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Mzingaye Nkiwane’s PROJECT

 Topic

 Objectives

 Introduction

 Methodology

 Literature review

 Data collection

 Evidence on practical work

 Data analysis

 Illustration of samples

 Conclusion

 Recommendations

 Acknowledgements

 Reference

An investigation carried out to compare maize ( SC405). The comparison is between intercropped maize.
The maize was intercropped with sugar beans. The factors under comparison were germination
percentage, growth rate and total yield. The comparison was carried out in John Tallach High School
located in Ntabazinduna, Matabeleland under natural region 4.

By the end of this research , I should be able to

1. Find germination percentage

I should be able to find the rate of germination of the plants in bed A and bed B. This is to compare the
germination of the maize intercropped with sugar beans and the maize sole cropped. To get the
germination percentage I have to divide the number of seeds germinated by the number of seeds
planted and multiply by a hundred.
2.Find growth rate

This will be done by picking five plants at random from each bed and measuring their stem height per
period of two weeks with rate of each plant in line with the system(sole cropped or intercropped).We
find the sum of the stem heights of the plants chosen. We do not add the stem heights from the two
different beds but we find and add them separately. The height will be measured two weeks after
germination .

3. Record the total yields produced per bed. I should be able the total yield produced per bed at harvest
time. Both beds A and B have equal number of plants planted, therefore counting the number of cobs in
each bed will produce the results that will satisfy the requirements of the investigation being carried out.
Which is to determine which system is more effective in producing more yields.


An investigation conducted simply to observe the rate at which maize crop grows under the two system
(sole cropped and intercropped) . In other words it is an investigation to determine and conclude which
system is more effective and produces more yields


The investigation is being conducted on November 2022 in the summer which in natural region 4 is
characterized by semi-arid rainfall and high temperature. the investigation was carried out with


To simply observe and conclude and also determine the most effective system between intercropping
and sole cropping in producing yields.


The investigation will take place in a garden which is in John Tallach high school

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