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ALDAR Projects OSH Competency Guideline Requirement and Assessment Form

Personnel Details Work Experience Educational Qualifications Professional /Technical Qualifications / Certifications Attachments Remarks

*Note - Work Experience shall be

relevant to the Scope of Work
For OSH Manager/Asst. Manager/ Engineer OSHAD Practitioner Lead Auditor
Registration Card
OSH Degree (Masters or Bachelors), or Level 6 (Category A / B / C) Certification Supporting Documents
OSHAD (ISO 45001)
diploma for e.g., For OSH Officer (Experience letter, Visa
Total OSH NEBOSH Diploma, Practitioner (Note: Since the OSHAD Copy, etc.)
Years of course (Please specify and
Proposed Candidate NVQ Level 4/5, (or) NEBOSH IGC registration is currently attach the relevant
Proposed Designation Experience Any Recognized/Accredited Equivalent OSH suspended, this is not (Please specify and attach Please Specify (if any)
Name OSH Years OSH Years of (Please specify credentials)
Qualification (Please specify and and attach the mandatory until further copies of all the relevant
(To be of Experience in attach the relevant notice) credentials and experience
specified in Experience the emirate Refer to the competency guideline credentials) relevant Note: OHSAS 18001 letter to meet the required
the in UAE of Abu Dhabi credentials) is obsolete and will
Note: OSHAD not be accepted years experience)
subsequent (Please specify and attach the relevant credentials) Practitioner course shall
columns in W.E.F Jan. 2022
be completed.

OSHAD Lead Auditor certified

Practitioner ISO 45001 -2018 &
OHS Level 6 ,NEBOSH,IOSH,OSHA(Copy of certificates (Copy of certificates
Johnbritto OSH Manager 18 14 NA (Copy of Certified 14001-2015
atttached ) atttached )
certificates (Copy of certificates
atttached ) atttached )

1. Refer to ALDAR Projects OSH Management System Appendix 14 OSH competency guidelines (refer to second sheet) for the respective proposed position and accordingly ensure all the relevant qualifications, credentials and experience certificates are duly met and attached with this
assessment sheet, where PMC and Consultant shall fully verify all the criteria (Experience, qualification credentials, etc.) for their proposed OSH staff and ensure full compliance prior to submit to ALDAR for proceeding with the interview.
2.The form shall be completed and supporting documents shall be attached prior to sending to ALDAR QHSE Team.
3. Once all the above requirements are fully met, the proposed candidate will be shortlisted and accordingly called for an interview with ALDAR QHSE Team.
4. For Contractor's OSH officer if there is no ISO 45001 Lead Auditor then the OSH auditor awareness training is acceptable if he is not in a key position. However, for PMC and consultant OSH Officer the ISO Lead Auditor certification is essential.
5. PMC and Consultant shall interview and assess to ensure that the Contractors' OSH staff fully meets ALDAR OSH competency guideline requirements prior being deployed. However, for OSH Manager/Lead position this shall be in conjunction with ALDAR QHSE Team.

ALDAR Projects OSH Management System - Rev.07 05/01/2023 (OSH Competency Assessment Form)

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