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LAY GOC TIENG ANH CHO HOC SINH LOP 8 Trén Phic Duy (Anh Gido ) @°- a'.< ye BLY (4p, ow %, SA Ge LAY LAI GOC TIENG ANH CHO HOC SINH LOP 8 Thi hién tai don (Simple present) Dién ta mot chan ly, sy that hién nhién, mot hanh dong, su vide chung chung, lap di Lap Lai nhiéu Lan, mot thdi quen hodc hanh dong xay ra trong thdi gian hién tai * Ddu hiéu nhan biét Trong cau ¢¢ cde trang tir chi théi gian: every day/night/week/year, always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, rarely, seldom, once, twice... a) Thé khéing dinh: (+) b) Thé pha dinh: (-) Ong tito be (am, is, are) duge chia Thém NOT sau déng tito be theo ede dai ty nhan xung: tam 'm 1am not I'm not /1ain't He is => He's He is not He isn’t / He’s not Sheis => She's She is not She isn’t / She's not Itis => It's Itisnot Itisn’t /It’s Weare => We're. We are not We aren't / We're not Youare => You're You are not You aren’t / You're not Theyare => They're Theyarenot => They aren't / They're not ¢) Thé nghi van: (7). Muén dat céu héi, dua “to be” lén trude dai tiynhn xung: Am 1 she Yes, you are/No, you are not. Is she 4 Yes, she is/No, she is not. Is he se Yes, he is/No, he is not. Is it s/No, it is not. Are they te Yes, they are/No, they are not. Are we de Yes, we are/No, we are not. Are you 4 Yes, |am/No, lam not. Phiic Duy (Anh Gido) Phi dinh (+) SORE ht ha cdl) ECA $6 nhiéu l/We/You/They pssvnso | $+ does NOT + V-inf +0 $+doNOT+V-inf +0 Does +S+V-inf +0? PTE ee ers MAI ACEC COE it CMO L ony ONE c uk CRON PUCK? Pp dién (Present Continuous) Dién ta hanh déng hoae su viée dang dién ra 6 hién tai (ngay khi dang ndi). Cer Oe eu Rae) We are playing soccer. Phi'dinh (+) MS +am/is/are + NOT + V-ing + Off We are not playing soccer. SUSE UE = PCO Ci ote bred NES cd SO wD rd DRS eh Ole not. DR Re cca Ce Ty CTLs Cau ménh Lénh (Look!/ Listen!/ Quiet! Cau héi Where + be + S? So sdnh nhét duge ding khi ngudi ndi muén ndi vé cdi gi ETRE E GD 6 hon tat ca nhiing cdi khée. the + ADJ/ADV -est He is the tallest studen’ his class the most + ADJ/ADV ai the most tg CEC uaki3) Pca Cuce) BU Cig Néu so sdnh nhat cho mét Deuce eur ea) Ponta => He is my youngest son POMC kag s 3 CT Rane en na his, her, your,... thay CR nar Dung so sdnh hon khi muén so sénh cdi nay hon cdi kia, vi du nhu tét hon, dep hon,... Tung tunhu so sdnh nhét, ry PA 6 diém khdc biét trong hinh thdi cia tinh tirngdn (1 am be da) 4 gan ( tiét) va tinh tir dai (2 am tiét tré én) khi so sanh hon. | SRO RC FOU) oc Caan) Dr ene i9) Sr vue he Pee This work is more difficult dai (2 am tiét) unary Ry RUT RRL! CET DOC TT Cua Cur hed eer any TT a eri Let’s + V-inf Should we + V- inf...? Would you like to +V-ing...? Why don’t we/you +V-ini 2 What about /How about + V-ing...? jon (Simple Future) 220 Cy ea eee eae) Ex: will grab a taxi. (T6i sé bat taxi) eae OLE Gea) Cer See CSCC TRC Cok eT RCT) bgn sy that dau) a Ee eke Bia SEA eee Ex: Will you come here tomorrow? SCO aa oe ee uh) téi) k=” k= Let’s go to the cinema Should we play football? * Goodidea Would you like to go * Great! shopping? * 0K Why don’t we/you go + l'dloveto out tonight? * I'msorry, lean’t What about watching Tv? Bae es} Dién ta hanh dong, su viée xdc dinh trong qua khtf hay visa mdi két thuic. DRE Ty go do have see give take teach eat send Peay ea) Bn Te Oey eat ACA Cea TC ee ee cu RR (T6i da 6 nha ban ngay hom qua) EES Olea) SO eC eaCna (Anh dy khéng cé mat trong ldp ngay hém. qua) PSA ee eg bide Cee Ons Oa OPAL ey s12) ae eee cd No, she wasn’t. (C6 phdi cé dy Khéng, c6 dy khéng bi ém) went di did lam had oo nhin thay gave cho took lay taught day ate eaten sent gui PEO CUnUC) teach think buy cut make drink get put tell Train Phuc Duy (Anh Gido)| LRU) eave YAEL) Ex: She cut her hair. (Cé dy da cat tec) Pere enn ee) ee Lay in last week. (Ho khong c6 RCO RC RCT 3) DID + $+ V-INF + 0? Ards SaaS) See Ps Ex: Did you finish your Prac See CUR iy SUT G MCMC Rut id Téi da lam xong réi) cE taught day thought nght bought mua cut cat, chat made lam drank ung got 66, lay put dat, a8 told ke, bao Dai Cre Dai tirnghi vén trong tiéng Anh hay cdn duge biét dén véi cdi tén phé bién hon la tir dé hdi (Wh- question). Bang dudi day liét ké cdc tir dé hdi thubng gap, y nghia, chtic néing va vi du cu thé gitip cae ban hiéu bai hon. Ng Viel Who ai hdi nguai Who closed the window? What gilcai gi hdi su vat/su viée What is your name? ; : ‘ , Where do you come Where 6 dau hdi dia diém/noi chén from? When khi nao hdi thoi diém/thoi gian += When were you born? Whose cia ai hdivé chi sé hou Whose is this watch? Why tai sao hdi ly do Why did you do that? . di gid/thdi gian tam What time my gid What time is it? viée gi d6 Which cai naoingudi nao hdi lua chon Which color do you like? nhu thé nao/bang cach —_—=Adi vé cach thive/trang How . How does this work? nao thaiyhoan canh . . How many books are How many sé Iuong bao nhiéu 6 long bao nhiéu there? a oe Whom did you meet Whom hdi ngudi lam tan ng yesterday? Why don't we go out Why don't tai sao khong goiy tonight? How far bao xa di khong cach How far is it? . 7 How long it will take to How long bao lau di d6 dai vé thai gian repair my bike? . 7 How much money do you How much bao nhiéu hdi sé lwong have? How old bao nhiéu tudi di tudi How old are you? ay & e, Tu ch 86 lugng hay edn goi La Lugng ti, La tir chi s6 Lugng etia mot vat, mot thir gi dé va c6 thé thay thé cho cde tirhan dinh. Tuy nhién, dich dung tirchi s6 Lugng khd phic tap va dé gay nhém Lan. Vi vay, edn hoc thuée nhiing tir chi sé Lugng thudng gap va xét xem chiing di véi danh tirloai nao. DC CAR la ne BUCU CC oe Cre a ra DU aR CDEC a couple of, several Ree cuk: POMOC) «= eer ecu Cea a POE Ges DIR nats RUC a ALORS aa cig Cer of, a lot of, heaps of Porat Recs td Phiic Duy (Anh Gido))

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