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Waste Water Treatment MCQs [set-5]

101. Which of the following option is incorrect about the sludges?

A. Sludges are soft, loose and slimy precipitate
B. They are non-adherent deposits and can be easily removed
C. Formed generally at heated portions of the boiler
D. Can be removed by blow down operation
Answer: C

102. The propulsion of water into steam drum by extremely rapid, almost explosive
boiling of water at the heating surface is called ___________
A. Foaming
B. Priming
o m
C. Corrosion
. c
D. Caustic embrittlement te
Answer: B a
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103. The phenomenon during which the boiler material becomes brittle due to
accumulation of caustic substances is known as ___________
A. Foaming
B. Priming
C. Corrosion
D. Caustic embrittlement
Answer: D

104. Foaming is caused by the formation of ___________

A. Acids
B. Alcohols
C. Oils and alkalis
D. Ketones
Answer: C

105. The term ‘Sullage’ refers to:

A. Fresh wastewater
B. Septic wastewater
C. Wastewater from kitchen, laundry
D. Toxic wastewater
Answer: C

106. Wastewater can become septic by the loss of:

A. Dissolved oxygen content
B. Carbon content
C. Organic compounds
D. Water content
Answer: A

107. Which one of the below is not an attribute of drinking water?

A. Aesthetics
B. Economic
C. Safety
D. Source
Answer: D

108. The extent of water treatment depends on how many factors?

A. 5
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Answer: B

109. What is added to the water treatment tank to settle the colloidal particles?
A. Alum
B. Alum and lime
C. Lime
D. Potash
Answer: B

110. Disinfection of water in our country is mainly done by ____________

A. Oxygenation
B. Hydration
C. Chlorination

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D. Filtration
Answer: C

111. Which minerals and in what form are present in ground water?
A. Fe & Mn in Ferrous and Manganous
B. Fe & Cu in Ferric and Cupric
C. Fe & Mn in Ferric and manganous
D. Cu & Mn in Cuprous and manganous
Answer: A

112. How many types of wastewater treatment plants are there based on the type of
A. 5
B. 4
C. 2
D. 3
Answer: D

113. On how many conditions does the intervention of wastewater depend on?
A. 5
B. 7
C. 6
D. 4
Answer: B

114. The surface water quality is affected by _______ and infiltration from rainfall.
A. Precipitation
B. Run off
C. Wetlands
D. Farming
Answer: B

115. _________ are constructed for water supply, electricity generation, recreation,
irrigation and others.
A. Swimming pools
B. Ponds
C. Reservoirs

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D. Tanks
Answer: C

116. What is the next step after water abstraction in wastewater treatment?
A. Supply to consumers
B. Treatment
C. Combine with stormwater
D. Supply to receiving body
Answer: B

117. Which of the following requires aesthetically pleasant water?

A. Domestic use
B. Industrial use
C. Irrigation
D. Aquaculture
Answer: B

118. The addition of substances or energy forms that directly or indirectly alter the
nature of the water body is called?
A. Water contamination
B. Water pollution
C. Sanitation
D. Water treatment
Answer: B

119. What is the type of pollution where the pollutants reach the water body in
points called?
A. Point-source pollution
B. Diffuse pollution
C. Point-source contamination
D. Diffuse contamination
Answer: A

120. What percentage of solids does wastewater contain?

A. 0.5%
B. 5%
C. 0.1%

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D. 1%
Answer: C

121. What is the growth of huge amounts of algae and other aquatic plants leading
to the deterioration of the water quality called?
A. Eutrophication
B. Algae growth
C. Nitrification
D. Denitrification
Answer: A

122. The optimum temperature for bacterial activity is in what range?

A. 25-35 degree Celsius
B. 50 degree Celsius
C. 20 degree Celsius
D. 40 degree Celsius
Answer: A

123. The fluoride concentration for prevention of dental caries is ____________

A. 1mg/l
B. 2mg/l
C. 3mg/l
D. 4mg/l
Answer: A

124. In which process, the fluoride content of water is raised?

A. Chlorination
B. Fluoridation
C. Defluoridation
D. Flocculation
Answer: B

125. Which of the following is not used as a fluoride compound?

A. Sodium fluoride
B. Sodium silico fluoride
C. Hydrofluosilicic acid
D. Sodium fluro carbonate
Answer: D

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