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Oct 9, 2023 10:06 AM GMT+5:30 Oct 9, 2023 10:07 AM GMT+5:30

20% Overall Similarity

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9% Internet database 10% Publications database
Crossref database Crossref Posted Content database
18% Submitted Works database


This report gives insights on identification and feature extraction of vehicle

damage caused by numerous obstacles and other impending cars. In the past,
automotive specialists mostly used physical examinations to find automobile
defects and scratches. This procedure entailed visually inspecting the whole
vehicle's surface under lighting conditions to find flaws. These systems can analyse
enormous volumes of data quickly and find flaws with higher precision and
consistency by utilising the power of computer vision. Car Dent and Scratch
Detection System uses computer vision and machine learning to automatically
recognize and categorize dents and scratches on autos. In doing so, it provides an
objective, cutting-edge solution to the problems associated with maintaining
vehicle aesthetics and resale value. The technology has potential for integration
into the dealership, detailing, and production processes in the automobile sector,
which would ultimately benefit both those working in the field and vehicle owners.
This report focuses on finding dents using YOLO v8 model.

Keywords: Car dent, scratch, Yolo v8, vehicle damage, inspection



Car dents and scratches are common occurrences that can make the
appearance of a vehicle and diminish its resale value. Whether it is a minor parking
lot mishap or a more severe collision, these imperfections can be frustrating and
costly for car owners to repair. Fortunately, advances in technology have led to the
development of innovative solutions for detecting and analyzing car dents and
scratches accurately and efficiently. Car dents are depressions or deformities in the
vehicle's outer body caused by impacts with objects, shopping carts, hail, or other
vehicles. On the other hand, scratches are shallow cuts or abrasions on the car's
paintwork, often resulting from contact with rough surfaces, tree branches, or
vandalism shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1.1. Car Dents and Scratches

Dents and scratches can make routine maintenance tasks, such as washing
and waxing, more challenging. The irregular surface may trap dirt and grime,
making it harder to clean the affected areas properly. Additionally, waxing the car
may be less effective due to the damaged paint layer, which can lead to further
deterioration of the vehicle's appearance. When car owners decide to claim
insurance for dent or scratch repairs, they may face the drawback of higher
premiums in the future. Additionally, insurance policies often come with
deductibles, meaning that the car owner must pay a certain amount out of pocket
before the insurance coverage kicks in. For minor damages, it may not be worth
making a claim due to the deductible costs. Regular maintenance and careful
driving can help minimize the risk of dents and scratches, ensuring that the car
remains in top-notch condition for an extended period.

In the past, detecting car dents and scratches was primarily done through
manual inspections by automotive technicians. This process involved visually
examining the entire vehicle surface under specific lighting conditions to identify
imperfections. However, this method was time-consuming, subjective, and prone to
human error. Automated dent and scratch detection systems offer the promise of
addressing these limitations. By leveraging the power of computer vision, these
systems can process vast amounts of data rapidly and identify imperfections with
greater accuracy and consistency.

Recognition and feature of vehicle damage An essential area of computer

vision is the removal of damaged car parts caused by numerous impediments and
impending traffic. This technology not only enhances the overall inspection
process but also empowers car owners and technicians to make informed decisions
on repairs and maintenance. The implementation of such advanced technologies
marks a significant step towards more efficient and effective automotive
maintenance, preserving the beauty and value of vehicles for years to come.

The need of artificial intelligence (AI) and computer vision to improve car
maintaining and appearance is one of the industry's newest developments. The
creation of an automated system that can recognize dents and scratches on vehicles
is the project's main objective. In order to evaluate photographs or videos of
automobiles and pinpoint flaws with high precision, computer vision techniques
like image processing and machine learning are used. Real-time picture and video
processing is part of the project's scope, giving users access to immediate
feedback. For speedy assessments in situations like vehicle inspections, insurance
claims, and pre-owned vehicle evaluations, this real-time capacity is crucial. The
study may go beyond simple detection by developing algorithms to determine how
severe dents and scrapes are. Users would have knowledge of the damage's scope,
which would help them decide on the most important repairs to make first and how
much they should cost. The AI system should be able to continuously adapt to and
learn from fresh data. To improve detection accuracy over time, this entails
integrating methods for model updates and improvements.

The system may be designed as part of the scope so that it can be built up to
manage many vehicles, making it appropriate for usage in dealerships, auto body
shops, and automobile rental agencies. The project's potential advantages and uses
range widely, from automated detection and severity evaluation to real-time
processing and integration with mobile apps. The incorporation of AI-driven
solutions for car maintenance and aesthetics holds the promise of increased
efficiency, decreased costs, and improved customer experiences as the automotive
industry continues to develop.


1. The exterior appearance of a car is essential for car owners who take pride
in their vehicles. Dents and scratches can make a car look worn, neglected,
and unsightly.
2. The condition of a car's exterior significantly impacts its resale value. A
vehicle with a flawless exterior will likely fetch a higher price than one with
visible dents and scratches.
3. Scratches can expose the metal beneath the paint, making it susceptible to
corrosion. Detecting and repairing scratches promptly can prevent further
damage to the car's body.
4. Severe dents might compromise the structural integrity of the vehicle,
potentially affecting its safety during an accident.


1. Automated systems can analyze a car's surface in a matter of seconds,

significantly reducing inspection time compared to manual methods.
2. Computer vision algorithms eliminate human subjectivity, leading to more
reliable and consistent results in identifying imperfections.
3. Early detection of dents and scratches enables prompt repair, preventing
minor issues from escalating into more significant and costly problems.
4. Car owners benefit from a more transparent and objective inspection
process, improving trust and satisfaction with automotive maintenance
5. Integrating the computer vision system into insurance workflows to
automate vehicle damage evaluation, expediting claim settlements, reducing
fraud, and ensuring fair and transparent assessments for policyholders.


Phyu and Kuntpong (2020) examined several deep learning methods and
used transfer learning in pre-trained VGG models, to identify the damaged section
of an automobile and determine its position and severity. With the help of transfer
learning and L2 regularisation, they were able to achieve accuracy of 95.22% of
VGG19 and 94.56% of VGG16 in damaged detection, 76.48% of VGG19 and
74.39% of VGG16 in damage localisation, and 58.48% of VGG19 and 54.8% of
VGG16 in damage severity. They concluded that VGG19 performed better than
VGG16. Their models addressed overfitting issues.

Najmeddine et al., (2019) looked at insurance firms and they found that
claim leakages cost them a significant amount of money. Inception-Resnet
pre-trained model as features extractor, followed by fully connected neural
networks to identify and categorise the damages, was their suggested approach.
The damage site was marked using the R-CNN mask. They concluded that the
suggested pre-trained model is more effective in localising damage, with an
accuracy of 86.8% as opposed to 75.4%. They discovered that Inception-ResnetV2
model outperforms VGG16 with 80% precision compared to 69% for damage
severity classification. As a result, they discovered a solution demonstrating a
crucial resource for the insurance sector to combat problems with claims leakage
using the Inception-ResnetV2 model.

Cesar et al. (2019) achieved a test performance accuracy rate of 96.89, in

their study and implementation of a model utilising R-CNN. The errors in these
cases were caused by reflections that some cars had in their windows or lateral
zones, so one way to reduce them might be to add more images of vehicles with
comparable characteristics to the database. This is because the colour of the
scratches can cause them to be mistaken for the surface and go undetected. It is
challenging to use this method in the automobile sector and in real-world
applications because of its average execution time, which is close to 3 seconds.
X Zhu et al. (2020) presented a novel autonomous suspension rod inspection
system that can identify and identify nodules, dents, and scratches existing in the
automobile to get beyond the drawbacks of the current inspection approach for
cylindrical items. In order to remove uneven background intensity, image
processing employs convolutional neural networks (CNN). The system has a
detection accuracy of 90%, a sizing accuracy of 75%, and the ability to identify
flaws as small as 25 m.

Mahboub & Majid (2022) have proposed a model using two-route CNN
model that is able to extract features from the image. For each route, they
employed the new mReLU and inception blocks, which oversee extracting
high-level visual information. In order to reduce the model's effectiveness at
segmenting pieces, they employed a pre-trained ResNet-50 model. To address the
overfitting, a 3 3 mReLU block and an inception block were proposed. They
discovered that using a pretrained CNN model to each route produced superior
segmentation results compared to other models including FFNN, YOLOv3, HTC,
and VGG. They used the recommended methodology to a personal database of an
automobile collection. Their conclusion was 93% accurate. The front doors and
trunk lid have the highest levels of accuracy, while the rear bumper has the lowest
levels. The recommended two-route model outperformed all other models in
comparison, demonstrating its great efficacy in achieving the required goals.

Yonathan Wijaya Gustian et al., (2023) has developed a model using YOLO
Deep Learning Algorithm. To detect the defects, they used convolution Neural
Network which helps in feature extraction. Precision analyzes how well the model
foresees the proper things, whereas recall assesses how many of the recognized
items are correctly identified given the total number of objects. In this case, the
average accuracy is 61.55%. Recall rates are, on average, 46.05%. The term
"mAP" refers to the average accuracy value across all recognized object classes.
The mean mAP of 0.441 in this instance demonstrates that the model performs
adequately in spotting defects in car pictures in general. The performance of this
model can still be improved by tweaking the parameters and techniques utilized
during the model training and testing process. A larger and more diverse dataset
can help improve the efficiency of damage identification on vehicles when using
deep learning algorithms like YOLO.

Dindayal Bhadrecha et al., (2022) has developed image-based insurance

processing for the vehicles using Deep learning techniques. They collected more
than 1000 images and annotated using a standalone manual annotation software
called VGG Image Annotator, stored as a Json file in which CNN is applied. After
which bounding box is generated and for each region of Interest, an output binary
mask is generated. They used VGG16 convolution base which is used for feature
extraction and is trained by ImageNet. From their conclusion, we came to know
that, A deep learning model attempts to learn low level characteristics in the first
layers of the network, such as identifying edges, colours, fluctuations in intensities,
etc. Since these traits appear to be applicable to any dataset or job, whether we are
processing a picture to identify an animal or a car. We need to find these low-level
traits in both scenarios. Irrespective of the precise cost function or picture dataset,
all these traits exist. Additionally, they mentioned that damage categorization may
not be successful with just car-specific characteristics. This highlights how much
better feature representation can be learnt from a big training set.


3.1 Objectives of The Proposed Work

Automotive Industry: The dent and scratch detecting system has been a
game-changing innovation in the automobile sector, transforming several facets of
vehicle maintenance, quality assurance, and customer happiness. With the help of
this system, auto repair companies have significantly increased their productivity
and accuracy. It automates the detection of exterior car damage throughout
estimation and repair operations, saving time and money while ensuring a complete
analysis of all problems. In addition to streamlining procedures, this improves
customer satisfaction by giving more accurate repair estimates and lowering the
possibility of error.

Dent and scratch-detecting technologies are also widely used in vehicle

inspection centers. These systems give them the ability to carry out thorough and
effective inspections, guaranteeing that cars adhere to safety and quality criteria
before receiving a roadworthiness certification. In addition to improving road
safety, this fosters trust between motor owners and inspection agencies. In the
automotive sector, the dent and scratch detecting system has evolved into a crucial
instrument. With regards to reducing maintenance times and costs, assuring road
safety, and upholding the industry's rigorous requirements for excellence and client
fulfillment, its capacity to automate and improve crucial procedures has
wide-ranging effects.

Insurance Claims Processing: An important development in the insurance sector,

especially in the assessment of car damage, is the integration of computer vision
systems into workflows. By streamlining the frequently laborious and human
process of damage assessment, this technology speeds up claim payment for
policyholders. Insurance companies may handle claims more quickly by
automating the assessment of car damage. This helps individuals in need.
Furthermore, because the system uses objective data and algorithms to minimize
the possibility of human bias, it improves openness and fairness in evaluations. The
method also contributes to a decrease in insurance fraud by correctly detecting
valid claims and highlighting suspect ones. In conclusion, the incorporation of
computer vision into insurance workflows offers a win-win situation for
policyholders and insurers as it expedites the processing of claims, reduces fraud,
and ensures fair assessments.

The technology also serves as a strong fraud detection tool. When legitimate
claims are accurately identified and suspect ones are flagged, insurance fraud and
related expenses are ultimately decreased. In essence, incorporating computer
vision systems into insurance workflows is a game-changer since it brings about
efficiency, accuracy, fairness, and fraud protection, all of which are ultimately
advantageous to both insurers and policyholders in the claims-handling process.

Product Quality Assurance: In order to improve product quality and customer

happiness, manufacturing firms should seriously consider implementing computer
vision systems. This technique enables the automated examination and detection of
flaws, dents, and scratches on products before they are transported by utilizing
advanced picture recognition and analysis. This proactive strategy guarantees that
only products that fulfill strict quality requirements are made available to the
public, preventing inferior or damaged goods from being sold to customers.

The technology ensures constant and reliable inspections, regardless of

production volume or pace, by eliminating human mistake and weariness. As a
result, a manufacturer's reputation for producing high-quality goods is protected,
and the expense of product recalls, returns, and warranty claims is reduced. Using
computer vision to simplify operations improves brand credibility and customer
trust in the competitive manufacturing environment, which eventually results in
higher customer satisfaction and loyalty. It strengthens a manufacturer's track
record of producing high-quality goods, builds brand credibility, and encourages
consumer trust. The incorporation of computer vision streamlines operations and
improves the whole customer experience in the competitive manufacturing
environment of today, encouraging contentment and enduring loyalty.

3.2 Flow Diagram of the proposed work.

Figure 2. Flow Chart

A. Image acquisition

Choosing and labelling pictures for predetermined goals is a necessary step

in building a dataset for computer vision applications. Using tools, manual or
semi-automatic labelling can add class labels and create object boundaries.
Through transformations, data augmentation increases variety, while quality checks
guarantee label correctness.. In our case we have collected the dataset and
separated the dataset in the ratio 7: 2: 1 for training, testing and validation
respectively. We used 465 training images, 133 validation images and 67 testing

Figure 3. Dataset seperation

B. Pre-processing

Before using images for purposes like training machine learning models, an
image dataset must be cleaned, improved, and organized. To increase the
effectiveness and performance of the model, this may involve scaling, normalizing
the pixel values, eliminating noise, and enhancing the data.

Data annotation, a pivotal phase in data preparation, encompasses the

process of affixing labels or annotations to raw data, granting it contextual
significance essential for various machine learning and data analysis endeavors.
Through labeling, data is imbued with meaning, aiding supervised learning models
in recognizing patterns and making predictions. Annotation types can range from
class labels for categorization and bounding boxes for object detection in images to
sentiment labels in text or named entity recognition for identifying specific entities.
The process necessitates specialized annotation tools, and meticulous quality
control, and often scales with the volume of data, sometimes involving outsourcing
or crowdsourcing. It's a cyclic procedure, adjusting annotations as models evolve
while bearing in mind privacy and security considerations when handling sensitive
C. Network Architecture

Yolo architecture has two components, Head with self-attention mechanism

and Backbone with CSPDarknet53. With the use of the self-attention technique, the
model can focus on different areas of the image, giving those regions more weight
for identifying objects. In situations when objects may be close together or
partially obscured, this can assist to increase the accuracy of object localisation and
categorization. The addition of a self-attention mechanism to the YOLO
architecture's head improves the model's capacity to recognise intricate spatial
connections in the input picture, producing predictions for object recognition that
are more reliable and accurate. The beginning layers of the neural network that
handle the raw input picture use this architecture since it uses CSPDarknet53 as its
backbone. These layers oversee taking the hierarchical characteristics from the
image and passing them on to later layers (like the head with a self-attention
mechanism) so they can forecast what objects will be detected.

D. Training

Training the model involves

• Initializing the YOLO model with the updated settings and, if available,
pre-trained weights.
• Employing a loss function that includes classification loss and
localization loss.
• Utilising labelled pictures and comments to train the model using the
training set.
• To avoid overfitting, keep an eye on the loss and other metrics on the
validation set.

E. Evaluation
Metrics like mean Average Precision (mAP), precision, recall, and F1-score
are frequently used to evaluate YOLO. A general indicator of detection
performance across different confidence threshold levels is provided by mAP.

Model Size mAPval Speed CPU Speed A100 Params FLOPs
(pixels) 50-95 ONNX (ms) TensorRT (ms) (M) (B)
YOLOv8n 640 37.3 80.4 0.99 3.2 8.7
YOLOv8s 640 44.9 128.4 1.20 11.2 28.6
YOLOv8m 640 50.2 234.7 1.83 25.9 78.9
YOLOv8l 640 52.9 375.2 2.39 43.7 165.2
YOLOv8x 640 53.9 479.1 3.53 68.2 257.8
Table 1: Trade-off between different YOLO Model
In our model, we used performance metrics like precision, recall, accuracy,
F1 score, map50 and map50-95 to evaluate the model. The brief explanation of
these metrics are given below. The predictive effectiveness of an algorithm on a
dataset is represented by a confusion matrix. A confusion matrix for a binary class
dataset (which, hypothetically, consists of "positive" and "negative" classes) must
include the following four elements:
True Positives (TP): The quantity of samples that were accurately classified
as "positive."
False Positives (FP) are samples that were incorrectly classified as

True Negatives (TN): The percentage of samples that were accurately

classified as "negative."
False Negatives (FN) are samples that were incorrectly classified as
The precision of your predictions is measured. i.e., what proportion of your
predictions were accurate?

Precision = TP / (TP+FP)

Recall evaluates how well you remember all the advantages. For instance,
80% of the potential positive situations can be found in our most accurate K

Recall = TP / (TP+FN)
The F1 score, a machine learning evaluation metric, rates a model's
precision. It incorporates a model's recall and precision ratings. The accuracy
statistic tells us how often a model predicts properly over the entire dataset. Only
when the data set is category-balanced, or when each category has an equal number
of samples, can this measure be relied upon.
F1 Score = (2 x Precision x Recall) / ( Precision + Recall)
Recall indicates the percentage of real positive cases that the algorithm
correctly detects, while precision represents the precision of the model's positive
predictions. Precision and recall are frequently trade-offs; for instance, raising the
amount of identified objects (greater recall) may lead to an increase in false
positives (lower precision). The precision-recall curve, which plots precision
versus recall for different confidence thresholds, is incorporated into the AP
measure to account for this trade-off. The Precision-Accuracy (PA) curves show
64 39
how Precision and Recall interact at various confidence levels. The Mean Average
Precision (mAP), which is obtained as the mean of the AP values for every
category, is generated from the region under the prediction and recall curves.

By anticipating bounding boxes, object detection seeks to precisely localize

objects in images. The Intersection over Union (IoU) value is used in the AP
metric to evaluate the accuracy of the predicted bounding boxes. IoU is the
intersection of the anticipated boundary and the ground-truth enclosing box to the
union of those two areas. It calculates the amount of overlap between the expected
and actual bounding boxes. The COCO benchmark evaluates the model's
performance at various levels of localization accuracy by taking into account a
number of IoU criteria.

IOU = Area of intersection / Area of Union

Figure 4. IOU values based on box location

Data extraction and systems for recommendations utilize a particular

evaluation metric called MAP (mean Average Precision) at 50. It measures the
accuracy of a top-50 ranked group of items (such as search results or suggestions).
A higher MAP at 50 denotes better retrieval or suggestion performance by
increasing the likelihood that the pertinent items will appear within the top 50
ranking of the list. This statistic is useful because it concentrates on the caliber of
the early recommendations or search results, which is important in situations where
consumers normally only interact with a small number of top-ranked items.
The intersection over union (IoU) threshold range for mAP 50-95, especially
from 0.5 to 0.95, is measured as the average precision of ranking lists or detection
results, often in steps of 0.05. Each threshold in identifying objects or significance
in information retrieval denotes a different amount of agreement between
anticipated and real-world bounding boxes. This comprehensive metric is
especially helpful for an extremely fine evaluation of object recognition models
since it evaluates the model's efficacy across a range of IoU thresholds and offers
an understanding of how well it manages fluctuations in object localization
precision. Better performance in reliably collecting objects over a range of IoU
needs is indicated by a larger MAP at 50–95.

These metrics are useful tools for evaluating the effectiveness of concepts
and systems, allowing decisions based on data and ongoing development across a
range of applications. These measurements direct efforts at hyperparameter
tweaking, model selection, and optimization, resulting in the creation of reliable
and efficient algorithms. Additionally, they make it easier to compare various
models or approaches, help debug issues, and provide information for
decision-making procedures, ultimately improving technology and the use of data
across a variety of sectors.

F. Recognition

Recognition entails spending time reviewing the Document of our work,

which describes the model's design, setup, training procedure, and usage
guidelines. This offers information on the architecture, upgrades, performance
indicators, and assessment.

G. Web Interface
Our concept prioritizes accessibility for end users, even those with limited
technical expertise, by offering a user-friendly interface that abstracts complex
technological components. To achieve this, we've chosen to develop a web
interface using ReactJS and Flask. ReactJS, known for its interactive and intuitive
front-end capabilities, provides an engaging and responsive user experience.
Meanwhile, Flask, a lightweight Python web framework, enables us to build a
robust back-end for handling data processing and communication seamlessly. This
combination ensures that our users can easily interact with our technology, making
it accessible, efficient, and user-centric, ultimately enhancing their overall
experience and utility.

Figure 5. UI design
H. Deployment

Our model is deployed to make sure it is usable, trustworthy, and useful in

practical situations. To guarantee that our model functions successfully and
efficiently, this procedure necessitates careful consideration of several different
elements like optimization, scalability, and security.
3.3. Description of the selection of components

Python is one of the most commonly used languages for Artificial

intelligence. It ranks on #2 on Github ranking and its users have been increased by
22.5%. OpenCV is an extremely fast real-time computer vision library based on
C++.The main benefit of YOLO v8 is its quickness. It has a processing speed of
155 frames per second. Additionally, YOLO is aware of generalized object
representation. With performance on par with R-CNN methods, it is one of the
finest object detection algorithms.

Due to its adaptability and wide range of libraries, like OpenCV and
TensorFlow, Python is a well-known language. TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, and
many other machine learning libraries and frameworks are available in Python, and
they provide tools for activities including preprocessing data, training models, and
evaluation. Python speeds up the development cycle and promotes code
collaboration because of its clear and legible syntax, which is accessible to both
novice and seasoned programmers. The huge and vibrant Python community
makes a multitude of instructions, record-keeping, and open-source initiatives
available, facilitating knowledge-sharing and problem-solving.

Python is a flexible programming language that may be used for desktop

software, embedded systems, and online applications. It can run on a variety of
operating systems, such as Windows, macOS, and Linux. Python's smooth
technological and linguistic integration allows for the easy integration of ML
models into more complex software systems. Python may be set up on scalable
cloud computing infrastructure like AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure,
guaranteeing that machine learning applications can handle rising workloads as

A multitude of information, tools, and remedies for numerous fields and

businesses have been produced as a result of the Python community's active
contributions to ML development and research. In conclusion, Python is an
attractive option for projects involving machine learning due to its mix of
accessibility, adaptability, and a vast ecosystem of tools and tools, enabling
developers to build reliable and effective ML solutions in a variety of applications.

Car dent and Scratch are identified by training our model using YOLOv8.
The organization that created YOLOv5, Ultralytics, launched YOLOv8 in January
2023. YOLOv8 supports a variety of vision tasks, such as object detection,
segmentation, posture estimation, tracking, and classification. YOLOv8 had five
scaled variations: YOLOv8n (nano), YOLOv8s (small), YOLOv8m (medium),
YOLOv8l (large), and YOLOv8x (extra enormous). YOLOv8 utilizes an
architecture that is exactly the same as that of YOLOv5, as seen in Figure 6, with
significant changes to the CSPLayer, now known as the C2f module.

The C2f module (cross-stage partial bottleneck with two convolutions)

combines high-level characteristics with contextual information to improve
detection accuracy. YOLOv8 utilizes an anchor-free model with a detached head to
independently handle objectness, classification, and regression tasks. This
arrangement helps each branch focus on its function and improves the model's
overall accuracy. They used the sigmoid function as the activation function for the
YOLOv8 output layer's objectness score, which denotes the likelihood that an
object is present in the bounding box.
The cross-stage partial bottleneck with two convolutions (C2f) module
combines high-level characteristics with contextual information to improve
detection accuracy. Using an anchor-free model with a decoupled head, YOLOv8
handles objectness, classification, and regression tasks separately. Each branch can
concentrate on its job thanks to this architecture, which also improves the model's
overall accuracy. In the YOLOv8 output layer, they used the sigmoid function as
the activation function for the objectness score, which denotes the likelihood that
an object is present in the bounding box.
The C2f module is followed by two segmentation heads that train
themselves to anticipate the semantic segmentation masks for the input picture.
Similar to the YOLOv8 detection heads, the model has five detection modules and
a prediction layer. The YOLOv8-Seg model has achieved cutting-edge
performance on a number of object identification and semantic segmentation
benchmarks while maintaining high speed and efficiency.

YOLOv8 can be run through the command line interface (CLI) or installed
as a PIP package. Additionally, it features a number of integrations for deployment,
training, and labeling. A crucial feature of YOLOv8 is its extensibility. Its
extensibility is arguably one of YOLOv8's most appealing features. It acts as a
foundation to preserve compatibility with earlier YOLO versions. This enables
customers to take advantage of the most recent YOLO improvements while
maintaining the capabilities of their existing YOLO-based applications. customers
may quickly switch between different YOLO versions and evaluate their
performance. Since YOLOv8's backward compatibility guarantees a seamless
upgrade to the most recent YOLO technology, it is a great option for both people
and businesses looking for cutting-edge object detection abilities without upsetting
their current workflows. Because of this, YOLOv8 is the best option for people
who want to benefit from the most recent YOLO technology while keeping their
old YOLO devices' functionality.

Figure 6. Network Architecture

A strong forum for computer vision experiments is Google Colab

(Collaboratory). To train deep learning models, it provides a cloud-based Jupyter
Notebook platform with the utilization of GPUs and CPUs. Free computing
resources, easy Google Drive connection, and group editing tools are all offered by
Colab. It makes data management easier, comes with pre-installed machine
learning packages like TensorFlow and PyTorch, and makes sharing notebooks
simple. By removing the need for complex local hardware and setup and allowing
collaboration on ML initiatives from any location with an internet connection, this
cloud-based solution makes machine learning development more accessible.
The flexible computer vision library OpenCV is used in a wide range of
industries, including robotics, autonomous driving, healthcare, and security. It is
excellent at processing images and videos, detecting and tracking objects,
recognizing faces, creating augmented reality, and analyzing images for medical
purposes. By enabling developers to create applications for real-time based on
image tasks, OpenCV's comprehensive set of applications and algorithms
accelerates process automation, improves visual data analysis, and fosters creative
solutions across sectors. The robust foundation for automotive damage and scratch
detection is OpenCV. With its flexibility in preprocessing images, recognizing
objects, extracting features, and machine learning integration, developers may
build precise and effective systems for identifying and evaluating vehicle damage,
which helps to improve safety and preventative care in the automobile industry.

To make it user accessible, this project is converted into a web-app using

React and Flask. An effective and flexible solution is provided through the
integration of React and Flask in a computer vision project. React, a JavaScript
package offers a user-friendly front-end interface that allows for seamless data
entry and result visualization. The back end, which manages the deployment of
machine learning models, processing of data, and interaction with the front end, is
Flask, a Python web framework. It is perfect for a variety of applications, from
dashboards for predictive analytics to recommendation systems, as this combo
enables the creation of dynamic, responsive, and data-driven apps that enable users
to engage with and utilize machine learning models.

ReactJS is a well-liked JavaScript toolkit for creating user interfaces, and it

has become quite popular for a number of reasons. As part of ReactJS's
component-based architecture, the user interface is divided up into separate,
reusable components. Reacts Virtual DOM and efficient rendering mechanisms
help improve the performance of web applications. By reducing direct DOM
manipulations and minimizing updates, react can deliver faster user interfaces and
better overall performance.
Flask is a popular and lightweight Python web framework with several
advantages that make it a preferred choice for web application development. Flask
has a thriving community of developers and a substantial number of contributors.
This ensures regular updates, improvements, and a wealth of documentation,
tutorials, and examples available online.


26 26
In the field of computer vision, the YOLO (You Only Look Once) set of
models has achieved fame. The widespread acceptance of YOLO is due to its high
level of accuracy while retaining a tiny model size. A wide spectrum of developers
can use YOLO models since they can be trained on a single GPU. On edge
hardware or in the cloud, machine learning practitioners may install it at a
reasonable cost. The advantages of using YOLOv8 in our project are
● According to COCO and Roboflow 100 measurements, YOLOv8 has a good
accuracy rate.
● A variety of developer-friendly features, including an intuitive CLI and a
well-designed Python package, are included in YOLOv8.
● There are many experts in computer vision circles who may be able to help
you when you need advice because there is a sizable community around
YOLO and a developing community around the YOLOv8 model.
YOLOv8 obtains great accuracy on COCO. For instance, the medium
YOLOv8m model receives a 50.2% mAP when evaluated on COCO. When
assessed against Roboflow 100, a dataset that precisely evaluates model
performance on numerous task-specific domains, YOLOv8 performed significantly
better than YOLOv5. YOLOv8's developer-friendly features are also crucial.
YOLOv8 provides a CLI that makes model training simpler compared to other
models where tasks are dispersed across multiple executable Python files.

A Python package that provides a more streamlined development experience

than earlier models is also available. YOLOv8 is a model without anchors. This
shows that, rather than its offset from a known anchor box, the center of an object
is directly anticipated. Because they might represent the spread of the boxes in the
target benchmark but not the spread of the boxes in the custom dataset, anchor
boxes were a notoriously challenging component in early YOLO models.
Anchor-free detection reduces the amount of box predictions, which speeds up
Non-Maximum Suppression (NMS), a difficult post-processing procedure that
sorts through candidate detections after inference.

Figure 7. Detection head of YOLOv8

Nano (n), small (s), medium (m), large (l), and extra-large (x) are the five sizes
available for YOLOv8. Their mean average precisions (mAP) and latencies, as
measured by the COCO val2017 dataset, Figure. 6 shows how much they have
each improved.

Figure 8. Comparison of YOLO models

In comparison to earlier versions, YOLOv8 not only operates quicker and

more accurately but also necessitates fewer parameters in order to achieve its
performance. As if that were not enough, it also includes a command-line interface
(CLI) that is simple to use and a Python package, making it easier for users and
developers to work with it.
The first 6x6 conv of the stem was changed to a 3x3, and C2f replaced C3 in
the fundamental building block. The module is summarized in the picture below,
where "f" stands for the total number of features, "e" for the rate of growth, and
CBS, a block composed of a Conv, a BatchNorm, and a SiLU later, is shown.
Concatenating the outputs of the Bottleneck in C2f results in two 3x3 convolutions
with residual connections. C3 just made use of the bottleneck's earlier output.
Figure 9. C2f module of YOLOv8
The initial conv's kernel size has been expanded from 1x1 to 3x3, yet the
bottleneck is still identical as in YOLOv5. We might infer from this data that
YOLOv8 is beginning to return to the ResNet block that was established in 2015.
Features are directly concatenated in the neck without being forced to have
identical channel dimensions. By doing this, the parameter quantity and tensor size
as a whole are decreased.
The YOLOv8 research was primarily motivated by the empirical COCO
benchmark evaluation. To verify the effects of the changes on COCO modeling,
additional experiments are done when each component of the network's structure
and training procedure is adjusted.


Dent and scratch detection is an challenging task and it helps the inspection
process by automation. We have developed a model using YOLOv8.

For a certain YOLOv8 model, recall and precision confidence curves can be
used to determine where there is a trade-off between the two. Using this
knowledge, one can select the ideal confidence level for a particular application.
For instance, a lower confidence level can be selected if it is crucial to find all
dents and scratches, even if doing so results in finding some false positives. A
higher confidence threshold might be used if it is crucial to reduce the amount of
false positives, even if doing so implies missing some actual positives.

Figure 10. Recall-Confidence Curve
Figure 11. Precision-Confidence Curve

Figure 12. Precision-Recall Curve

To assess the effectiveness of YOLOv8 models for dent and scratch
detection, utilize the F1 confidence curve. To accomplish this, we would first need
to use a dataset of photos of cars with and without dents and scrapes to train a
YOLOv8 model. After the model has been trained, we can create an F1 confidence
curve by figuring out the model's F1 score and confidence at various confidence
thresholds. The suitable confidence threshold for the YOLOv8 model can then be
selected using the F1 confidence curve. For instance, we may wish to select a low
confidence threshold if we must detect all dents and scratches, even if doing so
results in the detection of some false positives. However, we might want to pick a
larger confidence level if we can only afford to examine a few photographs.
Understanding and improving the performance of YOLOv8 models for dent and
scratch detection requires the use of the F1 confidence curve.

Figure 13. F1-Confidence Curve

A confusion matrix is a table that lists how many predictions a machine
learning model made correctly and incorrectly. A confusion matrix would display
the number of true positives (TPs), false positives (FPs), true negatives (TNs), and
false negatives (FNs) for the model in the context of dent and scratch detection
using computer vision. Photos that the model correctly recognizes as having a dent
or damage are known as true positives. Images that the algorithm mistakenly
classifies as having a scratch or dent are called false positives. True negatives are
pictures that the model correctly recognizes as being devoid of dents or scratches.
These are pictures that the model mistakenly says don't have a blemish or ding
called false negatives.

Figure 14. Confusion Matrix

Metrics can be used in a variety of ways to assess the effectiveness of object
detection models. For instance, you may assess how effectively the model is
learning to predict bounding boxes, objectness scores, and class scores by
comparing the train/box_loss, val/box_loss, train/obj_loss, val/obj_loss, and
train/cls_loss, and val/cls_loss. To determine how well the model can accurately
distinguish between positive and negative examples, you can also compare the
metrics/precision and metrics/recall.
It's crucial to remember that these measurements don't conflict with one
another. For instance, a model with a high metrics/mAP_0.5 may simultaneously
have a high train/box_loss. The intersection over union (IoU) between the
predicted bounding boxes and the ground truth bounding boxes is taken into
consideration by the metrics/mAP_0.5 metric, which explains why. Even though
the train/box_loss is significant, the model will have a high metrics/mAP_0.5 if it
can predict bounding boxes that have a high IoU with the ground truth bounding

Figure 15. Comparison of metrics

These images given below are used for evaluation of the trained model

Figure 16. Output Images



we have developed a model that detects dent and scratch present in the exterior
region of our vehicles. Yolov8 has eliminated grid sensitivity, improved training
strategies, compute, and balance losses. Biggest advantage of using YOLO v8 is its
speed. It can process 155 frames per second. The process of recognizing and
finding automotive dents and scratches has been improved to an unparalleled
degree of precision by utilizing the YOLOv8 model's excellent object
identification skills. As a result, there will be fewer possibilities for human
mistakes, shorter inspection times, and ultimately higher customer satisfaction.

6.1. Suggestions for Future Works

● Damage Variability: Because dents and scratches come in a variety of

shapes, sizes, and depths, it is difficult to design a remedy that works for
● Surface Discontinuities: Car surfaces aren't always uniform, and their curves
and forms make it challenging to spot little dings or scratches.
● Variations in Car Paint: Optical detecting systems' accuracy is impacted by
the way that various car paint colors absorb and reflect light.
● External variables: The accuracy of detecting systems can be impacted by
environmental variables such as weather, dirt, and lighting.
● Real-time or nearly real-time detection is required in commercial auto repair
situations to increase productivity.
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