English 8

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English 8

LEARNING ACTIVITY SHEETS (Week 3-4) _________________________

Quarter 2 Parent’s Signature

Name: ________________________________________ Date: ______________________

Section & Grade Level: ___________________________ Score: _____________________

Title of the Activity: Opinion-Marking Signals

Learning Competencies: EN8SS-IIe-1.2

 Use appropriate grammatical signals or expressions suitable to each pattern of idea development: general to
particular claim and counterclaim...
 Share ideas using opinion-marking signals.

ACTIVITY 1: Directions: Read each statement carefully and highlight or underline the sentences that
expresses an opinion.
1. Lucena City is the capital of Quezon Province.
2. As far as I understand, Josh is more intelligent than Justin.
3. I don’t think she can make it to the final round of the game.
4. Mr. Ferdinand Macatugob is the current principal of Ransohan Integrated School.
5. English is the easiest subject area and most fun to study.
6. Learning Mathematics is a piece of cake for me.
7. 2020 is the worst year of all as I can say.
8. Adjective is word used to describe a noun.
9. CoVid 19 originated in Wuhan, China.
10. Charlie thinks that the virus will weaken in 2021.

ACTIVITY 2. Directions: Study each sentence below and identify the opinion-marking signals used in each
statement. Write your answer on the space provided before each number.
__________________________1. I believe that we can all make our dreams come true if we are just going to
pursue for it.
__________________________2. Ryan said that 2020 is the scariest year he has ever experienced, and I couldn’t
agree more.
__________________________3. I really think so too, that CoVid-19 was an eye opener to all of us, just like what
Susan stated.
__________________________4. In my experience, girls are easier to teach than boys.
__________________________5. I take a different view over what she said about our judicial system
in our country.
__________________________6. I am afraid what you said was wrong.
__________________________7. Lina believes that parallel universe is real. I think the otherwise.
__________________________8. I hold the same opinion as Gabbi that studying is much more
important than anything else.
__________________________9. Aya made a good point when she stated that parents hold a vital
role in the success of their children.
_________________________10. Personally, I think that Cara is more beautiful if she doesn’t wear makeup.

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