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2.1 Review of Related Literature

Locally Available Building Materials

3.1.1. Bamboo seen as ideal building material for sustainable homes. Garcia Cathy Rose A. Business World, March 2021 Summary

Figure 3.1. Photo of structures that uses bamboo as building material.

Bamboo is not commonly used to build homes in the Philippines because many people regard it as "a
poor man's material." The Base Bahay Foundation, Inc. hopes to change this attitude by advocating for the use of
bamboo as an alternative building technology for socialized housing in the country. The Philippines has both bamboo
— a material that grows really quickly and is abundant — and the complications of a developing society, including
housing issues and natural catastrophes. This makes bamboo a perfect building material for sustainable housing in
the country, particularly for the many people who live in disaster-prone informal settlements. But it is the sustainability
of a building material, such as bamboo, that distinguishes it from others. Bamboo has long been recognized as a
sustainable material since it is one of the fastest-growing natural grasses on the planet, and it is easily visible and
collected in the Philippines.

‘Bamboo has about 1,200 distinct species, with sixty-two species recognized in the nation. It has been utilized as a
trustworthy construction material, especially now that a fine and lasting structural material, such as bamboo panels,
can be manufactured with the use of technology and advanced engineering. (Garcia Cathy Rose A., Business World,
March 2021) Analysis / Application

Bamboo is a naturally occurring, renewable material that may be utilized in the design and construction of
environmentally friendly structures. Because of its ability to regenerate, bamboo may be used as a renewable
alternative for other non-renewable materials. Bamboo assists in the digestion of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere,
decreasing the quantity of carbon in the environment. As a result, bamboo helps to remove greenhouse gasses from
the air, and its use in construction can help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Bamboo is a versatile sustainable building material that may be used in a variety of architectural styles. Bamboo's
light weight allows it to be cut, molded, and arranged into any desired form, resulting in visually appealing designs.

Bamboo is one of the primary materials to be utilized in the Agritourism and Livelihood Training Center project. It will
be utilized for walls, floors, stairwells, doors, and even ceilings. It will also be used for path railings, particularly for the
tour activity portion of the program, because the project will cater to visitors of all ages. It is important that the elderly
and children have some sort of safety using bamboo railings, so that if the elderly get tired, he/she can hold on to the
railings, and for the children, so that they can easily be monitored by their guardians.

Bamboo will also be utilized to house livestock such as carabaos and goats, as well as chickens. It will be used for
anything from fences to sheds. It will also be utilized in landscaping, such as potted plants. It will also be used to
make furniture.

Bamboo material will also be employed as a primary building material in ceilings, partitions, and wall cladding. It will
also be part of the livelihood training program, with bamboo being used for various handicrafts. Using bamboo is not
only pleasing to the eye, but it is also beneficial to the environment, humans, and animals.

2.1.2. What Is Steel Frame Construction: Techniques, Advantages, and Considerations Matt Greenfield June 10, 2022. Summary
Figure 3.2. Photo of Steel frame construction

Popular structural engineering techniques like steel framing replace the timber beams, joists, and other
elements used in conventional wooden frame buildings with steel. In comparison to timber frames, this style of
construction has a number of benefits, such as strength, longevity, and ease of installation. Steel framing is ideal for
building construction, providing each structure with increased longevity and enhanced safety.

Steel frame has a well-deserved reputation for being extremely strong and resilient. Unlike other building
materials, like wood, steel frame constructions can resist even the worst weather without showing any obvious
evidence of wear or damage. This gives you the peace of mind that your building will not need to be maintained
frequently and ensures that its people will always be safe inside.

The simplicity of installation is another advantage of employing steel frame. Steel frames are simple to
assemble because they sometimes come pre-made or in parts that building contractors may put together on-site.
Because of this, installing them is simpler than installing other conventional building materials like concrete or wood,
which demand more time-consuming installation procedures.

In addition, steel provides more design flexibility than other types of construction materials. For instance, curves
and angles can be constructed into steel frames without having to worry about them warping or developing other
deformities over time as they can with wooden constructions owing to changes in weight or temperature. Steel
frames are therefore perfect for architects and designers who are designing original ideas that need to be both
aesthetically pleasing and structurally sound.

When compared to other conventional building materials like wood or concrete, such as steel, which does not
burn quickly and does not emit poisonous fumes when exposed to heat or flame, steel offers superior fire resistance.
Due to the use of steel frames rather than other materials like wood or concrete, there will be less risk of damage and
structural deterioration if a fire should occur while your structure is being built.

Steel offers strong resistance not only to fire, but also to other more frequent forms of extreme weather, such as
hurricanes, high winds, flooding, and blizzards, which might happen during construction projects in some climates all
over the world. Due to the usage of lower quality materials, such as wood or concrete, which may be vulnerable to
damage from these events, construction projects in these areas can be done safely without worrying about potential
destruction from these natural catastrophes.

Finally, compared to other conventional building materials like wood, steel frames have an even longer lifespan.
Wood may be more vulnerable to moisture damage or decay brought on by insects and fungus without proper care
and maintenance throughout its lifecycle, which can dramatically reduce its lifespan. Due to its greater strength and
durability, ease of installation, flexibility in design options, fire resistance, and structural stability in adverse weather
situations, steel framing is an excellent choice for any construction project. Analysis / Application

Steel framing construction offers numerous advantages that make it an exceptional choice in the modern
construction industry. This method utilizes steel as the primary structural material instead of traditional options such
as wood or concrete. The benefits of steel framing extend across various aspects, including strength and durability,
lightweight construction, fire resistance, and termite and pest resistance.
One of the most significant advantages of steel framing is its exceptional strength and durability. Steel is an
inherently robust material that possesses superior structural integrity, making it capable of withstanding extreme
weather conditions, seismic activities, and other external forces. The use of steel provides a solid foundation for
buildings, ensuring long-term stability and safety. Moreover, steel framing allows for larger spans and open floor
plans, enabling architects and designers to create flexible and innovative structures.

In addition to its strength, steel framing offers the advantage of being lightweight. Compared to traditional
materials such as wood or concrete, steel is significantly lighter. This characteristic simplifies transportation, handling,
and on-site assembly, reducing construction time and costs. Moreover, the lightweight nature of steel allows for
greater design flexibility, enabling architects to explore various architectural styles and construction techniques.

Another compelling aspect of steel framing construction is its inherent fire resistance. Steel is a non-combustible
material that does not contribute to the spread of fire. It has a high melting point, enabling it to withstand high
temperatures for extended periods compared to other building materials. This fire-resistant property is crucial in
enhancing the safety of occupants and minimizing the risk of structural damage. Steel framing provides an added
layer of protection and peace of mind, particularly in regions prone to wildfires or where stringent fire safety
regulations are enforced.

Furthermore, steel framing construction is highly resistant to pests, such as termites and other insects. Unlike
wood, which is vulnerable to infestation and damage, steel does not provide a food source or a conducive
environment for pests. This eliminates the need for regular pest control treatments and safeguards the integrity of the

2.1.3. Husk to Home: Building Houses from Rice in the Philippines Pettit M.

2.1.3z.2. Impact Economic News. March 2017 Summary

Figure 3.3. Photo of Composite tile made from Rice Husk

In 2013, Bohol Island in the Philippines was struck by a huge 7.2 magnitude earthquake, followed by a super
typhoon, which displaced over 350,000 people and damaged approximately 80,000 homes. Construction of relief
shelters was often carried out using conventional plywood, or locally sourced materials such as bamboo and coconut

Faced with this challenge, a team of engineers from the University of California teamed up with Engineers
Without Borders and a local organization called IDEA to try to develop a more sustainable solution – a building
material that was sustainable, sturdy, inexpensive and long-lasting (i.e. not attractive to termites), that didn’t need to
be replaced every couple of years

As the seventh largest rice-producing country in the world, the Philippines generates an abundance of rice husk,
a termite resistant waste product from the rice milling process that is incinerated once discarded. Our team, Husk-to-
Home, intends to capitalize on this termite resistance and design a rice husk composite board with properties
relevant to the Philippines’ needs: lightweight boards with strength and stiffness that will prevent side-swaying and
resist forces due to earthquakes [1]; water resistivity which will help structures withstand humidity and tropical storms;
and termite resistance that will keep structures durable and free of pests. Husk-to-Home plans to innovate rice husk
composite boards by using inexpensive, accessible materials, minimal machinery, and a simple production process.

Recycled high-density polyethylene (HDPE) plastic was selected as the best and most sustainable plastic to
incorporate into the boards due to its abundance, low-cost, and recyclability. Preliminary screw tests were conducted
by screwing a one” screw to the edge of the board and loading the screw until the board showed signs of cracks
along the edge. The screw tests were not done according to ASTM standards but were used for comparative
analysis. In the future, screw tests will be conducted in accordance to ASTM standards by accredited facilities to yield
reliable results. Bioassays and soak tests were also conducted on the FPCs to evaluate termite and humidity
resistance, as previously described. Again, all the tests were conducted in parallel to a control for reference. The
mechanical properties of the boards increased significantly. Soak tests indicated a percent expansion by thickness as
low as 2.0% with the most recent boards. These results are excellent in comparison to the 20 to 40% expansion of
formaldehyde based adhesive rice husk particleboards that were tested in parallel. The bioassay tests determined
that termites consume basswood (20.7% mortality rate), but do not consume rice husk (100% mortality rate).

The new approach of using FPC boards instead of tannin- and casein-based adhesives proved to be promising.
The recycled HDPE adhesive has improved the properties of Husk-to-Home’s rice husk composite boards
substantially. The proposed board has mechanical strength near that of the plywood.

Figure 3.3. The photo shows the percentage of rice husk and other materials that built up the composite tile/plank. Analysis / Application

The cement industry is regarded as one of the largest producers of greenhouse gas globally. For this reason,
many within the construction sector are eager to promote the use of eco-friendly substitutes. With the aim to help
lessen the waste produced in the world, fly ash, furnace slag, and concrete debris are just some of the more popular
choices for reducing global cement reliance. One interesting material, hailed for its feasibility, is rice husk.

Rice husk is a byproduct of the milling industry. It is 92-95% silica, extremely porous, and has a high amount of
ash content. It is the protective covering of rice grains, which are considered as waste material in the agricultural
sector. Its disposal has become a worldwide problem due to the amount of waste produced every year (Pinoy Builder,
2020). Thus, pushing this as a cement alternative helps ease the burden and benefits both the construction and
agriculture industry.

Rice husk ash (RHA) plays two roles in concrete constructions. The first role is using rice husk as a substitute for
Portland cement which leads to the reduction of the cost of concrete, and the other role is as an admixture in the
production of high strength concrete. Ordinary Portland cement is expensive for undeveloped countries and the need
for low-cost building material is high. Due to the fact that cement is the most expensive component of concrete,
replacing part of cement with rice husk ash would decline the cost of concrete greatly. It is demonstrated that,
replacing 50% cement with rice husk ash would reduce cost of concrete by 25%.

Meanwhile, in PinaMalayan, production of palay reached 171,349.94 metric tons in the fourth quarter of 2021.
An increase of 14.36 percent compared to same period last year from a total of 149,835.77 metric tons (PSA 2022).
The rice husk that will be available every year is a lot of waste, by using those husks as an alternative to Portland
cement, the cost will reduce, and it is more eco-friendly. The researcher will use the rice husk concrete approach for
the building that needs more strength such as the administrative / reception, kitchen, and function hall. It can also be
used as flower boxes and fences.

2.1.4. Transparent Wood Could Be the Window of the Future Androff A. Forest Products Laboratory and posted by Robert Westover,

Office of Communication, USDA Forest Service in Forestry. July 2021 Summary

Figure 3.4. Photo of Transparent wood compared to regular wood.

Forest Products Laboratory (FPL) researcher Junyong Zhu in co-collaboration with colleagues from the
University of Maryland and University of Colorado, have developed a transparent wood material that may be the
window of tomorrow. Researchers found that transparent wood has the potential to outperform glass currently used in
construction in nearly every way.

While glass is the most common material used in window construction it comes with a costly economic and
ecological price. Heat easily transfers through glass, especially single pane, and amounts to higher energy bills when
it escapes during cold weather and pours in when it’s warm. Glass production in construction also comes with a
heavy carbon footprint. Manufacturing emissions are approximately 25,000 metric tons per year. Now, transparent
wood is emerging as one of the most promising materials of the future.

Transparent wood is created when wood from the fast-growing, low-density balsa tree is treated to a room
temperature, oxidizing bath that bleaches it of nearly all visibility. The wood is then penetrated with a synthetic
polymer called polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), creating a product that is virtually transparent.

The natural cellulose in its wood structure and energy-absorbing polymer filler in transparent wood means that it
is far more durable and lighter than glass. It can withstand much stronger impacts than glass and, unlike glass, it
bends or splinters instead of shattering.

Switching to transparent wood could prove to be cost efficient as well. It is approximately five times more
thermally efficient than glass, cutting energy costs. It is made from a sustainable, renewable resource with low
carbon emissions. It is also compatible with existing industrial processing equipment, making the transition into
manufacturing an easy prospect. Analysis / Application

As far as transparent wood's strength is concerned, it has the same strength of lumber whilst being far lighter.

Transparent wood will provide an excellent way for the researcher / designer to bring lighter into the projects.
Because this transparent wood is stronger than standard glass it could be used for load bearing windows. The
transparent wood could be use in the project as:

 Heat/shielding buildings/windows
 Load-bearing windows that never crack or shatter.
 Smart windows, to save energy.


 It is biodegradable and environmentally friendly as regular wood.

 Transparent wood has all the strength of opaque lumber.
 It does not shatter on impact and is stronger than glass.
 It is better when at light distribution and eliminates glare.
 It helps keep a building at more consistent temperature and make it easier to reach higher energy efficiency.
This is because wood has low thermal conductivity.
 Another advantage of transparent wood over glass for structural applications is that the ductility and work to
fracture are higher.
2.1.5. Biophilic design is the home trend everyone needs to know about Yuvallos, Andrei NoliSoli Ph. October 2020. Summary

Biophilic design is a human-centric approach to interior and building design that focuses on the human
connection to the natural world. Many modern workspaces have invested in biophilic design strategies to improve the
quality of life of their employees, meet sustainability goals, and increase productivity.

According to this definition, biophilic design is not just sticking a plant in a corner and calling it a day. For
something to be truly considered biophilic design, these elements must be integrated into how a place is built and
how much people interact with it. There must be a clear intention to incorporate natural elements. Elements of
Biophilic Design.

Another point of biophilic design is blurring the boundaries between inside and outside. The more nature
presents indoors, the better. Biophilic design is supposed to be a multi-sensory experience that affects how we feel in
a positive way.

1. Environmental features

As an element of biophilic design, environmental features relate to characteristics of the natural world found in
the built environment.

2. Natural shapes and forms

The element of natural shapes and forms includes representations and simulations of the natural world in
buildings, both internally and externally.

3. Natural patterns and processes

This element focuses on how the built environment is enhanced by incorporating properties found in nature into

4. Light and space

There are many ways that light and space, the use of which is a crucial element of biophilic design, can be
incorporated into a space.

5. Place-based relationships

People have a strong sense of connection with places, and the element of place-based relationships refers to a
linking of culture with ecology.

1. Circadian rhythm: Access to natural light throughout the day helps regulate your circadian rhythm,
potentially enabling you feel more rested and less stressed.
2. Healing: Healthcare facilities with biophilic design have reduced patients’ postoperative recovery time.
3. Increased productivity: According to a 1994 study from the Department of Energy, businesses that reduced
harsh lighting and incorporated more natural light, such as skylights, saw an increase in worker productivity.
4. . Lower stress: Regular access to nature may help reduce your heart rate and lower your blood pressure,
which correlates with lower stress. According to a 2014 study published in Environmental Science &
Technology, people who moved to a greener area from urban environment experienced a positive impact on
their mental health, while people who moved from a greener area to a less green area experienced adverse
mental health effects post-move. Analysis / Application

The aim of biophilic design is to create buildings and spaces that enable harmonious, naturally enjoyable
experiences for their users by promoting the affinity of human beings for the natural world that surrounds us. The
discipline offers numerous benefits for physical and mental well-being, as well as having a positive environmental
impact thanks to enhanced sustainability performance.

Biophilic designers believe that sustained contact with the natural world is more beneficial than brief forays into
nature. To reap the most benefit, integrate biophilic principles into daily experiences in an accessible way.

Examples of Biophilic Design that will be integrated in the design process:

1. Bringing the outside in: Biophilic design brings natural elements into interior spaces. Some common
biophilic design elements include skylights, which provide natural light; green walls, or living walls, covered
with living greenery; and the presence of water, such as fountains or ponds.
2. Mimicking natural patterns: Biophilic design employs biomimicry—the process of mimicking patterns and
forms found in nature. Natural patterns like curves, fractals, and geometric shapes inspire infrastructure and
design. For instance, you may frame windows in a honeycomb pattern or construct walls to mimic the
curvature of a wave.
3. Planting abundant greenery: Biophilic architecture often incorporates landscaping as a primary feature of
the building's structure. Rooftop gardens, or green roofs, provide open-air sanctuaries for building
occupants, exterior stairwells can be lined with trees and shrubs, and atriums allow sunlight to permeate a
building's interior.
4. Using natural materials: Biophilic designers gravitate toward wood and stone over synthetic materials like
plastics or polished metals. Natural materials tend to develop a patina over time, suggesting the natural
progression of age.

2.1.6. Clustering Forms for Enhancing Architectural Design Optimization Shermeen, Yusif Texas A&M University, 2018 Summary
Architectural design can be thought of as an optimization process that aims to discover the best solutions to
meet preset objectives. The abundance of options exhausts designers impairs wise decision-making, and results in
ineffective interaction between the designers and the system for optimization.

Cluster planning in architecture is a design approach that involves grouping buildings or structures together within
a site, rather than dispersing them individually. This approach aims to enhance functionality, optimize land use, and
create a cohesive and efficient built environment. Cluster planning takes into consideration spatial organization,
functional relationships, shared resources, connectivity, and aesthetics to create harmonious and sustainable
architectural developments.

One of the key aspects of cluster planning is spatial organization. Instead of randomly placing buildings across a
site, cluster planning arranges them in groups or clusters. This approach allows for efficient land use by minimizing
the footprint of individual structures and optimizing the open spaces between them. The arrangement of buildings
within clusters can be based on various factors, such as function, hierarchy, or user needs.

Cluster planning considers the functional relationships between buildings. Structures that share similar functions
or have interconnected operations are grouped together. For example, in a residential development, houses with
similar architectural styles or sizes can be clustered, while commercial buildings with complementary services can
form another cluster. This arrangement promotes efficiency, as it allows for the sharing of resources, infrastructure,
and amenities among the buildings within the cluster.

By clustering buildings, certain resources can be shared among them. Common infrastructure, such as roads,
parking areas, utility connections, or green spaces, can be efficiently utilized and serve multiple structures within a
cluster. This approach reduces costs, minimizes environmental impact, and encourages sustainability. Additionally,
shared amenities like parks, playgrounds, or community facilities can be strategically placed within clusters, fostering
a sense of community, and enhancing the quality of life for residents or users.

Connectivity is a vital aspect of cluster planning. Designing pedestrian-friendly spaces, walkways, and pathways
within and between clusters promotes easy access and encourages social interaction. Efficient circulation systems,
both vehicular and pedestrian, can be integrated to connect different clusters and create a sense of unity.
Connectivity also facilitates the efficient movement of people, goods, and services, making the overall development
more functional and convenient.

Aesthetics and Identity:

Cluster planning contributes to the visual appeal and identity of architectural developments. By grouping
buildings with similar architectural styles or design elements, a cohesive and harmonious aesthetic can be achieved
within each cluster. This approach creates a sense of identity for the development and enhances its overall character.
Moreover, the strategic placement of landmarks or focal points within clusters can contribute to wayfinding and
orientation, further reinforcing the identity of the space.
Figure 3.5. The concept of Cluster form of organization

(Source: School Planning & Building Research Section Ontario Department of Education, 2000) Analysis/Application

Cluster planning in architecture offers a holistic and sustainable approach to the organization of buildings
within a site. By considering spatial organization, functional relationships, shared resources, connectivity, and
aesthetics, cluster planning enhances functionality, optimizes land use, and creates a cohesive built environment. It
promotes efficient circulation, encourages social interaction, and fosters a sense of community. With its focus on
sustainability and aesthetic appeal, cluster planning is an effective tool for architects and urban planners to create
thriving and vibrant architectural developments.

Cluster planning can enhance security within architectural developments. By clustering buildings together, it
becomes easier to implement security measures and surveillance systems. Controlled access points can be
strategically located at cluster entrances, making it more efficient to monitor and regulate entry and exit. This
approach promotes a safer environment for residents, employees, and visitors.

Cluster planning facilitates the preservation of natural features and the environment. By clustering buildings, it
becomes possible to retain existing trees, green spaces, or natural topography within and around the clusters. This
approach minimizes the need for extensive site grading or tree removal and preserves the ecological balance of the

In conclusion, cluster planning in architecture offers numerous advantages such as improved security,
infrastructure efficiency, cost savings, environmental sustainability, and a sense of community. It optimizes land use,
enhances functionality, and creates visually appealing and cohesive architectural developments. By considering the
needs of users, the environment, and long-term adaptability, cluster planning provides architects and urban planners
with a powerful tool to design sustainable, efficient, and vibrant built environments.






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