Management Styles

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Session (2020-2024)
Semester (Seventh)

FARYAL NAEEM MEHMOOD---------------------------20013122-001

SYEDA AMBREEN ZAHRA------------------------------20013122-022






Management Styles in Engineering Management

Effective management is crucial in any organization, including engineering firms. Different
management styles can be employed to achieve organizational goals and objectives. In this
assignment, we will explore and analyze the various management styles commonly used in
engineering management, namely autocratic, democratic, persuasive, consultative, and laissez-
faire. We will discuss the characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages of each management
style, and their suitability in different engineering management scenarios.

1.Autocratic Management Style:

The autocratic management style is characterized by a centralized decision-making process where

the manager has full authority and control over the decision-making process. Under this style,
managers make decisions without consulting the team members. They provide clear instructions
and expect strict adherence to them.


 Quick decision-making process.

 Clear and precise instructions.
 Suitable for emergency or high-risk situations.

 Lack of employee participation and input.
 Low employee morale and motivation.
 Limited creativity and innovation.

2. Democratic Management Style:

The democratic management style emphasizes employee participation and involvement in the
decision-making process. The manager encourages open communication, seeks input from team
members, and values their opinions and ideas. Decisions are made collectively through consensus.


 Encourages employee engagement and motivation.

 Enhances team collaboration and creativity.
 Boosts employee satisfaction and loyalty.


 Time-consuming decision-making process.

 Possible conflicts or disagreements among team members.
 Not suitable for urgent or time-sensitive situations.

3. Persuasive Management Style:

The persuasive management style involves managers persuading and influencing their team
members to support and execute their decisions. Managers explain the rationale behind their
decisions and convince employees of their importance.


 Managers can effectively communicate their vision and goals.

 Employees gain a better understanding of the decision-making process.
 Encourages commitment and dedication.

 Overreliance on the manager's persuasive skills.
 Possible resistance from employees who may feel coerced.
 Limited employee participation in decision-making.

4.Consultative Management Style:

The consultative management style places importance on seeking input from employees before
making a decision. Managers gather opinions and suggestions from team members, but they retain
the final decision-making authority.


 Encourages employee engagement and participation.

 Taps into the collective expertise and knowledge of the team.
 Enhances employee satisfaction and commitment.


 Time-consuming process to gather and analyze employee input.

 Potential conflicts if employees' suggestions are not incorporated.
 Decision-making authority still rests with the manager.

5.Laissez-Faire Management Style:

The laissez-faire management style involves minimal interference from managers, allowing
employees to have significant autonomy in decision-making and task execution. Managers provide
support and resources but give employees the freedom to work independently.


 Encourages employee creativity and innovation.

 Promotes a sense of ownership and responsibility.
 Suitable for highly skilled and self-motivated employees.

 Lack of direction and guidance from managers.
 Potential for decreased accountability and productivity.
 Not suitable for inexperienced or less motivated employees.

Implementation of Management Styles in Educational Institution

Consultative Management Style:

Implementation: This style could be prominent in the Academic Affairs department. When
making decisions about curriculum development, program changes, or faculty policies, leaders
may consult with faculty members, department heads, and educational experts. Input from various
stakeholders is valued to ensure that decisions align with academic goals and standards.

Persuasive Management Style:

Implementation: In the Admissions and Marketing departments, a persuasive management style

might be effective. Leaders in these areas need to persuade potential students to enroll in the
university. Clear communication of the university's strengths, unique selling points, and success
stories can be crucial to attract students and meet enrollment targets.

Democratic Management Style:

Implementation: The Student Affairs or Student Government department may adopt a democratic
approach. Decisions related to student activities, events, and policies can involve input from
student representatives and leaders. This style fosters a sense of community and ensures that the
diverse needs and preferences of the student body are considered.

Laissez-Faire Management Style:

Implementation: Within the Creative Arts or Research departments, a laissez-faire approach

might be suitable. Professors and researchers often require autonomy and creative freedom to
explore new ideas. Allowing scholars to conduct their research or artists to express their creativity
with minimal interference can lead to innovative outcomes.
Autocratic Management Style:

Implementation: In emergency situations or when quick decisions are necessary, the Campus
Security or Emergency Response departments may adopt an autocratic style. Leaders in these areas
must make swift decisions to ensure the safety and well-being of students and staff. Clear chain of
command and quick decision-making are critical in such scenarios.


In conclusion, different management styles have their own advantages and disadvantages. The
choice of management style should depend on the nature of the organization, the skills and
motivations of the employees, and the specific circumstances. Engineering managers should be
flexible in their approach and adapt their management style to meet the needs of their team and
achieve organizational goals effectively

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