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Taxonomy became the stepping stone of all the species here on earth. It provides
Information of all living organism’s evolution phases. There is a vast range of species here on
earth, most of them have already been recorded and some of them have just recently been
added as a new species. Because evolution never stops as long as there is a change in our
environment, new species will arise. Species need to adapt in the new environment in order to
survive. There is also evidence here in our local area in the Cordillera administrative region.
Where the organisms also exist but few.

According to Bengwayan 2023. The Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) is known as

“watershed cradle,” north of the Philippines but many don’t realize it is tagged by scientists as
the “Ecological Zone” of Northern Luzon. This natural heritage is a precious asset providing,
supporting, regulating, provisioning, and cultural services unique to Cordillera. Most of the
Studies on biodiversity in the Cordillera are not published; only 54 of 226 reviews (24%) are
published internationally and reach a worldwide audience. Utilizing plants was the primary
emphasis of available resources, followed by species. diversity analysis using a small number of
taxa. An ecosystem-based method for studying plants and The fauna present in various areas is
deficient. Several of the theories put out to explain This absence of data from an area with
apparently high biodiversity is the result of specialists in taxonomy and field research, financial
prospects, and publishability of information networks, computer databases, inventories, and
taxonomy work the gathering and organizing of data.

In conclusion, the discovery of the species here in the Cordillera administrative region is not well
established yet due to lack of consolidation, pending research, and process. Only a few species
are recognized here in cordillera because they are well established from their origin until to their
present. Recent studies of Tad-o et al. (2022) expose a view about the emergence of the new
ginger species, Boesenbergia igorota, during their recent botanical exploration here in the
province of Benguet. Furthermore in order to maximize the discovery of the species it must need
full support in order to consolidate the research of the specialist and also for the aspiring future
scientist who wants to discover the emergence of the species..

Baoanan, Z., Abansi, C., Fe, C., & Abalos, S. (n.d.). A REVIEW OF
NORTHERN LUZON, PHILIPPINES. Journal of Nature Studies, 19(2), 84–103.

Bengwayan, B. A. (2023, July 27). Gaps Exist in Cordillera’s Biodiversity Information.

HERALD EXPRESS | News in Cordillera and Northern Luzon.

Tad-O, RV., Alafag, J., & Napaldet, J., (2022) Boesenbergia Igorota (Zingiberaceae), a
new species from the Cordillera Central Range, Northern Philippines.

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