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SESSION 2023 – 2024


Choose the correct answer

1. Both hardwood and softwood (coniferous) trees are found in ___________________________.
a) Temperate Evergreen forests b) Taiga forests c) Tidal forests d) Temperate Grasslands
2. The _______________________________ are also known as monsoon forests.
a) Tropical Deciduous forests b) Mediterranean forests c) Taiga forests d) Tidal forests
3. The _______________________of the world support large groups of herbivores.
a) Desert Regions b) Taiga Forests c) Tropical Grasslands d) Temperate Grasslands
4. We can see trees with stilt-like aerial roots in______________________________.
a) Tundra Region b) Monsoon Forest c) Mangrove Forests d) Thorn Forests.
5. __________________________region is also called ‘Orchards of the World’.
a) Mediterranean Region b) Grasslands c) Taiga d) Scrublands
Fill in the blanks
6. _______________ and ________________ are some examples of Tropical Thorn Forests and Scrubs.
7. ____________________ is found in the cold desert regions of the tundra.
8. Population pressure has led to ________________ and species extinction.
9. ____________________ forests protect shorelines.
10. _________________ and __________________ is the main occupation of Temperate grasslands.
11. Choose the incorrect option from the following.
i. Temperate Deciduous forests are found where rainfall is high.
ii. These are found along the coastal belts of cool climatic regions.
iii. Shrubs like rhododendrons and huckle berries are found here.
iv. These forests are spread over the north eastern part of USA, north-eastern China, western Europe, New Zealand
and southern Chile.
12. Assertion(A): The reckless cutting of trees has led to the large-scale destruction of natural vegetation.
Reason (R): Many species of plants and animals in India are facing the threat of extinction today.
a) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R are true, but is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is true, but R is false.
d) A is false, but R is true.
State whether the following statement is True or False
13. Rose wood, ebony, mahogany are common trees of tropical deciduous forests.
14. There is no relation between altitude and vegetation.
15. We find thorny bushes in deserts.
16. Grasslands are grown in the regions of moderate rainfall.
17. Silver fox and polar bear are common animals of coniferous region.
18. Match the following
Column A Column B
1. Taiga i. Raccoons
2. Equatorial Forest ii. Boreal
3. Temperate grasslands iii. Selva
4. Temperate deciduous forests iv. Steppes in Eurasia

a) 1-(i); 2-(iv); 3- (ii); 4- (iii) b) 1-(ii); 2-(iii); 3- (iv); 4- (i)

c) 1-(iv); 2-(iii); 3- (i); 4- (ii) d) 1-(iii); 2-(iv); 3- (i); 4- (ii)
19. Complete the given table
Types of Vegetation Found in
a) Tundra vegetation a) Polar Region
b) Thorn Forest ?
a) Thar Desert b) Japan c) Canada d) Central Chile

20. Look at the picture and answer the following questions by using the hint given below:
(Hint: These trees are found along the coastal belts of cool climate regions with a moderate rainfall of 70-80 cms.)

a) Identify if the following picture is flora or fauna and also write which
forests they belong to.

b) Categorise this region into forests or shrubs or grasslands.


c) Write any one salient feature of this vegetation.



21. Read the passage below and answer the following questions given below.
Mangroves are abundant in inter-tidal zones near deltas. These forests are also known mangrove forests and are
found along coasts. In India mangrove forests are found along the Ganga delta. They are also known as
Sundarbans. They can survive in both fresh and salty waters. Mangrove trees develop stilt-like aerial roots which
hold the trunk and leaves above the water line. Some trees have roots that help them to breathe. These forests are
also making excellent fishing grounds. They protect the coastline and prevent erosion by trapping sediments from
rivers and sediments.
a) Name the forest which is known as mangrove forests.

a) ________________________________________________________________________________.

b) Write any two features of the tidal forests.

b) ________________________________________________________________________________


c) Name some regions where mangroves are found.

c) ________________________________________________________________________________.

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