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We Strive For

Radiant Guard Services Pvt. Ltd. is an ISO 9001:2015 accredited and CRISIL rated leading integrated security service provider. Radiant
was established in 1992 and has a rich legacy and history of almost three decades in the security industry with dis nct professional
ethics and strong core values. The Company has expanded at a compounded annual growth rate of around 20% over the last decade
and has been a market front runner by se ng new standards in the industry.

We provide manpower services in strict accordance with physical, educa onal and medical standards laid down
by the statute. The Company is commi ed to providing customized site-specific training through an experienced
training team as per training syllabus of Private Security Agencies Regula on Act, 2005.

Our board of directors is composed of re red army officers. Our experienced, dedicated and commi ed opera ons team helps to
create client adapted solu ons. Comprehensive customer sa sfac on is our bo om line and Radiant is proud to have a strong and
las ng associa on with clients ranging from corporate houses, industries, banks, telecom companies, hospitals, hotels, educa onal
ins tu ons, and govt. organiza ons. A law-abiding company, we diligently comply with all statutory provisions.

The Company operates in several states in India and is a brand name to reckon with in the field of security and
allied services industry.

It is our mission to provide efficient client specific and customized
integrated security solu ons at the most compe ve rates. We are
commi ed to ensuring peace of mind to our clients by providing
the highest levels of protec on to their assets while maintaining
irreproachable business ethics. We strive to enhance the well being
of the clients' business interests by maintaining a safe and secure
opera ng environment by adop ng the best prac ces of the
security industry.

The vision of Radiant Guard Services Pvt. Ltd.
is to be the most competent, reliable
and professional Pan-India security
solu ons provider.


Commitment to Client and Employees
Radiant Guard Services Pvt. Ltd. has a Pan-India presence
with its opera ons in the following states: Maharashtra, Gujarat, Goa,
Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Karnataka, AP-Telangana, Dadra And Nagar Haveli,
Haryana, and U ar Pradesh.


Armed and Unarmed Security Electronic Surveillance House Keeping

Guards Consultancy Solu ons Services

Detec ve Services, Fire and Safety Labour Facility Escorts for

Inves ga on / Verifica on Services Provisioning Management Execu ves


Skill Development
Radiant is commi ed to providing skilled security guards to its clients. The Radiant Skill Development Centre (SDC) is
licensed by DG Home Guards. Spread over an area of more than 12000 Sq ., the SDC is fully equipped to provide skill
training in industrial security, safety, firefigh ng, access control and handling Electronic Surveillance and Monitoring Systems. The
outdoor training facility has adequate infrastructure for impar ng physical training. A well-appointed training team composed of
experienced ex-servicemen and re red police officers imparts training strictly in accordance with training norms enunciated in
Private Security Agencies Regula on Act, 2005.

Control Room
Radiant Guard Services Pvt. Ltd. operates a control room which is func onal round the clock throughout the year. It is the nerve
center of all ac vi es and is manned 24 X 7 by the opera ons team. It constantly monitors and controls ac vi es at all Units by
an app-based feedback system.

App Based Monitoring

The company has adopted latest mobile technology
to serve its clients more efficiently. We carry out
app-based monitoring of the field staff and security
guards to ensure be er services to our clients.
POSH Training
The Company scrupulously provides congenial and healthy
working environment for its women employees. In order
to spread our concern on this issue, we offer training on
preven on of sexual harassment to our clients by qualified
specialists in the field.

ERP Implementation
We have implemented a State of the Art, company wide ERP system interlinking all our
departments and having one cohesive and integrated system. This enables us to present a
completely transparent and updated system, and allows our customers to view all relevant
informa on documents and compliances.

Adherence to Statutes
The Company adheres to all the govt. statutes me culously.

Responsive Management
The top management is composed of dedicated and commi ed ex-army
officers who have vast war me and opera onal experience. We assure
appropriate and speedy response to needs of our Clients.

Client Retention
We have enviable record of more than 95%
client reten on in past 10 years.


Our guards are carefully screened and trained before they reach your loca on. We
recognize that each client site has a specific requirement and our training program
is flexible and is customized to meet individual client needs.

The following topics are covered in our modularized security training program

Tenets of Security Access Control

General Du es So Skills

Appearance, A tude and Conduct Visitor Management

Communica on Safety

Patrolling Report Wri ng

Fire Preven on & Control Frisking

First Aid & CPR Checking of Vehicles



MD, Directors and CEO
Established Pan-India Satisfied 20 % YoY are Ex-Army Officers
in 1992 Operations Corporate Clients Growth ( Responsive Team )




Registered with Maharashtra Pvt. Security Guard Board


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