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DAILY School Lingig National High School Grade Level 12

Teacher RANEL D. BRIONES Learning Area PR2
Teaching Dates and Time September 18, 2023 Set 1



A. Content The characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and kinds of quantitative research


B. Performance Decide on suitable quantitative research in different areas of interest


C. Learning States research questions (CS_RS12-Id-e-4)

Competencies 1. Define research questions;
with LC code 2. Make research question
3. Value the importance of research question in the study.
II. CONTENT Research Question

A. References

1. Teacher’s
Guide pages

2. Learner’s
Material pages

3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)

B. Other Learning TV, laptop, pentel pen, manila paper, illustration board, wifi modem, cellphones


● Start with the following with a prayer and greetings

● Checking of attendance

● Setting the mood, and classroom standards

A. Reviewing WTD Celebration Kindly list all the MIDTERM EXAM National Gathering on Travel Time
previous lesson problems you have WTD Celebration
or presenting the
new lesson
experienced or
encountered in
school or your
B. Establishing a Present the
purpose for the objective by
allowing learners to
read the objectives.
C. Presenting From the problems
examples/ you had listed on
Instances of the
new lesson
the board, rank
them according to
the need for
immediate action.
D. Discussing new What are those
concepts and problems that you
practicing new
skills #1
consider not
Why do you
consider other
problems as serious
In your own
capacity as a
student, how will
you solve or lighten
the problem you
have identified as

E. Continuation of The teacher will

discussion of new discuss the
concepts leading
to formative
characteristics of a
assessment good research
F. Developing Given a chance to
Mastery help solve the
(Leads to problems that you had
formative listed on the board,
Assessment 3) select of the following
activity that suits your
1. write a letter to your
Barangay Chairman
and suggest ways to
solve your problems.
2. make a jingle about
how will you solve the
identified problem.
3. Make a poster
depicting the existing
problem in your
community for the
awareness of the
G. Finding practical
applications of
concepts and
skills in daily

a. Making
and abstraction
about the lesson

b. Evaluating
c. Additional
Activities for
application or



A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation.

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation

C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up
with the lessons.

D. No. Learners who continue to require remediation

E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did this work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can

help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized materials did I used/discover which I

wish to share with other teachers?

Monitored and evaluated by:


Secondary School Principal -I
Rubric for letter composition

Criteria Exemplary (4) Proficient (3) Basic (2) Limited (1)

The purpose is clear, The purpose is The purpose is

The letter effectively and the content is somewhat clear, but unclear, and the
addresses the purpose, mostly relevant, but the content is content is
Content and providing thorough and some minor details limited and lacks insufficient or
Purpose relevant content. may be lacking. depth. irrelevant.

The letter is well-organized

with a clear introduction, The letter is organized The organization is The letter lacks
body, and conclusion. with an introduction, attempted, but organization, and
Paragraphs transition body, and conclusion, there are significant the structure is
Organization smoothly, and ideas are but transitions may be issues with structure confusing or
and Structure logically presented. somewhat abrupt. and flow. nonexistent.
Jingle Presentation Rubric
Criteria Excellent (5) Good (4) Satisfactory (3) Improvement (2) Inadequate (1)

The jingle is
creative, original, The jingle shows The jingle is
and memorable. It some creativity, but The jingle lacks unoriginal and
stands out as unique The jingle is creative it may lack creativity and lacks creativity. It
and captures the and original, making originality or fail to originality, making it does not engage
Creativity and audience's attention it interesting for the stand out somewhat the audience
Originality effectively. audience. significantly. forgettable. effectively.

The jingle effectively The jingle The connection

The jingle clearly communicates the communicates the between the jingle
communicates the intended message or message or product, and the message or
intended message or product, but there but there are product is weak, The jingle fails to
product and aligns may be some minor notable gaps in making it difficult communicate the
Relevance to the perfectly with the alignment issues alignment with the for the audience to message or
Product/Message theme. with the theme. theme. understand. product effectively.

Melody and The melody is The melody is The melody is The melody lacks The melody is
Musical Quality catchy, well- catchy, well- somewhat catchy, catchiness or may unappealing,
composed, and composed, and but there may be not complement poorly composed,
enhances the overall contributes areas where musical the jingle and does not
impact of the jingle. positively to the quality could be effectively. Musical enhance the jingle.
Musical quality is jingle. Musical improved. quality needs
Criteria Excellent (5) Good (4) Satisfactory (3) Improvement (2) Inadequate (1)

exceptional. quality is good. improvement.

The vocal
The vocal performance is
performance is The vocal The vocal poor, making it
outstanding, with performance is good, performance is The vocal difficult for the
clear articulation, with clear satisfactory but may performance is audience to
pitch control, and articulation, pitch have some issues weak, impacting the understand or
appropriate control, and with articulation, overall quality of connect with the
Vocal Performance expression. expressive elements. pitch, or expression. the jingle. jingle.

The presentation is The presentation is

highly engaging, somewhat
capturing the engaging, with The presentation is The presentation is
audience's attention The presentation is moments of not very engaging, dull, unengaging,
from start to finish. engaging, and the audience interest. with limited and fails to capture
The delivery is delivery is confident, Delivery may lack audience interest. the audience's
Presentation Style confident and maintaining the consistent Delivery lacks attention. Delivery
and Engagement enthusiastic. audience's interest. confidence. confidence. is monotonous.

The jingle has some

The jingle leaves a The jingle has a impact but may The impact of the The jingle lacks
lasting impression positive impact and struggle to jingle is limited, and impact and fails to
and effectively effectively communicate the the message or effectively
Overall Impact communicates the communicates the intended message product may not be communicate the
intended message or intended message or or product clear to the intended message
product. product. effectively. audience. or product.
Poster Making Rubric
Needs Improvement
Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) (1)

- All required
Content and information is - Most required - Some required - Key information is
Information included. information is included. information is missing. missing or inaccurate.

- Information is - Numerous
accurate and - Information is mostly - Some inaccuracies or inaccuracies or
relevant. accurate and relevant. irrelevant information. irrelevant information.

- Clear and concise

presentation of - Content is mostly clear - Content is somewhat - Content is unclear
content. and concise. unclear or verbose. and overly verbose.

- Design is somewhat
- Design is visually appealing, and
- Visually appealing appealing and mostly organization is - Design is unappealing
Visual Design and well-organized. well-organized. inconsistent. and poorly organized.

- Effective use of - Adequate use of color, - Limited use of color, - Ineffective use of
color, fonts, and fonts, and images. fonts, and images. color, fonts, and
Needs Improvement
Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) (1)


Creativity and - Highly creative and - Creative and original - Limited creativity or - Lacks creativity and
Originality original approach. elements. originality. originality.

- Integrates unique
and engaging - Includes some unique - Few unique or engaging - Lacks unique or
features. and engaging features. features. engaging features.

- Message is clear - Message is unclear

Clarity of and easily - Message is mostly clear - Message is somewhat and difficult to
Message understood. and understandable. unclear or confusing. understand.

- Numerous
Grammar and - No grammatical or - Few grammatical or - Some grammatical or grammatical or
Spelling spelling errors. spelling errors. spelling errors. spelling errors.

- Engages the
Presentation audience - Engages the audience - Engages the audience - Fails to engage the
Skills effectively. adequately. inconsistently. audience.

- Well-practiced and - Delivery is mostly - Delivery is somewhat - Delivery is hesitant

confident delivery. confident. hesitant. and lacks confidence.
Needs Improvement
Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) (1)

Overall - Exceptional overall

Impression quality. - Good overall quality. - Adequate overall quality. - Poor overall quality.

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