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Animal Science I

Chapter I
Introduction Animal Science

Animal, Man and Ecosystem

Based on Genesis I
Ecosystem –

-Important part of Energy Flow and chemical recycling

 MAN is the steward and beneficiaries of all creatures

Animals and their economic Utility

Distinctive attributes of animals that make them important component of Food Production System:
- Animals fed on and convert plants and other materials which have otherwise gone into waste, into rich human
food; and
- Animal Products have chemical composition that closely resembles man’s dietary requirement and therefore
more digestible and nutritious.

 Food (the primary reason of production)

 Clothing  Medicine
 Shelter  Companionship
 Traction  Amusement /entertainment
 Transport Support other industry- glue, organic fertilizer, feed
 Cosmetic stuff, etc

Animal agriculture and the Population Problem

Mathusian Theory- population increases geometrically while production increases arithmetically – world
famine and diseases.
Population is continuously increasing – The CHALLENGE is to produce more animal products (however
Production is more and more severe)
Adoption and application of modern science and technology in the production system is the main reason in the
Increase in production in developed countries.

In the Philippines Ruminant Production can be increased/double If:

a. Crop residues, farm and industrial by-products will be fully utilized;
b. Development of production system that will be fully efficiently utilize these resources; and
c. Improvement of socio-political condition in the country side are necessary to attain this goal.

Animal Science and Animal Industry

Animal Industry depends on how it is able to respond will be changing condition of biological, socio-
economical and political environment.
Animal Science kept the industry responsive to environmental changes and challenges.
Animal science is expected to develop:
1. More efficient and productive breeds and varieties through breeding;
2. Cheaper and nutritious feed materials for animal fed;
3. New drugs and feed additives; and
4. New system of production and housing;
5. Etc.
Animal science
 Is an applied zoology. – It deals with more with domesticated animals that are raised/produces for
food, companionship, gaming and recreation, and other purposes.
 Study of biology and management of higher/domesticated animals. In detailed perspective, it refers to
different fundamental disciplines that deal with animal life.
 It is an art, a science and economics of raising domesticated animals for human consumption and
other economic purposes.

Fundamental disciplines of AS:

 Etheology
 Nutrition
 Biotechnology
 Genetics, breeding and Reproduction
 Animal husbandry
 Anatomy and Physiology
 Animal health

Objective/Purpose of Animal Science:

 Discover/generate
 Spread New knowledge – for productive, efficient, humane, and
 Apply environmentally responsible manner – for humanity

Animal Husbandry-
- Zootechniques.
- Refers to breeding, feeding, care and management of animals for the purpose of making profit in a
scientific and economic manner.
Goals of Animal Industry
-to improve production within the inevitable confines set by the requirements of sound, sustainable animal
- Development of animal disease control program
- Reproduction
- Genetic innovation/improvement
- Nutritional efficiency
- Product quality
- Conducive environment

Concerns of Animals Husbandry

 Role of livestock in the total bio-economic system
 Contribution of animals to soil fertility and structure
 Effects of grazing on growth, tilling and survival of plants-forage & pasture
 Use of crops by-products and residues as animal feed or bedding
 Industrial by-products returned to farm ecosystem as animal feeds, organic fertilizers, fuel, etc.
 Recycling animal products
 Animal-soil-crop integration
 Use of animal as source of power
 Elimination of pests, predators, weeds and diseases

Characteristics of Philippine Animal Industry

- Import Dependent
Breeders, feedstuffs, vet. Drugs and vaccines, housing & Facilities

Ruminant – extensive and backyard, depends mainly in pasture and forages

Poultry and swine – Extensive and commercial – heavily import dependent,

The country is self sufficient in chickens, eggs and porks

Beef and milk is imported

Important Factors in Animal Management

1. Motivation of the persons involved (desire/willingness) 5. Genetics
2. Level of knowledge and skills 6. Health care
3. Housing – site, materials, etc. 7. Product Technology
8. General management
4. Climate – macro & micro
Constraints to improve Animal production in developing Countries
Ecological Factors –
 Topography of the land Biological Factors –
 Soil fertility  Feed supply
 Rainfall  Water supply
 Temperature  Animal diseases
 Relative humidity  Pest
 Plant growing season  Genotype
Socio-economic factors
 Supply and Demand
 Input-output ratio
 Prices
 Religion
 Culture
 Tradition
 Politics, etc.

Effects of High Temperature in Animals

1. Rise in Rectal temperature
2. Decline in feed intake
3. Increase in water intake
4. Decrease in milk production
5. Changes in milk composition
6. Increase respiration – reduction of growth and loss of BW – decrease FCE
7. Occurrence of reproductive abnormalities –( spermatogenesis, fertility etc.)

Effects of High Humidity

1. Depresses evaporative heat loses
2. Reduces feed intake
3. Decline in production

Effects of Solar radiation

1. Causes skin problems and irritation ( sunburns, skin cancer, photosensitive disorders)
2. Increases heat loads
3. Other effects :
c.1. light color coats – less affected
c.2. Standing animals – less solar effect
c.3. Buffalos – more affected due to more heat absorption
c.3. Cattle – less affected due to loose skin

Indirect Effects 1. Vegetation (quantity and quality)

2. Growth and proliferation of parasites and diseases

Environmental Influences on animal Production

- Feed supply - Temperature
- Light - Wind velocity others
- Rainfall and humidity

Animal Industry Problems and Concerns

1. Continuous increase in feed cost
2. Lack of Potential animals
3. Occurrence of new, highly pathogenic and deadly diseases
4. Potentials decrease in demand in animal Products – due to increasing poverty
5. Global warming and other negative impact on the environment
6. Full implementation of trade liberalization

- Increase animal productivity
- Ensure production sustainability
- Promote environmental soundness/conservation and protection

WTO or the World Trade Organization

-WTO is the only International Organization dealing with the global rules of trade between nations. Its main
function is to ensure that the trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible.

Goal : Improve the welfare of the peoples of the member countries

- Administering WTO trade agreements
- Forum of trade negotiations
- Handling trade disputes
- Monitoring National Trade Policies
- Technical assistance and training for developing countries
- Cooperation with international organizations

10 Benefits of WTO Trading system 6. Trade raises incomes

1. Helps promote peace 7. Trade stimulates economic growth
2. Disputes are handled constructively 8. The basic principles make life more
3. Rules make life easier for all efficient
4. Free trade cuts the costs of living 9. Governments are shielded from
5. It provides more choice products and qualities lobbying
10. The system encourages good
Prospects of the Philippine Livestock and Poultry Industry
1. Genetics and Biotechnology
2. Development of small and medium based animal enterprises
3. Government interventions to improve agriculture productivity and sustainability
4. Improvement of facilities and making channels for efficient flow of products from production sites to
5. Utilization of alternative feedstuff to offset feed cost
6. Development of other Agri-based enterprises to support livestock and poultry production.

History of Animal domestication

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