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ISSN 00978078, Water Resources, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 6, pp. 879–885. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2010.

Original Russian Text © A.E. Asarin, L.F. Sotnikova, 2010, published in Vodnye Resursy, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 6, pp. 757–763.



Sergei Nikolaevich Kritskii—One of the Main Founders

of Stochastic Hydrology and the Theory of River Runoff
Management (on the 110th Anniversary)
A. E. Asarin and L. F. Sotnikova
DOI: 10.1134/S009780781006014X

The nearly three decades that have elapsed since 1

Sergei Nikolaevich Kritskii was born on Decem
the pass of Sergei Nikolaevich Kritskii not only miti
ber 31 (17), 1900, in Samara, in a family of a railroad
gated the sense of loss of this remarkable scientist and engineer. In 1915, because of the transfer of his farther
man, but brought to light the scientific measure of this to Tomsk–Omsk Railroad, he moved to Tomsk, where
loss and the lasting significance of his scientific heri two years later he graduated from a secondary school
tage. and entered Tomsk Institute of Technology. In 1919,
The objective of this paper is to remind or inform S.N. Kritskii was called into Kolchak’s army and sent
the reader, especially the one who came in this world as a junker to artillery school in Vladivostok. After the
or the engineering and/or scientific life after the death defeat of Kolchak in 1920, he entered the local insti
tute of technology, and in 1923 moved to Moscow,
of S.N. Kritskii, about the contribution made by this
where he made both ends meet by private tuition and
outstanding engineer and scientist during 50 years of working as a technician in the department of river
his devoted service to stochastic hydrology and solving structures in Moskomkhoz. In 1925, he entered Mos
the scientific and practical problems of water
resources management. 1
The family name Kritskii has a Ukrainian–Cossak origin.


cow Institute of Water Transport Engineers, and in of runoff values, forming lowwater and highwater
1926, with an engineer’s diploma, he started working groups with different duration.”
in Vodokanalproekt Trust, where he, together with Later, S.N. Kritskii repeatedly addressed the issues
another future outstanding scientist, M.F. Menkel, of calculations for runoff regulation [3, 4, 5, 9, 13, 25].
was working for more than 5 years. In 1932, he was for
the second time called to the army and sent to teach The first monograph of the authors—then lectur
hydraulic engineering and hydrology in Military ers in the MilitaryEngineering Academy of the Red
Engineering Academy of the Red Army. Several years Army—was planned as the first book in the work
later he started executing the duties of the head of “Engineering Hydrology” and was named “River
chair. Runoff Calculations” [2].
In 1937, S.N. Kritskii transferred to the Design Even in this work one can already see the range of
Department of Glavgidrostroi, NKVD, USSR, at the scientific interests of S.N. Kritskii: “runoff calculation
construction of the Kuibyshev (now Zhigulevskaya) based on probabilistic principles,” the application of
HPP. This was the beginning of their cooperation with different research methods, maximal runoff. In con
M.F. Menkel in Hydroproject, which would last for clusion, a statement is given, which was confirmed by
24 years. the further activity of the author “…the subordination
In 1961, S.N. Kritskii transferred to scientific of the subject and methodology of all engineering–
work, first into the Council for Studying Production hydrological works in river runoff to the needs of water
Forces (CSPF), USSR State Planning Committee, management design.”
and next, in 1968, into the newly formed, Water Prob The publications of S.N. Kritskii before 1941 [3–
lems Institute USSR Academy of Science. 7], mostly in the journal “Hydroengineering Con
As long ago as the early 1930s, S.N. Kritskii, then a struction,” are devoted to methods for calculating
lecturer in the MilitaryEngineering Academy, in runoff regulation, which he meant (though failed) to
cooperation with M.F. Menkel, made an attempt to publish in the second book of “Engineering Hydrol
systematize and generalize the methods and engineer ogy,” and to the approach to standardization of the
ing approaches used in that time in hydrological and exceedance probability of maximal water flow, which
water management calculations. is still in use in Russia and has been accepted in some
other countries. This can be illustrated by the quota
However, it was very few to generalize. Among the tion of [2]:
domestic monographs available in that time, we can
mention “Course of General Hydrology” by “The exceedance probability determined the
A.M. Svetov, “Land Hydrology” by M.A. Velikanov, degree of surety that the flow will not exceed the level
“Issues of Engineering Hydrology” by D.M. Kocher for which the hydraulic structure was designed and
gin, and “Hydrology (of DryLand Basins)” by that more or less destructive consequences that would
A.V. Ogievskii, as well as other publications of be associated with the appearance of such flow will not
M.A. Velikanov, V.M. Glushkov, M.I. L’vovich, follow. Essentially, this problem should be solved by
A.N. Markov, and D.L. Sokolovskii in Proceedings of economic comparison of the cost of extension of the
the State Hydrological Institute, have been publishing water collector structures and the losses that could fol
since 1919. Among difficultly available foreign publi low if the flow exceeds the design level. Such approach
cations, we can mention “Hydrology” (Mid, 1918), is hardly practicable. On the one hand, it is impossible
and “Fundamentals of Hydrology (Mayer, 1918– to give any accurate estimate of losses following from a
1930), proceedings of American Society of Civil Engi failure of hydraulic structures. Economic measure
neers and papers of European and American hydrolo ments are inacceptable when the catastrophe is a haz
gists and statisticians published in different journals ard to human life. On the other hand, even the calcu
(A. Hazen, A. Foster, R. Fisher, D. Hartman, lation of the recurrence of rare flow values, which is
A. Golen, etc.). based on more or less considerable extrapolation of
The first publication of S.N. Kritskii and the occurrence curves, to say nothing about other
M.F. Menkel, known to the authors, «Calculation of inaccuracies and assumptions used in the calculation,
LongTerm Runoff Regulation Based on the Theory implies a degree of convention.
of Probability” [1] was issued in 1932. As is written in In this situation, it appears more reasonable to
the introduction to this 30page paper, the proposed choose the design exceedance probability of the max
method was developed by the authors during “the imum in each individual case based on some norma
compilation of a schematic project of water supply to tive regulation of general character.”
the Donets Basin in “Vodokanalstroi” Trust,” i.e., The authors complete the section by a classifica
when solving practical design problems. tion of structures form the viewpoint of design exceed
As S.N. Kritskii noted almost 50 years later [37], ance probability of maximal flow and give a design
this work “started the application of probabilistic table where it is presented as a function of the impor
methods for calculating longterm variations in river tance of the structure and the significance of conse
runoff and it was based on a composition of variations quences of its destruction (see the table).

WATER RESOURCES Vol. 37 No. 6 2010


It is worth mentioning that the structure of the table

proposed by S.N. Kritskii in 1934, and the values given
in it are very close to the presentday standards. Exceedance probability Exceedance probability
for normal calculation, for confirmatory
S.N. Kritskii repeatedly addressed the issues of of structure
% calculation, %
standardization of maximal water flow and practical
problems of evaluating the design runoff [31, 32]. I 1–2 0.01–0.1
The greatest result of the scientific and practical II 1–2 –
activity of S.N. Kritskii and M.F. Menkel and the III 2–5 –
research group they have created was the publication IV 5–10 –
of the monographs “Hydrological Principles of River
Hydraulic Engineering” [18] and “Water Manage
ment Calculations” [21]. published) issues of the collection of papers “Prob
The former book, 34 printer’s sheets in volume is a lems of River Runoff Regulation,” published by USSR
practically complete course of engineering hydrology Academy of Sciences in 1947–1959.
for construction design and comprises two parts: river Several works of S.N. Kritskii, who was working in
flow and river runoff. The first part is devoted to river Hydroproject since 1937, are devoted to the problems
flow hydraulics, channel deformations, and the ice of parameter estimation and operational management
regime of rivers and water bodies. The second part is of reservoirs that service hydropower stations. These
represented by six chapters: runoff calculation by include, first, the nomograms he invented for deter
hydrometric data; river runoff formation; river runoff mining the power yield of an HPP, depending on run
variations; runoff calculation based on short series; off parameters, reservoir useful capacity, and the
calculation of maximal water flows during spring established capacity of the HPP [8], papers on the
floods and freshets; runoff forecast methodology. principles of the choice of HPP parameters [14], on
The monograph “Hydrological Principles of River losses resulting from power yield limitation [19], on
Hydraulic Engineering” was highly appreciated by the standardization of power yield exceedance probability
engineering and scientific community, and as long as [26], on estimating the economic efficiency of the
50 years, it is a tabletop book of hydrologists–design HPP [30]. The issues of economic substantiation of
ers. the safe power yield of HPP in the 1960s were the focus
The authors of the book were awarded Stalin Prize. of unique studies carried out with the participation of
The group of authors, headed by S.N. Kritskii and S.N. Kritskii, M.F. Menkel, M.P. Fel’dman,
M.F. Menkel, also included heads of the design divi D.V. Korenistov, I.P. Druzhinin, A.L. Velicanov, and
sions of Hydroproject: Ya.D. Gil’denblat, D.V. Ko K.N. Bestuzheva [41]. The obtained results formed
renistov, K.I. Rossinskii, and I.A. Kuz’min. the basis for practical recommendations for use in
The second monograph, “Water Management Cal projects.
culations” was the implementation of the longstand The great erudition of S.N. Kritskii and his appetite
ing plan of the researchers to generalized the methods for solving complicated problems can be seen from his
and techniques of water management calculations, publishing papers seemingly out of the range of his
they have invented and tested in the Hydroproject. main interests. This is a very interesting solution of the
Special attention was paid to the problems and problem about spreading of the flood wave during its
approaches associated with runoff regulation by reser motion along the channel [25], and analytical reviews
voirs. Problem formulation in the introduction is fol of a series of papers of French researchers on methods
lowed by chapters devoted to the specific features of for calculating HPP power yield [28] and a paper of
runoff regulation calculations based on the theory of the Australian researcher P.A. Moran about probabi
probability: runoff regulation based on a strict sched listic calculations for reservoirs [29].
ule of water yield and at variable (depending on the However, the major portion of the researches, and,
wetness of the period) yield. The problems relating to accordingly, publications of S.N. Kritskii is associated
the establishment of the initialfilling regime of a res with the issues of the stochastic nature of river runoff
ervoir is also formulated here. The section “Reservoir and the methods and instruments of its description
Operation Management” gives the first formulations and analysis. Most publications of S.N. Kritskii and
of the construction principles of operation schedules M.F. Menkel are devoted to a wide range of scientific
and the practical techniques for their use. A special and applied problems associated with variations in
chapter considers the issues of regulating spring floods river runoff (annual, seasonal, and maximal). The key
and freshets. The book is completed by chapters publications include [11, 12, 15, 16, 23, 35, 36].
devoted to hydropower calculations and the operation The paper “On Approaches to Studying Random
of chains of hydraulic structures and hydropower sta Variations in River Runoff” describes a new family of
tions. distribution curves (known for many years as the
A considerable portion of S.N. Kritskii’s papers S.N. Kritskii– M.F. Menkel threeparameter gamma
after World War II was published in six (out of the eight distribution); a number of computation techniques are

WATER RESOURCES Vol. 37 No. 6 2010


developed for the assessment of random errors in sam ern methods for runoff calculation should be a combi
ple parameters of hydrological characteristics, and for nation of physical methods of analysis with methods of
the first time, attention is attracted to the effect of mathematical statistics and probability theory. Exam
cyclicity in manyyear variations in river runoff on ples of analysis, based on the application of functional
sample estimates. and probabilistic regularities, do not compete. Each of
The study “On the Hydrological Foundations of them has its own domain of preferential application,
Runoff Regulation Theory” generalizes some studies in which, at this stage of scientific development, can
carried out by that time by wellknown foreign not be replaced by another.” The proposal to develop
(Brooks, Jarvis, Donalds) and Russian researchers statistical approaches in hydrology was supported in
(E.V. Oppokov, B.D. Zaikov, P.S. Kuzin, B.P. Mul’ “Izvestiya” newspaper by academician A.N. Kolmo
tanovskii), devoted to the issue of the stability of gorov:
the medium level and the character of river runoff “People have used water resources and construct
variations. Basing on the results of the analysis of a hydraulic structures since long ago. Because of this,
1300year series of Nile level variations at Roda some quantitative estimates of river water resources
Island, 200year series of the Seine level at Paris, and were required long since. However, it is only since the
100year water flow series for the Rhine and Oder, as end of the past century that such estimates have
well as Vltava at Prague, carried out by the researchers acquired a scientific basis—the studies of random
mentioned above, S.N. Kritskii and M.F. Menkel events, i.e., the theory of probability and mathemati
came to important conclusions. The first conclusion cal statistics. The pioneer in this line of research was
was formulated as follows: the stability of water abun the classic of geophysics, climatology, and hydrology,
dance of river systems over time “allows the data on A.I. Voeikov. The development of such studies was
runoff variations in the past to be used as a hydrologi especially active in the 1930s–1950s in the works of
cal basis for water management design.” The second D.L. Sokolovskii, S.N. Kritskii, M.F. Menkel, and
conclusion, which was repeatedly in doubt, consisted other, mostly Soviet researchers. The application
in a statement that longterm runoff variations feature objects of engineering hydrology at that time were
no regular periodicity. The only periodic component individual hydraulic structures.
in runoff variations was accepted to be “the annual The stochastic direction in hydrology and its appli
cycle, reflecting changes of seasons.” cations has made a considerable progress in a series of
In addition to these considerations, the paper dis Soviet and foreign works, including complex issues of
cussed issues, such as evaluating the accuracy of statis stochastic relationships in the regimes of a river and its
tical parameter estimation for hydrological series with tributaries, as well as regimes of different rivers and
relatively short duration, the ratio of coefficients of their runoff transformation by reservoir systems, in
variations Cv and skewness Cs in annual runoff series, particular, their chains. The stochastic hydrology,
and the agreement between theoretical distribution which provides a complete mathematical description
laws and empirical material. of natural hydrological processes, adequate to their
In [15], S.N. Kritskii addressed the hydrologists physical nature, is a necessary basis for the economic
who applied various probability distribution curves, optimization of the scheme and parameters of water
sometimes not matching the practical problems in management systems and the choice of their regimes,
hand: “The abundance of curves that practically coin as well as a means for improving the reliability of such
cide in the domain where their agreement with their systems, i.e., minimizing the probability of deficien
nature can be checked, may disorient practitioners.” cies in water supply to consumers.
Of great significance also are the publications The monographs of this cycle provide an instru
issued 60 years ago about the methods and instruments ment for solving these questions and demonstrate its
of the hydrological science, that gained the recogni successful use in the engineering practice of the USSR
tion they deserve only several decades later: these are and other countries.
papers about the application of maximum likelihood
method [17], which came into world design practice in The creation of the stochastic direction in hydrol
the past 20 years, and about the doubly limited distri ogy and water management is an important study
bution curve [24], which came into practice only in deserving a Lenin Prize.”
the 1970s, when Johnson’s distribution became popu A favorite scientific progeny of S.N. Kritskii was
lar. the problem of probabilistic description and calcula
A discussion about the line of development of the tion of level variations in closed water bodies. This
Soviet hydrology started among the scientific commu question was considered for the first time in the “Pro
nity in 1952. The official science claimed that the only ceedings of the First Meeting on Runoff Regulation,”
true are deterministic of physical methods, while prepared in 1940 and published in 1946 [10].
probabilistic approaches are perversions of the “bour In this profound and, as always, logical work, the
geois science.” In their paper published in Proceed authors gave the first description in terms of probabil
ings USSR Academy of Science in 1952 [22], ity theory of the mechanism of longterm level varia
S.N. Kritskii and M.F. Menkel noted that “the mod tions in drainless water bodies.

WATER RESOURCES Vol. 37 No. 6 2010


The mechanism of level variations in natural water Of particular interest are the sections devoted to the
bodies incorporates to elements: the active factor, application of Monte Carlo method to solving hydro
serving as the cause of variations, and a reactive factor, logical–water management problems, as well as to the
limiting the range of variations and determining the methods of mathematical description and improve
domain of level variations. The cause of water level ment of the characteristics of maximal runoff, such as
variations is the variability of climatic and hydrological truncated gamma distribution and joint analysis of
conditions (water inflow, precipitation, and evapora observational data, which form a kind of single sample
tion) that form the water balance of the water body. (for the given region or basin). When generalized sam
Speaking about the analysis of possible variations in ples are used, the variances of parameter estimates for
the level in the water body, the authors note that probability distributions of the runoff values or other
“…variations can be reduced to a permanent or tem characteristics, converted to the same formation con
poral shift of the attraction level. The former (perma ditions, are divided into two components: a random
nent shift of the attraction level) is a consequence of and a geographic, and a joint estimates is taken as the
both natural changes in the climate and runoff and final result.
artificial measures in the form of separation of a part of The second book considers the issues of modeling
water surface from the water body or withdrawal of longterm runoff series and the transformation of sta
part of runoff, for example, in the case of construction tistical parameters of runoff to manyyear values;
of powerful irrigation systems. The latter (temporal studies the problems of composition of probability dis
disturbance of equilibrium) takes place when a consid tribution functions of hydrological variables; presents
erable water mass is withdrawn at once, e.g., during approaches to the analysis and precalculation of level
the initial filling of reservoirs in the first years after variations in closed water bodies, like the Caspian and
their commissioning.” Aral seas. The appendices to the book give extended
The relationships proposed in that paper and devel tables of ordinates of threeparameter gamma distri
oped in [33] were used by the authors in the construc bution and nomograms for calculating the coefficients
tion of the first probabilistic forecast of the Caspian of variations Cv and skewness Cs by the method of
Sea levels for the future century. These fundamental approximate maximum likelihood.
works serve as a basis for some interesting studies of S.N. Kritskii combined fruitful scientific activity
longterm level variations in the Caspian and Aral seas with engineering works: during his work in Hydro
[42, 43]. project, he and M.F. Menkel supervised the prepara
When touching this issue, we should mention the tion of the hydrological and water management sec
forecasts of the Caspian Sea levels [33, 37] that were tions in the designs hydraulic structures of the Volga
given by S.N. Kritskii and M.F. Menkel in the 1960s chain, Volga–Don Canal, Asuan Hydraulic Structure,
and 1970s, i.e., several decades ahead and proved hydraulic structures in Cambodia and Vietnam. Dur
incorrect. The main causes of level rise in the Caspian ing his work in CSPF, USSR State Planning Commit
Sea in recent decades, instead of its anticipated drop, tee, and WPI, USSR Academy of Sciences,
was the extremely large natural runoff of the rivers S.N. Kritskii was a permanent member of State Expert
emptying into the sea between 1979 and 2000 and the Commission (SEC), USSR State Planning Commit
fact that the actual water consumption in the Caspian tee, a member of several domestic and foreign scien
Basin being far (by 25–40 km3) below that predicted tific and scientific–engineering councils. He and
35–40 years ago, when it was planned to irrigate 3 mil M.F. Menkel raised about twenty candidates and doc
lion ha of land only in the area east of the Volga. tors of science.
The two latest monographs of S.N. Kritskii, The scientific works of S.N. Kritskii and
“Hydrological Principles of River Runoff Manage M.F. Menkel were highly appreciated by foreign sci
ment” [39] and “Hydrological Principles of Water entists, including the wellknown Canadian researcher
Systems Management” [40], considered various prob V. Klemes [44]; academician of Bulgarian Academy of
lems of probabilistic description of longterm varia Sciences, D. Velev [45]; and L. Zyabkov [46].
tions in river runoff, described the procedure proposed The authors of this paper had the luck to work and
by the authors for the joint analysis of observational communicate with S.N. Kritskii and M.F. Menkel and
data in hydrologically homogeneous regions, and gen they thank their stars for the chance to meet those
eralized longterm studies of the authors in engineer remarkable people!
ing hydrology and in the analysis and calculation of
level variations in closed water bodies.
The former book contains a very good chapter on REFERENCES
the main types of probability distributions used to 1. Kritskii, S.N. and Menkel’, M.F., Calculation of Long
describe river runoff variations, including critical anal Term Runoff Regulation Based on Probability Theory,
ysis of Gumbel’s and Johnson’s reasoning, popular Tr. VISU. Gidrotekhnicheskii Sbornik, 1932, no. 4, p. 7–32.
abroad, and the issues of evaluating the accuracy of 2. Kritskii, S.N. and Menkel’, M.F., Raschety rechnogo
parameter estimates for threeparameter gamma dis stoka (River Runoff Calculations), Moscow: Gosstroi
tribution. izdat, 1934.

WATER RESOURCES Vol. 37 No. 6 2010


3. Kritskii, S.N. and Menkel’, M.F., River Runoff Regu 18. Kritskii, S.N. and Menkel’, M.F., Gidrologicheskie
lation with Variable Yield, Gidrotekh. Stroit., 1935, osnovy rechnoi gidrotekhniki (Hydrological Principles
no. 4, pp. 13–19. of River Hydraulic Engineering), Moscow: Akad. Nauk
4. Kritskii, S.N. and Menkel’, M.F., LongTerm Runoff SSSR, 1950.
Regulation, Gidrotekh. Stroit., 1935, no. 11, pp. 9–16. 19. Kritskii, S.N. and Menkel’, M.F., Losses from Restrict
5. Kritskii, S.N. and Menkel’, M.F., A Generalized Tech ing Water and Power Consumption as a Factor Deter
nique for Calculating Runoff Regulation Based on mining the Reasonable Size of Water Management
Mathematical Statistics, Gidrotekh. Stroit., 1940, no. 2, installations, in Problemy regulirovaniya rechnogo stoka
pp. 19–24. (River Runoff Regulation Problems), Moscow: Akad.
6. Kritskii, S.N. and Menkel’, M.F., On the Mathemati Nauk SSSR, 1950, issue 4, pp. 5–45.
cal Calculation of River Runoff Regulation, Byull. po 20. Kritskii, S.N., Menkel’, M.F., and Korenistov, D.V.,
problemam vodnogo khozyaistva AN SSSR, 1940, no. Rules for Operation Management of Reservoirs in Ser
3 4, pp. 3–10. vice of Hydropower Stations, in Problemy reguliro
7. Kritskii, S.N. and Menkel’, M.F., On Establishing the vaniya rechnogo stoka (River Runoff Regulation Prob
Coefficient of Skewness of Hydrological Series by the lems), Moscow: Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1950, issue 4,
Maximal Likelihood Method, Meteorol. Gidrol., 1941, pp. 114–134.
no. 1, pp. 12–19. 21. Kritskii, S.N. and Menkel’, M.F., Vodokhozyaistvennye
8. Kritskii, S.N. and Menkel’, M.F., Nomograms for raschety (Water Management Calculations), Moscow:
Hydropower Calculations, Gidrotekh. Stroit., 1944, Gidrometeoizdat, 1952.
nos. 5–6, pp. 3–7. 22. Kritskii, S.N. and Menkel’, M.F., Current Situation
9. Kritskii, S.N. and Menkel’, M.F., Mathematical Meth and Ways for Development of Soviet Method for River
ods for Calculating Runoff Regulation, in Tr. Pervogo Runoff Calculations, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Otd. Tekh.
soveshchaniya po regulirovaniya stoka (Proc. First Nauk, 1952, no. 6, pp. 903–919.
Meeting on Runoff Regulation), Leningrad: Akad.
Nauk SSSR, 1946, pp. 52–67. 23. Kritskii, S.N. and Menkel’, M.F., On the Estimation of
Likely Recurrence of Rarely Observed Hydrological
10. Kritskii, S.N. and Menkel’, M.F., Some Concepts of Phenomena, in Problemy regulirovaniya rechnogo stoka
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in Tr. Pervogo soveshchaniya po regulirovaniyu stoka
(Proc. First Meeting on Runoff Regulation), Lenin 24. Kritskii, S.N. and Menkel’, M.F., On DoubleLimited
grad: Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1946, pp. 76–97. Probability Distribution Curve and Its Application to
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11. Kritskii, S.N. and Menkel’, M.F., On Techniques for rechnogo stoka (River Runoff Regulation Problems),
Studying Random Variations in River Runoff, Tr. Gl. Moscow: Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1956, issue 6, pp. 218–
Geofiz. Obs. im. A.I. Voeikova, 1946, no. 29, pp. 3–32. 229.
12. Kritskii, S.N. and Menkel’, M.F., On Hydrlogical
Foundations of Runoff Regulation Theory, in Problemy 25. Kritskii, S.N. and Menkel’, M.F., On Spreading High
regulirovaniya rechnogo stoka (River Runoff Regulation Water Wave during Its Motion along a Prismatic Canal,
Problems), Moscow: Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1947, issue 1, in Problemy regulirovaniya rechnogo stoka (River Run
pp. 20–56. off Regulation Problems), Moscow: Akad. Nauk SSSR,
1956, issue 6, pp. 248–262.
13. Kritskii, S.N. and Menkel’, M.F., On Some Elements
of Reservoir Operation Regime, in Problemy reguliro 26. Kritskii, S.N. and Menkel’, M.F., Standardization of
vaniya rechnogo stoka (River Runoff Regulation Prob the Occurrenceand Technologies for the Use of Hydro
lems), Moscow: Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1947, issue 1, power, in Problemy regulirovaniya rechnogo stoka (River
pp. 57–87. Runoff Regulation Problems), Moscow: Akad. Nauk
14. Kritskii, S.N. and Menkel’, M.F., On the Principles of SSSR, 1958, issue 7, pp. 7–31.
Parameter Choice for Water Management Regulation 27. Kritskii, S.N. and Menkel’, M.F., Calculation of Long
in Reservoir, in Problemy regulirovaniya rechnogo stoka Term River Runoff Regulation Taking into Account the
(River Runoff Regulation Issues), Moscow: Akad. Correlation between the Runoff of Adjacent Years, in
Nauk SSSR, 1948, issue 2, pp. 5–42. Problemy regulirovaniya rechnogo stoka (River Runoff
15. Kritskii, S.N. and Menkel’, M.F., The Choice of Prob Regulation Problems), Moscow: Akad. Nauk SSSR,
ability Distribution Curves for River Runoff Calcula 1959, issue 8, pp. 5–36.
tions, Izv. AN SSSR. OTN, 1948, no. 6, pp. 904–917. 28. Kritskii, S.N. and Menkel’, M.F., A Review of French
16. Kritskii, S.N. and Menkel’, M.F., On the Agreement Periodic Literature on Calculations for Reservoirs in
between Theoretical Distribution Curves and Observa Service of Hydropower Plants, in Problemy reguliro
tional Data on River Runoff, in Problemy reguliro vaniya rechnogo stoka (River Runoff Regulation Prob
vaniya rechnogo stoka (River Runoff Regulation Prob lems), Moscow: Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1959, issue 8,
lems), Moscow: Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1948, issue 3, pp. 258–271.
pp. 5–69. 29. Kritskii, S.N. and Menkel’, M.F., On the Paper of
17. Kritskii, S.N. and Menkel’, M.F., On the Application P. Moran “Probabilistic Theory of Dams and Reser
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WATER RESOURCES Vol. 37 No. 6 2010

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