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Experimental Dermatology 2006: 15: 483–492 Copyright # 2006 The Authors.

Journal compilation # 2006 Blackwell Munksgaard

Blackwell Munksgaard . Printed in Singapore
doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0625.2006.00437.x EXPERIMENTAL DERMATOLOGY
ISSN 0906-6705

Transepidermal water loss reflects

permeability barrier status: validation in
human and rodent in vivo and ex vivo
Fluhr JW, Feingold KR, Elias PM. Transepidermal water loss reflects Joachim W. Fluhr1, Kenneth
permeability barrier status: validation in human and rodent in vivo and R. Feingold2 and Peter M. Elias2
ex vivo models. 1
Exp Dermatol 2006: 15: 483–492. # 2006 The Authors. Journal Department of Dermatology and Allergology,
Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany;
compilation # 2006 Blackwell Munksgaard 2
Dermatology and Medical (Metabolism)
Services, Veterans Affairs Medical Center, and
Abstract: Permeability barrier function is measured with instruments Departments of Dermatology & Medicine,
that assess transepidermal water loss (TEWL), either with closed- or University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA
open-loop systems. Yet, the validity of TEWL as a measure of barrier
status has been questioned recently. Hence, we tested the validity of this
measure by comparing TEWL across a wide range of perturbations,
with a variety of methods, and in a variety of models. TEWL rates with
two closed-chamber systems (VapoMeter and H4300) and one closed-
loop system (MEECO) under different experimental in vivo conditions
were compared with data from four open-loop instruments, i.e. TM 210,
TM 300, DermaLab and EP 1. The instruments were compared in vivo
both in humans and hairless mice skin subjected to different degrees of
acute barrier disruption. The values obtained with bioengineering Key words: barrier function – epidermal
permeability barrier – surface temperature –
systems were correlated with absolute water loss rates, determined transepidermal water loss
gravimetrically. Measurements with both closed and open systems
correlated not only with each other, but each method detected Joachim Fluhr, MD
Department of Dermatology and Allergology
different degrees of barrier dysfunction. Although all instruments
Skin Physiology Laboratory
differentiated among gradations in TEWL in the mid-range of barrier Friedrich Schiller University
disruption in vivo, differences in very low and very high levels of Erfurter Strasse 35
disruption were less accurately measured with the H4300 and DermaLab Jena 07740
systems. Nevertheless, a high Pearson correlation coefficient (r) was Germany
calculated for data from all instruments vs. gravimetrically assessed TEWL. Tel.: þ49 36 41 937 399
Together, these results verify the utility of TEWL as a measure of Fax: þ49 36 41 937 435
permeability barrier status. Moreover, all tested instruments are reliable tools e-mail:
for the assessment of variations in permeability barrier function. Accepted for publication 20 March 2006

Introduction permeability barrier status under either normal,

‘Barrier’ is defined in the Merriam-Webster experimentally perturbed, or diseased conditions
Online Dictionary (1) as either (a) ‘something (2). The degree of barrier disruption, again
material that blocks or is intended to block pas- assessed as TEWL, also correlates with drug
sage’ or (b) ‘a natural formation or structure that penetration of different compounds, in con-
prevents or hinders movement or action’. The cordance with an ‘outside-in’ concept of barrier
assessment of epidermal permeability barrier function (3–5). Recently disease activity has been
function, routinely employs measurements of assessed using TEWL quantification (6–8). In
transepidermal water loss (TEWL), which have addition, the regulation of lipid biochemical
been presented to provide information about pathways affects not only TEWL (9–13), but
also drug penetration into and through the
epidermal compartment. Specifically, increased
Abbreviations: SC, stratum corneum; TEWL, transepidermal water loss and/or delayed uptake of drugs is evident when

Fluhr et al.

biochemical inhibitors or enhancers of lipid Materials and methods

synthesis are utilized. Moreover, this correlation Study design
between drug penetration and TEWL has been
shown to be exponential (14,15). Study conditions. All measurements were performed in clima-
tized rooms at a mean temperature of 22.1 C (22–23 C min–
Yet, based upon ex vivo studies in devitalized max) and a mean relative humidity of 46.7% (44–52% min–max)
skin by Chilcott et al. (16) the value of assess- for in vivo and ex vivo studies. Both human and animal studies
ment of epidermal barrier function through were undertaken at the same time of the year (spring). Sequential
quantification of TEWL was challenged tape strippings (TSs) were performed with 22 mm D-Squame1-
100 tapes (CuDerm, Dallas, TX, USA). Petrolatum was pur-
recently. Resolution of this issue is of pressing chased from Walgreen Pharmacy (Deerfield, IL, USA).
importance to researchers of skin biology and
pathophysiology, we abrogated barrier status, Ex vivo validation of the mouse model by gravimetric assay. For
both in vivo and under ex vivo conditions, the ex vivo experiments, hairless mice(details as in the in vivo
comparing TEWL data from various bio- studies) were sacrificed by inhalation of an overdose of
engineering instruments with true water loss, halothane prior to the immediate excision of full-thickness skin
from both flanks. The subdermal fat was removed from the
assessed gravimetrically. In addition, we evalu- excised skin, and the full-thickness skin pieces were placed
ated specific measures of TEWL, comparing epidermis-side outward on NaCl 0.9% w/w soaked filter paper
TEWL levels obtained with several different, in Petri plastic dishes. The surface area of each skin piece was
photographed and the dimension was quantified with a
commercially available instruments (open computer-assisted measuring system (SCION Image beta 4.02:
chamber, closed chamber and closed loop). As NIH-based image analyze shareware:
the principle and the construction of open frames/fr_scion_products.htm) in order to calculate the water
chamber devices are quiet similar, comparable loss/cm2. The edges of skin pieces were sealed with petrolatum
in order to prevent lateral water loss. The ambient temperature
values should be expected under comparable and relative humidity were kept constant, as described for the
conditions. Yet, as noted by Rogiers (17): in vivo studies above. The skin was placed inside a microbalance
‘Only a limited number of comparison between (Mettler-Toledo, Columbus, OH, USA) and the values for
different types of instruments have been TEWL were assessed every 15 min over 1 h. on skin from 7 to
12 different mice and correlated with the measured loss of weight
described in the literature’. attributed to TEWL. The values were calculated as g/m2 h.
These devices all measure water evaporation
from the skin surface; i.e. across the epidermis, In vivo mouse model. Male hairless mice (Skh1/Hr), 8–12 weeks
thus quantifying epidermal permeability barrier old, were purchased form Charles River laboratories
function. Moreover, as SI units for these instru- (Wilmington, MA, USA) and fed Purina mouse diet and
ments are provided in g/m2h (except the water ad libitum. All of the studies were performed after proto-
col approval by the Animal Care Committee at the VAMC, San
MEECO, which measures ppm/0.5 cm2h), Francisco. Epidermal barrier function was altered by two diver-
their recorded values should be comparable. gent approaches: (a) lowering of the TEWL values in intact skin
Yet, differences could still result from differences by applying petrolatum or (b) increasing TEWL values by
in either measurement principles or meas- sequential TS with standardized (D-Squame1) tapes. The mod-
els were grouped in two grades of barrier perturbation:
urement time frames. We therefore compared
four open-chamber (Evaporimeter, Tewameter (1) Partially intact barrier function with mild disruption by TS
TM 210 and TM 300, DermaLab), two closed (2); and
chamber (VaporMeter and H4300) systems as (2) Moderately damaged barrier function (TS – 3), severely
damaged (TS – 6) or very severely (TS – 8). The 8 TS
well as one closed-loop system (MEECO), in was equivalent to complete removal of the stratum disjunc-
order to comprehensively compare commercially tum, leaving one to two layers of residual stratum corneum,
available instruments intended to measure confirmed by conventional histology (data not shown).
TEWL. Our results show that all of the instru- All studies were performed in parallel on the same hairless
ments are useful methods for the assessment of mice: one flank for baseline barrier measurements and subse-
epidermal barrier function under different in vivo quent petrolatum treatment, whereas the other flank was tape-
stripped (TS) and measured after sequential TS at the intervals
conditions, both in normal rodents (hairless described above. To control for another external variable, skin
mice) and in humans. Furthermore, data from surface temperature (AT) was also measured at baseline, after
these biophysical instruments were validated in both 2 and 6 TS in order to assess the possible influence of
an ex vivo model that simulates the in vivo situ- temperature on assessed values with the different instruments.
ation, whereas minimizing possible variability
because of external stressors (e.g. changes in Minor barrier perturbations in humans in vivo
temperature or relative humidity). Our results
both validate TEWL as a measure barrier func- Measurements were performed on the volar forearm of five
males and six normal female volunteers, with a mean age of
tion and the utility of all these instruments to 34 years. (range: 20–49 years), after an adaptation time of at
assess permeability status under a variety of dif- least 15 min in a climate-controlled room. All volunteers pro-
ferent conditions. vided written, informed consent prior to participation in the

Transepidermal water loss as measure of permeability barrier
study. We mildly damaged the forearm SC by sequential TS with The TM 300 is available either as a stand-alone device, or as
D-Squame1 tapes (10). Although skin surface temperatures part of a Multiprobe Adapter (MPA) (Courage and Khazaka),
were measured at baseline and after 10 TS, temperatures did which then must be attached to a PC.
not vary significantly at any level of barrier function in the same
subjects. Reproducibility of results was assessed by performing 10
DermaLab. The DermaLab (Cortex Technology, Hadsund,
separate measurements of each perturbed skin site, with subsequent
Denmark) can be equipped with a TEWL probe. The
calculations of the coefficient of variation (CV).
measurement principle is similar to the Tewameter devices
(see above): The probe consists of two combined humidity/
temperature sensors with a diameter of 10 mm covering an
Measurement Devices area of 0.79 cm2 mounted in a diffusion chamber. The water
pressure measured in the open chamber is used to calculate the
Open chamber instruments evaporated water over a constant skin area. The values of the
different measurements are given in g/m2/h. The maximum
Evaporimeter. The ServoMed evaporimeter (Servomed,
obtainable value is 250 g/m2/ h. Measurement duration can be
Stockholm, Sweden) is based upon a vapor pressure gradient
selected for different time lengths from 1 to 250 s.
estimation principle (18). [The probe weighs 104 g and has a
cylindrical open chamber measuring system, diameter 12 mm,
height 15 mm and skin area of 1.13 cm2. Two sensor units are
placed at 3 and 6 mm distance from the skin surface. The Closed chamber devices
standard version of the instrument has a digital display
VapoMeter. The VapoMeter (Delfin Technologies, Kuopio,
showing water evaporation (0–300 mg/m2 h with two ranges of
Finland) is a small closed-chamber system that calculates
sensitivity), relative humidity (RH) (0–100%) and water vapor
water evaporation rates. [The device is portable, weighs
pressure (0-500 mmHg). The probe can be adapted with a chimney
150 g and ambient air flow does not disturb measurements.
extension in order to reduce air turbulence and with a metallic
The inner diameter of the VapoMeter is 11 mm and covers
shield.] The underlying principle is based upon the measurement
an area of 95 mm2. An additional surface adapter with a
of a vapor pressure gradient, subjacent to the skin surface
smaller surface area (4.5 mm diameter; 16 mm2 surface area)
that drives the rate of water exchange across the skin. The
can be inserted in order to measure smaller areas (e.g. nail
probe consists of an open cylinder placed perpendicular to
surface).] Increases in relative humidity correlate with
the skin surface. For each data point, the local relative
TEWL, as the instrument compares the ambient humidity
humidity and temperature are measured by paired sensors,
with the humidity within the chamber after a short filling
and the vapor pressure at each point is computed. The
time of 10 s (20,21). Compared with open chamber techni-
difference between the vapor pressure at the two points along
ques, measurement times are standardized and relatively
the gradient relates directly to rates of evaporative water loss
short (10 s). Although continuous measurements are not
from that skin site.
possible, because each measurement period is so short, up
to three measurements per minute can be performed at low
Tewameter–TM 210. The measurement of water evaporation evaporation rates. However, at higher evaporation rates, the
rates with the Tewameter TM 210 (Courage and Khazaka, fixed measurement period might not represent steady-state
Cologne, Germany) is based upon diffusion principles in an values, because the instrument does not monitor changes in values
open cylinder system dm/dt ¼  DA dp/dx (where A represents over longer measurement times. The values of the different
the surface in m2, m the water transported in g, t the time in measurements are expressed in g/m2 h, with a maximum obtainable
hours, D the diffusion constant 0.877 g/m h, p the vapor value of 300 g/m2 h.
pressure of the atmosphere in mmHg, x the distance from the
skin surface to point of measurement in meters) according to H4300. The H4300 is a closed, hand-held, portable chamber
Ficks law. [The probe weighs 25 g and has a cylindrical open system (22), which consists of a monitor and a probe. The probe
chamber measuring system, diameter of 10 mm, height of includes thermo- and humidity sensors. The instrument displays
20 mm, and covered skin area of 0.79 cm2. The two sensor the following experimental parameters: evaporative quantity
units are placed at 3 and 8 mm distance from the skin surface. (0–300 g/m2/h), relative humidity (0–100%) and probe
A special probe holder with a clamp is furnished with the temperature (5–45 C). The evaporative quantity (i.e. water
device, which allows a fixed positioning of the probe on the loss) is calculated with the HR 4300 closed-type instrument in
skin surface.] The vapor density gradient is measured indirectly accordance with a predetermined algorithm, and the results
by two pairs of sensors (temperature and relative humidity) reflect the response curves for the temperature and humidity
inside a hollow cylinder, and the resulting data are analyzed sensors after application to the skin surface.
by a microprocessor. Measurement values are given in g/m2 h. The
standard version of the instrument shows the following experimental
parameters: TEWL (0–90 g/m2 h), ambient relative humidity
(0–100%) and temperature (0–50 C) at the level of the sensors.
Closed-loop devices
MEECO. Water-loss determinations also can be performed
Tewameter–TM 300: Although the measurement principle of with an electrolytic moisture analyser (MEECO, Warrington,
the TM 300 is the same as for the TM 210, the former differs in PA, USA). The results are presented in p.p.m. of water loss/
operation as follows: the probe weighs 90 g with a diameter of 0.5 m2 h, which corresponds approximately to 10 g/m2h
10 mm, height of 2 cm and covers a surface area of 0.79 cm2. (9,23,24). This instrument utilizes a closed-loop system that
Measurements are started by pressing a button either in the is filled with dry nitrogen gas, and the sensor measures the
probe or on the PC. In addition to TEWL values, calculations of moisture captured in an opening of the loop. The metal cap
SSWL value (skin surface water loss after occlusion) and assess- has to be firmly pressed against the skin for analyses; and in
ment of partial water evaporation pressures (pd) are possible. doing this, fragile skin can potentially be damaged, and local
The measurement technology is completely built into the probe blood flow can be diminished. Furthermore, excess pressure may
itself. As the probe of the TM 300 is preheated, it quickly cause local discomfort. Because of the design of the probe, with
reaches a steady state where values should be taken (17,19), its attached in- and out-going small tubes, measurement sites are
allowing for faster measurements in comparison to the TM 210. largely limited to the extremities in humans.

Fluhr et al.

Skin surface temperature a MEECO ***

100 *** ***
In all these studies, skin surface temperature was assessed with a
battery-driven HI 93530 K-Thermocouple Thermometer from

(mean ± SEM)
Hanna Instruments (Bedfordshire, UK).

g/m2 h
Statistical analyses and data presentation
25 ***
Statistical analyses were performed using Prism 3 software (Graph ***
Pad Software Inc., San Diego, CA, USA). Normal distributions 0
ANOVA P < 0.0001 P < 0.0001
were tested before calculating comparisons with a paired t-test.
When three or more experimental groups were compared, H4300 ***
ANOVA analyses were performed, followed by a pair-wise, post- ** ***
hoc, a-adjusted Bonferroni Test. Values are given as mean + stan- 150

(mean ± SEM)
dard error of the mean (SEM) (Figs 1 and 2). The relationships

g/m2 h
between gravimetrically measured water loss and the values 100
assessed with the different devices were calculated. Pearson correl-
ation coefficients were calculated and the statistical significance of
50 **
correlations were determined. Correlations between the different n.s.
devices were determined from both mouse and human in vivo ***
studies. A statistically significant difference was set at P < 0.05 0
ANOVA P < 0.0001 P < 0.0001
(*). P < 0.01 was labelled as (**) and P < 0.001 as (***).
Reproducibility was tested by analyzing with 10 repeated
measurement of one damaged skin site, and subsequently calcul- c VapoMeter ***
ated as the coefficient of variation (CV). 250


(mean ± SEM)
Results 150

g/m2 h
Gravimetric data validate in vivo measurements of 100

The key issue addressed in this study relates to 0

ANOVA P < 0.0001 P < 0.0001
the validity of TEWL measures as an indicator of
Mild (2×)
barrier function. Hence, we correlated gravi- Untreated
Moderate (3×)
metric measurements on freshly excised normal Severe (6×)
skin ex vivo with measures of TEWL with the Very severe (8×)
different devices. The gravimetric values correl- Figure 1. In vivo mouse model: closed chamber and closed-loop
ated significantly with the values for all instru- systems. In the low-range values, all the three closed systems
ments tested (Table 1). Correlations could not are capable of differentiating between both untreated and
be calculated for the DermaLab device because petrolatum-treated areas and the mild barrier damage
[2 tape-stripped (TS)]. Also the high-value ranges can be
of five missing values. The closest correlation were differentiated by these three instruments: moderate (3 TS),
for EP1 (r ¼ 0.8076) > TM 210 (r ¼ 0.7666) > severe (6 TS) and very severe (8 TS). (a) Measurements
VapoMeter (r ¼ 0.7630) > TM 300 (r ¼ 0.7557) > with the MEECO revealed the following differences ANOVA
H4300 (r ¼ 0.7082) > MEECO (r ¼ 0.6825) for the low range: P < 0.0001; for the high range: P < 0.0001
(n ¼ 12) (b) Measurements with the H4300 showed the follow-
(Table 1a). In contrast, surface temperature did ing differences ANOVA for the low range: P < 0.0001; for the
not correlate with gravimetric values, as skin high range: P < 0.0001 (n ¼ 12). (c) Measurements with the
temperatures remained constant over the entire VapoMeter resulted in the following differences ANOVA for
test period (P > 0.05; Pearson r < |0.28|) the low range: P < 0.0001; for the high range: P < 0.0001
(n ¼ 12).
(Table 1b). These results demonstrate that
TEWL measurements, with both open and closed could be detected accurately as significant
systems, correlate significantly with absolute changes in TEWL. Figure 1 displays the data
rates of water loss, assessed gravimetrically. from three closed chamber systems (left sections
of Fig. 1a–c), whereas Fig. 2 shows the in vivo
Both closed and open systems detect minor barrier data for the open chamber systems (left sections
of Fig. 2a–d). All three closed chamber devices
perturbations in murine skin
detected significant differences between baseline
We next assessed whether small changes of epi- and mild barrier damage, but not between base-
dermal barrier function, induced by petrolatum line vs. petrolatum-treated areas. Likewise, none
treatment of intact human skin (as a parameter of the four open chamber systems could differ-
for inducing a slight decrease in evaporative entiate significantly between baseline and lowered
waterloss) or very mild (2 TS) disruption TEWL on petrolatum-treated, normal skin (left

Transepidermal water loss as measure of permeability barrier

a TM 210 b ** Untreated vs. 10× TS (human)

TM 300
** n.s.
100 30
(mean ± SEM) 60 90

(mean ± SEM)
50 80 **
70 25 **
g/m2 h

g/m h
40 60

30 ** 50 ***
n.s. 40 n.s. *** **

(mean ± SEM)
20 30 20
10 20

g/m2 h
0 0
ANOVA P < 0.0001 n.s. ANOVA P < 0.0001 P < 0.005 15
* *
c EP1 ** d DermaLab *** 10 *
n.s. n.s.
* **
60 60
n.s .
(mean ± SEM)

(mean ± SEM)
50 50 5
g/m2 h

40 g/m2 h 40
** 0
20 n.s. 20 n.s. MEECO VapoMeter TM300 EP1
*** **
10 10 H4300 TM210 DermaLab
0 0
ANOVA P < 0.0001 P < 0.0001 ANOVA P < 0.0001 P < 0.0001 ANOVA: P < 0.0001
Untreated Mild (2×) Untreated
Vaseline Moderate (3×)
Severe (6×) 10 Tape strippings
Very severe (8×)
Figure 3. In vivo study on the ventral forearm of healthy human
Figure 2. In vivo mouse model: open chamber systems. In the volunteers: baseline values were compared with those after a
low-range values, all the four open chamber systems are capable mild damage of the stratum corneum by 10 sequential tape
of differentiating between both untreated and petrolatum- stripping with D-Squame1 tapes. A significant difference
treated areas and the mild barrier damage [2 tape-stripped (TS)]. (P < 0.05 and lower; ANOVA P < 0.0001) between baseline
Also the high-value ranges can be differentiated by these instru- and disrupted barrier could be detected with all instruments
ments: moderate (3 TS), severe (6 TS) and very severe except the MEECO (n ¼ 10).
(8 TS) except the older Tewameter TM 210. However the
difference between severe (6 TS) and very severe (8 TS)
barrier damage was only detected by the Evaporimeter EP1.
(a) Measurements with the Tewameter TM 210 showed the damage (Table 1). The new TM 300 (right section
following differences: ANOVA for the low range P < 0.0001; for of Fig. 2b), as well as the DermaLab (right section
the high range: P > 0.05 (n ¼ 12). (b) Measurements with the of Fig. 2d), also were capable of differentiating
Tewameter TM 300 revealed the following differences:
ANOVA for the low range P < 0.0001; for the high range:
between moderate TS (3) and both severe
P < 0.005 (n ¼ 12). (c) Measurements with the Evaporimeter damage (6) and very severe damage (8) in hair-
EP1 showed the following differences: ANOVA for the low less mouse skin. The relatively old, EP 1 device also
range: P < 0.0001; for the high range: P < 0.0001 (n ¼ 12). detected significant differences between all three
(d) Measurements with the DermaLab revealed the following
differences: ANOVA for the low range: P < 0.0001; for the high
stages of moderate through severe barrier damage,
range: P < 0.0001 (n ¼ 12). but in contrast to the closed-chamber systems and
the older TM 210 device did not reveal differences
section of Fig. 2a–d). However, all 4 open chamber between moderately severe and severe barrier
devices were able to detect significant differences damage (right section of Fig. 2a).
between baseline and mildly damaged skin (2 TS). Correlations between the seven devices were
Together, these studies show that TEWL measure- calculated with the Pearson test (Table 2). A sig-
ments are capable of detecting small increments in nificant correlation were calculated for all tested
barrier function in murine skin in vivo, independent instruments, with a Pearson coefficient of at least
of the specific detection methodology employed. In r > 0.83 for all instruments. However, the TM
contrast, further reductions from normal barrier 210 correlated less well (r between 0.8353 and
function could not be detected, presumably because 0.9160) then the other devices, which showed
basal evaporation rate is already very low in normal higher correlations (r up to 0.9879). Although,
skin. surface temperature showed small, but signifi-
cant differences for untreated skin (baseline:
33.1 C) compared with mild barrier impairment
Both closed and open systems detect moderate-to-
(2 TS: 31.0 C) and the severely disrupted sites
severe perturbations of murine skin
(6 TS: 30.6 C), these differences could be
In the next group of studies, we assessed the attributed to the extended anaesthesia time
sensitivity of TEWL measurements after more required for progressive barrier disruption.
drastic perturbations induced by skin stripping These results show that both closed and open
(moderate, severe and very severe damage) to systems are sensitive to incremental external per-
the barrier. The MEECO and the H-4300 signifi- turbations of murine SC, in a moderate to very
cantly differentiated all three degrees of barrier severe range of barrier disruption.

Fluhr et al.

Table 1. Gravimetric measurements (water evaporation) correlate significantly with the device values

MEECO H4300 VapoMeter TM 210 TM 300 DermaLab EP1 Temperature

10 12 12 12 12 7 12 12
(a) Gravimetric TEWL
P (two-tailed) 0.0297 0.0099 0.0039 0.0036 0.0045 n.d. 0.0015 0.3335
Pearson 0.6825 0.7082 0.763 0.7666 0.7557 0.8076 0.306
(b) Temperature
P (two-tailed) 0.3836 0.7416 0.5294 0.6236 0.4443 0.6822 0.731 –
Pearson 0.2769 0.1066 0.2018 0.1581 0.2442 0.1906 0.1111 –

(a) The gravimetric measurement as an independent parameter of evaporation of water on freshly excised skin in a mouse ex vivo model showed a significant
correlation with the values from six devices (DermaLab not evaluated due to missing values) with a Pearson correlation coefficient r > 0.682. No correlation
between the surface temperature and the gravimetric measurement was detectable thus excluding a temperature effect. (b) No correlation between the surface
temperature and the device values was seen.

Both closed and open systems detect minor skin sites, and subsequently calculated the CV
perturbations of human SC in vivo from a total of 22 measurements. The CV was
highest for DermaLab (18.0) followed by the
Figure 3 shows data from an in vivo study on the
MEECO (16.6) values. The H-4300 (12.4),
ventral forearm of healthy human volunteers.
VapoMeter (12.8), TM 210 (12.0) and the EP 1
Baseline values were compared with measurements
(13.5) showed values of around 13, whereas the
after mild damage of SC induced by 10 TS of the
TM 300 (1.9) had the lowest CV values, indicating
ventral forearm with standardized D-Squame1
the best reproducibility. In summary, with the
tapes. Significant differences between basal and
exception of the MEECO, both closed and
disrupted sites could be detected with all instru-
open systems detect minor barrier perturbations
ments, except the MEECO. These differences
of human SC in vivo. All systems correlated well
were more pronounced with the closed chamber
with each other, and the values were not tem-
system, H-4300, and both Tewameters (TM 210
perature dependent, except for the H-4300.
and TM 300). The choice of model did not sig-
Finally, all of these instruments demonstrated
nificantly influence skin surface temperature
very good reproducibility.
except for the closed chamber system H-4300,
which also correlated significantly with changes
in surface temperature (Table 3b).
The correlations between the seven different
instruments were calculated based on the 22 values Current models of epidermal permeability barrier
obtained from the 11 individuals both on untreated function assume that the central parameter of this
and mildly barrier damaged skin. All instruments function reflects evaporative water loss originating
displayed significant correlations with each other from deeper layers of the skin, i.e. TEWL (25,26).
(Table 3a). However, data for the closed loop, Every experimental change, whether in vivo or
MEECO system, correlated less well with the H- in vitro, should respect the physiological back-
4300 and the TM 210 (Pearson coefficient < 0.600). ground of this fragile tissue compartment, and
The correlation values of all other instruments the metabolic processes that maintain functional
were highly significant (P < 0.01 or less). Finally, homeostasis. A literature search (www.pubme-
we tested the reproducibility of measurements after with the key words ‘TEWL’ and ‘skin’
10 different measurements of individual damaged show a high number of Medline-listed publications

Table 2. Significant correlation between all instruments in the mouse in vivo model

Pearson r MEECO H4300 VapoMeter TM 210 TM 300 DermaLab EP1

MEECO X 0.9746 0.9560 0.9160 0.9149 0.9253 0.9247

H4300-S *** X 0.9811 0.8991 0.9513 0.9536 0.9596
VapoMeter *** *** X 0.8759 0.9750 0.9716 0.9797
*** *** ***
TM 210 *** *** *** X 0.8353 0.8361 0.8544
TM 300 *** *** *** *** *** X 0.9879 0.9875
DermaLab *** *** *** *** *** *** X 0.9847

All comparisons: ***P < 0.001.

All instruments have a significant correlation with each other in the mouse model (n ¼ 68) with very high Pearson correlation coefficients r > 0.91 except for the
TM 210 vs. the other open chamber instruments, H4300 and VapoMeter with slightly lower correlation coefficients.

Transepidermal water loss as measure of permeability barrier

during recent years (1999: 41; 2000: 47; 2001: 71; external stressors correlates well with TEWL.
2002: 66; 2003: 50; 2004: 60). Yet, TEWL has been Specific examples include: DNA synthesis and epi-
measured as far back as 1965 (27). In basic research dermal proliferation (55,56), lipid synthesis (23,57–
(28–38), as well as in applied clinical (39–46), 59) and lipid enzymatic activity and activation state
pharmacological (47–50), and cosmetic studies (60,61).
(51–54), quantification of changes in epidermal Therefore, to directly address this issue, we com-
barrier function is perceived to possess direct rele- pared gravimetric data from an ex vivo model with-
vance for both assessment of skin physiology, out major alterations due to cold, heat, structural
pathophysiology, as well as product performance. defects or other physico-chemical insults, thus
Yet, the current model of quantitative assess- insuring the integrity of samples for the assessment
ment of epidermal barrier function, utilizing of epidermal barrier function. In our study, the
TEWL as a measuring parameter, was challenged open chamber, the closed chamber and the
recently by Chilcott and co-workers (16). In their closed-loop systems all accurately and reproduci-
models, the penetration of a lipophilic agent, sulfur bly measured TEWL, as shown by the high degree
mustard, was assessed across both heat-split of correlation with gravimetric data. However, our
human epidermis and non-pigmented pig skin, studies did reveal certain limitations among the
that had been stored for up to 14 days, with pene- different instruments, and therefore one has to
tration studies extended over 96 h postheat separ- choose the type of system carefully (open or closed
ation. Thus, not only was the skin structure system), and the most appropriate instrument for
potentially compromised, but the additional the planned studies. One conclusion from our study
potentially deleterious effects of heat separation is the need to calibrate the different devices in order
on the extracellular lipid matrix and corneocytes for them to objectively measure the amounts of
as major components of the epidermal barrier water loss per surface area and time in SI units.
function, were not addressed. Although the Few comparative studies with different devices are
authors claimed that structural integrity was main- published and most of them lack an outside validation
tained under these conditions, they provided no parameter for the measured water evaporation
functional, structural or ultrastructural evidence (22,62–67). The present study is the most complete
in support of this assertion. Finally, Chilcott relied comparison of commercially available devices for
solely on penetration of externally applied sub- measuring TEWL, utilizing open chamber, closed
stances, whereas barrier function implies not only chamber and closed loop systems. Furthermore,
outside-in, but also inside-out functions (25). human in vivo models, mammalian in vivo models
Nevertheless, they concluded, in contrast to a and an ex vivo model were chosen in order to cover
wide range of in vivo and in vitro data published the broad spectrum of possible research fields regard-
over three decades, that TEWL does not reflect ing epidermal barrier function, but each device had
actual permeability barrier status. specific drawbacks and limitations e.g. the tempera-
Extensive prior work has demonstrated that the ture dependency of the H4300 measurements in the
extent of epidermal physiological responses to human in vivo measurements (Table 3). We were able

Table 3. Significant correlation between all instruments in the human in vivo model is independent from temperature (except H4300)

Pearson r

P-value MEECO H4300 VapoMeter TM 210 TM 300 DermaLab EP1

MEECO X 0.4700 0.7064 0.5598 0.6269 0.6763 0.8383
H4300 * X 0.7029 0.7633 0.6475 0.7602 0.5858
VapoMeter *** *** X 0.8926 0.7833 0.9050 0.8780
TM 210 * *** *** X 0.7325 0.8639 0.7702
TM 300 ** ** *** *** X 0.9371 0.8365
DermaLab ** *** *** *** *** X 0.8735
EP1 *** ** *** *** *** *** X
(b) Temperature
Pearson r 0.2793 0.497 0.2646 0.3637 0.4025 0.4184 0.2861
P-value n.s. 0.0258 n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s.

All comparisons: *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01,***P < 0.001.

(a) All instruments have significant correlation with each other in the human in vivo model (n ¼ 22). However, for the closed-loop system MEECO, a relatively weak
correlation was detected with the other closed system H-4300 and the TM 210 (Pearson coefficient < 0.600). The correlation values of all the other instruments
were highly significant (P < 0.01 or smaller). (b) We also tested whether the results were influenced by any changes in the surface temperature and interestingly
the values of the closed chamber system H-4300 correlated significantly with those of the surface temperature.

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