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Chapter Practice Problem – Binomial Theorem

1. Which is larger (1.01)1000000 or 10, 000?

2. Using binomial theorem, prove that 6n  5n always leaves remainder 1 when divided by 25.

3. Using Binomial Theorem, indicate which number is larger (1.1)10000 or 1000.

4. Show that 9n+1 – 8n – 9 is divisible by 64, whenever n is a positive integer.

5. Prove that .

6. The coefficients of three consecutive terms in the expansion of (1 + a)n are in the ratio 1 : 7 : 42. Find n.

7. Find the middle terms in the expansion of .

8. Prove that the coefficient of xn in the expansion of (1 + x)2n is twice the coefficient of xn in the expansion of
(1 + x)2n-1.
9. Find the coefficient of x5 in the product (1 + 2x)6 (1 – x)7 using binomial theorem.

10. Find n, if the ratio of the fifth term from the beginning to the fifth term from the end in expansion of


11. If the fourth term in ( ax + 1/x)n is 5/2, then find a & n.

12. Find the term independent of x in

13. Find the last digit of (2137)754.

14 Find the remainder when 337 is divisible by 80.

15. Find the number of irrational terms in the expansion of

16. Find the number of integral terms in the expansion of

17. Determine the value of x in the expansion (x + )5, if the third term in the expansion is
10, 00, 000.

18. If a1, a2, a3 and a4 be any four consecutive coefficients in (1 + x)n, then prove that

19. Find the larger of 9950 + 10050 & 10150.

20. Find the digits at unit’s place in 171995 + 111995  71995.

21. If p = and f = p-[p], [.]: GIF, then find the value of p (1-f).

22. If x = then find the value of x – x2 + x [x], [.] : GIF.

23. If x = GIF, then prove that xx1 = 112n+1.

24. Prove that term in ( is

25. Find the greatest term in (2 + 3x)9, if x = 3/2

GBT in (1+ x)n is =

26. Find the maximum value of 25cr + 2



29. C0 + 3C1 + 5C2 + …. + (2n + 1) Cn = (n + 1) 2n

30. (1.2) C2 + (2.3) C3 + … + ((n  1).n) Cn = n ( n – 1)2n  2

31. C0 – 2C1 + 3C2 – 4C3 + … + (1)n ( n + 1) Cn = 0

32. C1  2C2 + 3C2  …. + (1)n-1n Cn = 0





37. C0. Cr + C1 Cr+1 + C2 Cr+2 + … + Cn-r. Cn =



40. Prove that if r < m, r < n and m, n, r are positive integers.

41 Show that .

42. Consider the polynomial P (x, y) = ( a  x + 2y + 1)100. If the sum of the coefficients vanishes for some real ,
then find the interval values of ‘a’

43. If and ak = 1, for all k  n, them show that bn = 2n + 1C n + 1.

44. If n is a positive integer and (1 + x + x2) = then prove that

(i) ar = a2n-r ; 0  r  2n (ii) a0 + a1 + a2 + …. + an-1 =


45. If p + q = 1, then find

(i) (ii) (iii)

46. Prove that

47. Find the remainder when (3053)456  (2417)333 is divided by 9?

48. Prove that ?

49. For any positive integer m, n (with n  m) prove that Hence or

otherwise prove that ?

50. Prove that ?

51. If (1 + x)n = C0 + C1x + C2x2 + ….+ Cnxn; then prove that






1. (1.01)1000000 3 (1.1)10000 6. n = 55. 7. ;

9. 171 10. n = 10 11. a = 1/2, n = 6. 12.

13. 9 14. 3 15. 16 16. 17
17. x = 2 or 10-5/2 19. (101)50 > 9950 + 10050. 20. 1
21. 1 22. 1 25. T7 26. 12
42. ( - ¥, - 2) È ( 2, ¥) 47. 2


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