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Quarter 1


Practical Research 2

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General Instruction: Read and understand the instructions and questions
before answering the test. Avoid erasures. Good Luck!
Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer, and shade the circle that
corresponds to your answer in the answer sheet provided.

1. What is the primary goal of quantitative research?

a. To explore and understand human experiences.
b. To collect and analyze numerical data.
c. To generate hypotheses and theories.
d. To conduct in-depth interviews.
2. All of the following are characteristics of quantitative research except one, which one is it?
a. Utilizes statistical analysis. c. Focuses on numerical data.
b. Emphasizes subjective interpretation. d. Uses structured questionnaires.
3. Which of the following is a common data collection method in quantitative research?
a. Case studies. c. Observations.
b. Surveys. d. Interviews.
4. What is the primary goal of quantitative research in various fields?
a. To collect and analyze numerical data. c. To generate qualitative insights.
b. To explore complex human experiences. d. To conduct open-ended interviews.
5. What is the definition of a dependent variable in research?
a. A variable that is manipulated by the researcher.
b. A variable that is not relevant to the research study.
c. A variable that is held constant throughout the study.
d. A variable that is measured or observed to assess the effect of the independent variable.
6. Which of the following is an example of a categorical variable?
a. Age. c. Weight.
b. Gender. d. Temperature.
7. What is the primary purpose of a research title?
a. To grab the reader's attention and give a sense of the study's topic.
b. To summarize the entire research process.
c. To provide a detailed methodology.
d. To present the research findings.
8. What is the purpose of the research background or literature review in a research paper?
a. To outline the research methodology.
b. To present the main research findings.
c. To introduce the research team and their credentials.
d. To provide a context for the research by summarizing relevant prior studies and identifying gaps in
the literature.
9. What is the primary purpose of a research question in a research study?
a. To state the research findings.
b. To outline the research methodology.
c. To provide a brief summary of the literature review.
d. To guide and focus the research by defining the specific inquiry.
10. Which of the following is a characteristic of a well-formulated research question?
a. It is vague and overly broad.
b. It can be answered with a simple "yes" or "no."
c. It doesn't need to be related to the research topic.
d. It is clear, specific, and based on the research objectives.
11. What is the main purpose of stating the scope and delimitations in a research study?
a. To summarize the research findings.
b. To make the research appear more complex.
c. To specify the geographic location where the study was conducted.
d. To outline the boundaries and limitations of the study, including what will and won't be included.
12. What is the primary purpose of a research framework in a research study?
a. To showcase the author's creativity.
b. To report the final research findings.
c. To provide a detailed summary of the literature review.
d. To guide the research by presenting a structured conceptual model or theoretical framework.
13. Which of the following statements best defines a conceptual framework in research?
a. A conceptual framework is a summary of research results.
b. A conceptual framework is a list of references used in the literature review.
c. A conceptual framework is a graphical representation of the research methods.
d. A conceptual framework is a theoretical structure that identifies key variables and their
relationships in a study.
14. In a research study, what is the primary purpose of providing definitions for key terms or
a. To add complexity to the research.
b. To increase the word count of the research paper.
c. To demonstrate the researcher's expertise in language.
d. To ensure that the readers understand the specific meaning and context of important terms used
in the study.
15. What is the primary role of a research hypothesis in a research study?
a. To state the final research findings.
b. To outline the research methodology.
c. To present a summary of the literature review.
d. To propose a testable and specific statement about the relationship between variables.
16. What is the main difference between qualitative and quantitative research?
a. Qualitative research explores relationships and correlations, while quantitative research
emphasizes in-depth understanding.
b. Qualitative research uses structured questionnaires, while quantitative research relies on open-
ended interviews.
c. Qualitative research emphasizes subjective interpretation, while quantitative research focuses on
numerical data.
d. Qualitative research focuses on numbers, while quantitative research focuses on words.
17. Why is random sampling considered a critical strength of quantitative research?
a. It provides a systematic way to select a representative sample.
b. It allows for rich, in-depth insights into the research topic.
c. It eliminates the need for statistical analysis.
d. It ensures the collection of qualitative data.
18. Why is quantitative research considered a valuable tool in multiple disciplines?
a. It eliminates the need for statistical analysis.
b. It primarily relies on subjective interpretations.
c. It allows for in-depth exploration of human emotions.
d. It provides objective data for evidence-based decision-making.
19. Why is it important for researchers to clearly define and operationalize variables in their studies?
a. To ensure that the variables can be consistently measured or observed.
b. To make the research more complex and difficult to understand.
c. To impress readers with the depth of the study.
d. To eliminate the need for data analysis.
20. Which of the following statements accurately describes the importance of a clear research title?
a. A research title is only relevant for qualitative research.
b. A research title is not important as long as the study has a good methodology.
c. Research titles are typically long and detailed to cover all aspects of the study.
d. A well-crafted research title can help readers understand the research topic and its focus.
21. Why is it important to review existing literature in the research background section?
a. It's a requirement for all research papers.
b. It is a standard practice to make the paper longer.
c. It helps demonstrate the researcher's expertise.
d. It provides a foundation for the study, helps identify gaps or research questions, and informs the
research approach.
22. Why is it important for researchers to define the scope and delimitations of their study?
a. It helps impress the readers and reviewers.
b. It is a requirement imposed by research institutions.
c. It allows the researcher to expand the research without constraints.
d. It provides clarity and prevents misunderstandings by setting boundaries on the study's focus,
size, and potential limitations.
23. Why is it important for researchers to select or develop a suitable research framework for their
a. It demonstrates the author's writing skills.
b. It serves as a substitute for the literature review.
c. It is a standard requirement for all research papers.
d. It provides a structure for organizing the study, helps in explaining the relationships between
variables, and guides the research process.
24. Why is it important for researchers to include a section on "Definition of Terms" in their research
a. It showcases the author's linguistic skills.
b. It is a common practice in academic writing.
c. It helps eliminate the need for conducting a literature review.
d. It clarifies the meanings of critical terms used in the research, reducing potential
25. Which of the following statements best defines a null hypothesis (H0)?
a. A null hypothesis is a statement of no effect, no relationship, or no difference between variables in
a study.
b. A null hypothesis represents a tentative prediction about the research results.
c. A null hypothesis is a statement that the researcher hopes to prove true.
d. A null hypothesis is a research question without a clear direction.
26. Suppose you want to conduct a survey to measure the satisfaction of customers in a retail store.
Which quantitative research design would be most appropriate?
a. Case study. c. Experimental research.
b. Descriptive research. d. Cross-sectional survey.
27. If a researcher collects data on the age, gender, and income of participants and then calculates
the mean income for each age group, which type of quantitative research is being conducted?
a. Descriptive research. c. Experimental research.
b. Explanatory research. d. Correlational research.
28. In a medical research study, why might quantitative research methods be preferred over
qualitative methods?
a. To analyze the effectiveness of a drug through numerical data and statistical tests.
b. To gain a deep understanding of patients' personal experiences.
c. To explore the emotional impact of a new treatment.
d. To conduct extensive interviews with patients.
29. In a study examining the impact of a new teaching method on student performance, what would
be the independent variable?
a. Student performance. c. The new teaching method.
b. The class size. d. The school location.
30. Imagine you are conducting a study on the effects of social media on teenagers' mental health.
Which of the following research titles would be most suitable for your study?
a. "A Comprehensive Examination of Modern Adolescents' Use of Online Social Platforms and Their
Psychological Well-being."
b. "Mental Health and Its Impact on Teenagers' Social Media Usage."
c. "Teenagers and Social Media."
d. "Social Media Research."
31. In your research background, you're conducting a study on the impact of social media on mental
health among teenagers. Which of the following actions demonstrates proper application of research
background knowledge?
a. Reviewing relevant literature to inform the research problem, objectives, and methodology.
b. Including a summary of all studies ever conducted on social media and mental health.
c. Focusing on studies conducted in other fields, as they can also be relevant.
d. Using jargon and technical terms to impress the readers.

32. You are conducting a study on the impact of exercise on stress levels in college students. Which
of the following is an example of a well-structured research question for this study?
a. "Do college students experience stress?"
b. "Are college students stressed because they don't exercise?"
c. "How many hours of exercise do college students need to reduce stress?"
d. "What is the impact of exercise on stress levels in college students, and how does this vary based
on exercise duration and intensity?"

33. In a research study on climate change, which of the following research questions demonstrates
the application of best practices in research question formulation?
a. "Is the climate changing?"
b. "Do people believe in climate change?"
c. "What is the length of time it takes for a glacier to melt?"
d. "What are the potential impacts of climate change on coastal communities, and how can they be

34. In a research study on the impact of social media on adolescent mental health, what would be an
appropriate example of a delimitation?
a. Delimiting the study to a specific age group within the adolescent population.
b. Expanding the study to include all forms of media and not just social media.
c. Including all age groups from children to senior citizens in the study.
d. Conducting the research in multiple countries simultaneously.

35. You are conducting a research study on the factors influencing consumer purchasing behavior in
the fashion industry. Which of the following actions demonstrates the proper application of a
research framework?
a. Using a random framework from any research paper.
b. Omitting the framework altogether as it's not essential.
c. Utilizing a framework from a completely unrelated field, such as economics.
d. Developing a customized conceptual framework that illustrates the key variables and their
connections in the fashion industry context.

36. Which of the following is a potential weakness of quantitative research?

a. It provides in-depth insights into complex human experiences.
b. It may oversimplify phenomena and miss context.
c. It is primarily used for exploratory research.
d. It often requires a small sample size.

37. Which of the following is an example of a poorly crafted research title?

a. "Crops and Temperature."
b. "A Study on Farming and Weather."
c. "The Influence of Environmental Factors on Crop Growth in Agricultural Regions."
d. "A Quantitative Analysis of the Relationship Between Temperature and Crop Yield in Midwest
Farming Communities."

38. Which of the following is a potential issue with a research question that is too broad or general?
a. It makes the research process more straightforward.
b. It helps in quickly answering the research question.
c. It encourages a narrow focus on specific aspects of the topic.
d. It may lead to vague, unmanageable research and difficulty in data analysis.

39. Which of the following is a potential drawback of using an existing research framework without
modification in your study?
a. It may not be directly applicable to your research context, leading to potential inconsistencies and
b. It impresses the readers and reviewers with established research names.
c. It saves time and effort in the research process.
d. It automatically ensures the research success.

40. Imagine you are reviewing a quantitative research study. What would be a valid critique
regarding the generalizability of the findings?
a. The study only included participants from a specific geographical region.
b. The study provided clear statistical analysis.
c. The study utilized a large, diverse sample.
d. The study used random sampling.

41. A researcher is conducting a study on the factors influencing employee satisfaction. Which of
the following represents a potential confounding variable that the researcher should control for? a.
Employee age. c. Employee salaries.
b. Employee job titles. d. Employee satisfaction levels.

42. When designing a research study, why is it crucial to select appropriate types of variables for
analysis and interpretation?
a. It allows for more complicated statistical tests.
b. It makes the research more difficult to understand.
c. It's not essential; any variables can be used interchangeably.
d. It ensures that the study answers research questions and provides meaningful insights.

43. Why is it important to evaluate and potentially revise the research title before finalizing it for a
research study?
a. A well-crafted research title can attract more funding for the research.
b. The research title is unimportant and doesn't impact the study's success.
c. Revising the research title is a time-consuming process that doesn't offer any benefits.
d. The research title sets the tone for the study and influences its impact, readership, and overall
44. Suppose a research paper lacks a "Definition of Terms" section, and the key terms are used
without explanation throughout the paper. Which of the following statements accurately evaluates
this omission?
a. It is problematic as it can lead to confusion among readers and hinder the effective
communication of research findings.
b. It is beneficial because it challenges the readers to deduce the meanings of terms themselves.
c. It is a sound practice to save space and maintain brevity in the paper.
d. It is appropriate as long as the research is well-written.

45. In the context of research hypotheses, what is the potential consequence of failing to reject the
null hypothesis (H0) after data analysis?
a. It implies that the research design was incorrect.
b. It is inconsequential and doesn't impact the research study.
c. It suggests that the researcher should revise the research question.
d. It indicates that there is no significant evidence to support the research hypothesis, and the
relationship between variables is not statistically significant.

46. If you were to create a research topic, which of the following should you consider?
a. The topic must be conductible indefinitely or without time frame.
b. The topic must be supported by previous studies and literature.
c. The topic must be broad enough to cover all current situations.
d. The topic must include variables that are complex.

47. In creating a research topic, which of the following must be avoided?

a. having simple variables c. incorporating reliable literature
b. having unfiltered sources of information d. conducting the research with a prescribed time

48. Mr. Hilario proposed a topic titled, “Measuring the Growth of Eggplant”. If you were to correct
the mistake of Mr. Hilario, how would it be?
a. add an independent variable c. add a dependent variable
b. change “growth” to productivity” d. change “measuring” to “enhancing”

49. How would you improve the research title “Improving Students’ Reading Capacity Though
Peer Tutoring” to be more presentable?
a. Enhancing Students’ Reading Capacity Through Peer Tutoring
b. Peer Tutoring: Efficient Booster in Revitalizing Reading Skills
c. Developing Students’ Reading Skills and CapabilitiesThrough Peer Tutoring
d. Developing Students’ Reading Skills and CapabilitiesThrough Peer Tutoring in Dumalneg

50. If you are a researcher wanting Dumalneg to be more progressive, what should be the focus of
your research?
a. Historical c. descriptive
b. survey d. innovation


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