and recovery-related schools implemented
utilized datasets from school enhanced • Health personnel and program coordinators trained on management
• School-based guidelines on RBE and CRE implementation developed, • Information, education, and communication (IEC) materials in the of risky behavior and child protection issues
with consideration of school-based management, school improvement aftermath of a disaster or emergency developed and disseminated • Schools’ health facilities including WASH and clinics provided
plan, and school governance council • Guidelines on immediate response interventions for learning • School-community coordination mechanisms for health and safety of
• School personnel and parents trained on child rights education and continuity developed learners in schools established
child protection • MPHSS interventions, including referral mechanisms, for learners and • Policies, guidelines and standards on prevention of COVID-19, health
• Mechanism on learners’ participation on education and children’s personnel affected by disasters and emergencies are provided & nutrition, and adolescent health and development implemented
rights developed and implemented • DepEd inter-agency Comprehensive Rehabilitation and Recovery Plan
• Child protection committee in schools established (CRRP) for disaster and emergency developed Strategy #7: Nurture and protect learners’ mental and psychosocial
• Regions, divisions, and schools equipped in leading multi-stakeholder health
groups for the implementation of response, rehabilitation, and • Study on effects of student workloads, deadlines and other learning
recovery activities completed
• Major repair and reconstruction of infrastructure and replacement of • Teachers trained in handling students experiencing mental and
non-infrastructure damages due to disasters/ emergencies for psychosocial health issues
rehabilitation and recovery completed • DepEd personnel and learners capacitated on providing MHPSS.
BEDP Results Framework

Strategy #8: Promote learners’ physical and socio-emotional skills

• School sports and fitness development program framework
• Standards for school sports and competition programs developed
and implemented
• Teaching and non-teaching DepEd personnel trained on after-school
sports programs

Governance and Management

Efficient, agile, and resilient governance and management processes

EM #1: Education leaders implemented; • Guidelines on third-party participation

and managers practice • Standards for learning • Guidelines on modern financial in procurement developed and
management systems and processes implemented
participative, ethical, and resource development
developed and implemented • Guidelines on customized procurement
inclusive management accessible to all types of • Major management processes for selected major programs developed
processes learners formulated and (planning, budgeting, procurement, and implemented
implemented; and M&E, human resource) are integrated,
• Competency-based • System for granting access to synchronized, and coordinated in all
hiring and promotion learning resources developed governance levels
system adopted and and implemented • Guidelines for performance
management and quality assurance EM #5: Strengthen active
implemented systems developed and implemented
• SBM policy revised and collaboration with key
• Disaster risk reduction and response
implemented stakeholders
mechanisms established
• Policy guidelines for the EM #2: Ensure human • Policy and research agenda formulated
decentralization of PAPs and implemented • Framework for
resources in all governance
formulated and • Human Resource Information System stakeholder engagement
levels are sufficient, (HRIS) in all governance levels developed
implemented developed and
resilient, competent, and and implemented
• Basic education situation implemented
continuously improving • Internal Control System (ICS)
analysis and plans • Guidelines on the use
framework, guidelines and standards
submitted to LSBs/RDC adopted and implemented of SEF revised and
• NEAP transformation implemented
and other stakeholders • Guidelines for QMS developed and
deepened and further • School Governing
• Policy on synchronized implemented
institutionalized • Asset Management System Council policy revised
planning and budgeting • Professional standards implemented; and implemented
issued and implemented linked to employee EM #3: Ideal learning • Helpdesk support system for field
• Revised SIP policy environment and adequate • Policy on the use of
assessment, development, procurement operations created
partnership information
developed and rewarding, and recognition learning resources for learners • DepEd integrated logistics
implemented ensured management system implemented system issued and
• Employee welfare and implemented
• Policy on M&E Organic procurement units and
benefits standards are plantilla positions for procurement • Multisectoral youth
framework and system developed and implemented • Standards for a quality and
officers created development alliances
issued and implemented • DepEd personnel trained inclusive learning environment
• Contract management system established and
on responsive management for different learner groups for developed and implemented
the new • Standards on procurement processes,
operationalized in
processes that uphold support of ALS
inclusive and rights-based normal post COVID-19 adopted forms, and documents developed and
and implemented; implemented implementation
education • Supplier’s Registry established • Educ Forum actively
• Learning and Development • Standards for the integration
of educational technology in EM #4: Improve and modernize • Transparency mechanism developed engaged as multi-
plan developed and internal systems and processes for and implemented
teaching and learning stakeholder platform for
implemented under NEAP a responsive and efficient delivery
developed and consultation,
leadership of basic education services collaborative research
BEDP Results Framework

and analysis, and high-

level advice on strategic
basic education policy

EM #6: Enhance and

strengthen public and
private education

• Public-private
framework is developed
and implemented;
• Manual of regulations
for private schools
enhanced and
implemented; and
• Organizational and
human resource
support to qualified
personnel in private
schools are in place.

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