Literature 19 November 2022

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Name: Date Submitted:

Grade and Section: Subject: 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World

Written Output 1

After reading “ An Overview of Philippine Literature”, answer the following questions to discuss what
you have learned so far in a 300-word essay. Make sure to follow the guidelines in writing and
connect all of the ideas using transitional devices.

1. Why is it important to learn about the pre colonial literature of the Philippines?
2. How does the literature during the Spanish era differ from the literature during the pre-
colonial era?
3. Which era do you think has been able to exert its influences the most? Why?

The pre colonial literature is the pre Spanish period. The literature consists of Legends, Folk Tales,
Epics, Chant and Folk Songs. Is it important to study the pre-colonial literature of the Philippines? My
answer is yes. It is important to know and to learn about the pre-colonial literature because it helps
us to understand our history and where our identity came from. It is fun to learn with your friends as
it is exciting to discover the past, how our ancestors lived during their time and how it changed as
the years go by. The pre-colonial literature consists of tales that actually took place during that time
and will help us identify inherent moral values of us Filipinos. It will help us also preserve our culture
as this is who we are as a people. Adding to our knowledge the diversity of the pre-colonial
literature which is so rich in nature can never go waste.

The Spanish colonial period of the Philippines began when explorer Ferdinand Magellan came to the
islands in 1521 and claimed it as a colony for the Spanish Empire. The period lasted until the
Philippine Revolution in 1898. The pre colonial literature changed during the Spanish era as the main
theme changed to religious prose and poetry. The Alibata was changed to the Roman Alphabet.
Plays and artistic folk songs were the main literature during this time. During this time, the artistic
feelings of the Filipinos manifested and shown of appreciation of love and beauty.

I think the era that has been able to exerts its influences the most is during the Spanish era. They
colonized the Philippines for more than 300 years hence the impact to our culture have been greatly
influenced. Come to think of it, even our names is similar to them which is vastly different from our
neighbouring South East Asian countries. The way we cook our food, our religiosity and fear of God
mostly came from the colonization of the Spaniards in the Philippines.

Written Output 2

Assessment 1c: Share valued words of wisdom that you often hear from your parents, grandparents,
other elders in the family, or any most influential people in your life. Explain how these words of
wisdom helped or guided you in many ways.

Family is all about ‘connection’, and parents and grandparents are vital links in the chain. One of the
words of wisdom I hear often from our elders is to Honor your parents so that you will be made well
in your life. I’ve noticed that this is true and I often see this in the lives of athletes who honour and
respect their parents. They are often blessed and live a meaningful life more often than not. Another
words of wisdom I hear from them is to finish your studies. Most of us came from a not so well
background and they are saying that we have a shot of a not so hard life if we invest in our studies.
But I think the most important value that our elders shared to us is the Fear of God. As per the bible,
the fear of the Lord is beginning of wisdom, and you can’t go wrong if you follow God.

Written Output 3

Directions: Compare and contrast “ Pag ibig sa Tinubuang Lupa “ by Andres Bonficio and “ Sa Aking
mga Kabata” by Dr. Jose Rizal. Write 300 -word essay showing support to the similarities and
differences found in the writings during the Spanish Colonial Period.

Please try to state in your own words. Do not copy from the internet unless sources were cited.
Deductions will be given to those who would copy from the internet.

Pag-ibig sa Tinubuang Lupa by Andres Bonificio talks about the love of country which is for him the
greatest love there is. It talks about the pride he have for his native land. The poem expresses these
joy and excitement for his native land. The author also suggest to offer sacrifice, big or small for his
beloved native land. The author is expresses his love for his country by leaving his own family if his
country needs him. He encourages his countrymen to rise together to rise with his country. He is
hoping for a better tomorrow even if the past is not so good. He invites people who have lost
something in their lives to help their native land even if it means losing their lives as well if it is their

Sa aking mga Kabata by Dr. Jose Rizal is about the love for the native language. He pointed out the
importance of loving your own native language which will result in loving your country. He
mentioned in his poem that those who doesn’t love their own language can be likened to a smelly
fish. He further adds that we should enrich and grow our native language. It equals in rank to Latin,
English, Spanish and even the language of angels. Because God himself gave us this language.

Both poems were made during the Spanish Colonial Era as Filipinos are under Spanish supremacy.
For Rizal, the first step to liberty is loving our language. For Bonifacio, he directly addresses the
hardships of the Filipino by rising to fight of our liberty. Both poems are inspiring the readers to love
their preserve and love their identity and culture and never forget it. They both inspire nationalism
with great love for his own country and people. Although both poem inspires nationalism and love of
country, you can see the subtle contrast between the two. Rizal’s style is to inspire while that of
Bonifacio is to rise up and take action.

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