4. Tuyển Tập Đề Thi Chuyên - HSG - Tập 4

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OTTO CHANNEL Keeping the fire of Passion (4) TUYEN TAP DE THI CHUYEN — HSG CHINH THU'C Xem hwéng dan chi tiét tai © YouTube Than tang cac ban da ting hé Otto Channel Teach from gS not from Itean't. seen YOU saw yesterday because he has been in Hanoi for a week. wg If you wish to offer me a SP series SS you can iti) here! Bui Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank HCM Page 550 Thank you for your generosity! “Thi xong, c6 dé cho Thay xin voi nha!” 79. You've misunderstood the situation. (STICK) >» You've 80. They arrived at the station with only a minute to spare. (NICK) —+ They arrived at the station I Essay With the development of online communication, people will never be alone and will always be able to make new friends To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Write an essay of about 200 words to express your opinion and support your answer with relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Compiled by OTTO CHANNEL| vyouvishoferme 0 CE tortece SA yu con ill net Bui Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank HCM Page 551 Thank you for your generosity! “Thi xong, 06 dé cho Thay xin voi nha!” $0 GIAO DUC - BAO TAO BE THI TUYEN SINH VAO LOP 10 THPT. PHU THO CHUYEN HUNG VUONG ee Nam hoc 2020 - 2021 eS / MON THI: Tiéng Anh cone thane (Danh cho thi sinh thi vao chuyén Anh) bE 62 Thoi gian lam bai: 150 phat (khéng ké théi gian giao dé) ‘A. LISTENING (10 points) |. You are going to hear somebody giving their opinion about the media and its influence on society. For each question, fill in the missing information. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR NUMBER(S) for each answer. (5 points) # page “Hoc véi Otto Channel” # * The media is often a source of gossip, (1). Entertainers use it to stay in the (2). a * Celebrities find themselves being followed and photographed in most (3)... oe situations. * The percentage of people who did not have a particular point of view about the privacy of celebrities was (4) * The most influential form of media iS (5). cnn 1 You will hear an interview with a man called Mark Phil about his work as a potter. (5 points) and propaganda , who is tall 6. Why did pottery not appeal to Mark when he was younger? ‘A. He was put off by his mother’s achievements. B. His many attempts always seemed to end in failure. C. He was too busy playing in a band to take an interest, 7. Why did Mark decide to take up pottery? A. His own computer company went bankrupt. B. He saw how enjoyable pottery classes could be. C. He realized he needed to be more creative. Shared by: Angels of Otto Channel 8. What did Mark say about being a student again? A. He missed having responsibility. B. He was made to feel that he was different. C. He felt physically challenged. 9. Mark describes the pots he makes as... A. reflecting shapes in nature. B. objects that are to be used C. his mother's works. Mal If you wish to offer me a 4 for these > you can {iON here! Bui Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank HCM Page 852 Thank you for your generosity! 10. “Thi xong, c6 d8 cho Thay xin voi nha!” What has surprised Mark about the pottery community? ‘A. how supportive they have been to a newcomer. [tomate B. how willing other potters are to share ideas. OTTO an by C. how content they are with their lifestyle. INNEL, B. PHONETICS (10 points) 1. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) whose underlined part is pronounced differently. (5 points) # page “Hoc vi Otto Channel” # 1. A.gradually B. procedure C. dependent ——D. eduvativn 2. A.astounding —_—B. contact C. background _D.. formality 3. Aendure, B. pasture C. measure D. capture 4. A.stomach B. charcoal C.mechanize —_D. archaeology 5. A.decreases B. rehearses C. increases D. advises Il, Choose the word (A, B, C or D) whose stress pattern is different from that of the others. (5 points) 6 A.metro B. campaign C. garnish D. sculpture 7. A. burden B. unite C. forbid D. impose 8. A.romantic B. acceptable —_C. elegant D. decisive §. A.advantageous B. confidential _—C. sympathetic_—_—D. considerable 10. A.constitution —R ensmapolitan equivalence —_D. nationality C. LEXICO-GRAMMAR (35 points) 1. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each of the following sentences. (15 points) 1. Itis advisable that a career objective. _ by every applicant at the start of his/her resume. A. is written B. be written C. must be written D. to be written 2. The flags of Italy and Mexico are. the same; the only difference is that Mexico's flag has an emblem in the center. A. entirely B. identically C. basically D. colorfully 3. According to my , We should have enough money for the rest of the month. A.measurements B. calculations —_C. suspicions D. expectations 4, Son: “I'mnot hot. 'm absolutely roasting” Father *_______* A. Your lucky thing! I'm sure you'll enjoy it. B. Let's go and cool down in the sea C. You'll get a lovely suntan. D. Maybe you've got a sun stroke. wg Ifyou wish to offer me aP tor these a you can {pill} here! Bui Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank HCM Page 553 Thank you for your generosity! 10. " 12. 13. “Thi xong, c6 dé cho Thay xin voi nha!" Did you see John this morning? He looked like... He must have attended the party last night! A. a bear with a sore head B. death warmed up C.a dead duck D. a wet blanket She is going, ..the Cambridge First Certificate because she wants to study abroad. A. infor B. along with CC. down with D, back on No ane cares ahaut the starving people, ‘A. whose aid is intended for B. whom the aid is intended C. that the aid is intended for D. for the aid is intended Well have to... down the options before coming to a decision A. slow B. narrow C. bring D. wind the barrier at the side of the road, the car would have crashed into the valley below. A. But for B. Apart from C. Except for D. Unless The police are working. with the Football Association in an effort to stamp out soccer violence. A. hand in glove B. hand over fist C. hand in hand D. on hands and knees In a money-oriented society, the average individual cares little about solving problem, A. any other B. any other's ©. anyone else’s D. anyone's else My new glasses cost me the pair | bought last month. ‘A. more than three times B. three times as much as C. more three times than D. as much three times as Every woman who has enough criteria can join the beauty contest ___ their background. A. irrespective of B. in consideration of C. under guarantee D. on account for Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(e)/ phrases) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s)/ phrase(s). They didn't plan to go away for the weekend, They decided to go to the mountain on the spur of the moment. A. abruptly B. naturally C. intentionally D. deliberately wg Ifyou wish to offerme a & for these SS you can |/iWiil) here! Bui Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank HCM Page 554 Thank you for your generosity! “Thi xong, c6 48 cho Thay xin véi nha!” 15. When being interviewed, you should concentrate on what the interviewer is saying or asking you. A. be related to B. be interested in C. express interest in D. pay all attention to Il, Identify the underlined word or phrase that must be changed to make the ‘sentence correct by writing your answer A, B, C or D in the numbered box. (5 points) # page “Hoc véi Otto Channel” # 1 Dictionaries frequently explain the origin of the defined word, state its part of A B Qo speech and indication its correct use. D 2. The United States annually import more than $3 billion worthy of Italian clothing, A B @ D jewellery, and shoes 3. During our conversation he couldn't help asking me if my sister has already given A B c birth to a baby D 4, Overlooking the Hudson River in New York, the Cloisters includes parts several A BG medieval monasteries and chapels brought from Europe D 5. Regardless of your teaching method, the objective of any conversation class A B ‘ Compiled by should be for the students to practise a words. as IV. _ Give the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Write your answers in the numbered box. (5 points) # page “Hoc v6i Otto Channel” # 1. She described the accident as if she (WITNESS), We have got everything for the field trip. Nothing seems (FORGET), 3, Tim looks so frightened and upset. He (EXPERIENCE) something terrible. 4. I didn’t get home until after midnight last night. Otherwise, | (RETURN)... your call 5. Though (WRITE). appeals to many adult readers, too. vg If you wish to offer me ac? for these Se you can TB pero Bui Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank HCM Page 655 Thank you for your generosity! it yesterday for children, “Alice in the Wonderland" “Thi xong, c6 dé cho Thay xin voi nha!” Complete the passage by filling in each blank with the correct form of the word in each bracket. (10 points) In Britain, what is described as “food miles’, the distance which food is transported from the place where it is grown to its point of sale, continues to rise. This has major economic, social and environmental consequences, given by the traffic congestion and pollution which (1. VARY). follow. According to (2. PRESS). groups, the same amount of food is travelling 50% further than twenty years ago. What's more, the rise in the demand for road naulage over this period nas mostly been due to the transport of food and drink. ine groups assert that the increase in the number of lorry journeys is (3. EXCEED). and that many of these are far from (4. ESSENCE). In the distribution system employed by British food (6. RETAIL) fleets of lorries bring all goods into more (6. CENTRE). . located warehouses for redistribution across the country. (7. LOGIC). as this might appear, the situation whereby some goods get sent back to the same areas from which they came is (8. AVOID). in response to the scathing (9. CRITIC), from environmentalists, some food distributors aim to minimize the impact of food miles by routing vehicles, wherever possible, on motorways after dark. This encourages greater energy efficiency while also reducing the impact on (10. RESIDENT) areas through which they would otherwise pass. D. READING (25 points) |. Read the following passage and fill each numbered blank with ONE suitable word. (10 points) # page “Hoc v6i Otto Channel” # Today we take electricity for (1)... _and perhaps we do not realize just how useful this discovery has been. Steam was the first invention that replaced wind power. It was used to drive engines and was passed (2), vnsnoee BipOS and radiators to warm rooms. Petrol mixed with air was the next invention that provided power. Exploded in a cylinder, it drove a motor engine. Beyond (3). simple and direct uses, those forms have not much adaptability. On the other hand, ‘we make use of electricity in thousands of ways. From the powerful voltages that drive our electric trains to the tiny current to work a simple calculator, and from the huge electric magnet in steel! works that can lift 10 tons to the tiny electric magnet in a doorbell, all are powered by electricity. Other (4)... atomic energy, which has not as yet been harnessed to the full, electricity is the greatest power in the world To (5)... __....leetricity, huge turbines must be turned. When dams are built, falling water is used to drive the turbines (6) polluting the atmosphere. Atomic power is used in several countries but there is always the fear of an accident. A tragedy once occurred at Chernobyl, in Ukraine, at an atomic power plant used to make electricity. The reactor (7) which caused many If you wish to offer me a & for these aS you can i. here! Bui Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank HCM Page 556 Thank you for your generosity! “Thi xong, c6 d& cho Thay xin voi nha!” deaths through radiation, Now scientists are examining new ways of creating electricity without harmful (8), _ to the environment. They may harness the tides as, they flow in and out of bays. Most importantly, they hope to trap sunlight more (9) We do use solar heaters for swimming pools but as yet improvement in the capacity of the solar cells to create more current is necessary. When this happens, electric cars will be viable and the world will rid itself of the toxic gases (10), off by trucks and cars that burn fossil fuels. Il. Read the following passage and choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that hest fits the blank in the follawing passage (10 paints) When in Britain, you must never complain. Complaining is very un-British. If you are a)... waiting half an hour in a shop, ifa bus (2)._...........i8 rude to you, if a waiter brings your food ice-cold, you keep your mouth shut. The stiff upper lip is the British way. Other nationalities might make a (3). _....» Protest loudly or call for the manager, but not the British. Remember also that British ears are simply not tuned to complaints. A friend of mine was a regular (4) at a famous and expensive London restaurant. Every day at 2 p.m. and 9 p.m. the (5). manager would come out (as he had been doing for the last 37 years), go from table to table and (6). “Did you enjoy your meal?”. For 37 years, hundreds of thousands of properly (7) up British people had replied to him: “Very much indeed.” The man would smile, say “Thank you very much," and progress to the next table, ‘One day, however, the lunch was so (8), that my friend (Dutch mother, Albanian father) decided to tell him the naked truth. So, when the antiquated manager appeared at his table as usual and asked, “Did you enjoy your meal, sir?” my friend replied: “(9),......... not at all. It was appalling.” To which the manager gave his (10) ‘obsequious smile, said: “Thank you very much, sir," and moved on, quite satisfied. 1. Amade B. kept C. stayed D. held 2. A.conductor B. attendance _—_C. assistant D. steward 3. A-discussion B. argument C. quarrel D. fuss 4. A. supporter B. purchaser C. customer D. guest 5. Amature B. elderly C. outdated D. vintage 6 A.inquire B. query C. request D. probe 7. Araised B. grown C. educated D. brought 8. A offensive B. painful C. abominable —_D. harrowing 9 Asincerely B. largely C. bluntly D. frankly 10. A.customary B. average C. commonplace _D. daily Ifyou wish to offer me a = for these > you can {p0Mil} here! Bui Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank HCM Page 557 Thank you for your generosity! “Thi xong, co dé cho Thay xin vi nha!” Ill. Read the following passage and choose the correct answer (A, B, C, D) for each of the questions below. (5 points) # page “Hoc voi Otto Channel” # Space is a dangerous place, not only because of meteors but also because of rays from the sun and other stars. The atmosphere again acts as our protective blanket on earth. Light gets through, and this is essential for plants to make the food which we eat. Heat, too, makes our environment endurable. Various kinds of rays come through the air from outer space, but enormous quantities of radiation from the sun are ‘screened off. As soon as men leave the atmosphere, they are exposed to this radiation but their spacesuits or the walls of their spacecraft, if they are inside, do prevent a lot of radiation damage. Radiation is the greatest known danger to explorers in space The unit of radiation is called “rem”. Scientists have reason to think that a man can put up with far more radiation than 0.1 rem without being damaged; the figure of 60 rem has been agreed on. The trouble is that itis extremely difficult to be sure about radiation damage - a person may feel perfectly well, but the cells of his or her sex organs may be damaged, and this will not be discovered until the birth of deformed children or even grandchildren Missions of the Apollo flights have had to cross belts of high radiation, and during the outward and return journeys, the Apollo crew accumulated a large amount of rem. So far, no dangerous amounts of radiation have been reported, but the Apollo missions have been quite short. We simply do not know yet how men are going to get on when they spend weeks and months outside the protection of the atmosphere, working in a space laboratory. Drugs might help to decrease the damage done by radiation, but no really effective ones have been found so far. 1. According to the first paragraph, the atmosphere is essential to man because A. it protects him against the harmful rays from space B. it provides sufficient light for plant growth C. it supplies the heat necessary for human survival D. it screens off the falling meteors 2. We know from the passage that ‘A. exposure to even tiny amounts of radia B. the effect of exposure to radiation is slow in coming C. radiation is avoidable in space exploration D. astronauts in spacesuits needn't worry about radiation damage 3. The harm radiation has done to the Apollo crew, A. is insignificant B. seems overestimated C. is enormous D. remains unknown - ifyou wish fa offer me.a EP or these Sa you can [isi here! Bui Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank HCM Page 558 Thank you for your generosity! 1 Fl myej,e rn LP Lei “Thi xong, c6 8 cho Thay xin voi nha!” It can be inferred from the passage that, A. the Apollo mission was very successful B. protection from space radiation is not easy job C. astronauts will have deformed children or grandchildren D. radiation is not a threat to well-protected space explorers The best title for this passage would bi ‘A. The Atmosphere and Our Environment B. Reacarsh on Radiation C. Effects of Space Radiation D. Importance of Protection against Radiation WRITING (20 points) Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word in bold given in brackets. Do NOT change the word given. (5 points) # page “Hoc véi Otto Channel” # ‘There is no need for me to tell you that you'll be paid handsomely for your work. (SAYING) It Itwas wrong of you to borrow my book without asking for my permission. (HAVE) You.. They listened eagerly and attentively to the president's speech. (EARS) They Simon hadn't expected that he would feel so weak after the operation. (LEFT) The operation We are thankful to the doctors and nurses for their contribution to preventing COVID-19. (WHAT) We are thankful to a os Complete each of the following sentences in such a way that it has similar meaning to the sentence printed before. (5 points) ‘Most people can understand Tom when he speaks Vietnamese. Tom can make Your scheme is brilliant, but I do not think it will work. Brilliant Experts think that all dogs evolved from wolves, All dogs are », Ifyou wish to offer me a E P tor these a you can BB tors Bui Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank HCM Page 559 Thank you for your generosity! “Thi xong, c6 4@ cho Thay xin voi nha!” ‘Something must be done quickly to solve the problem of homelessness, Urgent enone oye Mass tourism has caused the environmental problems in Ha Long Bay. > Mass tourism is li Essay Extracurricular activities are becoming more and more important to school students. Write a paragraph (from 120 to 150 words) about the benefits of extracurricular activities. (10 points) oan Ifyou wish to offer me a = for these SS you can |Wiilil) here! Bui Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank HCM Page 560 Thank you for your generosity! “Thi xong, c6 8 cho Thay xin véi nha!” 80 GIAO DUC - BAO TAO KY THI CHON HSG TINH LOP 9 THCS QUANG BINH Nam hoc 20°*-20"* MON THI: Tiéng Anh (Danh cho thi sinh thi vao chuyén Anh) Thdi gian lam bai: 150 phi (khéng ké thoi gian giao 48) A. LISTENING (15 pts) > Bal nghe gdm 2 phan, mdi phan duye yi ain 2 an. * — Gitta 2 [an ghi Am cla méi phan va gira cac phan c6 mot khodng thd’ gian cho 1. Acustomer is calling the reception to book a room for next week. Listen to the conversation and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). (7 pts) # page “Hoc véi Otto Channel” # Statement TE 1. The customer wants to book a single room 2. There isn’t any room available 3. The customer's name is Duncan Geoffrey 4. His telephone number is $762 3821 5. He will arrive on the nineteenth and leave on the twenty-third of September. 2 He will pay 210 pounds in total. 7. He will pay cash on arrival. Il, Listen and fill in the following blanks to complete the passage. Use ONE OR MORE THAN words or/and number in each blank. (8 pts) Hello, everyone. Sorry to interrupt your class. | just want to make a quick announcement about our (8). Shimmers Dance School will be offering new classes this spring due to strong demand. Angela Stevenson will be back this term, running the (9). class. This class will be on Tuesdays, and instead of normal hour (10) , We'll be running the class for an hour and a half, so it will continue until 8 o'clock. This means we have to charge higher fees, but only slightly higher: from (11)... That's only £2.00 for the extra half hour! Next, Janine Davis will still be teaching the tango classes. Instead of being on Mondays these classes will be on Wednesday nights from 7 o'clock to 8 o'clock. The (12)... Will still be £7.50 for the hour. Last but not least, Andrew is taking over the tap class. This class is for early risers as it starts at 8.30 on (13)... and finishes at 10. We expect this class to be very popular as tap is a great way to get fit while learning new (14)... ecneu: This will cost £11.00. All the other classes remain the same as the (15) _.. timetable. We hope there's something for all of you at Shimmers! a Ifyou wish to offer me aD tor these eS you can |idlili) here! Bui Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank HCM Page 564 Thank you for your generosity! “Thi xong, c6 dé cho Thay xin vi nha!” B. PHONETICS (5 pts) up the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. (3pts) 16. A. feather B. leather C. feature D. measure 17. A. orchestra B. orchard C. chord D. chaos 18. A. audience B. august C. laugh D. taught te Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group. (2pts) # page “Hoc voi Otto Channel” # 19. A. experiment B. fabulous C. merchandise _D. influence 20. A. decorate B. disappoint C. festival D. primary C, LEXICO - GRAMMAR (30 pts) 1. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) which best completes each sentence. (15 pts) 21, | must think that matter over carefully before | answer you. A. remember B. decide C. consider D. memorize 22. It's necessary that every student of our class... hard. A. study B. studying C. to study D. studies 23. Nobody is ready 10. 90, ecune? A isn'the B.ishe C. are they D. aren't they 24. When tropical storm, 120 kilometers per hour, it can damage a lot of things. A. arrives B. comes C. reaches D. runs 26. Peter: “What a lovely house you have!” Mary: " : A. Of course not, it's not costly B. | think so C. Thank you. Hope you will drop in D. No problem 26. Some of my friends are taking extra classes in English. become tourist guides. A. 80 that B.soas C. inorder that —_D. so as to 27. Peter and his friend were badly injured in the last match, so... can play today. A. both of them B. either one of them C. neither of them D. not any of them 28. Nancy talks asifshe.__... everything. A. knows B. had known C. knew D. know oem If you wish to offer me a SP torthese SE you can (iii) here! Bui Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank HCM Page 562 Thank you for your generosity! 29, 30, 31 32, 33, 34, 36. I. 36. 37. 38. 39, 40. 41 42. 43, 44, 45, 46, “Thi xong, cd dé cho Thay xin voi nha!" _.. breakfast is the first meal of the day. A. The B.A ©. This Do We had a good time last summer. A. enjoyed ourselves B. had plenty of time C. had enough time D. had a useful time Ilike school... but later I hate it A. at the first B. at first C. in the first time D. in a first time I must get that letter posted. I must... A. post it B. have posted it C. have it posted D. have got it to posted Ha has, money that he can't afford to buy food. A. so few B. so many C. so little D. so much The journey was rather long but really, e A. enjoy B. enjoying C. enjoyable D. enjoyed Do you know 2 A. what it was wrong B. what was it wrong C. what wrong it was D. what's wrong it Put the verbs giver His sister (GIVE), I (READ), He (ELECT)... suum President of the football club at their last meeting brackets into the appropriate tenses or forms. (8 pts) a car for her twentieth birthday next year. the book you lent me, so you can have it back now. The house was very quiet when | got home. Everybody (GO)........... to bed. He recommended the old soldier (WRITE), - about thi Second World War. Present day problems demand that we (BE), emergency. You (NOT GO), By the time you come back home, you (COMPLETE! examination. Read the sentences below. Put the words given in brackets into the appropriate forms (7pts) Jewish people celebrate freedom from (SLAVE) on Passover holiday. Jam very (PRIDE) to be chosen for the national team, We often go to the town cultural house, which always opens on (PUBLICITY) __ feady for any there because he did not expect you this holiday. ee Ifyou wish to offer me a for these Se you can TE here Bui Van Trung _ 0071000843599 _ Vietcombank HCM Page 563 Thank you for your generosity! “Thi xong, 66 dé cho Thay xin voi nha!” 47. Although the problems were rather difficulty, they managed to (SOLUTION), 7 all of them. 48. Could you (STRAIGHT), ae 49. She wanted to have her skirt (LONG), 50. They are cheered (ENTHUSIASM D. READING COMPREHENSION (25 pts) |. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use ‘only ONE word in each gap. (10 pte) ... the picture over the sofa? Everyone wants to reduce pollution. But pollution problem is (51), complicated as itis serious. It is complicated (52).. caused by things that benefit people. For example, exhaust (53). automobiles causes a large percentage of all air pollution. But automobiles (54), : _ transportation for millions of people. Factories discharge much of the material (55), pollutes the air and water, but factories give employment to a large (56), .. of people. Too much fertilizer or pesticide can ruin soil, but fertiizers and pesticide (57). important aids to the growing of crops. Thus, to end (58) _ greatly reduce pollution immediately, people would have to (69)... _.. using many things that benefit them. Most people do not want to do that, of course. But pollution can (60) gradually reduced in several ways. Il. Choose the word that best fits each of the blanks in the following passage. Choose A, B, C or D to indicate your answer. (10 pts) much pollution is Recent research has (61 that a third of people in Britain have not met their (62) neighbors and those who know each other (63), speak Neighbors gossiping over garden fences and in the street was a common (64)... in the 1950s, says Dr Carl Chinn, an expert on local communities. Now, however, longer hours spent working at the office, together with the Internet and satellite television, are eroding neighborhood (65)... "Poor neighborhoods once had strong kinship, but now prosperity buys privacy," said Chinn Professor John Locke, a social scientist at Cambridge University, has analyzed a large (66), ... of surveys. He found that in America and Britain the amount of time spent in social activity is decreasing. A third of people said they never spoke to their neighbors at (67) Andrew Mayer, 25, a strategy consultant, rents a large apartment in West London, with two flat mates, who work in e — commerce. "We have a family of teachers upstairs and lawyers below, but our contact comes via letters (68) ... to the communal facilities or complaints that we've not put out our bin bags properly," said Mayer. The (69) of communities can have serious effects. Concemed at the rise in burglaries and ( _ of vandalism, the police have relaunched crime prevention schemes such as Neighborhood Watch, call on people who live in the same are to keep an eye on each others’ houses and report everything they see which is unusual. ean If you wish to offer me ae for these a you can [ititil) here! Bui Van Trung _ 0071000843599 _ Vietcombank HCM Page 564 Thank you for your generosity! “Thi xong, c6 d8 cho Thay xin voi nha!” 61. A exhibited B. conducted C. displayed D. revealed 62. A side-on B. next-door C. close-up D. nearside 63. A barely B. roughly ©. nearly D. virtually 64. A outlook B. view C. vision D. sight 65. A ties B. joins C. strings D. laces 66. A.deal B. amount C. number D. measure 67. A least B. once C.all D. most 68. A.conceming _B. regarding C. applying D. relating 69. A. breakout B. breakup C. breakdown —_—D. breakaway 70. A.acts B. shows C. counts D. works Ill. Read the following passage and choose the letter A, B, C, D to indicate the correct answer to each question. (5 pts) # page “Hoc voi Otto Channel” # The culture of Vietnam is one of the oldest in the Southeast Asia region. Although Vietnam lies geographically in Southeast Asia, long periods of Chinese domination and influence has resulted in the emergence of many East Asian characteristics in Vietnamese culture, and generally Vietnam is said to be a part of the East Asian cultural sphere, known widely as Chinese cultural sphere. Despite considerable foreign influence, Vietnamese people have managed to retain many distinct customs. While Chinese culture has the largest influence on traditional Vietnamese culture, there is also a much smaller influence from the Cham and later Western cultures, most notably of France, Russia and the United States In term of prehistory, most Vietnamese historians consider the ancient Dong Son Culture to be one of the defining aspects of early Vietnamese civilization. Vietnam’s population in 2006 was 84,402,966, with a population density of 253 people per km2. Most people live in or near the densely populous Red River or Mekong deltas. Due to the nation’s southward expansion throughout its history, along with the different climate and environment met by the settlers as they moved further south, slightly different regional cultures began to emerge, most notably between Northern and Southern Vietnam. 71. The culture of Vietnam, A. is the youngest in Asia [ Compiled by B_ does not get any Asian characteristics OTTO CHANNEL C. is influenced by that of China D. was greatly dominated by that of Western 72. Which culture has not affected the Vietnamese one? A. Of the United States B. Ofthe United Kingdom C. Of Russia D. Of France Ifyou wish to offer me a SP torthece aS you can [idil) here! Bui Van Trung _ 0071000843599 _ Vietcombank HCM Page 565 Thank you for your generosity! “Thi xong, c6 48 cho Thay xin véi nha” 73. Vietnamese people... A. cannot keep their own culture in their daily life B. have many diverse nation customs C. highly appreciate the Western influence on their culture D. failed to retain the native customs 74, Through history, Vietnam expanded to the... A. south B.north —C. east D. west 79. Wien statement is tue? A. The North and the South of Vietnam have the same regional cultures. B. The Mekong delta is more populous than the Red River one. C. Red River delta is densely populous. D. Vietnamese people do not like living in the deltas. E. WRITING (25 pts) |. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between TWO AND FIVE words, including the word given. (7 pts) # page “Hoc v6l Otto Channel” # 76. I met her while | was staying in Paris last summer. (STAY) + I met her... in Paris, last summer. 77. | couldn't remember the name of my hotel when I got into the taxi, (CALLED) » | couldn't remember. ees when | got into the taxi. 78. We were all surprised when she suddenly left the job. (FOUND) = AML atone -when she suddenly left the job, 79. “Are you a member of the club?" the receptionist said to me. (BELONGED) — The receptionist asked... the club, 80. Do shops usually stay open so late in this country? (USUAL) + Ww. — 1 stay open £0 late in thie country? 81. He doesn't often find it difficult to earn money. (TROUBLE) — He seldom... money, 82. Jack has become confident as a result of his success. (TURNED > Jack's success has. person. in Ifyou wish to offer me a SP or itoss a> you can {itil here! Bui Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank HCM Page 566 Thank you for your generosity! “Thi xong, c6 a8 cho Thay xin voi nha!" Rewrite each of these sentences in such way that it means the same as the sentence printed before it. (8 pts) # page “Hoc voi Otto Channel” # Gary is the best guitarist in the class No one else Lan was sick but she still went to class yesterday Despite... People think that doing morning exercises is good for health. i Follow the instructions carefully and you won't have any problems. As long as... “1'm sorry, | gave you the wrong number” said Paul to Susan. Paul apologized. I have never seen such a mess in my life. Never .. The people who were at the meetit Nobody who will say nothing to the press. She didn’t say a word as she left the room. She... 7 Essay writing (10 pts) Write about 200 - 250 words about the following topic: Computers can translate all kinds of languages well, so children don't need to learn more languages in the future. Do you agree with the statement? Give reasons and examples for your answer. ay Compiled by LOTTO CHANNEL, ve) Ifyou wish to offer me aE torthese > you can (iii) here! Bui Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank HCM Page 567 Thank you for your generosity! “Thi xong, 66 dé cho Thay xin voi nha!" SO GIAO DUC - BAO TAO KY THI HOC SINH GIOI CAP THANH PHO LelLeBlealisaler TP HO CHI MINH LOP 9-THCS Nam hoc 2018 ~ 2019 Ngay thi: 13/03/2019 MON THI: Tiéng Anh oe nn (Danh cho thi sinh thi vao chuyén Anh) DE 64 ThOi gian lam bai: 90 phut (khong ké thoi gian giao dé) LISTENING (20 pts) Listen to the recording. For questions 1-5, choose the option (A, B, C, D) which best completes the blank space. # page “Hoc v6i Otto Channel” # Jeffis described as a very, teacher. A. informed B. good - humored Shared by: Angels! C. patient D, hot-tempered of Otto Channel Sheila is quite... when talking to other people. A. caring B persuasive _. interesting D. bossy Mary's attitude toward her job is, ‘ A. honest B. curious C. bored D. enthusiastic Dave Thomas is believed to be... e ©. logical D. hard-working A. informed B. sensi The landlady is good because she's, A great fun B. strict, C. caring D. knowledgeable Listen to the recording. Give brief answers to the questions. What is glass mostly made from? At the recycling facilities, what is the first thing people do? At how many degrees Celsius do manufacturers melt glass? What does the whole process of glass recycling conserve? ‘What does glass recycling reduce by 20 percent? an Ifyou wish to offerme a TP tortnese > you can [itil] here! Bui Van Trung _ 0071000643599 __ Vietcombank HCM Page 568 Thank you for your generosity! 10. At, ‘Thi xong, 66 dé cho Thay xin voi nha!” USE OF ENGLISH (30 pts) Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence # page “Hoc v6i Otto Channel” # They ran all the way to the shop only to realize that they. that. A. didn't need to do B. wouldn't have done C. couldn't have done D. needn't have done _.. he will be ill if he doesn't have a holiday soon. A. In all fikeness. D. Itis highly likely that C, Every probability is that D. The possible chances are The boy will never forget in front of the school for his outstanding performance. A. being praised B. to be praised C, having praised D. to have praised In different circumstances, yes. Compiled y A. will say B. may have said OTTO CHANNE! il C. could be said D. would have said My bike. ‘so | have to take the bus to school now. A. didn’t start B. won't start C. doesn’t start D. is not starting The coach and not the players... for the loss of the last match. A. was to blame B. were blamed C. was to be blamed D. were to blame The teacher encourages., speaking English in and outside the classroom. A. regular practicing B. to regularly practice C. practicing regularly D, regularly practicing Down on the seabed, A. the wreck of the ship is lying B. is the wreck of the ship still lying C. is still ying the wreck of the ship D. still is the wreck of the ship lying Many students do... jobs during holidays to earn extra money. A. inferior B. low C. poor D. casual Wild geese always fly in a definite. A. figure B. formation C. shape D. formula A report about a book, a play, or a film is called a. A. review B. revision C. relay D. summary Ifyou wish to offer me a = for these aS you can [itll here! Bui Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank HCM Page 569 Thank you for your generosity! 12. 13. 14, 1. 17. 16. 19. 20. “Thi xong, c6 dé cho Thay xin voi nhal” There are very few artists who have. much material success in their own lifetime A. fulfilled B. enjoyed C. possessed D. Realized Itis usually impossible to tell the difference between two, twin. A.same B. identical C. alike D. similar The country has... supplies of oil. A abundant B. plenty ©. full D. much He., me to a game ot tennis. A.won B. beat C. challenged D. invited Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that is incorrect. # page “Hoc v6i Otto Channel” # ‘Some dentists advocate that the use of salt for brushing teeth rather than A B c buying commercial teeth powder or paste. D One of the areatest engineering feats of the 20th century was the building of A B c Panama Canal D Oil paintinus are most curmmonly done by a canvas surface supported A B c D bya frame Psychologists suggest that there is often a connection of the color red A B c with victory in people's mind. D The s method comprises forming hypotheses, collect data, and A B e testing results, D WORD FORMATION (30 pts) Fill in the blank with the appropriate form of the word given in brackets. Our plastic bottle are 100% (CYCLE). _ and use 50% less plastic. The (BREAK)... has been reported to the police and is now under investigation. Parents should keep their children’s (EXPOSE) to the Internet in check. wer) If you wish to offer me TE tocttass > you can (igi) here! Bui Van Trung __0071000643599 _ Vietcombank HCM Page 570 Thank you for your generosity! "Thi xong, 06 d8 cho Thay xin voi nha!” 4. Her (NATION)... worldwide. He looked at his son with a slightly (WORRY). ‘Smoking is fatally (INJURE), Your last essay was full of grammatical (ACCURATE). them in the next one. 8. Rubber bullets are designed to (CAPABLE). them, __acclaimed novel has won many literary prizes _.... 0 people's health. Reduce people rather than kill 9. _Allhe ever eats are oranges, guavas, etc. We can call him a(n) (FRUIT), 10. They have devoted all their time to (SEARCH). cure for AIDS. 44, Allchildren can make progress, (EDUCATE)... 12, They have produced some rather (CONVINCE) the system failure, _. into a possible ‘explanations for 13. Look at that girl performing on the stage. She's a Toe Tien (LOOK), 14, We sent her a copy of the physics book in (KNOWLEDGE), her parti its creation. 15. 1 (BABY), for Jane on Tuesday evening while she was at her friend's wedding [ Compiled by D. GUIDED CLOZE TEST (30 pts) OTTO CHANNEL| Read the passage and choose the best option (A, B, C or D) for each blank space. # page “Hoc véi Otto Channel” # Consulates (1)... _... 10 help citizens abroad to help themselves. Every year millions of people go abroad for (2), OF profit. There are consular officers ready to do what they can to help if people get into difficulties, but for all sorts of reasons there are (3) vsmuat0 What they can do. Most of the (4) things go well for travelers abroad but occasionally things go wrong So, whether you are an experienced traveler or a first (5) going by yourself, with the family or a group there are things you should do before you go. Think about money and tickets well (6)... Take enough money including enough to pay your return (7) and hold on to it. Better (8)... buy return tickets in the first place. In a(n) (9). ...@ consul will (10).. relatives or friends and ask them to help you with money or tickets. But there’s no (11) __. that says a consul has to lend you money and if he (12). i will have to be repaid) he will want to be (13). first that you really do have no money and there is no one else you know who can help. vgn Ifyou wish to offer me CP torinese you can {itil here! Bui Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank HCM Page 871 Thank you for your generosity!

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