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Physics 256 Computational Physics Spring 2023

Assignment 2
Due at 11:55 pm, Fri., Feb. 2

Reading Assignment:
Read TP Chaps. 8, 10, 14-17. Read G&N Chaps. 1-2. Go to the Vpython site, get
to the documentation page. In "Choose 3D Object" select Overview arrow, box
cone, curve, cylinder, ring, and sphere, and in "Work with 3D Object" select

E2-1. TP Exercise 15.2
E2-2. G&N 1.3.

P2-1. Write a Point Class that can do 2-D point (x,y) addition, subtraction, two point dot
product, and an integer times a point. Show some output that your program has the
point operation functionality.
P2-2. G&N 2.11. Using the adiabatic approximation Eq. 2.24 and firing angle 45°, and
other parameters in Fig. 2.5. For the wind, take it as headwind.

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