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The table illustrates a comparison of three particular cities’ populations in 1990 as well as actual and

projected figures of populations in 2000.

It can be seen that the numbers of inhabitants in Sao Paulo was the highest whereas Jakarta was the
lowest. Also, the real numbers of people are significantly different from the forecasted results in

Sao Paulo starting with 15 million residents in 1990 was estimated to have an increase of around 9
million people for the next decade. In comparison, forecasts showed that figure of Shanghai and
Jakarta would experience a rise of around 3.5 million from 9 million and 13.5 million respectively.

Above all, the number of citizens was significantly lower than expected value. Sau Paulo, Jakarta, and
Shanghai the actual populations were lower by more than 3 million. Meanwhile, in Shanghai, the
projected figures for inhabitants in 2000 were lower than the past numbers of inhabitants.

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