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2023/2024 POLITEKNIK

Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Theory and Practice

Tingkat/Semester : I/I-A/B/C/D/E
Hari/Tanggal : Selasa/ 07 November 2023
Waktu : 08.00-09.40
Jumlah SKS : 2 SKS
Nama:Nadia Rahmadani

Instruction : Please Choose one option for each question!

1. Ben always ….. things without knowing all the facts.
a. Decide
b. Decided
c. Is decided
d. Decides
e. Deciding

2. Ria …. She is not going to Singapore this year

a. Assume
b. Assumes
c. Assumed
d. Assuming
e. Is assumed

3. She … each summer in the mountain

a. Spending
b. Is spent
c. Spend
d. Spent
e. Spends

4. What are you talking about? I … what you mean.

a. Don’t know
b. Doesn’t know
c. Knows
d. Am knowing
e. Known

5. You can …. Fresh vegetables

a. Gets
b. Get
c. Getting
d. Got
e. Gone

6. Katie … in that office for almost four years

a. Worked
b. Work
c. Works
d. Working
e. Worker

7. Three years ago, I ,,,,,,at the Canada University.

a. Study
b. Studies
c. Studying
d. Student
e. Studied

8. Debora … a bread every morning.

a. Eat
b. Ate
c. Eating
d. Eats
e. Eaten

9. Jhon and Jane …. Always happy every time

a. Were
b. Is
c. Am
d. Are
e. Was

10. My Biology Teacher… always kind to every student.

a. Was
b. Is
c. Are
d. Am
e. did

11. We ….. finished eating dinner

a. Had not
b. Not had
c. d’ had not
d. been not
e. will be

12. You …. Not left yet

a. Would
b. d’
c. would had
d. had been not
e. had been

13, had they …. To her before?

a. Spoke
b. Spoken
c. Spoke
d. Speak
e. Speaking

14. I had never ….. her before

a. See
b. Saw
c. Seen
d. Seeing
e. will see

15. we arrived at 8.05, but the train …. Already left

a. has
b. have
c. had
d. has been
e. have been

16. No body explained why the project had …. On time

a. n’t been completed
b. not completed
c. not complete
d. complete
e. Completing

17. Some people enjoy .... a soccer match on TV, didn't they?
a. To watch
b. Watching
c. being watched
d. be watching
e. To watching

18. The Eiffel Tower … Paris, France.

a. Landmarks d. Is in a landmark
b. Is landmark in e. landmarked
c. Is a landmark in

19. To score a goal in soccer you…..

a. Must kick the ball
b. Must kicks the ball
c. May kick them ball
d. Must kick them balls
e. Might kick them balls

20. To score a goal in soccer you…..

a. Must kick the ball
b. Must kicks the ball
c. c. May kick them ball
d. Must kick them balls
e. Might kick them balls

21. My father considers .... regularly after

knowing that he gets diabetes
a. Doing sport d. To doing sport
b. To do sport e. To do sporting
c. For doing sport

22. What is the Circulatory system?

a. The system that helps your body
b. Your body’s muscles
c. Your body nerves
d. Your body’s blood transporting

23. The circulatory system is composed of:

a. The heart, blood and blood vessel
b. The hearth, The brain and the lungs
c. The lungs, the blood and the blood
d. The brain, the heart and the blood

24. The heart has how many chambers?

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5

25. The right side of the heart pumps the blood

___ the heart___ the lungs. a. To, from
b. From, to
c. To, to
d. From, from
e. From, then

26. Plasma is about ___ percent water.

a. 60
b. 70
c. 80
d. 90
e. 40

27. The heart is located near the center of your:

a. Stomach
b. Head
c. Chest
d. Back
e. Up

28. What is the largest blood vessel?

a. Aorta
b. Artery
c. Capillary
d. Vein
e. Hearth

29. Red blood cells transport ________

a. Oxygen
b. Carbon dioxide
c. Nitrogen
d. Hydrogen
e. Dioxide

30. White blood cells contain a _____, while red bloods cells don not
a. Nucleus
b. Brain
c. Red color
d. Hemoglobin
e. Hearth

31. The left and right sides of your heart work ____
a. Together
b. Separately
c. Against each other
d. straight
e. None of the above.

32. What is your heart made of?

a. Skin
b. Tissue
c. Muscle
d. Cuts
e. Plum
33. What do we call platelet plugs
a. Scabs
b. Band aids
c. Cuts
d. Bruises.
e. Hand
34. The 1st level of organization is
a. The Cell
b. Tissues
c. Organs
d. Populations
e. Atom
35. Cells make up….
a. Organs
b. Organ system
c. Tissues
d. Organisms
e. Body
36. The highest level of organization we discussed was
a. Organs
b. Organisms
c. Cells
d. Populations
e. Body
37. The tissue level of Organization comes…
a. After cells
b. After Organ
c. After Cells before Organ
d. This is not an organization level
e. All of option is correct

38. Your body couldn’t breathe without this system, which one is it?
a. It’s the Perspiration system
b. It is the Respiratory system
c. It is the Photosynthesis.
d. It is the Urinary systems.
e. It is the circulatory systems

39. The respiratory system is made up of trachea, the lungs and

a. Liver
b. Diaphragm
c. Esophagus
d. Pancreas
e. Chest
40. When you breath in air, you bring oxygen into your lungs and blow out
a. Carbon dioxide
b. Carbon monoxide
c. Oxygen
d. Hydrogen
e. Water

41. When you inhale, your lungs ________

a. Inflate
b. Turn purple
c. Deflate
d. Disappear
e. Broken

42. _____________ is not good for lungs.

a. Exercising
b. Singing
c. Smoking
d. Yelling
e. Eating
43. The trachea is also called the…
a. Lungs
b. Diaphragm
c. Windpipe
d. Bronchus
e. Circulatory system

44. What happens when you breathe in?

a. When you breathe in your diaphragm expand and your ribcage
b. When you breathe in your diaphragm contracts and your ribcage
c. When you breathe in your diaphragm explodes and your ribcage
d. When you breathe in your diaphragm does not move and your ribcage
e. All of the option is correct.

45. Air enters your lungs through the ____________

a. Tracheas
b. Esophagus
c. Alveoli
d. Larynx
e. Chest

46. How many lungs do human have?

a. Human have four lungs
b. Humans have one lung
c. Human have three lungs
d. Human have two lungs
e. Human have no lung

47. How many lungs do human have?

a. Human have four lungs
b. Humans have one lung
c. Human have three lungs
d. Humans have two lungs
e. All of the option is correct

48. Which can not be stored by the body?

a. Vitamin s can not be stored by the body
b. Energy can not be stored by the body
c. Minerals can not be stored by the body
d. Oxygen can not be stored by the body.
e. Water can not be stored by the body
49. What disease can be caused by smoking?
a. The disease that can be caused by smoking is Emphysema
b. The disease that can be caused by smoking is Bronchitis
c. The disease that can be caused by smoking is Alveolitis
d. The disease that can be caused by smoking is Diabetes.
e. The disease than can be caused inflammation.

50. What are Alveoli?

a. Alveoli are tiny cells
b. Alveoli are large blood vessels
c. Alveoli are tiny sacs in the lungs
d. Alveoli are tiny blood vessels.
e. All of the option is correct.

51. What the name of this item?

a. Stopwatch d. Dropper
b. Stethoscope e. Beaker
c. Syringe

52. what is the name of this lab equipment?

a. Forceps d. Wash
b. Evaporating dish e. Pipet bulb
c. Volumetric pipet

53. what is the meaning of this vocabulary “headache”

a. overall tiredness, low energy
b. not feel well, not feel as strong as usual
c. a pain in your head that is steady
d. inflammation
e. the connection point between your upper and lower legs

54. what is the meaning of this vocabulary “physical activity”

a. exercise of any kind
b. to check something or someone
c. a pain in your head that is steady
d. inflammation
e. overall tiredness, low energy

55. what is the vocabulary of this sentence “a doctor who specializes in

medical diagnosis”
a. diagnose
b. d. microbiology
c. pathologist
d. e. calibration
e. supervise

56. what is the use of this lab equipment?

a. Used to hold a test tube, particularly when hot.
b. Used to hold several test tubes at one time
c. Used to hold crucibles.
d. Used to support a crucible during heating.
e. Used to secure glassware to a ring stand.

57. Ben : Hi, …? My name is Ben . Glad to see you

Marry: Hi, Ben. Glad to meet you, too. I am Marry.
a. May I help you?
b. May I introduce myself
c. Do you know me
d. May I know you
e. How are you?

58. Marry wants to Introduce Billy to her brother. Marry:

Billy, this is my brother, Jhon, and Jhon this is Billy Jhon:
a. Hi, nice to meet you
b. Are you okay?
c. How is she?
d. Don’t mention it.
e. Who is she?

59. Which part of speech names a person, place, or thing.

a. Noun
b. Preposition
c. Adjective
d. Verb
e. Adverb
60. Which part of speech replaces a noun.
a. Conjunction
b. Pronoun
c. Adverb
d. Preposition
e. Interjection

61. Which part of speech describes a noun or a pronoun.

a. Adjective
b. Conjunction
c. Adverb
d. Verb
e. Interjection

61. Which part of speech shows emotion?

a. Pronoun
b. Adjective
c. Conjunction
d. Interjection
e. Verb

62. Marry’s hair is silky brown. Which word is the adjective?

a. Marry’s
b. Silky
c. Hair
d. is
e. All of the Above.

63. Elizabeth climbed the tree really fast. Which word is the verb?
a. Really
b. Elizabeth
c. Climbed
d. Fast
e. Tree
64. When the bell rings, the class runs out the door
a. Verb
b. Adverb
c. Adjective
d. Noun
e. Prepositions

65. You need to work really …… if you want to be a success.

a. Hardly
b. Hard
c. Hard fully
d. Hardness

66. He’s been working there …. Ten years

a. For
b. Since
c. Already
d. Usually
e. Always

67. He wouldn’t be so successful now if he ….. so hard when he was at school

a. Didn’t study
b. Wouldn’t have studied
c. Hadn’t studied
d. Studied
e. Study

68. He …. gone to work yesterday. Ben was there all day and nobody saw him.
a. Must not have
b. Was not have
c. Can not have
d. Don’t have
e. Did have

69. Do you want to come to the playground with us

a. Noun
b. Verb
c. Adjective
d. Adverb
e. Preposition

70. Marrisa was so happy she skipped down the street

a. Noun
b. Verb
c. Adjective
d. Adverb
e. Conjuction.
71. Carlos can run faster than anyone in our school
a. Noun
b. Verb
c. Adjcetive
d. Adverb
e. Preposition

Part 2 Agree of Disagree, accept or refuse according to the task

parentheses. Choose the most appropriate answer.
72. You have not seen Ben, have you? (Agree)
a. No I have not
b. No, I did not
c. Yes, I have
d. Yes, I did
e. Yes. I do

73. You wont to go to work tomorrow, will you? (Disagree)

a. No, I will
b. No, I wont
c. Yes, I will
d. Yes. I wont
e. Yes of course

74. He does not speak English (Agree)

a. But he does
b. No he does
c. No, he does not
d. Yes he does
e. No it does.

75. I think she knows him (Disagree)

a. But she does
b. No she does
c. No she does not
d. Yes, she does
e. No it doesn’t

76. Would you like another piece of mango cake? (Accept)

a. No, Thank you
b. I’m afraid I’m on a diet
c. Thank you but I really cant eat anymore
d. Yes, please. Its delicious
e. No

77.. Please have some more fried chicken (Refuse)

a. I wouldn’t say no
b. Thank you but, I’ve had enough
c. Thank you, you are very kind
d. Yes please, I’d love some.

78. We are going to the local car show. Would you like to join us? (Refuse)
a. I’d love to
b. I’m afraid I can’t
c. That’s a great idea
d. With pleasure.
f. My pleasure

79. We’re having a party on Saturday. Would you like to come. (Accept)
a. I’d love to
b. I wish I could, but I really cant
c. Sorry, I’ll be busy on Saturday
d. Thank you for the invitation, but I cant
e. I cant come

80. What is the meaning of this medical vocabulary “fatigue”

a. Overall tiredness, low energy
b. d. to check something or someone
c. A pain in your head that is steady
d. to Hurting.
e. The connection between your upper and lower legs


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