Asm 77487

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Mind Map
The words spoken
Direct Indirect
Exact words of the speaker Transformed words of the speaker

 divided into two parts (reporting  written as a single statement

verb & reported speech)  quotes removed
directly spoken words written in expression changed to simple
quotes statement using a connector.
 carry different expressions
Changes that occur
 change in pronouns/person
 Change in tense
 Change in modal verbs, adverbs of place and time
 Change in expression
Eg: Ben said, “I have a dental appointment this evening.”
Ben said that he had a dental appointment that evening.
Change of Ten ses
Simple present Simp le p a st( d id )

Present Continuous Pa st C ontinuous ( wa s / were)

Present Perfect (has/have) Past Perfect (had)

Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous (had

(has/have+been) been)

Simple Past(did) Past Perfect (had)

Past Continuous (was/were) Past Perfect Continuous (had

Change of Pronouns
I he/s he

me him / her

him / her
mine his/her

we they

us them

our their
C h a n g e i n A d v e r b s of Time a n d P l a c e
1. This That

2. Today That day

3. Th e s e Thos e

4. Now Then

5 . H er e There

6. Tom o rr ow The following/ next day

7.Yesterday The p r ev i o u s
day/the day before
8. Ago
9. Ton ight That night
Change of Modals
1.will/shall would

2. can could

3.may might

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