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Preferred Management Courses of ABM Students of Mystical Rose School of Bulacan

and their Motivation

Significance of the Study:

To the students- The students will benefit from the study by letting them know how
they are going to be able to choose their right management course
To the parents- This research would be able to help the parents of the students to give
an advantage and disadvantage in choosing the course preference and guidance in
choosing the school for their child/s
To MRSBI- This research will give MRSBI a beneficial advantages and disadvantages for
courses preference to be offer and give them idea to cope up the student’s choice, and
this will give them knowledge to equip what are the things they must put into their

Question Form- What are the preferred management courses of ABM students of MRSBI
and their motivation in choosing such course?
The Factors and Reason of ABM Students of Mystical Rose School of Bulacan in their
Chosen Strand

Significance of the Study:

This study is conducted to find out the different factors and reason of ABM students in
their chosen strand at Mystical Rose School of Bulacan S.Y 2022-2023. The one who will
be benefited in this study are the following:
The parents or guardian- They will know the reason on why did their child chose to be
an ABM student, and with the help of the study, they will be able to know the factors
and reasons on why their child considered choosing their strand.
The ABM Students- It will help them to further understand themselves parallel to their
decision, it will also benefit and inspire them to formulate and act for their future career
Future Researchers- They can use this study as their guide or reference for their own

Question Form- What are the factors and reasons of the ABM students of Mystical Rose
School of Bulacan in choosing their strand?

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