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NPC Dialog Oracle
Desmond Hammond

Magic Mouth NPC Dialog Oracle © 2022 by Desmond Hammond

What the heck is this?
Magic Mouth NPC Chatter Oracle is a tabletop rpg oracle
intended too breath life into your NPC’s during solo and gmless
play, by giving them something interesting to talk about.

Why did you make it?

I created Magic Mouth NPC Chatter Oracle for Lone Wolf Solo
TTRPG Jam Mk 2. NPC’s are one of my favorite parts of running
and playing TTRPG’s and I always found them a bit lacking in
solo play so I thought I’d take a shot at giving them a bit more life.

Step 1 First Impression

When chatting with an NPC for the first time. Get there first
impression of your character by rolling 1d10 and adding the
modifier corresponding to the main social stat of whatever game
system your using and find the result on the impression table
below. This impression will affect the reliability of any information
they give you as well as how quickly they’ll grow too trust you as
you interact with them more in the future.

Loathe (-2 to bond level rolls and -1 to
reliability rolls )
3-5 Mistrust (-1 to bond level rolls)
6-9 Neutral (Flat bond level rolls)
10+ Trust (+1 to bond level rolls)
Step 2 Topic
Next it’s time to decide the topic of conversation. You can either
roll for it on the topic table blow or ask your game master emulator
of choice if the NPC is willing to talk about a particular topic your
interested in.
Roll (1d10) Topics
1-2 Self
3-4 Nearby Danger
5-6 Notable Person
7-8 Noteworthy Location
9-10 Recent Events
Step 2.5 Self
This result means the NPC starts talking about there self, either roll
1d10 on the self table or, as in step two feel free too ask them
something specific using your gm emulator too see if there willing
too answer if you’d prefer.
Roll (1d10) Self
1 Skills
2 Needs
3 Wants
4 Goals/Dreams
5 Fears
6 Past
7 Family
8 Hobbies
9 Feelings
10 Interesting Fact
Step 3 Tone
This next step is optional but if you’d like an idea of the tone of
voice the NPC used when speaking too help with interpreting
there statement you can roll on the tone table.

Roll (1d10) Tone

1 Frustratedly
2 Tiredly
3 Happily
4 Sadly
5 Angrily
6 Excitedly
7 Wantonly
8 Distractedly
9 Shyly
10 Wistfully
Step 4 Details
Use your favorite game master emulator or even just a few
randomly generated words too interpret the finer details of the
NPC’s statement.

Step 5 Reliability
Roll 1d10 on the reliability table and add any bond modifiers you
have due to your current bond level. (found on the bond modifier
table) This will tell you how reliable the NPC’s information is as a
percentage out of ten. (When in a position too verify if the
information you received is accurate roll 1d10 and refer back too
this percentage.)

*You don’t need too check reliability for self topics.

Roll (1d10+ mods) Reliability

1-2 Scarcely Reliable (1 in 10)
3-7 Somewhat Reliable (5 in 10)
8-9 Likely Truth (8 in 10)
10+ Definitely Truth (10 in 10)

Current Bond
Bond Modifiers
Stranger -1 Reliability
Acquaintance Base Reliability
Friend +1 Reliability
Close Friend +2 Reliability

Impression Effects
Loathe -2 to bond level rolls and -1 to reliability rolls
Mistrust -1 to bond level rolls
Neutral Flat bond level rolls
Trust +1 to bond level rolls

Step 6 Update Bond Level

Positive interaction: After having a significant positive interaction

with an NPC roll 1d4+ your impression modifier (found on the
impression table) and move that NPC’s bond level up that number
of spaces. If you roll 0 or less move up one space.

Negative Interaction: After having a significant negative

interaction with an NPC roll 1d4-Impression modifier (found on
the impression table) and move that NPC’s bond level down that
many spaces. If you roll 0 or less move down one space, (Once
you reach acquaintance tier, you can’t sink below that tier again)
then roll 1d10+social modifier on a roll of 5 or less reduce the
NPC’s impression of your character by one level.

*If when moving up in bond levels you reach Acquaintance tier

and your impression is below neutral increase your impression
with the NPC by one level.

**If when moving up in bond levels you reach either Friend tier, or
Close Friend tier increase your impression with the NPC by one

Author’s Note
Feel free too use this tool in any way you find useful or
fun during your sessions. You don’t need too follow every
step as there presented here.

NPC Relationship Tracking Cards

Bond Level Name

Close Friend



Stranger Friend

Bond Level Name

Close Friend



Stranger Friend

This form may be copied for personal use

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