Sts Scripts

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We named our persona “The Dauntless Street’o’preneurs.

At this point, here are the demographics of our interviewees. Their age is ranging
from 21 to 40 years old; their marital status is ranging from single to married;
their occupation is street vendors; their family size consist of 4 to 12 persons;
their likes is having a flexible schedule while their dislikes is having a boss.

Let’s move on to the need statements which are based on our collected data. For the
first statement, it says that “I need to need to look for a more protected place”.
Second statement, it says that “I need to find a more accessible place”. And for
the last statement, it says that “I need to look for a more secure space”

So now, we come to the next crucial point which are the pain points. There are
three reasons behind the need statements: First is the vulnerability to weather
conditions. Second is because of the limited access to public services. And lastly
is because they got ejected whenever the mayor passes by.

I’d now like to talk about the motivations and inspirations of our persona. First
is to have a higher income. Second is to provide for their family as they are the
breadwinner of their family. And lastly is to support and help their children in
school until they graduate.

I’d also like to discuss their remarkable quotes which are : “Just keep going
because it is for your family”, “Be kind to customers”, “If you have arrogant
customers, don’t answer them and always be humble”.

moving on to the next part, the behaviors that we've observed from the user are.
First, cooperative and friendly; the user is willing to be interviewed despite
being very busy. Second patient; the user is able to accept or tolerate different
circumstances in dealing with their customers and other people. Third is
hardworking; the user is diligent and working with energy and commitment in doing
it's job. And lastly, convivial; the user is very friendly and welcoming with the
customers or with everyone rather.

Finally, I’d like to end by emphasizing the three problem statements that we come
up. First, the Dauntless Street’o’preneurs need to look for a more protected place
because their spot is vulnerable to working conditions. Second, The Dauntless
Street’o’preneurs need to find a more accessible space because the access to public
services is limited. And lastly, The Dauntless Street’o’preneurs eed to look for a
more secure space because they got ejected whenever the mayor passes by.

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